Dan questions whether weather was a factor in yesterday's Browns vs Steelers game and answers the question: why aren’t the Browns better? Plus, Ross Tucker joins the show and talks about the Steelers struggling in Cleveland.
You are listening to the Dan Patrick Show on Fox Sports Radio. Hey, it's our one on this Friday. It's a Meet Friday.
It's Thanksgiving Thanksgiving around here, Meet Friday. Glad to have you on board. Gang's all here, the Minister of Humor. You got Seaton, you got Marv Paula, yours truly, and we are ready to go. Ross Tucker, our good buddy will join us. Coming up Brady Quinn from Fox Sports a little bit later on Army Head Coach. They got Notre Dame on Saturday at Yankee Stadium. He'll join us as well. Good morning. If you're watching on Peacock, thank you. That's our streaming partner. Thank you for downloading the app to watch this program. Stat of the Day is always brought to you by a Panini America, the official trading cards of this program.
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Your home and family, no better time right now than to act with simply Safe Home Security sixty percent off, simplysafedan dot com, simplysafedan dot com. There's no safe like simply safe. Play of the Day, Poll, Question of the Day, all of that forthcoming. Good morning to our radio affiliates, iHeartRadio, Fox Sports Radio, Browns meet the Steelers. Brown's now three and eight, Steelers eight and three. Mike Tomlin cannot win on a Thursday night. Mike Tomlin is now owen six on Thursday night divisional road games. And you don't have too many coaches who have that bad a record on Thursday night divisional road games, six of them. But the Browns, they converted all their fourth down attempts four for four. They were opportunistic. Jameis Winston gibveth, he taketh away, he's entertaining, and he's a better quarterback than Deshaun Watson is.
And that's what you know.
You start to look at the Cleveland Browns and go, Okay, what do they look like next year? I believe Kevin Stefanski is safe as their head coach and he should be two time Coach of the Year. Did a wonderful job last year. But you know, you see Miles Garrett and it's one of those standalone games where you go, oh.
My god, is he unstoppable?
What he did in the first half incredible, And that's where you go, why aren't they bet Nick Chubb? Why aren't they better well, Deshaun Watson first of all, and it just felt like that was hanging over this team, great fan base. Uh, you know, the wintry conditions did play a role in this, but give Cleveland credit.
You know they're not mailing it in and.
And obviously having a divisional rival in town with the Steelers, you know that amps the temperature up a little bit. Here's Jameis Winston on the Crazy Weather game.
That fourth quarter.
It really was like it was a it was a whole paradigm shift, like we were playing so well offensively, and then pain back to back drives maternalver and I'm just like, oh my gosh, like this is really an NFL's film moment.
The snow stars pouring down, it stars.
Getting like the I felt like my feet started getting heavy because I'm I'm squashing through the snow.
And uh, and it was so good. It was so great to end up in that win.
What a great answer there, What a great answer. I don't even know what the question was, but I love the answer. So excited. Explain this. The Browns go zero for nine on the third down, four for four on fourth down, crazy and then there's coaching decisions made and you're trying to get Justin Fields in and then Justin Field's all they think he's gonna run, then you throw a pass. I ain't it was odd. There were odd moments last night, and I thought Pittsburgh, Yeah, I didn't think Mike Tomlin handled the fourth quarter very well. And yes, we can make excuses for the weather. Cleveland's playing in the same weather. But sometimes you can outsmart yourself here, Hey, we're gonna throw a pass. They'll never think Justin Field's gonna throw a pass. Russell Wilson was playing pretty well, and then Cleveland hangs on scores a touchdown, and that's your game there, all right? Eight seven seven three D Show Email address DP Atdanpatrick dot com, Twitter handle the DP Show. Here's George Pickens, Steelers wide receiver on the weather.
Will do you guys try to take away from this loss? What's the message you know in the locker room? Just keep grinding?
Like I said, condition's played a huge, huge part of today's game. I don't really think the Cleveland Browns are a good team at all. I think the conditions kind of say them today.
Then I like how the PR person comes in. It's like I kind of even think we're good here. I think we're good here. It is a meat Friday. In case you're wondering, and I know you are the tragger spatchcock turkey stuffing. We have mashed potatoes, green bean casseroll, pumpkin.
Pie, cherry pie. Who has it better than we do?
No lot?
Yeah, Tyler's been busy getting a little help from our cameraman weeks. This is uh, it's gonna take a village to feed us today on this meat Friday. All right, see what kind of poll questions are you looking at today?
We've got a few options here. We could start right there with George Pickens blaming the weather is dot dot dot soft or fair?
I would say soft because you both have to play in it, like it didn't snow only when you know Pittsburgh got the ball. Yeah, you can't use that as an excuse, yeah, siden Yeah, I'm.
Sort of the mindset that, like the weather is the great equalizer. I guess so when you have a really good team and then you have a not so good team when it's snowing like that, it kind of levels the playing field and now they're both sort of equal teams.
Well, but I looked at the Steelers and thought, well, they run the football and play defense. I mean, this is ideal weather for running the football and playing defense. And same with Cleveland. They played great defense and you had Nick Chubb, so it felt like they they could both.
Benefit from the weather, if that makes sense. Yeah.
Yeah, I think the George Pickens' comments are getting a big reaction. I keep seeing it out on social media. But I don't know that I disagree with anything that he said. I mean, does does anybody think that the Browns? Does anybody here think the Browns are a better team than the Steelers are right now?
But in Cleveland, I'm not surprised the Browns won even if weather wasn't an issue on a Thursday night, Yes, for sure.
Get it yet, And does anybody here think that the weather didn't play an issue in the game last night or play a role in the game last night? Oh yeah, it certainly, of course it did, right, Yeah, those are that's everything that George Pickens just said. They're not a very good team and the weather played a role in the game today. That's we all just agreed with everything he just said.
Let's play it again, will.
Do you guys, try to take away from this loss. What's the message you know in the locker room? Just keep grinding.
Like I said, conditions played a huge, huge part in today's game.
I don't really think that Cleveland Browns or a good team at all.
I think the conditions kind of saved them today.
I like the pr person it's like, oh, I don't want to follow up question here.
We're good.
Yeah. I feel like we all just agreed with that.
No, I don't have any problem the Cleveland Browns aren't a good team. Do I think weather help them? I don't think it hurt them. I don't know how much it helps because you're both once again, you're running teams and you play good defense, and you have quarterbacks that it can be spotty. So yeah, and Cleveland had the home field advantage there. So am I surprised Cleveland won last night, not at all.
Even if the.
Weather didn't play a role, I wouldn't have been surprised if Cleveland won. As I said yesterday on the show, this is where Jamis gets a little squirrely and does some things and you go, oh man, he might win this game.
And that's what I thought.
I'm watching he might win, he might lose this game, and he gave you both.
Yeah, Paulie, Yeah, I.
Don't agree with Pickings because it's not like you're Pittsburgh's cole Weather City. If he was playing with the Miami Dolphins and came up there and said this, he'd have much more of a point. But yeah, did it make it a tighter game in a sloppier game. Sure, but it's not like the Detroit Lions offense was there yesterday was the Steelers offense, which has not been high flying. They're not top fifteen in the league. So no, I don't agree with Pickings.
Here's Miles Garrett, the Browns defensive end. He wanted to make a statement last night, and he made a statement on the field and then made this statement after the game.
I'd say I got a lot of respect for him, a lot of respect for No all the guys over there and no Ed Rush in the league. But I'm number one.
No, that's a depend to one edge one to defend the player of the year.
I'm the guy, so that runs through me.
There's there's no other no other person being defendite as I am, or skiing or playing against like I am. So this goes to show. Now you can throw it out the window. I'm gona find a way.
Okay, he's talking about TJ Watt.
TJ Watt finished run up for Defensive Player of the Year last year, although I thought he had a better year than Miles Garrett. But Miles Garrett, he can wreck a game. He can wreck a game plan. You saw that certainly in the first half. All right, so Brown's over the Steelers. This doesn't really do anything for my perception. And I said this is a perception game last night that we're going to look at the Steelers if they lose, and we're going to go and even if they win, we're going to go. Okay, style points, how good did they look? Well, even if they won last night, they weren't getting style points.
Big weekend in college football.
We'll talk about that and show Heyotani Nationallygue MVP, Aaron Judge American League MVP, and we'll talk about the show Heyo Tani situation. Because I don't know if Dave Roberts and the Dodgers' staff look at Otani the way the Yankees did back in the nineteen twenties and say we just want you to be a hitter, Babe Ruth not a pitcher, because Babe Ruth was one of the more decorated pitchers. He won nearly one hundred games, and they decided they were going to make him a full time hitter. We'll talk about that possibility strategy coming up as well. Any other pole questions Seaton that you're thinking about on this meet Friday?
Did you say any other or many? Oh?
Okay, we had Friday Fritzie yesterday a little bit. Is he I know he's got a rhyme time for me coming up? Is he got some pole questions as well? Or did he take Friday off from that?
No, Thursday Fritzie has showed up on Friday just with two pole.
Quess Okay, all right, let me hear those.
Okay, Uh Tomorrow dot dot dot dot dot Indiana beats Ohio State, Army beats Notre Dame. Indiana and Army both lose. Indiana and Army both win. Okay, those are your options.
Okay, Oh, ask Ross Tucker that pointed question.
Then we also have is it okay to have the TV uh it quotes football on in the background during Thanksgiving dinner?
Yes, it absolutely is it's family time, not cool, shut the TV off.
I think you can have it on low volume. I'm okay with that. Yeah, Yeah, I'm good with that. The family time, it's not always when you're eating. Family time is usually before and after. Yeah, I'm Marvin.
People have their TVs after are Thanksgiving?
That is wild to me.
Yeah, like when the game's on kind of in the background, Hey, who just scored?
Yeah, I'm okay with that. Yes, Todd, I would have.
The TV on, and we do in the background.
But I can certainly see people that have family members that you haven't seen in a while. They've come a long way, and they may find that rude for you know, for a couple hours that we're sitting around the table, let's catch up on each other's lives. I know you can do that before or after, but at the Thanksgiving table, I can understand some being like, you know, I had to connect and it took me four hours across the country to come. I haven't seen you and the kids in a year, and you've got the football game. I know you're yelling every other minute. You're looking over the table or into the other room to see what happened in the game. That would be a problem for some, not for me, but for some.
Okay, Yeah, I'm I'm fine with it. I'm fine with I.
Think the idea of h yeah, I mean, I haven't seen you all year, and I finally now we got this one hour to catch up and I demand your attention is an interesting.
Can you stop watching the Lions?
I mean, I know we haven't talked to each other all year, but we're finally got to catch up and all you want to do is watch TV after I've.
Ignored you all year?
Okay, great, that's real nice.
I don't know if those conversations have ever surfaced that you know, somebody's traveled all this way and you're watching the Lions or the Cowboys game.
Grandm I FaceTime you all the time. Why don't I need to look at your talk to.
You email address DP at Danpatrick dot com, Twitter handle at DP show Fox Sports Radio, iHeartRadio.
Thank you.
Our radio affiliates over four hundred cities in America. But we'll talk about some of the college football matchups. What's at stake for Ohio State. This might be a perception game. If you win, how much do you win by? Or if Indiana loses, how much they lose by and then of course the possibility of Indiana winning this game and what it will do to college football. The sale that's going on danpatrick dot com. You buy a Tailgate Moonshine four pack and you get a super special limited edition gift. We've been working on this, and some might say we've called an audible limited quantities shot now at danpatrick dot com. Got the great flannels there. We are autographing calendars as we speak out in the man Cave Basketball facility there and we'll have those available for you as well. Everything in time for the holidays. We'll take a break. Phone calls coming up. Our good buddy Ross Tucker, Will Johnnys right after this Dan Patrick's show.
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to listen live.
Brady Quinn part of Fox Sports Big Noon Kickoff. He will join us coming up next hour from Columbus. It'll be Ohio State against Indiana coming up this weekend. Also, we'll talk to the Army head coach Jeff Mounkin. He's got Notre Dame at the Yankee Stadium coming up tomorrow. He's Ross Tucker CBS Sports, Westwood One, NFL college football analyst, Ross Tucker Football Podcast, and he's got the Titans Texans Sunday at one Eastern on CBS. You can also follow him on social media at Ross Tucker NFL. When is weather an excuse for a game?
When you are an offensive lineman and you give up a sack?
Are you speaking first hand knowledge there?
Well, it's funny because you're always like, oh, I slipped. That's the although, in all sincerity. Two things that are funny, right, is that number one, bad weather usually helps offensive lineman because it's more important for defensive linemen to have really shore footing for their get off to try to get pressure. But the thing I was thinking about Dan I said this morning on the Rosstucker Podcast, all the points were scored in the snow. I mean in the first half it was like a defensive struggle. It was ten to three. Then all of a sudden fourth quarter there's like this snow, sideway, snow, the wind. Then it's like touchdown, touchdown, touchdown, touchdown. It's crazy. I think sometimes it's a misnomer that you can't move the ball or score in the snow. I think maybe my first year out of the league, I called a game on radio. Somebody has to check this, but the Patriots hosted the Titans in the snow and Brady threw I think five or six touchdown passes in the first half in the snow. The Titans were slipping all over the place. I think sometimes people don't realize that the offenses on some level have an advantage when it's like that, because the receivers they know where they're going, they know where the routes they're running. The defense has to react off of them.
Does this loss change your view perception of the Steelers.
Not really. I think this is who they are, which is why I have a really tough time picturing them winning three playoff games to get to the super Bowl. You know, Tomlin's done a fantastic job. He made a bold move. A lot of people were surprised by and criticized going from fields to Russell Wilson. That has clearly paid off. I'm thoroughly impressed. Dan Steelers down eighteen to six in that way with twelve minutes left for them to get two touchdowns that fast was extremely impresent when I thought, this is uncanny, this team's ability to win these one score games. The problem is you get to the playoffs, you're gonna be going up against Justin Herbert, Lamar Jackson, Josh Allen obviously, Mahomes, Russell Wilson is not at that level. And so do I think the Steelers can win one of them? Dan? Yeah, they can. They can win one of those games. Do I think They're gonna win three games like that in a row. Absolutely not. That would really surprise me because they don't blow anybody out. It's all one score games, and they have the lesser quarterback in one score in three straight one score games. If they can even make it a one score game late.
I'll give you the first pick of any defensive player in the NFL.
Ooh, that is such a good one. The three guys that come to mind right away are I'm sure I'm missing somebody, but Miles Garrett, TJ. Watt, Micah Parsons. You know, TJ. Watt has an uncanny ability. It seems to make the play that needs to be made late in games. Miles Garrett and MICHAEH. Parsons are just freaks, the likes of which we've rarely seen. I think I have to go TJ. Watt just because his production level is consistently I would say higher than the other two. But man, I would love to have any of those. I think Micah is the most versatile. I think, I mean, for Miles Garrett is a turn eighty pound guy doing what two hundred and forty pound guys do. But I think, wat if you look at the numbers and you just look at how consistent he is, I think I'd have to go with TJ.
Is he a Hall of Famer right now?
Yes? He is. I'm glad you brought that up, because there are certain guys that, even in a limited sample size, have proven their Hall of Famers, Like I think this is the first year that keith Le's eligible. And I want to say, Dan that Keighley played eight years, he's a Hall of Famer. I mean, he was the defensive Rookie of the Year his first year, his second year, he was the defensive player of the year. He was either All Pro or second team All Pro every year. Do I care that maybe he had head injuries or whatever his deal was that he retired after eight years. No, does it help a guy if they compile stats and play double digit years? Probably? But the way I always look at it was were you great? Were you truly truly great? And then I guess were you great? Long enough? If my guy Tony Bisselli or Terrell Davis get in based on five great years, Keighley gets in based on eight great years. I don't know what Watt's at now, is a year seven for him or something? But anyway, yes, he would be in in my book.
He's Ross Tucker.
You can follow him on social media at Ross Tucker NFL and of course he's Ross Tucker Football Podcast. You know, it's tricky when we get towards this time of the year, when the semi finalists come out. Then you have first ballot guys, and I look, I'm a proponent for what Dion said, make it special for first ballot Hall of famers. Have somebody go why is his jacket different shade than his? Or where you put them in the Hall of Fame first floor, second floor penthouse.
I like that.
It's more conversation. You're special, first ballot Hall of Famer. I have no problem differentiating that. Now I might be in the minority here, But do you follow you know, sort of my guidelines on this. Are you okay with making the first ballot Hall of Famer a little more special than just those who get into the Hall of Fame?
Well, I was listening yesterday about the Eli Manning stuff. I guess what I would say, is it already is? Isn't it like we already talk about? I mean, so you what you're saying is you want either a separation within the building or you want something visual. Yeah, that signifies it. I guess we kind of already you know, maybe you're right now because I'm sitting here thinking we already talk about how Jerry Rice was a first ballot Hall of Famer and Peyton Manning was a first ballot Hall of Famer and so and so he's good, but he's not a first ballot Hall of Famer. But you're right in this sense then that after like ten years, I can't remember all the guys that were first ballot and weren't. I was initially going to say, I disagree, because we already categorized them as such. But now if you ask me, guys from twelve years ago, if PAULI or whoever was saying, what about this guy, Warren sapp or whoever. I wouldn't remember if they were first ballot or not. I don't know if it needs to be a different wing or a different jacket, but somewhere there should be a separate list, right, these are the guys that made it on the first bowt. And if that's the case, which I think they've already done, then the Pro Football Hall of Fame selectors need to take that very very seriously, which I think they have. You know, there's been a lot of guys that were probably more but I've heard Hall of Fame voters Dan talk about waiting the line, and he's not a skip the line guy. So they'll put in, you know, a receiver or someone that's been waiting five to seven years over a guy that's probably more deserving but isn't quite a skip the line first ballot guy.
But I think we do that in society.
We do that for the Academy Awards, where like he hadn't paid his dues or shit and paid this guy's been nominated for it's his turn, it's his that's crazy, it's are you a Hall of Famer first ballot or Hey, this guy waited seven, like Rodney Harrison's a Hall of Famer? Are they going to put him in and then leave Luke Keikley out? I mean, that doesn't make any sense. But I know this is all going to be about Eli. If Eli gets in first ballot, and then people are going to be apoplectic with this. I believe he's a Hall of Famer, but I wouldn't put him in there with Steve Young and Joe Montana and you know, all of these guys who were first ballot quarterback Hall of Famers.
Totally agree. He is absolutely not a first ballot Hall of Famer. In my book, there are very few years, if any where, we would have said that Eli Manning was elite or a top five quarterback. If there's I mean, you have to I'd have to go back and look maybe a year or two where we put him in that category, and primarily probably based on what he had done in the postseason the year before. He should not be a first ballot Hall of Famer. He's not as good as the guys you just named. What becomes interesting, then, though, Dan, is that how long does he wait? Is he a year two guy? Is he a year three guy? I mean that that's the funny because also some of it. You know, I look at that list of the twenty five semi finalists and I'm I'm blown away because to me, I played against most of them. They almost all should be Hall of Fame. Like there's a guy I just saw him a couple weeks ago in Philly, London, Fletcher. To me, I was teammates with him twice. That is a hall of famer. Unbelievable player, never missed a game in sixteen years at middle linebacker at five nine, two thirty. Yet he's not even one of the twenty five semi finalists. But just goes to show how hard it really is to be in that category.
Which Manning would you want in the playoffs?
I would still want Peyton man Okay, I know Eli had two really good runs, but it's not like he did that. It's not like every year he was winning multiple playoff games. He had two really good runs. And we all remember, you know, the games against the Patriots. I will say, especially in seven, like their offensive line was awesome. I mean they had some good things going as well. But yeah, I'm still taking Peyton. Yeah.
It gets tricky there, and then people think, well, why don't you like such and such, And it's not that. And I've said, I tell my audience my job is not to be liked by one of these guys. My job is to cover these players, whether it was their career or after their career. If not the Lions, then who in the NFC?
Oh, Eagles?
Yeah, I mean it's those two?
Uh yeah, right now. I mean I think there's other teams that could get in the mix, but I I don't envision any of the other teams, right Vikings, Packers, Commanders, you want to go, Cardinals or Falcons. I don't envision them winning three straight playoff games. I think right now it's the Lions and the Eagles. I think the Lions are the best team, but they got some issues now. I mean, you know we're talking earlier about which, you know one defensive player you would want based on the start of this year. Aiden Hutchinson would have been in that category. I mean, he was the front runner for Defensive Player of the Year. He's gone. Now they lose Angeloni. Who's their captain, the guy that gets the mall lined up, you know, the guy that calls the signals. The Lions are starting to take some hits that I don't know if they're going to be good enough to overcome that. What it does, I think is probably brings them back to the pack a little bit. Whereas the Eagles, ever since the Bye Boy, they have really really been special. It feels like those are the two heavyweights in the NFC right now.
Explain to me what the Giants are doing that. You're not playing your best quarterback, You're not playing your second best quarterback. And I understand the monetary aspect of this with Daniel Jones. Daniel Jones read a goodbye statement yesterday. I had a press conference and he read a good we still have a month and a half to go here. He's under contract. Like, how do the Giants sell this and the NFL doesn't. If this was the NBA, I think the NBA would step in and say, for competitive balance, you need to play your best players. They're not resting him for next season, they're protecting him, so he's not their next season.
Dan. It's a mess, and it started with not only the decision for the Giants to be on hard knocks, but to air all of that stuff. I mean, I'm so glad they did because it was very entertaining. I don't know if the NFL is going to get another team to do offseason hard knocks, and if they do, they're certainly not going to allow all that stuff to be shown. I see these reports where the GM Joe Shane is supposedly safe, but Brian Dayball's coaching for his job. I don't understand that at all. To me, that would be flipped right, like we saw day Ball get those guys to the playoffs and win at Minnesota with Daniel Jones his first year. I think Dable's a good coach. All these GMS have a batting average. Man, if you look at the hits and the misses for Joe Shane, he's got one of the worst batting averages in the league right now. And then this whole situation has been a mess. You know, you've got Dan just this week, okay, now on youa bench, Daniel Jones. Then you have by far your best player, Dexter Lawrence coming out publicly and saying this is bogus. We know he should be playing, this is just for the money.
That is bad.
Then then they interviewed Drew Locke and they're like, hey, Drew, you were the number two all year? Why did you just get skipped over for Tommy DeVito? And Drew's like, Uh, that's a good question. That's a question I might have myself. What this is the New York Giants? Well, what are they doing?
Daniel Jones, I think that might have been a retirement press conference. I don't even know what that press conference was. He's still on the team playing safety and walk through. It's I guess I respect that they let they let him have that moment and that he was able to show his gratitude to your organization, and maybe that was their way of hopefully like getting past it. But when you've got you know, these guys aren't afraid to say what they think anymore. And when you've got Dexter Lawrence and Drew Locke and these guys talking the way they are, it's a really bad look. You know a lot of times, Dan, when a team goes with a new quarterback, they get like a boost, right, like the Jamis Winston boost or whatever, based on what they've been saying this week. You know, I said this on the Even Money Betting podcast. I'm not predicting a Tommy DeVito boost here with the Giants based on what these players have said this week.
But imagine if you're Brian Dable, the head coach, and you're coaching, maybe for your job, and you can't even start the quarterback that you want to start to help protect your job security.
Like it's it's mind boggling. That needs either one.
Yeah, I mean because I because I think he would. I think he would start Locke, yes over Davito. I someone needs to explain transparently how Locke was the two the whole time and now de Vito's starting. He's very popular, he's from North Jersey. I think it's fair to wonder, Dan, if this is for tickets, if this is for interest, if this is for people to tune in or show up at the games because he's like a local legend, local fan favorite. I need a better explanation because it's not logical right now.
Always great to talk to you, Save travels as always. Thank you, Ross, my pleasure, Thank you Dan.
That's Ross Tucker.
You can follow him on social media at Ross Tucker, NFL, the Ross Tucker Football Podcast. PAULI, do you have the box score that Ross was talking about with Tom Brady?
Yeah, this was at least ten years ago, it was Patriots Titans in a pounding snowstorm. The Patriots won fifty nine to zero. Here's the quarterback comparison. Vin Young and Kerry Collins combined for negative seven yards passing. They were two of fourteen with two interceptions, one each. They bounced it out nicely. Tom Brady in two quarters and one drive. He had one drive in the second half, then gave the ball to Brian Horror. He was twenty nine to thirty four for three hundred and eighty yards, six touchdowns and no pickst.
A day, start of a day, stand out of a day, stant out of a day.
This is the stand of the.
Day, brought you by canadi America. Yeah, but what was his qbr.
Weirdly it was not perfect. Randy Moss had eight catches for three touchdowns.
A round of applause for Marvin.
We wrote tomorrow's headlines today yesterday, and Marvin gave us hot Chub time Machine, and I'll have to give you a round of applause. Yeah, I'm well done by you, Hot Chub time machine. A couple of touchdowns. We'll take a break. We got our play of the day up next here on the Dan Patrick Show.
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Dan Patrick Show weekdays at nine am Eastern six am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio wapp Oh my God, the play of the Day.
This is the play of the day.
Check this out for the w Let's see if Frozvagner surveys the landscape looking.
For help, I clocked out into five.
He's gonna go for the way shout us up, fantastic.
Frog, Franz Wagner.
That's courtesy of fan Duel Sports Network. So they don't have Polo Bancaro. I don't think he's back until Christmas.
You know.
That's where hey, we don't have our star player. That's more shots for me. Franz Wagner goes for thirty seven and eleven assists Orlando's win, end of the Lakers seven game home winning streak. Courtesy of FanDuel Sports Network. Franz Wagner Play the Day brought to you by tire rack dot com, the official tire expert with The Dan Patrick Show. Go to tyrack dot com slam Stan try the Tire Decision Guide, full lineup of Yokohama tires, special offers, free Roadhanzard Protection, Mobile tire Installation, tire rack dot Com, the way tire buying should be well. Looks like ESPN is gonna try the late night talk show once more time, one more time. Jason Kelce he is. I guess he announced this on Jimmy Kimmel Live that he is going to host a late night variety show and it'll be on ESPN in early twenty twenty five. They call it Late Night with Jason Kelsey. Will air five consecutive Friday nights and coincides with the final week of the NFL regular season. A one hour show, an immersive experience, ESPN says, filmed hours before it airs with hundreds of fans in attendance in Philadelphia. Clips be shared on social media. He's got his podcast, he's got his Christmas album, doing a lot of things, a lot of commercials as well. See it's during the football season and it's Friday night in Philadelphia, so his brother can't help him, unless that's via zoom.
I guess they would do that, but oh kay, you know see what he can do. Here'ss Jason joining me.
TJ Watt come on out there at TJ. I can't get Taylor Swift, but I got Taylor Swift's brother who joins us tonight. I don't know if he can sing, but we're gonna find out together.
Hey, Todd, how are his future sister in law?
Wouldn't do a little of performance for the big late night show?
I don't know.
That'd be kind of cool to.
You'd be good, it'd be very cool, But I don't know.
I think that needs to be the first.
She seems to.
Be kind of busy, so I don't know if she's usually going to her boyfriends. I mean, hopefully they'll still be together so they'll be able to capitalize on that.
Well, I'm just glad they killed off around the Horn to give the late night TV show another spin the fifteenth time.
We're trying that one.
Yeah, and people won't stay up to watch it as much as you put out the social clips. I mean, that's what late night has become. I don't stay up to watch Kimmel or fallin Colbert, but you see those clips. I mean, that's really what it's become now, Whereas before it felt like, all right, I'm gonna stay up for Letterman, probably like people staying up for the eleven o'clock Sports Center. I love Scott, Dan Pelt. I'll read about it tomorrow. Scott, we're on social media clips. That's probably what's gonna happen with with Jason. All Right, Buddha in San Francisco. Hi, Buddha, welcome back.
No buddy, happy to meet Friday Boys. Every day is the super Bowl. Let's go Dan, real quick five minute pull question. Who's got a bigger bag? Bob Costas or Dan Patrick Junior?
The third?
But Dan, last night's Thursday night game was incredibly prolific with content. Let's just start with this Jameis Winston and I've got a hot take, Dan, if I had to have a comfer Fritzie. He is the Jamis Winston of the show. All he does is provide content once he's activated. But Dan, you called the perception loss. You called the perception loss by the Steelers not a surprise. But I'm giving a single bloop to Fritzi for his headline tomorrow today on point. Fritzy, good job.
And I'm giving a.
Full blue bloop to Marvin with the hot Chubb time machine headline. Let's go Marvin. But overall seeing the Browns beat the Steelers last night.
Not good, Thank you, Budha. What was your headline?
Ton, mine was caught in a caught in a trap game? Oh Steelers leave the building with an Elvis.
Okay, that's good. Yeah, I gave you a bloop on that one.
We were describing or Marvin was describing what it means to have the bag. I thought bag was money, and I guess it is still money. But you said that. The kids are describing your talents like Kyrie Irving's got the.
Bag correct, Like a bag is sure for a bag of tricks like your offensive arsenal, which you could do with the basketball. And it's primarily for perimeter players, but for post players. Bad guys would be a Keem Elijahu and Kevin McHale Chris Weber like those type of guys would have a bag.
A bag, Yesaulkic score, outside score, inside passer, rebound.
Big, big serbian babyan bag, massive bag, massive bag.
Massive serbian bag, that mettle bit.
He needs help caring bag. Chris in Maryland, Hi Chris, what's on your mind today?
Hey Dan? What's going on?
Hey bud?
Okay, theoretical question, assuming the money was the same, you could pick your analyst, and the quality of the game was the same. Would you prefer to do the Thursday, Sunday or Monday night game? Basically, I'm curious which you think is the most desirable position and why?
Oh Sunday night. Yeah, not even close. Yeah, And the NFL acknowledges Sunday Night. That's why the NFL caters its schedule for Sunday Night on NBC.
Jake and Colorado, Hey, Jake, Hey, good morning dB.
Had a had Thanksgiving a couple of years ago with a girl I was dating. She was recovering alcoholics and no alcohol I got that, that was fine. Her mom shows up and brings over a puzzle and says, hey, let's turn off this TV so we can talk and get to know each other. Okay, So that was the end of that relationship. Also had which which stock.
Are you buying?
Are you buying Todd Fritz or you buying Marvin Prince.
I'm gonna buy Marvin. I think I can get that at a better price. I might short the Todd stock because he's.
You know what, not a bad way to go.
Thank you Todd.
Yeah Marvin, Yeah, Marvin, I got more upside there.
Yeah, he's like the like the general motors of stocks, Todd, what do you talk about? Is he just plug him in for a lifetime and he's good to go. He's that might not get too high, might not get too low.
But yeah, but I need mar Marvin might be what is it Novidiah? Yeah, I mean he might be one of those Oh my god, they just doubled, they just doubled again.
Yeah, you might be. Yes, Tom risk with every transaction you put it up there. Yeah, yeah, I mean you're a solid stock, You're you're a blue chip stock. I'm just trying to make money here. So that's why I would probably.
Text the name of the game. I think i'd picked mar.
You would, I would? Yeah, baggage do you have? Do you have a bag?
I don't. I've been trying to get a bag but it ends up being bad.
No, No, No, I think you have a bag. I'm being honest.
I think you have a lot of different skills and Boot is right your content absolutely, so you do have the bag.
Yeah, I'd probably has the deepest bag of any of us.
Yeah, there's a lot of a lot of tricks there, a lot of content there. Congratulations on having the biggest bag in the room.
Ton, that's quite a couple of men. That's very nice to send.
Okay, one hour in the books, two more to go. Brady Quinn will be joining us. Coming up next hour. Army head coach Jeff Monkin got Notre Dame at Yankees Stadium.
I don't think the weather is going to be very good. That might benefit Army. They like to run the Football Hour two on the way