Hannah Fernando is an exceptional lady who brings the sunshine! She is a wife and Nurse, and is commonly known on social media as That Nurse Hannah! She is also the co-founder of Retro Gym Club- a fun, 80s-loving community that celebrates fitness in a fun way!
We kōrero with Hannah about her Nursing journey and a special sign that turned Hannah’s one-day of studying Engineering into a pivot to Nursing! We talk through the highs, lows and lessons of her career so far and how she navigates it all through a lens of humour and connection! We also dive into, the importance of movement, community, a special book idea, seal laughs and more!
We wouldn’t blame you if you had a Deja Vu moment, thinking we have already done a podcast with Hannah! Truthfully, Hannah and Bridget (who we have already done a podcast with) are twin sisters, and they both share the same warm bubble energy!!!
All of our interviews are available to watch via our website too!