Did you have ptsc right there? Kiki from KFC?
Yeah, no, I recently went back actually to the spot, Yes, to the spot were you managed?
Yes? Yes, I did. How were you honored when you walked in? Is there a statue there?
There isn't.
The girl was actually kind of rude, but the food was good.
Did you tell her that you, like used to be the lady there?
Because I didn't feel like she wanted me there at all, So I was like, this is not the time.
But you did you tell her like, this is not the kind of customer service that I advocated for.
Yeah, it was absolutely not how I used to do it, right. Yeah, I took that job very serious. It's like very serious.
I appreciate that.
Yeah, some days I wonder if I could still move that drive through line like that too.
Yeah, I wondered, like I think, I guess so.
And then you look at the screen, the monitor like the order, I'm like, damn, it's a whole different world.
What was a good amount of time?
What were you what was like a goal time from how did they time it, like from when you made the order to when you left? Yes?
And how long should that take?
Five minutes?
Or less five minutes. Yes, that sounds like a long time really.
Yeah, from the drive through window. I mean these people are ordering like sixteen years meals, you know.
I mean servant like for McDonald's too, was it was you had the HBO which was handbag out the windows in ninety seconds or less. HBO Yeah, HBO hand bag out the window.
Yep, hm, that is fast that way. They tell you to move up, like does it stop the counter though? Absolutely?
Yeah, I'll say they pull up because the censor, we'll say how long you've been there.
So they're trying to get their bonus.
For the year.
Yeah, the food's like ready behind you.
We're gonna keep this line moving, you know what I'm saying, And you're fifty piece nuggets.
Are still waiting. Don't judge me. Yeah, get out of my weight.
By the way, I'm not trying to call you out, but I did hack your phone this morning.
Why I didn't hack it? Literally, I did it right in front of you.
You did, Like your phone was right there, it was open, It was already on the I'm going to share a story screen, you know on Instagram. It was already you were like overdoing something else. So I just grab it, took a PI sure of myself. Well, I wasn't thinking. I didn't know how much time I had. Yeah, and I posted it. I just looked at him and whatever your default filters are for everything, Like I look better without them, you think, so? Look I don't have makeup all right now?
Oh in thy Well, yes, absolutely, the filters change lives, maybe, but.
I don't not in a good way. I don't do maybe for you, but I don't know.
I think you would look just as good or better without the China doll thing going to.
I think so too. I would agree with you on that. But yeah, filters are great.
I'm looking at myself right now, I'm like, damn, it looks like I put like a pound of foundation on before I came to work on the radio today.
Yeah, I mean I do.
I typically have my you know, face beat before I come in in the morning.
But like this was Do.
You see that a lot on the apps when you're dating?
During the dating apps, like the girls look a totally different online than they do when you meet up with them.
Mmmm? No, okay, No, I wouldn't say that's that's an epidemic of walking into something and being like Oh, well, because I've done my due diligence usually before I meet someone, like, I've looked at enough pictures, we've done the dating app photos. Usually I'll try and get the install That's another story I got to get to you later on this morning. Is I think I'm getting scammed right now as we speak by a really hot Tiffany Theson looking girl. Yeah, but she acting. It's not checking out for me. I'm surprise me at all. Like in that sexual harassment training that we have to take when the two co workers punk the dude into believing that he's about to meet up with a hot girl, but really it's just.
Two co workers punking him.
Yeah, that was in our sexual harassment training. Not supposed to do that, rufio. It's not a very nice thing to do. Take.
Yeah, I got to the twentieth I like being on that email. Hey, you forgot to do it. You don't want to be on the note.
I love it when you guys run the email because then I get an email about it. Hey, tell your people to learn about sexual harassment.
I'm gonna do it today, right, Yeah, then I'll bet my Tiffany and the I'll come it's.
Just Tiffany Theson now, dude, So like, let's talk. I do give this go credit though. I go, you're giving me Tiffany Thesian vibes. And she goes not want or Saved by the Bell, and I was like, oh, so you met like Christine but probably slutty or just downright nasty.
Oh is that what that meant?
When she was she was.
Like a nightclub manager, and she was always stirring stuff up like she was she was messy, okay, But then when she was on Save by the Bell, we're assuming that she was like the all American goodie too shoes cheerleader. We all know that she and Zach were smashing. She was slated for a little bit too, you know what I'm saying. So I don't think that dude, the college dude that she loved Zach for.
Oh that's right, that's right.
But yeah, so I thought that was you know, that was a that was a keen distinction that she picked up on very important. I told her that I hoped it was a little bit of both. Okay, cheerleader meets nasty, you know what I mean. She ran the peach pit after dark you've been watching.
Too many like high school herself in this high school fantasy.
I mean, I heard your All American Guy renewed for another season.
I don't even know where I'm at with that because I don't watch it until I can until I can binge it. So I don't even know where we're at. Like, nothing annoys me more now than having to wait each week to watch a TV show like we did back in the olden days. But it's every week you got to wait for the new episodes, and I'm like, wait a minute, no, no, I like, I what if I want to watch three or four right now?
I don't have that option.
But then it's also hard for you to like stay off of spoilers, you know what I'm saying, Like you're gonna wait for a whole season to.
Be Twitter like yeah, well, unfortunately, there aren't a lot of people tweeting about All America, so so I.
Think I'll be okay.
But that show is more popular than you think, though, because every time I talk about it, people and the grown people are like yeah, I know.
Like even that title Town High, I got.
Like ten dms from grown ass people going, oh yeah, I'm hooked. I'm hooked. I'm like, we're watching fifteen year olds on TV right now. This isn't okay, but it's on Netflix. I mean it, you know, it's the Fresh Show.
This is what's trending.
This is not funny, really, but I do have to play this audio because I did. I mean, it's not funny, okay, but I did sort of a chordal at this yesterday because this is a dude, this is video. This is a guy who there's a couple of these stories right now. But he's charged with murder I believe of his wife. Oh yeah, and he says he didn't do it. But here he is in court while the prosecutor reads a list of his Google searches from the day that his wife disappeared. Now, this is not funny, but like it's not. At the same time, dude, like, dude, right, you were googling this, Like have you ever seen Dayline NBC?
I mean to listen to.
This first googled's iPad. Some of the searches are as follows. Keep in mind that the trant said he left at sixteen six am.
By the way, he's just looking because he's like, yeah, I did that. The judge straight is reading everything. Yeah, yeah, listen five am.
Jerry, First you searched how long before a body starts to smell?
At four fifty eight am?
How to stop a body from decomposing?
It's like and it goes on and on, right, it goes on and on. I'm like, have you ever have you ever watched Dayline NBC? And it goes on like how do I hide a body?
What do I do with? How do I just remember of a mogy hide? Yeah? What does this do?
I'm like, dude, uh huh, dude, how long how long has someone that have to be missing before I could claim.
There an inheritance or like the inheritance insurance money?
He goes on and on.
It's like the whole thing, my guy, It's like, how do you not look like you murdered somebody? Right?
I mean I'm like, how dumb can you be?
What I'm saying, like what are you doing?
And this goes on for two minutes of all these different things that he googled, they're gonna look at that.
I mean, come on, it's the iPad for me? Did he think doing it on the Sun's iPad was gonna like.
The kid him under the bus, I'll be like, damn, that's messed up. I thought we were boys.
I know there was a part where it's like we tracked your phone because you went to home Goods and bought three rugs.
I'm like, oh no, dude. Yeah, he's just going and going, like the whole crime. He googled it ahead of time and he didn't think anyone was going to see that.
Lock him up, yeah, please. He deserves everything coming to him.
I mean, he probably could have learned it all in one TikTok.
Though, if he was any thing, I kill you, Yeah, that's yeah.
But if there's a part too, if there's a part to him, has to be one part. Could you explain yourself? I got my soundboard ready to go for just these moments. Wait, did you message him? I did it.
He didn't respond to me. I thought we were cooler than that for my birthday. But he's he's kind of back in business.
I think.
You know, for a while, my boy Chris or Chris Hansen rather not to be confused with Chris Harrison, Chris Hansen and NNBC, he went away for a while, and now he's kind of back. He's narrating some stuff. He's got his own little website that was the to catcher. Purtter was trending on TikTok. He's doing it again, but like it's a different version of it.
Yeah, it was trending.
Last week because a lot of people found out the reason why it originally ended because of.
That guy I took his life at the end. He was a prosecutor. He was like a Texas prosecutor.
He got busted and then they went to his job, or they went to his house later with like a film crew to confront him, and he.
He offed himself.
Well, and then uh, Chris allegedly was cheating on his wife with producers and stuff like and some stuff like that.
So with what the Big Girl, which oh yeah, yeah he got a cheating on camera. Oh is that what it was?
Yeah, he was. He was up to some other stuff too. So then then he doesn't work in the NBC anymore. And anyway, now he's got a I think it's called True Blue or he's doing some kind of the online network and he's trying to relaunch the show or the concept of the show. I'm like, dude, I mean, like I don't have a kid for anybody committing crimes. But if you're going to, can you not google instructions? I mean, I come on, everybody knows that. Don't use anti freeze. Everyone knows that. And if you do, then don't leave the bottle in your garage, your house or whatever.
What is it used for?
Like, oh, it's just slow. It tastes I guess it used to taste sweet. Now I think it tastes some other way. But it slowly kills you. You put it in drinks, it crystallizes in your liver or something, and it slowly, very slowly kills you. Like people have been adding it so it looks like you have some kind of foreign illness.
They can't figure it out and you just die. That's somebody who's like real man.
Right, Yeah, I know I didn't know that one. I mean, don't yeah, don't google.
I shouldn't begin I want to getting people, But I'm just the things you learned from watching like two episodes of Daylive. Your phone is gonna pay off stuff, right, even though they say that it's like not it's like junk science. At the same time, it's like, well, why was your phone anywhere near this?
You gotta pay cash for everything.
Because the pinging, like I've been reading about, you know, the Idaho obviously Cason.
That's so interesting to me.
And with the podcast serial that we were listening to, I didn't realize that it was not always accurate.
No, but it's like if it's anywhere close, oh no, people are like, no, friend, tell people to continue googling instructions. I'm like, Nick, well, yeah, I don't want anyone to commit a crime. That's not what I'm saying. I'm just like, if you're if you're gonna if you did it, what are you're dumb enough to do all? I mean, just come on, and by the way, there's a camera everywhere now, so you're not you're not gonna get away with, you know, buying a shovel and rope at Walmart. Even if it's in a different neighborhood, They're still gonna find it. I mean, I come on, Why are we still committing crimes? Yeah? Why are we still committing crimes? Why are we doing police chases either? Like, I don't understand a police I guess the only reason you might do a police chase is because at some point some departments they give up, like they're not allowed to chase you high speed, so you can actually outrun them at some point.
I learned that when my car was stolen and they were, you know, joy riding the whip. Yeah, because Paulina's cop friend was like, here is your car, like we have footage of its skirting around, but they're not legally allowed to chase them anymore.
So he's like, there goes your car. I'm like, damn it.
I remember watching those videos, were like, oh my god.
Somebody texting.
They always say it's not the crime that catches the criminal, it's the cover up.
Yeah, well, let's not do any crimes. Problem solved. Divorce. I was just watching this. I'm like, are you are you that dumb? What happened a good old divorce? You know what happened to good old divorce? That's a good question.
And then Josh Makawa's my friend from Daylight. We talk about it all the time. He's like, you can kill the person and get their car and or get their car insurance, get their life insurance, or I got an idea, you could divorce them.
There you go. The Fred Show is on good.
Morning on the radio, and the iHeart app anytime, search for the Fred Show on demand, trying to get this the chase is working on and getting this woman on the phone because she texted us that her husband is currently in federal prison. Oh and I want to hear what? Oh, here we go, Here we go, Here we go. Julie, Hi, Julie, good morning.
Hi, good morning.
I see here's what happened. You text us in him and if it's interesting, we may just call you. And you didn't even realize that you would have to tell us everything about your private life. Hey, that's okay, Okay, So you're married to this dude, and so we'll keep it anonymous.
But what did he do?
She got caught with wire fraud and bacon dozzlement.
How did he do that? Like, what's the short story of how he did?
That short story is that he was working at a bank and knew of a customer that was deceased and started transferring money that he had in his account to his account.
And I'm going to assume, I'm gonna assume you didn't know about this, Okay, so then you found out about him and then he winds up. How long's he in?
Twenty one months?
That's how that was the total sentence he got.
Yes, he was facing thirty years wow.
Wow, okay, And are you mad at him for this? Like when this happens and you find out, are you furious orre you? I mean, what, what's this is?
How I this is how I found out four SBI agents at our door.
I'm so sorry.
Yeah, so yeah, but you're staying with him?
Now you hesitated? Are you maybe not staying with him? Maybe?
No, I am, it's.
Just been really rough and because now it's me with three dogs in the house by myself.
I'm sorry to hear that. But so what you know about the process now, like can you go visit him?
Is it?
Is it terrible or is it not that.
So he's not that far. He's only three hours from me, so that's not that far. And when I dropped when I dropped him off, like it was very cut and dry. But like I can communicate with him. I can email him, I can call him. He's already been transferred within the building, so he has his own room now and he's working with the canines that are on at the facility. So living the lavish life.
For being in Say that doesn't sound too horrible. I mean, I mean he's in prison, right, so he's not with you, and he's not doing what he wants to do. But he has his own room. He's got a job working with canines. I'm pretty sure I can't get as a civilian. And does he have a he's allowed to have the phone or he snuck it in somehow?
No, no, No, he calls via like the phone that he has there, like they have like a TV room they have like you know when I talked to him, he's got a TV room. He's got access to a computer to like email me. You know, he can call me. I mean he said that where he was at when they originally placed him when he got in was pretty rough, right, some things that he saw and heard and experience was not ideal. But he's in a much better place where he's at now.
I don't know what kind of shape your husband's and Julie, but he better come out jacked, because that's one thing I'm gonna tell you. If I'm going to prison, I'm gonna spend all day. I'm going to come out of it looking like David Beckham or something.
In a lot of.
Ways, he has already lost twelve pounds in two weeks.
Yeah, yeah, well, yeah I could do that, wouldn't be so bad. Now, hold on twenty one months. Does he definitely have to serve all of that? I think federal? No, Oh, he doesn't. Okay, so how when will he get out?
He is, so he has to serve at least eighty five percent. But now he's telling me that there's a couple of different like ax and like things that are Heaven put in place that he could possibly get it out as soon as April. Wow, if he qualifies, well, he's gonna have to.
Pay for his own massages when he gets out. Though his own massage is his own waxing. I mean it's this is crazy, his own nails. He canna have to pay for his own I mean this is wild. Now what kind of sports does he like? Croquette? And what are we picking up?
What a I don't know, but he's like a huge sports buff. So I've been having to communicate everything to him, and the emails Cubs trees.
He does, it's just email, it's email.
Yeah, So I have been having to like tell him about you know, Cubs trees and what's going on in the NFL and stuff.
So okay, but I used to watch Locked Up. That's showing MSNBC about prison.
Julie. This is what you do. This is what you do.
Stick an iPhone up your butt and then.
Then go visit him. You go visit and you pull it out and you give it to him. That's what you do.
Trying to get but that's what you do.
I saw this Unlocked Up on him.
I don't want to take I don't want to be in there with him, right.
I don't know. Maybe they put you in the same room. It might be better.
I haven't been able to visit him yet because I have to get like approved, and they have to do a background check and all that stuff, so it will probably be a while.
Before we got time. We got time to work on the iPhone. Yeah, you guys, what she told her something not an iPhone? You know what I'm saying.
That's a What you do is you sneak drugs in there and then you give him to him. He sells them. I'm telling you this. I did a lot of research about this, Julie. Look, we're not making fun of you. I'm sorry this happened. I appreciate you telling you know, being so honest about the story, and I hope everything. I hope he gets out and everything's okay.
Thanks. Hey, Fred, I have a question though.
Okay, yeah, I deserve any question.
Yeah, are you wearing those damn checkered van?
Damn right? You are right.
I am absolutely wearing them. One because I'm too lazy to tie my shoes at four in the morning, and two because of the weather's not great outside. And I did go to success yesterday in the sad lou and I did buy new shoes, except I can't wear them today. I can't wear them today because it's not nice. Sound I wear the shoes, and then I just got him. I can't mess up the shoes on day one.
Yes, your husband's probably wearing some slip on vansud.
Girl, I'm telling you, iPhone, booty, I'm telling you.
Be on the lookout for me chagging you in my checker van post.
Tomorrow, Julie. I, hey, look, I hope everything works out, and thank you so much for talking with us.
Worry bye, guys.
I see, I appreciate the honesty there too. That sucks. But don't steal from dead people. I mean, that's sort of the moral of the story, isn't it very much?
So yeah, I would agree, but wow, I have sentenced deal two one months for instead of thirty years.
You got a job, I didn't.
You know what my problem would be is I'd get attached to the dogs and then I'd be like, I want to stay, so I'd have.
To like shank someone so I could stay I want.
I'm sorry.
I'm very polite about it, you know. Good morning on the radio and the iHeart app as well search for the Frendshiel on demand. I think I'm flirting with a Russian spy because I honestly think, I truly believe right now I'm part of some kind of espionage something or rather, because I matched with a girl on one of the dating apps, very attractive, very attractive woman, okay, really good looking, and so we're going back and forth and the conversation makes sense. You know, it's in it's in perfect English, so we're not it's not like you know a little, you know, dear serahm dam. Yeah, you know I'm contacting you to greetings and good salutations. I'm contacting you today from you know whatever, to tell you that you're the heir of a Nigerian prince. And you know, if you give me your social Security number, bank routing information and an account that I'll I'll give you seventy four million dollars that you're entitled to. No, not like that. But so we're talking and I'm like, okay, so then like let's meet up. And she's like, yeah, but I'm not giving you my phone number, huh, which is a I've never had really much objection to that. She's like, yeah, I know, but you can reach me on an app called Telegram Telegram. I think it's called Telegram. Let me see this thing. Telegram is what it's called. So it's like WhatsApp, but a little shadier, right I think. And if you look it up on Google, it's used primarily by Russia, like and so I know other repute people who have this app, because apparently as soon as you log into it, it notifies anybody who has it that you're on it. So a couple of people that I respect and like know well are using it, so I guess it's legit. But I think it's also used by like eighteen year olds to buy weed and god knows what. And apparently all of Russia uses this thing, So what I don't know. And so her thing is because of what she does, she has kids, and she's had a bad experience in the past. This is the this is the way she's come up with the content sort of interact with men without giving away any information because you don't have to you do basically you have an app. You know, you don't have your phone numbers not in there unless you want it to be. And I think with what sapp, it is or it can be, or it usually is. So her thing is, this is just the way that I've come up with to communicate with people until I'm comfortable giving them my information and the story checks. And of course I did the four finger picture which she had, because you know, I make people either hold of the news paper with the date on it. Yeah, that's how I verify people on a day. Yeah, because I'm not because I'm not getting scammed. Yeah. And I don't do two fingers because two is like a peace sign that would be easy to come by. I usually do four or six fingers in the picture because like that's not a stock photo. There's not a stock photo of someone holding up six fingers. And so she did that, and it all checks out, but I'm also not sure it's shady. I don't know about this app, Like is she in my phone right now?
Or he?
You know, is he? Is he in some internet cafe somewhere in Africa or Russia and they're using my phone to like do black ops or something.
It says there's telegram romance scams see where romance scams are often focused on hookups or sexual content. Many of these scammers will ask for gifts or cash to help them cover expenses to come see you.
No, we have No, we haven't done that, not yet, not yet. But I'm not that dumb.
No, Like I'm stupid as it pertains to romance and stuff like that, but like I'm not like these people who are on you know, ninety day Fiance or whatever, who spend you know, seven hundred thousand dollars on somebody who they've never met. Like, No, I would never send anybody money.
But you since she checks out like you've seen her, No she.
It makes sense, Like what she's saying makes sense, like it all checks out sort of, But why are we using this shady ass ass?
That's what I'm saying.
And am I gonna wind up on dateline, which is my dream, but not dead Like I want to be on dateline, but I don't want to be you know, I don't want to be like the dead guy on dayline. That's yeah, So you guys gotta meet up or what? Well, I'm a little nervous about it. I don't know if I trust him. How would what would you guys do to know for sure that you're not getting scammed? Like, how would you handle that? It seems legitate, but I'm afraid for my life.
Yeah, i'd be too. Well, what if like we go and like follow you on the date? I've always wanted to do that.
Oh, yes, I.
Ain't happen to you guys either. No, it won't public. Please, No, Well.
That's the thing I mean. Or I guess if I just say, meet me in a very very public place.
Right, don't go to her house, don't tell me you don't.
Don't And she won't give out her phone numbers, so don't give her address.
She was telling me, like I guess at one point some guy when they had planned a date. She had a number of she's been married to a number of stories though, like that were I don't blame her really, I mean, maybe I should be more protective of my information too. I guess I just figure I'm out there. It's too late. But she was saying, like one guy she she had arranged to go on a date or a second date, and he knew where to pick her up, and then she was like, I'm not feeling this and canceled it. But he showed up anyway at the time of the date, and she's like, I don't know. It freaked me out. I don't want anything to do with this kind of thing. So it makes sense. But then again, if you google that thing, that app right, Yeah, let me see here shady It says someone's texting shady. If it doesn't pass a test, I don't know what does. If that doesn't patch the shady test, I don't know what does. There you go, it's look at ruf over here. He's like, yeah, man, I'm like, seriously, yeah, it's cool. If you get slashed, no, just say you know, of course you're the only one.
You're the only ones saying this is a good idea.
Because you never take the risk. Fred, You always played too safe. Sometimes you know about your health and your life. Just go out there.
The fingerpicks that you think verifies are wrong. They have girls on deck to create whatever photos you want.
Oh damn, what.
I'm telling you?
You think so? I think?
I'm torn because if I was on a dating app, I would be weird like her too.
Yes see, I I probably should be. I just I'm not set up a date still. Okay, then will you go? Will you go to the allotted time and place and it out for right? Okay?
Well, well, fake people. I'll be Fred and she'll be sure.
I was going to say, I think the guy who shows up is going to look a lot like me.
This is the Fred Show.
The Fred Show one o three five Kiss FM, Chicago's number one hit music station, and it's become my favorite part of the holidays. My friend Amy wither Right from one one hundred truck Wreck is here.
I know you're not feeling well, but that you cannot be stopped as it comes to the giving.
No, we cannot be stopped because we're so close to Christmas and we have very very deserving folks that we got to take care of. And it doesn't matter how I feel, it doesn't matter how you feel.
Christmas is common.
That's exactly right. Okay, so let's see here. We've got Joanna and Angela. Hey, Joanna, Hello, Joana, Hi, welcome. I want you to say to my friend to Ammy wither Rd from one hundred truck Rack.
Well, very nice to meet you and I'm super excited to talk to you and your sister Angela today.
Yeah, let's get her on. By the way, Joanna, does Angela have any idea what we're doing here?
You know, she really doesn't think this or something from my mom.
Okay, hey gonna say let's get Angela on here too. Hey, Angela, are you there?
Hi, I'm here Angela. My name is Fred. Do you have any idea what's going on? I do not you, Deel.
I want to introduce you to my friend Amy wither Right from one one hundred truck Breck.
Joanna's here as well.
Hello, Hi, Hi, Hi Angela.
This is Amy, and we got your sister. We are you on the phone. We got Fred, we got me. This can mean nothing but something good and positive.
It's like one of the whole school party lines, you know what I mean? If you don't nothing to know what the hell that is?
I need.
We need some positivity. We had a lot going on the last couple of years.
Well, that's that's what I understand. So let me if I could. I want to read this letter that Joanna sens.
Is that cool? Joanna? If I read this for you, it is cool.
Please don't have me on the on the line cry please.
You on the light of crying so exactly, so let's see it, says Dear Fred Show and Amy. My name is Joanna, and I'm writing on behalf of my beautiful and kind hearted oldest sister, Angela. I'm wishing for her to experience the best Christmas ever without her worrying about everything that's going on in her life. Unfortunately, this year has been terribly difficult after she received a breast cancer diagnosis this summer and is currently undergoing treatment while trying to stay positive. My sister has been there for me my whole life, and I want to keep her spirits up through this journey. In addition to her cancer, her husband has Parkinson's and she is his primary caretaker. It has been difficult for her trying to take care of reespouse, her home, and her health. At the same time, I wish I could help them pay for a caretaker or at least help with household expenses, but unfortunately I can't write now. I know there are millions of wishes to grant, but I'm praying for them overall. I'm looking to take some of their worries away so they can focus on their health. I appreciate being able to answer this amazing contest, and thank you for the opportunity. God bless Joanna. Angela. Uh, so much on your plate right now. How are you feeling?
You got me crying?
Okay, that's a lie.
You know, it's been hard, but you know, my faith in God has been give me through it. I could say it's been some good days and it's been some bad days, but the good days all wait a bad days, so you know. And the support of my family and everything, so you know, yeah, sure, my sister has My sister has went some appointments with me. She's helped take care that my husband. So you know, for ever grateful, for ever, grateful for you.
Well, I got to tell you, Angela, I've got too many people that are in my professional life and in my personal life that have been battling some form of cancer, but none of them have had the double burden of the Parkinson's and it's such a frigging cruel disease, and cancer sucks.
I'm just gonna say cancer sucks.
Yeah, yeah, I got to tell you.
I'm so thankful.
That Joanna nominated you and you are last light Up the Holiday winner, and Craig.
We just got to do something over the top. I'm not doing a thousand dollars. I'm not doing two thousand dollars. I'm not doing three thousand dollars.
Let's do five thousand dollars to give Angelis some release.
Five thousand dollars from my friend Amy with her right one hundred truck right to help you out.
Oh my god, thank you, thank you, thank you. Oh my god.
Yes, yeah, yeah, I should have taken my own place.
Yes, I'm going to ugly crowd over the phone.
We hold this helps out And Joanna, thank you for telling us about your sister who sounds like she's an amazing sister. But then again, it sounds like you're an amazing sister.
Yeah for sure.
Oh my goodness.
And you know, I just want to make sure that whatever I could do, I'm just thank you guys on the bottom barart. I mean, I would have never been a million years after so many people, here's Chicago with a business today.
Well, thank you for sharing your story. I know it's very personal. I know it's a really hard time. But five thousand dollars coming your way, yes, to help out, to hopefully ease, you know, make the holidays a little bit brighter for you, guys, in ease some of the stress.
Okay, thank you, thank you, thank you, God bless you. Yes, thank you, thank you.
Well, thank me with it right because she's got the big bag of money. I just read the letter.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
You guys are so very welcome. I do hope this provides a low relief, maybe pays for two or three months worth of some help in the house for the cleaning, some food, maybe something you can cook for you, take care of your husband, and just you know, also give you some extra cash for some nice Christmas presents and a little bit of downtime. So take a deep breath, Angela.
You're going to get.
Through this, I know, staying in there with the treatment.
Stay positive and know that you were loved and appreciated by many.
Mm hm oh, I appreciate that. Thank you so much. I really appreciate that.
Thank you, Joanna Angela, hang on one second. We'll make sure we have everything. We'll get you the money and we hope you have a merry Christmas.
Oh, thank you again.
Christmas so blessed you.
And thanks thanks to you. Amy won one hundred truck crag Amy with right. You're amazing.
Oh there, I don't know about that, but we're doing good work.
We're doing good work for it now.
Honest Morning showy ea'ts the French show. Good Morning Everyone, Wednesday, December eighteenth, Hikitlin Hi, Jason Hi, Hilo Rufo Hi, Paulina Hiki, Good morning Shelby is belahamin. The whole crew is here. Lots of stuff coming up. This morning game show Wednesday, Waiting by the phone is new. I had a dream once that this show actually wasn't even on the air, that they like had just switched it out for another show and they just didn't tell us, and they just it's a weird dream.
I have a lot of weird dreams.
I still have the dream occasionally that I, uh, it's been a while, but I still occasionally had the dream that I somehow didn't complete everything I.
Needed to to graduate.
College. Yes, And we've looked up that one before, and it has something to do with the unfinished business in your life for some time. I don't know.
Yeah, it's like.
Somehow, I uh, I got to graduation and there was nothing in the little folder because I missed something, and I had to explain that to my parents and they were pissed. I think it's a pretty common one, that one. And teeth falling out. I don't have that one, but some people have.
That One's come common. Pregnant dreams are common, the falling dreams where I'm falling but I can't stop falling. Does ever have that?
Remember be able to remember your dreams? Yeah, that's common to I can't remember my dreams.
I barely remember the good ones too.
I wake up like that was I'm like, what happened?
Have you ever had like a really awesome dream and then you wake up and you try everything to get back to so quickly so to keep going eyest Like, No, I was right in the middle. It was going so well. It must have been a dream. Waiting by the phone. Why did somebody get ghosted? We'll do it next on the Fred Show. Ever been left waiting by the phone.
It's the Fred Show.
Actually, good morning, welcome to the program. How are you hi, I'm good.
How are you hearing doing?
Okay, what's going on with this guy? Julian?
You got to tell us how you met, about any dates you've been on, and then where things are now.
Yeah, so we met on Hinge and you know, we went on a first date and it was great, but like he ghosts me like right after we said goodbye, basically because like you know, I sent like a followup text, like you know, before I went to bed music, you know, thank you for such.
A great night and blah blah blah. But like I don't know, I just I decided.
That I want my favorite morning show to like help me get some answers.
Okay, so you followed up like you followed up with date as though it was some kind of business meeting. You know, you went on the date and then it was like no, I'm just I'm just saying and then he was like, hey, you know, I want to thank you for tonight and the whole thing.
That's a nice thing to do.
I mean, yeah, it.
Was really great.
So like if it's a good time, I'm going to say thank you.
So right, And obviously if you're doing that, then you left the date feeling like it was a success. You felt You've like this guy likes me and we had a good vibe and I want to thank him because I want him to say, yes, I had a great time too, and then we're gonna go out again and plan the next date. Except he didn't respond to that, and he hasn't reached out since then.
Yeah, and like it was like one hundred percent, like the vibes were great, but definitely both ways. So like, I literally have no idea why he's coasting me, and I just really want to know.
Okay, all right, well that's where we come in. We're gonna call this guy Julian, see if we can get him on the phone. We're going to ask these questions on your behalf. He'll be on the phone as well. At some point you're welcome to jump in, and obviously the hope is that we can sort this out and figure out why he hasn't responded, what he's been up to, and you know, if the response is favorable, then we'll set you up on another date and pay for that.
All right, amazing, Yeah, let's see.
What happens next Part two of Waiting by the Phone after this song on The Fred Show. Warning it's The Fred Show, Part two of Waiting by the Phone, Ashley.
Yeah, all right, let's call this guy, Julian.
You guys went on a date recently and you thought everything went really well. You met on Hinge on one of the dating apps, and I mean it was good chemistry, good vibes, you had a great time. So you followed up and you thanked him after the date, like right after the date. You texted him he thanks, and you know, hope to see you again and all this stuff I'm paraphrasing. But then he didn't respond to that, and he hasn't responded to you since, nor has he reached out to set up another date.
And you want to know why.
Yes, that's exactly right. I just want to know why he went ghost on me.
Okay, let's call him right now. Good luck, thank you?
Hello. Hi is this Juliana. Hey Julian, good morning. My name is Fred. I'm calling for the Fred Show. The whole crew is here, and I do have to tell you that we all are on the radio right now and I would need your permission to continue with the call, so, okay, if we chat for just a second on the show, you can hang up anytime.
Yeah, yeah, that's fine, I'm familiar. Okay, Well thank you? Oh good? All right.
Well then in that case, we're calling on behalf of a woman named Ashley who reached out to us, says she met you one hinge and you guys went out recently. Do you remember meeting her?
I hope, yeah, yeah, actually, okay, So what happened because she told us that she liked you, thought the date went well, said that she followed up that evening with a text thanking you for the date and say she wanted to see you again that you didn't respond to.
And then I guess you haven't reached out since then. So why is it that she thought the date went so well but you have no interest? It would appear in reaching out to her.
Well, first of all.
I think she's a bit of a weirdo and I don't know her intent. So you know, during the date, you know, you're joking around and having a good time, and then I simply asked like, hey, maybe we could you know, exchange instagrams know things are going well, and she was sort of like laughing, she said, yeah, but don't check it till tomorrow, hahaha. And I don't know what that meant, So of course I checked it, and she literally had already posted videos on there talking about how she's going on a date with a really really rich guy, like really, oh, I'm going out with the rich guy and I'm probably going to take her super to a super fancy restaurant. And she actually named the name of my investment firm where I work, and was telling people like, when she gets to my penhouse, she's going to make sure to take a video.
And oh, so now is did she do it just for you? Or is this her stick?
Is this her content?
It's going on dates and you know the before and after and all that stuff, because you see this all over the all over TikTok and you know, reels or whatever. You see people who it's like their stick is being single, Their stick is going on dates and talking about it, and you kind of wonder, do you ever plan on meeting anybody like, because there's certain girls that pop up for you all the time and they're constantly complaining about dates and talking about first dates and the whole thing, and I wonder, like I would want to be one of these guys because I don't know what are you going to do if you find someone. I guess some people can say the same thing about me too, but then I would just complain about the relationship on the air.
So, but is that what this is?
Did you go back and see a bunch of other content just like this.
To be quite honest with you, you bring up a really good point. I do not know the answer to that. What I do know is I'm not okay with it. Like, so, whether she does this as a stick in her business, but whether she's doing it in a relationships, either way, it's a red line for me. It's nothing I'm interested in. It's just really really tacking, man.
So it's not as much being used for content as much as it was that you felt exposed because she's talking, or the fact that she was sort of emphasizing how much money you had or thought she thought you had, and that you feel like maybe you're being used one way or the other.
All one hundred percent, and then on top of that, like why would you do that? It's like doing something behind someone's back and then going it's just it's so strange. I don't understand. It's like it's thirsty, it's tacky. It's just such a turn off.
How rich are you? Yeah, you did say that I was an investment for me.
I do.
Well, let's right, So Ashley, I forgot to mention that Ashley's here, But you did say you're familiar with the concept, so you I guess you knew that.
But Ashley, what what's going on? Why?
Why were you all over social media? You know, kind of going off about how rich this guy was. You were going out with me, and then you knew he was gonna see it.
I mean, listen, I like warned him not to watch.
So, like that's the thing I'm gonna do.
If you tell me what I don't look at this. I mean I'm gonna look at it immediately, just like he did. I don't blame him for that.
I mean I don't know what else to tell you, Like I warned you, like, that's not on me, Like you saw what you saw one. I guess you made your opinion based on that, Like what you how he's.
Like looking at this video and even if he did, like you, you're you're really putting the fact that he has money and where he works, and you're putting all these things out there.
I mean, I mean you can look up all that stuff about him online, so like he puts that out there.
Too, Like you have to tell everybody about this.
It's not hard.
Like it's like you're bragging about it. It's supposed to bragging about how excited you were about him. You're saying, I'm excited about them about.
The money, Well, I haven't really met him yet, and that was like the biggest thing you could like really find out about him. Like he lets you know, like don't let him play you, like he very much like wears his money on his sleep, you know what I'm saying.
But you put it on your instagra, Like, girl, I just don't want you're doing the city girl thing all wrong. You're supposed to play it down first, get in the penthouse, and then.
Go on Instagram.
You're supposed to hook him first.
Yes, I mean, I guess that's solid advice right there. But again I warned him.
I don't know it was off a cloud. I don't.
I don't like it at all.
Right, Like you do you really like this guy or do you just like that he's rich? Because I canunderstand why he would be insecure about it. I can understand why he might think you only care about his money, because basically that's all you you focused on.
I mean, no, it was like a.
Really great date.
But typically like you know, I'll be like investment bros And stuff like that, like actually kind of stuck and he was great. Like so I guess maybe I went in thinking this was going to be terrible and like was like pleasantly surprised that, like, oh my gosh, she was like a decent guy.
Well, there you go.
I also has money, so let's not leave that part out. Yeah, all right, So she she didn't have high expectations for the date. You exceeded her expectations. So the content was not it didn't age. Well, what if you hadn't seen those videos, Julian, would you like her? I mean, I know you can't kind of unsee that, but you can't kind of unsee money grubbing, but you know, did you like her?
Otherwise? It was?
It was good.
It was it was a good date.
But that's saying there, man, I don't know what that's about. I don't know if that's her gig. I don't know if she's just digging. I don't know what's go on, but that is not for me.
Man. I'm curious, So did you wear a patagony a vest and a button down of any kind. I'm just curious if you if you have that, or if you wore that, do you own that?
Listen, Man, I enjoyed my money.
I worked very hard for my money, and I don't have a problem shooting it off. I just want to be able to show it off the way that I do. Maybe your shirt, maybe watch me a car and not all over social medium posting everything in bragg And I'm not Dan Bazarian or need of dudes.
I'm just a regular guy.
That's a blessing to pass.
I do love how these super rich, like hedge fund guys are investment guys wear the free Goldman sacks. It's the pedagony invests they got from the office. But any I guess maybe that's why they're rich, because I get nick clothes for free.
But so, she really messed up.
She really topped the ball, messed up so bad.
Like He's right, you've got to slope. Everybody knows you got to soap play the money.
Yeah, like you've seen it before.
Kiki's so dejected on her behalf. It's like another good one. Darren's which the information.
Yeah that's what.
Yeah, all right, so no second day, Julian, I'll ask the question. We'll pay for it, give her another shot. I mean, I got I have to ask. Let me well, let me put it this way. Okay.
If he was coming in for an investment, the response would be denied.
Jokes, yeah, all right. Now she doesn't want to go back.
Yeah, okay, but he's got money. Yeah, actually he's still rich. That that hasn't changed in the last ten minutes.
But he's just like all.
Those rich bros.
Like it'd be a fun couple of dates or weeks or months or whatever, but like whatever, All right, enjoy your investment.
Oh wow, okay, see that that should be a salty I mean, let's not forget you did call us. Okay, yeah, yeah, exactly.
Now you're back with your people right here. All right, Julie, thank you for your time. Actually, good luck to you as well.
I think it's the Frend Show Good Morning on the radio and the iHeart app as well. Search for the Frend Show on demand. I meant to get to it yesterday Rufio sent it to me. Apparently we did a I guess. I knew we did this one, you name a snow plow contest because we got nothing else to do, I guess in this city. So we have until January thirty first to vote for fifty finalists. The six names that the most votes will be featured on city snowplows, which can be tracked in real time on plow Tracker. I'm not clicking on that time, Jason. I'm not clicking on that. I'm not, he says plowtracker link. I'm not clicking on that.
You can do it. I'm not following for that.
I believe I received training about this, and it says don't click on anything that says plowtracker.
Tells you how many inches.
This is not what I thought it was. But I'm gonna need you guys to leave the room for a me clowdtragger google that and see what happens. What I really want to see, though, like the list of this is obviously the approved list because it's in the Chicago Tribune and it was released by the Department of Streets and Sanitation. What I really want to see is the list of unapproved names.
Mine didn't make the final fifty. What was it? Mine was? I put the fred Snow on there? Of course not why would they do that. I tried.
I was going to hope it would make the top fifty at least, but no, no, but chance the scraper did.
Scraper? Yeah it doesn't.
That doesn't work though, But okay, this city will not miss any chance, to say chance anything like, we're not missing on that. Oh yeah, don't worry that one will win. Let me see here, I mean like lalla plow losa. I've seen that one. All right, somebody's are gonna the plowminator. They called Jason that on the weekend. Sir salts a lot, Sammy snowsa.
I like that one. Do that? Do that?
Salter Peyton. That's that's pretty good. That's pretty good. Plow caso. No, that's what they call it, exactly. Okay, there's so many ways to go with that, and I'm just gonna not gonna do it. Hey, now you're a plow star. That's not this, Yeah, I know, I don't know anyway. Do you have any friends that have like strange rules that you have to follow when you go to their house like anybody who's like this, you gotta do this, you gotta do that. I bring it up because a woman. I guess this is from TikTok. She says she doesn't keep anny toilet paper in her house and forced his guests to use the bidet after going to the bathroom, so she went viral on TikTok after she admitted that she stopped using tissues, napkins, paper towels, even toilet paper in an attempt to spend less money. The woman claims that the switch has saved her thousands of dollars and has kept her cleaner than ever. She also made the swab after discovering all the chemicals that are in toilet paper, so it's not even there. You can't even get you're trying to use that at her house. It doesn't exist. You have to use the bidet. I've never used a bidet? Does it get it clean?
I don't feel my friend, I don't feel clean without the wipe afterwards. But the new ones, like I said on one recently that you could spray the front and the back, and I was like, oh my god, this thing needs to that should be legal.
That thing was spraying me so you were there for a while.
It wasn't because my friends and I were all trying it, like in front of each other and like filming, I don't know whatever wooa whoa on their website.
Okay, wait a minute, what's up with your friend over there? So you you were all taking turns and filming each other.
Well, yeah, not in a sexual way at all. Like it was just funny.
We've never used one, and my friend has one, and we all were like pranking the next person, like press this button, press that button, and everybody's reaction were funny.
Why were you all in the same room. It's such a weird else. Who go to the bathroom? I don't know.
That's that's the thing that blows me away. Let me ask you. Okay, so let me this is. I know that women go to the bathroom together, but I don't think. But then I learned, like sometimes you guys will all go and if it's like a one room thing where the toilet's right there, then you guys will all go in together and do your business and all just stand around.
Yeah, correct, problem. What happens? If you like there's more going on, excellental poop, you just tell him what happened.
But what happens if it's more than just a peace situation and it's a little more advanced or involved. So you just do that in front of your friends.
Yeah, I mean they all have the same parts, they all do the same stuff. You don't do that, dude.
See, I don't know you with your friends. I can't imagine like number two for sure.
Oh I'm not like sitting there like I mean, you was talking about changing a tampon, right, weren't you?
Or or that yeah, or that. Yeah, I'm not going to say you guys, this is going to be twenty minutes. Can you keep a company? See how well the day really works? Never make my friends in the room.
No, but I just like when you but when you guys all get up to go to the other room, like do you have like a little brief little like pow wow, like okay, hey I'm gonna need a little more time than the rest of you, or like, hey, I'm actually going to the bathroom. Do you have like a code like no, no, this isn't Chipchad time, Like I actually have to go to the bathroom.
I mean, Paulina and I will be like I'm going to the bedroom, don't follow me and then like, well, no, it's a private moment.
Okay, wow, like don't go in there, like hold on, yeah, I just I don't know.
I know women, Yeah, you guys are a lot more comfortable with each other and and your bodily functions, I think, because like I don't.
I don't know that I could even do that.
I feel like I would just like I would get like poop fright if I tried to go into the bathroom and my buddies are.
Also just in there, and I'm like, hold on a minute.
Again, I'm not intentionally pooping with my friends in front of my bed.
Its like, no, that's just a level of.
Yeah, I mean, guys pretty much whip it out in front of each other every time.
You don't really have the guice.
You guys think it's wild the bathroom, Like if we walk into the men's room and then just win it out.
Wild barriers here, Jason, stand next to each other.
Yeah, you stay right next to your tall over the divider.
If I'm looking, but I don't look.
How you don't ever.
Live like no, because you're supposed to make space. There's there's rules to if how many urinals are on the wall, and what space you're supposed to go into? Oh, if I go into number one, No one should go into number two.
They should be like three or four or five.
The only time you could go to the one next to somebody is if they're all filled.
Yes, okay, yeah, but you don't see anything ever.
Not on purpose?
No, what if it was like Michael Jordan pissing next to you.
I'm looking, are you here?
Why you got six rings on that bad boy?
I was wondering where you kept it?
They are.
Take that night like that one.
The rest are nice looking though, No, no, no, no, no one's looking. You guys are so funny with what you think is going on in the men's room, like trust me, no one, No, it's not nearly as as open as apparently you guys are. I would want it, yeah, promote that, but it's yeah.
Take the dividers down.
Yes you don't. I'm going to be like friend, I'm only going to the bathroom.
Beat home, yeah, said all of a sudden with a drill doing some construction, little modeling here. All the hats the Friend Show, It's on good Morning on the radio and the iHeart app anytime search for the French show on demand, and I was doing the exercise last night for some reason, how if I had won the seven hundred million dollars or whatever it wound up being from the Mega millions. I was thinking last nay, like, how much would I give everybody? Because I was actually planning my retirement last night and I was looking to see I made the mistake of I don't know why I did this, but I made the mistake of going to one of these retirement calculators. They have them online where you can type in like how much you want to have it? Like how I don't even know how it's based, but basically, it's if you retire at sixty seven, how much money do you have to have? And you can type in some information how much you make, how much you have saved, this kind of thing, and then it will tell you how much money you have to have it retirement.
Oh no, hey, why were you doing that? What it's going on in that apartment over there? What are you doing?
Then I texted my want to hang out my money guy and I was like, what's the deal with this? And he's like wild night in Chicago. I'm like, dude, I'm I don't know. I just want to see if I'm on track. We need a camera in that apartment.
I love to watch. Like you never think about that.
You never think like am I going to have an Like how long am I going to have to work in my life? You never think about that.
I'm not going to Yeah, I'm not going to happen. I will never They said, I'll never retire.
We'll never finance me to say you got to put a couple bucks away just a you know, for some day, for you know, for a rainy day.
I know, I know what's.
Hard to do.
No, I mean he's got a couple for me. I know, I know it's hard to do. Yeah.
Three quarters in my career, I couldn't afford to save any money, honestly, Like like on my first day when I made nineteen thousand dollars or something, They're like, we have a four oh one K program. I'm like, like, we're going we can deduct so much money from you. And I'm sure in retrospect, I wish I had done it. I just didn't have it to do it. I'm like, if you do that, then I don't get to eat. So it work I'm like, I get an idea, can I have to check without the text taking it because that's still is going to be a little tricky, but like maybe I can make it work anyway. No, it's it's yes. But I was trying to figure out when I can retire and it's never. It's never.
Yeah, So you never much saw much you.
Wants think about that, Rufio, because you got a son, want to have another one.
It's got to probably go to school at some point in his life.
Musing, of course we think about it, but I didn't. I haven't calculated anything just yet.
But hey, the good if you put some money and it's there's a lot of money, but not like a crazy amount of money in a in like an interest sparing account like a college fund. In eighteen years, there'll be plenty of money there in theory, right, yeah, they this is something to teach in school. Man.
I don't know anything like that any CDs and yeah.
All I knew about was what was the thing that you used to get as a kid, like for fifty bonds? Yeah, the same yeah bond I got like twenty years again, sixty dollars.
Yeah, when I was a kid, my last name changed and my parents got divorced, and so I had some from my grandparents and my mom recently found but they have the wrong last name, and it's for like, I mean, we're talking about a total of I think maybe two hundred dollars and with the maybe two hundred and fifty, you know, with the way they pay out or whatever, because I don't know when they bought them for me, and try and get that money when your name isn't the same anymore. I mean, my mom is determined to get this two hundred and fifty or whatever.
I don't eve think it's that much.
And she has spent way more time than it's worth a two hundre fifty dollars because she's like, this is our money, and I'm filing paperwork and getting different, you know, bursts of tips, sitting all this stuff in and I'm like, Mom, whatever it is you're doing is worth more than this, but try and get your money. Oh yeah, that's because I was trying to think about how much I would give everybody, how much would everybody need?
What's that answer?
Like, you guys, would I decided my parents would get paid, my sister would get paid, and you guys would get paid, and that's it.
Would we all get the same amount? Yes, I think I think that's fair.
The five months would have the conversation to see how much we could convert.
Are you pitying once against?
I would have to make it because you guys, you guys are my siblings.
You are my kids. You know what I mean?
Like, I feel a responsibility for you, and I would it would have to be fair. I would have to be fair. I mean, can you imagine if I gave Jason ten million and the rest of you five?
I mean, I think, what but why would I do that?
Why wouldn't I just I don't know.
I don't know how much it would depend how much I think it would depend how much I got. Well, if I want a hundred million dollars, I think I would be less generous than if I won seven hundred million dollars. That makes sense, right, yes, because I got to make the money go further seven hundred million dollars. You know, I might might be like I think I said, I was my parents and my sister fifty million each, and then I was going to give you guys ten. I think it was or five. I can't remember, and then I was going to get a lot of it was in good charity. I was gonna give a lot of it away.
Change my name charity. Help me, I'll tell you.
I like that decision of years right, the key foundation way to think that through.
But anyway, I mean, we don't have to worry about it. I didn't win, but that was I was thinking about that, and then I was like, well, how much do I need to live on?
And then I did that little.
Exercise, and I don't I don't think those calculators are right either, because I I think they also want you to be scared, because it was like, I'm serious, it was like an investment firm or something that the calculator and I think they want you to be like, oh my god, I'm so far behind. I must hire this company to help me make more money. I must give them all my money so that they can make sure that I hit this goal. It's like, you need to retire with eight hundred million dollars. I'm like what, I don't know, Like what how would I wait? Wait, I need to retire with more money than I've ever made in my whole life, Like how would that?
It's impossible?
So I need to find like a man that's like ninety seven, right.
Pull like a Anna Nicole Smith.
Yeah yeah, okay.
You ever wound up getting paid on that because her family went after her for hopping on pop on that one.
I don't remember if she did. Obviously she died, but I don't know.
Who got paid on it.
I mean, he's got to be more than just ninety seven. He's got to have some kind of money. He cat just me ninety seven?
Yeah, waits money?
Well, you know he's go he has a puncheon or something.
Haymen's luck is that she picked the wrong ninety seven year old.
Year olds and I am still working.
You know we should help that last Hayleen.
I'm sorry, but you don't have the best luck, and I just I can see it being like I did it. I finally did it, guys, and then come to find out the guy's debt and you have to pay it. It's all of your day when he goes away exactly by the way, uh.
Earl herebby more fread show.
Next, The Fred Show is on. Maybe this is a new segment. Since we have so many really creative segments here that we do, why let me ask you a question.
Here we go.
Why Why would a company executive call me during the show? Like a company executive? It is like a dude scared? What do you think I'm doing right now?
I manifested him. I spoke about him in the elevator this morning.
There you go is latinin in a bottles.
What do you think I'm doing right now? I mean, what are you? You work for this company?
On the radio.
I can't take your phone. Maybe I should? You know what that wouldn't that be interesting? Let me answer the call down, not tell him that I'm on the raid, and just let's see what he says.
I see what he says. No, no, no, no, no no, don't be scared. No, nothing to be scared of.
I know what. I just realized. There's another text message here with content. We're fine, everything's fine. But I was like, why you call me I'm on the air. Last time someone did that, it was to move me to Chicago. There's nowhere else to go. We're only going down from here.
I don't know.
I'm not answering the phone.
If I never answer this phone, then they can't fire my song. We'll be right back. I want to recognize a hero. This is a maybe we do like a Hero of the Day segment. I'm not sure, but this is a real hero, and I would hope somebody. I would hope someone would do this for me too. A road worker rescue a raccoon from an oncoming train after his testicle hair froze to the track. To the train track in Georgia, the worker found the raccoon and carefully freed him using warm water and his shovel, and then after five minutes, the raccoon was free and ran into the woods. Nobody could tell how the raccoon got into this particament.
A little raccoon.
He's got a wax, my man, he didn't.
I don't know what's left. He may have got more than he may get castrated. This is why you always got to keep things high and tight. Naked naked crawling on a train track? Can you, hey, Jason, I need your help.
Hey, it's me. I'm going to train track right now, Jesus, like, we don't need water.
Oh wait a minute, you know now I'm bling, so thank.
Fred show. Do you have what it takes to battle? You're definitely gonna be Callina.
Hey not today, It's time to play the game.
Callena's game, p sang your song. It's time to play this game again. I'm just trying to learn a thing for you.
I got the Mommy Baby break, but I'm going today because this is embarrassing.
I'm hey, Nick, know it?
Man? How you doing? Welcome to the show, Thanks for listening. Tell us about you.
A low fun fact means I used to live few years back.
You still live?
Where were Rufio?
All right?
Okay, all right, I don't work it out the.
Name, but you know I think you know?
Okay, yeah, awesome, Well okay, so Nick, Nick is on, uh, you know you can't get within fifty feet of you, So that's you know, there's that. So let's play the game five general knowledge trivia questions against Paulina. We'll see how this goes. You guys ready, I'm so ready.
Good luck Nick?
Right, I'm righty, Audios and megay aod is hard COODI it is me and Mega. Okay, here we go. Question number one, Nick Brenda Lee reaction to her song Rocket around the Christmas Tree, hitting number one for the first time in sixty five years. Finish the lyrics to the holiday classic. You will get that sentimental feeling when you hear voices singing.
Oh, I have no idea.
What you kind of see it? Don't you have to sing the lyric? Yeah? Get that sense and man so feeling.
Voices singing I have no idea.
I'm not very good with it.
Okay, all right, we'll move on.
What popular candy used a jingle with the words break me off a piece of that?
What kind of food?
Is the character Humpty Dumpty from the famous nursery rhyme. Locks is a filet of the brind version of what type of fish? Locks is a filet of the brind version of what type of fish?
And, although it expanded to grapefruit growers in nineteen seventy six, ocean spray is primarily focused So what type of fruit? Juice?
Kind of juice?
That dude on the skateboard drinking it? Two? You got it? Two?
You got it too, dude. Let's see how this goes. Nick got a two? We like Nick, formerly of the South Loop. You got it too, Paulina, I think you're gonna win?
You think so?
I don't know.
Well, I can't be certain, but she is longer, and I just can't wait to hear the answer of the first time.
Okay, Brenda Lee Paulina reacted to her song Rocking Around the Christmas Tree, hitting number one for the first time in sixty five years. Finish the lyrics to the holiday classic, and I'll give it to you the way I gave it to him the second time. You will get that Santamno feeling when.
You hear voices singing, singing. Check the halls with ball of hollyood.
Let's be jolly, deck the holes with boughs of holly.
I was like a little clothes, just a little bit balls. Yeah, I like balls of holly. Keep keep the balls out of it.
What popular candy used a jingle with the words break me off a piece.
Of that kick cab bar my favorite? Yeah?
What kind of food is the character Humpty Dumpty from the famous nursery.
Rhyme She's an egg, he is an egg? Locks is a lock?
Locks is a filet of the brind version of what type of fish?
Yeah, don't get cute, Okay, I literally don't know what I said that shamon.
I I can't talk to me.
Although it expanded Grayfruit Growers in nineteen seventy six, Ocean Spray has primarily focused on what type of fruit juice?
That's right, that's a.
Fort that's a good squirm Nick, Nick, I'm sorry, but we love you.
Thank ye.
Yeah, hang out one second, man, have a good day. Next, Paulina, we're coming back up. We're getting there.
Kiki Karaoke is next, Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to play Keiki.
All right, watch the Fresh Show. Got our three songs?
Ready, got our contestant today on Game Show Wednesday.
It's Mary.
Hi, Mary, Okay, Mary, how are you good?
Good morning everybody, well, good.
Morning, and thank you for thanks for listening and for calling in. So this is this theory is a very simple game. We had three songs that we chose, and all you have to do is bet on whether you think that Kiki will know the appropriate lyrics, the correct lyrics when I stopped the song, Okay, that makes sense?
Yeah, all right, good.
The first song in honor of Shares Christmas, it's Share Believe. Oh my Share Believe. Yes, is the song that we're gonna be playing. Do you think that Kiki will get this right or wrong?
I'm sure she knows the chorus, but I feel like lately, you guys that.
I'm throwing her for a loop. So yeah, I love but I'm gonna say.
Okay, so I love you Mary.
Mary is obviously one of the thirteen. She knows how to.
Play this.
Music teacher too, so I appreciate the way.
She can leave the words in Yeah, do try.
It sounds just like a Christmas song, Christmas So now to you.
No matter how hard we go, you know, we go.
Into we got you some snacks because Big Tim is coming back. And I don't know where we go from here, but I know I love you, my dear.
But Shelley's in the passenger.
Side, and you know he ain't got no gas.
And a ride.
Do you believe in love? After love?
You feel something?
It's sad, don't.
You really don't think you're long enough.
I'm not talking about something like that alone. I don't think you love. I feel sure. I really don't think you're long enough. No love, my God, Yeah.
Long enough.
This was a request actually by an artist name Olivia Rodrigo. Perhaps you've heard her.
She reed. Jason Brown wanted this one today.
Driver's license, Yes, driver's license, by Livia Arigo, Big Hit by Livera Arigo. Do you believe Mary, we played this song? I have to check the count somewhere between eighty seven and eighty eight million times. Do you believe that Kiki got this right or wrong? We'll get it ready.
I'm gonna go with Kiky on this one.
Yeah, then you know, absolutely not. She wants to go, I say, so, you're encouraging her not to go with you.
Yeah, I want Mary to save us.
So okay, because she said she went with you on the first one did and that didn't go well, so she's going with you on the second one.
But also lastly, just like we always talked about, all excited, she's.
Always a house build up. To let her build up this shower? Sorry to the store for.
Maybe maybe down so much?
She said, actually, oh right, all about.
I know.
She didn't have her driver's license, so we just rode our bikes and we went to the store.
But we didn't have any money, so.
Then we just used Fred's credit card and then probably took it to the slot. Okay, And then we came back home and we didn't have any socks, so.
Then we went to the mall and we win.
The corner of it and we bought everything they had, but we knew we can make it less.
What is going on?
I don't know. That's how only a songs go. It's always the rollercoaster. We go up and then we go down. We go wow.
Okay, Marry, I don't know.
I have to go.
Very close. Yeah, it was super close on that. That was something.
Okay, So Mary, this sode not going well betting on Kiki here but now but now it's tough low waynes and I'll let you pick the song because it's going so well.
Pick the song options. No, okay, wait, what song do you think? You know we can do?
Missus officer? We can do? Uh do a MILLI?
We can do.
I would like to hear your version of a million love. Really my version.
I'm going to sing the little way way. I know all the words.
Do we have it? We got that? We do it?
Hold on?
Yeah? Hell is it a millie?
I don't know?
If we have it?
We do?
We do?
Where is it? I found? I found I found it on my win amp.
There it is.
Don't worry and if that means the blessing that if you don't know win amp, you don't know, you're ready?
Oh, hold on, hold on? Do you think she'll get this right or wrong? Mary? I forgot the most important part of the game.
That's totally fine. I think she's got this.
Yeah, we're going all in. We're wetting on her all around. Okay, let's see how this and everything.
Your money money A million, million, a million, a million. I got a fired up.
Oh yeah, yeah, that's cigar sized blood.
I was calling it a millionaire. I'm a young money MILLI young.
J yeah haaren yeah and fair knuckup's not in fair convery, y'all like flee and see hes on the byes on the back of the tides in my mind because I don't right boss, because I ain't got time and my seconds.
I was going to oh my that one and the power and yeah the brother cousin.
Yeah yeah, that was the hardest one by a mile on this. I'm close. She yeah real, CLO's the word.
Cola and the and.
Yeah they got wow.
All right, Mary, that means well, you got that one. But no one loses in this game, so yeah, yeah, there are no losers in karaoke. So yeah, Shelley, would you like to play.
This is hard Slee Shelley, Yes, we give her another low Way Millie. She loves she loves a good flow rider song. You know what, I'll give you a flow so so I hate KaraOK I'll be I'm sorry, I do.
Sorry. Are you all so sh Shelley. Yeah, I'm going to give a bonus one. Mary already went, Mary, have a good day. You already won.
We love you Mary.
Guys all right, I'm going to give you flow rider low Okay. Do we think that Shelley will get this song right? One of my mom's favorite songs. Did she get this right or wrong?
What do you get it right?
You got it?
Okay? You ready?
I'm nervous.
Okay, here we go.
See how this goes.
Get that part, Joe, the whole crop is looking at her.
She hit the hit the flowing thing, you know, god, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No, Maggie sweater, Pemels, sweater we could get aside.
She hit the floating thing, you know Shello, no, no, no, no, she hit the floor.
She hit the floor, surety, no sweater pants yet.
She had a sweater pants.
Nice job, Shally, nice job. Yeah, you go to the store. We can go to like Whole Foods or something showy.
I will make sure he's glueenery, Glunae, Sto, sugar free, Drew three.
Hairy Free.
We're gonna put air in their.
The Fred Shiel Good Morning on the radio and the iHeart app as well. Search for the fread Shiel on demand. I washed my jeans and now they're like yoga pants basically, like even more than they usually are because you put some in the dryer. Bro Well, I didn't.
I wasn't thinking. You have to know good out there. You don't put jeans in the dryer.
It tightens them up, which is good, Like it tightens up the threads, you know, it kind of like because they start to get a little like saggy kind of Yeah, but then these I guess it was too much.
I don't put anything in the dryer.
It really.
Really everything too Yeah, I did too well, really nice stuff, like it was really nice that I hang it to dry. But I mean I'm not hanging every every single T shirt and underwear and the rest.
That's why you got a problem. You can't find a good T shirt.
They're all.
Don't worry, faded, don't.
Worry, fat Well. I don't mind faded, faded, I don't mind effect. Some of my shirts, like I've been washed seven thousand times are my favorite shirts. They're like barely hanging on. But I can't wear them out because they're like, you know.
Because they stops well, I mean walk around.
Well, I need longer shirts about winning the poo, wouldn't I? You don't wear pants?
Does he know he doesn't cover anything?
No, I hear he's packing winning the Poo. I hear he's just swinging. Oh no, he's a ken doll down there. I don't want to believe that. I refuse to believe it. You could see it all the time. No, No, it's just hidden behind a roll.
It's very relatable, it's extremely relatable, but its way deep down there. That dude's got it going on. I choose to believe. Same with kat In the Hat. I want to believe kat In the Hat rolls that thing up. Man, he's just got so much swag.
Yeah, and I do feel like kat in the Hat is packing.
Yeah, thank you. That's always one.
Yeah, there.
It is.
That's why he's my favorite. I'm just having a fashion day.
My jeans, I think are a little and then my my socks are already both rolled half down my foot already, so I'm walking on them. I'm wearing some lows. Oh okay, but they've already rolled down half ways. I'm able to take them off with this because it's annoying. There's nothing more annoying. They just roll right down. Yeah, I'm just having having a fashion day. My thong's writing up my hem, I'm having a day, you know what I mean.
It's the shirt for me.
Well, here's what happened this morning. You guys, you may have missed this. I don't think Canley was there yet. But I'm wearing my vintage. What's not vintage, it's like want to be vintage because it's new Blockbuster video shirt. Because of course, as you know, I'm an alumnus of the management team a Blockbuster Video, very proud of it. Sixteen years old, with the key to the store and a safe code, which seems like a really bad idea in retrospect. I mean, now I look at like I look at like twenty one year olds. Can I go when I trust you with my wallet?
I probably when I was sixteen barely could drive, but I had access to thousands of dollars same and merchandise. Yeah, millions of the right, millions of dollars in the store. They thought that was a good idea. Anyway, I go, uh, we're sitting at the table out there. I go, yeah, you know, shout out to BBV Blockbuster Videos that we could BEBV. That was Paulina goes BV and Kiki goes, that's been on my TikTok a lot lately.
I'm like, what tickti?
I don't know.
I promise I'm clean.
I don't know what I'm saying.
What are you talking about out loud that they get right that your TikTok is pulling up signs that you might have an issue.
I don't know. I've been hanging around Rufio too much.
I don't.
So what I said was b B Is that the one I got you?
Or did I know you got the white one with this is a blue one? I like that, thank you, I'm proud of it.
I like it.
Love is that the did you buy that instead of the owls? Well, I didn't get the owl that says how many licks?
Hold on?
It's not it's not too late. They're still in stock. I got this one.
I got to count chocola. Yeah, okay, I was very excited about that one too. I've been a real sucker for the like the Facebook and the Instagram ads lately. I've been a real sucker, like when I buy The other day I bought these T shirts add, I bought those those other T shirts add And then the other day I bought jeans ad which I'm really nervous about the jeans, but they advertise that they're good for your.
Well, you're nuts. You're nuts. They're good for your TV.
Apparently they're like stretchy, so they don't so you're your parts down there, don't because that's an issue that you.
Guys don't have for sure. Yeah, I can't imagine it is an issue. Is that if you wear you know, tighter clothing, a little friction, it's an issue. It's not great. I can't imagine some touch in me all day. Oh yeah, you.
Gotta, yeah, you gotta handle that because otherwise, you know, if you wear loose clothing, then you're you're okay. But if you wear tighter pants, then you got to there's a lot of adjustments all do that they can get a little little rough day, little chafey down there.
It can them or what?
Yeah, well, you know, no, you're not supposed to do. You supposed put lotion on them because that breeds bacteria. You're supposed to keep it as dry as possible. This is a health lesson we got.
Going on here. It is, are you moisturize gold bomb down there?
You know?
Well, I told you I found some like liquid powder stuff. I forget the company Anthony I think makes it. It's really like it's good and it kind of moisturizes but lifts and separates too, you know, so it helps it helps with thee on that front.
Yeah, I'm gonna do that right after after I do my BV review. They're like, what the hell.
Like, I wake up in the morning, you go, I gotta make a TikTok video about nasty. I mean, come on, I understand it's a fact of life, but like, what on TikTok we're doing this?
Yeah, because there's a lot of like cures that people are sharing.
Yeah, things, I get all my ino from TikTok.
That's terrible.
That's terrible.
Yeah, but I will literally look it up there before I head to the Google huh Yep.
Someone just texted my husband loves Lululemon pants for their ABC anti ball crush technology.
Yeah, I need to go. I need to go there because I hear they're great. Yeah, but there's so.
Many knockoffs now that are just as good. You know what I'm saying, Like athletics makes good stuff, that's true.
You got me a pair. They're like cotton ish. They have some that are more like dress pant looking that you can pull off. I guess in like a semi upscale casual setting that they're like, they're like all the features of the workout, but then they look a little like that.
That's probably what I need from Old Navy, baby, old Navy. Yeah, it makes them nice.
But do they have the ABC technology or the BBV or and I said, BBB affordable?
How are you spelled? Okay? Yeah, more Fread Show. Next, The Fread Show is on Fred's Fun Fact Fred's Fun.
So Bad.
You're familiar with the punk band the Offspring.
Yes, it released a smash hit called Pretty Fly for a White Guy, so you might remember this is back in nineteen ninety four. Well, turns out, the lead singer of the Offspring It's a guy named Dexter Holland, he stepped away from his postgraduate education to focus on music. Neither his professors nor his mom was very happy about it, but even as he toured with the band over the next several decades, he kept shipping away in his classes, and finally, in twenty seventeen, now Doc de Holland completed his dissertation on the molecular dynamics of HIV and general virus host interactions. So the dude that sang pretty Fly for a White guy has a PhD in molecular dynamics of HIV.
Maybe bunch of good songs? Actually, yes, the kids aren't all right, so the guy's brilliant. It turns out he has pretty fly for a white guy. Yeah, okay, Dad
Or Fredshell next