Catch up on all the Rugby League news from NRL 360, Saturday 1st March, with hosts Braith Anasta and Gorden Tallis.
The NRL 360 panel are joined by Brent Read and Andrew Webster to discuss the beginning of the NRL season in Los Vegas, whether South Sydney Rabbitohs can make their mark under coach Wayne Bennett, and if Mitchell Moses' new deal at Parramatta will impact negotiations with Dylan Brown,
For more of the show tune in on Fox League CH 502 or stream full episodes on KAYO.
Hello and welcome to win a Roll three sixty Rather League from every angle, brought to you by Machez and sadly it is our last night here at Fremont Street. You want a success story, it has been. But the great news is where less than twenty four hours away to tomorrow's big games, four games back to back, right here on Fox League, and the fans are piling in joining me in the great Gordon Tallis, Andrew Webster and Brent Reed Webby, Welcome on.
Boo, great to be here, Thanks for having me.
You're ready for this.
I am ready for this.
You're ready for the season ahead.
I think so. I think so.
The last two days has been a bit rough, but I've acclimatized.
I'm ready to roll. Well, I'm ready to take him down.
I'm looking forward to that log to the team now read. It's just great to see you without that pink jacket on. You've got rid of it?
What happened?
Can I see Dave Ricky hasn't maternity yet, Bray. I think he's trying to poach.
It off me.
I think he's done you a favor.
That's my figure please, and arians loved it, bro.
God it you're feeling better at that, you pumpute.
What an amazing afternoon yesterday straight after the show. I always saw it State of Oregon, Caxton Streets the best moment since I've retired to see the fans march down.
That was the best.
Let's talk about it, Cordy. I mean it was amazing. The scenes are credible. We thought it was big last year. When he's bigger, it is better. The fans are just loving it. What about the players They've been getting on stage dancing where Yeah, it couldn't get any better.
I run it in the in the Australian today like this is the best promotion for the game of rugby league since Tina Turner in the late alleys early nineties. Now that caught a whole new fan base to the NRL. This has the same potential. When I walked out of the Legion Stadium last year, I remember thinking, you do not want to miss this next year, and it's going to grow. But I had no idea it would be like this. I think the Wigan the Warrington fans have really added to the atmosphere here here in Vegas, but the game would never have dreamed it would be this this successful when they first flagged this idea a couple of years, get.
Your piece, like at the start, we'll give in reasons is why this was going to be a success or White pater Vallandis wanted to wanted to bring the game to Vegas. Essentially, what are the benefits from this move?
Well, let's look, I don't know. I'm a bit I'm a bit of a realist.
I don't I don't really care whether we crack the US market, whether we get in our American athletes playing in the NRL. But besides all that, the promotion of the game. You just cannot you can't. You can't dismiss like what it's done for the kick on effect last year or what this will do for the rest of this year. The main thing is it takes all the oxygen out of the AFL season. It does, and it just they are very they'll never concede.
They pissed off about that.
I think that the envious is probably the better word, not that the AFL would ever admit it.
I'm so happy that there's no round grounds in America.
I reckon that the players deserve a huge amount of kudos for last night because they got into it. You know, Brian tie has got a bad hammy. You saw him doing the splits on the stage.
You know.
I spoked to Iven Day about it and he said, I wasn't real happy about it.
Let's have a look at this. This is brilliant. I'm envious to this guy. I mean, I can't he to save myself. He nearly injured yourself here. But this was This was brilliant, wasn't it good?
Unbelievable and like you watched every team do it. And the players I think they sensed the occasion. I mean I think no one, no, onen't you even there?
You could see how much saying Jordan caught that just amplified everything. I mean, the women were amazing. Well, I think the fans brought it out in the players.
I think the fans excitement, the players just come along with them.
And it was fantastic.
He reminded me of you were OFFNI and I club last night the same, you.
Know, and this is the perfect.
But when I first think about this, they would There was talk that we're going to play him in in l A and then the decision was to have it in Vegas.
Tell me, Vegas is not rugby league.
It's cheap, it's tacky, you have a great time, you're unashamedly yourself.
It's it's it's so rugby league.
I don't know how you got his cheap, don't know what you've got.
I mean in a good way.
Tomorrow is going to be one of the biggest days in the history of rugby league. This morning I was actually at the ground and we could see the pitch being brought in from outside of the facility.
It was fascinating to watch and you can see it here.
It is in mint condition and ready for the players to take the field tomorrow.
This is just out of this world.
Yeah, well we saw it last year and then blew our minds last year, but it's just as impressed of now when you're seeing that.
It blew us over, like if it didn't have a roof on the stadium. I walked in there with break. We nely got blowing over, but.
The conditions in there, it was fast and track.
We're talking about the size of it. I don't think it affected.
I'll tell what I'm talking about. Promotion.
They break.
No one's done more work than you for this game.
I'm doing my best for the game.
You're now a US TV star.
Well, it was a lot. Yeah, I did my best this morning. I tried a look at it. We should have looked at its stitching me up.
Are we explain why it's scheming interest with the Americans? But it's former Australia in Rugby league player and lead commentator for the n r L Brief Anasta Break, an Asta, Good morning break.
Good morning guys, thank you for having me.
I'm really excited to be in the entertainment capital of the world, Las Vegas. For the US fans, I like to compare it to the NFL, but it's a lot quicker, it's a lot faster. It's just as physical. You'll see some big hits. There's no helmets, there's no pads. We're just so excited to be back again. And as I said, it's bigger, it's better, and the games are going.
To be they're going to be very exciting to watch. We love America, we love Last Vegas.
Well, good morning America.
I want to stitch up. That's all right, let's get to you radio right, you've.
Got the teeth for America.
Singles through Covil. Welcome to the show. Really, you know I got some male over the off season. You've got a full sleeve tattoo.
Entire full sleeve break slot, exaggeration, break. Can I have a look at it? I take my shirt off.
You're like, let's check it out. Let's have a look at his tattoo. Oh my god, Oh my god?
Is that that is my wife and my children's initial? Sorry short, it's entire. You should have got the hangout at least two of the letters. I should have got my tyson let the hangout. I remember their name. Really, I was very well behaved in Thailand, Gordy nutlike you in Vegas.
All right.
We had a good debate last night about Pedroith whether they should be Premiership favorites or not.
It was the other night, wasn't it. Yeah, you believe they shouldn't be.
So I'm going to get you.
We know your opinion. I'm going to go to webbe.
Then well it's simple A bready to knock a champion, like I mean, you know, I know they've lost some players, but I wouldn't be I wouldn't be running up. I've had him on the same line of betting. To be perfectly honest with Melbourne. Yeah, yeah, for sure. I think they're they're the two comfortable favorites with Brisbane.
Whether they can on the show to have an opinion not to sit in the fence.
They haven't shown us anything have they have? Have Penish shown us anything why they can't do it. They have lost players in the past kick outright. They've lost some big stars. I know lou and Fisher Harris, but it's about.
Who they've lost, Gaudy, it's about who Melbourne have got that team in the Grand finalist last year Nelson I said for Solomon, he didn't play, he'll be back. They've signed the fan and you two commandment, and that's that was their weakness. I think that they're middle of the front row and it's got better.
And we all know.
I know about the other players and that's fine, and this fine is ridiculous, so you put the forwards around that. I just think with what's Penrith lost, what they've gained, I think the tables are turned.
He makes some good points. Now I'll put this to everyone here on the penal. Is it just a two horse races Brisbane? Is it Melbourne and Brisbane?
Brisbane signed a million dollar players in Ben Hunt they're better last year their top five players.
I'm a min doll player anymore. Gordy, He's not a ben doll player anymore.
He is a million dollar play because.
Million dollars in Brisbane.
What's the eyes and what's the honest thing?
On five or six hundred?
I don't know.
So he got halved?
Yeah, apparently, wow, are we going to get out there?
But like the if you look at Brisbane and then the injuries that had last year and they were young, I think three minutes away from winning the Grand Final, you would think the year they had, the preseason that they have and you think Brisbane's got to be in that race like you.
Think they do.
But don't you think if they take to Madge there they're a Grand final, possible Grand finals. If they don't, they're out of the eighth.
Well you know what I mean?
Like that, if we hear all this stuff, I know Buzz has been running this line about them not being happy with Madges tough, tough training techniques.
That I'll sell what my theory and that is, but they're not used to his training, they're not used to his methods at the moment. Yeah, there'd be a couple of them complaining about how hard they're being trained. But I'll tell you what I reckon in two or three months time when they're sitting in third or fourth position. But we think and Madge for what he's done for them in the preseason. Some people may disagree with me, but that's what I believe. That's what's what's going on there, and that's why they're probably thinking what they're thinking at the moment.
But overnight, let's get to some break news.
Well it's not breaking news, but Mitchell Moses has signed an extension with the Paramount of Eels.
Now this is huge news for the club.
How did this go down?
Well, I've been talking with this for quite some time now because that options his contract for twenty seven and twenty eight, the two season twenty seven twenty eight. They've been talking to Mitch about taking those options out of the deal and they've reached the green where he gets another year on the end of twenty nine, he gets a little bit more money in twenty seven to twenty eight and the options come out of that contract. So I mean they're in a position at the moment where they need stability. But everything that's going on with Dylan Brown. They need some stability in that team. He's their captain and he's shown some commitment to the club.
Is that a good thing for Dylan Brown?
I what him for Paramount in terms of him staying. I actually don't think it matters. Thirteen million over ten years like there is. I'll be stunned if Dylan Brown doesn't end up at Newcastle for all the all the extra money, well they're going to I think the paramot are going to give him an extra two hundred a year to try and get rid of the clauses out of Dylan Brown's contract. But that sort of money, that's a life changing contract of thirteen and over ten I don't agree with it. I think it's ridiculous to offer Dylan Brown a ten year deal. You'd want a lot of clauses in that one your way, but I'd be I can't see him. How do you knock that back?
We'll go a bit deeper into that. Does this mean that they're they're conceding defeat here Paramount by signing Mitchell Moses extending the upgrade? Are they are they believing now that he's gone.
I think that the negotiations with Mitchell had started before the ones with Dylan. So you want it, you want one or the other, and I'll tell you what I probably want. Mitchell I had a Dylan.
I don't think they're conceding defeat Braith, but I think they they've got an uphill battle on their hands to keep him. I think they know Newcastle probably sure my favorites to get him.
At the Marble.
You know Newcastle?
Will we know it?
Right, You've got a good relationship with the club. What do you think what's going to happen?
Because it's not. It's not a ten year, thirty million dollar deal. There's a ratchet clause the contract as well so the cours.
Yeah, but so there's a ratic clause deal.
But the most I can ever earns one point four million dollars.
So the rat he's got a ratchet up there.
Yeah, So it's for the ins, the viewers or people watching.
A ratchet claws means if the salary cap goes up whatever percentage that is, then his deal will go up even more.
So that's Paramata's understanding of the Newcastle.
Do that's crazy? Ten years a one point three with a ratchet law. I thought there'd be no ratet clause given the length of that contract.
If I'm Dylan Brown, I'm going and tackling the Knights see and getting him down the contract giving him a kiss.
Well like when Dylan Brown last year when Mitchell Moses was out he struggled to run the paramatter site.
Because I understand why they're doing it because their issuers.
They've been a team under at on My Brian. They've made the finals four out of five years, but they've never really given it a shake because.
They're so over a line on Calen Pomber and the idea is to bring in Dylan Brown and to take some of the heat off color Pomer how pusue is, which it might get to later.
Klen's contractual situation, so.
I spoke about that last night ready, so fair enough.
I understand why they want Dylan to partner Kaylan to put to make them a premiership for us, right, but all we've heard over the past couple of years, and it could be speculation, innuendo, whatever, but we've heard that Kaylan has looked around at times. That's again it's speculation. What if Kaylen leaves and Dylan arrives, they're in the same position they are.
But the whole visit by Dylan coming it shows Klan that they're ambitious.
They're a club that wants.
To pump and I think it's great. It doesn't mean it's going to happen.
I think Kaylan desperately wants to win a premiership and if he sees that Newcastle can help him get there, I think he'll stay. If Newcastle can't shown that, Calan will be gone at the end of twenty seven, be it to another inner or club, or to run I mean rugby, Ino and Itch.
He may want to scratch as well. So I think they need to show them ambitious and this is ambitious. You can argue about whether it's insane money, but at least it's ambitious.
It's trying to get yourself in a position where're top fourteen that can win as I like it.
I just don't like this.
I just think I don't I think ten years is way too much. But like it's Newcastle.
It's like used to be one of the most fertile breeding grounds for halves and quality players. What does that say to your local juniors coming through the system At Newcastle? We don't think there's a we can get a half out of that area of what in the next ten years.
I just think it's I don't I just think it's too much.
All right, We're going to have hats and Young coming up with Josh PAPOALII, and we're also going to cross the Sam Vergers, who I believe is going to be in the crowd. But one club that we haven't spoken about this week is the South Sydney rabbit Os. Unfortunately, unfortunately for them, but Treal Mitchell out for eight weeks with a hamstring injury. Kem Murray ruled out for the season with his achilles now, devastudying news for both players, devastudying news for South Sydneys and the club. And Wayne Bennett, the supercoach, comes in with the worst possible situation.
How do we see this playing out?
Well, Wayne, if anyone can get a depleted South Sydney going, it's Wayne.
But I mean the acids on them early on, isn't it.
But Kenny, though, I mean, this is this is this is a side that was struggling anyway and now have two arguably they're two best players out for.
A long period of time.
How do you see it ready? Where are they at you're worried.
About him, I'm worried about mccaud to. You know, wayn better than anyone.
I mean, I think Sam Burger said it the other day as well. I mean, don't don't ride off Wayne band.
But do you know, Gordy, I think I think Taylor Look, Murray's really hard to replace, and they don't replace him. I think Talus Duncan has shown that he's enough and plays a similar style, and they got shust right.
So I think if there's even murmurs around Shustera not being happy and training and looking like he wants to, I don't know, is that is that if you.
Go about that, I don't know.
Well, they're not happy with him. I mean he's not playing, he didn't play any games in the preseason. I think he's struggling with his desire at the moment. I wouldn't be counting on Josh.
Shulzell like I did Finy contract it was it was a specuative contract anywy for.
Me to keep for them. Latrell.
I mean, look, maybe they can't win the comp without without Cam Murray, but they need to get Latrell back as soon as they can.
If he's help for an extended period. If he's out to our potential.
I think they murray they can't win it without Latro.
That's fair Gordon, I agree, Yeah, I don't. I don't think we should be riding the Bunnies off just yet.
But the elephant in the room Lewis died the signing, the big signing from the South Sidney rabbit Os in the off season to play in the halves to replace Lachlan Ilius. There seems to be some doubts over Lewis.
Am I right? Am I wrong?
Well, it's true you know this talk about whether he's an NRL standard half back. I would have thought you had that sort of before you signed him in the first place. There seems to be lots of questions about who signed him already. I think who signed him? Who signed I'll.
Put it this way.
If Lewis Dodd has a as a as a brilliant year, it'll be Wayne Bennett who signed him.
If he didn't, it'll be something.
Say that he has an okay year. South don't make that decision with out contact and Wayne, you would think so, you would think, what do you want?
Who signed him?
I don't think Wayne signed him I think signed the recruiting manager signed him.
But I don't think Wayne stood in the way. That's the best way to destroy it.
I think it's ability to throw the baby out of the bathroom.
He's had a couple of preseason games and look, there are doubts over him, There's no question there's doubts over him. But you know what, I think he played a lot of footy at Saint Helen's. I think he won a compet Saint Helens for memories played for England. He's not a Dad Dodd.
He's got some ability NRLA.
I'll tell you who played well, Humphreys.
So you know, I think Humphreys is the one who's going to step up. And probably you'll start season at halfa.
It has to because Lewis. But I'm saying I'm not just saying one week you he's going to stay there. I think you'll stay I reckon that will be back a week two.
I think that there's too much money, too much time in not to keep giving first shot shot at the half back spot.
Trill matches and the two trill matches. Yeah, I think you're on three six.
You're on three six here where you say I'm sitting on the fence or something, I'm going to go.
You now, I love you, I love you.
Yeah, this has made me very excited.
We actually had a buzz Rothfield catch up with uncle Nick yesterday. Let's take a look.
What about you, Nick?
With all your commitments, You've come all the way to Vegas for nine's tournament.
You're so passionate about rugby.
Law, very very passionate. I'm really excited to be here with Arista brand. Maybe it sounds a bit silly, but I thought, you know then I'll you know, I'm doing such a great job and Bit of Landers is initiative to come over here and try and stamps rugular league. I thought we should as a club supporting, so we made the decision and I'm so happy that we've done it.
But the club's invested half a million dollars.
Yeah close to that closely.
I think it's worth. It's good for our brands and for our fans.
Back home to be able to say we've got a rooster team in America based Newport Beach, so it's very successful. But now we have a team running in the in the ninth competition near the NRL organized and hopefully we'll do well.
I know you've set up an academy around Los Angeles. Do you see the day where an American might come through that academy and come and play an row?
Well, I hope so, you know, I think it's it's going to be, you know, a bit hard, but eventually we might get pick up somebody decent. I think, as you know, we tried that before in the nurlso back in the eighties. It didn't work out too well. But you never know, you know, we might be to pick somebody up. But that's not so much the idea. The idea is to grow a brand and wherever we can around the world. It's good for our fans back home to they're really proud to say that we're going a team in America.
Now you're here in Vegas, not just for this, just for the event.
What do you think of what praty to start?
It's just what it does for rugby laying unbelievable.
I think it's probably one of the smartest and best initiatives to come out there or ever. Because it's our numbers game. You know, you've got to chase the numbers and years is such a big population. You only have to get a fraction the population support our game. And you know we've probably grown out our game experientially.
You know, do you think we seriously can make a footprint here?
I think in topics, I think it's getting over. You can see versus last year. There's a lot more interest. Everybody's talking about it. I think the smart move again by the NERL. I believe they're going on a free to air network here, so we you know, maybe hundreds of millions of people watching it.
Cool. Yeah, cool.
Buzz roth Field, the great Buzz Rothfield there with the legend himself, Nick Politis.
I love Buzzer, Sonny.
He's looking.
Who's cool with that?
Nick Politis? With the roosters, medium manager. Buzz can hold a grudge unaware you do. In the end of it, you two of it have been great. Thank you Webb, Thanks break. We'll see you again to great Devue by the way, thank you brother, Thank you.
Ready, okay Aro, only twenty four hours away from round one here in Vegas, and we can't wait.