HOUR 2- Rams Rookie calls out Eagles fans

Published Jan 17, 2025, 10:00 PM

Doug reacts to the comments made by Rams rookie Jared Verse about how much he hates Eagles' fans and why.  Doug weighs in on the NFL likely adding an 18th regular season game.  Plus, Covino and Rich's interview with Eagles tight end Dallas Goedert as he prepares for the Los Angeles Rams in the division round. 

Thanks for listening to the Doug Gotleeb Show podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weekday three to five, twelve two Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. Find your local station for the Doug Gottlieb Show at Foxsports Radio dot com, or stream us live every day on the iHeartRadio app by searching app as car, What Up with You? Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio Coming to you from the tyrack dot com studios tyrat dot com. We'll help you get there an unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free roadhouse protection, over ten thousand recommended installers. Tyrack dot COM's way tire buying should be so my days do get mashed together. I apologize. I think it was Monday that there's the Eagles fan that called the Packers fan the seaword, right a lady the seaword, And instead of apologizing, he was like, yeah, it wasn't provoked, it wasn't unprovoked. Dude loses his job. Meanwhile, well, I saw this from Jared Verse, who's a rookie linebacker from the Rams. I hate Eagles fans. They're so annoying. I hate Eagles fans when I see that green and white I hate it. I actually get upset, like I actually generally get hot. I I didn't even do nothing to them. It was my first time playing. Oh I hate Eagles fans. Eagles fans, Yeah, that's that. What's the expression now? That tracks? Yeah? That tracks? Does anybody not think that that one tracks? You said, Hey, give me one fan base who's annoying above all others. Wouldn't most everybody say, oh, the Eagles? Correct? And and it's like it's one of those things where Eagles fans are like, y know, you hate us and we don't care. But I do think at some point in time there is a sense of like, yeah, maybe we care. We don't want to be judged like that. But then you have Nick Sirianni who seems to stoke that right. He seems to be as big a part of it as as anybody. I mean, that's that's the reality to it is he absolutely positively stokes that kind of flame, if you will, of supreme negativity and just he's just one of those guys that you am I wrong to think you kind of want to punch him in the face. And I I've never said that about anybody, but I do think in this in this particular case, it's relatively true, right, It's it's relatively true. I mean, I don't. I know a couple of Eagles fans. One is uh, the new wife of a good friend of mine actually here in Green Bay, and she's cool. But again, most the other ones are a bunch of dudes who it's like they take great pride in being the least likable human beings on earth, and they disguise it around. Well, you know, Eagles fans, that's what we do. Like, Yeah, I don't know, I don't. I don't think that's how it should be. J ste what do you think of the idea that people just hate Eagles fans and then you have the video which kind of gives credence to the hatred.

Yeah, I think that the angle on this story for me was I think that people like you who talk about sports could say it. I think other fans can say it. You just don't see a rookie linebacker say it two days before a divisional playoff game. I don't think that that would be recommended or approved by Sean McVay. That's what kind of stood out about this.

See, I don't think it actually really matters. And by the way, like right now, it's not like Eagles fans have a lot of ground to stand on because the part about it, when you go, hey, it's one guy. He repens he doesn't represent a whole fan base, but he says it. Other people are in earshot, and nobody was like whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa?

Hold on, hold on, hold on.

Yeah. There was no Dan Byer up there in the stands. None. I mean, look, there's plenty of fan bases which are obnoxious in the NFL. It does feel like the Eagles enjoy being the most obnoxious and they're okay with it. So I don't think there's any What's like, what retribution can can he have a rookie linebacker have for saying what everybody thinks? And Eagle fans seem to embrace.

You'd be surprised how people twist things in the locker room or you know, spin spin things into bulletin board material.

But again, and I know how things get twisted in bulletin board material. This has nothing to do with the Eagles players. Like, as much as you want to think like somehow Eagles players like, they don't they know their fans are insane, insane, so I don't think it has any effect on the game. I just think it's interesting that here we have a week where there is video supporting that. I mean, you got a random fan up in what looks like nosebleed seats saying to a woman who's clearly a Packer fan, calling her the C word, it's indefensible, reprehensible. And then a rookie linebacker says the same thing. And now we're like, oh, bulletin board material. But about who about the fans? What is it gonna make them booed louder? You know, throw more snowballs at Santa?

Now you know what's funny, isn't Oh sorry ahead.

No, I just don't think it works out, Oh my, go ahead.

Funny thing about that that sea where that we definitely cannot stay in the air? Is it in like in like the United Kingdom. In Britain, it's like a fairly common insult and you know you hear it or see it a lot, and it's like, I don't think and also in Australia, I don't think people they don't take offense to it as much. Here it's definitely more offensive. It's it's grotesque and vulgar. I'll say this though, about uh Eagles fans and Philadelphians in general. I have spent a lot of time in Philadelphia, and they're they're kind of built like Boston sports fans, Like they're edgy, they're a little bit clannish. They're a little bit sort of suspicious of outsiders. Like if you're from the area, you're you're in the club.

But they are.

They are very passionate, you know, and they definitely have your back until you start, you know, crapping it up. Then then they then they turn on you. But they're intense, man. I mean, I think there's something about the Northeast, Like Buffalo Bills fans ye are like that as well, Like they are so passionate and can give you such a great home stadium, but if you start, you know, stinking it up, you're And now that they won a Super Bowl, what twenty eighteen, whatever it was, the expectations there are are even higher. So I the one time I went to a Phillies game at Citizens Bank Park and this was I think twenty ten, and I was wearing an Iowa football T shirt and this woman, this older woman at like the ticket turnstile and this very typical Philly kind of accent. She's like, ah, I will football. She's like, you guys have been beating my Penn State Nitney Lions like too, Like she gave me a bunch of crap because Iowa.

Had nineteen twenties right because.

She had a little bit minute football sh she you've been beating my Nitney Lions too. It there's a lot of ninty Lions fans there, spread spread throughout the northeast, you know, Philly Jersey, you know, and and throughout the area. But she she was sort of a g rated sort of you know, giving someone crap. You know, it didn't compare to this guy at this Phillies at this Eagles game. But even her, she had to give me a little lip as I was coming in because Iowa had beaten Penn State like three years in a row. Uh when I went to that game. So there, if you get to know Philadelphian's you know, it's I think it's personally it's a great city. I love going there, but yeah, you just get you gotta be careful. I mean I went to a I went to a Wisconsin football game in some Iowa gear, and and you think of people from Wisconsin being chill and relaxed with those students, Man, they were ruthless.

They were again that's see, that's the that's also the barstoolization of students, right that students. Students have always been a little bit more obnoxious, especially Eastern Seaboard, but now it's like, I honestly think the barstool thing has made it cool to be just completely obnoxious. But the regular fans being obnoxious, that's unique to the Eastern Seaboard. They are, I mean, and look, I don't have to pull punches. Everyone knows. Syracuse fans, you're obnoxious, obnoxious and entitled, Jets fans of noxus, entitled Eagles fans, obnoxystenem titled Giants fans, Yankee fans, Met fans, Philly fans like Eastern Seaboard like you're the worst, Red Sox fans, Patriot fans. Same. But there's a special place in the devil's heart for Eagles fans.

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It's the Doug Gottlieb Show Fox Sports Radio. Shortly after the show, our podcast be going up. You miss saying today's show. Check out the podcast. You search Doug gottliber your podcast, follow rate review, put it us in our queue again. Just search Doug Gottlibiery your podcasts. None of this stuff is a surprise to anybody who pays attention. That Roger Goodell huh shocker looking to add an eighteenth game to the NFL schedule. Here's Gooddell on the NFL's likely plans.

I think if we continue to focus on the safety, I think eighteen is a potential. And as you know, we would take a preseason game away so we would keep within that twenty game framework. We actually started fourteen and six preseasons, we went to sixteen and four and now seventeen and three, so eighteen and two is a logical step.


The problem with it is every game you add on is like three or four games added on to some of these guys bodies, right, and now you will credit and maybe this is part of it. Let's look at the playoff teams remaining. You ever done this, jayse Duw, like even just look at all of the playoff teams all in Texans, Chargers, Steelers, Ravens, Broncos, Bills, Packers, Eagles, Commandersuccaneers, Vikings, and Rams. All of them had the same starting quarterback at the end of the season they had at the start of the season. I know, Jordan Love missed a couple of games, you can go back through. There's a couple others. Obviously, Jalen hurtsmissed a couple of games with the concussion. You know, the Steelers changed quarterbacks where they're the one where Russell Wilson didn't start the season as a starter because he was banged up. But outside of those, Russell Wilson was intended to be the starter to begin with. There's one correlation and teams that do well and don't do well, it's do they have their starting quarterback the whole year. Now, their starting quarterbacks gotta be pretty good. But the first thing is they got to be healthy. And I would say that while players safety isn't really of paramount importance in terms of the product, having your quarterbacks out there is. And I can't tell you unequivocally if the reason that all these starting quarterbacks are still standing is because they've made the rules such where you can't even breathe on a quarterback. But imagine if you're sitting there and you're Roger dell't remember everything they do in marketing, everything we do in terms of conversation is about the quarterback. Don't believe me, right, Jordan Love doesn't play well all do the Packers overplay him? Justin Herbert doesn't play well. We gotta have a conversation about Justin Herbert. Sam Donald doesn't play well, same old Sam Donald does. Nobody even pays attention to Vikings offensive line terrible. Chargers had no skill position players well. Eagles, for example, Jalen Hurst didn't play particularly well. No one paid attention to the fact no one was open. No one's open for the guy go through it and you realize Jordan Love like, look, was Jordan Love great?


Did he take some chances? Sure, some of it was late, but that's who Jordan Love is. And how much different is that game if they don't lose the fumble on the opening kickoff or you know, the first drive. So everything comes down to the quarterback. And it stands to reason that if you add an eighteenth game, your biggest concern is are we gonna have our starting quarterbacks? Are good ones for the playoffs? And right now since changing the rules, you know, for the quarterback, can't hit them above the neck, can't you know, body slam them, can't really tackle them, can't hit him near below. All these things you can't do when they're in the pocket. It has kept them healthy. And if they're healthy, yeah, why not more games? Nobody cares about anybody else, anybody else. Nobody cares tennis, anyone.

Any one for ten? Wouldn't that be nice?

My Uh so, you guys know, my daughter rides horses. She rides at Oklahoma State. One of her teammates is Gable Gearing. Gable lives or lived in the Palisades. And it was interesting, you know, I had a day off Sunday, so I flew down and saw my kids and took my daughter and her friends out to lunch. And Gable had just gotten back because they just started school back up at Oaklhama State. And yeah, it was you know, she basically had five minutes running around the house like what do you grab? And this is a you know, she's only eighteen, but she is as decorated an equestrian as you'll find eighteen years old or younger in the entire country, and like it's all gone. And her thing was like I actually still have pictures and memories of that, but the ones that she's more it's like, you know, randomly fourth grade project that your mom had, you know, that's gone. Like literally no physical memories of your childhood gone.

Yeah, it's impossible to think of like all the things that you have lost until maybe you have a little thing in your brain flip a switch and you're like, oh, yeah, that bracelet. Did you know my my grandfather gave me, you know, when I was fourteen years old. That's gone too, And that's just going to make you feel so sad and just depressed because you know, we we don't always remember all the things we have. And I know, you know, these you having to think on the spot, right, Yeah, you can't think of everything single thing you have, but and more people are a little more materialistic than others. But it's it's sad, and this whole situation is created a housing crisis too. Now, like where do these people go? You know, unless you can stay with a family member in the area. But like if you have to or you you know, find an apartment or something like. You know, there's not enough there's not enough places to put these people if they have to work in LA unless they can work from home and work you know, at a relative's house. There's now a crisis of housing in Los Angeles because there's thousands of homes destroyed.

Yeah, I mean, I honestly, I feel this is one of those deals to where you do feel more for people in Altadena than you do in Palisades or in Brentwood. Not that you don't feel bad for those people, but the you know, the lower middle income. Sure, it's a little harder to find a place than it is. You know, it's like you know, Gables, like, well, thank goodness, we have a place somewhere else, you know. I mean, can you imagine they tried to get an apartment in LA and you know there's thirty families that they know really well, all waiting outside hoping to get the same apartment. Yeah, it's crazy. Crazy, really is crazy. So here's a Doug Gotlieb show on Fox Sports Radio. What if we did a little gambler. I like a little idea of a gambler. It's a Friday okay, and we all got picks to make. I think I'll make my picks at the end of the show. But I'm intrigued by Jay Stu. I'm intrigued by you, Sam and monse your thoughts on this weekend. Right, we have four huge NFL games, the winners play for a championship, and we have the national championship game in college football. I'm interested also in the idea of the idea of the national Championship game beyond our Monday do we have football Monday? Does fit kind of our normal football time clock, right? And usually we're used to college on Saturday, Pro on Sunday, NFL on Monday. In since the National Championship I said this before, I would have done it on a Tuesday, you know, give you that day off. But Sammy, do we have the Gambler? Can we can we get a little gambler music going? There? We go? We do this every Friday, the Doug Gottlieb Show. One pick just one. They can go to your guy with or your guy with or you know your sportsbook app right, you know what we need. We need the j stud team parlay. Maybe again, you're not all right? Well on what I think here do you go for it?

Yeah, well, I am going to take the Chiefs to win, but the Texans with the points I'm seeing eight points, and the Chiefs have been playing it tight all year, beaten teams by you know, two, three for six points, whatever it might be. So give me the Texans plus the points the Chiefs to win. That's my pick.

And drank down my last swallow. Then he bummed a cigarette, amonsibee, all right, you have a pick.

So, yeah, Like, I don't see how the Lions are nine and a half point favorites over the Commanders, who have scored throughout the season. Yeah, they've lost, but they lost a couple of games when Jayden Daniels had that rib injury, and I don't think the Commanders are gonna win. I do take the Lions to win, but I think the Commanders definitely cover the spread. They will be closer than nine and a half points away. Lions win, Commanders cover.

Okay, I'm gonna give all my picks like that. I'll give all my picks at the end. Okay, But nosey flowers are likely nose flowers. The Bills are at home. I just continue to think this is their year, and I know the Ravens blast them last time. I get it. Maybe it's a bad matchup in terms of their ability to stop Derrick Henry, but I do think the playoffs are a different animal. And Josh Allen hasn't had the ultimate success, but he's had better big playoff games than Lamar has had big playoff games. Is that fair? That's fair. Weather's a factor which usually makes you think, makes you think that the running team benefits from it. But one of the things about Josh Allen is one he can run it to his arm. He seems to be able to throw it through anything.

Mm hmm.

But this is just more about a feeling that this is the Bill's year, and so I'm going to take the Bills, who are a one point home dog, to win straight up, straight up.

I'm with you on that, Doug. They had three big pieces that the Bills were missing in weeks TI for Matt Milano being one of them. Like, it's not going to be the same Bills team that they saw and I think, I give you, I'm with you. I think for some reason the Bills also it might.

Be their year.

I think, uh I I do think Jay Stude did you go belly up on your picks? And that's why you don't. You're not You're not comfortable sharing your jay's two team parlay.

No, I just I put in a tremendous amount of preparation for this. I can't do this at hawk add hock?

Did he go add hawk on us?

Talk to us?

All right? So those are our picks for the weekend. Let's sing at the table? No when.

What about them?


No when to run? You never count and show your money when you sitting at the table. Time enough counting.

I always mess up counting gambling. I don't know why I think those.

Are the scene under the words of the song.

Enough there'll be time enough for counting, not time enough for gambling. I don't know why I think that it's that. But good song there, good pick?

It is it is it is? I don't know if the good picks. We'll see Dallas Goddard upcoming. He'll join us next segment. You'll hear, actually it's Cavino and Rich got a chance to sit down with Dallas Goddard. Uh shortly after last weekend's game. You'll hear that upcoming in the show. I'll give you all of my playoff picks as well at the end of the show. At the end of the show, Okay, I gotta be honest with you guys. I'm cheating a little bit, or helping my kids cheat a little bit. Let me tell you, how have you seen? Now there's a cult. You don't know this right, And again I'm not pales in comparison to the fires and the weather that you guys have had in southern California, So I'm not trying to be insensitive. Okay, there is a polar vortex, is that what it's called, or some sort of polar plunge coming to most of the country not named California.

Comes to Yeah, the polar vortex, Man, I've felt those.

Right, so I'll give you a sense of it. So right now in Green Bay, Wisconsin, it's actually like you might even be able to play golf. It's forty one degrees the light breeze, although the wind's going to pick up here tomorrow. The highest thirty, the low is five, and then after that the highs are five, one and one, and all the lows are in negatives for three four days and it's supposed to feel like negative twenty negative thirty and the whole Midwest is like that. Oh have you guys seen all these new vests and parkas and gloves and socks that are electric. I've heard this is a thing. This is a thing. It's a game changer.

Like you can charge them, Yeah.

You charge it. It's just like charging your phone or charging whatever. You know, you plug you know, can you imagine? Though, it's like super cool. You're like, girl, where's that sea charge or where's that lightning charge? I think they're all the sea type charge feels like cheating though, right. I feel like electric blankets feel like cheating too.

We're in back to the future too, where like the clothes that Marty McFly has to put on or all like electric operated shoes, and you know, it's kind of cool. Definitely feel like we're living in the in the twenty fifteen and back to the future too.

No, you listen, if you walk, you walk around, you see somebody and they have like a vest on or a park on and it's like illuminated. There's like a little thing that's like illuminated. You're like, huh, electric thing. And it's really weird that that people. I've had friends share this with me, but like, yeah, this has kind of been a thing for a while now. You guys just didn't know about it. Nobody tells us newbies. You got to have like a really good friend to have somebody tell you, how are you so warm? I am freezing? Like, yeah, I got listen, I got electric gloves. You almost feel like it's the drug dealer, right, What you got, man? What you got? Yo?


I got electric gloves, I got some electric socks. I got electric beanie as well. And you know, look, look man, look I'll throw in if you buy a Parka, I'll throw that in no charge at all. Right. The only difference is all these people that have this, they do get high on their own supply. They're all electrified up like the Electrify America. Maybe it hasn't worked in the cars, but it's definitely worked in the parkas, and the vests and the gloves definitely worked. I don't think Elon has a piece in that one. Imagine if they had like those Tesla chargers with the electric vests that everybody had to plug into. All right, coming up next to the Doug Gottlieb Show, We're Live and the Tirak dot Com studios. Okay, got my picks up coming. Plus you're gonna hear from Eagles tight end Dallas Goddard. Right, they're getting ready for the La Rams his level preparation. Next to The Doug Gottlieb Show.

Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on Fox Sports Radio the iHeartRadio app.

That's the Doug Gottlieb Show on Fox Sports Radio, coming to you from Thetirack dot Com studios. Got my picks for the weekend, you've heard some of them. I'll give them to you here before the show concludes. But we do have a special interview here in the Doug gottlib Show on Fox Sports Radio. Coming off a big win last Sunday, Covino and Rich got a chance to catch up with tight end Dallas Goddard after he had a big touchdown and of course you got to look ahead to the next playoff game. Here's the show that follows ours is Covino and Rich. Here's their interview with Dallas Goddard.

All right, is Covino and Rich and his content is brought to you by Otesla A Primo. Last, and our featured guest is a six foot five beast, Dallas Goddard, an actual OTESLA patient who has been compensated for his time.

Welcome Dallas man, doing well, doing well, Glad to be here with you, guys.

I'll say you got a big smile on your face. You should because you rumbled into the end zone twenty four yard touchdown. You were stiff. Farman. Take us through that play and how does that feel, especially in the postseason.

Yeah, touchdowns always feel good. In the postseason, they feel even better. It's definitely up there for one of my favorite touchdowns in my career.

But you know, it was early in the third quarter.

The offense has kind of been stolen out lately, and it was time to.

Make a play. It was a one score game and they brought a cover zero.

Jalen made a check, got the balls in my hands quick, and you know, I saw a cornerback and I never want to get tackled by a corner, so you know, I lowered my shoulder on him, pushed him off me. He kept chasing me down and I just kept pushing him away, gotting the end zone. It was really cool because the entire stadium got super loud. All my teammates were hyping me up, and it was just a really good feeling. And like I said, getting in the en zone is always fun, but it's always even better.

In the playoffs. You got that ball or what?

Yeah, I got that ball. You know, I decided this year, I'm going to save all my touchdown balls. I'm going to save all more jerseys, you know, start stacking that memorabilia for sure.

When you in the future picture that touchdown run, do you picture it first person? Or have you seen the highlights so many times now that you actually picture the highlight?

Say, I actually picture the highlight even though you lived it. You know, I lived it.

Everything happened so fast you kind of just forget about it. And then you watch the replay obviously more times than you do it because I only get to do it once, and I've seen it so many times. It's it's honestly like it's a third person wherever the camera was.

That's my view that I see it in all the time.

Funny, we always wonder that does the athlete remember the three pointer, the touchdown knocking someone out, or do they picture the highlight?



Yeah, I would imagine he sees it through his face mask and he's like, A.

Should they need to get little GoPros in A yeah, oh that's that's got a little bit.

Now you got the ball, you got in the end zone.

But if you were see Kwon Barkley late in the fourth quarter on his breakaway run, would you have taken a knee or gone the distance?

Ooh that's tough.

You know, you always want to say you want to play the situation is really smart, do the right thing. Happy that we got the first down when we're able to end the game. But if it was me running the ball, I think I would have taken it all the way to the one yard line and then taken a knee, kept those cards right a touchdown.

But I need all the yards I can get. Yeah.

I even saw DeVante Smith was like why didn't he go? Were were your teammates saying like, yo, Saquan, you should have just went?

Yeah, everybody was saying that.

But I think he understands he's already got two thousand yards on the year. He's been racking them up, so he's like, ah, I'll save my legs for next week.

I have plugged that discipline. Man, Yeah, that's tough. After Jalen returned from the concussion, You guys, the passing attack hasn't been you know, I guess you would say fully in sync. What's your plan going into this game against the Rams.

We played the Rams earlier in the season, we were able to get to win. What I remember the mouse about him was how good their front was. They got two defensive ends that played really physical.

They're really good.

So that'll be our biggest challenge going against them as their fronts. But having last week growing, you know, it's been a long time since our offense played together this year, between me aj Davante and Saquon, I think we only played one game together and that was the first game of the year and then this playoff game. So just getting us all back in, figuring out what's going to work, how we're going to attack the defense, what the defense is going to do to take away who they want to and that all plays in a fact to it.

But I'm really excited with.

Where we're heading and it's going to be a fun game on Sunday against the Rams.

Well, you sort of clambered him last time thirty seven to twenty and you got to figure the Rams are going to make some adjustments this time, so how do you combat that.

It'll spend a lot of time in practice and meetings. The coaches are breaking down the film. Now we'll look at it. We'll see things that they did against formations that we bring out, try to give them different looks, make sure they don't know what we're running.

Just kind of tweak little things like that.

But after you win that first playoff game, it gets really excited. Everybody just locks in a little bit more because you know each one you win, you get closer to the main goal. So I know the team's super excited and we're going to be ready going into it.

It's going to be a tough matchup.

The Rams are playing really good football at the right time, and so are we.

So looking forward to a great matchup.

This defense got a lot better since then. They put up some good numbers defensively. You guys, almost five hundred yards against those Rams last time. Saquon got to be licking his chops. That was the game against Rams where two fifty five, and so they're gonna make adjustments, obviously.

Yeah, for sure.

Obviously last time they played Saquon broke the Eagles record.

So that was a cool day for all of us, and we're not going to take that lightly.

And you know the good thing about our offense is we can win in so many different ways.

If they want to load the box.

And take away Saquon, we got two star wide receivers on the outside, and we have so many different ways to win. And we got a bunch of unselfish people on the team that whatever role they're asked playing that game, they'll do whatever they decide to take away they can take away. But we have so many weapons other places that we can rely on.

Let me give you some advice, man, Just keep practicing that stiff farm in the mirror, you know, yeah, and keep watching that highlight man, Yeah, just keep doing it.

I was exciting week. I'll be ready to go.

Not only that, maybe read Inner Excellence. Have you guys been busting to aj Browns chops at all? Based out of the whole reading the book thing, that's like the big story.

Now, we've joked around with him a little bit. Obviously, we've seen him do it multiple times. He's done it when he's had really good games. He does it when he has bad games. It's just something that he does. We have a few people that have been contacting the author of the book. We're trying to get one for everybody on the team, and maybe next week you'll see all forty eight.

Of us on the sideline reading the book.

So AJ Brown Book Club, I like it.

Now, you've had a great season again, Cavino and Rich here with Dallas Goddard. But Sakoon Barkley had an incredible season two. Does he get your MVP vote?

I wish he would have played Week eighteen with me so we could have got the all time rushing record. But I'm definitely giving Saquon my MVP vote and him getting an MVPs, you know, a true team award for us, So you know, I know the old line would give him the vote to and me being.

A tight end, I block for him here and there too.

So he obviously did some any special things this year, things I've never seen on a football field, So he definitely gets my vote, and you know, I'd be proud to tell my kids one day block form as well.


You're fired up divisional rounds? What do you do the night before? Are you? Do you have trouble sleeping? Or do you sleep like a baby, Like what is the night before a playoff game? Like for Dallas Goddter, it's different.

You know, I have no problem sleeping before a regular season game, but before the playoff games, your mind races.

A little bit.

Your heart's beating a little bit faster a couple of days before the game. But I just try to focus on my breath work and try to keep myself as calm as I can for as long as I can, so I don't waste all my energy just thinking about it, being excited for it. But yeah, I just sit in the hotel, do my breath work and just try to relax. Maybe put on a good movie, something that can just keep me calm.

Hey Dallas, we recently saw your Instagram posts about your struggles with plaquoriasis.

Can you tell us.

About how that impacts your life as a football player.


So, plack sariasis is an automi immune condition that makes my skin itchy and scaly. I've been dealing with it since I was a kid, and sometimes I just want to cover it up on and off the field so people won't see my plaques.

I'm assuming with all the football equipment and gear that's tricky for you.

Especially in the locker room and during summer conditioning when the rest of the team have their shirts off. I'm the one Who's gonna leave my shirt on, and then I'm uncomfortable because I'm hot and I'm inchy.

We also hear you finally found the treament for your plax arrisis that fits your lifestyle. You're taking Otela. Can you tell us about it.

I've tried lots of treatments, and I've been using different topicals over the years, but they were greasy and felt so uncomfortable. They were also tough to apply in those hard to reach places under my gear.

I asked my doctor about.

Other options, and she told me that Oteesla is a pill that might be a better fit for me.

How is Oteesla different from other things you've tried before.

Topicals only treat the flaky, scaly plaques on my skin, but Otezla's a pill that works inside my body where plaque riasis begins.

There's no mess, and unlike.

Topicals, I don't have to worry about getting all greasy under my gear or sweated it off while I'm playing. With Otesla, I can get clear skin after just four months and there's no more grease staying on my jersey.

Otesla is a prescription medicine used to treat adult patients with plaqu sariasis, for whom phototherapy or systemic therapy is appropriate. Otesla can help you get clearer skin after just four months.

Don't use otesla if you're allergic to it. Get medical help right away. If you have trouble breathing or swallowing, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, throat, or arms.

Severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss can happen. Tell your doctor if any of these occur, and if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts.

Talking to my doctor about a pill was a total game changer.

Sure sounds like a Dallas. Thanks for sharing your story and if any of you listening are dealing with plaq soriasis, talk to your doctor to see if otesla could be right for you. Visit otesla dot com for more information or call one eight four four for O Tesla for prescribing info, info about cost and more. Good luck this weekend divisional round. Congrass brother, Thank you man, thank you.

All Right, that's it for the Doug Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. Really quickly, okay, let me just kind of give you my quick synopsis of my picks for the weekend. I like Kansas City Bigley Biglely. I think Washington keeps that thing close in a shootout with Detroit. I like the Rams. Rams have an outstanding defensive line, and like the Eagles look like a team that will win, but a team that will win ugly and sort of dysfunctionally. And then I like the Bills at Home. I just the Ravens. I know they blew out the Bills last time they played them, but I like the Bills at home. Feels like this is their year. They figured it out and they kind of had a walk in the park last last weekend. Both teams are relatively dominant last weekend. So those are my picks. In the meantime, you can always tweet out the show at Gottlieb Show IG at Gottlieb Show as well. Make sure you download this show in podcast form. The pod is available as soon as this show concludes. Just type in Doug Gottliebhever your podcast and you can hear. Today we have Jared Smith with our lead Fox Sports Radio betting analyst, and Mike Turko joins me for about thirty minutes on the pod. So I think you'll enjoy that one, have a great weekend, enjoy the NFL. Will be back Monday for you in the Doug Gottlieb Show. You're on Fox Sports Radio.

The Doug Gottlieb Show

Originating from Los Angeles, the fast-paced show features Doug Gottlieb’s unique perspective on the 
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