Glenn BeckGlenn Beck

10/29/18 - 'Rendezvous with Destiny'?

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Hour 1

Antisemitism is a Disease?...on the rise all over the's always the world against the Jew... we have to stand shoulder to shoulder with our Jewish brothers and sisters...America is not better than the rest of the world, we just see things differently? ...Pat Gray...Moron-Trivia? ...Media:  Cartoon arguments and horrible discourse?


Hour 2

The Simpsons PC media culture...reportedly getting rid of character 'Apu'...coddled whining people...South Park to the rescue?..."lets praise him"? ..."Are we a bad country or a good country?"..."is it worth saving'...learning from our history...World War II...damned if you do, damned if you don't?...defending basic principals...all men are created equal...what happen to our foundations that kept us together?...'The Golden Rule' ...Twitter is making some changes? 


Hour 3

It's time for 'Pooperoni On San Francisco Streets'? ...Stu, election by the numbers?...still looking good for Senate Republicans, but still, not so good in the House?...October surprises?...Who else is fanning the flames of hatred?...Is Twitter or Facebook? ...Caller, Alison from Kentucky shares her experience from last weekends Trump rally in Illinois...'Conservatives suck at chanting' ...Democrat Joe Lieberman defends President Trump...'let’s praise him' when he does good ...Meet Glenn in Pittsburgh this weekend, get your 

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