Waiting by the Phone: You Look Different

Published Jan 31, 2025, 3:26 PM

A guy ghosts a girl because of her social media photos... Find out more!

I've ever been left waiting by the phone. It's the Fred Show, Ashley, good morning, Welcome to the program. How are you hi, I'm okay, all right, just okay. So we know about this guy David that you met. Tell us about how you met, about any dates you've been on, any details we should know, and why do you think you're being ghosted? Uh?

Yeah, So we met on an app and we talked for like a week before we met up, and he seems like really nice.

We had a ton in common.

He was funny, he was cute, like all, you know, all good things, and so we decided to meet up after work for just a drink, you know, just like super casual.

And it was weird.

I don't know it was.

It was strange.

He was kind of like still good or like kind of off.

He was still kind and everything, but he was like I don't know he was maybe he was nervous, but I don't know. He was still really cute, like he still seemed nice. And he said he was gonna call and then and then he never did.

Okay, so you you sensed on the date that it was a little weird, like there was a little something going on, but you were tracted to him, and you thought the conversation was, you know, okay enough, maybe it was just first date nerves. So you expected to hear from him again. You thought maybe you would go out. I mean, because people are always nervous on first dates, first time you're meeting somebody.

Yeah right, yeah, exactly, yeah, exactly so, and I mean it's I don't know, I mean, the first dates are always weird, right like, and he said he was gonna call, so I just want to know why he didn't, you know, like, I just want to know what happened.

Makes perfect sense, all right, So here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna play a song come back called David. You'll be on the phone at the same time, and we're gonna try and figure out what happened gets at the bottom of this. And the hope is always is if we get straighten this out. And since you have one another date and pay for it, okay, for sure, thank you. Let's see what happens next. Part two of Waiting by the Phone after this song on The Friend Show. Good morning, It's the Friend Show. Part two Waiting by the Phone. Hey, Ashley, let's call David. You guys, you went out recently on a date. Let me see here. You met at one of the apps, right, yeah, you met out one of the apps and you had some drinks. You had a good time. It was a little there was a little bit of distance on the date, but that could have been you could chalk that up to nerves. But you thought he was attractive and he wanted to see him again, and you were hoping he would call for a second date. But he hasn't, and you want to know why exactly. Okay, let's call him now. Good luck. Ashley. Hello, Hi is this David? Yeah, David, David, Hi, good morning. My name is Fred. I'm calling from the Fred's Show, the Morning radio Show, and I have to tell you that we are on the radio right now and I would need your permission to continue with the call. Can which hat for just a second on the ear? Would you mind? I get okay, I'll take that as a yes. Thank you. I know it's kind of weird, but we're calling on behalf of a woman named Ashley who says she met you on one of the apps and you, guys recently went on a date. Do you remember her?


Yeah, definitely, I remember okay, so oh oh, all right. Well, so she reached out to us and told us that she had met you on one of the apps, so that you guys went out and she, you know, thought you were attractive. She said there was a little I don't know, there was something a little weird about the date, a little bit of distance, but she thought that was nervousness or something, and thought that you'd be calling her again for another date. So what's your side of the story. What is there not to forget?

What was not to forget is the way she looks when I met her, Like like when we met online, we were chatting, like all her pictures of her, like she's super hot. She has this like really gorgeous, super long hair, and like when we met, I literally stood next to her for five minutes without knowing it was her, because she cut off all of her hair, like not just like oh it's sure, or I took off a foot and it was down to like my book, like it's like shorter than a bob. I don't know, it's like somewhere between a pixie and a buzz cut.

I don't know.

It looks it's crazy.

It was like a men's haircut.

It it's she's a totally different person.

Well, I mean she's not a totally different person, David, I mean she So you're saying she changed her look between the pictures you saw and the time that you met her. It is a drastic transformation.

Drastically, drastically changed her look. She looks nothing alike. It's not even close, not even close. And it's like, okay, maybe you give a guy a heads up, like I mean, that's like, I don't know, I.

Think that's rude. It was basically like a catfish. So that was like, oh, like what's happening? Well is this So that explains that what she perceived as distance then, because you were kind of like stunned you show up on this date and then you don't even know what's her, and then it's like okay, And the whole time you're sitting there going well like I don't know, I'm adged with someone who looks very different.

Yeah, the whole time I'm like, wait, who is this person? Is this like the person's sister that I was talking to? Like that's how crazy different?

It was?

All right, there's no way. It was like she was cosplaying as a different person.

Oh okay, well let me uh David bring Ashley. And I forgot to mention that Ashley is here. I'm extremely forgetful. What Ashley, So you you cut off all your hair? I guess somewhere somewhere between making a dating profile and then going on a day with him, So you don't look like your pictures then?

And are you okay? Because I feel like as a woman, I have to.

Ask, Yeah, when people, when people start drasing drastically making changes to their appearance, Yeah, do you need any kind of like mental health is assistance? No, I'm fine.

Yeah, I just wanted to make a change. I just wanted to make a change, and that was what I did. But like, I'm still the same person. And I looked the thing.

It's just hair.

No, I can't.

That's serious. I kind of thought that that.

May have had something to do with it, but like, that's really crappy.

I'm going to say something that I think is going to be really unpopular. I think. But I mean, let's say that a woman likes the guy with a beard and I have a beard, and and all my pictures I have a beard, and then I shaved my beard off, show up on a date, I look much younger, I look different. And if she likes a beard and I don't have one, yes I can grow it back, and yes I'm the same person. Right, but you don't really know me as a person because we've never met. Because let's face it, the dating apps are a hot or not competition until you get to know someone. So it's all about how you look and who you're attracted to and what you're attracted to. So if I show up on I look fundamentally different. I gotta be honest. I don't think i'd have a problem with somebody saying you don't look the same and I matched with you because I was attracted to you and how you look different. I guess that's the risk I take. I should change the pictures on my dating profile if I change my looks.

In my opinion, I just feel like you're not going to like drop a good guy because he doesn't have a beard.

You don't necessarily know.

Well, let me know, let me find out, and I'll make that choice in two hours.

If I want to see you again, if you're a good guy, if we're a match, you know what I mean.

Okay, I can grow back the hair my hair, your beard.

So you matched with a skinny I know you're married, but so it would be weird if you match for somebody. But if you match on chiezma dot, if you matched on Machisma with a guy who was skinny in his pictures and then he shows up and he's larger and not as attractive to you. Let's just say you like skinny guys and this dude's gained some weight and he doesn't look the same. You're gonna wait and see if he's a good guy on the inside before you decide not to go out with him again. Right, I will.

I will do that, Yes I will, Yes, I will, And then we can get.

A gym membership together, because I gotta go too. I believe her, Actually I would.

I wouldn't just drop somebody unless they're like creeping me out or something that I believe.

But I'm not gonna saying you're a vapid person. But I'm saying the dating apps are a vapid world. Ye of course, that's what I'm saying. You are a great person. But what I mean is we're all when we match with someone on an app, we're going for what we see. Do you see me app and then because trust me, I think we've all probably gone on dates before, whether it's from the apps or otherwise, where what we see we like and then we find out more and we don't like, and the other thing can happen too, by the way, Like here, David, you know you could give her a chance. She her hair could grow bad, and maybe she's great, but you didn't even bother to find out because you were too stunned she looked different. So I see both sides of this, bro.

You hit the nail on the head, like, yeah, if I showed up with a beard, it didn't have a beerd Here's the thing, right, I love long hair, Like that's like my thing. I'm allowed to like what I like, and I'm allowed to not like what I don't like. I don't like short hair. So for someone to come in and immediately checking like my ickboxes, I'm like, Okay, well, you know I could.

Grow a beard back in a month.

It would take her years to grow her hair back. Years and why am I getting someone? Well, I'm immediately like, this is what I want to change about you, Change this thing about you.

Like you know what I meant them?

I think that's like I thought.

That since we chatted before, like the Dayton kind of got to know each other and everything, that like it would be a problem. I think I just think you're early jellow right now.

I don't know, you're like Loki catfish somebody.

Again, this same person, she is the person you matched with, but you don't have the hair.

But I'm just saying it's like a stufe like a cat fish being like, I'm the same person that you were talking to. I just am not the person in the it's the same thing.

That's ampletely different person. It's the same human being were chatting with.

It was that much was like a totally different person.

All right, well, look I mean this he has his right. I actually, I here's the thing. Why not maybe just update your pictures on the app and then you can avoid this happening. Because that way, anybody who likes long hair and you have short hair, well then you know, then you don't have to worry about it. Like I guess, I guess what I wonder is you changed your looks the one not changed the profile. Yeah, I mean.

Clearly, I mean yeah, clearly I should I literally cut my hair like a week ago. We're like a week, I guess before we met, and so whatever.

Yeah, I get that. I get that. Onto a week call. You can take one photo in a week.

There's not one photo in a week that you could have been like, heads up, here's what I look like.

No, I don't take selfies every day to you.

No one.

You have no pictures in a week.

I don't believe that you're a girl. Fine, I ain't even look at anything as you. Okay, well, look, David, I think you missed out on a photo shoot that you might have enjoyed more.

But I wouldn't mind.

Okay, Okay, Well dude, David, you're never gonna know. So look, David, thank you, I guess for answering the phone. And for a while there I was sort of seeing what you meant. But then I just I changed my mind. I don't like you anymore. I don't like it. Actually, you leucked out. I'm sorry. It's not gonna work out, but get back out there, and best of luck to you as well. Well.
