In this version of "Love AND Hate" Doug and the crew share what they loved most and hated most from the sports weekend. Doug weighs in on the latest news with Mike McCarthy and the Cowboys. Doug doesn't understand why the Rams/Vikings is not in Vegas. Plus, Dan Beyer takes them through The Press".
Thanks for listening to The Doug Gottlieb Show podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weekday three to five, twelve two Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. Find your local station for The Doug Gottlieb Show at Foxsports Radio dot com, or stream us live every day on the iHeartRadio app by searching app as car and what up with should Doug Gottlieb Show Fox Brady, Oh Do Do Do Do Do Doo. That's Doug Gotlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. Coming to you from the tyret dot com studios. Hey, tyrack dot com, let me get there an unmatched selection, fast free shipping, free road as protection, over ten thousand recommends dollars, tyrat dot com sway tire buying should be got a great second hour of the show for you. A reminder the Doug Gottlieb Show podcast blast out live at the end of this radio portion of the show. We also have a one hour live podcast, which is our third hour of the show. So, and we're all just kind of coming down off a good sports right, good sports high where you have four straight days of football you're like, oh man, that was good. Plus like we legit had four Honestly, Saturday was probably the only day. And if you like basketball or some great college basketball that night at Utah State win. What a game at De Glenn's Spectrum Events Center. By the way, Jared Calhoun is the head coach, the first year head coach at Utah State. They have an unbelievable year. They're sixteen and one. He joined me on my All Ball podcast. Check that one out. Just a coach who's been through it and went from Fairmont State to Youngstown State, now to Utah State, and gave me some advice and you can listen and just type in all Ball Doug Gottlieb. You can check that one out anyway. Thursday, Friday, Sunday awesome football games. But there are things that we each and when I say we, I'm talking about Sam who's on the Ones and twos, Jay stew who's our steam producer. Of course Dan Byer, who you heard yesterday on Fox Sports Radio. Here every day here the Doug Gotlieb Show. We each have different things we loved, different things we hate, and every Monday we recap them.
What did you love?
God, I love you and what did you hate?
Meet these Claire Hayes.
To do to do ah love love, love, hate, hate hate. Let's start with Dan Byer, because he loves his Buckeyes. They won. I don't know if that's what he'd loved from the weekend.
I think it's pretty obvious.
I'm just I give you the floor.
Yeah it is.
It is what transpired on Friday night at the Cotton Bowl, and it has been a great fun ride, considering the lowest of lows following the loss to Michigan. But I mentioned the Zach Jack Sawyer touchdown, the sack and then the ensuing touchdown against Texas, and I said earlier top ten possible moment in Ohio State history, at least in my life time of almost forty eight years and forty years of watching Ohio State football. There were a bunch of moments from that two thousand and two season, Doug and then he had the national championship a decade ago with Urban Meyer in the first year of that playoff. But what I loved about Friday night was obviously the ending, but it's also what I love about college football. And we talk about the product of the NFL lately being substandard, not up to what we want, want necessarily want. It to be there is some sort of charm in college football when it's not played perfectly.
Yeah, that's a great point.
It's so and there's something about that. It's getting the ball into the one yard line. Not that a goal line stand is something that you don't see in college football, but just certain plays happening. Sure, we've seen Daniel Jones stumble on a long run with the Giants, but Will Howard unable to keep his feet on the on the fourth and two run. But still you also get periods of greatness in that game, and whether it be a play by Jack Sawyer or Trayveon Henderson and what he did on the screenplay. A lot of people pointing out just the effort of g Scott Junior the tight end on the third down to try to get extra yards that allowed Ohio State to go for that fourth down that Will Howard got. Yeah, there's just something about it. And I would say as much as well, like Penn State and Notre Dame probably had some of the same aspects of it as well. I wasn't tied in deep into that game as it was with Ohio State. But there's greatness and then there's sometimes just eighteen year old, nineteen year old kids making mistakes and it happens, and that's the charm of college football. But obviously Friday night was a huge, huge win for the buck Eyes and a week from tonight now against Notre Dame, that's my love of the weekend.
You know what's interesting is I used to call the buck Eyes when that last championship team and er Jim Tressel the luck Eyes, Like how many games did they pull off in close fashion? And granted this was a close it was a lot closer than two touchdowns because as you went out, Texas at the one yard line had five place to score. But that wasn't luck. They won that football game. They won that football game, and I, you know, without a, without a, without a what was it dog in the fight? I was coaching a game at the time, and I came out and I watched it from the start start to finish, and I was like, man, that was a really cool football game. I felt rewarded for watching it. Sam, what's you love for the weekend?
Mine love the weekend is not well, let's give that another try there. Maybe it's just smoke out here.
I don't know.
I'm still getting over a little COVID voice plus the smoke. But I definitely don't love that. But I do love this. Not football, really, but I definitely love what the Iowa men's basketball team did on Saturday. I felt coming into that game against Indiana, they just really didn't have much of an identity this year. They were coming off of a comeback overtime win over Nebraska, which was, you know, encouraging to see. But this Iowa team laid the hammer on an Indiana team that I don't know how good this Indiana team is, but they came in four and one into this game at Carver Hockey Arena, and Iowa was a slight favorite, about four four and a half points, but by the five minutes into the second half, they were just they were up by twenty on the Hoosiers. So this is an encouraging win for Iowa men's basketball. You know, they've kind of taken a back seat to the women's program for the last few years. Now, the women's team's kind of fading. They truly love to have Caitlyn Clark back, but the women have won or lost three in a row and the men now are above five hundred to the Big Ten, So it's encouraging hopefully they can get back to the NCAA tournament. But they led, they laid the gas down on the Hoosiers. So that that was what I loved from the weekend.
Jase too, you know what I love. I love a stute good commentary. If I'm going to invest time and sit down on my couch and watch a game, I want something to be done professionally, and I wanted to be a stute. I wanted to be concise and insightful. And you know who offered a great contrast to Tony Romo and Tom Brady, who are really bad at their job. Kirk Herbstreet on Saturday Night. Kirk has found his voice this year, and I don't know what it is. Maybe because he has the two jobs, he's making a lot of money. I know he had that comment a few weeks back about Ohio State Fringe and all that stuff, and he's just kind of found his voice in these broadcasts. I think this year. I thought his first couple of years with Amazon were kind of vanilla. But Saturday Night he delivered a great broadcast and then he offered this during the game with Al Michael's about the Steelers a game like this a chess match.
It's a cliche, but this is a chess match two grand masters.
If I were a Steelers fan, I think that would consider me.
Just watching this first cast.
You're in the postseason, you're getting dominated. I don't see any fight. I don't see any any pushback. It's one thing to lose xolwas against a really talented offense, But where the hell is the fight?
This is the Pittsburgh Steelers.
There's nothing.
You know, Doug, maybe that the next team meeting prep Median will be a little uncomfortable with the Steelers. Maybe yeah, maybe relationships are compromised. But it's that kind of honesty that best serves the viewers. Good for Kirkkurbstreet, he's found his voice. He's enjoyable to watch.
Uh, completely completely and totally agree with you that if everybody thinks it was fine, it's not a good broadcast, right, it's not a good broadcast. Well, I guess this is a little personal one for me, but this is great. So Saturday we played against EW Milwaukee. They're our rival, and look last time we played him, uh, they kind of punked us and I was a six point game with a couple minutes to go, and we had two bad turnovers. See I think we ended up losing by eleven ten or eleven. Uh, but again considering my young bunch and you have to measure up, I thought we improved and uh, but was weird? Is so my dad coached at Milwaukee when I was a kid, when I was born, and a couple of his players were there, and my babysitter from when I was a baby was there.
Like that's weird, wow, And that was.
Kind of cool anyway. It was just I don't know, I loved it. I thought it was how old is she is?
Oh, I'm sorry.
He was just a dude. I don't know. I don't know anything about it.
Was like, I can't be a babysitter.
Had a couple of male babysitters going on. I used to friends, unbelievable.
I used to watch you when you were a kid, and he's like, Wendy, my sister Greg and you you're just a little baby and you were like two years old and run around the house and it's like, damn, that is crazy. So I don't know, it's cool moment for me. All right, let's get to the other side. What'd you hate from this weekend? Hate from this weekend? Oh? You know, our resident hater is that's Jason Stewart. Floor's yours.
I hate that's Sam.
Wait, how come he didn't say say it?
Say it?
Thanks Doug. I'll take it from here.
There you go.
Isn't that we're crossing the streams here, aren't we?
Thanks Doug.
I'll take it.
He No, he does it with everything.
Okay, all right.
I was just so.
I was just so upset that Sam, somehow his triple X fantasies made it onto the air a minute ago. He's talking about a babysitter and Sam goes right to how hot is she?
Did? I was just offended that he didn't think like it would be a guy. He just immediately said how old? How old was that?
How old is this person?
Geez, I'm just curious. So I don't know, you didn't say you said how old is she?
You know, guys, I was even one summer. I was a manny a babysitter for.
An No, the damage has been done with a little guy has been done.
It's okay, it's nothing wrong with being a many carry on.
I hated seeing the reaction to the Justin Herbert thing, Like it would be contradiction for me to say that I would was disappointed in the Charger Saturday, because I think I said after like seven weeks of the season that anything they do after this is gravy. So I can't really be upset that they lost a playoff game. They actually made it to the playoffs. But I was upset at the reaction that Justin Herbert got after the game. Everybody wanted to pile on. I didn't know how many people were lined up to kick that guy in the teeth when he failed. That was disappointing, and I asked on the group text and it went unresponded to. So I'm gonna ask it on the air. Quentin Johnson sucks again, cause, like I remember, specifically last week, Doug made the comment and giving the credentials of Tom to LESCo that he's he's done well the last couple of drafts he got Brock Bauers and Quinton Johnson, and I remember at the time thinking Quentin Johnson is still a mystery, Like he mixed in greatness this season, which is dropping Blaytant passes. He didn't take advantage of the passes that were thrown his way this weekend. He ran a half yard out when the team needed two yards, So that was frustrating. Anyways, people piling on Justin Herbert afterwards, and it took on a racial tone. It was just unenjoyable.
I listen, that's not gonna give you what I hate. But yeah, the I just think people look like clowns the jumping onto RG three, Like we gotta have a discussion. I hope the media, you know, calls out Justin Herbert for this, Like what are you talking about? Dude? Justin Herbert is awesome. RG three is he's he legit believes that. I think he legit believes that race is the reason he's not still in the NFL. You know. I So the only thing I think of now, Herbert wasn't good. He wasn't, but he had a great year with a limited roster. And uh, he has enough equity with the Chargers with most feow in the NFL and the most notably Jim Harbaugh. Right like Jim Harbaugh has forgotten more about the quarterback position than RGIE three and and the rest of us will ever know. And if Jim Harbaugh swears by the guy, then you know what, I'm gonna swear by the guy. He through three interceptions all year. His best wide receiver was Lad McConkey, who's a good player but probably should be a number two, you know, possession guy with a new offense and a lot of injuries, especially in the offense. It's backfield like, I don't know if you're gonna hold against him. All these dudes are having bad playoff games. It's when you have multiple bad playoff games in a row and your team underachieves. They overachieved this year. That's it, Damn Buyer, would you hate this? Fore?
You boy?
I had two things that I hated and I was gonna go with the other one. But on the heels of that, and this happened with the Chargers loss. It happens with the Steelers loss. It actually happens with every team that loses. Are people immediately going to the offseason for whatever team loses, So the Chargers lose, Chargers need this offseason. Like we are at the two minute warning, the game's not even over. We have a whole entire offseason to talk about this stuff. It's the immediacy to be It's almost like this rush so they can put out their tweets and point to it in March or April or next year in October, so they can recite and see, I said it back in January. This is what the Steelers needed to do, or this is what the Chargers needed to do, But they do it at a point that it's just so games don't even over with.
It's the last thing that's on my mind.
If I'm a Chargers fan, if I'm a Steelers fan, if I'm a Broncos fan, Like, there's just this suddenness, and I just feel that everybody jumps to the opportunity. Not everybody, but a select few on social media, some more prominent than others. Just is really annoying. We're going to have eight months to talk about all of this stuff. Why do I need it? At the two minute warning as the team is about to lose.
I saw something on Twitter that Dan despises. It was actually a former family member at Fox Sports Radio. He tweeted out, I've got twenty minutes in an uber fire away your questions.
You love that, don't you?
I can't stand it because it is so disrespectful to the followers and fans. And listeners of their time in your time, like I've got nothing to do. I'm in an uber, I'm on a plane because otherwise I have nothing else better to do than to talk to you people.
I'm entertain me.
Yeah, I have done that. I'm just I'm gonna be honestly, I have done it. Now does this help it all? Dan? If I do it and say like, hey, I haven't done it since being coach fire away or is this no?
It should be like, hey, guess what this Thursday at six o'clock, I'm going to be taking your questions.
We're going to be doing a thing here. That's fine, it set aside.
It is so like because you can't do anything in an uber, you really can't do anything on an airplane, maybe watch a movie or just time to kill. But it also feels that you are putting yourself on a pedestal that people would actually care what your opinion WO would be on a lot of things. And I don't mean to sound disrespectful to you, Doug on it, but that is just how I feel when anybody does it. Of coming come and guess what I have to guess what I have to say about this in time that doesn't matter to me that it just rubs me the wrong way.
I cannot stand it.
I was sam My hate again with the voice right. I'm sorry, I can't do it.
I don't know, Sam, when you go through puberty, we're gonna give your own segment.
That's the second time going through puberty here. Apparently my hate of the weekend is trying to size up the Green Bay Packers season. Doug, what would you say their identity was Doug this year running the ball? Josh Jacobs. Yeah, but I just don't feel I don't. I don't have a feel from this season. They started off the year with a loss to the Eagles, the end of the year with the loss of the Eagles.
You have a feel for the season, it doesn't.
I don't. Let let's go yes, yes, let me let me go back. It's not a good feel though.
It's not an I agree on your feel because that's accurate.
But I don't have like something I'm gonna remember it. There's a there's a scene in an episode of Seinfeld where Newman, Kramer and I believe Jerry are all like on reconnaissance. They're talking about days of the week and how they you know, Sunday is a feel, Friday is a feel. Tuesday. Tuesday doesn't really have a feel. That's how I feel about this season. They didn't do anything in the division. They didn't six yep, they let the They let the Bears, you know, break their ten game losing streak eleven, thank you? And who what were their best wins? Maybe over a Rams team that was injury ridden at the beginning of the season trying to figure things out. Maybe the Texans, Yeah, the Texas. Yeah, I know, but that was again kind of the first third of the season, first half of the season. And I just I just come away with this season feeling like the Packers were kind of a distant a third fiddle in the NFC North.
Never beat a team that they were that was better than they were, and didn't lose to a team that was worse than they were.
It was just blah.
Yeah, I mean the Bears, it's who cares? It's Week eighteen.
Yeah, And and Jordan Love didn't play in the second half. And look, in fairness, you know, they lost one of their top two wide receivers and lost their second best wives injuries in the Eagles game. But you're right, and I think the big question is Jordan Love had There are moments where you're like yes, and their moments you're like, h did we have to go and give him the biggest contract or could we have let him play out the year and then negotiate with him the exact same deal and right now would it be the exact same deal? I don't know. So look, it's still a very young team. Now. What they do to fix it to get them over the hump, we'll find out. We'll find out because.
Doug the end of last year had a feel right because they went into Dallas.
No, it's hope.
There's hope, optimism, hope and lock of way optimism.
Right last year, you go, hey, they had a lead, they lost it to Serfrancis. Can be like, hey, San Francisco's better. They got to figure it out now. Even though they're young football team, you still are going like, yeah, I don't know if that young excuse works. I think the young excuse works for just this year, and then I think it goes away next year. With Jordan Love, he's got to stop turn the ball over. He's got to stop always trying to force it down the field. It feels like a young quin. It feels like farv and that far of stuff doesn't work in today's foot game. I don't think. I don't, so I'm with you. I think they do have a feel. They feel like they underachieved, and I think that's a fair feel. It's fair. Now, there could be reasons by it, and maybe we overestimated how good they were and that they're too young to really figure it out yet, but I think that's a fair feel. It's fair, you know, still like they got a chance to be really really good, but they got to show us something. And again, like the Niner game, that doesn't even any score, you know, because the Niners weren't whole right, weren't close to weren't close to being.
Blow up win, but again against what competition here?
Correct? Correct?
Eleven wins? And I don't know if I've a whole lot from the season.
I just again, I'll I'm gonna do the hate thing over, you know, Like, look, when you play a football game, when you play a basketball game, somebody loses, okay, And when that team loses, it doesn't mean that somebody has to get fired for every loss, especially in the playoffs. Well that somebody sucks, so that they're a choker. Sometimes you just lose. Now, there are elements, and choking to me is when you have a winning hand and you dramatically underachieve because the pressure of the moment, and especially if you do it time and again. You know Steve Sarkesian's an idiot, and you know yours isn't good enough, and justin Herbert like, we have reached this such complete over the top negativity on every loss. It doesn't mean anybody wants to lose again. I can only use I can use myself an example. I don't want to make it too obvious. Our record is not good. It is two and sixteen. We have won a game since midnight November, got it? Okay, Yes, our best player has been hurt for a month. Okay, we got a young roster all that. But again, if you watch the games, for me, I'm to be proud of my guys. They competed. Are there things they absolutely should do better? Sure, but we are getting better now. For pick a team that lost, like again for Texas, do you want to lose for section straight year in the in the semi finals. No, but they're at the one foot line and this is a Texas program that before Sark took it over, it was when will Texas be back? Now they're the only team remaining from the SEC. They seem to have stabilized it. They are back as one of the nation's elite. And we completely throw that away because they couldn't punch it in from the one yard line against an awesome defense and Jack Sawyer who made great plays, okay, great plays. The same goes for Justin Herbert.
Look, the Chargers were the laughing stock of the NFL last year, fair dan Byer, Yes, okay, were the laughingstock this year. No, they were a solid football team. They took a massive step, massive step forward, did it Herbert play? Well? No, No, but you don't have a lot to work with and by what we have, by the way, the Texans made that same jump to respectability last year. Okay, so they had the experience of it from last year and then this year took advantage of it. So I just I hate where we are as I don't even care about the uneducated sports fan. I care about people who cover sports who immediately fall to the this guy's stings, this guy's joker. We gotta have a discussion about No, we don't teams win, teams lose. We gotta have step away, take a breath, take some perspective, look at the game, look at the season, and then we judge who's doing their job and who's not doing their job right. And that's that's love and hate.
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Stut Gottlieb Show Fox Sports Radio. Rapid Radios are the walkie talking for the playoffs. There instant pushed to talk, coffering nationalty coverage, no subscription ever, perfect for instant contact with your friends. We use them right here in the show. Go to Rapid Radios dot com now for up to sixty percent off. All right there, Danny the Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio. Before we get tonight's game, we haven't talked this hour about the Mike McCarthy thing. And again, as the details come out, it was like, at first it was hey, length of contract, and then it was, yeah, there's a bunch of other stuff. But again, I do think there's a part of it which reminds me and you'll like this chase too. It reminds me of our pool holes exit from Saint Louis. Do you do you remember what happened with the exits from Saint Louis with our pool holes. Uh?
They offered him a six year deal before the season, and at the end of the season when he wanted a ten year deal, they packed on three years at like eight million per year or something to make it a nine year deal. But basically, like it was a deal that I think it was like one hundred and eighty on hundred ninety million dollars total all in that they could look their fans in the eye and say, hey, look, we wanted him back. We offered him a great contract. Somebody else just blew us out of the water and offer him three hundred million dollars. So it made him look like we're not the bad guy. He just took way more money. Like in this particular case, it was we want Mike McCarthy back, but we're not gonna give a three year and four year deal. That's dumb. And oh yeah, by the way, like if we're gonna have you back, we're gonna do it our way. And Mike McCarthy for to his point, and I actually agree with Mike on this. Forget about the number of years. I'm guessing that when they talked about personnel, another thing it was who you're gonna draft, but who's community defense coordinator? Because the Simmer thing didn't work? And if you listen to what Dak Prescott said a couple of weeks ago, it wasn't Mike McCarthy's choice. So I don't blame whoever made the decision for the Cowboys, Jerry or whomever. And I don't blame Mike McCarthy. Jerry has every right every right to go like, I don't want to give you a three four years, Like that's dumb. You know you were supposed to This was supposed to be a proven year, all right, Dak got hurt, things went bad, all right, what if we give you another year or you know, two years, but it's really one. He's like, I'm not doing that, Like I'm on three year deal, four year deal, and I want my own guys, mat we're good, move on, you know, negotiation, And if you're the Cowboys, you have to be willing to walk away from a coach who Dak Prescott really really likes. He said as much. And it does a good job with the offense and has won a Simp Bowl. And if you're Mike McCarthy, you can walk away from the Cowboys. You can. You can walk away from the Cowboys. But there's only one Cowboys. Listen, I understand we're sitting there going like, Cowboys aren't that good? Every which if he doesn't get a head coaching job again, or if he's the head coach of the Bears, you're like, look, as much as the Bears seems like a better job right now. Kevin Warren's got to figure this thing out. He's been the president for a couple of years. That GM may be out. Kevin Warren maybe out as president. They may just get I don't know if Caleb Williams is good enough pick a team. They all have flaws and so yeah, you may have only been the coach of the Cowboys for one more year, but if you believe in yourself, you might have been coach multiple years. Like it's a legit negotiation. You gotta be willing to walk away from it. Hey, I I put this out there, Jase dud Dan Barr, do you why are they playing in Arizona and not in Vegas.
No, you said it on the air on Friday.
Did anybody understand why?
I'm guessing it was because the Las Vegas Areno was booked with a stampede or something, and they had a bunch of conventions in town or something.
Someone mentioned that they're there is a soccer match at Allegiant Stadium.
I think that's next Saturday.
Yeah, no, but you can't rip up a turf. I don't think that they want it ripped up in advance of that match with an NFL game six days prior.
Okay, Okay, I mean yeah, I don't know if that's what it is. That that I guess makes sense, right because Messi's playing on it. It doesn't. They wheel that thing in and out. It doesn't. I guess it's cold. Is it cold in Vegas this week? I don't know the weather. I think it's really nice. Isn't nice? And California nice? And Vegas this week? You think you'd grow back? I don't know. I don't know if about it. If you're not from southern California either, one is a Southwest flight away, but if you're gonna drive, it's two hours longer. And it's it feels like four hours longer to drive there. It just does, whereas Vegas is not only is Vegas much closer, but the stadium itself is literally right there on fifteen, right when you come into town. It is freeway close. So like if you you could have worked today, gotten in your car and made it on time, if you left, you know, before, before rush hour in three forty five four hours, whereas there's no chance you do that in Phoenix, none. None. So I get if it's logistics of getting the stadium. I don't understand why they go to Arizona. But who you like tonight, buyer?
I would think you'd have to like the Vikings, considering that they don't have to play a true road game and the Rams beat them earlier this season.
But I like Minnesota tonight.
I do as well. They're two and a half point favorite of the totals forty seven and a half. And as you guys know, I have that infatuation with Sam Donold Bauldough Matt Stafford is he is elite, and like, look, there's a reason that every buddy wants a Sean McVay clone, because he's widely viewed as as good a coach as there is in the entire National Football League play caller organizer of a coaching staff. They're really, really good. Does anybody know what the line was before the Fires moved it?
Has it? Because it's supposed to be three points for home field? And did that shift back?
That has changed over the years, Doug. It is no longer three points. They maybe a point to two points at most, but it is no longer three points. Vegas does not look at it like that. I can tell you that much.
But I'm looking at a uh it opened at two and a half and it's two and a half now I'm looking at According to Vegas Insider dot com.
Okay, just time. I like the Vikings as well. I think the Vikings are legit good obviously, both super talented when when healthy, super talented, a wide receiver. I think the Vikings are a better overall team, better all team. But the Rams have been probably the pleasant surprise of the NFL. Some of that is the collapse of the Niners, right, the collapse of the Niners and the division is not very good. But some of it is just McVeigh figures it out, figures it out as well, as anybody come next to the Doug Gottlieb Show. We're live at the tire rec dot Com studios. Oh. By the way, Rapid Radios are the walkie talking for the playoffs. Instant push you talk off right, nationality covers, no subscription ever, perfect for instant contact with your friends. We use them right here in the show. Good Rapid Radios dot Com now for up to six percent off plus free shipping. Okay, we've got more details on this super creepy, scary situation involving a stalker and Caitlin Clark. We'll get to it next.
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio. Shortly after the show, our podcasts be going up. You've a staying today's sholl be sure you got the podcast to search Doug Gotlibery Year Podcast and again follow rate review. Just search Doug Gottlibery Year Podcast. Do Nothing Away, not not sence, damn bommy. It's the Doug Gottlieb Show, It's Fox Sports Radio. Let's and the show as we always do, getting you updated on all the big stories of today, with a little commentary to boot. We call it the press. The press, all right, dar any b, what's in the press? Dog?
We start out sound of the National Football League. In a scary situation for WNBA star Caitlin Clark, As police and Indianapolis have arrested a fifty five year old man from Texas on felony charges of stalking Clark. This apparently started in mid December, where fifty five year old Michael Lewis of Denton, Texas was sending Clark text messages or excuse me, direct messages through x formally Twitter. This went on till about New Year's Little after New Year's it was the last Wednesday that police actually made contact with Lewis and said you should not be sending these messages. These could be construed as threatening. Apparently, Lewis continued. Some of his messages to Caitlin Clark were sexually violent, according to the court documents, and so now Michael lewis facing felony charges. He could face up to six years in prison and a ten thousand dollars fine for stalking the Indiana Fever star.
Wow yeah, super gross, super uncomfortable, and yeah, I'm glad they caught him, but I just you know, I have I have twin daughters are eighteen years old, and one is more visible on social media than the other, and I just it's scary, man, because guys are you know again, nine of human beings are are fine, but there is that one percent, and one percent is a much bigger number. And you think of people that latch onto their vision of something and they just meant it's a mental health issue.
This person was driving around Gamebridge Fieldhouse letting Clark know about it. Also said that he was going to be getting tickets behind the bench. Obviously WNBA not in the season right now, but still, I don't know how that doesn't enter your mind if you're Caitlin Clark and wouldn't enter her mind in the summer. It's just, yeah, just awful. So we'll see how it turns out. But arrested yesterday in Indianapolis is this gentleman from Texas was at a hotel in Indy. All Right, The big news of the day, as you mentioned it, Mike McCarthy won't return as the head coach the Dallas Cowboys next season. Doug However, however, yes there is news on who could be the next head coach of the Dallas Cowboys. Kellen Moore right now the favorite five to two plus two fifty according to odds from Ben Online. Dion Sanders is at three to one, Cliff Kingsbury five to one, Joe Brady seven to one, Lincoln Riley nine to one. Well, Ben Johnson and Bill Belichick listed at ten to one.
All right, Uh, I heard Jason Witten mentioned earlier today. Yeah, he's not on that list.
Not on the betting list doesn't mean it's not on their list. I mean it's the Cowboys did not make this.
Did not make this odds.
To Dallas Cowboys.
Tony Romo did. He's at fifty to one.
Get us. That's throwing money out the window there. That's literally taking your money and giving it to somebody with no hope of it ever coming back to you if you bet Ontario Romo.
Steelers quarterback Russell Wilson said his intention is to return to Pittsburgh next season, as he'll be a free agent this year.
It's Russell Wilson. You got to take everything with a grain of salt. I mean, he literally thinks that he's a politician. That's my intent. That's been the plan all along. Well again, what about their plan? You know? Yeah? You know it's like how many times have we seen Russell Wilson with his press conferences where he says one thing and the other the exact other thing happens the next day.
How about this from the NBA. Timberwolves guard Anthony Edwards was fined fifty thousand dollars for making an obscene gesture towards an official. Edwards has now been fined two hundred and eighty five thousand dollars this season.
HM love ant man, gotta control that stuff. He's in a weird space and a weird with a weird team. But I just these guys are the treatment of officials. I don't care how bad they are, Like, there's just a way in which you got to proport yourself and they don't do it.
Yeah, what point too, does Anthony Edwards just kind of I don't know, grow up like this is there's just there is always something with him, yep. And I know that he's still young, but you're twenty three. You've been in the NBA now for a while. You're an all star, you're an All NBA selection. You went to the Western Conference final star. Yeah, the whole the Hill.
In a movie, Netflix movie. But does account of your movie star if you're in a Netflix movie and you're not actually the star of the movie. But you did show yourself well as an actor in the movie. Although he was acting like a cocky basketball player, which is not really acting.
That's true, you're playing yourself.
Yes, Auburn is the new number one ranked team in the AP Top twenty five men's college hoops pol former number one Tennessee has dropped the sixth.
Well, the weird thing about Auburn is Jedi Brum, who's their best player, badly sprained his ankle. Yet their number one, and it's like if this is an NCAA tournament, you are like, do we want them to be a one seed? Thankfully, no break, He'll be back. But Bruce Poul's got himself a squad and that Doug is the press that get out there and press that was the press Vikings Rams. Tonight we do have a playoff game, So five straight days of football and if it ends the away last night's Commander's Buccaneers game and we're in for a just another great night. All right back tomorrow, re minder. The podcast is live at the top of the hour. Don't be afraid to download the All Ball Podcast with me and Utah State head coach Jared Calhoun. This is the Doug Gottlieb Show, only on Fox Sports Radio