Imitation Is The Best Form of Flattery

Published Apr 9, 2024, 11:00 PM

In today’s episode of The Damp Show Sam talks about having his Facebook group copied. He explains how he discovered this and what he is doing about it. Sam also speaks up about another issue he has faced on social media and how he is managing this.

He also talks about a recent survey he has done on a property that has a high-water table. Including, why the insurance company would not pay out and how he is tackling raising the sub-floor.

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  • Imitation is the best form of flattery, but no one wants what they produce to be used to mislead people.
  • The more people who post on social media about damp and condensation the better because it is a great way for the public to learn.
  • It is important to be open-minded and listen to how others tackle damp and mould issues. Even if you don´t fully agree with that approach you still learn things.
  • Traditional materials still work so can be used for fixing the issues heritage properties have. But modern materials also have advantages.
  • Include proper ventilation when you lay a new subfloor.
  • In areas with high water tables, sump pumps are needed.
  • Since 2006, if you sell a property in the UK with a subfloor issue that you know about, the new owner can sue you.
  • Consider having a damp and timber survey done before buying a house.



“It´s a bit underhanded, but people do it.”

“I just want to find out why he is being a fraud… what´s his agenda.”

“Not all damp is rising.”


Do you want to find out why your property is damp, so you can start the process of solving the issue the right way? – Go to Why Do I Have Damp in My Property Damp Sam Facebook Group - and upload your photos.


Simon Cooper AKA Damp Sam is a time-served plasterer since 1983 and has a HNC in building management. He is the director of 3 Ltd companies and a PCA-qualified Damp and structural waterproofing surveyor. He also owns a portfolio of properties that he renovated over the years.

Check my YouTube Channel where you can find hundreds of videos all about Damp! - if you also want access to the paid membership content, click the Join button.

The products Damp Sam recommends, because he has used them for many years, are available here:



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