'We've Seen This Movie Before'? - 7/10/18

Hour 1
Who is Brett Kavanaugh?...Senator Mike Lee tells us...mixed reactions from other Conservatives?...He's no Neil Gorsuch...Good signs Kavanaugh will be a 'Constitutionalist'...'confirmation likely'...What's Next? Constitutional Crisis or Ruling on Circumcision? ...Is the  'Blue Wave' in Texas just a mirage?
Hour 2
Ben Shapiro joins Glenn to share his opinion on SCJ nominee Brett Kavanaugh...Fearing another Justice Kennedy?..."more comfortable with" then SCJ Roberts...Trump hit a double (Kavanaugh) and not another home run (Gorsuch) ...Jimmy Carter, speaking for Jesus? ...'Extra Ordinary Delights' with Aaron and McKayla Hale...Aaron, a blind and deaf Army Staff Sergeant handcrafts delicious treats (eodfudge.com)
Hour 3
Conservative legacy is not what matters? ...'12 Rules for Life Tour' with Dave Rubin...teaming up with Jordan Peterson on the 'Intellectual Dark Web'?...Left, Right and In-The-Middle...every one's eating their own? ...The incredible shrinking airplane bathroom?...Pat Gray's nightmares from airplane travels past? ...The next American Civil War is coming?