Glenn BeckGlenn Beck

10/23/18 - 'Open Borders is Socialism' | Guests, Gov. Greg Abbott & Matt Whitworth

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Hour 1 

Migrant Caravan = Invasion...just in time for the early voting...will Mexico help stop illegal invasion...another reason for a 'wall'...mass chaos yet to come? times like these one can't help but grow to appreciate Donald Trump...who is supplying these caravans?...we are witnessing a Marxist protest right before our eyes...what would Canada do? ...Trump-Cruz rally in Houston Texas = Huge Blow Out...over 30,000 in the crowd ...Texas Governor Greg Abbott joins to encourage early voting...'mass' amount of voting is expected in Texas...Open Borders is Socialism...George Soros the man behind the lefts madness...trying to change Texas into California...Is President Trump serious about cutting off aid, as punishment to stop caravans? Yes ...Keeping Texas Red


Hour 2 

Election by the Numbers?...Who's looking hot and who's not?...the Democratic Party's Keith Ellison problem? ...Islamic cleric explains why Muslim women wear Hijab...a culture no known for embracing women as equals...equals to what? ...7,500 Political Marxist activists marching towards our borders...tolls and consequences?...why aren't the migrants holding the American flag?...MS-13 are killing people 4 x the rate of school shootings?...a very real the migrant caravan a political gift for President Trump...Mexico stop must stop or lose all aid


Hour 3

Conservative App Launch...'The Update' with Matt Whitworth...a more conservative Drudge Report...connecting conservatives with conservatives...facing the future of the Democratic Socialist Party?...radical leftist have invaded DC and the DNC ...Alyssa Milano was asked to disavow Linda Sarsour? ...'Lawyer to Porn Stars' with offices at The Fashion Island Mall? ...Who planted the bomb at Mr. Enemy of Freedom (George Soros) home?...Mr. Enemy of Freedom ...New York Times: 'Anatomy Does Not Determine Gender'...originates between your ears and not between your legs?

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