10/12/17 - 'Hypocrites don't win' (Joshua Parker joins Glenn)

Published Oct 12, 2017, 5:04 PM
Hour 1
Separating the Constitution from our God-given rights ...Even if NBC were reporting fake news, you couldn’t shut down the free press … if information is truly wrong, take it to court ...Everyone needs to think before they tweet ...The Constitution is there for the unpopular people ... ‘Do we even believe in what we say we believe anymore??’ ...Programming A.I. with what truth? ...Government should never mess with the press ...Basic principles of life...do we have any left? ...Everybody thinks they are good at parody ...Just because you can do it doesn't always mean you should do it ...We don't listen to each other anymore 
Hour 2 
Hell has arrived in California...wildfires rage on ...Times like these remind us what matters...Prayers and help today! www.MercuryOne.org ...NBC News starting to eat their own?...self-destruction everywhere in the media ...Harvey Weinstein speaks: ‘I am not OK’... ...Oreo's, America's most trusted brand? ...Everything is being redesigned ...Millennial entrepreneurs Josh and Alessandra Parker from ParkersMaple.com join the show to share their success story 
Hour 3
 Are we tired of the news or ignoring it all together? ... Deadly ambush in Niger leaves four US soldiers dead...did you know we were in Niger? … meanwhile back at home, empathy tents are popping up everywhere ...Rush Limbaugh: President Trump is 'starting to make me nervous’? ...More and more and more regulation is coming ...Most Popular Halloween Costumes of 2017 ...psychic vs. numerologist ...Both sides are shutting down the First Amendment ...Generation Clueless ...No cure for ‘Ted Kennedy disease’? ...President Trump eases Obamacare with executive order.
The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.