The Future Is Om ॐThe Future Is Om ॐ

Surrender Is Your Superpower with Kute Blackson ~ How To Revolutionise Your Life By Releasing The Grip Of Control

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“Surrender is when you say, I'm going to participate with this experience fully, learn what I can, get curious about it, allow life to show me and trust that the universe is working out something better on my behalf and I'm going to like to play this fully right now” - Kute Blackson

Today's guest is Kute Blackson, and he is utterly unique in the world of human potential. He is a globally recognised inspirational speaker and transformational teacher. He is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council, a select group of one hundred of the world’s foremost authorities in the personal development industry. Winner of the 2019 Unity New Thought Walden Award, Blackson is widely considered a next generation leader in the field of personal development. His mission is simple: To awaken and inspire people across the planet to access inner freedom, live authentically and fulfil their true life’s purpose.

Kute is also the author of The Magic Of Surrender. Kute believes that too often we limit our lives by putting conditions on them. We think things should go a certain way, and when they don't, we hold on to what isn't working, reinforcing what is causing us pain and affirming our lack of trust in the universe. 

We set goals or have big dreams and then cling on to outcomes we want so tightly that we forget that the magic happens when we let go of the reins of control or when we go through difficult events in our lives, and we struggle to let go of pain, resentment, or belief systems that are limiting our ability to invite new potential into our lives. 

The answer is clearly to surrender and let go... and yet so many of us struggle to do just that - because while surrender might be a spiritual buzz word, the ability to do it, is like a muscle that requires a committed and dedicated devotional practice. 

Today, Kute and I explore these themes and so much more.

  • We discuss why surrender is a verb and one that takes an enormous amount of courage.
  • We unpack the way the ego (and the programming that defines the ego) likes us to stay in control and be in charge, as opposed to trusting and surrendering to a more soulful perspective of our life where we can hand over 'that control' to a greater power. 
  • We look at the nature of surrender in relation to grief and suffering. 
  • We look at why surrender is the single most powerful way to transform our perspectives and supercharge our purpose - not because we have hustled harder, but because we mastered the art of letting it all go.

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How can we harness the transformative power of timeless wisdom to heal, help and build hope for the  
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