The Crosswalk DevotionalThe Crosswalk Devotional

Use Whatever Gift You Have Received

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In this episode of The Crosswalk Devotional, we discuss the importance of using the unique gifts God has given each of us. Whether it’s a talent, a skill, or a passion, every gift has a purpose in building up the body of Christ and serving others. We’ll explore biblical examples of faithful stewardship, the joy of serving, and how to identify and cultivate your gifts. Join us as we encourage one another to embrace our individual contributions, making a meaningful impact in our communities and beyond.

Join the Conversation: We’d love to hear from you! What gifts have you discovered in your life, and how are you using them for God’s glory? Share your experiences with us on social media @LifeaudioNetwork or via email. What challenges have you faced in using your gifts?


Full Transcript Below:

Use Whatever Gift You Have Received

By: Whitney Hopler

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” – 1 Peter 4:10, NIV

Complex layers of tastes – from rich chocolate to sweet-tart cherry – mingled in my mouth as I enjoyed a slice of Black Forest Cake in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. Just as I took another bite of that baked masterpiece, I heard a cuckoo clock chime and looked over at an intricately carved wooden clock in the restaurant. A beautiful bird popped out of a door to make its distinctive call, surrounded by other expertly done wood carvings like evergreen trees and squirrels. I said a silent prayer of thanks to God that I could experience these wonderful traditions because people had kept them alive through the years. In Germany, ancient guilds for crafts and trades are still active, setting quality standards and offering apprenticeship training. 

The work of these guilds points to an important biblical principle: God calls each of us to fully use the unique gifts we have been given. Just as apprentices in guilds must commit to their training, we are also called to develop and use the abilities God has entrusted to us. Whatever talents we have, they are not meant to be hidden. God wants us to develop our talents and use them as tools for serving others.

God has blessed every one of us with unique talents and abilities. Some are gifted in ways that are visible and celebrated – like speaking, artistic expression, or leadership. Others have quieter gifts, such as compassion, patience, or the ability to listen deeply. Every gift, no matter what it is, reflects God’s grace. 

Too often, we fall into the trap of comparison, undervaluing our gifts because they don’t resemble someone else’s. However, the diversity of God’s creation shows us how each gift God gives has a unique and necessary purpose. Just as an apprentice baker must learn the intricacies of dough preparation or a carpenter must understand the details of woodworking, we need to embrace and develop the abilities God has entrusted to us. 

The Bible’s words in 1 Peter 4:10 remind us that our gifts are not just for our own personal fulfillment. They are tools for service, and God wants to work through us when we use them to reach others. Imagine apprentices who, after years of training, finally become master bakers. Their purpose is not just to create beautiful pastries or cakes for their own enjoyment but to make special creations for their communities to enjoy. In the same way, we are called to channel our gifts toward others – strengthening, encouraging, and serving in love. 

Using our gifts is not about seeking recognition, but about faithfulness to God’s purposes. God entrusts us with talents not for our glory but to bless others and build his kingdom. Whether we’re teaching a child to read, preparing a meal for a friend, or creating art that inspires worship, we are doing something that has eternal value. 

Using our gifts faithfully requires intentionality. Like apprentices who spend years refining their crafts, we must also invest time and effort into developing our gifts. This might involve seeking mentors, committing to prayer, or stepping out in faith to try something new. Remember, we don’t have to be perfect. We simply have to be willing to grow and serve. 

It’s also important to remain humble, reminding ourselves regularly that our abilities come from God, not from ourselves. The glory belongs to God alone. As we dedicate our gifts to God’s service, he multiplies their impact in ways we could never achieve on our own. 

What gift has God placed in your hands? Are you actively nurturing it, or have you set it aside because of fear, busyness, or doubt? Imagine what could happen if you fully embraced the talents God has given you – not for your own gain but to glorify God and serve his people. 

Let today be the day you take the next step. Get whatever training you need, ask God for wisdom and courage, and trust that God will use your efforts for good purposes. Like the apprentices in those ancient guilds, you are part of something much larger than yourself. You have important gifts, and the world is waiting for the unique gifts that only you can give! 

Intersecting Faith and Life 

As you consider the gifts God has given you, reflect on these questions: 

  • What are some specific gifts you believe God has given you? How have you used them to serve others?

  • Think about a time when someone used their gift to bless you. How did their faithfulness encourage or impact you?

  • Are there any talents you’ve neglected or underestimated? What steps can you take to develop these gifts?

  • What fears or obstacles might be holding you back from fully using your gifts? How can you rely on God’s help to overcome them? 

Further Reading 

Romans 12:6-8

1 Corinthians 12:4-6

Matthew 25:14-30

Colossians 3:23-24

Ephesians 2:10

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