
Women Navigate Post-Roe Abortion Data Traps | Van Lathan Jr.

Published Jun 30, 2022, 3:30 AM

Sweden and Finland are joining NATO, Desi Lydic examines the origins and evolution of Pride Month, and writer and podcaster Van Lathan Jr. discusses his memoir "Fat, Crazy, and Tired."

You're listening to Comedy Central coming to you from New York City to the only city in America. It's the Daily Show tonight, tracking the abortion conversation, look back at Pride, monk in bad late in Junior. This is the Daily Show with driver Noel about Welcome to the play show to travel along. Thank you so much for shooting in Thank you for coming out in prac Thank people be inca the scene that can see you. Take a seat. Let's go to everybody. We've got a great show for you tonight. Russia is turning Europe into the Avengers. Dazzy Ldek finds out where Pride Month came from. And I'm sorry to tell you, but your flight this weekend has just been canceled. So let's do these people. Let's jume straight and since today's headlines, okay, let's kick things off with some major international news. It has now been four months since Vladimir Putin sent his troops on the shittiest road trip ever, and not only has he failed to quickly overwhelm Ukraine, he's managed to unite the rest of Europe against him. A landmark announcement today, NATO formerly invited Sweden and Finland to join the alliance, and President bind announced that the US will strengthen its military posture in Europe. NATO's thirty member countries are poised to add two more. The move will more than double the length of NATO's border with Russia. And I'm pleased to announce that we now have an agreement. Sweden and Finland applied for NATO membership last month. Puton's decision to invade one neighbor had them worried he might be willing to attack another. After two hundred years of military and non alignment, Sweden has chosen a new path. Wow, this is huge. Sweden is joining NATO. You understand, they've been a neutral country for two hundred years, two hundred years even when the World Wars were happening, they were sitting on the side like, well, that's none of mya bsiness. But today they are ending their neutrality. This is so wild. This is like the moment in a kung fu movie where the monk drops his broomstick and it's like I'm taking a new vow to whip some ass. And surely at this point, even letting me a Putent can admit that this invasion has been an abject failure, right because you realized the whole reason he gave for invading Ukraine was to stop the expansion of NATO, and now his war has caused the expansion of NATO. You know, I mean it's sort of like, it's sort of like those um those dare anti drug programs, remember those They're trying to scare kids away from drugs by sending cops into schools who are like, gather around, let me teach you about drugs, And then twelve ye old kids were like, okay, crack sounds is fun. Crack guys. Now, look, it is a big deal. It is a big deal that Sweden and Finland are joining NATO. But I'll be honest, I don't know if it's gonna scare Russia into retreats, because, let's be honest, these people on exactly the vikings they used to be. You know. Yeah, back in the day they would pillage your village and have sex with you on showtime, you know, but these days they're not exactly military superpowers. I mean, their fights and jets are probably made by Ikea. You know, yeah, they look great, but you don't want to sit on them. Actually, you know, what maybe maybe that's what they should do. Yeah, they should use their Ikea powers to help them win the war in Ukraine. That's what they should. They said, they should try and distract the troops with meat balls, just be like would you like some would you like something? Or they should put those stickers on the floor all over Ukraine. Yeah, because that way the Russian troops will never get where they're going. Where's clear? I keep ending up in the kitchen section. God damn me that yain uyan boris again. But let's move on from the war in Europe to the war that America is waging on women's bodies. Ever since the Supreme Court decided that having a child is a sacred choice between a woman and her state legislature, abortion laws have been chaos because you see, some states banned abortion, some states are protecting abortion, and other states banned abortion, but then their courts unbanned those bands. So abortion is legal again until they reban it, which means right now, women's reproductive rights are as unpredictable as the mac rib. It's here, it's gone, it's here, it's gone, it's back again, it's gone. And it turns out the overturning of Ruvie Wade has been such an earthquake that it's sent shock waves through the rest of the world. In fact, France and Israel saw what happened in America and decided to strengthen their abortion rights in their countries. Imagine that. Just imagine that. And I don't know, I don't know if you remember this, but that's what Canada did with guns, right, they saw the two mass shootings in America and they took away. Canadian done So I gets in a way, in a way, America still is a world leader, you know. Yeah, America does something and that leads the world in the opposite direction. Yeah, at this point in America is almost like the dumb kid in class that you reversed cheats off of, you know, It's just like he circled. See. So it's definitely not c But the big question in the States is if abortion is illegal, how are the States going to enforce that. Well, it turns out they might have a snitch in your pockets. In the wake of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, many women are now deleting their period tracking apps. Now, privacy experts are concerned that data from apps like Flow and Clue could potentially be used to identify someone that's seeking an abortion. The data on your phone in apps, search data, and other digital data is not necessarily protected by hippop. I think it's important that people realize there have been past court cases where online searches for abortion pills or abortion services have been used to prosecute women. That's right. If prosecutors are aggressive enough, they could use your apps or your search history on your phone to prove that you had an abortion, which, first of all, is a very unhealthy practice in a relationship. You don't search through anyone's phone, Okay, it destroys trust. Don't do it. And also what a ship world for women to be living in. Think about like you need to use your phone for everything, especially period tracking, or where you're gonna find an abortion tale? Like how are you going to search for abortion pills without Google? Or you just gonna have to write a question on a piece of paper, throw it out the window and hope for the best. But that's where that's where we are in America right now. Women taking care of their own health have to cover their tracks online like they're planning a heist. They've got to disable location services, they have to talk to each other through encrypted apps. They have to kill the dual lingo out before it snitches on them in English and Italian. And you know, you know this puts into perspective just how much our phones know about all of us, right only when they say the government's going to use the things on your phone to come after you. Because your phones know where you go, you know who you with, what we eat, what we buy, which actor we can't remember from that movie whose name we forgot. It means at any moment, cops could just bust down your door like bam, you run your rest And by the way, it's Richard Gear. Yeah, that was here. That's why whenever I use apps or anything online, I try to throw the authorities off. Yeah, whenever I'm doing something shady, I never search where do I find weed? No? I search where does Mitch McConnell find weed? Yeah, now, now the cops are looking for Mitch McConnell, and I've got the munchies. All right, let's talk about some vacation, that special time of year where you don't get laid in a different city. The U S travel industry is expecting record numbers this weekend as the summer season kicks off, with some forty two million people driving to their vacation spots. So if you have to pee, go now, because we are not stopping, I believe it or not. As chaotic as it's going to be on the roads, it turns out it could be even worse in the sky. Hundreds of flights canceled across the US to day, more than a thousand flights canceled over the weekend. The summer travel season is heating up, and so is frustration for thousands of Americans this week their summer getaways, landing them in an airport armageddon. More than two thousand flights acts just since yesterday. Travel app Hopper reports more than a quarter of recent flights have been delayed, fueled by industry staffing shortages, soaring demand, and severe weather. The chaos comes just as airports brace for another flood of travelers July fourth weekend and anticipated eleven million to pass through airports over the holiday. Despite the soaring cost of travel, Envoy Air, a regional carrier owned by American Airlines, is now offering pilots triple pay to work on their days off, saying it's part of a proactive strategy to run a reliable schedule during the peak summer travel season. Industry experts say, big picture, the airlines just weren't ready for this kind of demand coming out of the pandemic. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Hold on, did they say airlines didn't expect that there would be a surge in air travel after the entire planet was trapped in our bedrooms for two years straight? Speaking to our grand models through a hazmat suit. You didn't expect that ship? What is it like? Why? Why isn't that airlines are always shocked by things that should be easily predictable. If you shocked? Oh shocked? Who would have thought people want to travel after they couldn't for a long time? Oh guys, it turns out that that by booking too many people for the flight, there are now too many people for this flight. There is no way to know that this could have happened. Who could have seen this coming? Of course, people want to travel been cooped up for years. In fact, I'll bet you half the people at January six, which is there for a change of scenery. You know, I was like, I don't really want to hang Mike pants, but it's better than staying home in Idaho. And you gotta admit all the TV during the pandemic made it worse. I mean, we watched all those Who shows where people are having fun in Fiji, you know, or in Paris or in South Korea. It made everything look so cool. I want to play red Light Green Lights. So of course people are traveling in record numbers. You know, you realize we don't even care that flying has gotten worse and worse. Everyone wants to travel. Everything's gotten worse about flying. Everything is delayed, legroom is shrinking, Your bags are always on another flight going somewhere else. But we don't have a choice, right airlines have got us. Man, As soon the airlines are gonna be like, all right, we've replaced all the seats with just a spike that goes up your butt. What are we gonna do? Which is gonna be like, well, loop it up? Because I'm going to disney Land. I'm going. I will say I am happy that Cavin Cruise and pilots are getting paid more because of this. Yeah, because they said that pilots are getting paid triple their nor most salary just to come to work, which is great for them. Yeah, although I will say I'm a little worried that the airlines being so desperate might make the pilots a little cocky. Ah, what's gonna on, bitches? It kind of speaking and just half yay. I'm bawling out of control. I'm forget feet wherever the hell I want to go, because what are you gonna do about it? Find another pilot? Good luck with that, there are none. I can do whatever I want. In fact, here and check this ship out. Oh man? That I was fun. By the way, faster your seat belts, because I should have said that first. Right, Well, whatever injury or flight, where's my co pilot? I gotta pay? There's no one here, Okay, I guess I'll just do it right here? Ah, she relaxed. Company be cheered for that pilot. What an asshole? Oh? Speaking of people getting paid more, all across the United States, workers are unionizing to fight for better rights. All right. Yeah, this is happening everywhere, from Amazon to Stop Bucks, even Apple, and now the movement is gaining so much steam it's even stretching back in time medieval times. Workers in New Jersey will vote next month on forming the company's first union. The group pushing for a safer and more enjoyable workplace, siding safety concerns. They claimed guests can be disruptive, make loud noises and startled the horses, who will then throw the cast members off their backs. Unruly children and drunken adults have been known to grab actors and even reach out to touch the falcon as it flies overhead. Workers say Medieval Times skims on security to save money, leaving performers to enforce boundaries and police the crowd. Wow, do you know how wild the crowd has to be to mess with people in armor carrying swords. I mean, I knew white people get drunk, but this is a whole other level. This is I want to fight that horse, bro. You know what they need to do, Actually, they need to make a new policy that if you course ship at Medieval Times, you get a medieval punishment. Yeah. Yeah, forget getting escort to the parking lot. You're making people's jobs of misery. You're going down to the dungeon where group of like play greats are gonna eat your dick off. That's what they should do. You were in medieval times. Because here's the thing. You're never going to stop people from getting rowdy at medieval times. It's never gonna happen. Those people are just trying to act like they're in medieval times. That's why they're trying to grab the falcon. People in the year even they were definitely getting drunk and messing with birds. That was one of the only hobbies back then. All right, you could drink meat and throw ship at a falcon, or you could die in the street. Those are the main activities. What are you doing next weekend? I'm dying. Oh no, no, I'm gonna catch a falcon. So I'm glad. I'm glad these workers are trying to unionize. First of all, I love medieval times. You know where else can you get a glimpse of what America is gonna look like when the Supreme Court is done? But also also these people deserve protections. I mean, these are serious performers. Have you seen them in character? They never break never break character. Almost Maybe wonder if like they stay in character during the union negotiations. You know, we're here by demandeth that our healthcare plan color nature's also our wenches and hales want maternity leave. Oh, I'm sorry Kimberly and Amber. Kimberly and Amber one maternity. I'm sorry, I got carried away. I got carried away. You know, whenever I whenever I see medieval times, I always wonder if years from now, they're gonna have a themed restaurant where people come to watch actors pretend they're in the twenty twenties, because we're in the old times of then. You know, is there someone who's gonna stand in the middle, like, welcome to millennial times. Watch us this man of legend binges Netflix, who are also scrolling on his phone. All right, that's it for the headlines. But before we go, let's check it on the traffic without very own bright with junior everybody. Oh yeah, it's going on. It's up a man, Good to see see you. So what's that? What's happening with the traffic? Roy? I don't even think we need to talk about today's want to talk about the traffic, roy, No, I do. I do want to talk about traff I want to talk about the weekend traffic, that holiday traffic that's gonna be wild. Okay, we don't need to talk about this. We need to talk about this weekend. It's gonna be a huge travel It's gonna be a lot of them. You just need to be wherever the traffic ain't. That's where you need to be. I'm sorry, what Look, Look, I just want to give people a couple of tips. I just want to give people a few tips on how to deal with the holiday traffic. Which roads to go on and like like that. We all we already know the basics, right, we already know. If you stuck on the freeway, you just take the shoulder and you drive on the shoulder. If if you're in the car pool lane, you just get you blow up the sex dolls and you put the sex dolls which and in the car pool lane. If you got a rental car, you get the coverage. You bull those people out the way, and those those are those are the bread and butter. But this traffic, for did you lie? Traffic gonna be crazy. We gotta level up. You're stuck in traffic right now. Whatever street you on, call in like a fire or a heart attack or an emergency up the street where you're trying to go, and then follow the ambulance to wherever you need to go. You just follow the ambulance. That sounds crazy to me. That's I got that from die Hard three. It's a great movie. A lot of good traffic tips in that movie, like did you do that? That only works for a couple of miles. Don't work for a couple of miles. You know, if you're trying to go somewhere fare you have to call in eight nine tragedies to get to where you're going. So if you're trying to get far, it's gotta be bigger than dealing with traffic. You got to avoid traffic altogether. Traffic you gotta you gotta avoid traffic altogether. Everybody talks about you know, the best way to avoid traffic is to leave early. Leave late. Oh you mean like like like eight pm, nine pm. I'm talking about for July fourth travel you should leave July tenth, leave late, Roy leave late, yeah, okay late. Yeah, But then you missed the traffic, but you missed your life fourth like the hot dogs, the fireworks, you miss it all. Yeah, you missed all of that, but you also miss sitting on your ass in a car for three and a half hours. You missed the traffic to that's the beauty of yours. What are you missing? Would you lie? Forth? What you missing? What? What? What? What you what? You dog? Dog? The hot dog? This is America. Every day we eat a hot dog and try to blow up some ship. This is July fourth. There's just a reason to do what we was already doing. People was popping fireworks in the hood where I grew up all the time. Five works and barbecue is a regular a curl story. No, this is not something new man. Okay, missed your life forth to escaped your life forth? Traffic? All right, that's that's a tip. It's so damn good tip. I don't like the judgment if your face right now. I'm not judging here. I just think it's weird, all right. I'm just but I'm look, it's just important. Over the holiday weekend, did you stay safe? You know what I'm saying. Stay safe. You do your best to obey the speed limit. If you feel yourself drowsy, pull over, not drive drowsy, especially if you've got kids in the car. If you've got kids in the car and you're feeling drowsy, you pull over. Let them kids drive. Kids got to kick here, and they got to pull their weight. So you let them kids drive. If you're just get in the back seat, get you some sleep. You got them sex dolls back there? Anyway, you cut up Roy, that's illegal, that's a crime. It comes off their record when they're eighteen. They are nobody tripping or no kid hitting the cup so much and sit your old side swipe a couple of cars, don't nobody can't get to see all the records. I'll teach you about that later. These are some fantastic tips where every any anything else. You know what I mean. I gotta bounce, man. I'm hitted down Alabama for the julyne and I think my son just pulled up. I got my son driving me. How old is your son? Right? Eight? You know what? Would Jr? Reach the pedals though? You need to reach the petals though? Right when we come back, KEDI light is gonna tell us how June's gout so gay? So I don't go away, No, it's gonna be like fight after Welcome back to the day's show. Tomorrow is the last day of Pride Month, after which Rondo sciantists can safely look at a rainbow once again. But how did Pride Month starts? Well, Daisy LTE has the answer. Happy Pride Month, every One, or as it's called at Mike Pence's house, June Pride is a celebration of queerness, acceptance and club remixes you can actually dance to. And today I'm here at Rue Paul's private pool to tell you how Pride Month came to be, because just like all queer people, June has a coming out story of its own. You could say Pride's roots go back to the sixties with Billy's Reminder Day. Pickets. Reminder Day was like the precursor to what Pride is now, in the same way that Madonna was the precursor to Lady Gaga. And if you don't get that reference, you should probably stop watching now because this is a Pride segment and you're a terrible ally. The sixties also saw protests all over America, like the Black Cat Tavern riot in l a and a protest at the White House demanding equal employment opportunities for gay people. That's right. It used to be legal to fire people just for being gay, which makes no sense. Who you have sex with should have no bearing on whether you get to keep your job unless you do it on the copy machine. Well known fact. That is how most paper jams get started. I learned the hard way. But then, of course, came Stonewall in sixty nine, when police raided a gay bar in New York City called the Stonewall Inn, and the queer community fought back. It was such a significant moment in America's gay rights movement that to this day that whole block is now a historic site visited by people from all over the world. The only way that corner of Christopher Street would attract more gay people as if Brittany had a residency there. Stonewall was the big turning point. Though they still faced so much discrimination, the LGBTQ community finally felt empowered enough to hold big public celebrations. The first ever official gay Pride parade was held in Chicago in nineteen seventy, but one day later, New York held an entire Pride Week. During this seven day celebration, the community marched from the village to Central Park with slogans like gay, Gay All the Way, and gay power, which isn't just a good slogan, it's also the energy source that keeps the lights running on Broadway. Of course, we can't talk about pride without talking about the symbol of it. No, not your grand parents googling what is scissoring. I'm talking about the rainbow flag, which was designed in nineteen seventy eight by Gilbert Baker. He called himself the gay Betsy Ross, which makes sense. Not only did they both design iconic flags, but they also belonged to communities where whigs were very popular. One of the coolest things about Gilbert Baker was that he refused to trademark the Pride flag. He wanted everyone to be able to share it and reinterpret it, which is why today the flag has become as fluid as sexuality itself. By the time we reached the eighties, the AIDS crisis came to the forefront, and Pride took on a new mission. It wasn't just about visibility and acceptance. It was about destigmatizing and promoting public health, which was especially important because the federal government pretty much just pretended AIDS didn't exist, like what Tom Hanks does with CHET. Once we made it to the nineties, Pride was even more mainstream than ever before, and in nine President Bill Clinton signed the executive order officially recognizing June as Pride Month for the first time. Yeah, if two people of the same gender wanted to have sexual relations, that was fine with him, even if he didn't totally understand the definition of sexual relations. I did not have. Clinton's executive order referred to June as Gay and Lesbian Pride Month. Then in two thousand nine, President Obama changed to Lesbian, gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. Then President Trump dialed it back a little and just called it LGBT Pride Month, which makes sense, no big words, and it's less scary for my pens. But these days the Biden administration extended the name again to Lesbian, gay, bisexual, Transgender and Queer Pride Month, making it as of now, the only thing that's been built back better. But whatever you call it, Pride has truly become a global phenomenon. It's celebrated everywhere Manila, South Africa, Brazil, Madrid. Pride has gone to so many places. If it had an Instagram, you'd have to mute their stories. We get it, Pride, you had fun in Spain, stopped making the rest of us feel so boring. So this month, don't forget where Pride came from and all the people who fought to make it a reality. The LGBTQ community still faces many challenges, but it's also experienced a lot of progress and if you ask me, that's worth celebrating. Hello, Hello, Hello, we paused back from vacation early. Thank you so much about Depie. All right, when we come back. Van Laken Jr. Will be Jamie on the show, so don't go right Welcome back from here. Should My guest to life is the co host of the Higher Learning podcast, and he's here to talk about his new memoir, Fat, Crazy and Tired Tales from the True Innches of Transformation. Please welcome Van Lathan Jr. Well, welcome to the day show. What's up. It's good to see you here, especially after reading the book. You know, I know many people will probably know your face from TMZ. You know, people have seen you, you know, on your podcast now, which is weird because now we watch people's podcasts, which is whatever. But yeah, but it feels like you've done everything and now you're in the world of being an author with with what I mean I have to say is it is a really um I think it's a really revealing book. You know, you you you you open yourself up. It's really vulnerable, fat, crazy, and tired. Talk me through why you thought this was going to be what defined your memoir? So your own so initially, like part of my story has always been my weight loss. Right, Yeah, I used to be a lot heavier. Um, I was around like three seventy pounds, right, And so whenever you tell someone that, that's kind of the response, I was like wow, right. And I remember the first time I ever expressed that to a lot of people. They were so amazed by it that I was like, well, let me do it. Let me write a book and talk about like how it was that I took control of my health right. Um. And I know people are looking at me right now and they're going, wow, he's fat. I don't think anyone, no, no, what I'm saying is the pandemic came, and like everyone else, I like, I'll put some with some weight on. So when I started reading the book, I had a revelation I saw writing the books I say, I had a revelation that like, there's something inherently wrong about me telling people how it was that I became socially acceptable, interest that there's something wrong with me saying hey, I was this one way that people for no good reason excoriate you and make you feel uh, you know, shameful, and look how I became one of you. Even though it's inspirational, for some people, it didn't feel right. So I thought it was better to explore some of the stigmas, some of the ways that sometimes people lose control of their health, and some of the very good reasons that you might find yourself mentally or physically or spiritually in a spot you don't want to be in. And that's kind of what the book is. The The book takes us through your life, you know, it touches on your relationship with your father, it touches on your journey as a human being. Many people recognize your face from TMZ, and you talk about that in the book and the place that it was and in the life that you were living. I found it really interesting that you wrote about the environment at TMZ in what felt to me like a very measured way. You know, you talk about Harvey, who everyone knows is the face of TMZ on television, and you talked about how he shaped you, how he encouraged you, how he nurtured you into a lot of who you are today. But at the same time you talk about the conflicts that you had with him when you felt like TMZ was, you know, pushing Trump propaganda. How how did you find you know, I guess it's not a balance, but but how did you reconcile a relationship with somebody who you grew to admire against a person who clearly had politics that you were against. Because it feels like that's happening all over America. It's insanely difficult, and I and my heart goes out, uh to anyone who's dealing with it. It's it's not easy. And the thing that's not easy about it is, uh, the feeling that you feel being black, being a woman, being gay in this country when you can see danger coming and you're saying to someone who, for whatever reason, you had a relationship with, this is dangerous. This is dangerous. As Black people, we are experts at sounding the alarm. Like my mother, I would bring people home. My mother will be like that that boy right there, the third one, he is snitched. I'm like you know what I mean, Like I would be like one like the third from over right there. And I don't want the pink, don't want the blue snitch And and we're always type yeah, we're always telling each other, watch out for danger, watch out for danger. So truck comes and I'm like, danger, danger, danger, And it's not just me, it's so many people in the office. Danger danger, danger, danger, danger. He's not gonna do any of that. He's not gonna do any of that stuff. We're actively out there peddling some of that stuff. And where we are now, Trevor, where we had now everyone who who had whatever reasons they had UH for throwing their support behind them and being as vocal is about about supporting him as they did. Millions and millions and millions and millions of women now don't have control of their own bodies. And I wonder like if I could even talk to him right now, with him and I don't speak anymore, how do you feel, as in regards to part of your legacy having been a part of something like that, especially when it is it just me, It was the women in the office. There was all kinds of people saying, this is not something that we are that that that we're comfortable with. And it ended up being, to be honest with you, something you know, I talked about it in the book. That was a real sticking point between him and I. And once again, I'm not gonna people gonna have whatever kind of opinions they want to have about Harvey. But at some of the lowest points in my life, I thought I had an advocate there and it was just really, really disappointing during that time politically. It really is a fascinating book that takes us through your life, through your journey. And I know you you've gone on to do to do you know many things now you know you worked on as an executive for you so the Oscar winning short film To Distance Strangers. You know you you you're You're not an author. It feels like your life is opening up and you you're getting into a place where van lay things changing. I mean people, I didn't know this. I didn't know that you used to be a tour guide on one of those TMZ busses driving around in l A. And you know your life has gone in a in a really magical direction. What do you hope to you from here where you're trying to go? Um and and and why are you guys ready for in l A? Like super flaky weird answer, Yeah, we're ready. You guys ready for it. I'm piece man like like. What I want out of my life is physical, emotional and psychological peace. Um. My father died, right. Um, My father died right, And I'll be honest. The way my father who was uh, he died while I was writing a book, so I have a chapter in there about him. Um. The way that he died sort of for me, reflected the way that he lived. He was just going. He was a man that could run through any wall. You put a problem up in front of him. He doesn't negotiate the problem. He obliterates it, but he's always waiting for the next thing to overcome. Right. You never get to that point to where you have an understanding who you are, what you are in the environment around you, and the lessons that I learned from him, you know, the way the way my dad died, I didn't get a chance to even see him. I got a call, Hey, your father's been taken to the hospital. He passed away. Um. And so for me, I want to make sure that I have things in my life in order to where I feel good, peaceful and reassured about where I'm going, who I am, and how the people around me feel supported and encouraged, and so that's the most important thing in my life, beyond anything, uh professional, beyond anything any amount of money I can get. I like money, um, but but I just want to have some peace. Bro. I love that, man. I mean, we'll be going on the should I appreciate you, th j G Fact, Craizy and tire is available without want the book to fall. We're gonna take a quick creak, be right back and after this when I talk sufor tonight before we go. Before we go, if you or someone you know needs help accessing abortion care, please go to abortion find a Dark Org or call the National Abortion Hotline at the number below. You still have options until next time. Stay safe out there, and remember they can't cancel every flights, so just book a seat on all of them. Watch The Daily Show weeknights at eleven tenth Central on Comedy Central and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount Plus. This has been a Comedy Central podcast

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