Hour 1
Another disturbing story…The Roy Moore death spiral ...Who has any credibility anymore?... Resist this instinct?...where's the giant tax cut we were promised?...President Trump's DOD nominee thinks it's ‘insane’ for civilians to buy these? ...Believe it or not: CNN grills Gloria Allred over Roy Moore's accuser's yearbook...3 new accusers don't fit the pattern...Culture in the south was different in the ‘60s and ‘70s...Roy Moore's bizarre attorney... ‘so where's he going with this?’ ...Flashback 1999: Dan Rather just wanted Bill Clinton's sex allegations to ‘go away’ ...non-political conversations are almost impossible
Hour 2
Ethical dilemmas with having children?...NBC think piece says your kids are destroying the planet...kids are bad for your environment ...'Zero Hour' with Harry Dent: How to survive the next coming global crash...'ominous signals,' warning signs ...'The Hindenburg Omen' tracker....right now everyone is currently getting a 'free lunch' (quantitative easing)... ‘We need a bottom-up economy’...Socialism is popular now thanks to our government ...Example: Italy...People are just not having kids...too expensive to have a family... ‘we are not in a growth cycle’...market could go down 40% in just a few months?...where are the safe havens? ...Are you prepared? Take this quiz and find out?...What items are you lacking?...Stocked up on shoes and feminine products?? ...Uh-oh, Al Franken has just been accused of groping a woman ...Mike Lee may be the last man standing
Hour 3
Small margin of error...for the GOP tax (scam)?...We love to hate successful people...with hot wives?? ...Will Al Franken survive? ...Help, Bid and Win at the 'Mercury One M1 Ball': Get your tickets NOW at MecuryOne.org/M1Ball ...Electric car company claims huge breakthrough in the future of solid state batteries...this could change everything, again! ...Real or Fake?: Long lost Da Vinci painting sells for $450 Million ...A predator’s pattern
The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio