Conservative Review with Daniel HorowitzConservative Review with Daniel Horowitz

Ep 336 | Conservative Media Never Should Have Made a God Out of the Courts

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It’s been three and a half weeks since a number of nonessential agencies have been almost completely shut down, yet nobody cares other than for the actual salaries of the workers. But what about the actual work? I explain the severity of our debt crisis and how it’s indefensible not to have a discussion about cutting some of these positions permanently, given what we now know about their utility or lack thereof.

Next, I move on to the judicial crisis, which so many conservative writers don’t think of as a crisis. In fact, they agree with judicial supremacism. Conservatives have promoted the stature of the judiciary rather than using their capital to fight against its illegitimate power grabs. I give you a number of new examples from religious liberty and guns to immigration and abortion to show how the Supreme Court is continuing to allow the lower courts to rule over us. This is because conservative judges and conservative political figures acquiesce to illegitimate court rulings, while liberals will delegitimize court rulings they disagree with. Meanwhile, conservative media figures are helping RINOs hide behind judicial supremacism in order to avoid primaries. 

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3 reasons why the media’s “points of entry” argument about drugs is bogus

Judge demands that DOJ stop prosecuting immigration felons

Judge violates Hobby Lobby and mandates employers cover abortion 

Conservative media made RINOs more popular all for nothing

SCOTUS might overturn this sane ruling on criminal alien gun conviction  

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