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That dude's voice. He should be the voice of a turtle. Yes, Fred's show is on. Good morning. It is Friday, January thirty. First, the Freend Show is on. Hi Klin, Hi, Jason Brown, Hi, Paullina, Hi Kiki.
Good morning.
Shob Shelley with money this hour and then showed down one thy one hundred and fifty bucks. Pelamin is here on the phone of the text always eight five to five, five nine one three five even call it Texas, same number, waiting as new sho be Shelley with Money. The entertainer report, he is coming up. It's the Friday Frend Show, Good Morning, weekends. It was it is the Frend Show. Good morning. Thanks for having us on the radio, on the iHeart app live and anytime. Search for a Freend Show on demand. Eight five five five nine one one oh three five. In context, the same number Bellahamine Operators is standing by aka Belahamine is standing by your proudest parenting moment yours happened over the weekend.
Follos, your daddy.
Jgi's crawling around.
Now she's crawling around, which is funny because she wasn't crawling.
She was starting to show signs of walking.
And then all of a sudden, I looked over, like I don't know, two weeks ago, and she's crawling across the room.
So I was like, okay, we're more.
We were gonna skip the crawling face to walk in.
I guess they say that could happen, and I was like, well, that's advanced.
But she.
I feel like there's the kind of story that parents tell about their kids, but that they're lying, Oh you know my kid, My kid was running marathons before she could crawls, Like what you know, because everybody I know, I have very few. I have a couple of friends who say their kids are kind of dumb, but the rest but they're like they keep it real, like that they know their kids like this one here is going to be the one who's going to make us all the money, and this one here, you know, we love her but or him, but like, uh really not sure that is keeping you real. Buttherwise you got every parent going, you know, oh my god, my kid. The teacher said that my kid is is brilliant, has perfect IQ and and it probably is has the cure for cancer, you know, locked inside of his head. Like every parent says that about their I feel like my kid. Yeah, yeah, very few parents keep it real like this one. Here. We're just hoping that he or she will like get out of the house someday, Like that's realistic. Nonetheless, Gigi is crawling around.
She's crawling around, which means I had to put like gates up and like, we got to get those little things that close cabinets now. So I looked over and because I heard her in Benzo and those two are my dog Benzo. They are just in Shenanigans all the time, you know. When I cook for her, she's throwing food whatever she wants to grab them and all these things. So I look over and she's next to Benzel's bowl. I'm like, well, that can't be good. I look over and in her hand her is like one thing about baby's hands. When they grab something like that is the quickest reflux you'll ever see. Like whatever it is, they grab it. She's got kimble in her hands and one in her mouth. So I was like, okay, we're eating kimble. I see what we're doing. And I also heard that they drink out of the water bowl once they get a little bigger too.
Yeah, it's like whenever you please, you know, whenever you're thirsty, you go ahead and have So now I'm like, I gotta put the dog food somewhere because so crawl to it, you know, and I want her crawl.
I want her to explore. But it's it's hard. Now I'm like trying to watch everything of what else you can get into.
Yeah, like the tummy time phase looked kind of cool. That was my niece may like you know, you just kind of they just kind of lay there on their back of their stomach, and then they're not going anywhere. So like my sister's running around the house doing stuff because baby like you know, obviously popping back in like you know, quite regularly. But the baby's not going anywhere if there's nothing in her reach exactly, you know.
Yeah, tell me time I missed that I missed when they were swaddled up and you can just hold them for hours and watch TV and they just doze off, you know, in and out of sleep.
That was a fun phase too.
So you caught your kid eating dog food.
The kibble, yeah, the dog food. Yeah, so that's gonna be really fun. I'm nervous. I'm really nervous, guys.
Is that is that your proudest parenting moment or and I mean that sarcastically, or are there other things that have happened that you're like, I really hope nobody saw that.
No I did. It's think about it.
We were at dinner, like what last month, and she grabbed somebody had like a drink, their cocktail and she was her and Ariel, so she grabbed it.
And my little girl, she's strong, I'll say that about her. She's strong.
And the next thing you know, she's holding this drink up like like fist like everything, just clenching it, and.
It's just like we're all looking and I'm like that that's the drink. That's Aeriel's drink. So I'm thinking, like it's it's gonna drop in a second.
It didn't, thank god, but I'm like those hands just grab everything now, yeah quick, because she wants a cocktail.
Clearly I feel her.
You know, how often were you in charge of your of your nephews at a young age, like at a really young age, because now they're like sixteen asking you for two thousand dollars pants.
Yeah, I have I have a nephew at every stage in life right now. So there is a toddler and he is wild like he is like the Tasmanian devil, Like it's a turn up every time you see him. But I know those little hands they move very quick, and when you go like when you go to snatch it, it's already in their mouth yea, in their stomach like it's done. You can't you can't take it back.
That's a wrap. Yeah.
Yes, he just makes me nervous, Like, I don't know at what point, probably somewhere around twenty three is when I would be comfortable taking my nieces somewhere. And I feel like if they if I broke them somehow, then it wouldn't be Like honestly, I gets too much pressure to drive with them in the car. Makes it makes me too nervous. I just I don't know, Like my sister, you know, if the kid falls and like bumps her head or something and whatever, then whatever if it happens on my watch, Oh yeah, we're going to the hospital. We're getting neurologists involved. There's a brain surgery. I'm sure I broke the kid. She'll never be the same. And my sister, would you know, just own me for the rest of my life. But I see some stuff happen with my sister and the kid, like, oh no, don't even look at that skinder knee. No big deal. If it happens on my watch, we got a real problem.
It's different.
It's different.
It makes me, It just makes me nervous, and it makes me just like I'll just I'll just sit here and throw money or something. Now, Laura, Laura, hold on a second, Laura, good morning. How are you?
I'm fine?
How are you? Laura? You're about to tell me an actual Is this a real proud moment? Because I was being sarcastic, But tell me the real proud moment of your child? Because I was talking more about kids eating dog food? But what is the real proud moment you'd like to share?
My watching my two sons bet dads to their kids really cool to watch.
What is it that resonates with you? Is it the care? Is it the is it the patience? Is it is something you maybe didn't expect to side of them that you've never seen before, seing them helping just and.
Just in general being being a present dad, you know, like taking two boys to the grocery store while the mom stays home and planes it, you know, yeah, yeah, I mean actually being a dad, not just you know, being the donor to this thing. Actually doing that. Parenting is really cool to see.
It is cool to see like my sister, you know, watching her be a mom. She's so good at it. It is it is cool to see. It's like I remember when you were crawling around and now look at you. You're responsible for human lives. Thank you, Laura, have a good day.
That's so sweet.
You're too glad you called. No, let's get back to what we really went here a Ruben, Hi, Reuben. That was a nice touching moment. But Rubens, how.
Old is you?
Good morning? How old is your niece?
My niece is fu okay?
And what happened?
And yesterday she was crawling around doing her thing?
And then before I could look and see.
Where she's at, she's eating two big handfuls of kitty food.
What flavor was it? Was it the tuna? Was at the chicken? I mean, come on, you know, yeah, was it the salmon?
It was?
It was a tuna with the famine?
No, I mean you know when you're hungry, okay, so so you grabviously you grabbed her the food.
Whatever hands and I go wash her hands, make sure she's okay, give her a little water to wash it down.
I guess yeah, like doubt her in mouthwashed And the parents will never know that it happened on your watch and everything. Yeah, okay, thank you, Reuben, have a good day, have a great thing. Yeah yeah, cat food.
It happened.
I was gonna say, have you ever felt like you broke her all the time? Because that would be my concern is that I would be asking myself as a person with anxiety, I'd be asking myself every day, is this normal? Is this normal? Is this is this supposed to be happening? Is this normal? Or like was that too hard or too soft?
You're like, yeah, I know because right now, like she stands right and she falls and I'm always grabbing her arm, and my biggest fear is like I pull it too hard because they're babies are delicate, but they're also very resilient.
I'm hearing that too.
She's fallen hitting her head already, Like we're in that phase too. But doctor said, rule of thumb is if the fall is I think like shorter than they are or something, they're okay, like they're height and shorter. Now she fell from like I don't know, seven ft up, then it's a different story.
But if she just fell on.
Her butt or whatever, that would be concerning.
Yeah, it would be very concerning. But I'm not gonna lie you guys.
I call the doctor for every little thing. Well I know what the latest one was, please.
So I felt like her diaper wasn't wet enough, like she didn't be enough.
So I called the doctor because I was like, is that normal?
I don't know she hydrated. I think that's probably a reasonable question.
No, because there'd be signs of dehydration. She just woke up from a nap and didn't pee, So like, I freak out because I don't know. It's my first time here, the first time page. If you can't tell that makes sense, you know, I get it.
Any little thing.
Shelley, Hi, good morning, Shelley. Hello, I hear a car. Hello. Oh Shelley, or Kelly says Shelly. Is your name? Kelly?
Yes, it's Kelly. Okay, Well anyway you mind if I call you anyway? What's your bandbarrassing moment?
I've been called worse. So when my son was six, he came into the house from the backyard. He's like, mom, Mom, Mom, like, what's wrong. He goes there's a bear in the backyard and he pooped back there. And I'm like what And he's like, Mom, there's a brier that pooped in the backyard. And so I went back there. No, it was my son in front of all the neighbors, decided to drop his pants and poop in the backyard and claimed that it was a bear.
Yeah, yeah, the bear. I'm gonna use that one.
I do.
He blamed the bear. I mean the record. He is twenty now, he is in college. He is an excellent student and a good kid. But you know, poop inside now, yeah, we do give him toilet paper.
I mean, but yeah, don't Hey, Kelly, Shelly, don't pretend like you know, we don't see bears just pooping in people's front yards all the time. It's a very common occurrence.
I believe.
You know.
You got to watch themselves suburbs there, they got a lot of bears out.
You've got to be very concerned about this. Yeah, thank you, Kelly, Kelly, have a good day. The French Show, Good morning, Thank you so much for waking up with us. Was brought to my attention in an executive meeting with the suits that I like. I had a meeting with the suit. There are suits I don't like. Some of them have been fired, which is wonderful, not that they're fired, but I don't like that they're fired. But they're not in my purview anymore. So I wish you the best in your future endeavors. I didn't say that I'm happy that people got fired. Anyway, Stop it whatever. Don't tell me you've never had a coworker that you're like, I hope you do great somewhere else. And that's how I see it. I feel that way, genuinely. I genuinely feel that way, like we're all the best. And I'm talking about the suits. By the way, don't try and read between the lines. There's nothing else here. But uh oh, So I've had to meet and they were like, hey, with the texts, because we have a text you can text and call the same number. And I have a little thing, a little thing on my screen here that shows me the texts. And people were like, and these suits were like, hey, what if we just don't look at the text for a while.
That's a great idea. Retweet I've been.
Doing much better lately. I used to just straight up read the hater stuff on the air. I've been doing much better. You guys are just as bad with the text as I lately. Yeah, I think people were just some people have been very kind. Most people have actually been very kind. Some people have been just terrible. But today I come in to find that Jason Brown's login, which is the one I use, the password had been changed, constructed to change my past thord you were told you they actually sent like a message.
This is an intervention, but little do they.
Know I have other means. Little do they know. Well, I was trying to explain to them, like it's most people are nice, and I can't not look at them because this is how we interact with the audience. Like people seem to be texting before they call a lot of times, so otherwise I don't know what people are thinking. But I mean, you remember last year, I would just straight up I'd go off. I'd go off for twenty minutes on one. I don't do that anymore. I don't do that anymore, right, I don't do that. I need I need your reassurance. Yes, so you guys, well, I didn't say that. So you guys, you really went and changed your passwords so I couldn't look at the text. I was told by our boss.
I hit you stuff.
I appreciate that somebody that cares about my mental health. I do, yes, but I need to be able to see what people are saying.
I'll take yours away then I might help.
Actually, right, yeah, you like what I had to take away, Like my stepdad's like liquor bottle when he just had too much.
My dad's cigarettes and he got so mad.
Nothing you've ever said is more relatable to me. I do remember that. Actually I remember that very thing.
He's starting.
No, no, Dad, not another bottle of wine. I do remember you're hiding my text message access. You guys are doing the best I can. I am. I'm trying to. I'm trying to make everybody happy. It's damn near impossible. Deep down in sign, I'm a pleaser and I don't think people I think because I tend to be like a little stoic and a little like I keep my emotions locked within, deep deep deep with him. I think that people think that I'm like I don't know what people think, but I'm a very sensitive guy. Keep down inside, and I care what people think, So I gotta look at one's entered same.
He's on the fread Show.
Absolutely horrifying stories are beginning to trickle out following the mid air collision of an American Airlines flight with an Army black Hawk helicopter. During an interview, a man named Hamad Raza said he last spoke to his wife and she texted him that she would be landing in twenty minutes. But he said he knew something was up when he responded and his text.
Field to send now.
Rescuers had launched a really large scale search in the Potomac River, and Hamad said that he started praying immediately that authorities would pull his wife's body out of the frigid waters near the Reagan Washington National Airport. And I just it's just continues to be very difficult to look at the footage, and I'm praying for everyone affected by that. All right, let's switch gears, because the frend Show is known for the smutty stuff, So here you go.
Justin Baldoni's pac Man movie is.
Now in doubt due to his legal battle with Miss Blake Lively.
That sucks.
For him, but I don't do we need a pac Man movie.
I don't know.
This is just one of several projects that he could lose as a result of all of their legal drama. Now, people close to the actress says he's already lost three jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars because of all of this, which began when Blake filed a complaint December twenty first, accusing him of sexual harassment on the set of It Ends with Us.
So you know, I don't know.
I mean, their trial date is set for next year, so this is going to be going on for a while. I'm getting a little crazy talking about it, but we will see what happens. And of course his lawyer keeps spilling behind the scenes footage and text messages, so I don't know. I'll keep you in the loop as much as I don't really want to. And also, our weekend is set to tip off at the CHAF Center in San fran in just like two and a half weeks, I think, and word is that they wanted a Caitlin Clark to face off with Steph Curry in a one on one showdown, but I am hearing that's likely not going to happen. I know he did one last year and it went over really well. I'm forgetting her name, but I don't think she's doing it after she declined to join the competition next month, but discussions are still going on, so maybe she'll change her mind. She has turned down kind of a lot of stuff that she's been offered and kind of wants to focus on that. But she seems to be busy and enjoying her downtime hanging with her boyfriend Butler assistant coach Connor McCaffrey, and chilling with Taylor Swift.
So she's like, I'm good.
I don't know if I'll see you there, but you know, maybe she'll bless us with her presence. By the way, if you missed any part of our show, The Friend Show, please download the free, new and approved iHeart Radio app and search The Fred Show on demand.
It is the freend Show. Good morning, thanks for having us on the radio. On the iHeart app live and anytime search for The Fred Show on demand. Kicky, you run on the sheet this morning that you're getting a little tired of your menu at home. Yes, and let me just read to exactly what it says. There's nothing that makes me happier. Well, there are a lot of things that make me happier, but this is up there, wow, right on our little We have a little sheet that everybody writes their ideas on for the show, and then I go through them and try and figure out which ones are going to do. And this is what Kicky robe. I need some new recipe. I'm tired of eating the same meat. We need some new animals or something. You need some new animals or something. Yes, okay, like we need like I don't know, Like I don't know. I'm tired. Yes, I'm tired of the same meat. What are you making?
I make the same things?
Air fryer, chicken strips, salmon in the air fryer, a steak in the air fryer.
Maybe the air fryer is the issue. There are other ways to make food, but.
It doesn't it doesn't hit like the air fryer, and it's not as convenient as the air fryer.
So that's because you just stick stuff in there and like wave a magic wand over it and it just somehow it comes out looking like it was made it out bag or something. That's what you think at least literally, I don't trust it like ozampic. I don't trust the air. I don't trust it.
Why even right?
Why is there you can stick anything in it? Turn a little knob, walk away, come come back. It looks like, you know, a chef made it or something. There's something wrong with it. There's something going on. And now we're learning like the coating of the inside of the air fryer. You gotta get a metal one because I guess the inside of the plastic one that's gonna kill you. It's like ozempic. It's just too easy. Anything that is too easy, you know, I'm skeptical concerns me.
Well, I think I do think in that like a couple of years, there will be commercials like, you know, if you use an air fryer, you are to call this number compensation mesadmioma whatever they be saying.
I might get. I might get that. Third time it'll be different one.
Oh yeah, you know, I do believe that, but hey, I got to live for now.
Yeah, I think we're gonna I think people who take ozempic are gonna wind up with a tail. And I think that people and then I think the people who eat from air fryers are gonna I don't want it. I don't want it to happen to you. It's just I'm skeptical of anything that's too easy.
I have to you haven't had my air fryer salmon. I'm talking about chef's kiss, Gordon Ramsey. You you will change that too.
But is it? Is it worth a tooth that's going to grow, yes, out of my left elbow, you know or whatever. Yeah, I'm just concerned. I'm very worried about it.
Okay, well, little mess with. I won't hurt nobody.
No, you don't take it for the plot, you know, No, just call the number.
Everything will be five. I could use a bag. What animals would you like to combine to make the new animal? Like it's like a salmon chicken? Yeah, like something. I need something fresh, you know what I'm saying? Like, why do we just make these animals and decide that was it? Like, come on, you can do better than this.
Whenever do you know meat? That's more so, I don't have the imagination the meat thing.
Kaitlin like this is califlower chicken, When he's like, no, this is cauliflower, not veggies.
Masquerading is meat just like having veggies.
And aside, you ever had a cauliflower pizza. I've had it. It tastes not like pizza, right, Yeah, I like calif but it doesn't taste like pizza category right, Like, no.
This is collie flower. This is not rice. You know what I'm saying.
You're not fooling me with this. Have you ever had rice? Yeah? Right, yeah, that's.
Not what I beg when we need some new vegetables. So it's just like it's.
Just a worry.
What about like egg can't like Egglan's amazing? Yeah, you know you could only.
Do so much though, you know, in an air fryer. Okay, because that's the only method that we're using for cooking it too. By the way, nothing imitation. I think is that we need to like maybe move to the oven. Yeah, nice fry maybe you know a little soy sauce in there.
I can't use an air fryer.
No, you want me walking around smelling like, uh the sauce.
I don't have time for that.
I need something.
I can put the air fry and press the button.
I can go scroll on TikTok, twirl around and then sales me. I'm done.
See your issue, Kiki. Is it like it's like you're deep frying here because you're not. But it would be like if you deep fried everything, If you deep fried every meal you ever ate, you get bored of it because everything's gonna taste like heap fried, like oil. Yes, so you're you're air frying everything. It just has a similar texture and taste. And it says, so you gotta switch up the method of cooking.
Okay, Well, I boiled some chickens on the night what I wanted to make. Oh, don't boil sounds like.
A terrible idea.
Yeah, and I'm not air frying. How can I make crock.
Piles the same thing? You just have to work a couple hours ahead. You throw everything in there and you just walk away. You could twirl, you could do whatever. He and you just let it cook.
Jason, You know me, I do nothing ahead of time.
So like the fact with crockpie, you got a plane, you know, I gotta set it before I leave the house, not burn the house down. And I have anxiety the whole day I'm at work that my house is on fire because I'm using a crockpile.
This she does, I don't understand that one Like you can you can't leave your uh, your curling iron on, you can't do that, But you can leave a little you can leave a little burning pot on all day in your home and just walk away.
My house and burned on yesterday, and that's okay, fourteen hours yesterday.
That would give me anxiety all day. And I realized it's low heat, and I realized it's like but still, I'm plugging this thing in, I'm setting it to you know, hundreds of degrees or whatever it is, and I'm just walking away and leaving it there all day and I'm just supposed to come back.
No, didn't someone die that way on this is us?
It's possible.
That's my fear. Yeah, I have.
The same concern about the dishwasher too, Like I'll set the dishwasher and I'll leave, but I'm convinced that one of these times is going to like leak or something that flowed, and then I'm going to come home to an ocean in my house. Like I typically want to supervise my appliances. I'm a supervisory guy with the appliances typically, Like I like to see what's going on with it because I feel like that way I could somehow stop the calamity if it occurred, even though I wouldn't really know what to do. I think I know where the water thing is to shut it off, but like I would probably just twirl around for a while watch TikTok while watching my house flood. You know, but I don't trust him. People are saying, try duck or go to a wild game store. People are saying kangaroo is delicious.
Somebody said, kangaroo, have you had venison? Yeah that's yeah. Yeah, but I didn't really care for it. You know, I don't like it either. Yeah, it's the deer, right, Yeah, you already gaming like the deer. Yeah you don't like a deer. What about pork? You don't make a lot of pork.
I don't make a lot of pork.
Yeah, I know, go get one of those. They're actually pretty good, those pork loin things that are pre marinated at the store. You's got to cut off that that pieces like there's like a it comes attached to the tinbo and it's like white thing. Cut that off. It's like a like a piece of muscle. I don't know why they leave it on. Just cut it off. It's like a little then cut it off and then cook it. It's delicious. Grill it or like put in the oven. It's already premarinated. It's good. I wasn't eating pigs for a while after I helped rescue that one pig. And now you know, yeah fine, no I saved one, I could eat another one, is the way I see, right, And they didn't know each other, those guys. And if it's already in the store, then the damage is on. You know, I walked by it there it is. You know, it's like if someone doesn't buy it, that was a waste, so you gotta buy it. It's already done. You can't stick it back in there.
Other fish to make other fish other than sand, that's true.
I don't really make other fish like ony tuna, no tilapia.
Yeah, okay, I'm just gonna push the button before we list every this is going to be like, because otherwise we're just gonna sit here and list every kind of fish.
I think Kiky just gets out there and starts hunting her own food.
Now I would pay to see that.
Maybe I don't really gone sticky and okay, because I would be starving.
Kiky with the bow and arrow TikTok in one hand, the bow in the other to find her own food.
Yeah, that would be good.
It's the Fresh Show. Good morning. Thank you so much for waking up with us. Caitlin has walky talkies in her home. She lives in a one bedroom apartment. I have not been there. I'm just I'm familiar with the way you've described it. You and your boyfriend live in a one bedroom apartment and he bought you walk it talkies for Christmas. Yeah, because because you go to bed earlier than he does. Yes, and God forbid, you'd have to stop talking to each other at some point, even though you're in bed and the purpose of being in bed with me to sleep.
Yeah, Well, things come up.
So then you walk e talkie. So he'll be on the couch in the living room. Yeah, and then you're in the bed and then you walkie talkie. Yeah.
And it has been the best investment that we have ever made. Okay, first of all, So here's another example on Wyan Street. So he wakes up earlier than me on the weekends because you know, especially Saturday Friday. I don't know if you guys are dead like I am, but I'm just dead to the world, and so I sleep in a little bit later because I'm catching up on all the sleep from the week. So this Saturday morning, I woke up. He was not in bed, and I didn't know where he was, but he placed the walkie talkie next to my head turned on. So I just walkie talkie and said, what are you doing out there?
And then he told me, because.
You know you wake up, you don't want to get up yet.
You want to figure out. Oh, can you bring me some coffee?
Yes? I can, God forbid, you'd like just say hello. I mean, you're acting like you live in the taj Ma hall or something like that. You need that you need, you know, this sort of communication.
I do and listen when I go to bed early, like I.
Can't sleep, so like any me getting up and seeing the light or the TV or anything like it messes with my sleep, Like I have, I need like four hours to really, you know, wind down.
But a speaker with a battery in it next to your head that someone can yell into you into your ear at anytime, that's any that.
Though, I was thinking that I do. And also if I yell, our dog freaks out. She doesn't like that, so me just like, hey, can you bring me some water?
You know?
I like, is this to startle you though? No, Like, is it like the chirp remember the chirp phones? Is it chirping? No, it is not an Excel chirp phone. It literally just goes like like it doesn't There's no beeping or anything. It's very nice.
I just you know, I think sometimes I go into a different room where there aren't people so that I don't have to interact with them, right, I don't necessarily get another layer of ways to communicate with me.
Well, we're not having full dialogue.
It's just can you basically, can you bring me something? When you do.
Something the game? Hey, I like that. No, I want to know, like what he's doing out there.
That just okay.
I's been a game changer. I'm not even joking. It's been the best decision we've ever made. I'm telling I like it.
I just know.
No, it's just no, it's as an over me dog, and I'm glad it works for you guys. It's wonderful. But like the whole purpose of me being like, hey, why don't you hang out in the living room for a while, or or are you going to bed? Okay? Cool? Then I'm all hang out in here for a little while, like it's okay, well it sounds like it with the walkie talkie. It's where's my coffee? What's the score? What are you doing for me? What are you cooking for me? What have you done for me yet today? No? But I think I just think sometimes it's like, okay, not to talk all the time. He's an other person. Yeah, it's from time to time.
It's not a lot of talking.
But again, like he won't come into the bedroom when I'm sleeping because he doesn't want to wake me up.
So if I tell him, you know.
Hey, is your boyfriend big tim? Is he this thoughtful?
No? And I no.
Other day, I'm like, I like this walkie talkie idea because this man ignores text messages. He's like, I didn't see your text, bro, you saw my text and you heard me call your name three times.
So I like this walkie talky idea.
We need like a like a one sided walkie talkie, like where I do the talking and you the listening happens. But that you can't you can't come back to me with anything.
That's like our text line when we black people like they can text us, so we just can't reply.
Yes, so we have a text, right, we have a thing and we can look at you can text the number and we can like look at what you're texting obviously. And so if if you like are really terrible to us, and some people are really terrible to us and we block you, all that does is mean that we can't talk to you, but you could still say terrible things to us. It's a great blocking mechanism. It works perfectly.
It's like we're tied down and they're just yelling in us and we can't do it exactly.
It's like we just meted ourselves basically and allowed you to just say what you want one side. Oh, it's wonderful.
We pleaded ourselves.
Wow. Okay, so game changer, guys, we've learned it to start the show, to start the week. Game changer in a relationship is is to to always be in two way communication, never not be Okay, see Jason, you're not in your head the same way. Like sometimes the silence is exactly what I'm looking for. Yeah, I mean we're always in the same room no matter what.
Like Mike and I are always like it's like what we're following each other around, like we're gonna go sit in the dance We're like sitting watching TV and then he gets up. I'm like, oh, is it time for bed? And he's like yeah, I was like all right, So we get up and we're like oh no. However, like I'll go to text him something and it'll literally be like five days since we've texted. Like we don't like talk like that, like back and forth, like I don't know what it is, like we all day without talking, Like literally I'll be here all day and I will.
You guys have never sleep separate, Like sometimes my boyfriend will fall asleep.
On the couch and I'll be in the bed or something.
Yeah, we can't. I can maybe sleep with that. Maybe you guys could just sleep then maybe maybe don't distance.
We're not in constant communication.
It sounds like it and how they would never go for this.
No, no, no, he would break it works.
As a firefighter, that's for saving people's lives. Can I just want some coffee?
Yes, exactly?
You know what, I think the batteries would be out of it all the time. I don't know what happened to the batteries, Honey, I have no idea the caddie the batteries again, we don't have a can.
I don't know.
I don't know what happened more.
Fread Show next right here, This is the Fread Show.
It's the Frend Show, one of three five Kiss FM, Chicago's number one hit music station. It's one of my favorite things to do. Give away, Amy with it right from one hundred truck wrecks money. Hi, Amy, all right, it's.
New twenty twenty five. We're going to give away new money, new people.
I'm ready.
Are you ready? I am? And let's face it, Amy, this really we're using your money to bribe people to listen to us. And we're not above it, and we're not ashamed of it.
I don't think you should be. I think you should scream it from the rooftops. Whatever it takes to succeed. That's the dedication of every one of you folks at the Friend Show.
Look at that. You ever heard dedication? Have you ever heard? Has management ever said that about us before? I don't think so. But Donna is here, Hi Donna, Hi Donna, good morning, Welcome to the Fred Show. I want you to see how to my friend Amy with her right from one hundred truck wreck as well.
Good morning Amy, Hey Donna, how you doing today? Because it is cold, cold, cold up there in Chicago right now?
How are you doing?
It's it's way too cold. I don't like the cold. No, I don't know why I live in Chicago.
I mean, I feel like everybody kind of asked that question around this time of year, like why don't we do this to ourselves exactly every year? Yes, but I want to give you some money, Donna, And I'm going to read this story if you don't mind. Is it cool if I share this with everybody? All thirteen people listen to us, I mean twelve, I guess since you're one of them and you're on the phone, it says, hey, Amy and Fred, I could really use this thousand bucks to help fix a broken water heater. I've lived in my Oak Forest home for thirty years, over thirty years. Over a year ago, my hot water heater broke, and I haven't been able to afford to replace him. Since that happened, I've been here eating up water with electric heaters and having to use a champing shower pump to get by. Your show is on in my office almost every day, and I hope I get to talk to you guys. Thank you Donna. I mean, I feel like that's a fire hazard. I'm worried about you.
Yes, it's not a fire hazard, but it hasn't been convenience right right?
And yeah, how much is this water heater going to cost?
Honestly, I don't know.
I haven't even had the opportunity to get it looked at.
M Amy, Well, I got to tell you, don't get it looked at. Is it the same water heater that's been there for thirty years? Yes, okay, we got to throw that thing out because thirty years you have gotten all the miles you can get out of that water heater. Trust me, we just got to get you a new water heater. The real question is is it tankless or is it an old school water?
Amy? Is she an attorney? Also some form of plumber. Apparently it's amazing.
I have an amazing skill set, guys, you have no idea.
It's very extensive, but.
We got to get you a real water heater. I can't believe you've been a year. I feel for you. I think you should call plumber today, have them come out, and I'm just gonna do twenty five hundred bucks.
I don't know how much they.
Cost, but anyone who suffered for a year without real hot water, honey, if you replace it for six hundred bucks, you earned the other nineteen.
I would agree. I would agree. Yeah, see there's Amy once again. I just I'm so sorry you had to live like that, you know, for that long. But I'm really glad that we got to meet you and that and that we could help, and Amy could help. Really, Oh my god, thank you so much. My gosh, you can put all the pots and pads away. You don't have to boil water to it's crazy.
I wash.
Yeah, it's hard. I watched a lot of my dishes in cold water.
That's hard.
Oh my god, Oh it's horrible.
Well, let's get it done.
You called today and get that priced out, get a good one, and really don't try and fix the old one. Trust me, I lived in a house as one hundred years old. That water heater did its job. Let's put it in its grave and get you a new one.
Let's get you a brand new one so that you can take hot showers. All my stuff that people take for granted, and you've been putting up with it, Donna, And thank you for sharing your story. And I hope, I hope that you get this thing fixed right away and you can go back to somewhat of a normal life.
Yes, thank you so so much.
Well, thank you for telling us your story. Thank you for being part of the thirteen. And thank you Amy, Amy with her right one one hundred truck wreck. All right, I'm loving it. Oh.
I just looked up Amy, Thank you so much.
I bought you.
I just looked up.
Tankless water heaters are anywhere from a thousand to about eighteen hundred dollars. Those are gas, or you could get electric, which is about the same price. So you're gonna have enough money. And then geez, get a good meal, relax for a couple hours.
Take it like a four hour shower.
That's what I would do.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, watch some shows. Honestly, get a waterproof case for your phone, just later for a while, That's what I would do. Dona. Best of luck to you, and thanks so much for being part of the thirteen.
Thank you so much.
Kelly morning.
You got to recharge your crystals.
You recharge your no wonder what say my crystals have been empty for my whole life. I never recharge you. Yes, come on Fred, Fred's Show is on. Guys, Good morning. It is Friday, January thirty. First, The Fred Show is on. Hi, Kaitlin, Hello Fred, Hi, Jason Brown, Hello, Paulina hikek Morning, Shoe VZ. Shelley is here, Bella. I mean, so this hour show by Shelley in the showdown one thy one hundred and fifty bucks if you can beat our pop culture expert who is approaching a thousand wins in this game and only like sixty seven losses, So big money. This morning waiting out the phone is new and next why does somebody get ghost to? The Entertainer Report is coming up the Friday Throwback Dance party as well. It's the Friday's ever been left waiting by the phone? It's the Fred Show. Ashley, good morning, Welcome to the program. How are you hi? I'm okay, all right, just okay. So we know about this guy David that you met. Tell us about how you met, about any dates you've been on, any details we should know, and why do you think you're being ghosted? Yeah?
So we met on an app and we talked for like a week before we met up, and he seems like really nice.
We had a ton in common.
He was funny, he was cute, like all, you know, all good things. And so we decided to meet up after work for just a drink, you know, just like super casual.
And it was weird.
I don't know, it was.
It was strange. He was kind of like still good or like kind of off.
He was still kind and everything, but he was like I don't know he was maybe he was nervous, but.
I don't know.
He was still really cute, like he still seems nice. And he said he was gonna call and then and then he never did.
Okay, so you sensed on the date that it was a little weird, like there was a little something going on, but you were attracted to him, and you thought the conversation was, you know, okay enough. Maybe it was just first date nerves, so you expected to hear from him again. You thought maybe you would go out, because people are always nervous on first dates, first time you're meeting somebody.
Yeah right, yeah exactly, yeah exactly, so, and I mean it's I don't know, I mean, the first dates are always weird right like, and he said he was gonna call, So I just want to know why he didn't, you know, like, I just want to know what happened.
Makes perfect sense, all right, So here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna play a song comeback called David. You'll be on the phone at the same time, and we're gonna try and figure out what happened gets at the bottom of this. And the hope is always is if we could straighten this out and sit you up one another date and.
Pay for it.
Okay, for sure, thank you. Let's see what happens next. Part two of Waiting by the Phone after this song on The frend Show morning, It's the Freend Show Part two Love Waiting by the Phone. Hey, Ashley, let's call David. You guys, you went out recently on a date. Let me see here. You met out one of the apps, right, yeah, you met at one of the apps and you had some drinks. You had a good time. It was a little there was a little bit of distance on the date, but that could have been you could chalk that up to nerves. But you thought he was attractive and he wanted to see him again, and you were hoping he would call for a second date, but he hasn't, and you want to know why exactly. Okay, let's call him now. Good luck. Ashley. Hello, Hi is this David? Yeah, David, Hi, good morning. My name is Fred. I'm calling from the Freend's Show, the Morning radio Show, and I have to tell you that we are on the radio right now and I would need your permission to continue with the call. Can which have for just a second on the air, would you mind? I get Okay, I'll take that as a yes, thank you. I know it's kind of weird, but we're calling on behalf of a woman named Ashley who says she met you on one of the apps, and you guys recently went on a date. Do you remember her?
Yeah, definitely, I remember, okay, so oh oh, all right. Well, so she reached out to us and told us that she had met you on one of the apps, so that you guys went out and she thought you were attractive. She said there was a little I don't know, there was something a little weird about the date, a little bit of distance, but she thought that was nervousness or something, and thought that you'd be calling her again. For another date. So what's your side of the story. What is there not to forget?
What was not to forget is the way she looks when I met her, Like like when we met online, we were chatting like.
All her pictures of her, like.
She's super hot, she has this like really gorgeous, super long hair, and like when we met I literally stood next to her for five minutes without knowing it was her, because she cut off all of her hair, like not just like oh, it's sure, or I took off a foot and it was down to like I but like it's like shorter than a bob.
I don't know.
It's like somewhere between a pixie and a buzz cut.
I don't know.
It looks it's crazy.
It was like a men's haircut.
It's it's she's a totally different person.
Well, I mean she's not a totally different person, David, I mean she So you're saying she changed her look between the pictures you saw and the time that you met her. It is a drastic transformation.
Drastically drastically changed her look. She looks nothing alike. It's not even close, not even close. And it's like, okay, maybe you give a guy a heads up, like, I mean that's like, I don't know, I think that's rude.
It was basically like a catfish. So that was like, oh, like, what's happening? What weld is that? So that explains that what she perceived as distance then, because you were kind of like stunned. You show up on this date and then you don't even know it's her, and then it's like okay. And the whole time he's sitting there going well like, I don't know, I'm matched with someone who looks very different.
Yeah, the whole time I'm like, wait, who is this person? Is this like the person's sister that I was talking to? Like that's how crazy different?
It was?
All right, there's no way.
It was like she was copsplaying as a different person.
Oh okay, well let me, uh, David bring Ashley and I forgot to mention that n Ashley is here. I'm extremely forgetful. What Ashley? So you you cut off all your hair? I guess somewhere somewhere between making a dating profile and then going on a day with him, so you don't look like your pictures then?
And are you okay? Because I feel like as a woman I have to ask.
Yeah, when people, when people start dressing drastically making changes to their appearance, Yeah, do you need any kind of like mental health is assistance?
No, I'm fine. Yeah, I just wanted to make a change. I just wanted to make a change, and that was what I did. But like, I'm still the same person and I looked the thing.
It's just hair. No, I can't. That's serious.
I kind of thought that that may have had something to do with it, but like, that's really crappy.
I'm going to say something that I think is going to be really unpopular, I think. But I mean, let's say that a woman likes the guy with a beard and I have a beard, and and all my pictures I have a beard, and then I shaved my beard off and show up on a date. I look much younger, I look different. And if she likes a beard and I don't have one, yes I can grow it back, and yes I'm the same person. Right, But you don't really know me as a person because we've never met. Because, let's face it, the dating apps are a hot or not competition until you get to know someone, so it's all about how you look and who you're attracted to and what you're attracted to. So if I show up on I look fundamentally different. I gotta be honest. I don't think i'd have a problem with somebody saying you don't look the same and I matched with you because I was attracted to you and now you look different. I guess that's the risk I take. I should change the pictures on my dating profile if I change my look.
In my opinion, I just feel like you're not going to drop a good guy because he doesn't have a beard.
You don't necessarily know.
Well, let me know, let me find out, and I'll make that choice in two hours. If I want to see you again, if you're a good guy, if we're a match, you know what I mean. Second, grow back the hair, my hair, your beard.
So you matched with a skinny I know you're married, but so it would be weird if you match for somebody. But if you match on she's my If you matched on Machisma with a guy who was skinny in his pictures and then he shows up and he's larger and not as attractive to you. Let's just say you like skinny guys and this dude's gained some weight and he doesn't look the same. You're gonna wait and see if he's a good guy on the inside before you decide not to go out with him again, right, I will.
I will do that, Yes I will, Yes, I will, And then we can get.
A gym membership together, because I gotta go too.
Got to.
I believe her, Actually I would.
I wouldn't just drop somebody unless they're like creeping me out or something.
That I believe.
But I'm not saying you're a vapid person, but I'm saying the dating apps are a vapid world. Yeah, of course that's what I'm saying. You are a great person. But what I mean is we're all when we match with someone on an app, we're going for what we see.
Do you see me?
And then because trust me, I think we've all probably gone on dates before, whether it's from the apps or otherwise, where what we see we like and then we find out more and we don't like, and the other thing can happen too, by the way, Like here, David, you know you could give her a chance her hair could We're all back and maybe she's great, But you didn't even bother to find out because you were too stunned. She looked different. So I see both sides.
Of this, bro. You hit the nail on the head, Like, yeah, if I showed up with a beard, it didn't have a beerd Here's the thing, right, I love long hair, Like that's like my thing. I'm allowed to like what I like.
I'm allowed to not like what I don't like.
I don't like short hair. So for someone to come in and immediately checking like my ickboxes, I'm like, okay, well, you know I could grow a beard back in a month. It would take her years to grow her hair back years, And why am I getting someone? Well, I'm immediately like, this is what I want to change about you. Change this thing about you, like you.
Know what I mean.
I think that's like I thought that since we chatted before, like the Dayton kind of got to know each other and everything, that like this would be a problem. And I think I just think you're early jellow right now. I don't know, you're like Loki catfish somebody.
Again, this same person, she is the person you manage with, but you.
Don't have the hair.
But I'm just saying it's like a stuff like a cat fish being like, I'm the same person that you were talking to. I just am not the person in the it's the same thing.
That's a completely different person. It's the same we're chatting with.
It was that much was like a totally different person.
All right, well look, I mean this, he has his right. I actually I here's the thing. Why not maybe just update your pictures on the app and then you can avoid this happening. Because that way, anybody who likes long hair and you have short hair, well then you know, then you don't have to worry about it. Like I guess, I guess what I wonder is you changed your looks the one I changed the profile? Yeah, I mean.
Clearly, I mean yeah, clearly I should I literally cut my hair like a week ago. We're like a week I guess before we met, and so whatever.
Yeah, I get that. I get that week.
You can take one photo in a week.
There's not one photo in a week that you could have been like, heads up, here's what I look like.
No, I don't take selfies every day, do you?
One you have no pictures in a week. I don't believe that you're a girl that.
I ain't even look at any Okay, Well, look, David, I think you missed out on a photo shoot that you might have enjoyed more.
But I wouldn't mind.
Okay, Okay, Well du David, You're never gonna know. So look, David, thank you, I guess for answering the phone. And for a while there I was sort of seeing what you meant. But then I just I changed my mind. I don't like you anymore. I don't like it. Actually you left out. I'm sorry. It's not gonna work out, but get back out there, and best of luck to you as well, will do.
Calin's entertainment report is on the Bread.
Show US figure skating team members, former world champions and coaches, and more tragically, among the passengers on board that American Airlines plane that collided with the US Army helicopter.
In Washington, DC.
Now, some of these skaters were returning from Wichita, where they were participating in a development camp that followed the US Figure Skating Championship. So the US Figure Skating Team did not identify any members as far as I've seen yet, but they did say in a statement, we are devastated by this unspeakable tragedy and hold the victims' families close in our hearts. But Fencer Lane, a twenty six year old skater, shared a photo which looks to be inside of that American Airlines flight that ultimately crashed into the Potomac River. In addition, Russian media started to report that a world figure skating champion husband and wife pair were also on that plane. American Airlines did confirm that there were sixty passengers and four crew members on board. There were also three soldiers on the US Army black Hawk helicopter.
It's honestly hard to talk about.
It is so tragic, and I'm sure we'll be hearing more, but God, I am just praying for everyone involved and affected. Wendy Williams wants out of her guardianship so bad that she actually fired the lawyer that she hoped would help get her out of it and bring the case before a judge. The word is Wendy asked her to file this paperwork to get the ball rolling for a trial to decide whether the guardianship or conservatorship is what it's also being called, is truly necessary. And Wendy's pissed that that never happened, so she let her go. She fired her. Now, if you didn't know, if you somehow miss this. Wendy is currently sitting in a New York assisted living facility that she described as a luxury prison. She's not able to receive incoming calls, has no access to electronic devices aside from this smartphone that they gave her, and I believe that she can only receive calls. She can't put calls out to her friends and family. Now, people who have spent time with her, our friend Charlemagne, other people say that Wendy sounds normal, lucid, articulate, and opinionated, just as we know and love her from when she had her talk show. Now she said she and this breaks my heart, wants to be able to go to Florida to celebrate her dad's upcoming ninety fourth birthday, and it seems that she's trying everything to make that happen. So it's another conservatorship story we might have on our hands, and it breaks my heart. And Spencer Prat, I mean, we knew he was wild, but he says he's willing to let go of his fourteen year grudge towards Andy Cohen, but only if the watch what happens live host offers up a one on one apology to his wife, Heidi Montag. Okay, all right, Spencer, now we're making demands, but he said that he and Heidi are both open, but say that he needs to have directly reach out to them to have something, you know, mend the rift, I guess is what I'm trying to say, and that's something he still hasn't gotten, despite Andy Cohen saying multiple times that he was wrong and it was his fault, but most recently on Watch What Happens Live, he expressed regret over calling Heidi trash on TV nearly fifteen years ago. Spencer says that means nothing because he didn't reach out to him personally, So looking for Andy to call him another way for Spencer to forgive and forget. If Andy posts a video dancing to Heidi's number one record, he said, or the song is called I'll do it, and then he would forgive Andy.
I don't know that I see Andy doing any of that, but there you go.
This, by the way, all reignited when a fan said Heidi should join the Housewives, and he later said that he would rather sit in my burned house rubble than have to watch his wife collaborate with Andy. So people are like, why are you so mad? And it is over something Andy said fifteen years ago. So there you go.
By the way, if you miss any part of our.
Show, The Fred Show, just please download that free new and improved iHeart Radio app and search for The Fred Show on demand.
It is the Friend Show. Good morning, thanks for having us on the radio, on the iheartapp live and anytime search for a Friend Show on demand. I'm trying to dissect the story that I that I just read. I'm trying to understand, like I need to fully understand what happened here. Okay, so it's been cold everywhere lately, right, but a guy in Canada had to be rescued after he got into a drunken brawl outside of a bar and his junk froze to the sidewalk. Oh no, so was he fighting pantless? Like, how does your junk get frozen to this?
They fell during the fight. It happens his pants fell down to his ankles. I read the whole story because I was fascinated they got it off.
It happened shortly after midnight. This happened in Canada, near Edmonton, Canada. I guess it was north of there, so not really near. The temperature was single digits maybe even colder. TMC says his pants fell down during the fight and then he landed on his stomach and his junk immediately froze to the ground. What kind of fight was is that you're wearing loose pants?
I know what I bought anyone, but if that's what it's like, I might want to do it right.
I think he may have done this kind of fighting. I'm not sure. Somebody on Facebook claim that it happened after the fight got broken up. Cops made him lie face down while arresting him, and that's when it happened. They actually have footage online of him being peeled off the ground. How did they get it? How did they get it off?
I think they had to use like a little bit of warm water.
Which do you want that near you're junkie?
I don't know. I guess to try and melt the ice around.
And where is Tony's you know?
That's what I mean. I have a lot of questions. First of all, why are we fighting in this tree when it's negative whatever?
Second of all, what sort of pant situation do we have going on that you know, they can still freely just fall and then there's still there still should be some form of barrier between said junk and ice.
If you want to fight me, let's schedule it for summer, you know what I mean, Like, I'll meet you somewhere in the summer.
We're not fighting in one degree weather or fight indoors like regular people.
Right, Well, you get a thing where it's like, you want to take this outside, and then somebody finally said yes, right, you know, because every time I say that, because I'm constantly saying it to people when I'm out, I'm like, you going to take this outside, I'm banking on them saying no, you know, because most of the time they say no, they don't want to take it outside, like whatever. But in that one case, it was like, yeah, sure was taken outside, and the guy's like, damn it, I'm not wearing underwear. Here we go, you know, and then I just pants fall down during the fight. I mean, by the way, that'd be the end of the fight, Like we're not fighting anybody, There's no need for you to fall down now because your pants just fell down. So now I'm fighting with the pamphlets Winning the Pooh like, I'm fine, I'm good, I'm it right exactly what I'm gonna get going now? Because this turned into something else? Right now? Why don't you have pants on? Is this all some sort of strategy to lure me into yours layer?
Where's my belt?
No wonder Jason's always trying to fight with me. I was like, my pants fell off. I didn't happen to begin with, let's wrestle, see, I mean, okay, this joke is gonna be I was really trying to understand. I was trying to understand how you you know, because I too have never been in an actual fist fight, which doesn't really surprise anybody, But I don't know. I just I can't really think of an occasion for a fist fight, like I'm trying to think when I know, I'm just trying to think when I when I would have wanted to fist fight someone like, I don't really, I mean, I've gotten in like verbal altercations with people, but I've never I've never been actually been like I want to punch you in the face and like you know, damage you. No, I've never no, well that's what I mean. Right, Yeah, trying to hurt each other.
Yeah, take you out.
Plus everyone I see who like really hits somebody well in the face and they're like looking at their hand like their hand hurts. So that doesn't seem like a very good deal. I hurt my hand and no, I just is no, No, I don't think so. All right, Well case closed in day when NBC episode canceled, we were we got to the bottom of it. Thank you for your investigative reporting. Klein.
You're well.
I I saw that headline and said I have time.
Well, of course you dug into that one. Yeah, of all the news stories I could do today came I was like, oh no, I could contribute. I got it. So what did happen was it's the Fred Show.
Do you have what it takes to battle show Biz? Shelley in the show Biz Showdown? Show bi.
Hi showby Shelley.
Hello, good morning.
All right, So it's been very stressful lately for you in this game because Jennifer was really good and she was on a few times. We had some tie breakers. But now we're at eleven fifty I believe, Yes, eleven fifty is the prize. Nine hundred and ninety five wins and only sixty seven losses in this game. Next week we'll probably get to one thousand wins. Shelley, Wow, you did it?
I get a party or what?
God too, no budget for that. I'm sorry. Then let's see Jamie is your challenger today. Hi Jamie, good morning, good morning? How are you that good?
How are you?
It took a minute? Were you thinking about it? You weren't sure how you were?
I just was tell us the value though. We got to learn some fun facts about Jamie.
So I'm a teacher.
I'm an eighth grade English and language arts teacher in the suburbs.
Well, thank you for being a teacher. As you know, we love teachers around here. We know you have a very multifaceted and difficult job so often underappreciated too. So thank you, Jamie.
Thanks no poll.
I'm also a mom to three boys.
Oh there's that too. What are their names? Do you remember all their names? Yeah? Scavin, Asher and Beckett? Okay, sure, I'm sure. When you when you when they come from you, you remember their names very easily, don't you, Yes, or like when you're yelling at them all the time telling them to act up? Three boys. How old are they?
Are you six and a half, three and a half and one and a half.
Oh boy, Oh you're a busy lady, Jamie. Lots of kids in your life. Well let's see if we can get you one one and fifty bucks with five questions against our pop culture expert. You guys ready, per a right?
Goodloe, Jamie?
Okay, with all due respect Shelley, get the heck out Austin of sound boof, poof, she goes. Here we go question number one for Jamie. But Jonas announced that they will star in a Christmas movie coming out of the end of the year. Name all three members of the Jonas brothers.
Oh god, Joe Jonas, Oh my gosh, I wing.
Around by the part.
Kevin, and one more. I'm trying to help you.
I've got to be honest here, the scream is the cuteness thing. It really.
I tried to go slow.
You did get two out of three, but here we go. Four questions left. You got this? President Trump asked this SpaceX founder to go get the American astronauts that are currently stuck in space. Name him. Oh my god, is it certainly is you got that? Which actress and Goop founder just sold her La mansion for a whopping twenty two million dollars.
Oh god, these.
Are so hard actress. He found a Goop one.
It's hard to play the game. Oh, it is hard to play the game. Played rick for real than it is? Yeah, all right, two questions left. I said, you're going to get a three. Here we go. Which wholesale store known for its dollar fifty hot dog combo Meal announced that they're switching from pepsi to coke products costco. Oh wow, that's interesting and I'm fascinated by that. And Robert Pattinson said the twenty years later, people still tell him that he ruined the vampire franchise. Who did Robert play in the Twilight movie franchise? Robert Colin? Is that his name in the thing?
You got a two? She got a two. I'm gonna give you a two point seven to five, but we don't do point seven five, So you did try. She got a two point seven to five, okay, which there's no such tickets to the point seven fives. She got a two?
All right?
You ready?
The Jonas brothers announced that they'll they're going to star in a Christmas movie coming out at the end of the year. Name all three members of the Jonas.
Brothers, Nick, Joe, and Kevin try.
President Trump asked this SpaceX founder to go get the American astronauts that are currently stuck in space.
Name him yep.
Which actress and Goop founder just sold her La mansion for a whopping twenty two million.
Dollars Gwyneth Paltrow.
That's right, Which hostsales store known for its dollar fifty hot dog combo meal announced that they're switching from Pepsi to Coke.
I don't know if best weird question to.
Wholesale whosts sales store, you know, right, that was kind of a random that was kind of random question. But yeah, And Robert Pattins had said the Twenty years later, people still tell him that he ruined the vampire franchise. Who did Robert play in the Twilight movie franchise?
Edward Cullin?
That is right, that's before that's when Jamie, you did great. But you have to say, my name is Jamie. I got showed up on a showdown.
You know the rest my name is Jamie, and I got showed up on the showdown, and I can't hang with the gorilla.
You, Jamie the teacher, Well, all the kids can happen.
Shut out to Nick Jonas, Oh man, I'm okay.
Kevin was the one I think that gets forgotten most, isn't it. I would have thought you would have got Nick right off. Kevin's the forgotten. Well, then there's one more bonus Yodas, isn't it?
That's franky? But he's not in the band, That's right, he wasn't.
Yeah, we always forget about him too. But Jamie, you did great. Hang out one second, have a good day and thank you.
It's fun. Fact so bad, learn so much?
Guys, did you know that one time doctors found he's had more than once? But doctors found a tooth growing inside a man's nose? No, God, no, I don't like so a fifty nine year old man, by the way, for a hypochondriac like me and a lot of other people just gonna mess you up. But I'm sorry. But when a fifty nine year old man showed up at the University hospital in Denmark after suffering from congestion and a running nose for a little while, doctors found something unexpected, a tooth. The doctors noticed the patient's septum. The cartilage bridge in the middle of the nose was bent to the left, and there appeared to be a mass lodge in his nasal cavity. They conducted a scan. It was revealed that the blockage was caused by an intramnasaled tooth that had erupted inside his nose. They removed it and he was Okay, I know his breasting, and then I guess.
Sorry, I got more.
Thread show next.
Some people just know they could save hundreds on car insurance by checking all state first, Like you know to check the propane tank on your grill first before hosting a toegate less fire.
Up here, let me try