Serial: Education in America - The Founders
The Founding Fathers believed whole-heartedly in education. They wanted students to become a learned citizens. They funded every conceivable form of education that existed and believed in school choice. They wanted young citizens who could read and write and had virtue and morality and understood a…
Serial: Education in America - John Dewey
American education has radically changed from what the Founders envisioned. Why? How? It began with a progressive named John Dewey and others who altered the vision of America’s Founding Fathers, replacing it with their progressive vision for education. Dewey’s goal was to transform the educationa…
Serial: Education in America - Common Core
Race to the top. No Child Left Behind. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act. It’s been one gigantic failed federal government educational program after another. And now, there’s Common Core, a program developed by education elites and financed mainly by Microsoft founder Bill Gates. Common C…
Serial: Education in America - The Solution
John Dewey and Horace Mann changed education in America from a classical approach to progressive indoctrination by administering heavy doses of collectivism and socialism into America’s classrooms. Rather than teaching facts and truths based on First Principles and classical education, they introdu…