Glenn BeckGlenn Beck

'Finding More Reason for Optimism?' (Jonathan Bock joins Glenn) - 3/7/18

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Hour 1
Glenn tries something new?...Shares all the good news from all around the world... ‘It's Better Than It Looks’?...the numbers don't lie... ‘hunger may be eliminated in our lifetime’…eradicating all disease by 2030...we must stop feeding fear ... ‘I am so tired of being politically correct’ ... 'Black Mirror' Is Too Real? ranking will be mandatory in China…blacklisted based on your social media, online habits?...Glenn's new Netflix ‘must-watch’?...convincing an average person to murder someone in just 90 minutes...Are we sheep or are we people?
Hour 2
Break out the 'bomb free zone' signs?...ISIS strikes Utah high school?.. we 'refuse' to address real problems ...Finding meaning outside ourselves...with Jonathan Bock...Co-author of ‘The Way Back: How Christians Blew Our Credibility and How We Get It Back’...the fruit of the spirit is not being spread...37% of Christians who go to church say prayer isn't essential...40% rarely open the Bible ...Christians have become the fat guy at the gym who's lecturing others about good health… not living the lives we should live?... ‘The greatest threat to American Christianity is American Christians’…a ‘grand plan’ to change culture? do Christians show they’re different from the rest of society?
Hour 3 
Trump top economic adviser to resign?...A presidential proclamation coming ...all red, white and blue and eagles... ‘he likes conflict’…a good reason why Trump wants a staff of rivals?...understanding a little of everything from everybody ... why Glenn first sought God and found faith…thank you to Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking…If Glenn Beck and Penn Gillette ran the country? ...Feeling good, loaded with hate?...Assignment for the audience: Watch ‘The Push’ on Netflix…average people, terrifying situation, 90 minutes to murder?... ‘when it counts,’ who do we blame?

The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio

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