Ep 419 | The Border Invasion Will Cause a Wave of Crime We’ve Never Seen Before

Published May 24, 2019, 5:40 PM

We are becoming like the Tories. Trump was our last chance to change the GOP, but instead, the GOP is changing him. I explain why the betrayal on the latest disaster spending bill is worse than you think and will reverberate for the rest of this presidency.

Next, we're joined by Jaeson Jones, our resident expert on the cartels, to brief us on the long-term effects of this border invasion. “We’ve never seen anything like this, where we now have smuggling and criminality even after they surrender to border agents,” said Jones. This is a game-changer: Cartels make the aliens indebted to them and use their resources on our soil to exact the debt out of them. “The American people will be hit with a crime wave not seen before,” warned Jones. “The American people would be stunned if they would see how the cartel moves in and out.” 

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Gulf Cartel doing Mexico-style attacks on our soil

Trump missed a big opportunity with the budget bill

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