The Dom Giordano ProgramThe Dom Giordano Program

Doctor Says Preexisting Conditions Make COVID-19 Worse

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Dom Giordano talks with Dr. Nicole Saphier about her new book, Make America Healthy Again. Saphier explains the premise of the book, that being the leading causes of death and disability in the United States and preventative measures that can be taken. Saphier explains how COVID-19 is a mild strain and it's affecting people with preexisting conditions the most. Saphier talks about the virulence of the virus and the fatality rate. Saphier explains how people people who are asymptomatic do not even realize they are spreading the virus and talks about how the majority of people stricken suffer from kidney disease, heart disease, lung disease, or some other illness that makes the virus harder to fight. Saphier adds that it is because of these chronic illnesses that the hospitals are full. Saphier explains why it is easy to sound like the bad guy when saying single-payer healthcare is not the way to go, explaining how a plastic insurance card is not the answer for every American to have healthcare. Saphier adds that Obamacare caused a downturn in health because it gave people no incentive to live a healthier lifestyle. Saphier uses reckless driving as an example, pointing to rampant automobile accidents until speeding tickets were implemented as an incentive to put an end to this behavior. Plus, Saphier expresses her concerns about the longer-term, indirect consequences of having the country shut down. 

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