Climbing to Insanity | Guests: Chris & Emily Norton | 5/29/19

Published May 29, 2019, 4:18 PM

Hour 1 Paying to climb to your death ...Missouri's last abortion clinic is about to close. Safe rare and illegal to Shout Your Abortion. Arrogance will be their undoing. Netflix and their deal with the devil ...The Seven Longest Yards with Chris and Emily Norton 

Hour 2 Justin Amash challenges President Trump, the greatest Showman. The art of spinning 'truth' to your favor ...More than just a 'trade war' with China. Leading the way on 5G. Praying for President Trump and those around him 

Hour 3 Bob Mueller finally speaks. "No charges, Investigation is over." However, Russia is trying to interfere in our elections. Nothing new here. The quest for the Definitive with no smoking guns ...Watch BlazeTV for Free Now