Safety Not Guaranteed: Amelia McKellar on the ACCC's plans to turbo-charge Australia's consumer guarantees.

Published May 28, 2024, 5:00 PM

The ACCC is calling for reform to the consumer guarantee regime to make non-compliance a contravention — similar to unfair contract terms. Currently the guarantees are the top issue for complaints to the ACCC, and they can lead to millions in penalties even though they don't have the force of law. Special Counsel Amelia McKellar takes us through these paradoxes and what the ACCC wants to do about them. Plus the Budget fallout for competition laws and agencies, variations on Louis Dreyfus and cotton, the ACCC's reports on airline competition and data firms, and the evolution of search engines and how to opt out of it … All this and more time travel with co-hosts Moya Dodd and Matt Rubinstein.