Hour 3 - Mark Few

Published Mar 14, 2025, 8:40 PM

Gonzaga head coach Mark Few joins the show to discuss their prep for another run through the Big Dance

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It's one of the guys I love in this business. Mark Few, Gonzaga basketball coach in USA.

Good Lord, Yeah, I listen. I listened to the other night.

I watched and listened to that Saint Mary's game and they were pushing you around and getting a whistle and yeah, and.

You know, it's it's funny about this. You've got a bit of a.

Formula, the international stuff Washington. Still you got a little bit of a formula. And you know, it's it's interesting that guys now come to you, I mean, cheat Holmegren like like it used to be you were banging on doors and and dies now come to you. So I was talking to a friend of the other day. I said, the downside to that is you've got to be more selective because more people want that's right, like it used to be. If they come all taken. So do you get into situations now where you're like, oh, he's really good, we don't we don't have a spot for him.


I think it's the biggest thing, Colin, is just kind of staying true to your culture. I mean, and you can get tricked a lot of times just on chase and talent, and we st it still happens to this day. But I think in the end, what we've found up here, like what fits us is just staying true. I mean, we we have to have somebody that that really really loves basketball and wants to work and then also just values team and uh and then and then in some cases sometimes we have to teach our transfers that a little bit. We we kind of had to had to do that this year. I think it's taken a while for some of our guys to kind of really latch onto to that and and figure out that's that's that's what needs to be done. And but I'll give this group a lot of credit. Man. We we we've lost a ton of games, you know, in the last one or two possessions this year, and it has not broke their spirit.


They were very very driven down the stretch and uh uh, you know the other night, I think it all came to fruition.

Yeah, what I was thinking about this, has your experience with Team USA helped you at all in the nil world, which is kind of like semi pro in college? Like, what do you take from you? Because everybody looks at college and pro as two different worlds. Is there anything they share that you've learned? Have you pulled something from college that can help you Team USA when you're dealing with Lebron and staph or vice versa.

Oh, hey, tons of it. I think my players are so tired of me referencing them and and I was listening earlier to your show and just a great take on Lebron. I reference him so much with our team on just how he impacts winning. I mean, he is just all about winning and hit his preparation and how much film he watches. He watches as much film as the coaches is, how he takes care of his body, and then to your point, how he communicates on the floor. I talked to my team time and time again. He hits the floor and he's calling out every ball screen, he's calling out every coverage, he's talking on offense. It's amazing, and I think that's why he's one of the greatest winners in the history of all sports if you ask me, when you see the impact that he has. But then I all reference Steph on his routine every day and how great he was at the end of every practice, no matter how hard we went or how long it been. He he's in there just wrapping out his shots and he's going to take in games. Yeah, and then the players are probably a little tired of it, but it's been a great source for me. And then conversely, I shared with the USA guys like, hey, you know, you can you know you watch that Court of Gold series. This is one and done. This is not a seven game series. And you guys, you know this is my world now and you can't have we can't have a bad day. And to their credit, man, their competitive will shined bright in the in the biggest moment for us to be able to get that gold and get it done.


Hey, by the way, so I'm gonna throw my hat on and by the way, rip me to shreds if I'm wrong, because you know, you know a million times more than I do.

I said the other day, I said, Cooper.

You you were wrong on the on the hair like hair product comparison to to making the athlete get stronger in the in the weight room or whatever. Earlier I thought that was this strange analogy, the great take on Lebron hair product. Yeah, I didn't quite. I didn't grasp that, but I'm usually right on with you, pal. He lost me there.

Okay, So we were talking about Cooper Flag and he just does everything well, score and transition, can use his body, and I said, he's got some Jason Tatum to him where there's nothing. I look at Jason Tatum and saying he can do kind of everything. Who is the comp for Cooper Flag? Because I think Duke's were really good and I think this kid Mark he's ready to play in the NBA. It feels to me like right away and can score right away.

Yeah, well he showed that this summer. He's scrimmaged against us, and he was ready to go from the jump and went right at us. You know, it was just a scrimmage. It was our first scrimmage. Our guys were just getting off the beach and everything with USA and vacation. But yeah, he was very, very impressive. And the and the great thing about him, man is he's he's he like to your point, he does everything well. I mean, he can score if he has to. He's got a great feel for the game. I mean, he's got from amendous positional size. John's done a great job with him, I think. And he played for a great coach and Kevin Boyle at Montverd And uh, he really understands defense and he impacts the game in a big way on the defensive end. So yeah, he's gonna he's gonna have a huge impact from day one. But it's gonna be one of those impacts like he does everything well. You know, I think people are gonna pick up the paper and look at the stats, and it's not always about that. It's it's, uh, you know, a little bit like Lebron. He impacts winning in a big way.

Has there been a team I ask you this every year and tell me a team that none of us talking heads talk about and that you've seen him or watched him or scouted him, And you're like, yeah, I'd rather avoid them in the tournament.

I don't have any real interest.

Has there been a little bit of a sleeper that you know, sometimes we talk about the Dukes and the Gonzaga and the Carolinas a little bit of a team that you think is better than people quite realize.

I mean, I think people realize how good they are. I do, but listen what Houston's doing, what Kelvin's been able to do, and to go through that league. I think they went nineteen and one in that league is just remarkable. And the intensity that they bring in, the physicality that they bring and and now you know, their offensive efficiency is better than it has been. I had a chance to watch them last week a little bit and I was just came away just I mean, I've always been impressed, but was really impressed with them. That was That's probably one that jumps out. I don't know if that really counts as an under the radar team.

Though, Hey, you you told us. I remember when chet Holmgren was coming out and I said, ah, he's skilled, a little skinny, and you said, oh, this guy's tough, this guy's a fighter. Yes, And I got to tell you he's good. He is a fighter. He is tough by the way as I saw him in college, I'm like, what is that skinny?

That kid's developed into something? That's insane.

My goodness, he torched us not this summer, but the year before and in USA, and I mean I've got to see him up close and personal in that Just he's one of those guys. You know how Steph changed the analytics back in the day with shooting threes. I'm telling you, Sga with that pull up jumper and the tough two. I mean, watching that firsthand, Uh, it was funny. I Mean I was sharing that with Tylu like, Okay, our drop coverage isn't gonna work. Yeah, but this guy we had to start trapping him because he's just made That's a that's a layup for him, that little pull up, and that's what you give up and drop coverage. But yeah, they've had a terrific, terrific year mark their head coach has done a beautiful job to kind of navigating through that and Chet I think that's one thing that's being underrated a little bit, is Check coming back for them. I mean you're talking about just adding another credible piece and just an incredible entity. And he's a competitive, competitive dude man, and he he's got a big, big, strong belief in himself and he's his body might not look like it, but that dude is his nails.


You know what we were talking about this earlier a couple A couple more is that I said.

I like analytics. I absolutely believe in it.

But I always joke what I really like is analytics, which is when you get into big games, I want Jimmy Butler and Andrew Wiggins both average eighteen. Jimmy Butler is a handful Like they're both wing guys that average eighteen.

They are totally different players.

Is that when you get into the tournament sometimes I like, I always love Jalen Sucks. I like guys that get in your kitchen. I like physical guys. Do you think sometimes with analytics, are there players that you've had or seen at USA and you're like, yeah, I'm sorry, the analytics don't quite get the player.

Absolutely, And I'm so with you on that point. At some point, I mean, it just comes down to who who can make up, who can make a play, And especially as you get deeper into the tournament, you know, and deeper into the game, it's going to come down to, you know, do they have that MOXI, do they have that grit? Do they have that toughness? Do they have that? Everybody says they have confidence and swag, but do they really really have that. I mean, again, I reference the team USA, but look at you. Look at the shots, Steph said, Look at Lebron, the shots that he made down the stretch. Look at the the pull up that KD hit against Serbia. I mean, just monster, monster shots and just happened. Because those guys are just so good and have such incredible belief in themselves. You have to have a guy like that going down the stretch of the games, and analytics has nothing to do with that. In fact, you got to just throw it out the windows. In some cases, Colin, you'll be playing against the guy and the staff will say, well, hey, shoot twenty percent from three. I'm like, I don't care. At the end of the game, you know we are double teaming him because I've seen him time and time again. Just make those shots.

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Okay, finally, I'm not a big pill popper. But a week ago, my daughter, I'm a crappy sleeper, she said, Dad, I said, I can't sleep. She goes, oh, she pulled out her pharmacy drawer and she gave me magnesium. And you're a you're a lousy sleeper.

Too, Yes, in season in season, I'm bad sleeper, have you?

And now tell me your magnesium backstory.

Well, first of all, I was listening to that show and it was a day we were kind of setting this up. Your entire staff that was just fit to be tied with you on magnesium. They were saying you were a maniac, and I was saying I was texting back with them. I was like, I thought that was one of his best shows. So yes, my daughter came to me and actually shared this scene with Magee and she had this little oil shed run rubbing on the bottom of your feet, Dad, And I was like, come on, and I'm just telling you. When I slept for eight hours, had now I was the best sleep I've had in a while. So when you started going off on't I'm a big believer.

Hey, by the way, two final fours, you look great. Your energy is through the roof. Jay Writ's a friend of mine. I couldn't figure out why he retired. He probably didn't want that nil nonsense. You should just Steph Curry said, something here day Steph said, I'll retire. It's not about stats. When I can no longer dominate a game, I'm out. Is there gonna be something with you? Because your energy's insane, you're in great shape. What will be the thing where you're like, all right, I'm gonna shut her down in golf and go to my you know, lake house and hang out.

Yeah, don't forget fly fishing there.

That's good. That's good.


I mean I think probably when when you don't feel you're having the same type of impact on your guys, and then and then the other thing I would say, calling like, I honestly think there's a point where you get to where you know, other people need to enjoy this spot, you know, and other people need to have the chance to do this too, you know. That's why I don't see hanging on till you're you know. I mean, some guys, it's fine if they want to hang on till they're eighty, But I just think it's time at some point it's good to share it. I got a great staff here, and it's time for them experience this as a head coach, you know, at some point. So I think all of those factors go in. But you know, as long as it's still fun. It's a huge challenge adapting. I mean, we could do a whole nother show on all the adaptations that have needed to be made in the last like twelve months in this profession. But you know, you just you have to be willing to kind of be flexible. And then I think doing the USA basketball stints have really helped me kind of understand it from maybe the professional side.

Yeah, it's great seeing you, my man. Great scene.

Yeah you too, Mark. You look well rested this week.

And you will be in about a month. You'll be well in a month.

Great, Yeah, all right, take care, all right.

He just you know, he's he and coach k have really figured it out.

You do a little bit of the Olympic stuff, which is just so fun, so international, and then you you dominate a college landscape and uh, it's you know, I went to college right next to gone Zaga, so it's a Spokane's really a beautiful place. Even the winter it's cold. So what you're indoors playing basketball? If it was too nice, you'd want to be outside, all right?

Uh? Jmak with a.

News No, No, this is the herd Line News.


I'm struggling with how to frame this first item here, But something's going on with Aaron Rodgers calling Diana.

Russini just posted this on social media.

The Vikings are having discussions about what they want to do at quarterback and if they want Aaron Rodgers, Rogers is giving them time.

And waiting to hear from them. I don't get that Vikings have yet to make a decision.

I don't get it.

We all wait. So I don't know what to make of this. And there's basically three lines of logic here that we're trying to connect.

Number one, if the Vikings know something about McCarthy's injury, why didn't they just keep Sam Darting?


Why would you kick the tires on Aaron Rodgers right? Number two, like, is something wrong with McCarthy?

Column, Well, JJ McCarney, they drafted him, he had two surgeries, and now they're like, maybe we brought them.

Why wouldn't you keep Daniel Jones?

That's another Yeah, that's another one.

And then the other one is you can see why the Steelers and Giants are ticked off because Rogers wants the contender as opposed to the pretenders. I mean, if you could go to the Viking to Kevin O'Connell justin Jefferson, you take that over the Giants and Steelers in a heartbeat.


It is odd because they gave picks to get JJ McCarthy. He had a second surgery.

But that was like seven months ago.

He had no longer like, wasn't it wasn't it longer than that?

Yeah, because in August he was ruled out I think, right, and that's when he had the initial surgery.

Then he needed to follow up.

But like songs going on in Minnesoi, I don't I don't get this at all.

I don't either.

Don't you think Donald would have been a better fit in Minnesota than Aaron Rodgers. He was just there last year they won fourteen games.

Yeah, I do. He's also in his prime, he's ten years.

More, less of a headache.

Well just he's just younger and more athletic and willing to move the pocket.

Maybe they didn't want to give him the thirty mill or whatever it air Rodgers.

Donald signed an incredibly team friendly deal.

Nothing's more team friendly than playing for the league minimum.

But would Rogers do that the way Russell Wilson did in Pittsburgh.

Okay, so the second surgery was reported on November thirteenth, So let's go remember December January.

Thirty, so it's only four months since the second surgery.

Give it, it's still like four months to the NFL.

I mean, it just feels like to me, did the surgery not quite stick or something take.

Maybe they found other stuff.

I don't.

It's a big mystery, but it is holding.


Listen, if you could go to Kevin O'Connell and Justin Jefferson and Jordan Addison and Aaron Jones and their left tackle who's coming off back off injury, you would take that. Plus he knows the division.

Kind of the fact that you're right that they said no to Daniel Jones. Notice Sam Darnold means they must be entertaining this.

They are.

I mean, it keeps getting leaked by a legitimate source, so that wild.

I mean, if I'm Rogers, I guess I get it. Forget about the following Brett Farr narrative. Get I get one of the best young coaches in the league and an elite wide receiver a great tight end in Hackinson.

Jordan Addison's a great receiver. Aaron Jones is back. He knows him from Green Bay.

I don't know wacky stuff, all right, Let's move on to the next story.

And that's a cult.

They brought in Daniel Jones to set up a hubet competition between him and Anthony Richardson. Joe's was introduced to Indy yesterday and discussed his opportunity to fight for the job.

That's been the communication. It's, yeah, an opportunity to come in and compete, and yeah, I'm looking forward to that. I think, you know, I've had a lot of fun, you know, a lot of respect for Anthony watching him. I think he's he's certainly a talented young player, and I think, you know, the competition aspect of it brings out the best and everybody, and you know, I just I think we're both interested in helping this team win games and whatever whatever we can do to help that happen.

Daniel Jones, Virticity Richardson.

Our staff put together a great stat Colt starting quarterbacks since twenty nineteen. They've had ten since twenty nineteen, College ten, second most of the AFC. If we had the list on the screen, yes, Sam Ellinger there, remember that experience. I think he's selling insurance.

At Topeka right now.

Come on, I just this is.

Ineptitude at quarterback since twenty nineteen. This many guys.

Well, remember Carson Wentz had a very good year and the owner forced them to get rid of him. So then they were trapped and Philip Rivers went eleven and five and he had a good year. Anthony Richardson has been you know, you get about fifty percent of the time.

He's been a miss.

I thought he's working out with Josh Allen's guy, his quarterback guru.

Anthon Richardson locked in. I don't know that's it.

I think Daniel Jones is going to win this job. I really do. I don't think it's going to take that long to figure it out.

I would better stake dinner on that, but I can't back Anthony Richardson with actual after tax dollars. Final story called Major League Baseball Show. Hey Otani and the Dodgers have arrived in Japan for the Tokyo Series, which is going to kick off the regular season Tuesday and Wednesday. Otani's coming off an MVP award and he's making his way back from Tommy John surgery. He's excited to pitch. However, a guy by the name of Barry Bonds you heard of him. I'm sure he believes Otani should give up pitching and focus on hitting.

But Tani, dude, boy can play. There's no question about who he is. I just my opinion. I just hope he just stays at the hitting category because his hitting ability is off the chart, and pitching, I just think might tire him out. I think he should come out of bullpen here and there like he has because he's d h and he come out of the bullpen and throw it inning into here and just because he's so good as a reliever too, like he could be one of the dominant relievers and dominant starters. I think as a starter, man, I think it might wear a tear a little bit and tire him out. Why fix something that isn't broken.

Yeah, I mean I look at the Dodgers' staff and they don't need him to pitch. Could he be a twelve to fifteen start pitcher?

He doesn't.

The first he starts the year not pitching, ends the year spot duty. I mean, it's just they are so rich because Glasnow will be healthy, They're getting a lot of their arms back.

Well, he made a good point about what about as a relief pitcher, And we've talked about this with Travis Hunter. Instead of being a full two way player, your situational third and fifteen fourth quarter, Travis to get on the field, make a play as a defensive back.

Right, Maybe that's o Tony.

Listen, We're not gonna burn you like you said in June, July, dog days of August, but come September we might need you in a pinch in the eighth inning to get out of a basis loaded Jaim, can you pitch for us?


That's what Bonds sounds like.

He's saying, Yeah, it does.

I think that's smart, smart baseball.

You could you could get Dodgers could have a sex man rotation. They have enough arms and give him extra rest. And that that literally, that's how deep they are good to.

Have options like that, isn't he sure?

I mean, I don't know what the weakness on that team is. It's the most talent I've ever seen in the baseball team ever, most high end town like eight guys who are all star level play.

You know, I heard they're saying that about the show. Yeah, right, now the exact same words you just said.

Yeah, sure, jmck.

With the news, Well that's the news, and thanks for stuffing.

Them headlines today. Can't wait next.

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So mine or yours mine. So you're gonna you're there's gonna be a I don't have.

As spicy ones as you because it's tough, man, to find four new playoff teams.

It's not easy.

So we have four new playoff teams in the NFL. But we're doing it before the draft.

Yeah, before the draft, before the schedule, and the schedule matters. Man, it's significant.

All right, we call it Tomorrow's headline is today, So one will be the headline for the first new playoff team.

All right, well, I've alluded to this and you seem to be close, but you're not quite there. The headline will be Titans open a cam of whoop ass.

I just wanted to say that word on TV because it's been a minute. I am a believer in Kim Ward and I like what's going. I like Callahan man, I like him a lot as a coach.

The offensive line started to gel late in the season, and if you look again game by game, it's ugly. Will Levis just kept screwing things up, and I think cam Ward can have not quite a Jaden or CJ.

Stroud impact, But in a division where there's a lot of uncertainty. The Colts don't know who their quarterback is. You're not a believer in Trevor Lawrence anymore.

The Texans, for some reason like have uplifted their offensive line. The wide receivers have some questions After Nico Collins, I'm not as high on Christian Kirk. I think the Tennessee Titans can sneak in there and do some damage.

I think nine wins could get it done in this division.

Colin right, this is not there's no overwhelming good team in here.

Not bad, take not bad.

I have him as a wild card competitor. Tomorrow's headline, what about your second.

New playoffs team?

Okay, this one should probably have an asterisk by it because you know they've been in the playoffs before.

They're really really good.

The headline will be since you been gone, Bengals back to being American Idols.

Listen, it's tough not to love Joe Burrow getting back to the playoffs.

Agree, was it?

The defense has some questions. We don't know what's up with Hendrickson. I personally would move off of him. Sorry, Max Cosby, I know you love all defense events. Would I would let go. I would let Hendrickson go. He led you in Saxon. You couldn't stop anybody. Yeah, I think they give up over thirty five points six times. Yeah, but I'm a believer in Burrow and Colin. We know the last like four or five years, they've come out of the gates very slow. They've been behind the eight ball. I guarantee you that's not gonna happen this year. Joe Burrow's gonna be ready, Chase is gonna get his deal. I think they're gonna keep Higgins. I like the Bengals to get back to the playoffs, maybe win the division. I'm not as high on the Ravens again, but you've got the Bengals as well going to the link.

Yeah, It's just it's hard to bet against that receiving cor Joe Burrow and an offensive coach who at least sort of gets that side of the ball. Tomorrow's headlines today, Now, how about a third new playoff team?

This is your favorite new city in America. You could see this coming a mile away. The headline will be Bear market playoff stock sores after off season investments.

I didn't think you liked him.

I mean, I do like the moves.

The division's hard, though, so if you elevate the Bears, I've got the Vikings winning the division.

Who's falling down?

I think it's probably gonna be the lie in Sorry Detroit fans, but this Bears team, man, there's a lot to love. I wasn't feeling the genty stuff in the draft. If they do get him, I think you might have to get a Bear's super Bowl ticket at that point because the offensive line looks like it's gonna be improved. I think one of the biggest talking points, let's just file this away, is gonna be Caleb Williams.

Can he get rid of.

The football instead of pat looking around and trying to do the backyard football?

It would be a problem at USC and I think I saw some numbers.

He held the ball longer than I think, like ninety seven percent of quarterbacks last year.

Fair that's got to stop. And he's got weapons. You like the tight end. I like the head coach. I got the Bears going on to the playoffs, so.

You got the Titans in there, the Bengals, the Bears. What is your fourth new playoff team? Tomorrow's headlines today, let's see number four.

Oh and I had to dig deep on this one. I couldn't go to my Jets.

Remember last year I was bullish that ended badly. The fourth new playoff team, it's in the NFC. The headline, well, b there's a pe in playoffs. Panthers mark there territory.


Listen, man, I know we've been.

Focusing on him last year.

I was they hit their overwind total. It took him into Week eighteen. They hit to pull it off. Call it.

I know you're very excited about the Patriots and how they've spent. Have you taken a look at the Panthers. No, they secured five new defensive starters.

This was a defense it could not stop and I couldn't stop like.

College football teams probably ha ha, but they have invested heavily on defense. The wide receiver grouping leaves something to be desired, but we think they're probably going t MAC at eight in the draft. I like the Rico Dowdle.

Pick up quietly. He was kind of good last year.

For years He's tough and behind a decent offensive line that showed a lot of improvement. The left tackle a Kwanu, the kid from enc State, he really improved in her two I think that division could be had. I'm taking the Titans in the AFC in a week division, and I think the Panthers make a leap in a bad division. I know you like Pennix and you like the Bucks, but I don't think either of those are unbelievable.

I mean, I mean, the Bucks won the divisions. The Falcons beat him twice.

It's a terrible We know the Saints are probably like a four or five win team.

They'll be in the mix for Arch Manning, who I think played high school football in New Orleans.

But I think the Panthers can really rise up and it's only gonna take nine, maybe ten victories. And Bryce Young, who were now bullish on because he was on our flight to the super Bowl, and he's probably coming in the studio suit.

So I'm buying Bryce Young and the Carolina Panthers.

Finally, tomorrow's headlines today, what's gonna be the headline for one?

Aaron at Rogers.

So I couldn't find a fifth playoff team, and you know, I'm talking to the guys and we're like, let's do Aaron Rodgers.

After those photos came out, we got something good.

The headline will be local man wonders blitzed on audibles.

I couldn't I mean, I'm sorry, the photos on the beach.

I just couldn't stop laughing. I'm just glad he's done in New York. That's all I'll say. Like, hey, man, check out Minnesota. Maybe they want you if they don't settle for the Giants and you'll go six or seven wins. Steelers, good luck in that division.

You're probably the.

Third best quarterback in that division. The Browns don't have anybody yet. I just I'm done with Aaron Rodgers.

This. It's weird.

We're seeing Lebron and Curry well into their thirties, still at the top of their game, dominating the sport contenders, and with Aaron Rodgers since he left Green Bay Colin.

It's just not happening. It's over.

Tom Brady goes to Tampa, wins the Super Bowl. Aaron Rodgers goes to the Jets. It's a disaster in now Well.

Stafford goes to the Rams and wins the Super Bowl. So I think the reason he's waiting is Minnesota. And so my take is they are they don't have clarity on the JJ McCarthy second surgery, and they wanted Darnald to stay, but the number wasn't right, and they think, you know what, we can get Aaron for a little cheaper. And if they signed Darnald, Donald wanted security. He wanted three or four years, okay, and Aaron, you may be able to get him for a year and say, listen, this is way better than Pittsburgh and the Giants, which it is offensively. Come here for one year. You'll have a great last year, you get on TV, you make a lot of money, you'll have a lot of fun. So I think I think Darnold was their choice. But Sam had a market. Aaron doesn't have a huge market.

Is it almost like when you're in high school and these two girls want to go to the dance with you, you know, the prom, and you're like, I want that hot chick over there. That's gotta be the girl I want, And that's Rogers looking at the Vikings we go, I want.

To go there. I want Kevin O'Connor.

If I could get Kevin O'Connell, Justin Jefferson, Jordan Addison and a division that doesn't really have a great defense.

That's where I would go.

Indoors is not always greener.

Well, it's greener than the Jets, that's not sa Vikings are absolutely greener than the Jets.

Well what a week. I was from.

Magnesi to a neurogum. I've kind of changed as I've gotten older. I'm starting to take stuff.

I like Mark Few.

He was great.

He was watching your magnesium take earlier this year. I think a lot of people were.

He He said, it was one of my best shows.

And we're gonna get after it tonight.

Right, Oh we are. That's right, you forgot. Oh no, no, I'm so excited. Now are we going there?

I'm in about the whole past?

How about six thirty?

Yeah, let's do it.

Okay, I'm excited.

You're gonna get after that. You're a nice outfit this time.

Class it up, all right, class

The Herd with Colin Cowherd

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