Just the Highlights! 12/17/2024

Published Dec 17, 2024, 3:40 PM
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This is what's trending, all right, So I guess Americans are over Christmas traditions and that's trending today. A third I want to swap a traditional turkey for a juicy burger. They talked to two thousand people about this. Yes, thirty one percent are bored with the usual Christmas customs and would like to see more unusual alternatives during the lead up to the big day, Pizza, tacos, chinese takeout mentioned is preferred options over the traditional turkey. Forty seven percent would rather spend the whole day in their pajamas rather than getting dressed up. Do people do that? People get dressed up for two Yeah, if you got.

To go to the other family members' homes, you know.

Ye're not in the morning.


We try to lounge around as long as possible, but at some point you gotta wash your But I think we.

Ever got a dressed up. I think we washed our buds. But I don't think we got Christmas not here. Yeah, no one's going on there. Christmas. It's perfect, good holiday. Why not celebrate. I don't know. Christmas doesn't do it for me.

No, I'm like the least I've gotten plenty of action on Christmas.

With your family hold on one of the time children. No, not with my family. I'm not decimus, Okay, are you with them? No? I can think of many examples where like I'm obviously back home. Alcohol is being served people I used to dater back home, you know, like old high school girlfriends, like, what are you doing? Come over? See the family. They'd love to see you. They come over and before long, you know, it's like back to the childhood. Sure, why not slide I have already? Yeah, who doesn't have an indoor slide into it into a hot tub in their childhood bedroom? Who doesn't have that? You don't have that? Yess just me? Eighteen percent like the idea of doing a friend's only Christmas. Thirty five percent who will choose to focus on quality time together over give for decorations. I like that idea. Let's do Why don't you give me a gift and then my quality time with you is my gift to you. How about that my present is your present? I like that idea. Study also found that sixty percent who have eaten something untraditional on Christmas or they say they have eaten something on traditional on Christmas pizza, pasta, burghers or whatever. So here are the things that people would be open to swapping. The top ten Christmas traditions. Sending Christmas cards. I used to do it. I used to do it for clients, not friends. I used to like people who have part advertising parties. Problem is, I don't even know if anyone even goes to office. I don't even know where to send them anymore. Like, honestly, I don't even know if half of our clients have offices, and I don't feel weird calling them up and being like, hey, thanks for advertising with us, Can I have your home address? It's kind of strange, ugly Christmas weather parties. We don't have to do that. Gift giving in general, people are okay not doing gift giving. Yes, secret scanti gift exchange. Listening to Christmas songs, I will say, for the most part, it's the same like ten songs being sung by every contemporary artist you can imagine. And the ones I really don't like, with the exception of All I Want for Christmas is You, which has become a classic, and maybe a couple others are the ones like where you try and make your own Christmas song, not a fan, What really I don't like I don't like INSCT Merry Christmas. Well, there's a another rare example. That's a rare example. This whole album that's a rare you're quoting the rare example. Biebers is fire. I have to say, Sustin Bieber's is amazing. But it's not really necessarily up to you to write a new Christmas song. Like if you want to go ahead and do your little album Sabrina Carpenter where you sing jingle bells, then fine, make you know, get your bag or whatever. Yes, but some of them have heard. I'm like, we didn't need that, We didn't need you to write your own. What Fox is a sexual one? Oh? He does? He has a sexual Christmas song. Yeah, if you look that up, I'd like to hear.

How is it like It's like it's like calling her missus claws and they're going to hold on, let me, I'll find it.

Okay, let me see here elf on the shelf, Christmas lights, holiday baking and treats, decorating a Christmas tree, people are over all of that. Well, then there's this amazing Christmas song. Here's one. This is from Linda Bennett. Yes, remember this one the best.

This is your music news and with us this is this is messed up.

I'm the best in Christmas music on this beautiful Christmas scene. Oh wait, hold on, watch an ad. I gotta watch an ad right in the middle like that. Yeah, I know that's not cool. Hold on a second. All right, are we done with this now? I don't need that suitcase. I'm all good. I got everything I needed. Here we go. But this is a messed up song. It is It goes on and on. It's telling a story. The snow we's falling? What a s.

Daddy will be coming home as happy?

Yes, candy?

Or will he here be walking rude ten minutes after night? Wait for it because the bust he takes each night, he's always rag home time. He's gonevery Christmas with all the children by the ris.

Okay, I'm getting bored now it gets sit apart soon the b yesstal this is a real song, by the way, like point, I didn't write this, Okay, So everyone's gonna have every's gonna have nice Christmas. Daddy's coming home at We're sorry to interrupt this program, but a bulletin has just been handled me. There's been a serious accident involving the number five bus out of New Haven.

Early information we have is that the bus sketed on a patch of and slammed into a tree.

And then this song goes on to talk about how dad's dad. Yeah, yeah, so they just she just keeps going and then she's gets sadder and sadder, and then then a doorbell rings, right, and it's daddy. Yeah exactly, So he didn't actually die. I walked five miles to be here or something like that, Right, he walked all the way home.


But the song goes from we can't wait to see Dad's Dad's probably dead to Dad's alive. It's Christmas yay. I mean, that's a very traumatic evening. Part was like we we regreat to inform you there were no survivors in the It's a real song. It's a real song. We didn't make this up. Wow. Anyway, we could probably get rid of that, that's a Christmas tradition. We can get rid of kiki trending stories. This is for you and only you, all right. TikTok has asked the Supreme Court for an emergency order to block the band and the CEO of TikTok has met with Donald Trump. Yeah, so they're gonna work this out. Donald Trump, I'm telling you, he set himself up to be a hero. He has no intention of upholding this. Yeah. I talked to Big Tea. He is working on it. You talked to Big Teams I did, Yeah. Yeah. Wow. So you're you're okid with anybody owning TikTok as long as it doesn't go away. Yeah, I don't. What do I care who owns it? What if it changes dressed? So we're not doing any change. We're not doing anything. Well, I got another breaking news. Elon Musk bought it. He's gonna call it.

He's gonna call it three point one four seven Z anybody but Eli, Yeah.

Rolls off the TOG. So they're asking for an emergency delay in the enforcement of a band on the platform that was supposed to going to an effect on January nineteenth. That is, of course, unless the parent company sells the social media site. So we'll see what happens. But there was there been meetings, and Trump is saying, we're gonna look at that. Trump likes it now because he believes that it helped him win the younger vote.

So now he's like I'm so bad and his son wants it. And I saw him say that, you know, actually he told me. Yeah, he tells me his son had already been talking to him about it, and I was right.

I know, Big T. Yes, it's trying to get you to endorse him for some time, which you wouldn't do.

Well, we ain't going that far. Yeah, we did meet you know about this. Yeah, yeah, you don't worry about it.

I can't tell you where we were, very private, but yeah, Big T is in a lap He's working some things. That is something I'd like to see, is it maur a Lago with Big tea secretary of over there? Right? Yeah? Wow? You know, well, because Rufie is the secretary of big ass mouth over there. Luigi Maggioni. This is the guy who allegedly killed the United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson. This guy has a could following now, so much so that people are getting tattoos as a tribute to the man who is accused of killing this guy. Images have started appearing online of inkings honoring the guy. Not even two weeks after the Ivy League grad allegedly shot dead, the fifty year old dad of two in Midtown Manhattan. One image of the hooded gunman inside a love of heart read I Heart my Boyfriend. Another image shared on Instagram showed an etching of his face alongside delayed, deny, and defend, the main words in the title of a book about insurance companies, and almost identical to the three words Thompson's killer left on bullet casings. At the scene. Someone else got his face on their ankle. So people are really upsessed. I mean, the comments in this or they're hilarious and they're awful at the same time, people going, oh, no, he was at my house, then you couldn't possibly. I mean, it's crazy if you've been following this Menendez brother's case and the idea that they might be getting out of jail. There's a new LADA. So all of this was under another DA who lost reelection, so they were out like they were going to get out. It was decided, And now there's a new DA and he's going to a hold on a second. The new District attorney in Los Angeles County is skeptical about the menandaz brothers push to get out of prison. Eric and Lamananez has spent nearly thirty five years in prison serving life sentences for the nineteen eighty nine murders of their parent in Beverly Hills. In an interview with Deadline, the New DA rejected the notion that the years of sexual abuse them and his brothers say they suffered at the hands of their father was not taken seriously at their nineteen ninety five trial. That's been a key claim used in their defense. The family supporting the brothers are now saying they haven't spoken to this guy, but they're trying to figure it out. And he said, hey, maybe not so fast. Maybe they don't get to get out. Yeah. A lot of people said that that old DA only did this to get votes, like because he was up for re elections and that didn't work. So now and this old Diddy again. This is an actual trending story today. But it turns out you may or may not be able to contract chlamydia from jim exercise equipment. That's because, oh man, this is what this is what a dude who cheated and got chlamydia says, in my opinion, But a leading doctor wigheding on viral social media claims that it's possible to contract lamydia from touching JIM equipment. That means you and I'll be okay, why don't go? I think exactly, Why don't got a thing? At the same time when I do go, Yes, yes, that's why I'm not. I'm out here running into these streets. I'm not touching anything, you know what I mean. And I can't do that when it's cold outside, So that's sorry. Gideon, a TikTok user, claimed that he contracted the infection of the gym after wiping his eye with a towel that was placed on a seat, which is disgusting in itself. Tests revealed that the cause was chlamydia, as the creator hadn't been sexually active. A doctor asked if he were that often. He said, yes, Chances are someone sweated on the seat that you put your gym towel on, wiped your face and got pink eye. In an Instagram reel, a doctor named doctor Joe posted the question, can you really getchlamydia from jim equipment? We all know that it's primarily spread through doing the deed, not through casual contact. You're touching services, so unless you're doing something very unusual with those gym machines, then you should be safe. So yeah, honestly, it sounds like someone who cheated, you know, they got a little something and they're like, maybe it's a gym.

You know.

I always wipe my stuff down with a towel and then wipe my face with it afterwards. Disgusting. It's the right brother's birthday. We were just talking about them. That is amazing. We knew and his national say it nowadays, data tell friends and loved ones how important they are to us by expressing gratitude for all the ways they've impacted our lives. You guys are all very important to me. I just want you to know that. You start, I just did. Wait no longer, Wait no longer. You guys are all extremely important to me, most of you at least, and it really depends on the day actually, And just like Jason and this sex messages, right, Yeah, he was until he didn't invite me to the party. Kaitlyn was until she called me raggedocius Rufio was until he talked all over me, which took about five seconds. Kiki was so I found out you went to mar A Lago without man, because I don't I don't really want to go to Marrow Lago, but I kind of do. I don't want to be spotted at mar A Lago. But if I just have to accompany you, then I kind of want to see what the hell is going on there.

Honestly, hey, I gotta save TikTok by any means.

Thank you. Honestly, you I'm the best one right now. I ain't done a damn thing. Look at me, yeah, look at we we locked in. Thank you for being you, hey man, thanks you. Let's go celebrate the right brother's birthday. To get the entertainment reportsnet. The show is on. It's stay or go all right? Uh, Deanna, I have a seat on the couch, Deanna, welcome. How you doing? Hi?

I'm doing okay.

How are you doing great? What's going on with your situation here? I've got your email? You and Josh are newlyweds. We are congratulations Ago nice is so exciting?

Thank you.

I don't time very enthusiastic about it, but I'm sure. I'm sure it's very exciting. I'm sure it is. So what's going on?

It really all is exciting. It's really just like one little bone that I have to pick with Josh.

So I guess it's not too bad.

But basically what's going on is that I was raised Catholic. It was a big deal when I was a kid, but I gave that up in like early adulthood. And you know, after meeting Josh and realizing I wanted to send the rest of my life with him, I actually ended up converting to Judaism because you know, like I said, I gave it up at like eighteen, the Catholicism, and it wasn't a big deal, but I knew it was important to him for me to do this, so I said, okay, no problem, I'll go ahead and do it.

You know.

So yeah, I'm officially Jewish. But the only thing is it, thank you. It's just, you know, it's Christmas time. I would love to put up a Christmas tree just because, like it's just to me, it's not symbolic of anything. It just makes me like feel warm and fuzzy inside, you know, all that good stuff and like brings me back to the simpler times. I feel like a nice tree, like a couple of decorations in our house to me is not a big deal. I really like to put that up this year.

But to me, because the presents go underneath.

Exactly pres obviously we don't have to do that.

I didn't know exactly where to go to start shaking stuff and looking at the size and sort of see what's coming. So that's what you got to have it. But anyway, I understand. So no Christmas tree, or at least you want one, and I'm assuming he doesn't. He does not.

He's josh U, my husband. He is super serious about this. He tells me all the time, like converting means you actually have to convert to the religion, and like with all the anti Semitism in this world, you know, the community needs all the support they can get. The white the heck, we put up a Christmas tree, basically what he tells me all the time.

Why not, I mean, okay, that doesn't change your faith, doesn't change your belief, it doesn't change your commitment to it. Why can't you put up a Christmas tree and a minora and whatever else.

I've been to so many houses that do exactly just that, you know, and it's me it's this is not that big of de Like I don't think we got to go out and get a divorce or anything like that. But uh, you know, like said, I wanted to convert, but I think go through a lot of work at the end of the day to do that. So for me, I just wish that he could compromise here, do you know what I'm saying?

Okay, so you want a Christmas tree, he doesn't want one, and so his I guess, his word in this, in his opinion, is the deciding factor, and so you just don't get to have one. Now, even though you I'm assuming you did. You convert for him. I mean he did it for you, But I mean you wouldn't have done it otherwise, right.

No, probably not if you know circumstances didn't work out the way they did. I'm glad I did. I don't have any regrets, you know, just the way I guess.

I don't get it. I don't understand why can't you have whatever symbol you want. It doesn't change the fundamentals, or does it. Maybe am I missing something here? Yeah?

I think sometimes he's just a little serious about stuff and he runs with it, and yeah, he's sometimes says it's a little stubborn at the end of the day. But yeah, I'm just wondering, like what I could say to like you guys just kind of get through to him because I why can't you have both?


Yeah, this is I don't know, or yeah, I don't know eight three five. I would also know, you know other people who've been through the kipella, meaning here Bella Hamen did this recently. I want to know what her take is on this. I don't know what she was, if she was Catholic or practicing Catholic or Christian or whatever she was before, but I know that she converted for her husband.

She still does like the what is it the meal of the what Italians do the seven fishes?

Yeah, she still does that with her dad with a lot of fishes.

Yes it is, which is a Catholic Italian fish?

And so better cancel that. Cancel that because Josh says, no, no fishes for you.

I mean, I know friends who have converted in their husbands do feel the same, Like they've said, there's so much anti Semitism right now, like we have to really be in with this religion, and you converted, and why do we need this? I want to raise our kids just Jewish. But to me, I don't see an issue. But obviously I can't really speak on it because.

I'm not sure how celebrating Catholicism makes you anti Semitic, especially if you're a Jew. Oh no, I just mean to have more solidarity. It's like more important than ever I think. But I guess I don't know how putting up a Christmas tree makes you not solid but or doesn't demonstrate solidarity. But anyway, Deanna, let me take some phone calls on this and belahamend just what ye we'll see what she says. Have a good day and have your radio one.

Okay, I appreciate it, Thank you.

I don't mean to make this any deeper than it has to be. But Belahamine, how were you raised?

Well, so my parents weren't very religious, but I would say, quote, I was Catholic and I did convert to Judaism in March.

Because you married a Jewish man.

Well, I hate saying that because we were together for like seven years and I never did, but something in me just kind of felt like, I don't know, I was always very intrigued by Judaism and I was I decided to make the leap for it.

Do you feel like you're any less Jewish if you put up a Christmas tree? In your house to celebrate or to honor. I suppose what you used to believe, or your former faith, or what your friends and family believe.

Not necessarily, I think it's all about what you're comfortable with and you know, just your faith.

You know.

I don't necessarily think that a Christmas tree is gonna knock your faith in Judaism. But that's my opinion. My husband, he never had a Christmas tree. He doesn't get it. I wanted a Christmas tree for like the longest time, and he's like, yeah, I'm not really about this, but he didn't tell you not to.

No, he doesn't care. That's the thing. I guess if you have a belief that it applies to you, fine, if it doesn't, it doesn't. But like, I don't know, you have to be all in one camp. If that's your faith and you believe it and it's genuine to you, do you have to be all on one side or all on another? I think is that kind of part of the problem. I don't think so.

I think that you don't have to prove to anybody your Jewishness if you want to have a Christmas tree by all means, I call it a Hanka bush I personally, I don't have at the moment.

That can be Yeah, I hate him. Yeah, was over it. This is a great ass man over here, believe it or not. Hey, Red, good morning, Red, Hey.

Good morning. How are you guys?

Hi, thanks for calling, Thanks for listening. So you are Jewish and this makes you feel a certain kind.

Of way, Yeah, definitely. The first thing is I do think she should stay. I mean, this is no reason to break up a marriage. But yeah, I guess at the Jewish person the I called immediately, I was like, I have to call it because I guess the I think the thing that people who are not Jewish just don't understand is that the oversaturation of Christmas and the way that like now stores are like putting up Christmas stuff in August, Like it just gets kind of exhausting when it's something that you don't celebrate to be surrounded by it all the time. And it's not like it's bad, like you know, it's if you guys are enjoying it, that's great. But I can see why her husband would be like, I don't want this in my.

House, Like can we just.

Like it's everywhere, you know, like you can enjoy it elsewhere, and I just don't think that, like you need the tree up when yeah, it's not something that is related to the religion.

Well, and here's the thing red like, and I don't advocate one way or the other. It's whatever whatever they decide. It doesn't I'm not pushing one thing together. For me, to be completely honest with you, I don't necessarily even think I know what the tree represents, except it's missed out too. I'm being honest. I'm honest, and I'm a Catholic. I was raised Catholic. I consider myself kind of spiritual at this point. But like the truth is, when the tree comes up, it's Christmas time, and and it smells good if we have a real one or light and candle religious right, And like you put the I don't know it just to me. It's just to me. It reminds me of my childhood. So I feel like even if I change my belief and in some ways I have as i've grown, I and again this is different, but like, I don't know that I think it makes me any more or less devout in whatever I believe because it's up, especially because don't we as grown ups really sort of love stuff that we like. It makes us feel good to remember being young, right, and that's for me. That's what the chain represents. And the presence, the presence, and I mentioned the presence.

Yeah, yeah, yes, I know the presents are important. I think too. I think what maybe is a misunderstanding is I don't even actually think it's religious at all. I agree with you, but I think it is so like there's so much symbolism embedded with what people associate it with, like winter time that actually is Christmas.

I get you.

So it's like again, when when that's what you grew up with, it seems normal. But when that's not your thing, when that's not what you grew up with, you're just like, oh my god, it's everywhere.

Ye Like.

I'm like, I'm a teacher. And my one of my coworkers who I love that she was decorating her room for winter. She was trying to keep it very very just like non secular in anyway, because you know, public school. And I walked in and I didn't realize that she was doing this, and I said, wow, this is very Christmasy, and she yelled at me. She was like, no, it's it's winter, and I said, well, no, it's it's not because winter is like penguins and snowballs, and she had reefs stopped. That's not religious, but it is. I guess iconography.

I hear your points. I just I guess it's dangerous. The part that is dangerous for me is for her husband to say, essentially, you're not It's almost he's implying or saying, you're not into this completely. You're not committed to your beliefs because of this symbol. And I think that's kind of a dangerous place to be. He's projecting onto her. He doesn't get to tell her.

I agree with that.

Yeah, I think.

He's coming at it from the wrong place because I don't think it's religious. I agree, Like the tree is so iconic. When I was little, I wanted to set up a tree because that's like it's just pretty, you know. But yeah, I like, I think that that's the discussion they need to have.

Okay, okay, well let me take some other culls here and thank you, Red. I appreciate you calling. Have a great day.

Yeah, of course you guys, So I love you guys.

I listened to you every morning, and happy winter. I mean that winter, you know, like penguin. I have a good day, Ashley, Hi, actually, good morning. Welcome. So this woman she called just a second ago, and she was saying that she converted to Judaism, but she still wants a Christmas tree in her house and her husband is Jewish, says no, we're not doing that, and I don't know. It doesn't sit well with me. And for no reason except why does he get to decide whether she's committed or not?

I agree. I I am.

I was raised Roman Catholic. I come from a big Italian family. I went to Catholic school till high school, and I married a Muslim Man and we have children, and I did not convert, so it's a little bit different for me, I guess.

But we celebrate it all so.

Because everyone likes to be included. I think in the holidays spirit, and we have trees up and we host Christmas at our house and the holidays and our children, our children are also going to celebrate eed and we're very inclusive.

And I will say that.

Before we got married and things like.

That, this had to be discussed with our families and how we were going to do things. There were a lot of questions, but it works for us. Everybody is involved. We celebrate the diversity that our family and we love. It's just more to celebrate for us an the whole year.

Actually, Yeah, Ashley, thank you so much. Have a good day. Yeah, I do love that. Have a good one. Thanks for listening.

Love you, guys, I love you too.

If he's saving up for his belief in his religion or he believes it's under under celebrated, under acknowledge, it's fine. It's also coming off controlling though it's for me. Jacob, Hi, Hey, how's it going? Hey, good morning man. You're Jewish and it says it right here. So I guess we need to do a you wanted. You wanted to lead with that, so I want to make sure we get that out there. Jacob is Jewish everyone, which is wonderful. We love that for you, Jacob, you know.

Okay, So first first I want to shout out my mom, Hi, mom, you're probably listening. And then second of all, I wanted to say that I forgot their names, the people that were talking, but the decision should be made take together. It's both of their homes, so that needs to be a mutual decision, so I wanted to preface with that. But speaking to Judaism specifically, it's beyond a religion.

It is a culture.

It's a way of life, certain values, things like that. When you are practicing Judaism, it's also what separates you from from other religions, other cultures, other groups of people. Honikkhah typically falls around Christmas, However, it is not the Jewish Christmas. Honkah is about preserving Jewish values, identity, things like that. The lady that had called in shared that she had converted to Judaism. Judaism is a daily thing that you are living, and I think it's just a matter of what do you value Christmas tree. Sure there is symbolism beyond beyond just the physical tree, but it's also like what what are your value use How can you live the Jewish lifestyle with with also having non Jewish things in your home. I don't know if that makes sense, but the symbolism goes beyond, just like the religion. Jews have been persecuted for millennium for their you know, culture, identity, religion, whatever it might be. So especially around Hanukah time is the time to be Jewish and having a Christmas tree might be a slippery slope. It might convolute the Jewish values within.

That Jewish home.

Okay, I agree, it sounds like going back to what I originally said.

It is a it.

Is a mutual decision that needs to be made with all members of the household.

I agree with you, Jacob, and I appreciate the perspective here in the education I do sincerely, and but and I also agree with you that this is something to day that he should be taking into consideration her thoughts too, And it doesn't sound like he is. But Jacob, thank you for listening. Man, Hi Mom, Hi Jacob's mom. I'm assuming, Yeah, I don't need to assume, but yeah, right, Hey Julie, Hey, how are you. Julie, Hey, good morning. So just to stare go, here a Deanna she converted to Judaism, and I'm just recapping the story here, Julie, and uh, and she wants but she was Christian or Catholic and had a Christmas tree and she wants a Christmas tree in her house. And her husband says, no, I guess and I'm paraphrasing here, but it's kind of like that makes you maybe less Jewish. Or less committed or something like that. If you do that, what do.

You think, Well, I mean a couple of things. Everybody has already said. It's really not appropriate for one person in a relationship to dictate to the other, whether it's the man dictating to the woman or the woman dictating to the man. That's not a relationship. But and I would say in response to the people who talk about how embracing a religion, particularly judism, means you need to be one immersed of the time, I would also say I would disagree with that, because, after all, if you're a thought mindful, thoughtful person who's thinking through your belief system and the reason for beliefs, you ought to be able to consciously examine other beliefs and not feel threatened by that. But bottom line is what I wondered that's a little different what everybody else has said is perhaps he has in his family, his parents, his grandparents. If he has Holocaustomer and his family, it's very possible that this is a trigger for somebody else's emotional trauma. And you know, she didn't get to really expand on why he doesn't want it there, So she also really didn't say whether they've discussed some sort of a compromise because she does have a different background, and you know she converted for him, So stay and examine, well, whether you really meant to be Jewish or you're on the fence about it, But there's compromises she could do.

And maybe, like maybe.

You decorate a hanuka bush with blue life and drada. Yeah, maybe you don't put up the tree, but you still put up to your full lights that are blue when white. And instead of hanging wreaths and whatnot on your house, maybe you hang dradles and symbols of Judaism, but you still light up the night and get that warm, fuzzy.

Julie, I like it. I like all the points. Thank you very much. I'm glad you called it. Have a good day. This is everyone's very civilized here with this, and I appreciate it. And I learned some things here. I guess if they and I hear what she's saying about the context, I guess if it were that sensitive for him, though, maybe this wouldn't be so difficult for her to manage, you know what I mean, Like if it if her, if there if his history is deep rooted, maybe she's not calling you radio. Maybe this is less trivial. Yes, maybe she would have mentioned that. I'm not sure, but I don't know. I don't know. I like the I like the Christmas or the Hollyka Bush may see the issue with Hanaka Bush. Now Ruvia, I see the But that just got to you. No that it's been repeated a couple of times. I'm going to change that.

We're going to.

La Bella. We are going to correct the hell out of you. It took you twelve minutes to get I love you so much, The Entertainmer reports, Ax

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