Jordan Klepper unpacks Trump’s latest bombshell cabinet picks, RFK Jr. and Matt Gaetz, while Desi Lydic reveals the Democrats’ blunt new response strategy. Charlamagne Tha God shares his cautious optimism for the next four years and issues a heartfelt plea to Trump to protect the Constitution. Legendary filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola joins to discuss his ambitious film Megalopolis, exploring themes of risk, freedom, and his enduring optimism for humanity’s future.
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It's America's only source for news. This's The Daily.
Job with your host Jordan Clepper.
Welcome the Daily Job, Jordan Clipper. We got so much to talk about tonight.
RFK Junior is now your primary care doctor. Matt Gatz has taking the DOJ to prom and Charlemagne the God does a wellness check on democracy. So let's get into another installment of Trump two point zero coming.
For the White House. I'm gonna come.
Thoroughly dislike hearing that you've been feeling under the weather since the election. Don't worry. Pretty soon everyone else will be sick too. Pres Intelect Trump on truth Social just made it official.
He wrote, quote, I am thrilled to announce Robert F.
Kennedy Junior as the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services. Yeah, unpasteurized will juice for everybody. Wow, this is exciting news. We are making things in America again, specifically patient zeros. Of course, with Trump, there's never just one horrifying thing to focus on today. The fallout continued over Trump's pick for Attorney General, Matt Gates House Republican and guy who's had more needles in his face than pinhead. Now, yesterday, Trump selected Gates to lead the DOJ, and his future employees couldn't be happier.
Multiple current and former senior officials left speechless, calling it insane, unbelievable, and one saying he is the least qualified person ever nominated for a position in the Department of Justice.
I think what I'm hearing is he has a lot of potential. Seriously, the least qualified ever. Keep in mind that includes one of Trump's previous ags, who once starred in promotional videos for a toilet for well endowed men. And yes, this was a real thing that happened during Trump's first term. You don't remember it, which is okay because if it's in any consolation, maybe someday we'll.
Forget all this too. But I'll tell you. I'll tell you who's not disappointed by this point. I'll tell you he's not disappointed by this pick.
Matt Gates, aka the guy who plays Bob's big boy in porn parodies.
Gates is ready to go.
In fact, as soon as he was nominated, he immediately resigned from his House seat so he could get the ball rolling. He's just that eager to begin, generally, attorney unless you know there was I don't know some other reason he resigned so quickly.
He's been under investigation by the House Ethics Committee over an allegation that he paid for.
Sex with a seventeen year old.
His resignation from the House will effectively end that investigation, with that report due to be out Friday.
Wow Wow wow, wow wow. What a crafty legal maneuver by Matt Gates. He must be dating a girl who does mock trial. Now call me old fashioned, but it seems to me like a guy who was recently investigated by the Justice Department isn't the best fit to lead the Justice departments.
But maybe that's coastal elite talk.
I assume congressional Republicans are excited for one of their own to be elevated to such a lofty position.
Let's hear them gloat to reporters. They try to talk to.
A lot of Republican senators tonight about Matt Gates being nominated the post, and they being clear they were not ready to engage.
What about Matt Gates.
Us report him process?
I don't know yet.
I think about that one. Do you think mac Gates is confirmable?
Senator Kennedy, what do you think of Matt Gates is Attorney General.
Every Thanksgiving?
Every Thanksgiving, Matt Gates has nothing to do with Thanksgiving besides him and the turkeys both needing pardons. Of course, I would say I like this strategy for avoiding the press.
Though, sir, do you have regrets about the internment camps? Happy Arbor Day?
And if you're wondering why does Matt Gates's own party hate him so much? The answer would actually take some time. It's not just the underage sex allegation. It's also that he routinely attacks other Republicans, he doesn't do any work himself, and his personal quest to overthrow Speaker Kevin McCarthy so.
Divided his party.
A fellow Republican had to be restrained by the mouth from fighting him on the House floor. It was the first time in history Congress had to call a face mask penalty. And Gates hasn't just been instigating coups against his own leaders. Even his social skills gave his fellow Republicans the ick. Take it from Republican Mark Wayne Mullen.
We had all seen the videos he was showing on the house floor that all of us had walked away. Of the girls that he had slept with, he'd brag about how he would crush ed medicine and chase it with with an energy drink so he could go all night.
First of all, I'm not sure Matt Gatez knows how to brag. You're you're going around telling coworkers that you're freebasing viagra, and.
You know, I had to use an extra small condom. Bro, Yeah, give me up top a super timer.
Yeah bro, Oh, I could barely get it off.
For the love of God, who drinks energy drinks pound some coffee like an adult sexual predator.
Clearly, the Justice Department is about to get a hardcore bro makeover. I mean, once Gates is in power, you're gonna get to plead guilty, not guilty and the problem man. More importantly, there's not a single thing we've seen from Matt Gates' career or character that would make him fit to be the Attorney General of the United States.
Luckily, all will take to stop him.
It's for his own colleagues, who legitimately hate him, to show the slightest bit of spine. What say you, Mark, Wayne Mullen?
Are you gonna vote for mccags?
I completely trust President Trump's decision making on this one.
I don't get it.
Do you hate Matt Gates or not?
You can't have it both ways, unlike your mom did when she couldn't decide whether to name.
You Mark or Wayne.
There you have it, folks, The Republican submission to Donald Trump in a nutshell, Matt Gates is a creep who forced me to watch his sex tapes, and yes, I will be voting for him.
Happy Thanksgiving.
For more on the congressional reaction to the Matt Gates nomination, we go Live to the Capitol with Desi Leideck.
DESI, no, we've.
Heard from Republicans, but what's the Democratic strategy for Matt Gates?
Well, Jordan, I spoke to Democrats and their strategy is to vote for him unanimously.
Democrats will vote for him.
Yeah, it's part of a new strategy that they call and I quote, walk around and find out.
Yeah, if Donald.
Trump wants a coke clown, is a g Donald Trump gets a coke clown? Is ag have fun watching his press conferences where he shows a video of him Eiffel Tower, some chick, Do you need me to explain that to you?
No, no, I get it? Is that really how the Dems are going to respond.
To the AG, not just the AG, the entire Trump presidency. RFK at the Health Department, Fox News guy is Defense Secretary. Democrats are not going to try to clean up the MAGA messes anymore. You know, you want to be bad and smoke a cigarette. Well, guess what now you got to smoke the whole carton good news. According to rfk's new health guidelines, it's healthier than vaccines.
I understand that impulse, but isn't that going to just be bad for the voters?
I asked Nancy Pelosi that and she said, oh, the voters. How did the voters vote again last Tuesday?
I got a recount right here? Oh turns out she didn't have the recount.
It was just her middle finger, right.
I guess Democrats have a right to be upset, But aren't they at least a little concern that Gates could weaponize the judiciary.
To go after them? Yeah?
See, I asked Nancy Pelosi about that too, and she said, oh yeah, I'm so scared of legal mastermind Matt Gates coming after me. I can't wait to see his indictment written in crayon. Here's my response, and then you can imagine my surprise when she just pulled out her middle finger.
Yeah, it seems like she only has that one move.
Yeah, it's a decent move.
So their attitude towards Republicans is basically, you made your bed, now you get.
To lie in.
Yeah, exactly, But with Matt Gates, you might want to change his sheets first.
Lying everybody, we come back, Charlamage the Gods, we'll be joining us.
Don't go away.
All the bat of the Daily Show.
Well, now, I've got great opinions, but I'm not the only one. Studies show that other people also have opinions. So here with another installment of in my opinion is our good friend Charlemagne the Gods.
Hey, look, I'm not gonna bullshit you right now. I'm confused, Yeah, more confused in America after finding out John Krasinski one sexiest man alive, he wasn't even the sexiest man on the office.
Yeah, y'ad le Kevin hit.
Yeah, And what's confusing me is that for three years up until last Tuesday. If you ask any Democrat what they thought about Donald Trump, they say something like this.
Donald Trump said he would be a dictator on day one.
No one has ever been more dangerous to this country than Donald Trump.
Trump is fascist to the core.
I want to be dictator, running around trying to punish his enemies.
Take what his progo, look at what his objectives.
It is totally a democratic.
He says that he wants to be a dictator on day one, he means it.
Damn Joe Biden was on such high alert he almost opened his eyes for a second there. So the part that's confusing me is, if all that is true, what the hell is this?
It was an encounter many thought could never happen, but in front of a roaring fire, the current and future president exhibited warms welcome, thank you.
Who knew the follow democracy would seem so cozy. It's like seeing hit Let's take over Europe and a snuggie.
That's not how you beef.
Trust me, Drake isn't inviting Kendrick to a slumber party anytime soon. When you get in a room with someone even jd Vance called Hitler, you don't say I have your back, you say.
I have a clock. Yeah, and look, look, look, look, look, I understand that you have to transfer power peacefully because you're not fascist, But there's.
Nothing in the constitution that says you have to be nice about it. At least take the opportunity to quit them all right. Swap his diet coke with kombucha. Change the computer passwords to Eric's birthday so he can't log in. Switch the toilet paper in the Oval office toilet so it hangs under.
I don't know, man, do something, Okay.
And look, just because I don't want Democrats singing kumbay y'all with Trump doesn't mean I think they should go all in on trying to take him down. First of all, well they already tried that a lot. Okay, I don't have the energy for it anymore. Dude, got in peace twice. I still get PTSD when someone says the words Muller report.
But also, and this is.
The unpopular opinion if you're not a Republican, I want Trump to succeed, or at least I don't want him to fail so badly he takes down the country with him. Yeah, eah, come on, come on, Okay, I love America. We got waffle houses here, all right. And there's still a chance that Donald Trump and his friends won't turn the country into a fascist funhouse. You know who says they won't Donald Trump and his friends.
Donald Trump is not going to rule as a dictator.
He's not a dictator. He's not a threat to democracy. He's fun He's not a fascist.
Was Hitler making self deprecating jokes. No.
They accuse me of being a Hitler type guy or a Hitler lover, and I'm not. I'm the opposite.
Opposite of Hitler.
I don't know what that means, unless it's his weird way of telling us he's circumcised. So listen, both sides had their campaign rhetoric. Trump came out on top, and in a few years we're gonna find out who is right and who was wrong. I'm a person who's called him a fascist. I want to be wrong, and maybe we all will be because don't forget, one thing Trump loves more than anything is being unpredictable. He loves it more than he loves his children. Okay, bad example. He loves it more than KFC. And now he has a chance to do something truly unexpected.
Don't be a fascist.
And maybe you think that's not possible, but you know me, I'm an optimist. I think if I can just talk to Donald Trump directly, I can convince him. So let me try, mister Trump, sir, Mister Trump, sir, you're a manly man with great hair and the tightest neck pussy I've ever seen. Yeah, he's listening now, sir. I need to talk to you about your plans right now.
You can do anything you want.
You have both Houses of Congress, and thanks to the Supreme Court, you can feed Nancy Pelosi to alligators and call it an official act. But that's what all your enemies say you're going to do. And just think about how stupid deal. Look if you don't, you know what liberals hate even more than being thrown into a CIA black site, being wrong. You could own the lives so hard just by not being a fascist. Not being a fascist is so easy.
Look, I'm doing it right now, by the way, I'm still doing it.
It's simple.
Okay, you don't even have to do good things for America. Just do nothing. Go golfing, all right, that's right. You love golfing and you're so good at it too.
We all know you cheats.
You know what, mister President, will even let you have a little personal corruption as a reward. Okay, just leave the Constitution in one piece and we'll let you skim a billion or two out of the Medicare budget.
It's fine.
You could literally sit on your ass doing nothing for four years straight and you'll be considered the greatest president of all time just because you didn't destroy democracy like.
They said you would.
Yes, and listen, mister president, if you just destroyed the economy lead us into a recession, I can live with that. That's normal Republican president stuff. Just keep your big, strong, not tiny hands out of the fastest cookie jar. And maybe maybe I still think you're gonna do it anyway. But the quote the great philosopher Sabrina Carpenter, Please please please don't prove I'm right, but that is my opinion.
Telling me, my god, everybody, we come back.
Brandon Spord, Copula Joy about the show, don't go.
Away, Welcome back to the Daily Show. My guest tonight is a legendary Academy Award winning filmmaker whose latest film is called Please Welcome Me. Francis Bord Coopela, welcome.
Thank you so much, Thanks you us you, thank you.
This sure, this, this truly is an honor.
I will say.
I remember in college going to see Apocalypse Now.
I got to see it in the theater. It was being re released.
I saw it in the theater, and it expanded my mind as to what I could and should expect from cinema.
It was surreal, it was dark, it was literary.
And then last week I get to go and see Megalopolis and it continued on that trajectory, expanding what I think one should expect or can expect and see in cinema.
Because you didn't say the last thing you said Apocalypse Now was all those things that got terrible reviews.
I didn't want to say it, you know, And and we've done it again. This is what it is. Court court, the bastards, right, you know, I mean.
You know, they want, they want movies to be something that they I cannot risk, they cannot possibly lose on. And to me, you know, making art without risk is like making babies without sex. It's possible, but it's not the way to do it.
Yeah, yeah, you're not wrong. This film deals with a lot. This film is there's big themes in here. Time, Rome, Ancient Rome, the fall of America. You've been working on this or been thinking about this idea for forty years?
Well, I not exactly, but I was working on something that I thought could be my style, because you know, I made a lot of films that I'm happy you enjoyed, but they were all in different styles, and I wondered if I had a style or basically it was going to be different for every movie. So I took after I made a John Grisham movie called I Think it was The rain Maker, I took ten years of it turns out I took fourteen years off and I just wanted to learn, learn more, you know what I could do, and I kept notebooks, and eventually I decided that since America founded itself based on Rome because they didn't want a king, Rome invented a new form of government called the republic because they had had a terrible king and they absolutely did not want a king in America didn't want the English king. And the people who found in America were all, you know, educated people, which meant they spoke Latin, they studied Latin, they studied the Roman, and they had read Caesar and the Gaelic Wars and Cicero. So they decided to make a country with senators and with the Roman law. We all know what pro bono means, and habeas corpus. That's because we took Roman law. And what happened to Rome when it lost its republic was a lot of money came into Rome, but instead of going to the people, that basically made the senator rich and powerful. And the same thing happened in America recently after World War Two. So with exactly the same situation, the same result happened, and we we we got a new government which which may very well not continue the republic. We don't know. We're about to find out. We're about to get the news.
Yeah, I mean if Megalopolis follows this, this once great city in decline. Do you know who the attorney general is has been decided?
Well, I'm sure he's someone who is going to if he's not attorney general, he's going to be arrested by the attorney general. Yes, that's probably what's going to happen.
Part of this.
You also self financed this film by selling off some of your wine making.
Well, the same is with Apocalypse Now Apocalypse. Now I ended up. You know, you know, you know, you know who owns Apocalypse now by the way, now I do you know why? Why nobody wanted it? And and if you can imagine interest during the time of apocact that was twenty one percent. That's not a joke, it's true, right, yeah, and so but now it's not so much. So it's better.
You sell a part of your winery though to pay for this project.
I basically I didn't. I borrowed the money from the bank based on a winery that I had, so now I have to pay it back in the year.
Is that advice you would give to a young filmmakers first start in the wine business to get your financial all settled.
My advice to a young filmmaker would make the film any way you can, and you know whatever way. Rake it with your iPhone, make it with your parents credit card. But but but but try to make and make it be personal because movies you know everyone in the world, all of our cousins, because we're all related in one big family, as you know.
I mean, really is that right?
Oh yeah, I haven't seen any cut of the wine making business from you.
I feel like, are we a little bit more.
I mean we're cousins.
Okay, so yeah, you don't pay off, you don't pay off you, but can't help me with my tuition.
Yeah, And we've only existed for about three hundred thousand years, and we know only since this writing has only been six seven thousand years. We only know what happened the last ten thousand years, and that's when the men really took over and we had for the first time a patriarchy. Before that, we don't know what we had. It might have been better, but we have no way we can guess. And if it was a matriarchy. The thing that's difference between a matriarchy and a patriarchy is that the women didn't really give orders, but they were good colleagues and we worked together and we ensured, you know, that there was enough order for the kids, and there was this. Women are very very good leaders, they really and they are.
Perhaps perhaps the country can look into giving one a shot in the air future.
Well, one day, one day, I'm sure, I mean, we all you know, I've tried to see the bright side of everything because I'm I'm like your previous host, I'm an optimistic I truly am. I love I love people, and I and I want the world to be beautiful for our children because they didn't do anything to deserve the mess that they might.
Is that the film, there's a lot of hope it makes there.
Is the film is filled with hope, and the ending is very positive. And I stand by the ending. The ending, you know, really, what it comes down to is that we are capable of solving any problem that was put in front of us. We there's no there's no you know, we're intelligent, but you know, there's no creature on earth any work even close to what we can do. And the octopuses are very smart and they're very nice. Yeah, but but the human being is extraordinary. And the fact is that why do people constantly try to make you feel less than you are? And that's because you're you're a better customer if you don't feel too powerful, If you know, we spend probably eight trillion dollars a year on advertising, which is basically selling a little bit of happiness to people in the form of what they can buy. But you can't sell happiness to happy people because they're already happy. So so so what that means, what that means is there are, there are efforts to make us be less happy than is necessary so we'll be better customers. So in other way, if you tell people, hey, you know, human beings are geniuses. We're all a family of geniuses, they'll say, well, yeah, but we are, but those people are not. So let's let's let's not let them in our country. Let's keep treat them terribly and and uh and uh and and the truth of the matter is that that that's not true, that that that we're being kept deliberately felt to be less than we are so we could be better sold to and and and that's what's happening.
I mean, I do think I'm hearing you. It does.
I mean, the media landscape does treat us as consumers and consumers only. I think what is compelling about some of what you're trying to do in Megalopolis is is to break open some of the mold well, to.
Explain what's going on, because even what you said isn't true anymore. It used to be, Yes, it's not true.
It just change it.
Yes, it just got worse because what they're doing is it used to be that you sold to by by what the product was. Now you're selling the identity. If you look at television today and you look and you look at the way that's styled, in the way they're dressed, and who they're married to, you're meant to say, hey, those are people like us. And so they're selling an identity. And then by you buying the identity that they've sold you, they want you to be loyal to the brand that that identity is loyal to. And that's when they start selling who you are. Then you know that it's gone too far.
Yeah, yeah, I agree with that. Where my citicism comes in. My citicism comes in is if this is all a war for attention, whether it's on social media, whether it's the Internet or just media in general, I feel like the quickest way to get those eyes is with short, loud bursts of anger and flash. And what it does is it warps the way in which we take in information, hold information, and communicate in general. I think, like I feel myself, being unable to hold long conversations or depth of thought is harder and harder to reach because of.
These these mediums that we're in.
You work in a medium cinema that'll ask people to sit and think about something for two hours.
But they don't ask that anymore. Now they ask you to go to see something that you already know what you're going to see, because you've seen six versions of it already, and and therefore you're you're They want you to be addicted to it the way they want you to be addicted to a particular food product or something you know. In other words, they don't want there to be any chance that they won't make money.
But how do you bo?
That's what they are doing, But what are you doing? How do you how do you create in that atmosphere? Because I feel like your your audience, no matter what, is going to walk into that thea.
There's no line on.
My movie that he says, when you leap into the unknown, you prove you are free. So I leap into the unknown whenever I can, because I want to be free.
If I don't even.
Wear the same sucks anywhere.
What I got.
I got two different colored socks, You.
Got two different colored socks.
I don't have to wear the same colored socks that I don't want it.
It's the great rules.
Consistently select theaters and available to stream.
Now treads bln culpa.
You want back after.
That that's a show for tonight.
Now here. It is your moment of dead. People within the Trump team are now jockeying over who will get a spot in his second cabinet, and you can call this one Game of Thrones Trump edition.
Like the legend of Caligula, the Roman emperor who wanted to nominate his horse as a Roman consule.
I feel like we're in the Twilight Zone.
If you know Star Wars, this is Emperor Palpatine's stuff.
It was more Star Trek than Star Wars.
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