As a six ft two pound running back with four or four speed, Ronnie Brown could run through and pass opposing defenders. But the two thousand five second overall pick in the NFL Draft spent years running away from an environment he felt would hold him back. I wasn't running to anything like you hear people talk about the money and all this stuff. I think for me, I was running from something like the environment that I grew up in him because I think it's okay to not really do much and to kind of fall in line with what everyone's doing. Not to say that's a bad thing, but you know, for me, I knew I always wanted more, Like I knew I always wanted to do something else, and for me, that avenue was going to be sports. I'm Seth Levitt before remember of the Miami Dolphins media relations department, and I know Jim McDuffie, a member of the Dolphins Walk of Fame, and to day in the fish Tank, Ronnie dies back in to discuss the challenges he faced during his childhood and shares how his life experiences now have him dedicated to mentoring others. T J preach time to make magic with Seth je and this is strictly for them, true fanlans number one one of course, y'all, just all the nets talk. Welcome back to the fish tank right here in the Mimie Dolphins Podcast network Seth. I'm missing DJ Freese, but O J Juice M duffy is here, Juice man. Season's football football season, Man, let's go. Yeah, fired up? Yeah, you know, I am bro you know, man, it's at time of year. Word that none. I'm not playing. I'm happy that is training, kid, right, get excited for training. Kids don't have to participate, got it. Well, I'm excited because we are running it back. Rewind that Ronnie Brown is back in the tank. But the tank looks a little bit different than the last time you were here, man, looks a lot different. But let's where it looks great though. I mean I'm digging the set. I mean obviously, and you've got to have one of the grapes in the back. But I mean, it looks good. It looks good. It feels good to be back. Yeah. Yeah. I listened back to the episode Juice, and we were in my office on like a card table, you know, and uh so, at like seven o'clock at night or something, it's a little bit different, just a little bit still. I mean, I mean, some things don't change it, right, So we still got greatness. So it's just a different places. That's why you were invited. For sure. We appreciate you doing it absolutely. So he's here on vacation. Took a few days before school starts, right, you're here with Taylor and the kids, and said, he I'm gonna sneak away and go do a fish tank interview. Ho had that go over. It weren't great, you know, the timing of it. You know, it's like, first off, like I kind of scheduled a play date for my son, so he's with one of his buddy, so we did that whole thing, and then my daughter they got the turnberry go over to the water park. So it's like it's easy to slide out when you distracted. Yeah, so I'm good. I timed it up pretty. I like it. I like it well cool. So the challenge for me was we we kind of did this as much as we talk all the time and we've known each other for so long. I was like, all right, how is this interview going to be different? So I went back and I listened. Man, it was a lot of fun. It was a great interview, a lot of fun. But one thing that I noticed that we really didn't discuss last time was kind of your your origin story, as they say. We talked a lot about you as a football player, but not your story growing up. And I think I was kind of blown away when we worked together in twenty three Ways to Stop You Violence, where you kind of had your testimony and you told your story about growing up and some things you went through, and and I just I had no idea, And so I don't know how much you're willing to share about that, but talk about if you are willing to growing up, the circumstances with your parents and um and then you really kind of having a second family that that made me look a little different than your your first family and what that was like. Yeah, man, no, it's funny, you know. And we started discussing topics for whatever. Um my son, it's about to start playing tackle football for the first time, and so I've been trying to dig in the archives and find a bunch of old movies let him watch. You know, we watched Rudy. We want to remember the Titans. So last night, you know, we sat down and we watched The blind Side. Okay, so it was funny. But I was gonna say if you said the program or something like no, don't watch yeah, not yet, not yet, We're gonna get there, okay, you know. And so it was. It was funny because you know, I relate so much to that story, you know, and I usually obviously everybody kind of knows now like they know me, but they don't really know like background, upbringing, all of that stuff. And I think as athletes, a lot of guys, we all have a story to tell, um for the most part, you know, whether it's coming from certain environments, socioeconomic backgrounds or whatever. But I just never discussed it, and so we kind of I touched base a little bit more obviously twenty three ways. Um. That gave me an opportunity to open up because I usually used to not have that conversation. But then as I've gotten older, I realized, you know, through a lot of that stuff, we're able to touch people. Where are a lot of people with similar stories. And so you know, just watching that that movie last night, and I was like, god, like, like, there's so many similarities between you know, my upbringing in just terms of you know, environment, I didn't grow up you know, I mean I grew up in apartments. But then initially when I first grew up, I mean I lived on Brown Road. Um, we lived in the trailer all my road. Yeah, so like all my you know, it was in Sugar Valley. It was the country. But you know, all my neighbors were my family members. And then so you know, we eventually moved out of that, moved an apartment. But just from a personal perspective, you know, Dad, mom, you know, sol drugs and so there's a little issue there for a minute, both of them got arrested. Um, I moved in with my cousin. My brother was adopted unofficially, you know, by a white family, and so it was a little different. And then just through sport, I met my god brother, Justin, and so it was very similar to the blind Side. You know. Um, obviously my mom lived with her, but the struggles, all of those things were, you know, very similar in terms of upbringing. Obviously trying to make sure that she made everything available aware that we needed. But it was just it was just different, Like we didn't I didn't realize it growing up at the school, you know, you didn't have the newest sneakers. I mean I got my first pair of Jordan's as a junior in high school, and so you know after I wear them washing and so you know those stories. But you know, through sport, you know, I had a lot of opportunity to meet a lot of cool people. And so when I was aged six, I met my guy parents, UM, Chris and Andy Trip and everyone in Carsville obviously they know the story, but not many people outside of that unless you know, we've kind of gotten to know each other or you know, you've been around and you know, whether it was senior day in high school, senior day in Alburn, the draft, so everybody's kind of man, who is this family? And so you know, you who was just white family? Right? And so you know, and I leave tickets for my god brother show up five eight white guys, and so you know, I think there were so many similarities to that, you know, identified with you know, from a perspective of having someone to rely on and just kind of seeing what the other side looked like. UM, in terms of you know, my parents, you know, they did the best they could. My mom she was she was a stickler for education. Um, was always only made me redo my homework. So she was always on you know, manners being respectable person representing your last name. But her I always remember her saying was do as I say and not as I do. And so that stuck with me. Even with their struggles and their trials and tribulations that they had. That was one of the things that kind of always stuck to me. How long were they away? Because you said you were raised, you live with your mom, But how long, well you did you not have your parents in your life? And and then at what point because you said they were arrested. I don't know if there was a period of time. So my dad it was a little over a year. My mom was about six months or so, and so I just lived with my cousin. Didn't even realize because I mean I was usually at this house every weekend anyway, um and so we were always hanging out. And then my brother, you know, he'd stayed with Brenda. She was really cool. She was our neighbor at one of our houses that we lived in. UM. So she had sons, Gary, Todd, and Josh, and so, you know, I think it was just it seemed normal at the time, and now you kind of look back on like, oh, man, Like I didn't even realize at the moment, what the hell is normal anywhere with I'm with my cousins, you know, and so that was just a little hiccup, um and just not even realizing, like, hey man, so through sports obviously, my older brother's seven years older than I am. He rastled, played baseball, played basketball, I mean, played football, and so yeah, yeah, because you gotta get down and get it. Yeah, that's a whole different thing for everybody always do. But you know, he was kind of the guy looked up to. Um. He was always involved in sports, and so you know, for me, that was just the normal thing to do. I was the youngest mostly of the majority of my cousins, and so I was a little guinea pig for a lot of stuff, whether it was the wrestler moves or you know, throwing it up, getting to I knocked into bushes. But it kind of made me tough, and you know, I was excited about it because it was fun because I got to play with the older cousins. Brother and the one of the last question I have on that, and I might be connecting dots that shouldn't be connected. But when you talked about you watched this movie and saw that connection one of the families you were associated with them. Maybe it was that family when we talked about movies. So the actress, right, Chloe, Grace Marette Marette's was she the little sister or what's the connection there? So that was my godmother's best friend's mom. And so one of my buddies, Brandon, who was the same age as me. It was my god parents like their their closest family, and so they were always around the kids with babysit and keep Chloe. And you know, Brandon is his name. He and I were really close. But you know, I think just going through that, it was kind of cool because for Senior Day or for during our prom, we did our prom pictures at their house, and so it was just you know, and it's a small town. We need to see if we need to see one of those pictures, I have one. But she was Chloe was what I know her for. And I apologize if she's probably done some bigger things, but she was in the movie kick Ass, and she was hit girl and was like a savage in that movie. And he's like, hey, you know what the little girlfriend. I'm like, yeah, he goes, Yeah, she's kind of like almost a little sister be cousin. I'm like, what, So she's done a few movies. He's doing well there in l A. You know, don't talk to him as much, but recently probably, but the last within this last year, I reconnected with Brandon. We were talking um and I actually saw him. We went to dinner I did in l A the last time I was out there. So it was pretty cool. Nice, you know, for those of us and reach the level of professional football and that we've gotten to many, particularly our sports, usually usually some driving factor that began early in our lives that kind of push to where we're at, you know what I mean. And after hearing that store, I mean, tell of how that part growing up pushed you to where you got in life in terms of you know, high school, college, obviously in the pros and just where I push you in life. Yeah, I think I mean for me, Juice, I think it was I wasn't running to anything like you hear people talking about the money and all this stuff. I think for me, I was running from something like the environment that I grew up in, UM because I think it's okay to not really do much and to kind of fall in line with what everyone's doing. Not to say that's a bad thing, but you know, for me, I knew I always wanted more, Like I knew I always wanted to do something else, and for me, that avenue was going to be sports. And so just man chasing that thing, like it was like, all right, man, if I'm going to get out of this environment. Obviously, my motivation was you know, changing you know, trajectory of my family and when I started to have kids, but you know, even with my parents, like my goal was, you know, to buy my mom house, like because I think growing up we probably lived probably five or six different places, and so you know, it was money. I was talking to someone when I was at Auburn. I went home after like a summer workout, knocked on the door, Um, and this was the house that we lived in. And then this white lady shows up at the door and she's like, yeah, they don't live here anymore. You thought you were going home to visit your because I was gonna sneak in after workout, yeah, and so pleasantly surprised. Um, And so just you know, that whole thing about stability, and I think that's the beauty of what I got from my guy parents, like seeing what a family was like, you know. And so even with just going into the movie watching it last night from the blind side, you know, like I remember my guy coming in and tucking me in and just the whole you know, those little things that you kind of bring back and bring back memories and you're kind of like, oh, man, like you know, the little thing, the sotal things I think that they did, and even just offering hope of there's something outside of Cartersville, Georgia. My god brother used to get his haircut at a studio of Vin Michael Salon in Buckhead, And so you know, we drive down seventy five, we get off East paces for Area and then that's where the Governor's mansed and all of that stuff is. And so going down that street, I'm like, man, this is crazy, Like you know, these houses, like these homes, you know, it's beautiful, and I'm like, one day I love to be able to live somewhere like this. Um. And so it's funny now even you know, because my kids now, like I mean on that street, my kids go to school there at Pace Academy, UM, which is on that street. So I'm there. I'm on the board of you know, directors at the school, and so just to see things coming full circle, um, and it's just a blessing. And it all started with relationship of me getting close with them. They've taken me in as a family, you know, treating me like, you know, I was one of their own, you know. In addition to obviously I live my parents and so there was differences, but it was just so many similarities and parallels to you know, how I grew up and what I can relate to about that story and looking back on it. Yeah, and I bet that's also obviously shapes you in terms of being the husband that you are, the follow that you are, the mentor that you are, you know, the way you look out for people, you know, financial literacy, financial responsibilities, things like that, man. And so yeah, I understand where you're coming from. Man. You know, I didn't. My mom had me at a very young age, you know, so I really grew up with just my my grandparents. But I also went to a private school where I saw how another half lived, you know what I mean. So that really gave me motivation you know, to go out there and be able to you know, achieve and be able to buy my mom my house or you know, be able to put my kids in private school or things like that. Man. So yeah, it's it's a health of story, man, And a lot of people don't take advantage of those opportunities and learn from them and use them in their lives moving forward. And I think for me, it's just I mean I have a fear of failure, like that's how I operate. And I think growing up in that environment that kind of that's where it came from. But even living you know, in the household my parents, like I said, you know, there was a lot of lessons and things that helped me throughout life as well as you know, having the advantage of seeing things from both sides and giving me different perspectives, but also knowing like from a small town, a lot of it was you know, you get all these people who believe in you. You know, for me, it was like I have to make it that so many people you know, have poured into me and you know, believe in me when I didn't even know, like you know, my god parents saying just them being involved, like that's pretty cool, you know, having people take time and pour into you when they don't have to, and so you kind of appreciate that stuff. And so for me, it was always all right, let me figure out how I can, you know, make sure that you know, I do the right thing, and I'm always trying to represent those people, those communities. Carters go over and you know, my family of the Browns, you know, I think just my god parents, everybody like, so, you know it's important to me, I think, and just kind of realizing that you think, I think it's you know, it's kind of a funny thing. Like as an athlete, a lot of times, you know, I think the expectations we have for ourselves it's a lot higher than you know, what those on the outside. And so you know, I always set the bar pretty high, and so you know, I feel like there's a lot of work to do, even with you know, accomplishing some of the stuff. From my sports side, I never thought I'd be drafted a second overall pick. That was something that's unfair. I just wanted to be drafting um and so to get that experience, and you know, going to the draft that was I wasn't even gonna go. But the only reason I chose to do that was because I had an opportunity to take my parents to New York for a week and for them to have that experience. And so I was like, man, it's not even about me. It's just you know, seeing my parents in New York for a week and enjoying that experience. And obviously you know my god parents, the trips they were there, um, and it's probably twenty people there, um. And so I guess in life, it ain't what you experience, is who you experience it with. And so um, that's just kind of how I look at everything. I didn't know this back then, but you know, over the years, it's a wise man. Yeah, the wise man man. So, yeah, you've been ding. I follow you on Instagram, So I want to dig into you know, Juice mentioned financial or wealth management, financial literacy, and I've kind of known even when you were down here and we were working together, you were just starting to kind of explore the banking system and starting to understand that stuff. And you've really made a post career career in that space. But of of late, it seems as if there's a heavy, heavy focus on educating athletes and young athletes on how they managed their their money and financial rejacy and those things. Why is that something that you are so passionate about. I think just you know, I think the more people understand my story and just realized like I just fortunately knew that I didn't know. Um, And so just looking at that, I mean with celebrity, you're not usually as an athlete, you're not usually born into it. You're not educated on it, and a lot of times guys aren't prepared for it. And so you know, when you look at it as a whole, everybody's like, well, how do you make these mistakes? It's like, man, I had no idea what I was doing. And so, you know, as a twenty three year old rookie from Cardisbool, Georgia going to all and then being in Miami, it's a total like I'm like, wait, like how do I do this? And I didn't have anyone in my phone to call and say, hey, man, can you help me out? Can you figure out how to help me navigate this lane? Um? You know, and I was watching you know, Kevin Hart was on a podcast recently with one of my buddies. We're gonna talk about you know, and he was like, it's so easy when you're from that point of point of view, but like nobody sees it from your point of view as you're going through it, and the decision that your challenge were making, and so financially, that was the thing I knew the least about, you know, when I talked about the transition, I knew I had a lot of family, a lot of friends and people that I wanted to help. But then it's like, well, how do I help? And there's a number two overall pick Like you're faced with, Yeah, there's a big check your that bank account overnight in ways you probably never could have and it warrants a lot of attention that you know, a lot of us aren't ready for. I wasn't ready for that, you know, people calling, trying to make business decisions, all of this. But then also I got the you know, wait on my show is to be the number two pickle? What does that look like? Like? How do I do that in a city like Miami and try to make a difference? And so did you make early mistakes? Uh? That you had? Like we've heard some horror stories of guys have been taking advantage of significantly. Did you run into that or were you able to pause and and find someone to help educate you through the process. You know, I took a pause, but it wasn't because of the education. It was because of the fear. Like all I knew was the negative stories. All I knew of and I don't want to go back to where I was before. And so in doing that, I always see a guy like, man, if you don't know anything, just don't do anything. Just take them in into pause, you know, um, And so you know, I think just in doing that, it was just like, let me try to figure this out. And and I feel like successfully, it's clues. I feel like you go through things and you know, you learned stuff. And obviously I was surrounded like by you we met, but jum, but no, there's a lot of guys that you see that are doing it the right way, and so I'm like, let me just kind of watch them or from afar, you know, part of his ego, like, man, how do I go ask this guy that I don't know like to help me out like this? That's the biggest roadblock to so many things you guys face And I say, you guys as athletes, is that is that thing is how do I go ask this guy? Maybe I'm struggling in my marriage, or maybe it's the money thing, or maybe it's like my mentals and guys just don't want to to have anybody know. Would you say that's a fair sense, right, I think for the most part. Mean, these guys are taught to be tough all the time, man, and they don't they sometimes I view it a sign of weakness when you when you reach out or ask for help or you know what I mean. And you know, I think a lot of guys now are getting way more in touch with you know, their feelings that in terms of reaching out for help, and you know, for whatever reason it is, man, I think the NFL that's a great job of having those resources as well now. So yeah, I think it's just it's becoming coming to where it's okay to say I'm not okay you know with the mental of stuff. I think a lot of people dealing with that. And I think through COVID and all that, it's gained a little bit more attention, um and people take it a little bit more seriously. But it's like Juice said, man, it's not being vulnerable not showing any signs of weakness, and so many guys like, man, I gotta protect myself, and the only way to do that is be closed off and now allow anybody any information that may come back and hurt me. Because on the other end of it to the reality of idious business and so in sports, you realize the sports business it's not as forgiving as so many would thinks. There's an opportunity to make a lot of money, but from the other side of it, it's like, yeah, man, I still got to understand how to do business within this framework. Which that's the other part. Like nobody ever teaches us that part of it. Man, I'm just trying to play a game, but the game turned into business and now I need to figure out how to do both. Let's shift back to your playing days back here a little bit. We've had so much fun with the two thousand five class. I mean that draft class alone that's brought. It's more material thinking the fifth tank than the other other class man. You know. Of course we're gonna talk a little bit more about with Channing and what he has to say. Man, but one of the most famous or maybe infamous names of the fifth tank, this year or period Matt Ross, you know, and uh, I mean, do you have any Matt Ross memories? I know a lot of guys do. Man. I mean, it's been the Matt Ross stories coming and we've been trying to find it if you have any way we get a hold of him because he has coming down. But Matt your your draft class of course crowded. But what about Matt talk a little bit mad? You know, Matt just I mean obviously meeting man like man, this guy crazy, that's the first That's the first thing you think about. You know, one of the toughest football players that I've ever been around. You know, I think just looking at I forgot what game we were playing. But they kept running power but they pulled the guard and they're gonna try to kick him out, and Matt was just like I guess they were running away from him, and he told coach man, listen, just put me. All I want to do is smashed the guard like that was and they put him over there, and I mean that's I mean and talking about a like a collision like that's what he did. But it was funny because you know, I think as tough as he was, the funniest story comes, you know, with the guy that so many people probably know, Manny Many Rights, which was the same class right, because he was drafting something at the same time, and so I think everyone saw the clip where Manny was crying with saving had got on to him, and so you know, I think that was the persona that everyone viewed Manny as, but just kind of knowing, like you know, as you hear stuff like in the locker room, like Manny comes from this environment in l A, California, where a lot of the people surrounding Manny or like you know, stone cold like street guys, people that you really wouldn't want to see on a normal basis, And so a lot of people didn't buy into because Manny was quiet, didn't say a lot. So Matt just kept getting that Manny won't practice, and I guess he just he just kept chirping it man and obviously you know it was after that episode, and so he just kept getting and so Matt quiet and after he was giving a flat yeah, and then so man all of a sudden, everybody look over and I think many it hit Matt with like a eight pieces and then I'm like Matt was read and I'm like, because you know you're looking at man, You're like, man, wait a minute. On the sideline in between, like we out there doing drills, and I guess he just kept calling them names. He kept walking behind him. I guess, man, he finally had enough and the other side of man he came out and man, all I seen and he was throwing some hay makers and he hit row about three or four of him and and so I was like, okay, he was not a small man. But then after that, that's when the matt Roth clicking. And it's now after the after practice in the showers and many, I mean, now off just pacing and I'm like, man, what's up? Man? Like man, that's when we were up in Davy. He's like, man, tell him, let's go over here behind his apartment. He's like, I'm gonna break his neck. Like He's like, man, and he just wanted He's like he just wanted to do like a cage man, like that's all he was like. Man, He's like, I don't care about them punchers, like I just want to I just want to go about. Tell him to come behind these apartments and we'll finish that. And I was like, we know the rule is once it's once it's done on the field, it's got to be over. Though he didn't get that apartments. Yeah, the apartment. Yeah, He's like, man, we're going to parking lot and we could just like yeah, because Stu was gonna get you. But yeah, so luckily it didn't, it didn't go down that way. But yeah, man, like I saw another side of many that everybody was like, I'm like, okay, okay, but Matt was. He wasn't e freshed. He was like you know what that's going. Yeah, and that's when he had that look in his album, at that pride kicking boy taking taking in front of all the boys. Yeah. Yeah, I'm glad they didn't meet behind the apartment because that I don't think they So Juice just mentioned another member of that class, and we know this is your guy's Channing Channing Crowder. We spent about half your first episode on this show. So really, I guess Channing almost has three and a half appearances here because he's been on the show three times and we talked about him for half the episode there, and I know how close you guys were, but when you and you just mentioned it, you talked about his podcast. You see what this man is doing now, like he's become a cultural phenomenon. Yeah, I think. I mean when you look at it, though, like some people just find their sweet spot. Obviously, we all know Channing likes to talk. He's always been a talker from the locker room to you know, even post career doing the radio stuff, and so I mean he's found that sweet spot. But he's always had that personality to that people want to know. And you know, us always joke and I'm like, man, you're either one of those people people really like you or they want nothing to do with you, like there's no in between. But he just says whatever comes up comes out, like that's just how he is. He's always been that way. But you know that, like you know that, but now the whole world knows that, you know, And so that's and I think people are like in shock, and people are people don't know what to do. It's what they're seeing. And and when you say, this is exactly what you saw day in and day out from the time you set foot here in Miami for the most part, like you know, we got drafted together, oh five, And so obviously a lot of people, even you know, yourself and clothes, like, man, how are you in crowding hanging out? Um? But I think it's just that comfort zone too, Like coming from my background, you know, I think that's something that's normal, you know. And I think a lot of times too, like we were talking to you, like you try to run away from that stuff because like, man, I want to try to change and be different, but then there's just certain things that you have that's just in your comfort zone. And so obviously Channing offered this organic like what you see is what you get, um. And so just he and I hit it off when we first got here, we started hanging out, you know, and I think we covered in the first episode. First night I got in the car with him, you know, he passes out on me and I'm like, man, I have no idea where I'm going, But yeah, man, I just seen it like he hadn't changed. I mean that guy, that guy that we're seeing next. I mean, obviously his wife has done a really good job. That's my point is that this is kind of like Channing Light. This is Channing a little clean up. People think it's crazy. I have no idea. Yeah, yeah, for sure, for sure that's what this is. The Yeah, this is the edited version PG. Like this is about as good as you can get, you know, And I credit you know, his wife for that because him what would come out, no doubt. So the only other thing I want to ask you about that is and I heard I don't want to call the rumor, but you might deserve some of the credit for Channing becoming this media start. I was told that Channing's entry us and thirst for doing radio really started when you had a radio deal, that you were doing something as a rookie, and he would go with you, I don't know, was at a restaurant or something, and he so Johnny Williams was telling me this story. He was like, man, like I love Ronnie Brown, but you know, like my ass is funny story. So I had a little radio show and you know, I talked, but I mean, I've never been like a talker like my guy. Um, you guy probably give us some good insight on the game whatever, but you're you know, I can't even say what the kind of thing. It's not entertaining. I'm not entertaining. I think it was just, you know, I think just from a radio show perspective, like he offered a lot more color, and so I had agreed to a radio show and it was and it was cool, just kind of offering insight on the previous game. Um, and he and I win a couple of times because afterwards we can hang out, eat and drink a little bit. And so, I mean I didn't even know that like that was you know, I mean Johnny mentioned it, but I mean it's just you know, you're trying to do things and you're trying to get comfortable being uncomfortable, and so you know, obviously that was something new for me. I mean, I was communications graduate. Never thought that i'd be doing radio. I thought media stuff. But then as life happens, it's like maybe you know, maybe not, but you try new things. And then you know, obviously being there with Channing, I'm like we were always together. I think he saw where he I mean, he could maximize this opportunity, to maximize his talent. Yeah, well I guess he was right. So I'm happy. Still you're still doing your thing, right, You're still doing that. I'm still doing Um. Yeah, we're gonna actually come see you this year. First. Yeah, it was the second game. I think so overcause that was an environment. Yeah, yeah, but it was. I mean I went up to in the middle of nowhere first, hard to get to, but it was a great environment, like I never would have thought, like obviously we all talked sec and environments, but then you go up to Penn State until I'm like, I want to go see like that's me. I'm gonna get out. I'm gonna walk around by their tailgating people all from me. Like you know, I had a big orange shirt on, but people are, hey, man, you want something to eat? And it was just cool and they had people everywhere. So it was a pretty cool environment. Seventh Strong seven should have. I'm going up your way this time. You gotta let them, I know, RB. I don't know if they're gonna be as uh the hospitality, yeah, like we're not. Yeah, we're not. We're not that school, okay, yeah, that other school. I think we're pretty polished, pretty polish, you know. One of the things Tenny also talked about was where he felt Nick Saban felt a little bit. I guess, I guess struggle a little bit in Miami and I was dealing with grown aass man. Yeah you know what I mean. We heard the hey Nick story from from tractor trailer, you know what I mean. We also heard about Zach and you know, the whole situation was za at times. Man, I mean, did you see these things as well? You know, so do you feel the same thing that you know, Nick just had a little bit of a struggle with grown men, you know, because it's it's not easy come from college to the NFL as a head coach. Yeah. I think sometimes one of the things that hurts a lot of people is success. Obviously, when he came to Miami, he had already wonted national championship with l s U and so his way of doing things work, you know, and for Channing, and I'm like, it didn't, I mean, it didn't resonate with us. I mean, I'm a rookie, I'm coming from college, so this is what I expect already. But but then you see, guys, you hear the story like with Trucks and you know, exact and then even with you know, God bless him, Hub Jr. You know, he came out in his tennis shoes, want practice, and you know, Nick's yelling like, hey, like what are you doing in juniors? Like Buddy buddy. But he's like, hey, man, if I put on cleets, I'm gonna go too hard. I'm gonna hurt somebody. Somebody's gonna hurt me. We don't need that. And so I'm like, oh, this is what this looks like. But I think it's hard people in his position to relinquish that power. Um, when you got a group of guys that have established themselves, like a Jason and a Zak and a Junior, you know, those guys have figured out their way that works. And so when you get someone in who likes the ultimate control because he just likes his way of doing things. Not to say that its right or wrong and different, it's just that's his way of doing it. And so I think it didn't It didn't jail as well as it could have. I mean, and I think, I mean, it was sure that he left early, but hadn't we gotten Drew Brees, who knows you know what the end story would have been. It's like, Okay, I have a vision for what I want to see, but you know, from a from a power perspective, like he liked control, you know, and even when you look at Alabama, obviously his way works. But It's just how do you get a group of the old men, young men that have kids, have their families, to say, oh, hey, I'm a buy in and do it this way because I've been making Pro Bowls, I've been having success without this, and so you know, when you want to come in and change that, it's hard to change, you know, overnight and get guy, especially buying who are adults. It's easy to change eighteen year old kid, nineteen year old kids like, hey, man, listen, this is how you got to do it to get to hear. But people in this position, they're like, I'm already here, Like why would I So that's your perspective now, right, But in that at that point in time, and like you said, you kind of expected certain things and you weren't far removed from being that eighteen nineteen year old kids. But when you see Zack in his face screaming I'm a grown ass man, you don't talk to me like that or things like that going on, man, what's your reaction. I just just how they do it up here, Like I mean, because in college even now, like coaches have the power in the league, it's more the players and it's about the players and being in position to be successful and so those who can adjust, they will be around a lot longer. But you know, if I got to choose between the Jack Zack Thomas or Jason Taylor or Junior stay out, It's not gonna be the coach. And so you know, when you look at it, I'm just like, I didn't know this how guys talk to coach. But that's what I'm saying. You know, I'm like, oh, man, like ball out, you know, like you can say whatever, but now but you you get it and you understand it too, like you get guys who I mean, how can you tell this group of guys Like everybody doesn't warrant that attention or that you know, leadership ability, but certain guys do. They have earned the right to be able to say, hey, this is how I do it. I'll do what I need to do. But you know, I've kind of figured out from a routine and strategy, this is what works for me. And a good coach, the great coaches, you know, tend to have those conversations because at the same time, I think when you look at j T and what he did that year from a defensive players persuadives like wait, a minute, he put him in position to be success. Yeah, well, you know, and I think that's the point though, Man, I think as a head man, you gotta, I mean, you do have to treat everybody a little differently, you know what I mean. It doesn't matter who you are as a head man, you gotta treat certain guys. And that's one thing I was talking about with Jimmy Johnson. He had that totem pole there, you know what I mean, Yeah, you treat different people differently depending on who they are on that totem pole. So right away came in there talking to the wrong people that way. And I think that I had those guys on this corner from the beginning. Those are the guys who should have had that, you know, to have us back in there, you know. Yeah, And I think that's just maybe, you know, looking back at it, if you had the conversation with Nick and you asked him, probably did he go about the rate? Probably say I didn't, because I probably should have had a conversation, called those guys in and say hey, man, like all right, what do you guys do? Let me figure out how to work this thing around what you guys do. But I mean egos. There he goes again, and he did used to say that he like, man, I'm gonna treat everybody fair, but I promise I won't treat everybody to think stole it from somebody else. Yeah. Yeah, for the most part. So since we're on the topic of head coaches, will shift gears or fast forward to our current head coach here with the Miami Dolphins and Mike McDaniel. I don't know how closely you followed his career, but as a former running back, when you look at, oh wow, this team there there might be a commitment to the run game here. Now between his system that he's been in, he was known as like a run game specialist, offensive guru. And you see the running backs that they're bringing in, the offensive line that they're bringing in, the coaches with experience on offensive line, do you start to almost foam at the mouth? Is running back? You know, what, what do you think about this current team? I mean, I like the fact that he likes to run the ball, you know, and so without knowing personnel like you know, I think to be determined. I guess you look at it. They got a stable of guys that are capable. But you know, from a strategy perspective, that's what you like. Especially the way the game's going. You look at you know, it's or past heavy game. They want to see the ball go down the field. A lot more of the rules allow for that. It's more offense friendly. But when you get a guy that comes in focuses on the running game, I think it helps this team. You talk about a guy you know into a who has potential but if yet to kind of get to where people So it's it's good. But then from a strategy perspect like, how can I alleviate some of that pressure off or tour um, which I mean, if you want to be honest, he hadn't been the same since the hip injury, rightfully, so like you don't expect him to get out and run around as much. That was a collegiate thing anyway, Like on this level, defensive ends are a lot faster, so you wouldn't want him to do that, and you don't want him to take those hits, and so how do you do that? It's like, well, get better in the running game. Put it more of an emphasis on that. Obviously you got a lot of speed around and so now that gives the opportunity to the receivers. You create Mitch matches, or you get the running backs involved in the passing games. So you look at the stable of guys that are here the complimentary as well, like not only can they run football, but they can also be involved in the passing game. And so to me, in my opinion, I've always thought that you know, those extended handoffs, like when I get one on one with a linebacker or anybody in space, I like that rather than going between the tackle. And so you started looking at some of those matchups, Um, it's like, oh, if favors this team because you can't coach speed. We're talking about that earlier. And they got a lot of speed across the board, and so you got to spread defense down to make them defend the whole field. When you got a lot of spaces around, it creates opportunity to get open and to get the ball down the field, and any of those guys that touch the ball, I mean it can be a home run at any point. Yeah, and you said your son who Yeah, Man, it hurt me when he was in Kansas City. I had my son had me drawing the little arrow for a minute. Yeah, So you know because he looked, you know, like jitterbo man. They got can fly and you know, my son pretty good little athlete when it comes to speed. But you know, he just likes Tyreek And so when he signed with dog Like, he was all, either up, man, we gotta go to game. I'm like, manage man, put the pressure on me. Now, should be no fresh If you can get a ticket in any stadium in America, it should do this. Yeah. So he's excited though, I mean he was talking about even on the plane ride down here, man like even when he got him with Dolphins had well know, they didn't have the Dolphins had he got a heat hat because they didn't have the Dolphins colored one that he want. But it's just, I mean, it's crazy, like that's all they talked about. They didn't have a Dolphins had, they didn't have the color he wanted. They had a regular Like what was it? It was just it wasn't even the Awkwa one. It was something different, and so he got like the the my advice Heat had. So yeah, but I think we'll find it by the time we get out of here. But yeah, man, like he tres this guy, we'll be trying to draw him. He got my daughter, she's six, even trying to do the how to drawings on YouTube, and she's trying to figure out how to find Tyree. This is crazy. We talked about man ty Reach done a lot of things for the florganization without even taking a single snap. Yet, you know what I mean, the interest and everything else, the national attention, everything about it. So that's that's good to hear. Man A Right. So one new thing that we have when the on the fish tank is a two minute drill. So we're gonna run our b through the two minute drill. Big set in the wildcat or is he actually playing the tail? I think he's going to be in the wildcat too, man, even though we probably would not run wildcat, but he's gonna throw the ball and our best player's hand right now, the best player on the set right now is running Brown. All right, clock set, I'll go first, alight, all right, the greatest rapper in Atlanta of all times, our cast outcast stuffle right there right, Yeah, it's a group three thousand. If I gotta go individuals see Low being a close second, okay, not even yeah, not even big. I'd go with wow, wow, interesting, Big boy's gonna be a little piste off, all right. Ratists Miami Dolphins running back of all time. I like, Ricky, I bet you do it. You right now? Dreaded Ricky. Dreaded Ricky. Okay, speaking of Wildcat, your most memorable Wildcat moment New England the first time we did because in my mind, you know, the results happened, but just don't miss it up. Just don't mess it up. Was there one play in that game because you had a whole bunch of them, the very first one because it just don't mess it up? And then after that it was like, oh, man, like that's kind of cool because I never played a quarterback outside of people and the snapper tween. You just run around and try to but I never played quarterback, and so I's like, just don't mess this up because we're gonna look like the class clown Well you did, ye. The class clowns were on the other side of the field that day. I don't know if I can get away we're saying that, but in that particularly day, they were Okay, you're in the wealth management field. You're helping other guys manage their money. What's a former Miami Dolphins teammate who you would actually trust managing your money Jason J T JT Okay, he might give you a call opportunity. All the guys that I saw, I mean, you know, and he was the guy that kind of initiated me, you know, on this trap. I'm like, hey man, this guy does it all from community to on the field to just in different involvement even now coaching. Like guy that just continues to take strides like okay, okay, we got one more, one more quick, all right. Last time you're in the tank. You told us about how you had to carry Ricky around the hotel room hotel to find this room. If you were in ricky shoes, who on the team would you have carry you to your room? Crowding right there? Yeah, I don't know what kind of conditioned Crowder would have been in. Everybody been zig zag, but it's been good. Yeah, we'd have made it, made it. That's all that matter. Probably probably had a moment or two like that in shore. Well, I see you got the wristband. All you're trying to get back to the water park, get your back home before or not home, but back to wherever whatever resort you're staying. At before the family misses you. It's great to have you back in. Tank Man, always good man. I appreciate both of you guys, obviously big parts of you know, my growth, you know Juice as a player and a mentor. Seth. Obviously we've been rocking for a long time. You know. I appreciate your guidance support. So it's always good when I can kind of reciprocate or shared to love myself. We only invited you back actually for these kind words. We were hoping to say, so thank you about that. It was so good. Hey, thanks, I appreciate it. You're now guiding sitting down with Steth Living and this is strictly for them Number one one, of course, this the never sports talk. Never been that pitch tank, don't get squat. Yes, it's kind of devil been that petch tank. It's on the legend that we're talking when you never been that petch tank rocking, well, bolt cha yourself for you never been that petch tank. Um fans my attitude kind of damn butt them down, celebrate big or cry hard, leave it all on the field. We're gonna try hard. Old school a new school, mixing in feeling like we're up close when we listened in Dolpher spells here Miami is the deepend We've have been one our favorite players. No seap bread we get with Seth and mc duffie bringing up stars we never heard to the public. Man, we love me Dolphins fans never, but we're loyal to the team. Wasn't happier we upset? We'd be like, what's next, gonta swist the subject? You know what's all about the fins hit? If you're ready for that? Was wasn't time to dive in? Do swist the subject? You know what's all about the fins hit? If you're downe with Dolphin's nations trying to die, I've in. I'm flushing up that. You know what's all about the fins You're looking at that fish tank. It's time to pitch tank tank? Okay, so aqua orange, Yes, it's time to devil been that pitch tank. It's on the legend that we're talking when you devlvent it pitch tank rapping, Oh, James, Seth, devil minute its tank, don't ever had it talking about it in
As a six ft two pound running back with four or four speed, Ronnie Brown could run through and pass opposing defenders. But the two thousand five second overall pick in the NFL Draft spent years running away from an environment he felt would hold him back. I wasn't running to anything like you hear people talk about the money and all this stuff. I think for me, I was running from something like the environment that I grew up in him because I think it's okay to not really do much and to kind of fall in line with what everyone's doing. Not to say that's a bad thing, but you know, for me, I knew I always wanted more, Like I knew I always wanted to do something else, and for me, that avenue was going to be sports. I'm Seth Levitt before remember of the Miami Dolphins media relations department, and I know Jim McDuffie, a member of the Dolphins Walk of Fame, and to day in the fish Tank, Ronnie dies back in to discuss the challenges he faced during his childhood and shares how his life experiences now have him dedicated to mentoring others. T J preach time to make magic with Seth je and this is strictly for them, true fanlans number one one of course, y'all, just all the nets talk. Welcome back to the fish tank right here in the Mimie Dolphins Podcast network Seth. I'm missing DJ Freese, but O J Juice M duffy is here, Juice man. Season's football football season, Man, let's go. Yeah, fired up? Yeah, you know, I am bro you know, man, it's at time of year. Word that none. I'm not playing. I'm happy that is training, kid, right, get excited for training. Kids don't have to participate, got it. Well, I'm excited because we are running it back. Rewind that Ronnie Brown is back in the tank. But the tank looks a little bit different than the last time you were here, man, looks a lot different. But let's where it looks great though. I mean I'm digging the set. I mean obviously, and you've got to have one of the grapes in the back. But I mean, it looks good. It looks good. It feels good to be back. Yeah. Yeah. I listened back to the episode Juice, and we were in my office on like a card table, you know, and uh so, at like seven o'clock at night or something, it's a little bit different, just a little bit still. I mean, I mean, some things don't change it, right, So we still got greatness. So it's just a different places. That's why you were invited. For sure. We appreciate you doing it absolutely. So he's here on vacation. Took a few days before school starts, right, you're here with Taylor and the kids, and said, he I'm gonna sneak away and go do a fish tank interview. Ho had that go over. It weren't great, you know, the timing of it. You know, it's like, first off, like I kind of scheduled a play date for my son, so he's with one of his buddy, so we did that whole thing, and then my daughter they got the turnberry go over to the water park. So it's like it's easy to slide out when you distracted. Yeah, so I'm good. I timed it up pretty. I like it. I like it well cool. So the challenge for me was we we kind of did this as much as we talk all the time and we've known each other for so long. I was like, all right, how is this interview going to be different? So I went back and I listened. Man, it was a lot of fun. It was a great interview, a lot of fun. But one thing that I noticed that we really didn't discuss last time was kind of your your origin story, as they say. We talked a lot about you as a football player, but not your story growing up. And I think I was kind of blown away when we worked together in twenty three Ways to Stop You Violence, where you kind of had your testimony and you told your story about growing up and some things you went through, and and I just I had no idea, And so I don't know how much you're willing to share about that, but talk about if you are willing to growing up, the circumstances with your parents and um and then you really kind of having a second family that that made me look a little different than your your first family and what that was like. Yeah, man, no, it's funny, you know. And we started discussing topics for whatever. Um my son, it's about to start playing tackle football for the first time, and so I've been trying to dig in the archives and find a bunch of old movies let him watch. You know, we watched Rudy. We want to remember the Titans. So last night, you know, we sat down and we watched The blind Side. Okay, so it was funny. But I was gonna say if you said the program or something like no, don't watch yeah, not yet, not yet, We're gonna get there, okay, you know. And so it was. It was funny because you know, I relate so much to that story, you know, and I usually obviously everybody kind of knows now like they know me, but they don't really know like background, upbringing, all of that stuff. And I think as athletes, a lot of guys, we all have a story to tell, um for the most part, you know, whether it's coming from certain environments, socioeconomic backgrounds or whatever. But I just never discussed it, and so we kind of I touched base a little bit more obviously twenty three ways. Um. That gave me an opportunity to open up because I usually used to not have that conversation. But then as I've gotten older, I realized, you know, through a lot of that stuff, we're able to touch people. Where are a lot of people with similar stories. And so you know, just watching that that movie last night, and I was like, god, like, like, there's so many similarities between you know, my upbringing in just terms of you know, environment, I didn't grow up you know, I mean I grew up in apartments. But then initially when I first grew up, I mean I lived on Brown Road. Um, we lived in the trailer all my road. Yeah, so like all my you know, it was in Sugar Valley. It was the country. But you know, all my neighbors were my family members. And then so you know, we eventually moved out of that, moved an apartment. But just from a personal perspective, you know, Dad, mom, you know, sol drugs and so there's a little issue there for a minute, both of them got arrested. Um, I moved in with my cousin. My brother was adopted unofficially, you know, by a white family, and so it was a little different. And then just through sport, I met my god brother, Justin, and so it was very similar to the blind Side. You know. Um, obviously my mom lived with her, but the struggles, all of those things were, you know, very similar in terms of upbringing. Obviously trying to make sure that she made everything available aware that we needed. But it was just it was just different, Like we didn't I didn't realize it growing up at the school, you know, you didn't have the newest sneakers. I mean I got my first pair of Jordan's as a junior in high school, and so you know after I wear them washing and so you know those stories. But you know, through sport, you know, I had a lot of opportunity to meet a lot of cool people. And so when I was aged six, I met my guy parents, UM, Chris and Andy Trip and everyone in Carsville obviously they know the story, but not many people outside of that unless you know, we've kind of gotten to know each other or you know, you've been around and you know, whether it was senior day in high school, senior day in Alburn, the draft, so everybody's kind of man, who is this family? And so you know, you who was just white family? Right? And so you know, and I leave tickets for my god brother show up five eight white guys, and so you know, I think there were so many similarities to that, you know, identified with you know, from a perspective of having someone to rely on and just kind of seeing what the other side looked like. UM, in terms of you know, my parents, you know, they did the best they could. My mom she was she was a stickler for education. Um, was always only made me redo my homework. So she was always on you know, manners being respectable person representing your last name. But her I always remember her saying was do as I say and not as I do. And so that stuck with me. Even with their struggles and their trials and tribulations that they had. That was one of the things that kind of always stuck to me. How long were they away? Because you said you were raised, you live with your mom, But how long, well you did you not have your parents in your life? And and then at what point because you said they were arrested. I don't know if there was a period of time. So my dad it was a little over a year. My mom was about six months or so, and so I just lived with my cousin. Didn't even realize because I mean I was usually at this house every weekend anyway, um and so we were always hanging out. And then my brother, you know, he'd stayed with Brenda. She was really cool. She was our neighbor at one of our houses that we lived in. UM. So she had sons, Gary, Todd, and Josh, and so, you know, I think it was just it seemed normal at the time, and now you kind of look back on like, oh, man, Like I didn't even realize at the moment, what the hell is normal anywhere with I'm with my cousins, you know, and so that was just a little hiccup, um and just not even realizing, like, hey man, so through sports obviously, my older brother's seven years older than I am. He rastled, played baseball, played basketball, I mean, played football, and so yeah, yeah, because you gotta get down and get it. Yeah, that's a whole different thing for everybody always do. But you know, he was kind of the guy looked up to. Um. He was always involved in sports, and so you know, for me, that was just the normal thing to do. I was the youngest mostly of the majority of my cousins, and so I was a little guinea pig for a lot of stuff, whether it was the wrestler moves or you know, throwing it up, getting to I knocked into bushes. But it kind of made me tough, and you know, I was excited about it because it was fun because I got to play with the older cousins. Brother and the one of the last question I have on that, and I might be connecting dots that shouldn't be connected. But when you talked about you watched this movie and saw that connection one of the families you were associated with them. Maybe it was that family when we talked about movies. So the actress, right, Chloe, Grace Marette Marette's was she the little sister or what's the connection there? So that was my godmother's best friend's mom. And so one of my buddies, Brandon, who was the same age as me. It was my god parents like their their closest family, and so they were always around the kids with babysit and keep Chloe. And you know, Brandon is his name. He and I were really close. But you know, I think just going through that, it was kind of cool because for Senior Day or for during our prom, we did our prom pictures at their house, and so it was just you know, and it's a small town. We need to see if we need to see one of those pictures, I have one. But she was Chloe was what I know her for. And I apologize if she's probably done some bigger things, but she was in the movie kick Ass, and she was hit girl and was like a savage in that movie. And he's like, hey, you know what the little girlfriend. I'm like, yeah, he goes, Yeah, she's kind of like almost a little sister be cousin. I'm like, what, So she's done a few movies. He's doing well there in l A. You know, don't talk to him as much, but recently probably, but the last within this last year, I reconnected with Brandon. We were talking um and I actually saw him. We went to dinner I did in l A the last time I was out there. So it was pretty cool. Nice, you know, for those of us and reach the level of professional football and that we've gotten to many, particularly our sports, usually usually some driving factor that began early in our lives that kind of push to where we're at, you know what I mean. And after hearing that store, I mean, tell of how that part growing up pushed you to where you got in life in terms of you know, high school, college, obviously in the pros and just where I push you in life. Yeah, I think I mean for me, Juice, I think it was I wasn't running to anything like you hear people talking about the money and all this stuff. I think for me, I was running from something like the environment that I grew up in, UM because I think it's okay to not really do much and to kind of fall in line with what everyone's doing. Not to say that's a bad thing, but you know, for me, I knew I always wanted more, Like I knew I always wanted to do something else, and for me, that avenue was going to be sports. And so just man chasing that thing, like it was like, all right, man, if I'm going to get out of this environment. Obviously, my motivation was you know, changing you know, trajectory of my family and when I started to have kids, but you know, even with my parents, like my goal was, you know, to buy my mom house, like because I think growing up we probably lived probably five or six different places, and so you know, it was money. I was talking to someone when I was at Auburn. I went home after like a summer workout, knocked on the door, Um, and this was the house that we lived in. And then this white lady shows up at the door and she's like, yeah, they don't live here anymore. You thought you were going home to visit your because I was gonna sneak in after workout, yeah, and so pleasantly surprised. Um, And so just you know, that whole thing about stability, and I think that's the beauty of what I got from my guy parents, like seeing what a family was like, you know. And so even with just going into the movie watching it last night from the blind side, you know, like I remember my guy coming in and tucking me in and just the whole you know, those little things that you kind of bring back and bring back memories and you're kind of like, oh, man, like you know, the little thing, the sotal things I think that they did, and even just offering hope of there's something outside of Cartersville, Georgia. My god brother used to get his haircut at a studio of Vin Michael Salon in Buckhead, And so you know, we drive down seventy five, we get off East paces for Area and then that's where the Governor's mansed and all of that stuff is. And so going down that street, I'm like, man, this is crazy, Like you know, these houses, like these homes, you know, it's beautiful, and I'm like, one day I love to be able to live somewhere like this. Um. And so it's funny now even you know, because my kids now, like I mean on that street, my kids go to school there at Pace Academy, UM, which is on that street. So I'm there. I'm on the board of you know, directors at the school, and so just to see things coming full circle, um, and it's just a blessing. And it all started with relationship of me getting close with them. They've taken me in as a family, you know, treating me like, you know, I was one of their own, you know. In addition to obviously I live my parents and so there was differences, but it was just so many similarities and parallels to you know, how I grew up and what I can relate to about that story and looking back on it. Yeah, and I bet that's also obviously shapes you in terms of being the husband that you are, the follow that you are, the mentor that you are, you know, the way you look out for people, you know, financial literacy, financial responsibilities, things like that, man. And so yeah, I understand where you're coming from. Man. You know, I didn't. My mom had me at a very young age, you know, so I really grew up with just my my grandparents. But I also went to a private school where I saw how another half lived, you know what I mean. So that really gave me motivation you know, to go out there and be able to you know, achieve and be able to buy my mom my house or you know, be able to put my kids in private school or things like that. Man. So yeah, it's it's a health of story, man, And a lot of people don't take advantage of those opportunities and learn from them and use them in their lives moving forward. And I think for me, it's just I mean I have a fear of failure, like that's how I operate. And I think growing up in that environment that kind of that's where it came from. But even living you know, in the household my parents, like I said, you know, there was a lot of lessons and things that helped me throughout life as well as you know, having the advantage of seeing things from both sides and giving me different perspectives, but also knowing like from a small town, a lot of it was you know, you get all these people who believe in you. You know, for me, it was like I have to make it that so many people you know, have poured into me and you know, believe in me when I didn't even know, like you know, my god parents saying just them being involved, like that's pretty cool, you know, having people take time and pour into you when they don't have to, and so you kind of appreciate that stuff. And so for me, it was always all right, let me figure out how I can, you know, make sure that you know, I do the right thing, and I'm always trying to represent those people, those communities. Carters go over and you know, my family of the Browns, you know, I think just my god parents, everybody like, so, you know it's important to me, I think, and just kind of realizing that you think, I think it's you know, it's kind of a funny thing. Like as an athlete, a lot of times, you know, I think the expectations we have for ourselves it's a lot higher than you know, what those on the outside. And so you know, I always set the bar pretty high, and so you know, I feel like there's a lot of work to do, even with you know, accomplishing some of the stuff. From my sports side, I never thought I'd be drafted a second overall pick. That was something that's unfair. I just wanted to be drafting um and so to get that experience, and you know, going to the draft that was I wasn't even gonna go. But the only reason I chose to do that was because I had an opportunity to take my parents to New York for a week and for them to have that experience. And so I was like, man, it's not even about me. It's just you know, seeing my parents in New York for a week and enjoying that experience. And obviously you know my god parents, the trips they were there, um, and it's probably twenty people there, um. And so I guess in life, it ain't what you experience, is who you experience it with. And so um, that's just kind of how I look at everything. I didn't know this back then, but you know, over the years, it's a wise man. Yeah, the wise man man. So, yeah, you've been ding. I follow you on Instagram, So I want to dig into you know, Juice mentioned financial or wealth management, financial literacy, and I've kind of known even when you were down here and we were working together, you were just starting to kind of explore the banking system and starting to understand that stuff. And you've really made a post career career in that space. But of of late, it seems as if there's a heavy, heavy focus on educating athletes and young athletes on how they managed their their money and financial rejacy and those things. Why is that something that you are so passionate about. I think just you know, I think the more people understand my story and just realized like I just fortunately knew that I didn't know. Um, And so just looking at that, I mean with celebrity, you're not usually as an athlete, you're not usually born into it. You're not educated on it, and a lot of times guys aren't prepared for it. And so you know, when you look at it as a whole, everybody's like, well, how do you make these mistakes? It's like, man, I had no idea what I was doing. And so, you know, as a twenty three year old rookie from Cardisbool, Georgia going to all and then being in Miami, it's a total like I'm like, wait, like how do I do this? And I didn't have anyone in my phone to call and say, hey, man, can you help me out? Can you figure out how to help me navigate this lane? Um? You know, and I was watching you know, Kevin Hart was on a podcast recently with one of my buddies. We're gonna talk about you know, and he was like, it's so easy when you're from that point of point of view, but like nobody sees it from your point of view as you're going through it, and the decision that your challenge were making, and so financially, that was the thing I knew the least about, you know, when I talked about the transition, I knew I had a lot of family, a lot of friends and people that I wanted to help. But then it's like, well, how do I help? And there's a number two overall pick Like you're faced with, Yeah, there's a big check your that bank account overnight in ways you probably never could have and it warrants a lot of attention that you know, a lot of us aren't ready for. I wasn't ready for that, you know, people calling, trying to make business decisions, all of this. But then also I got the you know, wait on my show is to be the number two pickle? What does that look like? Like? How do I do that in a city like Miami and try to make a difference? And so did you make early mistakes? Uh? That you had? Like we've heard some horror stories of guys have been taking advantage of significantly. Did you run into that or were you able to pause and and find someone to help educate you through the process. You know, I took a pause, but it wasn't because of the education. It was because of the fear. Like all I knew was the negative stories. All I knew of and I don't want to go back to where I was before. And so in doing that, I always see a guy like, man, if you don't know anything, just don't do anything. Just take them in into pause, you know, um, And so you know, I think just in doing that, it was just like, let me try to figure this out. And and I feel like successfully, it's clues. I feel like you go through things and you know, you learned stuff. And obviously I was surrounded like by you we met, but jum, but no, there's a lot of guys that you see that are doing it the right way, and so I'm like, let me just kind of watch them or from afar, you know, part of his ego, like, man, how do I go ask this guy that I don't know like to help me out like this? That's the biggest roadblock to so many things you guys face And I say, you guys as athletes, is that is that thing is how do I go ask this guy? Maybe I'm struggling in my marriage, or maybe it's the money thing, or maybe it's like my mentals and guys just don't want to to have anybody know. Would you say that's a fair sense, right, I think for the most part. Mean, these guys are taught to be tough all the time, man, and they don't they sometimes I view it a sign of weakness when you when you reach out or ask for help or you know what I mean. And you know, I think a lot of guys now are getting way more in touch with you know, their feelings that in terms of reaching out for help, and you know, for whatever reason it is, man, I think the NFL that's a great job of having those resources as well now. So yeah, I think it's just it's becoming coming to where it's okay to say I'm not okay you know with the mental of stuff. I think a lot of people dealing with that. And I think through COVID and all that, it's gained a little bit more attention, um and people take it a little bit more seriously. But it's like Juice said, man, it's not being vulnerable not showing any signs of weakness, and so many guys like, man, I gotta protect myself, and the only way to do that is be closed off and now allow anybody any information that may come back and hurt me. Because on the other end of it to the reality of idious business and so in sports, you realize the sports business it's not as forgiving as so many would thinks. There's an opportunity to make a lot of money, but from the other side of it, it's like, yeah, man, I still got to understand how to do business within this framework. Which that's the other part. Like nobody ever teaches us that part of it. Man, I'm just trying to play a game, but the game turned into business and now I need to figure out how to do both. Let's shift back to your playing days back here a little bit. We've had so much fun with the two thousand five class. I mean that draft class alone that's brought. It's more material thinking the fifth tank than the other other class man. You know. Of course we're gonna talk a little bit more about with Channing and what he has to say. Man, but one of the most famous or maybe infamous names of the fifth tank, this year or period Matt Ross, you know, and uh, I mean, do you have any Matt Ross memories? I know a lot of guys do. Man. I mean, it's been the Matt Ross stories coming and we've been trying to find it if you have any way we get a hold of him because he has coming down. But Matt your your draft class of course crowded. But what about Matt talk a little bit mad? You know, Matt just I mean obviously meeting man like man, this guy crazy, that's the first That's the first thing you think about. You know, one of the toughest football players that I've ever been around. You know, I think just looking at I forgot what game we were playing. But they kept running power but they pulled the guard and they're gonna try to kick him out, and Matt was just like I guess they were running away from him, and he told coach man, listen, just put me. All I want to do is smashed the guard like that was and they put him over there, and I mean that's I mean and talking about a like a collision like that's what he did. But it was funny because you know, I think as tough as he was, the funniest story comes, you know, with the guy that so many people probably know, Manny Many Rights, which was the same class right, because he was drafting something at the same time, and so I think everyone saw the clip where Manny was crying with saving had got on to him, and so you know, I think that was the persona that everyone viewed Manny as, but just kind of knowing, like you know, as you hear stuff like in the locker room, like Manny comes from this environment in l A, California, where a lot of the people surrounding Manny or like you know, stone cold like street guys, people that you really wouldn't want to see on a normal basis, And so a lot of people didn't buy into because Manny was quiet, didn't say a lot. So Matt just kept getting that Manny won't practice, and I guess he just he just kept chirping it man and obviously you know it was after that episode, and so he just kept getting and so Matt quiet and after he was giving a flat yeah, and then so man all of a sudden, everybody look over and I think many it hit Matt with like a eight pieces and then I'm like Matt was read and I'm like, because you know you're looking at man, You're like, man, wait a minute. On the sideline in between, like we out there doing drills, and I guess he just kept calling them names. He kept walking behind him. I guess, man, he finally had enough and the other side of man he came out and man, all I seen and he was throwing some hay makers and he hit row about three or four of him and and so I was like, okay, he was not a small man. But then after that, that's when the matt Roth clicking. And it's now after the after practice in the showers and many, I mean, now off just pacing and I'm like, man, what's up? Man? Like man, that's when we were up in Davy. He's like, man, tell him, let's go over here behind his apartment. He's like, I'm gonna break his neck. Like He's like, man, and he just wanted He's like he just wanted to do like a cage man, like that's all he was like. Man, He's like, I don't care about them punchers, like I just want to I just want to go about. Tell him to come behind these apartments and we'll finish that. And I was like, we know the rule is once it's once it's done on the field, it's got to be over. Though he didn't get that apartments. Yeah, the apartment. Yeah, He's like, man, we're going to parking lot and we could just like yeah, because Stu was gonna get you. But yeah, so luckily it didn't, it didn't go down that way. But yeah, man, like I saw another side of many that everybody was like, I'm like, okay, okay, but Matt was. He wasn't e freshed. He was like you know what that's going. Yeah, and that's when he had that look in his album, at that pride kicking boy taking taking in front of all the boys. Yeah. Yeah, I'm glad they didn't meet behind the apartment because that I don't think they So Juice just mentioned another member of that class, and we know this is your guy's Channing Channing Crowder. We spent about half your first episode on this show. So really, I guess Channing almost has three and a half appearances here because he's been on the show three times and we talked about him for half the episode there, and I know how close you guys were, but when you and you just mentioned it, you talked about his podcast. You see what this man is doing now, like he's become a cultural phenomenon. Yeah, I think. I mean when you look at it, though, like some people just find their sweet spot. Obviously, we all know Channing likes to talk. He's always been a talker from the locker room to you know, even post career doing the radio stuff, and so I mean he's found that sweet spot. But he's always had that personality to that people want to know. And you know, us always joke and I'm like, man, you're either one of those people people really like you or they want nothing to do with you, like there's no in between. But he just says whatever comes up comes out, like that's just how he is. He's always been that way. But you know that, like you know that, but now the whole world knows that, you know, And so that's and I think people are like in shock, and people are people don't know what to do. It's what they're seeing. And and when you say, this is exactly what you saw day in and day out from the time you set foot here in Miami for the most part, like you know, we got drafted together, oh five, And so obviously a lot of people, even you know, yourself and clothes, like, man, how are you in crowding hanging out? Um? But I think it's just that comfort zone too, Like coming from my background, you know, I think that's something that's normal, you know. And I think a lot of times too, like we were talking to you, like you try to run away from that stuff because like, man, I want to try to change and be different, but then there's just certain things that you have that's just in your comfort zone. And so obviously Channing offered this organic like what you see is what you get, um. And so just he and I hit it off when we first got here, we started hanging out, you know, and I think we covered in the first episode. First night I got in the car with him, you know, he passes out on me and I'm like, man, I have no idea where I'm going, But yeah, man, I just seen it like he hadn't changed. I mean that guy, that guy that we're seeing next. I mean, obviously his wife has done a really good job. That's my point is that this is kind of like Channing Light. This is Channing a little clean up. People think it's crazy. I have no idea. Yeah, yeah, for sure, for sure that's what this is. The Yeah, this is the edited version PG. Like this is about as good as you can get, you know, And I credit you know, his wife for that because him what would come out, no doubt. So the only other thing I want to ask you about that is and I heard I don't want to call the rumor, but you might deserve some of the credit for Channing becoming this media start. I was told that Channing's entry us and thirst for doing radio really started when you had a radio deal, that you were doing something as a rookie, and he would go with you, I don't know, was at a restaurant or something, and he so Johnny Williams was telling me this story. He was like, man, like I love Ronnie Brown, but you know, like my ass is funny story. So I had a little radio show and you know, I talked, but I mean, I've never been like a talker like my guy. Um, you guy probably give us some good insight on the game whatever, but you're you know, I can't even say what the kind of thing. It's not entertaining. I'm not entertaining. I think it was just, you know, I think just from a radio show perspective, like he offered a lot more color, and so I had agreed to a radio show and it was and it was cool, just kind of offering insight on the previous game. Um, and he and I win a couple of times because afterwards we can hang out, eat and drink a little bit. And so, I mean I didn't even know that like that was you know, I mean Johnny mentioned it, but I mean it's just you know, you're trying to do things and you're trying to get comfortable being uncomfortable, and so you know, obviously that was something new for me. I mean, I was communications graduate. Never thought that i'd be doing radio. I thought media stuff. But then as life happens, it's like maybe you know, maybe not, but you try new things. And then you know, obviously being there with Channing, I'm like we were always together. I think he saw where he I mean, he could maximize this opportunity, to maximize his talent. Yeah, well I guess he was right. So I'm happy. Still you're still doing your thing, right, You're still doing that. I'm still doing Um. Yeah, we're gonna actually come see you this year. First. Yeah, it was the second game. I think so overcause that was an environment. Yeah, yeah, but it was. I mean I went up to in the middle of nowhere first, hard to get to, but it was a great environment, like I never would have thought, like obviously we all talked sec and environments, but then you go up to Penn State until I'm like, I want to go see like that's me. I'm gonna get out. I'm gonna walk around by their tailgating people all from me. Like you know, I had a big orange shirt on, but people are, hey, man, you want something to eat? And it was just cool and they had people everywhere. So it was a pretty cool environment. Seventh Strong seven should have. I'm going up your way this time. You gotta let them, I know, RB. I don't know if they're gonna be as uh the hospitality, yeah, like we're not. Yeah, we're not. We're not that school, okay, yeah, that other school. I think we're pretty polished, pretty polish, you know. One of the things Tenny also talked about was where he felt Nick Saban felt a little bit. I guess, I guess struggle a little bit in Miami and I was dealing with grown aass man. Yeah you know what I mean. We heard the hey Nick story from from tractor trailer, you know what I mean. We also heard about Zach and you know, the whole situation was za at times. Man, I mean, did you see these things as well? You know, so do you feel the same thing that you know, Nick just had a little bit of a struggle with grown men, you know, because it's it's not easy come from college to the NFL as a head coach. Yeah. I think sometimes one of the things that hurts a lot of people is success. Obviously, when he came to Miami, he had already wonted national championship with l s U and so his way of doing things work, you know, and for Channing, and I'm like, it didn't, I mean, it didn't resonate with us. I mean, I'm a rookie, I'm coming from college, so this is what I expect already. But but then you see, guys, you hear the story like with Trucks and you know, exact and then even with you know, God bless him, Hub Jr. You know, he came out in his tennis shoes, want practice, and you know, Nick's yelling like, hey, like what are you doing in juniors? Like Buddy buddy. But he's like, hey, man, if I put on cleets, I'm gonna go too hard. I'm gonna hurt somebody. Somebody's gonna hurt me. We don't need that. And so I'm like, oh, this is what this looks like. But I think it's hard people in his position to relinquish that power. Um, when you got a group of guys that have established themselves, like a Jason and a Zak and a Junior, you know, those guys have figured out their way that works. And so when you get someone in who likes the ultimate control because he just likes his way of doing things. Not to say that its right or wrong and different, it's just that's his way of doing it. And so I think it didn't It didn't jail as well as it could have. I mean, and I think, I mean, it was sure that he left early, but hadn't we gotten Drew Brees, who knows you know what the end story would have been. It's like, Okay, I have a vision for what I want to see, but you know, from a from a power perspective, like he liked control, you know, and even when you look at Alabama, obviously his way works. But It's just how do you get a group of the old men, young men that have kids, have their families, to say, oh, hey, I'm a buy in and do it this way because I've been making Pro Bowls, I've been having success without this, and so you know, when you want to come in and change that, it's hard to change, you know, overnight and get guy, especially buying who are adults. It's easy to change eighteen year old kid, nineteen year old kids like, hey, man, listen, this is how you got to do it to get to hear. But people in this position, they're like, I'm already here, Like why would I So that's your perspective now, right, But in that at that point in time, and like you said, you kind of expected certain things and you weren't far removed from being that eighteen nineteen year old kids. But when you see Zack in his face screaming I'm a grown ass man, you don't talk to me like that or things like that going on, man, what's your reaction. I just just how they do it up here, Like I mean, because in college even now, like coaches have the power in the league, it's more the players and it's about the players and being in position to be successful and so those who can adjust, they will be around a lot longer. But you know, if I got to choose between the Jack Zack Thomas or Jason Taylor or Junior stay out, It's not gonna be the coach. And so you know, when you look at it, I'm just like, I didn't know this how guys talk to coach. But that's what I'm saying. You know, I'm like, oh, man, like ball out, you know, like you can say whatever, but now but you you get it and you understand it too, like you get guys who I mean, how can you tell this group of guys Like everybody doesn't warrant that attention or that you know, leadership ability, but certain guys do. They have earned the right to be able to say, hey, this is how I do it. I'll do what I need to do. But you know, I've kind of figured out from a routine and strategy, this is what works for me. And a good coach, the great coaches, you know, tend to have those conversations because at the same time, I think when you look at j T and what he did that year from a defensive players persuadives like wait, a minute, he put him in position to be success. Yeah, well, you know, and I think that's the point though, Man, I think as a head man, you gotta, I mean, you do have to treat everybody a little differently, you know what I mean. It doesn't matter who you are as a head man, you gotta treat certain guys. And that's one thing I was talking about with Jimmy Johnson. He had that totem pole there, you know what I mean, Yeah, you treat different people differently depending on who they are on that totem pole. So right away came in there talking to the wrong people that way. And I think that I had those guys on this corner from the beginning. Those are the guys who should have had that, you know, to have us back in there, you know. Yeah, And I think that's just maybe, you know, looking back at it, if you had the conversation with Nick and you asked him, probably did he go about the rate? Probably say I didn't, because I probably should have had a conversation, called those guys in and say hey, man, like all right, what do you guys do? Let me figure out how to work this thing around what you guys do. But I mean egos. There he goes again, and he did used to say that he like, man, I'm gonna treat everybody fair, but I promise I won't treat everybody to think stole it from somebody else. Yeah. Yeah, for the most part. So since we're on the topic of head coaches, will shift gears or fast forward to our current head coach here with the Miami Dolphins and Mike McDaniel. I don't know how closely you followed his career, but as a former running back, when you look at, oh wow, this team there there might be a commitment to the run game here. Now between his system that he's been in, he was known as like a run game specialist, offensive guru. And you see the running backs that they're bringing in, the offensive line that they're bringing in, the coaches with experience on offensive line, do you start to almost foam at the mouth? Is running back? You know, what, what do you think about this current team? I mean, I like the fact that he likes to run the ball, you know, and so without knowing personnel like you know, I think to be determined. I guess you look at it. They got a stable of guys that are capable. But you know, from a strategy perspective, that's what you like. Especially the way the game's going. You look at you know, it's or past heavy game. They want to see the ball go down the field. A lot more of the rules allow for that. It's more offense friendly. But when you get a guy that comes in focuses on the running game, I think it helps this team. You talk about a guy you know into a who has potential but if yet to kind of get to where people So it's it's good. But then from a strategy perspect like, how can I alleviate some of that pressure off or tour um, which I mean, if you want to be honest, he hadn't been the same since the hip injury, rightfully, so like you don't expect him to get out and run around as much. That was a collegiate thing anyway, Like on this level, defensive ends are a lot faster, so you wouldn't want him to do that, and you don't want him to take those hits, and so how do you do that? It's like, well, get better in the running game. Put it more of an emphasis on that. Obviously you got a lot of speed around and so now that gives the opportunity to the receivers. You create Mitch matches, or you get the running backs involved in the passing games. So you look at the stable of guys that are here the complimentary as well, like not only can they run football, but they can also be involved in the passing game. And so to me, in my opinion, I've always thought that you know, those extended handoffs, like when I get one on one with a linebacker or anybody in space, I like that rather than going between the tackle. And so you started looking at some of those matchups, Um, it's like, oh, if favors this team because you can't coach speed. We're talking about that earlier. And they got a lot of speed across the board, and so you got to spread defense down to make them defend the whole field. When you got a lot of spaces around, it creates opportunity to get open and to get the ball down the field, and any of those guys that touch the ball, I mean it can be a home run at any point. Yeah, and you said your son who Yeah, Man, it hurt me when he was in Kansas City. I had my son had me drawing the little arrow for a minute. Yeah, So you know because he looked, you know, like jitterbo man. They got can fly and you know, my son pretty good little athlete when it comes to speed. But you know, he just likes Tyreek And so when he signed with dog Like, he was all, either up, man, we gotta go to game. I'm like, manage man, put the pressure on me. Now, should be no fresh If you can get a ticket in any stadium in America, it should do this. Yeah. So he's excited though, I mean he was talking about even on the plane ride down here, man like even when he got him with Dolphins had well know, they didn't have the Dolphins had he got a heat hat because they didn't have the Dolphins colored one that he want. But it's just, I mean, it's crazy, like that's all they talked about. They didn't have a Dolphins had, they didn't have the color he wanted. They had a regular Like what was it? It was just it wasn't even the Awkwa one. It was something different, and so he got like the the my advice Heat had. So yeah, but I think we'll find it by the time we get out of here. But yeah, man, like he tres this guy, we'll be trying to draw him. He got my daughter, she's six, even trying to do the how to drawings on YouTube, and she's trying to figure out how to find Tyree. This is crazy. We talked about man ty Reach done a lot of things for the florganization without even taking a single snap. Yet, you know what I mean, the interest and everything else, the national attention, everything about it. So that's that's good to hear. Man A Right. So one new thing that we have when the on the fish tank is a two minute drill. So we're gonna run our b through the two minute drill. Big set in the wildcat or is he actually playing the tail? I think he's going to be in the wildcat too, man, even though we probably would not run wildcat, but he's gonna throw the ball and our best player's hand right now, the best player on the set right now is running Brown. All right, clock set, I'll go first, alight, all right, the greatest rapper in Atlanta of all times, our cast outcast stuffle right there right, Yeah, it's a group three thousand. If I gotta go individuals see Low being a close second, okay, not even yeah, not even big. I'd go with wow, wow, interesting, Big boy's gonna be a little piste off, all right. Ratists Miami Dolphins running back of all time. I like, Ricky, I bet you do it. You right now? Dreaded Ricky. Dreaded Ricky. Okay, speaking of Wildcat, your most memorable Wildcat moment New England the first time we did because in my mind, you know, the results happened, but just don't miss it up. Just don't mess it up. Was there one play in that game because you had a whole bunch of them, the very first one because it just don't mess it up? And then after that it was like, oh, man, like that's kind of cool because I never played a quarterback outside of people and the snapper tween. You just run around and try to but I never played quarterback, and so I's like, just don't mess this up because we're gonna look like the class clown Well you did, ye. The class clowns were on the other side of the field that day. I don't know if I can get away we're saying that, but in that particularly day, they were Okay, you're in the wealth management field. You're helping other guys manage their money. What's a former Miami Dolphins teammate who you would actually trust managing your money Jason J T JT Okay, he might give you a call opportunity. All the guys that I saw, I mean, you know, and he was the guy that kind of initiated me, you know, on this trap. I'm like, hey man, this guy does it all from community to on the field to just in different involvement even now coaching. Like guy that just continues to take strides like okay, okay, we got one more, one more quick, all right. Last time you're in the tank. You told us about how you had to carry Ricky around the hotel room hotel to find this room. If you were in ricky shoes, who on the team would you have carry you to your room? Crowding right there? Yeah, I don't know what kind of conditioned Crowder would have been in. Everybody been zig zag, but it's been good. Yeah, we'd have made it, made it. That's all that matter. Probably probably had a moment or two like that in shore. Well, I see you got the wristband. All you're trying to get back to the water park, get your back home before or not home, but back to wherever whatever resort you're staying. At before the family misses you. It's great to have you back in. Tank Man, always good man. I appreciate both of you guys, obviously big parts of you know, my growth, you know Juice as a player and a mentor. Seth. Obviously we've been rocking for a long time. You know. I appreciate your guidance support. So it's always good when I can kind of reciprocate or shared to love myself. We only invited you back actually for these kind words. We were hoping to say, so thank you about that. It was so good. Hey, thanks, I appreciate it. You're now guiding sitting down with Steth Living and this is strictly for them Number one one, of course, this the never sports talk. Never been that pitch tank, don't get squat. Yes, it's kind of devil been that petch tank. It's on the legend that we're talking when you never been that petch tank rocking, well, bolt cha yourself for you never been that petch tank. Um fans my attitude kind of damn butt them down, celebrate big or cry hard, leave it all on the field. We're gonna try hard. Old school a new school, mixing in feeling like we're up close when we listened in Dolpher spells here Miami is the deepend We've have been one our favorite players. No seap bread we get with Seth and mc duffie bringing up stars we never heard to the public. Man, we love me Dolphins fans never, but we're loyal to the team. Wasn't happier we upset? We'd be like, what's next, gonta swist the subject? You know what's all about the fins hit? If you're ready for that? Was wasn't time to dive in? Do swist the subject? You know what's all about the fins hit? If you're downe with Dolphin's nations trying to die, I've in. I'm flushing up that. You know what's all about the fins You're looking at that fish tank. It's time to pitch tank tank? Okay, so aqua orange, Yes, it's time to devil been that pitch tank. It's on the legend that we're talking when you devlvent it pitch tank rapping, Oh, James, Seth, devil minute its tank, don't ever had it talking about it in