Ep 347 | Our Decades-Long Failure in Latin America Is on Display

Published Jan 30, 2019, 7:53 PM

You can only fight asymmetrical warfare with asymmetrical warfare. That is why any military intervention in Venezuela will not work at this point, according to our resident expert on Latin America.   

I am joined today by Joseph Humire, executive director of the Secure Free Society and one of the foremost experts on terrorism in Latin America. He is the author of a book on this subject, Iran’s Strategic Penetration of Latin America.

He delivers another blockbuster briefing and analysis on what is going on in Venezuela and what we should and shouldn’t be doing. Of course, we need to combat the bad guys in the region, but after years of allowing China, Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, Cuba, and Turkey to stake out ground in Latin America, it is impossible to reinvent the wheel on a dime with a military intervention. Humire explains why we need to focus mainly on blocking a refugee influx as our priority. In general, he believes it’s long overdue that we get our priorities in order and recognize that Latin America is the most important geopolitical theater for us, so that the next time something like this happens, we actually have plays to make.

Finally, I discuss the latest in Mexican politics as well as Bolivia and how it ties into the caravans.  

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