The Best of The Dan Patrick Show

Published Nov 20, 2024, 6:04 PM

Dan talks to NFL Hall of Fame QB John Elway about where he ranks amongst all-time great QBs. NL Rookie of the Year, Pirates P Paul Skenes discusses his even-keeled demeanor. The Athletic’s Zach Rosenblatt shares what he thinks the future of the Jets and Aaron Rodgers will hold. And college football insider Andy Staples explains why he thinks Deion Sanders will stay at Colorado.

You are listening to the Dan Patrick Show on Fox Sports Radio.

Hall of famer John L. Way Back on the program. John, How you doing, man?

How you doing? I'm doing great?

What's the Is that a portrait or a jersey behind you? There in your office?

It's all you have?


Well, I was trying. I did it adds color?

So yeah, I didn't think you would have Montana behind you. But no, that's that's very nice.

Yeah, yeah they.

Did you Did you collect jerseys from those guys?

I did not. I did not that that that that fad came after me.


We never never really did that, even though I do have a I have a marinao in a Montana.

I do have some, but it wasn't something we did all the time.

Do you care where you're ranked all time? When rankings come out that greatest quarterbacks? How? I mean, I don't. You can't do anything about it now. But how competitive are you?

You know?

I think that you know everybody, you know, everybody has different opinions on different players. Obviously we're all in different situations. I think you just like to be in the conversation, right, That's the key thing is if you're in the conversation, then you did all right during your career, and I think that you know, you look at all the great quarterbacks that I played against that you know during our time that you know, I have so much respect for, and sure we were competitive when we were playing and want to be the best, but you know, ultimately to win football games and try to win world championships, and so, yeah, we were all competitive.

But what's funny is I think, you.

Know, once we get away from the game, where you know, we were good friends during while we were playing, but probably better after we got done.

But do you think you're better than Joe Montana or Tom like? Do you have to have that mindset to play the position that you're you're the best at doing this?

I think yeah, I think so.

I think that you know, it's when you're going through you would obviously certain guys do some things better than you do.

They say, well, you know, I wish I could do that a little bit better, do it as good as Danny.

Danny obviously had a tremendous release and got rid of the football quicker than anybody. But you know, I think ultimately you have to believe that you're the best and that nobody can.

You know, nobody can do it better than you can.

I think that that is a mindset you have to have to even have a chance to get into the conversation.

Yeah, Marino was so ahead of his time with that five wide no no running back. I mean they were running what you're running. Now. Did you ever think, hey, let me talk to coach and see if we can run the same thing in Denver?

Yeah, I think, yeah, I think that we were all kind of jealous what Danny was doing down there, because, like you said, I mean nineteen eighty four, I think you threw for five thousand yards, right, and that was in a sixteen game schedule, and that had you know, back then you just wanted to hopefully get to you know, it was really three thousand was a was a good number, and then if if you got to four thousand, that was like over the top. And so and then Danny in the second year, you know, he got well, you have forty eight touchdowns and over five thousand yards, and so he.

Got there in a hurry.

And yeah, from that point on and point on, I think, you know, statistically, we're all chasing Danny because he was, you know, setting the world on fire.

Trying to assess these rookie quarterbacks. I mean, even drafting, how difficult is it. You played the position at the highest of levels, but you're trying to find a quarterback when you're with the Broncos. What is it that you're looking for? And maybe what is it that you missed with these quarterbacks?

You know, then I think it is I think it is such a combination you have to have. Not only do you have to have the quarterback, but I really believe even more important because all these kids coming out of the coming out of college or high draft picks, they are all great athletes. Can throw it, can make all the throws, can move around, and you know, I think the key thing is to get them in the right situation with the right coach, offensive coordinator, quarterback coach.

Or head coach.

I think is so important because how these kids are brought into the league and how they are brought along because as you know, there is no patience anywhere in the NFL when it comes down to waiting on a young guy, especially at the quarterback position, to get used to playing in the NFL, because it's a huge, huge jump and so not only is it tough to find. It's hard to see what's inside. You can see it on tape, but it's hard to see what's inside.

But I think the most.

Important thing is is that combination of a head coach or as I said, an offensive coordinator that brings that quarterback along slowly, doesn't put them in situations where they're over their heads, because, as you know, the criticism of the NFL can be a lot and I think and I always say this.

Too, especially those high picks.

They've been great in high school, they were great in college. They've always been great athletes, and they've never experienced a lot of negative press, and I think that a lot of times the world can start caving in on them when they don't have success early, especially if they're putting situations that they can't handle, because not only is the complication of the offenses in the NFL, but also what they're doing defensively, and that takes a lot of time, and obviously you got to be patient be able to do that, which I think you know, Sean Payton's doing a great job with bo Nicks and Denver while you're seeing him have the success that he's having because of the way that he's bringing them along. Obviously, Vans Joseph's got the defense going. They're playing great defense to where they're not loading everything up onto that quarterback and expecting him to win football games week in a week out. And so I think that's the progression, and I think that's why, you know, we you know, the success rate is not as good as it should be because of the fact of the combination of the player, but also the combination of the situation is getting put in.

Talking to John Elway, the Hall of Famer, Tom Brady once said, if he was drafted in the first round, he wouldn't have survived. You started, Peyton. You guys were probably in over your heads those rookie years. And here's Brady, maybe the greatest quarterback or certainly the most decorated. He said, I needed to sit and watch. You didn't get that luxury. How over your head were you that first year, first couple of years.

You know, Dan I was, you know I was. It was fortunate and not looking back on it at the time, because my rookie year, I started the first four games. The first two games I played, I got bench at halftime. Steve de Berg was a backup, and actually I got benched at halftime in Pittsburgh, and then we went to Baltimore, got benched.

Fortunately Steve came in. We won both those football games.

I started the next two games, and then Dan said, hey, listen, we're gonna We're gonna make a change, and so Steve de Berg ended up. I ended up getting benched after my fourth game, and which actually was the best thing that could ever ever happened to me, because Steve de Burg came in played the next four games, and I had a chance to stand on the sideline. And so this is where I agree with Tom and the fact that the perspective of not being in the middle of the heat and having a chance to be the backup watching the sideline was a big, big plus for me. And then Steve ended up getting hurt in week and in the fifth game, and then I was back in and he separated his shoulder. So I played the rest of the year. But that four week period that I saw on the bench helped me tremendously for the next time when I ended up starting the last half of the season. So I think it's always good too, you know, not to be in that fire right away to get a real good feel of exactly what's going on because nobody knows what a big jumping is coming from college football in the NFL, especially at the quarterback position. And so, like I said, that four week time that I got benched was probably helped me the most of any any time in my career.

Steve Young has said on numerous occasions on this show he wishes he was playing now because they protect the quarterback. They're begging you to run, they protect you when you run, and he said that it's too easy. Now, what do you think about you in today's game, given your skills?

Well, you know, I think that obviously the rules have changed, and you know, they're making the game a safer game, which is a good thing, taking some of those unnecessary big hits out of the game. You know, obviously the quarterbacks are get protected a lot more.

You can't. You know.

My biggest fear was, you know, defensive lineman falling off guys and hit me in the legs when I'm you know, throwing a twenty five yard to come back, all my weights.

On that front leg and you know they can't hit there.

And the other thing I always say too was, you know, I get asked many times as well who hit you the hardest, and it was usually the ground when they were on top of you and they landed on top of you. The ground is what hurt the most, right, So they can't they can't land on you anymore either. So but I you know, you know, that's the transition of the game. I still you know obviously what they do with the game and the passing game, how important it is now that you know it'd be. You don't get hit as much, but it's still a physical game. And I still say I wouldn't trade when I played, you know, back in the eighties and nineties to now, just because the game's changed, the camaraderies changed. The locker room to me was a place that was almost home for me. And so I th all that stuff's changed. With the amount of money that's out there, that's that's all changed. But you know, you know, even though I wouldn't change it, I'm not going to say it wouldn't be fun to play in today's game.

When Fritzie said that we could get you on and he said that you've been suffering Dupatren and people who don't understand I have it. I have it in both hands.


And so when Fritzie said that you have this, and you know you're working with a pharmaceutical company, and I had surgery on my right hand and I haven't and it didn't really clear it up. So give me, help me understand what I can do explain the condition to the audience, because there are a lot of people who have it and may not realize what they have.

You know, you're right, it's amazing.

You know, I think five percent of the population has du Patrin's contraction. It's really kind of a constriction of your hand, you know, your fingers and your hands and the cords and your hands. It's a college and build up in your hands to where you know, your hands starts restricting. You can't put your hand flat on a table.

You know that.

I don't have a lot of pain with it, but it was more of annoying the fact that it's and it's a condition that doesn't get it doesn't go away, and it doesn't you can make it better, but it doesn't go away. So it's a progressive condition. And so I just went to break our trainer and say, you know, what's going on.

With my hand?

And and so I didn't to me, it was the annoyance, and so I ended up with the non surgical.

Side of it, and so it was it was much better that way. I know.

Surgically, it's it's six to eight weeks recovery, whereas the one the thing that I did was the non surgical was you know, probably about a week to two weeks. And it's it's actually it worked in both my hands, and so I was able to I'm now able to, you know, put my hands back on a table flat and I don't have that constriction.

Oh, so how do how do you help me? John?

Well, you know what you're supposed to.

Go find your hand specialists and ask them about the non surgical way to go about this and be able to release the collagen and the cords in your hands so you can stop the constriction.

Yeah, I don't want to have surgery again. It's go to facts on hand dot com for more information before I let you go. If I gave you two weeks to get ready, how far could you throw the football?

Ooh, that is a good question.

If he gave me two weeks, I think I could probably eventually get it to fifty yards I think.

Not pausitive.

But then the recovery time might be longer than the Have you talked to bo Nix? I have not had a chance to talk to him. I went out to OTA's and obviously it just got to town, and so there was a lot of different things going on in his world and a lot of people pulling at him. But you had a chance to watch him, and I think dems in great shape. They're excited about what he's doing, and I think Sean and Davis Webb are doing a tremendous job and handle him in and breaking him in the right way.

Good to talk to you, John, Thanks for joining us.

My pleasure. Dan, thanks for having me.

Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to listen live.

He is the National League Rookie of the Year. He's Paul Skeins, the Pirates pitcher back on the program. Last time I saw you, when you got the honor, you had a fireplace scene behind you look really nice and cozy. Did you make the fire.

I did not, and I think it looked all right, but not quite as good as the fireplace scene. You've got behind you.

So similar, but I'm not winning any awards. How did you celebrate when you got the honor?

Yeah, I mean we had were my teammates and coaches and you know, some people that have just kind of affected my career in the past couple of years. So they were all there. Got to celebrate with them, and and you know, just it was it was nice to be able to to experience with them because it takes a village to have any sort of success.

What was it like in April when you're in the minor leagues wanting to be called up but not getting that call?

Yeah, I mean that was the thing that that you know, people have been telling me, my parents, my coaches, that kind of thing since this time last year. Was just be patient because we don't know what the plan is. Necessarily, we don't know, like I mean, truthfully, we didn't know how, uh, you know, how I was going to be because I, you know, had a feeling that I was going to do, you know, have success, and I believe to myself and that kind of thing. But you don't really know how you're going to do until you're in it. So just be patient and put in work and go compete and then it'll all take care of itself.

How does your personality help you benefit you because you seem pretty even keel, Yeah, I think.

I mean, it's just how I am, and i've i've I think I've realized it a lot more over this year, this past year, this past season. It definitely doesn't hurt. I think just being able to stay consistent in this game, because it's because you can really ride the roller coaster, the ups and the downs through one hundred and sixty two. So just being able to stay consistent, and I think it helps me do that.

Okay, but when you give up a home run, you get mad internally, you don't show it, but when somebody hits a bomb off of you, what's going on? Yeah?

Sometimes I get mad sometimes. I mean there's I think there's pictures of me this year, like smiling after I give it a home run sometimes, Frank, sometimes I think it's funny.

So why why is it funny?

I mean it's just you know, kind of kind of uh, their approach, whether they executed it or not. Like there were there were a couple of times where, you know, guys just jumped me this year and I was just like, well, whatever, you can't you can't you can't really avoid that to some extent, So who cares.

What was it like facing Otani?

It was cool. It was cool obviously the you know, the first A being on the second a B he got me. But that that is cool because we you know, we went back to his uh you know, back to their place, and just having the opportunity to face him I don't know what five or six times this year and knowing that it's going to be five or six times next year and in the year after that like that, that that's pretty cool to to look forward to where it's not just you know, reading a scouting report and throwing to a certain uh certain location like you got to play baseball and and actually to get the guy out. It's it's a cool, cool experience.

He's the rookie of the Year. Pirates pitcher Paul Schemes. What's a pitcher do in the off season?

So what I Yeah, what I did was took three weeks completely off and really just let my body and my mind settle, relax for a little bit, and then got right back into it throwing and lifting. This is the kind of the point in the off season where you're really just getting your butt kicked probably five times a week by the workouts, just because that's you know, that's where we're at in the off season and got to build strength, build work workload, work capacity, all that and and ramping up. So it's not it's not fun necessarily, but you know, hopefully get to enjoy it a little bit too, take some trips and that kind of thing.

Now you're not a surprise, so the rest, you know, everybody gets a book on whether it's a hitter or a pitcher. Uh, do you work on anything? You add anything in your second season? Are you working on anything?

Yeah? I think I will. I don't know exactly what it is going to be yet because where I'm at right now, like I just can't work on any any other pitches right now, I'm only throwing fastball. So that's something that I'm a little bit more present with it this offseason rather than thinking about because last off season I was kind of like going, me to do this and this and this, and I was thinking about all that in September, but you can't really start doing that until December January. So I'm now I'm kind of at the point where I'm like, all right, I'll I'll figure it out a little bit. And uh, you know, November December. So I don't know exactly what the you know, what the character that's going to look like, but I think there's going to be something that I'll figure out because there are ways for me to get better.

Do you have a baseball nearby?

I don't. I don't.

Oh is that possible? Shouldn't you have a baseball nearby? Driving in your car holding the bit, I mean, what are you doing? It's a cowboy without a hat on.

I know if I were in the car, I would have it, because I do drive with one in the car, But I don't have one right here. I got Christmas decorations, but nothing else.

Okay, we have to work on the background here, Paul, Like, if you're going to be this good for a long period of time, we have to have a better backdrop when we have you on TV. Yeah.

I'm figuring it out.

Yeah, I mean the fireplace was great, don't get me wrong, but I mean that looks like a college dorm that you got going on there. Get your girlfriend to spice it up a little bit, you know, let's do some decorating. In there.

Yeah, we'll do we'll do.

Well. Congratulations and well deserved and thanks for joining us as always.

Yeah, I appreciate you having me.

That's Paul Schemes Irons Venture National League Rookie of the Year.

Be sure to catch the live edition of The Dan Patrick Show weekdays at nine am Eastern six am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio.

Is Zach there the uh yes, he's their ton. Thank you, Zach Rosenblatt with the athletic Zach. You and Diana Weresini. You are chopping it up a little bit here with the Jets situation. Let me start with the firing of Joe Douglas. Did Joe Douglas have a chance to keep this job?

No, I think it was. It was always heading this way.

You know, they went all in on this season, all in on Aaron Rodgers when it falls apart so spectacular like it did, and what he's coming out and saying things like, you know, this is the best roster we've ever had since I've owned this team, and they still keep losing, and and you know, he made the decision to fire Robert Solid because he wanted to provide a spark and the spark never came. So Joe Douglas the last year of his contract, they've never made the playoffs in six years he was he was headed towards his exit.

Okay, but why now?

I think now it allows them to, like, you know, they know he's not coming back. So this allows them to at least start putting out feelers, start researching who their next GM might be, because they're they're going to hire the GM first and then they'll hire the head coach, is my impression, and so discuss him a little bit of a head start.

But the owners involved in this, according to what you and Diana are reporting, Woody Johnson is heavy handed with Aaron Rodgers benching him, firing the coach and not even telling the GM, and then firing the GM. Any chance you can replace Woody Johnson if you're the Jets.

I mean technically they might if he goes to join Donald Trump's administration again for the next four years, and then you have Christopher probably managing the day to day operations. But you know it didn't necessarily work out last time that happened either, So but it ultimately all starts at the top, like that's just where all the problems start is with Woody and so, and I don't see him leaving anytime soon.

Okay, but let's just apply logic of you want to bench Aaron Rodgers. He was out all last year, everybody was waiting for him, and he didn't play well. But now you're going to bench him and think that's going to provide a spark or give me the logic behind his thought process. I guess bench Aaron Rodgers.

Well, I would see your mistake is trying to reply logic. But what I would say is like, would he to his credit ord detriment? I don't know, depending on your perspective. He he focuses on results over process all the time. Like I know, Bill Belichick kind of made fun of him and said he goes ready fire aim all the time, and I think that's kind of where he's at. He so he's like, Okay, we love Aaron Rodgers. He has a bad game against the Broncos. Okay, why is Aaron Rodgers bad? And you know Aaron Rodgers has a good game, They move on, they trade for Devontae Adams, Like it's like week by week, day by day with him. A lot of the time, I think I don't think he sees the full picture. I think he looks at what's right in front of him. And that's why over the years, when the Jets have had like a good season, like in you know, twenty fifteen, they go ten and six, they go all in that offseason. It fails, you know, twenty twenty two, this year, the last couple of years, A couple of years ago, they started off really well, looked like they had some promise, went all in Aaron Rodgers, and you understand why they did, but it obviously did not work out.

Is this an attractive job being the head coach of the Jets in the offseason?


I mean that's that's the question they're gonna to answer. I would say, if you're stacking it up with the other jobs that are likely going to be available, I don't think it would be the most appeal Like if you're looking at like a you know, a Mike Vrabel of Ben Johnson, these guys that are going to be at the top of every list. If you're weighing two situations, are you going to go to an organization that number one probably doesn't have a quarterback and you have an owner who medals and you know, who knows who the GM is going to be, Like, there's a lot against it. They do have talent on this team, there's things you can build around, but there's a lot of factors that are going to be held against them as these like coaches are weighing you know, Jets or you know, Cowboys Jets or whatever it is, Jaguars like these teams, Like you have to weigh that part of it for sure.

The quarterbacking situation moving forward, who will be well Aaron Rodgers be the quarterback next year in your opinion, I.

Don't think so.

I think there was a point where Aaron himself would have said that he'd only come back if there's some continuity, you know, whether it's Jeff Ulbrick or Joe Douglas or solid before that, if they came back, he'd come back. Everybody's gone now Ulbrick's not coming back as that coach. And then on top of that, I don't know that Wood he wants Aaron back next year, So I think.

It might be a mutual parting.

You know, It's just crazy how quickly the tone changes around here, because you know, you hear Aaron Rodgers. They believe in like January where he's saying, you know, I could play three or four more years, and you know, it's not looked like he's gonna last that long because.

I don't know where they're going to be in the draft, and if they're going to draft a quarterback again, is Aaron rodd How big a cap hit is Aaron Rodgers if he doesn't come back, so he.

Doesn't have any guaranteed money left after this year, they would have like a big, big dead cap hit that they'd have to inherit if they cut him, But that's money already paid to him, So he only has like a twenty million dollar cap in next year. So ultimately it's not like a huge deal if they move on from him. But you know, they don't have a lot of options. It's not a great free agency class, not supposed to be a great draft class, so it's not like the best year to be needing a quarterback.

I would say, well, we're offering up Sam Darnold Zach does Minnesota move on from him, which JJ McCarthy. Can we bring Sam Darnold back to the scene of the crime where he played with the Jets and now he's going to play with the Giants. What do you think, I.

Mean, that would be something I just don't I don't see Sam putting himself in that position again though.

Is it just a poorly run organization?

Yeah, I mean I think you look at the track record, you know, just look at the facts. It's fourteen years they haven't made the playoffs, and that's the most out of any North It will be fourteen at the end of the season, I should say, and that'll be the most of any of the four North American sports, the major sports. So that's a level of utility that literally nobody else is dealing with at the moment. And ultimately they've got They've shuffled through coaches, quarterbacks, gms, and it remains the same. So it obviously starts at the top of the person who's been there the whole time.

Great stuff, Zach, you and Diana please tell her we said Alow. Great stuff on the Jets in the athletic Thanks Dan.

Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in the nation yet. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to listen live.

Andy Staples on three covering college football, always great to talk to Andy. He's been on the road covering a lot of SEC games, so he's watched Georgia, Ole Miss, he had LSU Florida. He's got Old Miss Florida this week, and then Texas Texas, Texas A and m SO covering college football for on three Sports. Always great to talk to you, Andy joins us now. First reaction to the rankings.

Was what, I'm glad they did this with Boise State. I am glad that they showed that a group of five team does not have to be the twelve seed, that it is the top four ranked conference champs will get the buys because I think this is going to help people understand how this process works a little better, even if that doesn't ultimately wind up happening, because I think now you're looking at it, and I'm curious because Boise State is kind of where they are, and if they win the games they're supposed to win, I think they're probably gonna stay there. The question for me is does somebody from the Big twelve come up and jump them? Like could Colorado keep winning and jump them? Because I look at the games Colorado has left, I don't know if they'd be able to jump them, so it may be that they're here.

Well, the only thing about that is it is still a TV show, like these games getting a national champ it's a TV show and they would probably love to have Dion and his son Travis Hunter in there. And I don't know. I mean, that's just the human element of this that I don't know how much that factors into something like this.

Well, the thing is, in this scenario, Colorado or whoever wins the Big Twelve, whether that's Colorado BYU Arizona State, still has a chance. They're gonna get in. The only way they wouldn't get in and is Slayest State Army beats Notre Dame this weekend and then continues to win and then beats Too Lane in the American Championship. That's where they wouldn't get in or would have a chance to get left out. So they're gonna get in. They're gonna be in the TV show, and in fact, they might be in the TV show longer because they'd play a first round game instead of having a bye.

All right, who got job last night?

I don't know that anybody got jobed, you know.

I think Georgia probably is going Hey, is that all We're gonna move up for beating Tennessee. But they have two losses, so they're gonna have to deal with that, and they're not. I think they're kind of trapped below Ole Miss because they lost by eighteen to Ole Miss and that game was never close, so they're pretty much stuck where they are. I still, just like last week and again out of the situation didn't change. I don't understand why SMU eight is five spots below Miami. They're the same thing. But the good news about that is it'll take care of itself because if they keep winning, they'll play each other and we'll figure it out.

If Indiana loses badly to a Ohio State, don dont.

If Indiana loses very badly to Ohio State, I think you'll see Indiana sitting about where Tennessee is sitting right now, which will be kind of first team out territory, or it's gonna be right along the cut line. I don't know exactly where it's gonna be. I don't think that's gonna happen, though, Dan. I think Indiana's gonna give him a game. I think the unfortunate news out of Columbus from Tuesday night that SETH McLaughlin. The Ohio State Center is out for the year. I think that probably changes the tone of this game quite a bit. I thought Indiana was gonna play them close anyway. Now I'm looking at as Indiana can play them close, but Indiana can win this thing. And if Indiana wins this game, then you're gonna see some serious machinations in the poll next week, because Indiana's gonna move up to two or to three or something like that. And then where do you put Ohio State if they have two losses?

How many losses do you think you can have and still get into the playoffs? This year it's two. I think there will be years where it's three.

This year's two.

Now, with the automatic bids, you could theoretically have like a four loss conference champ that gets in depending on on the league. But if you look at it right now, I don't know that you're gonna have more than a two loss team even playing for a conference championship. There's a chance that could happen in the Big twelve, but right now it looks like you're probably gonna have to be ten and two or better.

You have some SEC teams, they're kind of their cupcake weekend. Can you see SEC teams avoiding Wafford and Mercer and some ut Chattanooga in future years.

Yeah, because I think eventually they're going to move to nine conference games. They're waiting on ESPN to pay them some more to get to that nine come, but they want to do nine conference games. There's the leadership of the SEC, and also most of the schools want to move to nine conference games because they want to sell more tickets. They feel like that's a better way to sell tickets than bringing in Wafford. But they're not gonna do it without ESPN paying up for it. But it is again, something they want to do because right now, the way the schedule works, beyond twenty twenty five, if they keep doing what they're doing, Texas and Texas.

A and M won't be an annual game.

And I'm sorry, you're not running your business properly if they're in your league and that's not an annual game.

Yeah, but I don't know if rivalries matter. I mean, they matter to us because we grew up with those rivalries. I don't know how much they matter anymore in the.

Grand scheme of college football national Championship. Maybe not, but I'm telling you right now, watch how things go next week when Texas and Texas A and M get ready to play for the first time since twenty eleven. It would be insane. You're in television, Dan, like, you have a TV show, it's the greatest TV show. And the fact that you have this TV show that is guaranteed ratings, guaranteed monster number, you're gonna say, we can just do it twice every four years.

They're not gonna do that. They're just not.

He's Andy Staples. He covers college football for on three. I know it's not a report, but it's still there. And it's Dion's best friend, Michael Irvin, who is spreading the Dion to the Cowboys rumors. Dally's saying all the right things, you know, because he has to. Look he's playing, you know, yeah, you got games going on, you got recruits. He's not gonna say, hey, I'm all in if the Cowboys call. Plus Mike McCarthy is still employed. There separate fact from fiction with what's going on with this.

So I just think this is the first take fever dream, right, This is this is Stephen A. Smith just wish casting the greatest thing that could ever happen to him, because think about the two topics that guarantee conflict that Garant.

T eyeballs the Cowboys.

And Deon Sanders like it is the wet dream of anyone who hosts a sports debate show. And I think that's where this is coming from. I don't think that's gonna happen. If you look at what Deon's doing, He's actually prepping for more of a career at Colorado. And I had my questions early on, like when Shador was gone, when Shiloh was gone, when Travis Hunter was gone, would he still want to be there. So they're in the process of flipping a top quarterback recruit from Georgia named Julian Lewis who was committed to USC. He's probably going to commit to Colorado. They had Alabama's best offensive line recruit in town for an official visit last week. They're trying to flip him too. Like they are certainly acting like Dion plans to be at Colorado and try to keep winning games in the Big Twelve.

Before I let you go. The team's on the outside right now, SMU Tennessee, Arizona State Army. Which one is in the best shape to make a playoff spot.

Army because if they win against Notre Dame and they win against Tulane, they're going to be in the playoff.

Tulane's pretty good. Tulane is sneaky good.

So very good.

That John Sumrall, the coach at Tulane, is a name your viewers and listeners need to know because he's kind of the next one. There may not be a job open in the SEC this year. John Somerral would have gotten the Kentucky job had Mark Stoops gone to Texas A and M last year. All the SEC schools who may or may not fire their coach next year are looking very hard at John Somemral.

Thank you Andy, safe travels, Thank you Dan.

Appreciate it.

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