Glenn BeckGlenn Beck

'What's In a Name?' - 10/18/18

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Hour 1 

Pat & Stu in for he's off doing a triathlon in South Africa? ...Meanwhile, "why hasn't Riyadh been nuked yet?"...jumping to conclusions in the murdered journalist in Saudi Arabia...Trump and Pompeo easing things over...waiting for more details before 'sanctions' are used to punish Saudi Arabia...'American interests' have to factor into the equations ...What's in a name Kha-sho-ggi?...can we please settle this? ...Hypocrite Actress bans Disney classics to protect daughters? 


Hour 2 

Rape vs. Bill 1999, Juanita Broaddrick said then-President  Bill Clinton had raped her...the media/Hollywood still stay silent...Hillary's hypocrisy in defending Kavanaugh ...The most 'unfunny' late night comedian is? ...A lesson from the Smurfs? ...Will Louis C.K survive the #MeToo movement?...and who gets to decide?..."all accusers starve to death now"?


Hour 3 

Tolerant Left vs. Intolerant Left...the white/black guy Shawn King defends Antifa ..."Shame on you Ted Cruz!"?...the History of 'false' allegations (that no one in the media talks about?) ...Chicago teen posts image of toy know what happens next? ...Surprise! Surprise! it's 'Chewing The Fat' with Jeffy?...back when Stu was a waiter at Apple-bees?...22 burger chains given "F" over antibiotics...Only 2 get 'A'...Chip-olte?...Gluten-Free sucks! ...RIP Jeffy's hero? 'the pimp' of Nevada has died?

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