Omar Epps On Reflecting On A Lifelong Friendship | Morris Chestnut On Black Male Friendships

Published Jan 3, 2024, 8:30 AM

Actor and producer Omar Epps shares stories from growing up with Marlon Wayans (including an unforgettable night with Tupac), the reason he doesn't have a favorite acting role, and the inspiration behind his debut young adult novel "Nubia: The Awakening." Plus, Actor and producer Morris Chestnut discusses the limited series "The Best Man: The Final Chapters," why it's important that the franchise puts a spotlight on Black male friendships, and why he learned to never talk smack with comedians. 

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My guest tonight is actor, producer, and author and he just so happens to be my best friend in the world.

His new book is called Nubia the Awakening. Please welcome my brother, Omar Epps. Oh ma, I'm looking at it, Omar. You know, looking good, brother.

I mean it's a little weird because we grew up together.

I know Omar high school. I known him since high school. And when we first met Omar in high school, he's carry around this little blue ball.

He was skinny and a big as his head and shoulders, but it looked like an arrow, but you could just put them in the things and sling a minute. He's had a big ass head and he had this.

Little blue ball and he would just bounce it all around. And all I could think was I want to kick his ass for.

No good reason.

Because the thing was remember on Rocky, like the first movies, he had the blue ball, So that was my thing.

I was like drinking raw eggs.

And bouncing the blue ball like Rocky, and so I throwing up to kick somebody's ass. And plus in the cafeteria, I used to chill with all the girls.

You know what I'm saying. And so Marla was jealous.

I wasn't jealous. I wasn't jealous. Well, I just thought you he thought I was gags. You know what I'm saying. You get a little blue ball. You know what I'm saying. He double dutch and I'm like, something up. But then I found out that you had a devious player. Your plot was.

To hang around the girls and be the friendly guy and you'd be friends over.

Time and wear them down. You ain't shit, man.

You know, hey, persistence, you know, we gotta have resilience.

We actually didn't like each other until we almost fought and we was in the lock one and then uh, we got each other in the headlock.

Yeah, we got to the stalemate.

Yeah, and we were stuck. We know, because we had the same technique.

I remember, I had you like this and you was digging this part of your wrists into my.

Jaw and I was digging that into your head. And he was like, yo, we got the same technique. We should join forces.

It's you know what's funny is it's the truth. That's what makes it funny.

We literally got stuck and then we got cool after that, and uh, we've been thinking thieves ever since then.

Yeah, I'm glad. I'm glad we.

Had some Well, people don't know about Omar is like, you're a really funny dude. You're actually one of the funniest dudes I know. I mean, you ain't never did the comedy. I want you to do more comedy. But what they don't know about me is that I can act. So we both have the same skill set, you know what I mean. Yeah, yeah, but see almost not.

A comedian, so they're expect it from you. So you know, I could say anything, you say the same thing. You get slack.

Because we've been going through business high school. We both say the same thing. People get offended.

When I say it. I'm like, what, he just had the same so you go, oh, he's a different color black.

What's like your most monumental moment in our friendship?

In our friendship, yeah, like what do you remember? Like, Man's honestly, there have been so many. I mean, the birth of your kids and you know, obviously God bless Mama, Love's passion and just just us growing up man, just being innocent kids in the city. I remember we used to be like, all right, let's not take the true ain't of the bus. Let's walk, you know, down from sixty six in amsonam and walked for forty blocks and you know, maybe meet a girl, get a number, get a slice of pizza.

Really sweet memories.

All my memories is like, I remember when you fell asleep and almost sleeping, his eyes open like that, Yeah, and me and him and Tupac's your cord was hanging out because y'all did juice together.

And what people don't know about pockets Pocket is like he was a funny dude.

I'm sleeping like that, and Omar and Pap went and took his balls and put him out and put him right in there Omar's mouth.

So I looked like, Omar's like that. I remember one time.

Let's just do that.

I don't know you're talking about all these sad memis. Mama love passing it, you know.

I remember the baby's born and now the umbilical cord in the shape of it, that's a nigga.

Where's the joe?

Come on?


We we had some good times. I was mad at park for that though.

I was super mad.

Like, yo, Son, you're really gonna do that? Yeah, But you always get mad. You ain't gotta you gotta work on that.

You got anger issues, man, I don't money.

Take their nuts out next to your mouth while you sleep like that. That can that would have went viral right now. This is one we used to take polaroids like.

Yeah, but see who should have to walk up like that bot? We just hit him on times I was and it was just like this, like a like a like a speedback.

The funny thing. You know, kids, you get mad a lot.

Remember one time okay, we uh.

I don't even know what's gonna happen right now.

Okay, one time, like we was in the remember you got caught stealing the armstrung goodness? Are you still okay? Go ahead, go to the supermarket. O mall was a shoplift and I didn't know this. I found out he was shop mister, and we went to this. We went in the stare.

It was a store on forty second Street, me, you and Mitch went and you know, I felt like I should be you.

Know, uh uh you know this was at the time when do the right thing was out and the man said, we get to the counter and omars and I go pay for my chips and Omar's at the counter and the guy goes, what about the juice in your pocket?

And I said, what juice? And the guy goes to the juice right in there, goes, yeah, what juice.

They turned it to do the right thing. We was like, you're doing it till we black. Yeah, you doing it because he's dark skinned. You ain't nothing with me, because I'm light scared dark skin brother. Because he's a different colored, dark black, you're gonna blame him. And then the guy's gonna be right because I got the juice in my pocket and oh, I'm gonna go over in his pocket.

He don't pull out a juice. It wasn't like a little juice. He pulled out like a ninety six ounce bottle of juice.

And I saw this and I immediately would, oh my god, I'm telling everybody.

I left the store.

The next day Omar came to school. I laughed so hard.

The next day, Omar came to school and then everybody kept walking up to him.

It was like a crack. He was on the he was on the.

Escalator and all he heard Mark got called steel Lynn, Oh my god, Oh my god, already show juice.

You were so mad. You were so mad. Yeah, my god, that actually happened.

We want to perform an our shout out to LaGuardia High School.

Shout out. Shout out?

What was your favorite role of all of them?

Because you've done a lot of a lot of great work, Like I remember, like your whole career. I remember, like, man, there was this one role you did higher learning.

I remember I watched that that movie, and your ending scene was so powerful. I was sitting there in awe.

I was speechless.

And at the end of the movie, he's just walking away, and I said, in my head, I said, bro, you walking toward a million dollars right now.

I remember saying I got a million dollars for your next movie.

And I was just so proud because I was like, damn, I ain't treating.

For shit no more.

Thank you?

What was your favorite role? You know what, yo? I always look at it like, I feel like.

Each role is a piece of a mosaic that's a bigger thing that will be done once it's said and done, for once my time on this earth is done. So I don't have a favorite role. I pour the same amount into every role that I pour into the next one, and for me. But as you know, there's nothing like the first you know, that first yeah, that first role is just like, oh, you.

Know what's crazy.

As you was telling me that, I was sitting there going, what did you learn the word mosaic?

What are you talking around? No?

But you're an author now, Man, this this made me so proud of you.

This book. I was like, this is the dude that cut every class. It's writing books.

I couldn't even read your notes that you passed to me in class. There was in some graffiti or weird language. But man, I'm so proud of you. What inspired you to write this book?


I just it's a coming of age book about these three teens. It takes place in twenty ninety eight, and I just was imagining, what's the world going to look like like, what society are going to look like, and more importantly like for me, because we're born and raised in New York, what's New York going to look like, you know, to those kids? And I just started dissecting, dissecting it and breaking it down and really trying to look through the eyes of a budding mind, you know, because I'm really you know, my mother was an educator, so I'm really into speaking to kids at different schools and things of that nature and offer what I can. And this is my offering in that way of Hey, climate changes happen. It's about classism, it's about sexism. It's obviously it's about you know, racism is still in there, all the isms, and then how do we, you know, spend that on its head, because it's really about these kids who are like trying to figure themselves out. Because you know that fourteen fifteen year old stage is an awkwar part of life, like just for anyone. So it doesn't matter where you come from. You could be from Arkansas, Nebraska, or you could be from an urban space like Chicago or New York or Atlanta or whatever. And I believe that there's something in there for every kid to take away. It's also about escapism, to give them something to like get them through the next day.

You know, I read the book and it's amazing, and I'm very proud of you. I swear it wasn't to you that explanation you just gave me. I thought you cheated on somebody to write this book, but now no, you.

Know those big words. I love you, my brother. You guys, go.

Get the book that's on Amazon right now on Amazon, give it up for my brother.

Oh my apps omar book. They're working and now vailable.

My guest Tonight is an actor and a producer and you know him from Boys in the Hood and The Best Man franchise. He's here to talk about the new limited series The Best Man The Final Chapters, which is streaming right now on Peacock.

Please welcome, my rest chaster.

All right, let me jot show.

I'm going to Leslie Jones show.

Thank you, guys, thank you, thank you.

Oh my god, you are the epitome of Blackdom.

Crack bro' you're beauty. Let me just say though, first of all, you were You were so kind and generous from the whole cast and the whole production. Thank you for all the posts that you did for us when the streaming showcase. We truly we appreciate you.

Yeah, and the truth it is one of the best things I've watched and alone time.

Thank you, Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I knew it was gonna be good because you guys have great actors, y'all already good actors.

It's a great black you have a great director.

Yes, and you.

Spend time on everything.

It's just so appreciated.

Thank you so much, and thank you for watching. Think all you guys are watching. Everybody out there is TV.

Thank you, thank you. Now I'll talk to you this about earlier.

I know every time somebody meets you, I know, I said, if I ever meet More's chestnut, the first thing that's going to come out my mind my mouth is why didn't.

You zig that?

I get that all the time. I get that all the time.

I cried every time on that part. Do you ever read time?


You know now, I mean I've cried too, because I can't be in the sequel, right, I can't.

Be in the sequel because I'll tell you, especially when your mama was looking at that.

Car and.

Oh my god, it's so yeah. Thank you man.

Okay, so this is what I want to know. Most people stick.

Around, you know, a long time in this business, and they don't look as good as you.

How you keep it? So? Thank you, thank you. You know.

I just try to live right, eat right, and exercise and drink a lot of water and all that time.

Are you like a heavy exercise person like you work out every day?

You have a trainer or I work out a lot.

Yes, I'm always at the gym, like probably six seven days a week at least.

Really, how many more days is in.

The well, you know what I mean, for the most part, when i'm when i'm when i'm I'm really always at the gym. But that's like my outing. I mean, I don't I don't stay out late. I mean my outing for the day is going to the gym. That's kind of like my social activity. I go to the gym and go home.

Wow, here a good man, Savannah. So when you started doing this movie was a series best man series? How many people ask you to be their best man? I mean, how many beast of parts have you?

A ranging no?


Judging by what what I did to the Tate Digg's character in the first movie. Yeah, I don't get too many invites to be a to be a no too many.


I mean, you know a lot of people, they do enjoy the movie. They do have a lot of questions and they always say to me sometimes, well, you know, I want to make sure my best man in sleep with my girls and all that type of stuff.

But yeah, okay, so you get a lot of that.

I get a lot of that.

Now the story is about, you know, navigating several friendships and a lot of drama and stuff.

Now, do you have a lot of drama.

In your actual life?

I don't, Actually I don't. I have listened, so I have. I do have a close knit friend group. I have, you know, friends that I've been friends with since you know, second grade, and you know a lot of friends I've been friends with a long time. Only dramas when it comes to sports, and you know, when my team loses, I got to hear a lot of mess.

But luckily, I'm an Eagles fan and the Eagles fans in the house, so we're doing all right this year.

So I've been delivering a lot of I've been delivering a lot of drama to some people in my in my friend group.

Morris, it's about the giants here, okay.


Wow, Okay, you're right, You're right. Hey, it's gonna be a good game. Though, it's gonna it's gonna be a good game.

We're gonna win.

My condolences to you guys, really though, my condolences to you to your giants.

Ego, Giants eat Eagles.

That's what's happening. Okay, I'm hey, I'm I'm gonna get on social media after the game. Now, let's let's to Shange's with me.

Baby. Oh no, no, I can't do that. I've learned. Never talks back with a comedian.

I didn't.

I'm in A long time ago I did a movie with Bill Bellamy and D. L. Hughley, and I just when I did that movie, I realized to never say anything because I know you can't because comedians, you guys are so perceptive, and you guys see everything, you hear everything.

So I will not talk back to you. That's okay, not at all.

It's okay, Morris, you can talk smack now.

The one thing I appreciate about the franchise is how they have black men being friends and being real. How do you think how important it is? Do you think the portrayal of friendships and relationships between black men is is portrayed on TV.

I think I think it was very important for our movie, just for the because listen, this life that happens, There is drama that happens, and you know you're friends with somebody long enough, there's bound to be some type of disagreements and arguments and all that type of that type of situation. However, with our film, it shows that we can overcome that. It's like, no matter what your differences are, no matter what type of arguments or disagreements you get into as a brotherhood, you can still come together and be there for your brother. So I think that's one of the things that that's helped this this series, you know, prevail throughout the years.

Yeah, you know, I think, yes, definitely.

One of my favorite one of.

My favorite scenes is when he's going through the divorce and you guys came over and just started setting up the table.

Like we about to play cards.

Food got a doubt play cards.

That just made my heart. But I'm gonna tell you my favorite party. The way you dealt with your son.

Oh yes, it was.

It was so good every everything, because every time you would pray, I would be like, you have the wrong prayers, bro, you got the wrong prayer. He was like, make God change and make God change it. But when you finally said God change.

Change me, right, bald o, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Was that that storyline was was was tough for me because it was so new. The pronouns and there's something that really hasn't been explored too much special blam, especially in the black community. And and I was like, I was, I was on the fence because I was like, they don't really know why my character feels the way that he feels. I mean, people can come to their own conclusion. So it was it was a tough storyline for me. Eric was a great actor that played my son and in the way that it was written was was so beautiful.

So thank you for thank you for enjoying that beautiful.

And I have to give you recognition. You got your Hall of Fame walkers. I think I'm saying that right, Tollywood Walk of Fame.

Yes, yes, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much.

Thank you. That's me. Yeah, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Oh my god, mass thank you so much for coming on my first.

Thy listen, thank you for having me, and thank you for having me.

And you're killing it.

You're killing out here. Congratulation. Okay, I'm not doing good, you're doing great. You're chilling.

You're killing killing right to kill you.

Thank you, thank you for having me so much.

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