In this episode, we explore the theme of "What Will Truly Transform Your Life In 2025" by examining the various ways God communicates His transformative power, particularly through the Nativity story. Learn how God uses angels, the Holy Spirit, dreams, and confirmation to guide us. We'll unpack what these forms of divine communication mean for our lives today and how embracing God’s promises can lead to profound change in the upcoming year.
Join the Conversation: We’d love to hear your thoughts on what you believe will truly transform your life in 2025. What aspects of faith and spirituality are you focusing on for growth? Share your insights with us on social media @LifeaudioNetwork or via email. How do you plan to seek God’s guidance and embrace transformation in the new year?
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New Year, Old You? What will Truly Transform Your Life in 2025
Written By: Emma Danzey
Hebrews 4:12-13 says, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.”
It is a new year again and you feel a little pessimistic about the new year’s resolutions, or doing that discounted gym trial, or breaking that bad habit once and for all. To be honest, the concept of a fresh start and a new year can be a wonderful motivator to evaluate the areas of our lives, but what is the heart behind our desire to change? Do we want to be more beautiful to the world’s eyes, do we desire to make more money this year, or do we have our hearts set on achieving a goal we’ve never quite met?
If you feel like it is a new year, but you are still the old you, then you are not alone. If resolutions and January challenges haven’t stuck yet in your life, maybe there is something deeper to “missing the mark” for your goals.
1. Ask yourself what does God want my goal to be this new year?
2. Think of the New Year as a time of confession and repentance from areas that are either struggles, due to living in this fallen world or sinful decisions. Ask the Holy Spirit to transform your heart to be in line with His own.
3. Keep your main goal as seeking God with your heart by daily reading the Bible. Did you know that your relationship with God has everything to do with whether you find true success? He reminds us that our goals should be eternal, not temporary. Anything temporary that we accomplish through Him is ultimately nothing in comparison to the treasures and eternally impactful decisions that we make on this earth. If you want a transformed life in 2025, seek Jesus and He will bless the eternal work and empower you by His Spirit to achieve the temporary goals too.
“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
The Bible, God’s Word, is alive and active. Its jobs is to divide what is true from what is false. It teaches us about our need for reconciliation to our Maker and the gospel of Jesus coming for the sins of the world for any who believe in Him. It reveals the sins and the attitudes of our hearts.
I can set a physical goal all day long, but without the help of the Lord, I cannot accomplish this goal from an eternal mindset. My motivations will be from my flesh and not from the Spirit. Sure, someone could meet their goals and stick with them who is not seeking Christ, but think about the heart transformation that a believer in Jesus will experience if the new years goals come out of a heart of humility, seeking the Lord at His Word. His Word changes us, we cannot help but be transformed into His likeness when we read it with a pure heart.
What if before we set our earthly goals, we make heavenly goals of the kind of son or daughter of God we hope to be this year, the ways we hope to grow in Spiritual maturity, or the daily choices we want His help to put into routine to mature in our faith through the Bible and prayer.
Anything that we are trying to accomplish will be tested by Him. What are our motives? Are we in line with His will in them? If so, how can we rely on Him and the help of other believers to use these goals as platforms for the gospel?
“Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.”
Nothing is hidden from the Lord. We are accountable to Him ultimately for how we live our lives and how we honor Him with them. May we be bold enough to ask Him to search our hearts and reveal sinful ways and boldly ask Him to transform us and lead us into true repentance that brings glory to Him.
Intersecting Faith and Life:
How will seeking Christ in the Bible regularly transform you this year? How does putting Christ first in your goal setting effect your personal goals? Why do you believe that it is only truly the work of the Spirit who can change your life and have eternal impact?
Further Reading:
Psalm 139:1-2
Romans 8:6
Galatians 5:17