Colin gives his reasons why he's picking the Chiefs to win their 3rd straight Super Bowl
Hall of Famer Michael Irvin joins The Herd to talk about how he got ready to play in the Super Bowl and what to expect
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Welcome in. It's hour two. It is a Friday live in New Orleans. It is The Herd.
Michael Irvan in a couple of minutes. Jmack, it's the time of the show before the Super Bowl.
Friday is our pick day.
And years ago, when I lived in Connecticut over a decade ago, I watched every New England game. It was in the throws in the midst of their dynasty. On occasion I would pick against Brady in the biggest games and almost Oa's was reminded that was a mistake. So here is my pick for the Philadelphia Kansas City Super Bowl. Chiefs are minus one and a half. I like Kansas City and here's why.
Chris Chiefs versus Eagles.
They are twelve and oher in games decided by one score. This year, I think it's a one score football game. They are very good in close games, not a lot of blowouts. I don't foresee a blowout. I think that helps. They've won thirty seven straight games when winning the turnover battle. But by the way, even when other teams don't turn it over, they're seven to zero, so they've beaten perfect teams.
They have twelve comebacks this season.
I think it's reasonable to assume both teams could trail their offense one turnover in nine games. I also think Andy Reid, off in my lifetime, is the best coach in league history, and this constitutes a bye Philadelphia.
Meanwhile, not as many close games.
They haven't trailed much as a pure pocket passer in his career. When trailing with four minutes or less, Jalen Hurts completion percentage is under fifty percent. I think it's gonna be a clean game. I think it's gonna be a close game. I think it's gonna be a high scoring game. This is an empty the bag coaching and player game.
You let everything go. And I have.
Seen too many close games with Andy Reid and Mahomes leading or trailing. And the one thing Mahomes does that only Tom Brady truly duplicated, duplicated, maybe a little John Elway. I can never tell what the score is. Pressure is not a burden, and I do feel like coach quarterback.
I've got a clear edge.
I like Kansas City thirty, Philadelphia twenty seven, Super Bowl fifty nine, DraftKings Sportsbook, New customers Bet five, get two hundred and bonus bets instantly downhaulo the app.
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Up like the Chiefs, buy a field goal in a highest scoring game. Michael Irvan three super Bowls in the Hall of Famer, joining us. So you went to three Super Bowls in four years? Did you find it because you've always been not only a playmaker on the field, but good time Michael off the field, right, did you find when you were in the middle of that dynasty it was a little harder to focus on that third super Bowl in the fourth year.
You know what, that's a great question, But I did not find it difficult. You know, we had a group after going to those early years, Colin when we were three and thirteen one in fifteen.
In a few short years later, now we're in Super Bowl or we never got tired of those.
We remember getting our butts kicked all the time, you know, and having those team only meetings and then still coming out after that meeting getting your butt kicked. So when you turned it around, No, we never got tired of it. It was always a great thing. To this day, if I'm with Troy and we're out, we still talk talk about man.
We should one five.
Man we shout a one, four or five in a row, you know, so you still look back and think on that.
So it blows my mind. And no, we didn't not get tired.
Let me take these shades off because I don't want everybody to think I was on Bourbon Street. I ain't gonna say I wasn't on Bourbon Street. But but you know what I mean, let me give you the real so you know, okay, you know what I'm saying, Colin, y'all know, go ahead on listen.
There's a lot of cities to go to bed early, and we're not in one.
On I'm not in one of them.
And you gotta know how super Bowl every day, I ain't doing that again, all right, and you do exactly what you said you're not doing because you're running to everybody that you've known, all the people that were in business with it. You know, it's just such a great time.
So two weeks to prepare. Take me through Jimmy Johnson's prep. You don't want to bore the players. You want to add, you want to layer the preparation. Did you find Jimmy changed a little bit in these two week off spaces.
No, No, Jimmy was Jimmy had a real good understanding of the men he was leading.
Jimmy and I love him to this day, and I mention it.
People think a lot of things, but Jimmy understood we were boys, and he said, you know, we're going to get great work in this first week, great work, and then we're going to go out to the Super Bowl Sunday, and no eyes or no primary girlfriends, none of them comes with us on Sunday, Monday. I don't want to see any of them. Tuesday, Wednesday, they can come on in. He would tell us, I want you guys to go have a little fun Sunday night. Have a little fun, you get, get it out, get it out of your way so we can focused on football. I thought that was brilliant, cause now you don't go the whole week thinking about what's going on. Out here. You add you a Sunday and Monday night. Now you get focus in. I'm talking about by the time Wednesday came around, we had to I swear you. We used to have practices or Super Bowl They were the best practices I've ever seen. Not a ball hit the ground and we were ready to play football.
It was smart.
Give him time to go, get all that stuff out and then focus back in.
So during the Akman Irvin emme at days, all your games felt big.
You were a big TV product. Super Bowls are different.
And Michael, you your college games that that you were big, but our super Bowls even I don't. I don't look at you as a guy that would.
Get nervous, None like it.
But in a Super.
Bowl, did you ever look up at all the pictures and even you a little bit.
Thinking I need to get hit, I need to run.
A route.
Is happening And there guys here right you can tell them until their ears fall off. You gotta be ready. You're going to be calm yourself. At the beginning of the game. You're going to hyperventilate. I've never been so tired as I was. Wanda know it's Super Bowls. I'm like, why am I this tired? I started thinking, did I do too much earlier on in the week, you know, but it's just your hyperventilating.
You gotta think about it.
This is the moment you played in your front yard talking about this. Oh your damn life, and it's about to happen. Emmon and I walked on the field together in Pasadena and all week because we were playing Buffalo and they had played in Super Bowls.
You know, everybody's talking about experience. We said, it's a game, is a game. I run a slant route. I don't care if it's on the.
Football field, super Bowl or in your front dimn yard. I'm gonna catch that slint route. I'm just talking all noise. When I got to that game, him and then I walked on that field our knees, Buck said, oh my god.
Right. I looked at him, he said, I said, man, did you feel that? He said yeah.
I said, don't say anything because if they know we scared, they definitely gonna be scared.
Anxiety, but you're.
Going to have it. It's impossible not to have.
And I'm telling you everybody's going to have it, even if you've been here before.
Yeah, I can remember one of Brady's first Super Bowls Belichick. There's an old piece of video where Belichick's like, hey, settle down, Tom.
Right right right, right, right, right right. You know it is you know what I love about Tom?
I was the one in New Orleans one here, Yeah, oh, I said it was it.
I think Green Bay somebody beat Bill par Saless, one of the team it beat him here. I remember Tom came over to me right after that and I was standing next I did the game.
He came he said, hey, man.
Right after the game they just won. He said, what do I need to do to get back here? How do I win more? How do I do it? I thought that was incredible. You know Patrick Mahomes last year, right after he won two, he said, I gotta get back here and win three in a row.
That's what it takes.
It's gotta be a Mono manio coattitude about it.
Even one win is not enough. I want the next win in the next one.
So it's I always think one of the reasons I had Philadelphia winning their division, but they were really noisy.
Nick Sirianni's noisy.
But I do think there's an advantage because Jalen Hurts and Saquon are not, so they're two stars kind of really reserved guys. I always thought the Cowboys worked because Jimmy and Troy let you guys be yourself. Were there times in the game or in moments during your because your team was always so big, there was a little bit of noise? Did I could see Jalen Hurts have to go to a j Browner? Did Troy ever have to lean on you and say, hey, playmaker? Did you ever or did you have to be chaperoned at all?
Well? No, the funny party is the funny part here. See See Troy was Troy was this straight guy. He was so focused and you know, so mature, and he was great about it. But but I knew, I knew I couldn't get debate unless me and Roy was right. He's getting the past ball verns, he gotta throw it to me. So you had to be right right. Me and him was always right. He and I was always right. Now, I would get hit it with defensive linemen right, like a Charles Man or somebody I'm yelling at or Reach White and my office of line Michael, stop making him mad.
You're not blocking him. You shut up right now.
Troy never had a problem with me, but those offensive linemen, they had a problem with me talking to the defensive alignment since I wasn't going to block them.
When you're when you're a player, so you you were part of a dynasty, and Mahomes is part of a dynasty. More pressure earlier late do you think can I mean, when you when you first come to this thing, we don't know what to expect. Now all of a sudden, you're making a second trip, a third trip, a fourth trip. Did it feel different for you in your last Super Bowl than your first?
You know what? And I always tell people, there's nothing like the first.
There is nothing like the first, because it's that first time that you realize that childhood dream of playing in that front yard. But that second and third ones as great. You gotta understand that there's everybody in your head, in your mind.
Everybody in the world is focused on his game. That's never that's never not.
A great situation for a real guy, real player like me, or the guy like Troy or guy like Patrick Mahomes. They look for that moment. You were talking about something earlier. You were talking about the pressure of playing in these kinds of games.
And as you were.
Saying, and I was thinking, you got it. The great ones have had an affair with pressure all of their careers. They sleep with the eat with it, live with it. It's what makes them tick. It's an affair with press. They're looking for pressure, so so they look for these moments that Tom Brady's the Patrick Mahome de Troy a Mians. Those are the guys you love playing with.
So in these big moments.
I mean a lot of the times that Mahomes has made a play in these games that is off script when he was all banged up and he had a forty five year run. Do you get in pressurized moments? And it doesn't even have to be in a super Bowl? This game's tight twenty eight, all fourth quarter, six minutes left.
Are there moments.
That there's a look, there's a wink, there's a that it's off script? Is every because you have so much time to prep it's the last game of the year, You've never been more prepared.
Does that mean that we don't see.
Moments where you go to Troy on the sideline like listen, I'm gonna change the route.
Or was the game too big to do that.
No, no, no, no, we've done that because you play the game like you play the game. We a nationally in a for our first NFC Championship game, Troy called this play eight ninety six.
He called it four times in the game.
Four times every time I run a bangate Alvin Harper ran a curl route. On the other side, jay No would take down the middle. That's the nine route. Every time he threw that ball, he threw it to the curl route. Dude, game was on the line. We were up by four. We needed this drive to put him on He called it again. Oh, he said, it's got right red right eight. Before he got the nine and the six out, I ran the album and spot him already gone. I'm changing the play right now. I ain't talking to newbody about this the demo. You throwing this ball to me? Troy was like, what are you doing? So wasn't the damn play. I got it over here, and you know he snapped the ball because I went over there. They brought the double team to me. He throws the back slant. He throws the backside eight route the album and.
I'm like, I remember the play.
He's gone with my pop on the fly. I was like, that would have gotten me. Oh my god, you know, but I'm happy. I'm happy. And Troy we talked about a lady. He said, had you not done that, we still may not. We wouldn't have gotten that backside play. It would have been a different play. So thank god it worked out now a lot of times, Charles Haley, because you know, Charles Hayley was Charles Haley and leon Let. Charles would tell leo Let, we're gonna We're gonna, hey, we're gonna run a twist, the twist t twist and.
And me and letty know me and coach didn't call that.
Charles said, you either run it, orm Ana run up your ass, right, you know, because and then yeah, yeah he ran it. If Charles get the sack, coach said, great job calling this, calling that play. If Charles don't get the sack and they make a nice play, they said, lel Let, what the hell were you doing? They never went to Charles.
They only stayed, okay, did Jimmy Johnson give like, what is a speech before a Super Bowl at halftime? You don't have to sell the players on it. Do you remember the pregame speech, what right.
And Jimmy was great at this.
Now, Jimmy was great at this our third super Bowl since so many of us were still there. Jimmy right before the game, he said, I know a lot of you may be full of these moments, may be satisfied of these moments, but a lot of us have never had these moments. And he made every man that hadn't had a ring stand up and we had to spend time look at don't you think they deserve one too? Is not just about the ones you have, it's about them too, and we're going to get them one. I thought that was something great because it really made you think about, wait a minute, I got two rings, but these guys do not.
And these are my teammates, and we played extra hard for that.
Do you think it's an advantage in a strange way that Kansas City didn't bulldoze people.
They struggled with Houston?
Do you think it's an advantage having played fifteen close games this year?
It's in advantage if you come out on top like they have come out on top, and most if not all of them, you know, and they're incredible in lague games because like anything else. It gives you confidence and you're going to be back in these situations again, and back to that relationship with pressure. All of Kansas City has that affair with pressure. They know about it, eat and sleep with it because they know. Patrick Mahomes is the god that gets to pass, gets to get gets the football first. And this guy we always trip an own talent shoulders down. I'm telling you what makes Patrick Mahomes the great that he is is his gifts shoulders up.
He knows how to play just the play each play, and that makes him great.
He don't try to do more than he needs to he needs He understands the significance of one play and every time he just beats you. So yeah, that's a hell of a great opportunity and a hell of a great advantage when you played that many tight games.
Do you lean either way in this game?
This has been It's been a tough game for me. I don't think I've ever been had a game more difficult to call than this game. You know, when you look at the things that are on outside, because and it's not the skill, you got to try to pull in all the things that make them have a deeper will.
This is the third string. Super Bowl Championship.
Patrick Mahomes talked about it right after you Want Number two the second straight and I ran to Travis Kelce at the basketball game in Dallas. That's all he asked me about. So they've been living with this. This is what they want. So that creates a great will. You think Jalen Hurts, who have fought his way all the way up to get respect as one of their top quarterbacks International football wants the National Football League wants to go h N two in a Super Bowl lose to the same guy again. So that's going to create a great will. This is going to be a clash and it's going to be a hard fogg. I heard you talk about it being a highest score game. I think it's going to I don't think it's going to get up that thirty eight to thirty five. I think we'll live closer to that twenty two that Kansas City the average. We may not even get to the twenty seven points that Philadelphia average. Right now, this is going to be a defensive game, even though we're going to be looking at the offense, because think about Philadelphia, don't give up big plays. They're going to make you dean Kin dunk and Patrick Mahomes don't mind then getting Dunky ain't. On the other side, they're going to hand the ball off.
So we're going to have a lot of time because a fast game yet right, like like, honestly, it'll be a quick game, correct.
But boy, I'm gonna tell you something. That defense for Philadelphia they running around and they're flying around the ball. It's going to come down to them. And I'm not talking about on the back end. I'm talking about on the front end. You gotta get to Patrick Mahomes and bring him down.
By the way, the Eagles, I think this is something. They have two rookie corners. I don't know, but if I'm a Homes, I know you guys have been.
Great all year. I would go after a rookie corner in the Super Bowl.
But remember now, the Eagles like to play that two shell too, so they got they got two corners, but they have safeties over the top. Now, last time I looked at the last game, what they were doing. They were up on Travis Kelcey, but they were giving him a free release. When you go back and look at the game, yeah, they double team, but you give him a free release. You can't give him a free release. I ran to Bobby Taylor the other day and we were talking about that old Philadelphia defense they used to put on me when they got Bobby Taylor. Bobby was saying, my job was not to worry about covering you, it was to beat you up on the line of scrimmage. I got help in the coverage, and it wore me down like a boxer because his job was just a bunch punched me every play. That's what they gotta do in Travis Kelcey. They gotta wear his butt down. You gotta touch him every snap when he's coming off the football.
The playmaker Hall of Famer Michael Irvan. Thanks buddy, man, It's.
Always good to talk with you, buddy. I can't wait to get to get this kid to get to this game. It's going to be a great one Sunday. I'm telling you this might be one of the best super Bowl, not the highest scoring super Bowl, but I'm telling you we're gonna have some fighters out here fighting.
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Welcome back.
The Manning family very familiar from this area, New Orleans, of the Questam City.
So El Manning.
Arguably the third best Manning ever to play quarterback. His dad Archie was really good and if art pop, maybe it's four and I love Eli.
He did not get inducted into the Hall of Fame twenty twenty five class. I think he's a Hall of Famer.
I don't think you can tell the story of the NFL without Eli Manning, who had two of the great iconic throws and moments David Tyree and Mario Manningham where he wedged that ball in a small, you know, football size window to Manningham up the left sideline and eventually drove and beat the Patriots. So Eli Manning. The Manning name is familiar, but Eli's career is so unfamiliar. His regular season record is one seventeen and one seventeen. It doesn't exactly scream Canton. He had three hundred and forty four touchdown passes, three hundred and sixty six touchdown passes. He had two hundred and forty four picks, So what he had is two of the all time great playoff runs. So he went to the playoffs six times. Four of them he was one and nine four of them. In two of them he was unbelievable. In two of them he was eight and zero, fifteen touchdowns, two picks, and mostly led by great defenses. But I would take his career, which is noteworthy because of a handful of very iconic moments, over people that get into Hall of Fames because of longevity and very solid production. That's not a knock on Harold Baines, Fred McGriff, Craig Bigo. These are great players. Eli is the Hall of very good with unbelievable moments. His career passer rating is lower than Jay Cutler, and so he's not a first ballot Hall of Famer. But I've said this before. I said it with Jose Canseco. He introduced steroids to baseball and then sort of by speaking up, eliminated him. Like you can't tell the story of baseball without Jose Canseco, And I think that's.
Part of it. Hall of famers all look different. Very few are as good as Dion Sanders.
Right, if you're gonna hold just that standard, nobody gets in so you can textualize it. Some guys played with great teammates, some guys Walter Payton did not. Some guys bounced around some guys one team. I look at Eli Manning as the iconic moment and not just memorable plays, because his highlight reel honestly starts with David Tyree goes to Mario manningham probably the OBJ catch, and OBJ is more memorable. It's not a highlight reel filled with all time great plays, but his two greatest help beat Brady and Belichick in Super Bowls, and so to me, that's what a Hall of Famer looks like. Philip Rivers often discussed a better regular season quarterback, but I didn't get any icing on that cake with him. I got some cake, I got incredible icing. He's a Hall of Famer, just not a first ballot one.
J Mack with a news quick turn on the news.
This is the Herdline news.
All right, let's start with the Super Bowl. Travis Kelcey a superstar in his own right. He's been linked to Andy Reid his entire career. Was drafted a couple months after Reid was hired. In Casey Kelsey Mahomes and reader on the verge of a three peat historical stuff, and Kelsey talked about how much of an impact his head coach has had on his career.
He's unbelievable coach.
He's he's a player's coach, but at the same time, he's gonna hold you accountable. And I think the first really year to two years I was with Coach Ree, I was like, man, this guy's not messing around. Like there wasn't too much of the personality that I see now knowing that he's like a father figure to me, he is like the He's like I don't know one of my uncles growing up that I respect so much because of who he is and I owe everything.
To that man.
Yeah, I mean I think I talked to Tony Gonzalez about that. Is that Tony Gonzalez early in his career played with the staff that didn't totally appreciate what he could do. And I think I think tight end's a very unique position. I think it is very dependent on the coaching staff and the quarterback. Like Gronk was obviously going to succeed. But if Gronk goes to Carolina, goes through four coaches, each coach views him differently, five different coordinators. Gronk came into pro football, is kind of a underappreciated had had some physical injuries and needed time to build trust. Also, Gronk was kind of a silly, fun loving guy. It was sort of that strident, intense, regulated environment that really let him flourish. I mean there's no question without Brady and New England, Gronk isn't doing broadcasting. Gronk isn't the entrepreneur he is. He's just not going to get opportunities. So I do think it mattles matters that George Kittle gets a Kyle Shanahan. I do think it matters that Travis Kelson. I mean, Travis Kelsey was going to be a good player, he's now a legend.
That legend. Stuff doesn't happen without Andy Reid.
If you listen to those comments and you say, oh, he's thirty five years old, does it sound like somebody who's near retirement. I know he said he doesn't want to, but he really sounds like he's being reflective on a long, awesome career.
Last year at this time he acknowledged he's had about ten surgeries.
I think if they win my guess. My guess is he retires.
And I say that because he's coming off Colin his worst playoff game with Mahomes two catches for nineteen yards against the Bills. That was his lowest output. As in the playoff he used to just totally dominate safeties and linebackers. Remember, like they would line up against him, they were barbecue chicken. He would go right at them. Eight catches under nineteen yards in the last Super Bowl against Philly, six for eighty one in a score. And I just look at that Buffalo game and I'm like, I don't know, he's slowed downs.
Yeah, I think it's time. And by the way, also he now has the ability to do other things. Yeah, Like so that's part of it.
Ran a lot of.
Guys retire and they're lost. He's got plenty of activities.
He's got options, all right. Next story is Kevin O'Connell won the AP Coach of the Year last night at NFL Honors, and now he's got a big offseason ahead. What's he gonna do at quarterback? Sam Darnold, your guy had a huge year in Minnesota and he wants the long term deal, O'Connell says, the Vikings will continue to have an ongoing dialogue about bringing him back. Colin, I don't think you or I think that Donald's gonna be in Minnesota, obviously, JJ McCarthy waiting in the wings. Look at the stats here on donald first sixteen games. He was incredible, right, and he ended the season kind of on the struggle bus. What's your guess if he doesn't stay in Minnesota, where's he going?
I think the Raiders are in play, usc Pete Carroll. If the money is right, I think the Raiders are in play. But I also think the Raiders. I think Shador Sanders drops. I think Shador. I have talked to two people in the league, and their favorite part of Shador Sanders is the kid, not the quarterback. The like They like him as a person. They like that, they feel they can build around his personality and temperament and his maturity.
They're not in love with him as a quarterback. So I think, I don't know.
I can see Pete Carroll making a run at it, but I can also say I can see Pete Carroll saying, listen, we're gonna give shaduor the controls for a year, and if it doesn't work. Next year is a great college quarterback draft. We could redraft and move, so I think that's a possibility.
How much would you be willing to go to Hey Donald, because I don't know.
That he I think he's faking.
I think he's that high thirties, mid to high thirties, uncomfortable, very comfortable going. And I think Baker's contract allows you to retain a Mike Kevin's a Chris Godwin, and I think that's what Sam needs. Sam's not going to get a receiving corps like that, so and he's arguably not going to get a coach like that. So don't think we said this with Gardner Minshew when he had Shane Steiken and went to the Raiders. He's not taking Shane Steichen with him, So you're not taking Kevin O'Connell or Justin Jefferson with you. So re understand you're going to get about eighty percent of Donald's production. Is that good enough to pay him thirty five million? If you go in with those expectations, then I think I think you're fine.
I think it's their final story is to the NBA, where the Warriors officially introduced Jimmy Butler after acquiring him in that trade with the Heat, but they ended up losing to the Lakers. Lebron was magnificent in the Bay Area. Butler talked about putting the Miami issues in the past and getting back to winning basketball.
I don't have anything to say.
I'm good.
All of that is behind me.
I'm lulling forward and I'm happy to be here. I'm happy to be wanted again. I think the biggest part was just give me to be able to play basketball again. I just want to be able to go out there and do what I've been doing for a very long time and have fun and smile and rip or run and I feel like I'm just doing cardio majority of the game. So I'm very, very very happy that I'm not getting suspended.
In no wire.
Analytics, Mavens would submit to you that it's not a good fit. That you can argue based on analytics that Wiggins is a better fit than Jimmy Butler. I do think he adds a I think he adds a big game toughness and a physicality. I don't think he makes I think he makes the Warriors much more interesting. I think the NBA had a great week of interesting, the Lakers and the Warriors, who get better ratings than virtually everybody except the Knicks. I think the league had a great week. I don't necessarily think he makes them that much better.
They're not a lock to make the playoffs. It's not a lock. And I just looked at the ages. Are you ready for this? Their core three guys Jimmy Butler's thirty five, Curry's thirty six, Draymond's thirty four. That's a lot of tread on the tires. Butler has two finals runs with the Heat. I don't know, Colin. You know I'm a Steph Curry guy. I don't even know if they're a lock for the playoffs. I would be wary of like the Spurs passing them with Lemby and Fox. Yeah, but you're right, there are interesting, that's for sure. And by the way, Jimmy Butler and Draymond Green are two guys who kind of run hot. It could be a potential powder keg at things go side. I only got a sixty million a year.
But you know what, though, the NBA for the last three to four years has really needed interesting.
Yeah, and there is no question think about this now.
Celtics, Knicks, Lakers, Warriors are all over the last year have made moves, whether it's Kat to New York, Luca the LA. I mean, I think for the biggest brands in this league, Lakers, Knicks, Celtics, Warriors all got more entertaining to watch. So I think the I think the NBA had an incredible two week stretch.
We're not talking about us.
We shrinked the quarters ten minutes three point like why not that Saturday.
By Tuesday night after the Super Bowl and Monday Show by Monday night. I'm really invested into watching, invested in watching the NBA.
For Get your college basketball.
I'm working on you, you know, get that creating matchup. I can't wait, big one. J Mack with the news.
Well that's the news, and thanks for stopping by The Herd Line.
News, the most underrated part of the Chiefs.
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Super Bowl Challenge sponsored by Draft Kings. Go to the Fox Sports app and enter for a free chance to win one million dollars one of the questions is which quarterback you love the most passing yards in the second half? Colin, who you got? Well just say it. It's fine.
Uh listen, I'm gonna take Patrick Mahomes.
Wait to go out on a limb there.
But I don't think I don't think Philadelphia is gonna play a hyper aggressive vertical passing game. I think it's gonna be Dallas Goddard. I think Trent McDuffie can take aj Brown mostly out. I think it's Dallas Goddard. I think it's underneath stuff. I think it's Sa Kwan Barkley. It's bubble screens. That's what I think they run.
All right, it's we're gonna make some choices. Man, We're gonna play a little game.
You give me the unit and all make the choice. Okay, we're gonna play a little game here. And this is kind of now we get very specific. Yeah, we make a broad choice on the game. You give me the choices, units, coach, quarterback, All make a pick, all right, Colin.
Which head coach has the advantage in the Super Bowl? Andy Reid the Chiefs or Nick Sirianni and the Eagles.
Easiest choice?
This is Andy Reid, who is thirty three and seven as a coach, including the playoffs off of buy. So this is the best buy coach of all time. Listen, he is one of three coaches ever to appear in six plus Super Bowls, Don Shula, Belichick the others.
That's an easy one.
We wanted to give you a layup to start. Let's go for another easy one. Quarterback Colin the guy named Mahomes or Jalen Hurts of the Eagles.
Second easiest one, because I do think there are moments with Hurts behind that old line when that offense is humming and they are hard to stop. I mean, he has great games, although I don't think he's a great quarterback. I'm gonna take Patrick Mahomes seventeen and three.
This is insane.
In a conference with Lamar Jackson and Josh Allen and Joe Burrow. He is seventeen and three in the playoffs. He's won nine straight decent since that Borough loss and arrowhead dude, he's won every big game, every one a third straight.
Gimme for Colin running backs. Colin Chiefs are Eagles, the Chiefs by Committee or the near MVP SA quad mark easy one.
Philadelphia, and you have to also consider the offensive line that is part of it. Listen, I think Walter Payton's the best running back I've ever seen. Barry Sanders probably second. Then you get into kind of a Christian McCaffrey class. Adrian Peterson.
I think he's in that class.
I think, listen, this is nothing against the old line for Philly because it's dominant. I think that when he's jumping over people like I'm sor, I mean I get speed, I get durability, I get toughness.
He can catch it out of the backfield. That's an easy one, right, not a.
Layup wide receiver. Which group has the advantage The Chiefs with d hop Worthy in Hollywood Brown or the Eagles with AJ Brown DeVonta Smith, And I guess I should mentioned Johan Donson Philadelphia.
This is how good Philadelphia is.
Davonte Smith is almost forgotten on this team, and if you think about it, he had almost seventy catches. So the Chiefs did not have a thousand yard receiver this season, including the playoffs. So in terms of a one and two combo deal, we talk about that in pro basketball, AJ Brown is a top three to four receiver in the league. Davante may be the most talented number two receiver he and t Higgins in the NFL.
So that's an easy one, all right.
This is kind of easy tight end Colin. Who you got the Chiefs with featuring Kelsey and Gray or the Eagles feature Goddart and Galcatata.
Well, I'm gonna go Travis kelcey and what I believe is his last big game. And I also think there is a Grand Brady quality that in these really big spots, Kelsey tends to get youthful.
We've seen this before.
You think he's kind of shot, and then all of a sudden he has eleven targets and nine catches.
I'll go Travis Kelsey all right.
Offensive line Chiefs are Eagles. This is challenging. Obviously, the Chiefs had two All Pros, but the Eagles have arguably the best offensive line in the league.
You got I think Philadelphia.
I think basically an offensive line has to be defined to a large degree by left tackle, and I think the Eagles may have the best left tackle in the game. I mean, listen, Joe Tooney is perhaps the most underrated offensive lineman in the sport. The fact that they could move him from guard to left tackle and he was excellent.
That is rare.
You're not moving Quentin Nelson to left tackle, are you. I mean, the great guards in this league don't play tackling.
He tried, so yeah, you want to go to defense. Now, this is difficult. We'll do the defensive front seven Chiefs or Eagles. We know Chris Jones lead the Chiefs, but the Eagles with Jalen Carter, Zach Vaughn, this is a tough one. Colin, who you got?
I like Kansas City? Oh come, this is what I think.
This is the part of the Chiefs that has really overlooked. First of all, Chris Jones can move anywhere on the defensive lines. George Carl loftus three sacks in a couple of playoff games, and he's also a playmaker. You can put Nick Bolton in the box. I think Kansas City is the best tackling team. I also think these guys have now played together several years. They are spags, can dial up exotics shifts. I think this defensive front for Kansas City is the secret sauce. You start looking at them against Houston, Buffalo, Baltimore in key situational spots red zone.
They rised the occasion.
By the way Eagles went into Baltimore and smashed the Ravens. Just putting that out first disagreement. Anyways, Now let's go to the secondary. This is also difficult chiefs led by McDuffie or the Eagles who have a bunch of young guys. But man, that's a no fly.
Okay, Buck, I'm gonna take Trent McDuffie.
Listen, the Eagles have two rookie dbs in the biggest sporting event in America. I think that with Andy Reid having a couple of weeks to prepare, they're gonna put in stuff to make those rookie corners of Philadelphia make choices in big spots in congested areas. So I think Kansas City's secondary will play better than Philadelphia's, though I would argue overall against most teams, Philadelphia's appears better.
Yeah, I gotta be honest, that's a shocker. I think the Internet's gonna have fun with that one. And finally, let's go to special teams and the kicker. Harrison Butker, who has been on an absolute heater, hasn't missed a field goal in the playoffs since the last Super Bowl against the Eagles, fifteen for fifteen four. Jake Elliott, who is what's the lined in Philly right now?
We said, yeah, this is an easy one. If it comes down to field goals, Kansas City is gonna win going away. Harrison, Butker listen the only one that listen. I think the Chiefs defensive front is wildly underrated. And because Jalen Carter is a new phenomenon and he's not one hundred percent.
He has been sick all week.
I think Chris Jones in these big spots has an Aaron Donald quality.
He just plays.
He And I'll say this between Mahomes, Chris Jones, and Travis Kelcey, they're just better in these games. They play above themselves and without playing above themselves, they're Hall of Fame level players.
And I think you have your pick. Next hour, we have Julian Edelman and your pick.
Let's just say you and I disagree significantly on the game.
You think Philadelphia's defense is much better than Kansas City's and I think Kansas City's defense is sneaky good.
I'll have some good numbers for you. Quinyon Mitchell the young quarterback. I mean what he's did against scary Terry McLaurin and two matchups against Puka Nakoupa this year. I mean he's lockdown defender. He take away on one of your stars.
Brown de Hop.
I'm Xavier Worthy.
Well Worthy scares me because I told you I bet his prop. You can move him around the Chelsee, He's gonna be all over the place. So I think I'm gonna go Eagles here, Colin, I think I think we'll see.
So I still contend this is gonna look like the Brady New England Russell Wilson, Pete Carroll, Marshaun Lynt super Bowl where the better overall roster Seattle loses late on a situational play by New England's defense. I think the head coach and the quarterback clearly are edges to Kansas City, and I think it's a close game. Listen, Kansas City doesn't lose close games, and it's not gonna be a blowout.
So Brandon Ingram, do we know if he's playing yet for Philadelphia? Brandon Graham. Graham, you're thinking Brandon Ingram just got moved to the NBA shift.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, well, we don't know still if he's been activated off the IR or not. But the depth on that defensive line is gonna be a major problem. And this whole Chris Jones thing, come, you really think Christian going to man handle my lotta? Have you seen that guy?
You can move Mountain, you can move him off Malata, you can move him around. Listen here. The best part about this is you can talk about referees.
We have the best quarterback coaching, situational team against the best roster. It feels like the right super Bowl in the Crescent City, a great super Bowl history here hours we next