The Truth Behind the Lies

Published Sep 9, 2024, 4:00 AM

Is that your toolbelt or are you just happy to see me? Season 1 Episode 8 "The Truth is Out There...and it Hurts" is when we finally see Leo and Piper smooch on-screen!But did Brian get in trouble at home for kissing on the job? Is Holly's husband the jealous type? And find out why Drew enjoys watching his TV parents lock lips.

What's up, everybody? Welcome back?

Looks up everybody.

Brian and I are simpatico with our stashes? Do we call this hashtag simpatico stash?

It's scary to me. What what is it? Air on your lip? It's it's that time of year.

Yeah, it's November. I'm prepping for November, but in.

Well that way it's all filled in right, and it's it's.

Uh, yeah, I gotta do you and my real dad proud, my two dads wow with their stashes. It's a Leo tribute stash.

My your dad. That's a whole another podcast.

Well, what are we doing today? We're doing Season one, episode eight. The Truth is out there and it hurts.


This synopsis, the Halliwell sisters take on a demon from the future who time travels to kill the innocent. Meanwhile, Preue uses her power hours for personal gain, unleashing twenty four hours of truth telling. Leo spills his flirty feelings, Hannah is a hater, Piper quits Quake and Andy is put off, and Prue finally confesses she's a witch. Directed by James Cottoner, written by Chris Levinson and Zach Astron. Some Great Guest Stars this week, Leo, it makes an appearance.

So does his jacket, by the way, he'd yeah, exactly, by the way, sorry, I'm diving right in that jacket. It was bigger than I remember.

I think it's another way is that I had a few of them. They're like, how big should we go?

There's so many wardrobe malfunctions in this one, including not only does like his jacket make an appearance before he actually enters the room, but I swear to Jesus that Hannah is wearing a shirt in this episode that I later where.

Like we recycled it.

I know, like your jacket or something of yours was recycled later too, because we were.

Like, hey, that's a late jacket winds up on some other people.

Hannah's shirt winds up on me later.

I just it makes me smile so much like that jacket when you walk in. I'm like, God, that's a big jacket.

It's just under there.

I know.

For real, man, what a time? What a time?

Oh it's screams, I do construction.

It really does. It means you're a professional. Actually it's not.

It's it's actually it's not even a car heart like I don't know what it was.

It's like a it's like a like faux heart.

Yeah sorry, yeah, all right, version of a car.

They didn't spend money on Leah.

But hey, Leo looked damn handsome. And by the way, do we just call this episode the first kiss? This is big. I didn't that didn't land for me last time. But honestly, I'm like, oh shit, this is the first time they actually kiss and HMC made the move first.

Yeah yeah, b kay, b K. Was this the kiss that really upset your wife?

I don't think it might have been. When I go back in, it was like you didn't have to go back in and kisser.

It was actually scripted that way.

I think it's the next episode or so when we decided to do it for real and it's like, okay, now it's you know, not just a truth spell U right, just you know they all heard, they all left their mark. Yeah, it's funny. I was talking to these guys as golf when they saw this movie I did where speaking of the truth, like I had done this movie with Pam Anderson, unknowing that they just decided to extend some of our love scenes and so it really became something that wasn't in the script, and so I decided not to tell the X and then she watched it. Oh no, and then this one, and so you know, sometimes not telling the facts is also not telling the truth.

So absolutely it's lying by omission. That is a thing, right, That is it? That is a real thing, a lying by omission. Yeah, Like I'm just choosing selective things to share with, like leaving other things out right.

What the truth is out there, it does hurt, it's.

Just not.

The omission thing. Is that a like in real life when you guys are like, for example, well do you recommend sharing over sharing so they're fully prepared and what potentially could be seen on screen? Or do you just kind of like you don't need to watch this one that's just not it's not good.

Well I have found like the perfect marriage where he refuses to watch anything I do because he finds it weird, and I'm like, okay, keep that energy.

Yeah, keep it.


I like that too. My ex wanted to watch everything I did and I'm like, look, I don't even watch it. So you're going to watch it, and you know, now you're going to believe in all these relationships I'm having and you know, it becomes a problem, So I like, you don't need to know what I do at work.

So it wasn't just me.

It was the combination of me, who was her friend at the time, by the way, little old me so very threatening, and my green.

Sweater sweater set baby baby's sweater sets strike again.

I think it was the hand on the back of the head holding you in, like, oh yeah.

I think it was also a smile. There was a big, genuine, genuine that you can't script that smile, like Leo smiles and Leo it's not like in the script it said Leo smiles and goes back in for another. This guy is smiling ear to ear like he is right now. It's like hitting both ears and he leans in and he goes for seconds. Lee you Doug, he's gone quiet with a baby.

It wasn't a lot happening at home.

Okay, you didn't take that tool belt home. Let's get the people what they want. Were you living a little role play, a little uh, a little tool.

Time I'm at work. Let's have those eyes.

Wow, God, this is not happening.

This is all what's happening. This is the episode for me. Everything else was like and then I'm like, oh that kiss I maybe watched it three times in a row.

Make everybody, ew those are your parents?

Ew well, listen, don't shame me for weird stuff.

Okay, wow, okay.

Please don't ever go viral that sentence don't shame me for weird stuff, but it has to be prefaced with like, eh, those are your parents. Don't shame me for weird stuff.

I didn't even see it coming. I had no idea.

Oh I saw it coming, dude. They've been fighting over you for epps. Yeah, but they're tell me is there was there another HFC. You can speak to this probably better than anyone. Was there another time jump? Because wasn't the last episode? Weren't Pro and Andy like super hot and hand heavy? And now all of a sudden they're broken up, right, they're broken.

Up, but she still has this picture is weird like prom picture on her dead By.

The way, I wrote that's here on the dining away staring.

That was a big jump for me.

Yeah, something must have happened.

This was the first episode I really got discouraged by their the idea of their relationship and why why would the girls be pushing for this when she's ambivalent. He's ambivalent, he's kind of stocky, Like I, This is where I first I think I don't believe it. I don't.

I don't what's the appeal?

Yeah? And why are the girls pushing it? But then you know the way Shannon played it at the end, the real heartbreak, the disappointment was exceptional. But up to that, I was like, Okay, I don't know that I buy the relationship.

Well, let's they just can't quit each other. It's been a long time coming.

True who I thought they were. I thought this was one of the better acted episodes. From Andy's standpoint, I thought he was awesome.

Oh my god, he was trying to be funny. He was trying to be funny. It was so weird.

Well it worked in the the Phoebe interrogation scene.

For me, that was good.

Yeah, Like I thought he was really good there, like and I thought they had like a fun dynamic. And you're right that the scene, the office scene, the two big scenes, the office scene and then the final moment where we learned that like he can't really accept who she really is, like, those were beautifully acted by both of them. Like there it felt like they were probably having like from an acting standpoint, I think that would be like my favorite moments in the episode by a lot.

I wonder if he knew it was quite possible.

I wonder if he knew he was like on his way out and so he just sort of like loosened up, because it was like so like out of character for him to be kind of goofy.

Yeah, for sure, I wonder if that's what happened there.

I love that you said that because this again, I'm loving this rewatch this time around, because now the first time you watch and you're like, oh man, and you're just taking notes. Now I'm like looking at the subtle nuances that maybe I didn't catch the first time. So this is clearly the beginning of the end for Andy, right, it has to.

Be maybe he read the end of this episode where he says he can't accept her, and it's like, oh, well, if I can't accept her, there's no spot for me on the show. So maybe that was his m realizing. I don't know.

Yeah, I don't know either, But like I, this is clear the writings on the wall that Andy is no is not long for this world with us.

Andy Andy, we're jumping. We're jumping.

Yeah, we jo We'll get there.

How can you jump over my beeper? Holy beeper Batman?

Yeah, that's so funny again, HMC, this is why we share a brain. When did I write I think nice beeper Piper is my first it's my second line, nice beeper beaber er? Uh?

Just where's the beer?

Not on the hip?

It's like because we had to let the audience know that what that weird, strange beeping sound was.

No, just like they have to see it, you know. I hate this.

I hate those inserts where you have to like show the audience exactly what we're talking about, so we wear it on our chest.

Clearly, like proverbially, metaphorically and physically and emotionally.

Really, I do like how the entire episode opened, right, It was really creepy and dangerous.


The doctor was dangerous. He was great, Yeah he's a doctor. But the Eagle Demon, yeah.

Yeah, this is a really good bad guy.

Like what I watched it this time, I was like totally creeped out by him and his special effects.

It was just so unfortunate in so many ways.

Right, But I like how they did it was a great ye're right. The guy was a Greek casting with this dude, because he was so unassuming really and kind of sweet and kind of nerdy. And then he turns and has these moments and you're like, oh damn, it's very Terminator too esque.

Yes, the way he walked and ran and did the whole thing.

Mm hmm.


I thought that was good.

I thought it was really good. So he I mean, I guess we need to recap this or like, are we done? And but then that's when we get to the beeper. We cut to the girls at the thing. You have the premonition, the right the.


I thought it was strange, like, oh, there's sirens going to thing, let's run to the crime scene.

Come on, well, this is very typical of our ladies at this point. They're not damsels in distress. They are the ones solving the distress. So they run towards danger, not away from it. This is why they are the original superheroes of television. Here I said it first, All right, so you guys run towards this uh this, you know, the sirens, and we find out that we discovered that this guy, this doctor who is going to do something in the future. But hasn't done it yet. Is murdered murdered right, But also in that moment, it's actually really smart because they the premonition happens with Phoebe and this guy, our bad guy. What's his character name? Do we ever get a character name on him? The demon de jour?

Is he Gavin? Where is Gavin the guy in the restaurant?

No, that's don't even get me started on that day.

Yeah, that's Gavin, Brad Greenquist, I think is Gavin the bad guy? Okay, so Martin's your boss in the restaurant?

Can pause on Gavin and go to Martin for a hot second, please, Well, first of all, I just might let me just ask the necessary question. Is Martin your friend in real life? Anyone? Okay? Good?


He was so horribly cast, so miscast? What do you mean he's too like if he's supposed to be this tyrant like Martin was a Martin was a little bit more bitchy, and I feel like you could have easily put him in your place.

Well that's just because you know me personally, But no, I think.

I would know Pip Piper could Piper's Piper's dope, and Piper would have totally not stood for this nonsense.

Only with a little liquid courage.

Yeah, a little liquid courage for sure. But if he was just a little bit meaner and a little bit more like imposing, you know, I don't know. I just didn't buy I didn't buy Piper, not even hm. See, but Piper like taking one ounce of that dude's guff, you get them, more.

Like sa.

Piper would take that dude's sass for one second. Kind of reminds me of a certain wood numb from Austin, you know what.

I mean, what happened to you?

Oh my god? That guy?

What happened to you? Ka?

Were you there in Austin with the wood nets? That just came up and just his mission was just to try to talk shit to me and sun me and dunk on me.

I think so.

But he dressed like a wood nim fairy.


That was the guy that walked up to Drew and was like, what happened to you?

You clearly made an impact. I still can't shake it.

I mean I've gotten it. Look at them, look at me, look at the picture, look at me. Huh. The worst is when a kid comes up to the table and the parents know you, but the kid doesn't. And the kid will just sit there and look at your picture, look at you, look at me, look at you.

Just go that's totally happened to me, and hike, Yeah, like I've had a kid like look at their parents and go, is this her?


No, what I say to that is it was her?

It was ah smart.

And then they back away from my table quietly.

They're all confused.

Yes, that's the one where I play the witch. And you know this witch she eats little children.

Oh my god, if I hear you say that, I will give you ten dollars for every child you say you eat kids in Daytona, please please please show you eat children?

Oh my god. And everybody's gonna be like, she's lost it.

She's canni lost its cannibal, cancel her an army exactly.

Okay, so we're you know, Phoebe gets this premonition that this woman who she doesn't know is going to be murdered next potentially, but it's weird that it goes straight to her and skips over the other the lab tech who is going to solve some sort of viral vaccination thing with food, and was it Rwanda right. Yeah, So we cut to that, and because.

She touches her, doesn't she run into her?

Is it the girl? I thought she ran into the guy?

I thought it is the guy.

Yeah, So Gavin rolls by, she gets the premonition for they don't you call her the sandwich girl?

Sandwich girl?

You call her the sandwich girl. But we forget about the scientific lab guy who solves some sort of food crisis in Rwanda.

Well maybe the powers that being knew that there was no way Phoebe was going to get into like a lab.

True, sure, listen, I like it. I come up with a question, you have an answer immediately. That's all I need. Doesn't mean to.

Be right, this is this is why I'm here. I am right. I'm always right. How dare you?

How dare you?

I eat children? Okay, and you are my child? And quote.

Okay, where are we lab guy's dad? Let's just you know, that was a good scene again, Gavin kind of playing it really well.

Quake is a mess.

Quake is a mess. Well, we've already touched on Martin's about to fail.

Oh how dare you? Again?

Well, you're meaning how can quake run without you? Is the real question? I can't exactly, So therefore quake is about to fail. Yeah, I'm okay with that.

Oh sorry, Charlie. It quake doesn't go anywhere for quite some while. In fact, I think I wear Hannah's shirt in p.


I'm fairly certain I'm seeing it in my mind's eye, speaking of mine's eyes.

Oh good, so unnecessary.

Well, wait, where are we so Piper house, No, Piper on a date with Leo manages to tell him that. Okay, so there's that makeout. We've covered that. That's really important. Oh interesting about the small penis your face? That really stood out for me. There was a moment where you talk about her boss has a small penis.

Well, she works in very close quarters with him, so maybe she knew.

Maybe she knew.

But the only reason why we know that you say this about him is that Prue, unbeknownst to the ladies of the house, thought she was alone in the Book of Shadows. Oh this is an interesting point too, right the Book of Shadows, doesn't it kind of nudge her into casting a very specific spell?


Oh yeah, no, it's like the magic book suddenly is like here here, right right.

Here, have have at it. Try this thing. But so this is why I'm a little confused. Doesn't this fall under personal gain a little bit because she's solely doing it to find out if this person that she truly loves is actually her soul mat or someone who's long term compatible.

Yes, it is.

Personal gain in that respect, but for the greater good, which is her doing her job as the witch, she needs to know and therefore drop this guy.

That one went right through the goalpost is a.

Hey, don't sugarcoat it, you know.

He just give me, give me something that challenges me.

Okay, I mean I do like how excited Phoebe got when she was like, oh, proved doing something with personal gain. Yes, that was great that that was pretty funny. Like I'm not the only bad one. You guys are The acting is so good by you three, It really is.

It's awesome. Like it's just the dynamic and like the rapport and like the quick kind of firing back and they're they're like, it's there seems to be so much joy at least in this in this moment, Like you can tell you there's so much fun to be had. I bet like showing up to work and doing these scenes were like so fulfilling probably as an artist, right well.

Yeah, especially, I mean, you guys know that I never think I'm funny. I think that's the toughest thing for me to do performance was but like, this episode is pretty fun and I don't have to cry over Leo. All he's asking to do is borrow my washer?

Who does that?

Well, I got stuff on my shirt OCD much just being honest, Hey, full circle, I see what you did there.

Thanks, yeah, so so but wait, okay, yeah, well you I know that's comedy, is the thing where you think that's not your thing, but it's actually really is your thing.

Like it's unintentional, and that's what even makes it funnier.

Right yeah, I mean, and I can tell you know the true spell, like Shannon has had a really hard time being sort of light. She was She's more comfortable with dark and you know, and the heavy and the dramatic stuff, like I am.

So it's hard for us to be light. It really is.

Well, I think you guys pulled it off perfectly, and it plays a lot in this episode, specifically with the because she still has the balance of those heavier scenes with Andy and but there's also a bit of like That's what's so kind of amazing and fun about this show. It does a really beautiful way of balancing levity and also heaviness and seared like sincerity and you know, demonic threats to the human existence. God, I should be a writer. Ali's muted herself as she laughed, do the human exist? Why are you muting yourself? What's happening over there? What party is happening?

The Saint Bernard needs to go out, and two of my children are ignoring her. So I'm texting them right now to yell at them because this is my job in life.

Yeah. Wait podcasting with b K and Drew.

I just are yelling at my children.

Or yelling at your children both while yelling at my children be a text?

Yes, essentially makes a lot of sense.

This is the working mom stuff, y'all.

Someone's got to do it. Someone has got to do it.

Or I could just now that now that I'm unmuted myself, can.

Somebody take out and say Jesus, okay, as.

You were, and we're back everyone. By the way, Yeah, no one's taking out the dog. What's the point of having a family brood if you can't order them around and do stuff.

Because they're sitting on their phones right now, sucked into the vortex on my Wi Fi.

Oh no, oh want arived from the da Is it Kelly?

No, it's Finlay Finley oh brown noser. Yeah yeah, yeah.

Well you know he's trying to move in, so.

They're going to find him up there too, on the island. It's the first place.

I so they figured out the true spell is.

Happening, right, Oh yeah, so the girl, you guys figure it out because the it's the colossal ZiT thing that really sets it off. But then you realize that something clearly is off, so everyone's kind of having We're skipping around a little bit. Everyone. I apologize, but you're getting it. Like you understand you've seen this episode more than we have.

You know, did you just say colossal ZiT? Okay, first of all, I have a high depth TV. There was nothing.

There by the way.

They could couldn't have make a put on like a volcano on your face, just to make it a little bit more like obvious.

I'm fairly certain Aaron Spelling was against that.

Yeah, you can't mess up babies, money maker, but like that made me laugh, and like there's not a single like, have you ever had a pimple in your life? Like real talk.

Me, Oh yeah, through my school suret. I mean, oh wait, there was one. There was one once.

There was one.

No, I had skin issues and now I have other skin issues. But yeah, no, I totally have an awkward phase.

I had clear skin. This is a shameless promo plug for a company that doesn't sponsor us. I had perfect skin, and then kind of right after Charmed, I got what was called adult onset acne and it was awful, like I had it on my back. Let's cut this out.

No, no, no, we're not cutting this out. This is the Hey, the tree is out there and it stays.

Okay, fine, I'm real talking right now. It was it was on my back, it was on my chest, I was on my face, and I was so self conscious about this that I couldn't ever, Like I didn't want to go out of my house. I was so and my close friends were like, dude, it's fine, no one can tell. But like when I would look in the mirror, it's like all I saw, which was weird because I know ever had pimples in my teens and early twenties, and now all of a sudden, I'm like twenty four and I'm like just covered in an acne. And so I go to a doctor and I'm about to get on medication for acutane and he makes you you have to sign like a waiver do you know this, and like to hand you a binder like that's yea thick of all the possibilities and things that could potentially go wrong.

Well, yeah, because that stuff is good for you whatsoever. They're definitely not going to be our sponsor, so I can say that.

Yeah, Acutane is not sponsoring the show. And if they are, then I'm sorry, Oh well, oh well well let me cut this out.

No, it's not. The truth is out there and it stays here.

So I go. I call my friend, like they've handed me this binder. He's like, dude, don't be an idiot. Go to the mall in Century City, go to the Proactive Kiosk and get the proactive package and just try it.

Now. They might be sponsoring us.

By the way, three days later, gone and it never came back. Proactive. It actually worked. It Proactive worked. It like changed my whole life. It was wild. Wow, Yeah, I'm that guy. Me and Jessica Simpson, a real user KP. Yeah, brought to you by a real user. You're welcome, proactive, Thank you, real customer. I'm not just a customer. I'm a client.

Wait yea, no, not a paid actor.

Okay, that's my truth, and it hurt. I didn't like sharing it. I was so self conscious.

Well, thank you for that, thank you truth.

Truth time with the Doctor Fuller. We're back.

We are on Phoebe te sleuthing.

Yes, yeah, they're seeing you know, tw trying to be funny, T dubs trying to be funny and Phoebe doing her thing.

That was a good scene. That was cute. And that's what I mean about this episode.

There's all this fun like sort of banter and yes, people are dying, but I think in Charmed role we've gotten used to that at this point.

And agree, you watch a strip or die be consumed by demons?

Yeah, I mean it was a camera, so we left it up to the imagination. But yeah, this is like we're scorching people's skulls now with a third eye, which I thought was mythologically a little dicey.

Oh right, the third eyes don't do that. Even third eye like it's it's like a heart opener. It's like you open your third eye. It's like a it's the intuition your chakra, like the right chakra, the good one.

Yeah, that part I did.

I love Chris and Zach as writers, and you know, Zach was supposed to come on a show the first time around and sadly had passed away right when he was supposed to do it with us. But I love their episodes. But yeah, that kind of bumped me. It also bumped me that when the Truth Spell and CRU's talking to Andy, she says that their kids would conceivably have.

Powers if they were girls and only girls.

Right, I didn't know this. I didn't know it was a female thing.

Well apparently it's not.

Oh yeah, that's right. I'm proof that that's not right.

But they may only be witches.

Well there's a potential, right, it doesn't mean that.

But you're white, lighter, you're like a hybrid.

Yeah, is Fanola? Does Fanola have powers?

Yeah? Yeah?

Does she?

You mean well Fanola no, but Patty yes.

But we don't know about Vanola. She might. I'll ask her next time I see she.

She definitely has powers. Vanila has a lot of powers. Yeah, we need Fanola. How we not have Vanila back yet.

Okay, we'll get to we haven't seen her yet.

We'll get to her.

Yeah, we'll get to her. She's you know, she's good for it. Yeah. Yeah, No, that was an interesting thing. The other kind of mini thing that the only don't bumped me a little bit. Uh. But the big thing that bumped me was if this is an assassin from the future, you know, for just playing this kind of like and again, I know we have to suspend belief a lot of time, but they would woun't they just keep sending it back until the mission's complete. Isn't that kind of like the thing?

Oh my god, that just exhausted me when you said that. Sorry, well, I don't know. You're from the future. What do you know, future boy?

Yeah, you keep coming back.

You just keep coming back, right, you just keep coming back.

Chris doesn't die, that's true. Chris is forever, just like Charmed is. I never forget that everyone Charmed is forever. No, but it's true. Right, there is a there's this thing you know, like I like you. It's like the time travel rules that back to the future kind of established and other shows and movies and stuff kind of adopted is like, okay, like in the space time continuum, if we're like, this is the rule, and once the rule is established, then it's kind of you can't break it. But because you kill one Third Eye Blind member, doesn't the band have a couple more.

To think.

It's something that you know, as you continue to learn about the show, you'll see that there may be a source of all evil. It sends his minion the power of Three's way.

There may be many sons.

Maybe maybe Okay, Okay, I'm gonna taking it wins with Third Eyes Blind spoiler alert, it's he's the first to fail.

Got it, got it, got it, got it? Okay? Maybe, Well, I'm trying to think, is there anything else? Oh? I mean, I guess we have to talk about Sandwich Girl because it's not so much her Ultimately, it's Tanya. It's Tanya. It's it's ultimately her unborn child is the key to kind of everything in regards to this one specific vaccine.

It's a demon vaccine. Why didn't we ever get to have that?

Yeah, so I guess Tanya's son ultimately is the key to the future of being able to vaccinate against all demons.

We oculate them.

Inoculate them. Good call, good word, great word, which then would infer that maybe demons aren't as like right now you're in on the secret, but maybe in the future a lot of people are in on the secret.

Yeah you need to vaccinate them.

Yeah, no, vaccinate your pets people, Bordodella, don't.

Get me started. A yase, don't get me started.

Okay, we digress, we did.

But yeah, all in all, you know, there's a lot of coffee in this episode, a lot of tea time, a lot of girl time.

Yeah, a lot of.

Like all the fields are happening. You know, it's interesting watching Shannon now for me, obviously everything has changed, but like I always watched it before, like I'm just watching Shannon because I know she's gonna do well. Like, you know, she was so dedicated, so committed and so loved doing what she did that I kind of didn't pay attention to the details. And now I see, like all these tiny moments, like we've talked about before, the three of us have talked about it's acting is so much about the moments in between and listening, and she's so good at making a moment where there wasn't one, so you know, it's the breath at the end, it's the exhale, it's the sigh, it's the all the little things that I didn't notice before.

And she's just so dang good. She's just so good.

Such a great actor, such a great actor.

I think my favorite Crewe moment, Okay, there's two, the first one being nobody but her would run down those steps and those high of heels but her. If it was anybody else, any anyone else, we would have asked to changed our shoes for that scene.

Not her.

I like that.

And and my second one was at the end, you know, with Prue and Phoebe and she knows it didn't go well, and there are no words. They just hug and sometimes you know, that's what people need, they don't need, you know, it's a very sisterly thing to do.

It's like, there are no words, We're just going to be here for you.

Yeah, And then I get weepy again, and she would so laugh at me for being weepy.

Okay, b K. Favorite Preue moment.

Well, I think I intimated earlier when when she finally corners Andy at his door, running out of truth serum time, her vulnerability in that was exceptional, especially she plays you know, doesn't that's not Prue, and it was we got to see a side of Prue that it you know, maybe the audience didn't know existed, and I think it really grounded her character and you know, showed a little more hard I thought it was great.


I was like, oh, I was like, screw you, Andy.

Yeah, you know, in true Shannon, like she looked really good in this episode. I kind of had, like you know I have I was like Shannon and some hoodies, like she it was a it was a hoodie episode for her and every scene she was wearing and I was like, yeah, I like girls and hoodies for whatever reason. And we all know I love Shannon and Shannon and the hoodie that's uh, that's like kryptonite free. Yeah, it was kryptonite. But like, wait, you know the moment, the vulnerability with with Andy in the end, and the listening and the kind of like the you could tell, like the full honesty in that moment, like it had weight to it in a way that you know a lot of times, a lot of these scenes they can you know, if it were if it wasn't in the hands of such an incredible professional like you two, I don't think the show would nearly have played or have been as successful or as wonderful. And and so you know, in her hands a scene that could kind of maybe not land really has a massive impact. And so that that landed for me today.

Yeah, it's the commitment to the moment. Like I said, you know, there's just some actors that no matter what they do, like ke Keefer is another one. Keefer Sutherland can make you believe anything he wants you to, like literally, there's just that commitment to the moment, and like Keefer could make you think that you were in twenty four. But they're like shooting at a lot in Chatsworth, you know, and Shannon's very much that kind of actor where they're just so dedicated to what they do.

Their commitment sells it.

If they believe it, then we as an audience that can believe it. But if like you can see, they're wavering, then all of a sudden, it takes you out of it immediately.

So yeah, well said, thanks guys, and I think we have we have Neil Roberts thanks week.

That was another one when I loved him and Hannah like.

Yeah, gruesome toosome and he's great.

It was sensual and sexy and he was like the boss guy and she was so I love that moment between them, and then he's like back to work and she was like yes, yes, yeah.

She She played it really well too, like kind of having those like the flip like when you tell the truth thing like they were great, and Neil is fantastic. He goes from this kind of like bubbling you know, Hugh Grant type of guy, to just like a real sinister. Yeah.

I'm excited to see what he's up to these days.

Yeah, me too. Well, thanks guys for checking out another episode of House of Halliwell, we are super grateful that you were with us on this journey. We love you when We'll see you next week

The House of Halliwell / A Charmed Rewatch Podcast

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