The Dom Giordano ProgramThe Dom Giordano Program

Dom Endorses Clarice Schillinger for Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania

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Clarice Schillinger rejoins the Dom Giordano Program after joining us this past Friday during Radiothon as she runs for Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania. After a conversation off air during Radiothon, Schillinger made the point to Dom that the Lt. Gov. runs independently from the Governor, which made Dom think that he’d like to endorse Clarice for the position. Clarice has been a mainstay on the Dom Giordano Program after involving herself in local elections through school board races after launching both Keeping Kids in School and Back to School PA, and tells why educational issues hold incredible importance to both her and her campaign. Also, Clarice updates issues she’s fighting for across the state, and Dom officially offers his endorsement for Schillinger. (Photo by Getty Images)

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