Hour 1
At least 5 women now... There are more important things then just winning ...Gloria Allred = Al Sharpton... ‘she is awful’...reduces credibility...Accuser speaks out; Moore says he doesn’t know her ...Denouncing Roy Moore list grows...Mike Lee, Ted Cruz ...'The History of Antifa'...learn more about the roots of this radical group tonight on The BlazeTV.com ...$375 Antifa jackets available at Barney’s ...USA Today knows more about firearms than you do...Glenn goes to range with his new 'chainsaw bayonet'?? ...Jeffy is back!...and 'winning'??...A vote for Jeffy is a vote for leprosy....
mercuryone.org/armadillo ...Transracial: White man claims to be Filipino...Uh-oh: Glenn thinks he's Chinese
Hour 2 *
Why doesn't the media care about Rand Paul beating? ...Driving to extinction with former General Motors executive Bob Lutz...Human-driven vehicles will be extinct by 2025...'Transportation companies' will take over...What does the car of the future look like?...a revolution in vehicle autonomy...'mapping potholes'...120 mph speed limits coming soon...the status on the 'flying car'...more like flying 'modules'...Eliminating risky behavior behind the wheel...car brands won't matter...more 'efficient' transportation coming...'virtual' travel...Be prepared for a gradual change ...ELO is back! US Tour coming 2018
Hour 3*
(Drum roll) 'GQ's Citizen of the Year' is?...Mediate columnist John Ziegler joins the show to discuss 'standards' of accusations...i.e. Roy Moore...Scary Media: Proof of assault 40 years later??...The media's 'completion percentage' is better than Colin Kaepernick’s...the rules we are creating could become very dangerous ...Check! Check! Check!...Forces of political correctness are destroying all of us ...Welcome back Michael Bublé ...Until the left goes after Bill Clinton, they have ZERO credibility ...Flashback: Juanita Broaddrick ...Win a New GMC Truck at MercuryOne.org/m1ball
The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio