We sit down with Bay Area Mob Music Legend D-Shot to discuss how suffering from poverty as a youth fueled him and his brother E-40's hustle, how a duffle bag of bread may have allegedly started it all, How reading "Think & Grow Rich" changed his mindset, His lucrative film side hustle and D-Shot reveals what inspired inspired the record that not only catapulted The Click to stardom, but spawned the phrase "Captain Save A H*e".and much more!
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Gangs, the chronic goals. This is not your average show.
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Welcome to the gangst The Chronicles podcast, the production of iHeart Radio and Black Effect Podcast Network. Make sure you download the iHeart app and subscribe to Against the Chronicles for my Apple users, hit the purple Michael your front screen. Subscribed Against the Chronicles, leave a five star rating. The comment wiz adding was adding, what's adding? It's another episode of Against the Chronicles podcast. It's your boy, big steal. Yeah, you know what all y'all haters out there, y'all, but have your cape on real tight and we got somebody in here the night, the plugs and real right only d D shot. What's cracking with your dog?
What's up?
Why? How you doing? Man?
Man? I'm chilling, man. It's an honor and a pleasure. Man. Half you wont hear?
I appreciate y'all. Man, Uh, but you know giving me that access code? Come on? You know what I mean?
Oh? For sure. We gotta do it, though. We gotta do it like that. Man. If we don't reach out to our young brethren man and do it big, who else will we.
Gotta stick with each other. Man.
You know what I'm saying. It's our duty and the obligation. Man, Why you want to tell you man that album is slapping.
Man, I appreciate it.
Man, you know, hey, exactly, it's been exactly.
It's been a while.
It's been it's been a while since I came out with a new albums probably about well years in twelve years something like that. And you know, years I wasn't really tripping. I was doing movies and ship like that. I was doing everything else. You know, I'm an entrepreneur. I'll be all over the place, you know what I mean. You know, I be tating ship, I be doing all kinds of other stuff. You know what I mean, Because I'm just that entrepreneur.
So you know.
But you know, rapp is my first love. Music is my first love. Thanks to people like that can over there, m C eight. You know, we got somebody that we can model after.
You know what I mean. When I first seen h on the scene, that dog, that guy brother.
Yes, yes, I appreciate it, man, I appreciate it.
You're still that guy. I love it. Here, you come on back in. You made the record.
Yet I'm working on some ship right now.
Man, you gotta do it, bro, you got to boy you. He was too hard out there, man, he was hard.
Yeah, we're gonna, we're gonna get back under. We're gonna get back to the microphone. You feel me, you know, let him know what's happening.
He was.
Definitely one of my idols. And I guarantee you what you want.
Forty idols too, man, I mean like we we we smiled your ship on a regular basis.
Look, Yeah, I talked, I talked to you. I talked to you. I talked to forty all the time.
He hits me, he hits me up in my d M all the time. So we chopped it up. I appreciate it too, man. It's good looking, it's all good. It's all good.
Yeah. Let me ask you, d shop man, do you feel that the stream when theyor messed up the game a little bit?
Yes and no.
The reason why I say yes and no is because first of all, we we're not getting paid. Probably we should should be getting paid, you know what I mean, Because like you know, you gotta have all these certain amount of streams to make some money. You gotta have a whole lot to see some bread. And to me, I think that you know, they win en off the subscribers who buying into their subscriptions whatever, and and they making more money than the artists down there.
You know what I mean, we should getting We should be getting more.
But then again, for those people that be on the radio and be hating on niggas like us underground niggas and ship it, it give us still another platform to be able to people can hear our music, you know what I mean, like or stuff like that, man, And it's still it's keeping our name out there. So we just gotta find other ways and other avenues to make bread.
You know.
The concerts give our own shows. Our branding.
You know, whatever brand we got, you know what I'm saying, whatever we strand we got, whatever whatever.
Clothing line we got, you know what I mean, we just got.
We gotta work everything else that surrounds uh surrounds are our brand, our brand. And I think even though I even though I did not get a website for this album, but I'm getting ready to get one done this week because now I'm starting to see it's going back to the beginning of websites, Like Okay, your Instagram people. Okay, let's see, you got one hundred thousand followers. All you gotta do is direct them to your website where all everything you got, all your old CDs, all that should be for sale physically, all that she should be. We been assigned autogress with all that, all that stuff man, and clothing or whatever.
Everything you got.
Your booking you can you can you can uh put your bookings for sale, like you know, hey, book this show, get the next one for free from me.
You know what I mean?
Nine been killing the game for years, he's been he's been killing it with strange music.
They've been killing it.
Bro. They we were slow slow.
Over two hundred shows a year.
Bro, man, we're slow.
And in the year, so he do two hundred shows, bro and.
That cad he barely get a little radio play every down there, you know what I mean. So you know, you know, we gotta we gotta, we gotta like it's like kind of like gang banging.
You gotta fuck with who fuck with you? And you know, you know what I mean, You gotta exactly who your folks is.
You gotta fuck with who your folks is in the in the Instagram and Facebook is showing you who your folks is they right there with you?
If they're organic?
Right, if they if they not paid for? If they organic?
Yeah, if they organic. So I choose for shooting shoes and I paid for mine. You know, I got eighty thousand followers. When I came back in, I had about thirty, so I wasn't really fooling with the Instagram like that. So I can see that, I can see the growth. I can see that they they they're welcomed.
Me back in. You know, they let me back in and they are you know, it's organic.
And I'm interacting back and forth with everybody pop on my DM.
I'm like, hey, thank you for the comment. You know what I mean.
You know, let's like sign your checkout Like here, man, y'all fuck with you, you fuck with me, You wipe my feet, I wipe your feet.
You know what I mean?
Yeah? For sure, Yeah for sure, for sure. You know man, you you've got your own stuff going, man, but you're part of a legendary Man. What I feel like is like the Bay Area, not just the Baby, but California's you know, franchise group.
I made a lot of uh dairy moves. I made a lot of took a lot of sacrifices even help being a part of this whole babe, uh independent game, you know what I mean. You know, at the beginning, it was you know, it was me and my uncle, you know, Saint Charles, you know what I mean. And uh, you know, I have to talk him into. You know, he was a preacher. He still is a preacher, you know what I mean, he's a minister. But at the same time, I have to talk him in and let him know, Hey, man, he made a record in.
The seventies, you know what I mean, already figured out.
He had that part of the game already figured out. And he and he used to you know that used to have a sign company. So he made our first album copy, you know what I mean. He didn't say Charles, because he he had that experience of making signs, you know what I mean, and stuff like that. So you know, But anyway, the main thing is that, you know, one day he came over with my house. You know, I was about seventeen, and I mean they're being hard headed. I mean, they're doing some things I ain't got no business doing as far as just you know, you.
Know what I mean.
On the street dude, you know what I mean exactly, And uncle, as he should, he got on my head as he should. He got on my head and he was like, bro, man, you can't keep doing this. Bro, You're gonna get You're gonna get your toes knocked off and and you know, and I'm like, man, you know, check this out. And ain't nobody in my family even had no money?
You know what I mean.
You know you're gonna help us with the record. Were trying to make the record. You're gonna help us, you.
Know what I mean.
You're like, if you keep doing this, you're going to jail. I'm like, check this out. Man, you ain't you a preacher?
He said?
Yep, I said, ain't.
Ain't you preachers supposed to help people like me who out here acting the fool And he ain't doing right.
He paused.
He Paul's real quick right there. He passed.
He just, oh, let me think about this one. He was like, well, you know, take a lot of records to make an album, you know what I'm saying. And uh, I said, it's not the money. I went in the room and grab me a for bad full of bread.
You know what I mean.
I just I just sold.
I sold one of my mustangs. You know what I mean?
Right as far you know, you know what I'm talking about exactly, you know what I mean. And uh, I pulled out a bag of money, you know what I mean. I was like, like, I got bread. We got bread. And he was like, all right, I'll tell you what, man, I'm gonna go home and see if I can give my wife blessing, you know what I mean, the blessing to you know, see if she would she down for if he come in and start helping us, Because.
I'm gonna tell you something about them. Wif they get nervous when you see you start messing with that music again, because they feel like, oh man, we go, you're about to be gone all the time. It's about to be all kind of shenanigans again. They don't want that sometime.
The thing about it, man, is she but she could have shut it down, bro, She's like, oh no, you ain't messing with that. She could have shut it down, but she actually seen something. She gave him the blessing.
You know.
He came back a week later knocking on my dough. Let's go get the business license, let's get let's.
Get going going, and and my uncle.
Ended up being you know, he either have been a very very smart genius who who got in there and learned the distribution game to the highest degree. When made it was more like it made the yellow brick roll for everybody else to be able to come to him and say, okay, God, get your help and he'll be able to get you some money up front. You know what I mean, Like you come in, he get you pre orders. You got a pre order fifty thousand units, you got you gotta check in your pocket for like one hundred and fifty thousand. You know what I meant, your record, go ill appoint your record.
We don't need a major company at that point. Who was getting pre orders, you know what I mean? Who was getting pre orders and co D you know what I mean.
We sow.
We sew the wholesale though, you know, but we was.
Getting that that money up front where we could be able to keep moving.
He was able to move together, you know what I mean. Who was wiggling? So everybody came over and it came over.
And uh and dealt with my uncle, you know, Master P you know J T, Bigger Fiery, all the cast they all came, you.
Know what I mean?
And uh and I like to say that, you know, if it wasn't for a D shot, what would have happened?
I don't know, I don't know, you know what I mean.
That's you stir up as.
You know, you put the wheels in motion because you know, you want to try to flip that brig because niggas know you was in that street game, you know what I'm saying. And people get nervous when they see they you know, they people in the street.
Game knowing that.
You know, you try to be cautious with everything you work, but them streets are still treacherous. But then you know you had to you had you had another game plan, like what ship, nigga, If you want me to get out the streets, then you're gonna have to help us put this record ship together. Because that was just like that was just like the D game, you know what I'm saying, Taking that product, flipping it, trying to serve it to motherfuckers.
You know.
Then you're running in and out of states trying to serve that product too, you know what I'm saying. So that that was a good way to flip it, especially because we we already had experience a little bit, you know what I'm saying with.
The street game.
So now it's a little bit, you know, same thing with flipping them records a little bit.
It's the same thing, same principal. Man, You go get your store. I don't care what kind of store you got. You got a store selling the flowers.
All you're doing is, you know, you you you're buying flowers at a low price and you sell them resale.
You're buying it and sell it feel high, you know what I mean? Making some money.
Now, did you imagine, you know, when you got with your uncle, man, that it would be like this man, y'all got a whole conglomerate man, what it was?
Let me tell you something too.
At the same time, you know, I end up going away anyway, I ended up doing two years, you know what I mean, and my uncle still out there making it happen him and my mother. My mother was helping him with just you know, the distribution company, and uh, you know, and we had a record out forty of them kept going.
And then the thing about.
It is when I went away and I want to the school of hard knocks, I was in that bad boy studying. Like really, I was hitting the books. Uncle, send me a letter every week, and like, man, hit them books, bro. Knowledge is power, you know what I mean? So I started hitting them books hell hard.
Right when I got out.
I was ready, I'm talking about I was ready, bro. I mean I missed a few steps. I should have been a billionaire by now. I missed a few steps because of my youth. But but the knowledge was there, the moves was there, you know what I mean.
I got out, I put it on. I put the path.
I put it on steroids when I got out, because you know, I was I was already a sharp mode. I was already watching everything, looking around. Because when you was at where I was, that you gotta keep. You gotta stay up observative, you gotta like and it sharpens you up in a certain way because you pay attention to the details. See, in business, you gotta pay attention to the details. And in the in the pen, you gotta pay attention to the details.
You know what I mean.
You don't get dumb, ship, So you use that same third eye and you you and you take that book knowledge.
You know what I mean.
Always always tell people I read book, think and grow rich to me. That helped to me, that book helped really expand my horizons.
Man, It's like it introduced new new game to me.
And you know, the dude was spiritual, and the dude was making moves, and the dude was visualizing.
The dude was writing down his goals. You know, what are you gonna do in ten years?
You know, before you go to bed, you look at your goals and you read them. You imagine you and that Mercedes Bens. You imagine you and that in that uh, in that mansion.
You know what I mean.
And the thing about it is every last one of them goals I wrote down and I was visualizing on when I was in there. I woke up one morning I was like, damn, I end up having everything that I put down on my ship.
I believe it.
You start crying because because it was like It's like, basically, what you did was you told your space suit, which is your body right, your ears, your nose, your eyes. When you write it down, all you're doing is reading it back to you. I'm talking about Look, you've got to innerview, you got to.
Out of you.
So what you did was you wrote it down and you read you put in their physical form or you read it to you, to you shot calling, Nigga, this is what we finna do.
Ears nose, eyes, feet, and this is what we're gonna do. You know what I mean? Have you ever heard of people you know that that's that's pretty ill. And they be like, I'm tired.
And they, you know, they're just they be saying, I'm tired, bro. And when you getting tired, they they they mean, they telling their body. Not not the kind of tired where they just want to go to sleep rest. They really telling the eyes, ears nose that we're ready to just go. We're ready to shut.
Down up the tongue speak life and death.
So you gotta watch what you tell yourself.
You don't watch you you you know what's crazy? Shot? I read that book too, man, and what's crazy bout it? You know? The original print of that book came out like a nineteen thirty and something like that, Bro, the first for today. Hey, that's the first book I read. And when I read that book, Shot, that was the first year I made sposted half a million dollars. I made the first money ever made in my life. Then I read another book called called ten X ten X principal by Grand Cardon told you how to think big. You know, if you around somebody ate and they telling you, man, you ain't gonna go start no podcasts, you ain't gonna be no rap. You want them people from around you. Bro. Anybody that ever told me what I couldn't do and wasn't with me in the plan I kicked into the curve, bro, if you ain't with me, because I'm gonna tell you eight. If you notice everything you talk about doing, Bro, I'm just trying to go do it because I feel like I ain't gone to stop us.
That's right.
If another day I have You can't have negativity around you, they always say, uh, you know you block your blessings when you have negativity around you. And uh, when you have people around you that can't see the vision you feel me or it's just sometimes people don't want to see it, you know what I'm saying. Because people can't stand to see that you might make it to that spot, is what it be.
So yeah, you definitely have to get yourself around people like that.
You know, those would be the people who pray on your downfall, you feel.
Let me ask y'all both this right here. God, when you first start doing music and when y'all doing that stuff, it wasn't popular at the time as far as a potential career. Did you have people laughing at you?
Uh? I can't say that there was laughing at us. I can't say that.
Well, don't you have some dubtin Thomas is due?
I mean, like it's a couple of catchs that was laughing at forty, Like you know, they was laughing at his rap style, like like one of somebody that worked at the distribution company. He was talking about, you know when we first started knocking knocking on the doors, talking about you know, it does sound like.
What do you drink on crack? You know what I mean?
And you know it's a few people was talking crazy, but you know you can't let that stop you man.
You know it's just like them telling, you know, walk.
Disney Man cartoon that he was right drawing up, man, like Nigga, you ain't.
Finna do that with that? What you'll do with that?
And what I'm gonna tell you all both something they laughed at. They laughed at him. When he said he would go open up a theme park for children, they laughed at him in said, you're ridiculous. Colonel Sanders went around everybody in the country eight pixture his ideal for this fried chicken, and you didn't get he was eighty years old. Dog, that's right. That say something powerful. Dog, it's like man, the power with the tongue. Man, it's like, man, I'm getting sentimental. Man. When I first came to California, brought I had fifty dollars in my pocket and somebody had stole my clothes because I came from Cleveland Howard nineteen eighty eight to come out here and play Long Beach City College coach Wheels Shaw Rest and people. That man changed my life. You got my little taping on house said I want to bring you right here to California. I was supposed to go to Central State but didn't have no grades. I thought I was to be working at the factory. Off my life. That man called me, and I talked to my puffs. I said, I'm gonna get out to California. We ain't got no bread man. My pups looked in the newspaper and found a ticket to Vegas for three hundred dollars. They got that. He slid the three hundred to me. Man, I got that ticket and I caught a bus. I went to go call my mama, man, and left my bag over there. Somebody stole my leggat that quick, man, and I'm here. I had another bag that was on my shoulder that had two pairs of drawers in it and some socks and my wallet. I had fifty dollars man, and I got on the bus the great I got the Greyhound Long Beach, California. I'm so green. I just go to Long Beach, California. Don't have no way to call nobody here. Three o'clock in the morning, I asked somebody, where's Long Beach City College at. I'm down off Pchch somewhere eight. You know the Greyhound bus station used to be a Long Beach. I'm down there at three o'clock in the morning, green and country as hell. And so this dude said, man, you about eight miles from there. He said, walk down p h hit the traffic circle. You gonna go straight up lake Wood Boulevard.
I walked, and I.
Saw Long Beat City College like a mile off the distance, you know, you building up the street, and I saw the long Beat City College Science and Man, I went to set in the stairs. I saw the athletic department. I set in the stairs, an athletic department and saw the sunrise, and I cried. I said, I made it. I'm here nothing I ain't. Ain't no turning back. I'm here. I'm at this point right now. Man, My had partners back home. Man, why you going out there? Man? You going out there? Ain't nothing gonna happen for you out there. Man, That man Will shaw Man not only was my football coach, him and coach Murphy was my father figures. And really I started believing in my stuff because that was the first time I had really just some other men that we was speaking life and to me, Man, I messed around and got a scholarship. I was out of there in two years. That scholarship more for the graduated, and I graduated. The Spring could have win more places, but I got out of there. Though.
You know that's that that's that power of mentorship.
You know what I mean, we all need somebody to help uplift us. Man, right in this world, you know what I'm saying. Even when we went through eight I mean like when we was young, all the ghetto ship that we went through everything that we rap about, all the stuff.
It's all to be used to help download into the next.
Person right adressa your son, you look, your cousin, or somebody on the street that just needs some need some advice, you know what I mean.
Hey, we we can tell him. Look, man, don't go that route.
Don't go that route. Bro, we already been that route. I'm trying to give you a short cut. If you listen to me, man, you'd be good, you know what I mean. So that's what we hear for, man, that's what we're here for. Man.
Sometimes niggas don't want to take advice and ship because they always think, you know, uh, you might be trying to steal the wrong and we have we've had to face that, you know, that versity sometimes, you know, we've all been through it. Like you said, have somebody to lift you up, man, or tell you, you know, maybe give you that hand and tell you what's the right move or the wrong move, you know, like your uncle did when he told you know.
This the move, get out the streets. This the move. You know what I'm saying.
Sometimes we be naive to the fact of seeing those you know, those signs for those better pathways in front of us, especially when you're young and you're coming from the streets and repping the hood and you're going through that transition. It's kind of hard, like I say now, because you know, we was once the seventeens and eighteens and felt like, you know, playing the plan we was doing at the time, and shit, this is working for me. I don't give a fuck with the nigga saying this working for me. And then there's somebody who come along who can really reach you and be like, check this out. You know what I'm saying, You don't need to do that shit, try this shit, Let's try this way. And you know he came from the gate, let's go get the businesslights and said, you know, he was thinking from the beginning, we about to really turn this into some real smart shit.
You know what I'm saying.
You know, the hustle game, we all, we all get caught up when it's the hustle game.
I don't give a fuck.
All the money come in and the accolades of it, but one time or another, you know what I'm saying, that shit gonna catch us.
Man. Everybody in the ghetto was prone to that. Man. I came out here and kept for a while, and I got caught up in it for a minute, to the point to where Coach Shaw told me, whatever it is that you're doing and got you distracted, you need to stop. When I messed around, he said, you can go. I had University of Miami, I had Virginia Tech, all these schools Oregon. I had to graduate in the spring. They want you there for spring balls. You come from the jay z you only got two years from They want you there in the spring to get acclimated. And he said, man, you gonna mess around and blow it. But I was trying to make money. I didn't have no money out here.
I was eating top Rahman every eight.
That's a hustle. That's the hustlers for lating young nigga. That's a hustlers postums.
I'm gonna tell you you could whip that in all kinds of ways made.
We will tell you what I used to do. I used to go get some onions. What was the grocery store back then? What was the name of the grocery store back then?
Which one? I forget about it. But I used to go buy a little market. Boys market. That's it right there, market one on Anaheim, on Anaheim. I used to go down there and get me a three dollars thing of ground beef, right that three dollars thing of ground beef, last meeting, the whole week. I would eat one of them. I would get one of my rhymen noodles. Right, you know, honey from textas called the rain and noodles. He said, get it back of the rainmon noodles. Right, I get that. I chopped me. I give me a spoonful of slipping the ground beef fried up in the fill it. Then I put my thing in there. I didn't want no whole bunch of water I put I would boil it and I would put butter in it with the stuff.
The ketchup in there, because you know I ain't had no tomato place. Lit's mentioned the chicken.
You get them spaghetti, you see see see when you're locked up, man, that's called a spread, man.
Spread whatever you got in your locker, man, just throw it up in there. Man, we're gonna.
We're putting some were putting some cornuts up in that motherfucker.
Melvi the cheese made.
You gotta how ramen is being made, and all kinds of country flavors and ship. You can take it into some Mexican, you can leave in Japanese and Chinese, turn it into some black people ship you you can have robbed it.
All types of recipes I took.
We went on a vacation that was with my my daughter right and uh I heard it was her birthday and all her her friends and everybody was there. So so at the end of the trip we had a whole bunch of food left. I was like, let me show you how to hook something up, how to take straps, scraps and just make it happen. I popped and pop rooms in there.
Cut that chicken up, man, that was left over, you know what I mean. Pop a little can that chicken and cream. Pop that up in there too, you know what I mean. It was some hot sauce and so ripping all up.
They was strong.
It was like, damn, did you put the little pegget in there too?
I put a little packet that you gotta do that.
You gotta put the little season and packet up in there in there. Man, I'm gonna tell you what I survived. I survived for two years off of that. That's why would my son be telling me they like, man, I'm hungry, and I'm gonna be making them one beat fried chicken, the other one beating spaghetti.
I'll be like, look, whatever, all ain't hungry.
Right, cutting up nigga. We cutting up nigga.
We cutting up potatoes and even French fries and ship nigga whatever you could get. And they got a pack of bake and throw that up in there. And now you got you some French fries and some bacon.
We was, we was eating all kinds of shit when you're struggling trying to figure out, when you're trying to figure out your next motherfucking step in life, when you're in that transition of the seventeens eighteen nineteen, you're trying to figure it out.
It's like most of the time you're not really thinking about you know, right, like today a nigga eats some healthy shit or you know, get them a good meal or whatever. Back then, nigging to strive and to come up. It was like whatever, man, because your thoughts was getting out of this predicament or trying to, you know, further the situation for the better.
So look, bro, to be.
Honest with you, it's hard on the yess's meth transition. Making a transition from me exactly twenty two twenty five is hard.
See. That's why it's important that we come back in.
That's why we coming back in as Titans, setting the record strain and let these niggas know. Hey, man, it's to our records right moving. You're supposed to build player mode. They supposed to be on no killer mode. You're supposed to be on that.
You know.
Let me get some money and let me let me get up on some females. You know what I mean, right, you know.
Like that, Yeah, like you say, shot, it's it's hard for you know, it's hard for the youngster because you know, some some of the youngsters, you know, when we was coming of us, when we was coming up, some of us had the mind state of being, you know, the hustler, and let me get on money, and I ain't tripping the ball. You know, I'm trying to make money with all sections I'm tripping off of. You know, if they got money, I'm gonna get money with them, get money with it. For some niggas, you know, who are trying to come up and establish that reputation, don't know how to transition that easily, you know, saying always about the pistol in the neighborhood and that comes first, and trying to prove the loyalty.
You know, I knew a lot.
I knew a lot of young niggas when I was young coming up who wasn't all about just you know, viciousness.
You get me.
Niggas was like you said, niggas was the players, and they had the money and all the bitches, and they had all the fancy new cars, and you know, you trip off or you know, see the nigga like damn that that's supposed to be an enemy. A nigga hanging with how how do he get to hang with the enemies? And they you know, but shit, somebody like us who's the rough riders. Niggas is blasting on us and nigga we blasting on it.
Then niggas over their handshaking like how does how do shit work? Niggas didn't know how to transition that. The older you got and the more you start getting about, you know, nigga, we got to make It's got to be about money and motherfucking establishing motherfucking relationships. It ain't about that, you know, and and and I can understand that because, like I said, some niggas come up rough without that mentorship of being you know guided. You know a lot of niggas out there just hongry and just you know, desperate, like to prove the loyalty.
To the spot.
And and when you ain't on money and shit, sometimes it's gonna be difficult. And all you got is the pistol to prove your work with you feel.
Me, let me ask you all something. Let me ask you something, and I guarantee you that to be fair, I guarantee the toldert dude that y'all both knew in your life didn't have to use no pistol.
A lot of a lot of niggas that I saw, as you know, niggas who was about their business. A lot of times them niggas would try to be you know them, niggas would try to be cool with every nigga, especially aramatic, the different especially with different sections. Because if I'm a nigga with the if I'm a nigga with the work, I'm I need everybody to come get this ship I just don't need the niggas on the on the on the west side to come get it. You give me. I need the niggas on the east side to come get it. I need the niggas on the south side to come get it. I need to serve to that, to the to the to the niggas across the way, niggas out the county, and and and niggas with You can't. I can't be restricted because once you restrict it, you can't get all the money. And in the mind state is nigga. I want all the motherfucker. I don't want just no of it.
I want it all. You feel me.
The only way I could get that is by I have to be that liaison you get you know what I'm saying, Like.
I took his cat. You're gonna be if you're gonna be a rapper, you know what I mean?
You you you you should not be out there making enemy.
You supposed to be out there kissing babies, shaking hands. You know what I mean.
You know I tell these yesters though, I mean, it's it's very rare for a youngster to just come up out his hood unscathed. Mean that, if you if you think you don't come up out that hood without getting it funk on your on your rids to fame.
You got another thing coming exactly.
You know what I'm saying.
I mean, you can't. You're neverna be able to keep all the niggas happy. But what you would, what you could do, is you can keep.
Him at bait. You can. You need to recognize who the niggas is and and give him some love. You know what I mean. Don't on on your way up. Don't don't don't don't like, don't like, just don't like just pushing in their face. Don't just pull up in a bentley on him and don't say nothing.
To him, you know what I mean?
All that?
Mannah, Man, you pull up? Man, If you pull up, man, you know, hey, Bro, you wanna drink something?
Man? Want to smoke? What how you doing?
Okay, even though you know he.
Really don't you really don't like you, but he probably don't change his views about you a little something after you're notching him as being the boss as well.
You know what I mean?
Right, A lot of casts, a lot of justice right now, they get killed like a motherfucker. These rappers, they high risks. I don't even I don't even want a baby sitting. None of these niggas don't even want any go on my label because the simple.
Fact that he high risks rich especially if you're a Numblehead rapper. If you're a Numblehead rapper, right, you triple high risk.
I don't seen so many talented dudes, man, I'm talking about some of the most talented dudes on't every scene. Man, they just can't get it right because they can't leave the streets alone. They hot headed, man, they taking the where they go.
It's hard.
It's hard, Like like I say, it's hard to make that transition, like we're saying, yeah, especially if if your upbringing.
Was that lifestyle first, right, because.
I was thinking so a lot of that even somebody's representing even their lifestyle.
They just I'm speaking on I'm speaking on us from the past today. It's I mean, the generation is way different, you know what I'm saying, because, like you said, you got some dudes who ain't never grew up on that street or never been through that lifestyle. And you know, hard, the hard as a motherfucker niggas to shoot you faster than the motherfucker too faster than a bumb or piss on the.
Hearing to be hard because they put because now that you wrap, now that you got something, now that you got some boys hanging around you, now you've been put in a position where you feel like you need to be hard. Of course, yeah, really, you're really not that guy. And some of the other cats on the streets know you're not that guy.
They grew up with you. You ain't that guy. Why he acting like that now, you know what I'm saying.
Yeah, that's why you get. That's why you get all the killing and the beef. Because if I'm a nigga who went to high school with you and knew you was a nerdy punk in high schoo school, and then two years out of high school, you over here with a face full of tattoos talking about you, gun niggas up and you're showing gun I'm like, this nigga was a buster in motherfucking house.
Well, that transition is also possible, don't forget. You can get bullied into some ship to the point where that you know you, you know how, you you know how dog a little puppy was a puppy and he all had to go lucky and jumping all old people, and then all of a sudden he become that grown dog chilling.
And he sit down looking like a pi pull like man, just don't come on over here, over here.
You know what I mean is the most, dudes, he ain't that young dog. You know, he don't play no more. He grown now he's like, bro, don't don't even don't even try to come over here.
Most he got something, He got something to prove now because when mother motherfuckers knew he was young, Nigga was jumping and pissing on everybody and somebody pet on you.
Nigga, now you got to prove that, Nigga, I'm not that motherfucker no more, don't and I'm and I'm damn shore gonna bite with with with an no remorse, you feel me, because the thing is, I got to prove to you I'm a real pit bull. You get me like you said you saw me motherfucking two years ago, Nigga, I'm licking all on motherfuckers and happy to be around. And like you said, the nigga walk up, he pissing all on hisself and whatever. So with knowing that motherfuckers feel like, oh I got to prove to you are my heart niggas, so yeah, I'll shoot you in two seconds and ship nigga.
I don't give a fuck. Just include my work.
To tell you something now, Dudes and dudes who just got tired? Man, guess who just got tired of people playing with him and one day they just snap?
Yeah, it's it's a snapping point.
Differently, y'all doing your thisle with these records. Man always wanted to ask this man, how did the captain save the whole record come about? Y'all brought a whole new term into existence.
It was just that, you know that that kind of cat that you know that that uh he like you know he he the kind of he kind of cant he was on some sucker ship like he like he he the kind of like if you got two other females and you have to let this female and she digging you, he the kind of slide slide and tell her, oh he got he.
Got two bitches. You know what I mean? He got bitches.
You ain't the only bitch, you feel me. That's a that's a player I had. That's a captain save ale right there. You know what I mean, He like, you don't need that nigga. Use a nigga like me and we'll be good. He got two other bitches. Why you want to mess when nigga got two other bitches?
You know what I mean?
That kind of ship, you know, hey, you know what I mean. That's how we came up with that song. Man.
That that's crazy man, because y'all bought a whole new word into existence. I think everybody starts singing it after that song came on. Captain saber Hole, Yeah, the name for a lamee who liked the trick on bread on women.
Well, you know, but like this, we all, we all gonna trick to a certain step. We all gonna go take a female to a restaurant. You go, you're coming out your pocket, you're coming. So I'm not saying there's certain levels of it. Now these cats, these these saber holes, now they really trick it. They breaking it off like really like, you know, really kicking it down. But always say though, at.
This age, I mean, no matter what you're gonna, you're gonna you're gonna buy a female a drink, whether you're at a club or whatever.
I can't call that. I call that being a gentleman.
If I'm buying a drink and you know what I mean, and we you know, we're conversating, I call that being a player.
I call that being you know, hey, I'm looking out for you. You feel me?
You know, because it's grown men now. Man, we like to take our women and let them have a good time. You know your wife, My wife is gonna be the one to reap the benefits of everything because you know, I take my wife. So I like to take on vacations. I like being able to get her some bags. I like being get here here.
They be trying to slide around in front of you and just nigga, he ain't he ain't cool for you.
That's that's the kind of captain safe hold that we be talking about.
Right, the nigga that needs to hate on the motherfucking talk ship just to try to get next to you.
There you go, that's what that is.
You get niggas, niggas. You niggas niggas did that ship. You know.
Anytime a nigga will want what you got, they feel that they would do it by just trying to always feel the broad full of false information or you know, I know that nigga, that nigga ain't this or I heard this or I heard that. So niggas who feel like they can't, you know, they can't step to a female with their own with their own represent tation, they gotta hate on the next nigga. That's just to be able to get the next opportunity. That's what we that's what we called it.
It's real, man. And you know you said earlier Man that you were an entrepreneur, ciingl entrepreneur. I'm a civil entrepreneur myself. You jumped in the movie Game Man at the time that it wasn't a lot of people doing it.
I'm not scared. Like like you said, you wasn't scared to go out and get a podcast. I wasn't scared to you know, take a risk, you know what I mean, take a risk. You know some Tyler Perry had take risks. We all sometimes sometimes, Man, we gotta we we gotta, we gotta damn to go broke.
If you really believe in your project, you can believe in yourself, you have to have money.
Yeah, you're gonna spend some money and you might not make it back because I'm gonna tell you when we started doing Gangster Chrome, because you gotta remember when we started doing the podcast, it wasn't a whole bunch of podcasts out here, and I was executive public, so I'm paying for studio time. I wanted to sound a certain way, so we're paying for the big studio up at the CBS building. I got this and this one dude want to come late all the time, but he don't know whether you show up or not. I still got to pay that engineer for a whole hour because I got a book. I got the room book for an hour. So it was times man to where CATS wasn't coming on time though, and I had to go over and get double time and all that because it was a little different. You know, It's like when you're dealing with those type of engineers and stuff like that, and working in the radio station is kind of like billing you for that time is you wanted to sound a certain way, right. But I will say that everything I spent was worth it, even money that even money that I didn't make back, because I looked at it as a class, like.
You gotta take the risks.
I look at that as training because I'm gonna tell you like this, Like when you read the books like were talking about, like ten X and all these other books, right, these great they call them self help books. The biggest thing they tell you without no risk is no reward. You ain't stand back and expect somebody else to find your dreams.
Look, you know, one of the heaviest books I ever read, you know, besides the thinking go rich was the richest man in Babylon.
If you, if you.
Go get that audio book and and and pop that in your thing. It tells you about every financial situation ever. It even tells you it's like it's like it's back in the the uh biboloonean days, you know what I mean, the way it's talking stuff like that, but really listen to it, how it's getting down. It gives you every situation where even a rich man that ended up getting abroad and she going through his pockets, she's running through it, you know what I mean. It shows stuff like that back in the day type ship and it and all his all his partners and all his rich partners. Was like, bro you know, I'm warning you man, you know you you you you you're going broke.
And now you come and get more help from us.
This is the last time we're gonna help you, because we see what they're broad doing to you.
You know what I mean.
So the man would all the man would, all they broke, and the bitch end is stabbing that motherfucker. And then she stabbed herself through herself and that you phrase when it went broke.
But just stuff like that, you.
Know what I mean, It just shows you everything. I'm gonna go back and read that one more time too, man.
You know, to man, that's right.
I wish you could see that, you know what I mean?
Two popish you can see the corner of my room to Tupac. He was a massive, massive reader too.
Most of it, I'm gonna tell you. I'm gonna tell you a staff man ninety five percent, no, ninety nine percent of fortune five hundred Ppany people read on average four hours of books quarter. I feel what I'm saying. That's a quartering every three month. They're reading at least four hours worth of books, right, and they make three hundred average person that gets a worker may not read none, dude. They may read two minutes, and that's telling you something. They make three hundred and thirteen they make three hundred percent less than the person that does all that reading. Man knowledge the power. My wife, if I wish you would see the corner of my MIC's thing. And right now I got a gang of books. My wife like, you read those books already, why don't you throw themway? And said, no, those are life, those survival mechanism. And they said, don't be the tree, become the salt. That's one of my favorite books, right because I've said sometimes when I'm down not I have to read them books to remember how to get back to my mission.
That's right.
But at the same time, though, I remember, you know, doing a lot of reading, getting a lot of knowledge, I became you could become the book. Mean that you can get stagnated in the knowledge, but your action, you're not putting forth action. What you got to go do? See, I have to put the books down. You gotta put them down too, Like, okay, no more books.
I ain't get I got to get moving on these streets. I gotta get wiggling. You feel what I'm saying, see it for real? I don't know if you if you understand what I'm saying. I'm saying that.
I understand it. I understand that you stagnant to the point to where you're reading the book and you have the knowledge, but you're not exactly a plan all the principles.
There you go that part.
I'm never planning all the principles because I'm gonna tell you I've become that toot where I've gotten See. I'm gonna tell you, man, comfort is a dream killer. When you think you comfortable and you got a certain amount of money and you get comfortable, he say, you know what, I'm gonna chill out for the day and I'm gonna liay upre and watch TV. That's why I forced myself, no matter what I got going on, bro, no matter how late I went to bed the night before, I'll wake up at six o'clock in the morning. Because it's nine o'clock in New York, it's one o'clock in the afternoon in London. The world is moving while you in the bed sleep, right. I watched you in the bed.
The world is moving. I watched forty all the time.
Right there.
He ain't never he he's still home. He ain't never comfortable, even.
Though he most dudes he got the bag, but he sometimes sometime I get comfortable, man, I get you know what I mean, I have to fight myself.
Sometimes sometimes sometimes we get in a position, you know when when we know, you know, like you said, we feel comfortable, so we like, yeah, you know, cool.
But it's some niggas man who.
Just like I'm fucking if I can get it, I'm gonna keep getting it until I can't get it no more. And so they always chasing the avenue. You feel me, He remembered the struggle.
Every everything, everything he's doing right now, I'm talking about like the drinks he be making.
He was that guy.
He used to drink stuff like that, like his red wine is. Everything he put his hands on was the old him. He just bringing it back. He even went back to to the turf burritos. He got turf burritos like you get you get out of seventy eleven, exactly made his own because he knew we're doing the struggle. That's what we popped by seventy level good tur burrito.
You still see a nigga, you going to level fucking grabbing them a seventy eleven pizza or a hot dog or a mother burrito.
The struggle real. That's why it was real.
He still never forgot that, so he kind of imitating it.
It's smart because you go ship.
Why would I continue to give a motherfucking money for their ship when I can make the ship just as simple as they made. A nigga gonna buy my ship before he buys seven eleven brand, just for the fact that it's it's the goon he forty, you feel me, and especially because these a lot of these stores are still connected in the neighborhood, so you still got niggas in the neighborhood walking into these stores and fuck it before I give you motherfucking five dollars for uh a mister something burrito or a seventy eleven brand, fucking let me make.
God damn right. And nine times out of ten, fuck it.
I know he forty, I bump me some E forty, So as a regular nigga pulling in, fuck it, let me try one of these motherfucking tur barritos and shit, because you about to eat a seventy eleven one anyway, so why not grab a e forty one?
You feel me real, especially.
If it's in the motherfucking community where I'm used to be stomping around. You feel me, and it's still representing the community that niggas know I came from.
You feel me, so that that works perfectly. You feel me?
Hey, hey, hey, you remember you remember that he was one of the one of the happiest days of my life when we did that uh that big ass sourcal word picture.
Remember we did? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, definitely every rapper from the West Coast was right there.
Yeah. My son, my son, he just found that like a week ago.
He's at college and it takes a photography class and one of his classmate showed him the picture and was like, is your dad in this?
He said.
As soon as he said that, I spot at you instantly, he said.
You know so.
It's kind of cool because he's starting to go back and get familiar with some of our ship. You get me because you know, this younger generation, they be on all that other crazy shit. So now him him getting ready to turn twenty one, he's starting to calm down his music selection and a lot of his music is starting to beat a lot of our ship. You feel me, So you know that's that's that's a positive note for me because all the shit he was listening to At first, I was like, what the fuck is that going on?
You feel me? So?
Can you got us on fire over here?
Man? He me forty cats, Man, he got us, He got us cracking. So we gotta we gotta you know, we gotta full.
Of suit man exactly. Man, I'm gonna tell you something. He's the prime example of speaking stuff into existence. Man. I remember when Kimbrick was Jay Rock's heype. Man. I've known Kendrick Dog since he was about maybe seventeen. Shout out to the Homeboys, TD Top punctioning all of them dudes, and Man, I remember, Man, I tell people all the time, Rolph is probably one of the most relentless dudes I've ever met. He was gonna make it in the music industry, man regard like no matter, no, he wasn't gonna be denied. Man. I remember he would beat man. I'm talking about from following dudes around, from from pestering people, Dog and he just made it. Man, A lot of dudes that slept on him. He still remembers all that. Yeah, I'm sure he do still remember all that, man, and long boy Hendrick, you just saw he just had that drive in the man. Anybody that successful got a certain drive, man, because you can't think like the normal person. See the thing I'm gonna say this, Man, before we get finished, I know you busy, d shot, So we gonna shut it down a minute. Man, if you contend with being average, you probably not gonna make it. Man, you got a really ten times your way of thinking and think.
You know what they call that about that then average? They call that the herd mentality. You know, the following one of one and all the rest of them following together. They call it the Yeah see I'm I'm that cat. I go off.
You know what, I'm gonna hear off to the right all the time.
You feel to be able to you got to be able to break away from the norm because I tell I told my son this all the time growing up, because you know, you have to instill these things in your in your in your seeds growing up, because that's where they get the knowledge from. If you don't plan it into them, then they can pick up all kinds of ship. I would always tell my son from you know, from the moment he started having friends and and you know, elementary, uh, you know, uh, middle school whatever. I would always tell him be a leader, not a follower, right, because sometimes you get in these positions to where you just want to be loan you feel me, and so that's that mentality. Fuck it, I'm gonna do what everybody else doing because whatever. And you're never gonna be able to break away from the norm if you can't think for yourself out of the box. If you always feel like you said that herb mentality, well shit, everybody going that way. Fuck it, I'm going that way too, nigga, ain't going into a fire. Repit, nigga, what do you mean? You so follow along because you see everybody doing that ship. You gotta be able to think outside of that and for yourself and expand your brain to not think that simplicity is what's for you. You gotta think that shit, I gotta be different than simple or average you are.
That's why the album and stuff in the background magazine.
You gotta think.
So put your own route. Man, you are trying to sound like nobody, but you.
Oh no, ever' I learned that from the beginning. You know, just find your own place and then just stick with that and if that works for you, then that's that's your lane. You feel me, if you try to turn around and do what everybody else is doing. You're gonna got caught up in the wash because if that ship don't work, now you ain't working.
It's to change what's on that radio, that thing that that whole thing can change over.
To something to some mobs in two months.
Which is this which this game has done?
You feel me?
So you got to be able to establish your own fucking lane and want to establish your own lane. You can't get nervous when you see ship starting to get a little, you know, a little rocky.
You got gonna fuck that. Well.
Ship them niggas over there doing that, Now, maybe I need to try that ship. That's when you're gonna lose your true lawyer. Motherfucking fan base, and motherfuckers gonna be like, what the fuck. So I've always had the mentality once I got my lane, I'm just gonna stay right there because the people who fuck with me they appreciate that.
I just stay right there.
And when the motherfuck waves get rocky and you see all these niggas, you know, you cruising in your ship, You're gonna get some niggas to pass by on the fast jet skis and the speed boats and whatever. But I'm gonna stay cruising like I know how to do. My ship might be a little older, it might be a little whatever. You know, y'all. Niggas got the threefold motors, Nigga, my ship got the big sales that go up.
Y'all might get there fifteen minutes before me.
I get My shit is still pulling in.
If you get there, I'm gonna tell you something before before we get there a week later.
But I guarantee you my ship still it is still pulling in the port.
Give me.
Don't you trip off?
You know I can't be driving on. They be driving off fast, trying.
To get where they got to go, and Jesus cruising sudden you see that same car at the stop.
Light, like fuck did all that zig zagon is swooping and motor rapping and brook.
At people crazy, get out the way, look at you say, you need.
To see them at the same wheel light you with you sat them off on the side of the road. But they don't break their ship right you passed them on up. You still chill more right past them on up and blow the horn heave.
Them like nigga. Man, Yeah, definitely, I remember appreciate you coming.
I remember this one motivator man I used to read. His name was Jim Rowan. He said, he said, uh, he's old. He's an old old man ninety when he died. But he said, he said, always when I go to a stop light, always sit back for at least thirty seconds when that light turned grig because that thirty seconds might just be the thirty seconds that saved your.
Life for sure.
But you're doing that thirty seconds, you're giving one of them cars that then rent the light.
They don't ring like time to get by and show it up.
I see it. You know what, man watched.
I always use that the same thirty seconds and the car shows swoop by.
I was like, man, I'm gonna tell you something.
All my kids that drive now, that was the first thing I told them. When the light turned green, wait thirty second, because I guarantee you it's gonna be a motherfucker that the light don't turn red and he's still trying to take it. And how many times you don't see people get t bone. I tell my kids do that all the time. One time, my one son, he said, then I wait hill and a car came baggling through that if he wink he got smashed there is you know, slow down, man, I really man, exact.
We popped a little bit of analyze that up.
Yes, I was about to tell you, man, I appreciate you coming to sit down. Man. It's always a pleasure, man, because I definitely feel like you want of them dudes Man that don't really get the credit that you deserve.
Well, you know, my credit is, you know, as long as my You know, I'm lining my own little pocket book and minding my own business. I ain't trying to be bigger than better than nobody else. I'm just doing what I wanted to do.
That's it in your lane, D shot. That's my nigga, Na, that's my nigga D shot. I used to get it in here.
I can sleep on your couch, man, you know what I mean.
You shout. We got to look on some of these movies. Man. I got some scripts, man, I actually got actually got a cold script. Man. Actually he got a cold script man that I've been kind of developing a little bit. Man about this dude, And we'll talk about that off camera. Man, But I got a character for you.
I'm in it. Let's go.
I got a character for you, man, I got a a he devious too.
Let's go.
The lane is open for us. Man, it's damn the more more it could be. Well, I ain't gonna say it's more more money than.
Music, but you know it's possible. It's possible to be.
TV is movie kind of mean right now for us? Man, I mean, you know the digital real estate. That's my distributed call.
He called it.
I'm gonna tell you estate. There's a whole bunch of Detroit casten. Don't make millions man, y'all. Man, where do people go find you at? Where you at, man, where you're resting your feet, at where they can find you at?
Bro oh oh oh oh.
You can hit me at the you gotta cut off a little bit. You can hit me at the real d shot you know what I mean. On Instagram you can just box me. I'm right on it.
Yes, if you heard it, Man, you can call too.
It's right there, the number right there on the time you call the nigga too.
All my nigga, hit my nigga up, y'all. Go peep out that brand new album. Man, it's fired, man, don't even trip on it. Talk my nigga been moving man, y'all check, I'll peeped the videos out. Shout out to my nigga Jay sith Too man on the videos and ship Man. That's my nigga jag Man. So y'all, I might come out there fuck with you, D Shot. I don't even trip.
Okay, he got my number. Everybody got my numbers. Got wen We're gonna do something moving.
I got yeah, I wanna make I'm gonna make sure you get the eight ally D shop Man. We appreciate you and y'all. Hey, that's it for this week, y'all. Make sure y'all go follow us at the Gamester Chronicles podcast on Instagram. My boy with yours eight eight oh.
Eight eight oaight, y'all know why I man man, y'all see me all the time, come to it.
Follow the Homie T shop Man. Next time I wanted a team. I wanted to have like fifty sixty hundred thousand New Gangster Chronicles people that said, man, I heard you want to show man, and now I'm gonna big. I want some more of that game. Man. Man, We we appreciate you, and we out of here, y'all. Jill, Well, that concludes another episode of the Gainst the Chronicles podcast. Be sure to download the iHeart app and subscribe to The Gangster Chronicles podcast. For Apple users, find a purple Michael on the front of your screen, subscribe to the show, leave of comment and rating. Executive producers for The Gangster Chronicles podcasts of Norman Still Aaron m c a Tyler. Our visual media director is Brian Watt, and audio editors tell it Hey. The Gangster Chronicles is a auction of iHeartMedia Network and the Black Effect Podcast Network. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app Apple Podcasts wherever you're listening to your podcasts