
Roy Wood Jr. Covers The Anticipation of Trump’s Indictment | Sen. Cory Booker

Published Apr 4, 2023, 3:30 AM

Roy Wood Jr. begins his week as guest by tackling updates on Trump's indictment, Fox News warning about violence, and the Angel Reese - Caitlin Clark taunting controversy from the NCAA women's basketball championship game. Sen. Cory Booker chats about the implications of Donald Trump's indictment.

You're listening to Comedy Central from New York City, the only city in America gets the show. Then he think it news. He's the Daily Show with your host Rory Wood Junior. Why going through the day show? My mom is Ry Wood Junior. This, this is what's happening right now. This is this is a big moment for me. So I want to thank my mama. I want to thank the city of Verminham. I want to thank Florida dam University. Most importantly, I gotta think Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Brad appreciates you for hooking I broke up with an indictment during my week B show. But Chulder night, but Hulda night. The gaffa homie. Senator Corey Booker in here in case there's any politically that's coming up. But first, but first, before Cory Booker, let's get into the headlines. Hit in DJA. We ain't got no DJ. Let's get writing too it now. Look, I know everybody want to talk about Trump, but first let's talk about the opposite of Trump. Women's basketball. Last night, the LSU Lady Tigers beat Iowa in a tournament that had record breaking viewership. But it wasn't just who won the game that left people talking controversy following last night's game, after LSU sophomore Angel Reese taunted Iowa star Caitlin Clark, Commentators and fans online calling Reese disrespectful and unclassy, but Reese pointed out that no one cared when Clark had made the same gesture in a previous game. Oh whoa this, you'll see what that black woman did to the white woman who did the same thing to a previous woman in a previous game. Must tweet, can't resist, must tweet talk. First off, Caitlyn Clark herself was okay with the ship. She was fine with it because Caitlyn gets that trash talk is part of the game. And I agree. First personally, I think trash talk is good for sports sports. It's better when that's trash talk, even better when it might start a race war. You can't see me, you can't see me. And to be honest, man, this was some good competition, yo. Caitlyn Clark versus andrew Es. This might be the new Magic Johnson versus Larry Bird. This might be the start of a few that bleeds into the professional And then too, the n W NBA. You think Caitlyn Clark came back in Iowa right now, training you think she right now dunking off the side of a bar las, You might have messed up and created a monster. The last thing you want your life as a white woman with a grudge. You've seen the movies. The white women get mad. Hey, you get a white woman mad. They keep coming and keep coming and come to de chaus alien. That alien pissed off Sigourney Weaver one time, and then Sigourney whipped that alien's ass for four straightened movies. Then then she went and sick the predator on the ass. But let's move on to the real championship game, the state of New York versus Donald J. Trump, All Trump and oh old Trump. He wasn't died last week for paying a porn star hush money. You know Trump got to be mad he paid all that hush money. Didn't nobody hush but stops in the word hush. But no affair, no affair has been less hushed than this one. Everybody know about this damn affair. That's uncontacted. Tribes in the Amazon who know that Trump bone Stormy Daniels, I do not know what a plane is, but I do know that starman Daniel Spaint Trump would a magazine. Excuse me. Now, look now, if you notice I did not do a native accent. I'm not trying to get canceled on my first day. I am holding a spear my back, but I didn't do no accent. The point is Trump has been indicted and tomorrow the circus is coming to town, New York City this morning, preparing to become the setting for an unprecedented llegal and political drama as Donald Trump returns to face the criminal charges against him. Mister Trump expected to face some thirty separate charges, the first ever filed against a former president, in an indictment handed up last Thursday, still secret and under seal until his arraignment, Mister Trump's arraignment Tuesday will include being processed at the courthouse, with fingerprints and a DNA sample expected to be taken as well, but he likely won't be handcuffed and Secret Service agents will protect him at every turn. That's right, Trump's gotta provide a DNA sample, which, if you think about it, that's kind of how he got in this mess in the first place. Upside with Trump's DNA. The upside with Trump's DNA, Now an NYPD could probably solve a bunch of cold cases from navies. And why why are they arraigning him like he's a normal person. Hein a normal person, Trump and a a normal person. Normal people don't bring the Secret Service to get arrested. And to be honest, I kind of feel sorry for the Secret Service agents. How you you get assigned to a former president. You're supposed to be going to baseball games, and when the surfing you get assigned to Trump. You gotta go to Ricus. You gotta take a shape for this man. You gotta taste test of toilet wine, make sure it ain't poison. You gotta dig this escape tunnel, then ductor dirt in a softball field. I'll never forget that day Donald Trump showed up on the Guard sickert serve as agents. He thought I was Van Carson, but Morgan Freeman's terrible. I gotta work. But it's not all bad for Trump. According to reports, he's already raised five million dollars since the news dropped on Thursday. Five five million dollars. This man is balling five million dollars. Do you even know how many cigarettes that all get you in prison. Honestly, this might be teaching this man the wrong lesson. Trump gonna start telling people to snitch on him for other crimes he did, just so he can get that bad too. Trump would be the first man in history to pay unhushed money. Going to jail might be the new way to fundraise if you're a politician. Hillary probably sitting around like, hell, five million dollars. Shit, maybe they should have locked me up. And Trump supporters aren't just supporting him with donations. They sound like they're ready to do whatever it takes to avenge you. After Trump's indictment, sum on social media called for war and said it's time for a real insurrection. This thing opens up a whole Pandora's box here. And I don't really think the left understands what they're getting themselves into. It almost feels like they're pushing the population to react. We think they're demoralized and passive. Let's see if they really are. I'm probably the best time to give it your A or fifteen. And I think most people know that they are agitating for unrest. That's the only way to interpret this. I'm ready for whatever's next. And I hope every other man out there watching this show, I hope you're ready for whatever's next. If that's what they want, let's let's let's get to it. Look, look, I can't speak for all them other folks we just saw, but I'm tell you this much. When a black man win a leather jacketheam went around. Doubt the mother folks if you want, but do not doubt this man. Look at them looking like blades. Grant and Daddy probably got the sword right there under the damn set. But you gotta give it up to these Trump supporters, man, you gotta give them credit. They're talking about showing up to the courthouse, showing up to the courthouse knowing that the NYPD will be there, and the NYPD will be ready. Look, I don't know if you've seen the footage of the NYPD, but they will pass. They made the playoffs every year. But you know the NYPD, they might not beat these MAGA protests too bad. Cops might recognize some of them from doing January six together. But but don't clap for the police going to January ticket. But as passionate as Republicans are, you gotta give them credit. This case is being quarterbacked by a black district attorney, and not once have they called him the nward. That's amazing. Excisecuse me one most say, excuse me one thing are I'm very proud of y'all. You're very angry about this, but at no point have you gone all the way to publicly using the N word. And that's growth. And I want you to know that I see you and I see your progress. And that's just a little pat on the back from your old uncle Roy. Now to me, here's what's weird about the reaction from Trump supporters. They're getting ready for revenge for what Democrats did to Donald Trump, but they're also celebrating what Democrats did to Donald Trump because they think it'll help him win the election. So to help me break that down a little bit more on that, return to the homie, Ronnie Chang, runnee Chang, let me see a round. Got to see you running that running. But it can you believe that some people think getting arrested is actually going to help Trump? Yeah, because they're right. Of course, getting arrest is gonna help Trump. You know how badass he's gonna look when he walks into the Republican debates with a face tattoo. Now Trump's got street credit. You're black. You know what that is? Runnie jail. That's not an instant path to greatness. You don't jail. It's not an instant path to greatness. You're an Asian. You're smarter than this. Yeah, yeah, I am Asian, which is why I know Trump is is gonna be a modern Now he'll be like the Nelson Mandela of the people who put Nelson Mandela in jail. Everyone thinks they want upstanding leaders, but what they really want a bad boy. So don't give a Bill Clinton gonna blow job in the Oval office. And that's still the most pop But the thing you ever did. No, no, that's not that's not true. That's not true. Well, yeah, we'll name one other thing he did. Then he played saxophone on our Seneo Hall. Yeah, well that's just another form of blowing Okay, face it, Roy, it's twenty twenty three. Being indicted now makes you a stronger candidate. It's like being a rapper or Martha Stewart. Okay, in fact, I'm calling it. Trump is now the official front runner for presidents. Don't say that don't say that. Don't say that. I just said it on The Dandy Show with Royal. Don't say with Royal Junior. Just say the day true that the Jugi Show with roy Wood Junior's officially no says no, no, no, that Donald Trump is now the lead candidate and the presidential Seriously, that's your prediction? Trump wins election? Over already done? Yeah, unless Joe Biden can also get indicted for something even crazier. I mean, I'm talking hunter Biden crazy. Okay, none of this classified documents bullshit, No one gets a fuck about documents. Okay. No, I'm saying, at the next cabinet meeting, Biden's gotta beat Pete Buddha jests to death. Oh howbout that she could? He could steal the nuclear bomb and use it to beat Pete Buddha jests to death. Should give me a medal for saying that twice? Or Biden do something else illegal? Okay, but Roy you're black. Okay, name some crimes. Brandt fotolum possession with him to distribute, writing bad checks will be your Wait a minute, man, don't make me suggest crons for the president. Man, you're saying in order to win, Biden has to fight fire with fire. Yeah exactly, that's that's a great pitch. Okay, he's just set the White House on fire, right with Pete Buddha jests inside. Okay, So so Biden has the one up Trump. Okay. If Trump goes to prison, Biden has to go to solitary, get the death penalty, and then just to be safe, go to Hell. Okay. So basically, whoever goes to help us will win the election, because that's democracy. Baby, we gotta go to hell. We gotta go to hell. You make Hell sound like a swing speak. Yeah exactly. Hell' is like Ohio, except not as bad. Okay. That's then running chain. Everybody give it up for running chain. Thank you running all right. When we come back, we'll find out how to teach black history to white people who don't go away. I'm gonna write on his paper money for fast but the most of the gold show. Now, Donald Trump ain't the only bullshit coming out of Florida. Governor RHN de Santis is making news for his approach to teaching black history, or should I say less of it. So I made a quick trip down to Florida to find out more last April, run Descent has signed the Stop Woke Out, which prohibits education that makes people feel anguish on the account of race, color, sex, or national order. In other words, it's basically illegal down Florida to make white people feel bad about sleeping, and some people love it. Keep flaws of education. Advisor to run Descents and a supporter of the Stop Walk down to get teachers who are coming out of these liberal colleges. They believe our country is evil. They're teaching young children that it's about the color of your skin, not your character. Okay, but how do we talk about race in this country in a way that keeps people from being so damned sensitive? I don't know that. I haven't answered that, because that's the issue the proponents of CRT. You're trying to say, let's talk about the race part of it just a little, and then people real bad. Cough of your ways up. Do you think that you change that by teaching young kids in kindergarten that because they're white, they're they're they're they're benefited from white supremacy. I wasn't yelling at you, by the way, I was this. I get it. Okay, So do you believe that there is institutional racism in this country. I don't know that. I don't know that. I you just said, do I believe? And I don't know that. I don't know that my opinion matters in that situation. I think you have to look at the facts, um, and I don't know that. I'm um, but I get fired to state an opinion on that. So maybe the real question should be whose feelings are we really worried about hurting? You know? Who? Should do? We talk about all the deep you know, racism, racism, systemic equality, and then we have another class that's just called the good White foot two twel years a slate you probably have seen free black man got kidnapped and then Brad Pitt helped him get free. So we have like you learn, you learn about Brad Pitt, you learn about some of doctor King's white friends with that helped me because I know, I think I'm giving what you're saying now, but I don't think that helps at all, because what you're doing is you're teaching you didn't know about Brad Pitt. I just educated you. The idea of doing a class on good white people in history is just too good to resist. Hi, I'm roy Wood Junior, and welcome to the only history class dedicated to the many great contributions of white folks, and therefore the only class sanction by the State of Florida because it makes white people feel good. Welcome to the great Whites. Let's start with the greatest white of all. George Washington. Born in seventeen thirty two, George Washington left the American Revolution against the British Empire, secured the country's freedom, and then served as the nation's first president. Washington then retired to his beautiful plantation in Virginia with his wife and over three hundred slaves. As part of an economic system built on the subjugation of black people. George Washington also helped create the tradition of presidential term limits. Good work, George Washington. One of the other great whites in history that we often don't talk about is a brilliant white man named Thomas Edison, working out of his lab in Menlo Park, New Jersey. Edison is credited with over a thousand patents in his lifetime. Among those patents Edison was credited for is the motion picture camera. Without his work, we wouldn't have movies, TV shows, or footage of black people getting beat up by the police light riding the team? What's your favorite movie? Minus shred? Another great white who doesn't get the credit he deserves. His politician Jack Ryan. Jack was a successful investment banker who ran for senate in Illinois in two thousand and four. During his campaign, came out that Ryan hadn't bravely asked his wife to perform sexual acts on him in public. The disgrace, Jack was forced to step down from the two thousand and four race, leading to an easy victory for his opponent, Barack Obama, who would go on to become president. And now then Laden is dead and millions of people have healthcare, all because of the great Jack Ryan, who at this country be without his unquenchable horniness. Thank you, Jady. And finally the world of supports, which is lettered with great whites, including the greatest coach who ever lived, Phil Jackson. With the Chicago Bulls in the nineties, Jackson employed a groundbreaking offensive scheme called passed a Ball to the ball Headed Black Dude. Jackson would later find championship success with other ball headed black dudes. Let shack the code, but This ingenious strategy with the Bulls led to six championships. Jordan led the league in scoring ten times, mainly thanks to great Whites who passed him the ball. They could have easily let the league in scoring themselves, but out of sheer selflessness, those great Whites let Michael do it instead. Here's to you Bill running to Well, I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Join me next week when we talk about the brilliant Right brothers and how their innovations and air travel led to the fire bomb in the Black Wall Street and the Top Gun movie. I love Top Gander as much as I love Shrink. They're both fun. All right. Stay tuned because when we come back, Senator Corey Booker will be joining me on the show than gold On. Welcome back, Welcome back to the Daily Show. My guest tonight represents the great state of New Jersey and the United States Senate. Please welcome Senator Corey Booker, New Jersey, New Jersey. In the build. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I think you look so good behind that desk. Well, thank you, brother, I throchake. Let me not in New Jersey. But can I just say the end of the Daily Show speed dating. Let's just settle and and go permanent right now. You hang on. Now, we got to see what else the Daily Show bring to the table in the relationship. Let just can't commit right away. Um, let's talk a little bit about the elephant in the room that just landed in New York City. Now in Washington, what is your feeling right now with everything with the Trump in Diamond? How much do you think this indictment is going to paralyze bipartisanship on actually getting laws passed in the next year because he Trump has a way of sucking the wind out of conversations. Yeah, hey, look in the Senate, I don't think it's going to have much effect at all. You've heard miss McConnell's state eerily silent. But I think this is a moment in American history that is pretty significant. Look. I believe deeply in democratic principles. I believe in the idea of the rule of law. But we've had a nation that hasn't lived up to those principles all the time. As Brian Stevenson says, who's this def penalty defender? He says, we have a criminal justice system that treats you better if you're rich and guilty then if you're poor and innocent. And so for me, this is one of those tough moments. Donald Trump has flaunted the rule of law for a significant amount of his career and did it in a bullying way, whether it was lock her Up or even the exonerated five, the Central Park five, even after they were exonerated, failing to acknowledge that it was a travesty of justice. So I think that the Senate is going to be fine. They're going to be people trying to find compromise get things done. But I do think this is one of those moments where there is a thirty four count indictment that we have to wait and see what's in it. I think that there's a lot of rushing, uh to assume partisan positions in this. As a guy who believes in democracy, believes in the rule of law, believes to due process. Let's let's see what happened. Okay, So then to that point of everybody rushing to choose aside, if that's what Republicans are saying publicly, they've even seen the thirty four count, what are they saying behind closed doors? You'll be is is there a Cafeterian descent? What are they saying in the cafeteria? Like, man, you see that bullshit? Um, look you forget this. But Trump has been on trial twice in the Senate, and he has had Republicans and Democrats both parties. People were both parties voted to convict him. We didn't have enough to meet the threshold for conviction. But there are a lot of folks on both sides of the aisle that think that this is a guy who has caused so much damage to our political system. He has really shaken the foundations of our democracy. Ideas about our democracy we've taken for granted over the years. Uh, he has really threatened. Who would have thought that you'd be sitting there at your workplace and you'd be overrun by people storming the capitol, Uh, raiving the Confederate flag, having T shirts, Uh, celebrating the Holocaust. Yeah, not to mention Viking Hadson. More so, this is this is this is a guy who has truly strained the very democracy of our of our nation, and we hope to hold him accountable for that. Um. He's under investigation in multiple jurisdictions. This is a long thing to play out. Um, I'm just one of these folks that came to Washington, uh to uh focus on criminal justice reform because we have this nation where we still have people. You know, look, one out of every three incarcerated women on the planet Earth about are in the United States of America. We incarcerat people at levels here that are outragers. So he, to me, is not my central focus. I'm not going to let him tear me away from the important work we need to do in Washington right now, Okay, I love that, so but some of that important word. Let's talk a little bit about police reform. Now you're a friend, our friend, Senator timp Scott. You know, all black people know each other. I don't know him. I don't know him, but they don't know what I don't know. He had a police reform bill that he was trying to get past, and it had a lot of the right things in it about more body cameras, less choke calls, more regulations. The Democrats filibusted the bill in a time where you need some level of meeting in the middle, and it feels like that police reform bill that Tim Scott was trying to put together. It was an attempt at meeting in the middle. Can we really show the American people in this election cycle that nothing is better than something? Yeah. So, look, my experience in Washington has been getting big bills done, some of them with Tim Scott, whether it's criminal justice reform. We passed the first step back under Trump. We did another bill that has created billions of dollars of investment in low income areas. Tim and I wrote it together, called Opportunity Zones. Heck, even things that people don't think about, like why is sickle cell anemia a disease that disproportionately affects African Americans underfunded relative to other disorder? Yeah, that other disorders that affect less people. So Tim and I have a good track record. We have not found the common ground necessary to get a bill introduced. We're still working on it. We still are having dialogue literally as soon as most recent as last week, to try to find a way because we both agree, and Tim has told compelling stories on the Senate floor about what it's like growing up as a black man in America and having that disproportionate treatment. There's some foundation to work together. He and I. We're on different sides of the aisle, but we have a friendship and I'm hoping we can get something done. Last thing, you're a big advocate about nutrition, health and you'd be eaten right. I know they say they said she was in Whole Foods. She was in a produce department for forty minutes. I don't know how much detail you're looking at each orange before you put it in the cart. But when we talk about food and health and the way that we have food deserts in minority communities, talk to me a little bit about the farm bill and also why the McDonald shaped machine is always broken, whichever one you have time for us. One of the biggest crisis we don't talk about is why is there such a demand for healthcare in this country. We have a nation that one out of every three government dollars about is being spent on healthcare, and the majority of that seventy eighty percent is for preventable diseases. The majority of that is diet related diseases. And in our farm bill, which should have some relation to what we should be eating, only about seven to ten percent of our subsidies go to the things that nutritionist tell us eat. The most of so kids can walk up into a bodega or to a corner grocery store and find a twinkie product cheaper than an apple, not because it's the true cost, but because we subsidize everything in the twinkie or the happy meal and not enough stuff fruits and vegetables. So you walk to another store, you find a bucket of salad cost fifteen bucks, but you can go down the street and get a dollar meal. So we've got to stop subsidizing so much of the empty nutrition, hyper processed, sugar filled food to get so much of our subsidies and not enough of This farm bill could reflect what Americans should be eating by expanding access to fresh, healthy foods that families want. Well, Senator, I wish you luck and trying to get a bill passed this year while that asshole takes up all the media cycle. Thank you so much for coming on the show. I'm grateful for you more than you know. Man, it's good to see you. Ses the will the roll back after k we'll left ourself with tonight, but before we go, please consider donating to the nonprofit I See Me, an organization dismantling the school to prison pipeline by increasing literacy rates in children of color. If you can, please donate it the link below. Explore more shows from the Daily Show podcast universe by searching The Daily Show wherever you get your podcast. 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