Colin is joined by Nick Wright, host of “First Things First” on FS1!
Colin explains why he doesn’t find most “advice” to be useful but he and Nick each give out one piece of advice that they think can help people that are trying to achieve their dream (3:00)
They weigh in on our divided political climate and that despite the loudest, most extreme voices being amplified… most Americans all want the same things (12:15)
Finally, Colin talks about his future plans, why he loves the freedom provided by podcasting, and why a big move may be in his near future (24:00)
(Timestamps may vary based on advertisements.)
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Well, and and I was so I and I wanted it. I literally did want to be you. I've told you this story I called, and I've maybe told the story on the air before I was twenty four years old. Literally literally this is and I'm thirty nine, right, so I'm twenty four, So this is fifteen years ago. This is not nineteen eighty six, right, this is two thousand and nine. In two thousand and nine, I signed my first contract. Uh no, that's wrong. Twenty ten, I signed my first contract. I was making eight dollars an hour, and then my contract was to do mid days in Kansas City. This is not a bullshit job. It's not the greatest job. Right the Kansas are two sports city, you know what I mean. It's a big for sports radio.
It's a good market.
Signed a contract to do mid days in Kansas City for twenty three eight hundred dollars, full time, no benefits, but full time. This was I think like when that was allowed, and I was thrilled. It was around the same time that I started dating my now wife, Like I was thrilled, like I am rolling making twenty four grand. And at that time I called an agent and said my pitch was this, I'm sure you wish Colin Cowherd was your client. He's not, and it doesn't appear he's ever going to be. If you would like to represent the next Colin Cowherd, you'll take me on. That's what I did, and this guy started representing me. Shout out credit to him. Josh Santry started representing me when I was in Kansas City making twenty four grand, and you know what I mean, helped me row and evolve. And then eventually your agent, Nick con hired and I like that, that is so like we grew together. Yeah, and the what I so? But the I got a little distracted there because that's such a to me, a cool story. But the answer is you have to be obsessed with it. And this is what I tell my daughter, who's a theater major. I'm like, hey, any job, They're like, there's a few jobs that are the type the types of jobs that win. Little kids get asked in class what they want to be. If your job that you want is on that list, you better be goddamn obsessed with it as an adult or else you got no shot.
No shot.
If it is the type of job that people stop you on the stream, you're like, oh my god, that's a dream job. The only reason that everyone doesn't do it is because people don't want to make twenty four grand at twenty five years, you know what I mean? And they and I don't want to act like every and listen, I've been very lucky. There is obviously some natural talent associated with success whatever.
It is, but the number, I'm not denying any of that.
But but what for a lot of people, it stops being worth it. And I don't like it's just it's like man, this is a grind. There's not the You work weekends, you work holidays, you don't make money, and it's just not worth it anymore.
And so it.
Has to be something you have to do is to have any chance of succeeding in it.
And then once it's that, then it is.
You know, I don't I don't you You've always been very complimentary of my talent, but I don't actually think I am a talented broadcaster. I think I have a very specific talent, which is I'm a great arguer. I'm great logically, and I'm great with, you know, figuring out debating argument points. But I when I applied to Syracuse, uh, when I was doing the tour, I met with the dean and the dean said, great resume, great, you know, SAT's all this stuff.
You're the exact type of kid we want to have here. Just so you know, you'll never be a radio personality of too nasaly of a voice. It won't work at Syracuse.
I got cut from the student radio station because I couldn't figure it out like I It wasn't like some you know, I look at Noah Eagle, and obviously Noah Egle, I get his dad's Eyeon Eagle. But the kid is talented. Kid's got great voice, got a great presence. Like I'm like, oh, he's got real broadcasting talent. I was just wildly obsessed with it, wildly obsessed with it, and was like, I am going to force my way through it, which is really how you get from I went from twenty four grand a year in Kansas City to the TV show on FS one in seven years. From when I signed that contract in Kansas City to when the TV show launched in New York City. That was seven years. And it was, yes, a ton of good fortune and good luck and good timing, but it was just I was wildly obsessed with it, which is the number one thing you've got to be.
Yeah, that's and that's the best advice is that when people when parents come up and I you know, anything that you don't want to give them cliches, work hard, read everything, you know, be detail oriented, and then you kind of appease the parents, you know, placate the parents. But it really is Jake Laser's talked about this before. The people that are great in the NFL, they're crazy, they're obsessed.
Crazy, Right, That's exactly right. And it's that's again because that's a dream job. That's a dream job like that, there is no and that's.
You know, I worry. I do worry.
About my my eighteen year old daughter because what she wants to do is about the as hard of a field as there is.
She wants to be an actress.
And it's like, okay, even the successful ones like struggle for a long time and all of these things. But who am I to say, don't follow your dreams? Follow your dreams. But it's like, there's if you are in the dream chasing business, you gotta chase it, like that's the that's the quote that I like.
I will support dream chasing as long as you're fucking chasing. I won't support dream daydreaming, like oh I want to be this, I wonder how it's gonna happen.
I gotta see that you are that you want it.
And the other thing, if there's young people listening that I that I tell them that is different now than you know previous eras is you do. What is I think good advice, because I do give this advice is just do it. You want to be a talk show host and you don't have a talk show. Just pretend the way you pretended in your bedroom. Now anyone can pretend on YouTube and make the channel private if you want. Like I was like, it's not about getting the number of subscribers or viewers. It's about the reps. It's about When I first started, I thought I was gonna be the funny guy.
On the radio.
And then I was like, Nope, that's not the lane. I need to be ardent, prick. That's the lane for me, and it'll work. And so like the only way to do it is to do it to actually get the reps in. And so yeah, that's the advice I give. And then make sure you do a little check every six months, be like do I still love this? Do I still want to do this?
That's good advice. Okay, here's something else I'm gonna throw at you. I've gotten in discussions with friends about this, is that I don't have a single wacko friend. I don't know anybody that's an election denier. There's a distortion bubble out there that the craziest people get amplified on your facebooks, algorithms, on social platforms, that there's not as many wackos as you think even the people that like Trump don't like a lot about him, They just hate the other side more so. There's a new poll by Associated Press and the Noirk Center for Public Affairs and Research, and what they found is striking similarities. How Americans think almost a ninety percent agreement on rights to vote, equal protection under the law, right to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, right to privacy. Almost eighty percent think the right to own a gun is very important to protect. And what they found over and over and over there are very few fringe people. The media tends to give them oxygen, the algorithms completely feed them on social networks is that there's a complete distortion about what is acceptable what is not. Almost all people want less crime. How to solve it may be different, but we mostly want the same things. And this goes back to conversations I've had with people. I'm like, I can't live on an island. I hang out in cities like Chicago. Tonight, I go to a Warriors Lakers game in Los Angeles. I don't think I'm politically dissimilar to most of them. We're all kind of looking for the same thing. So and I think one of the jobs this is where I think big tech can be incredibly harmful. But I do think the media, especially the political media, does a really bad job at one thing, giving oxygen to the fringes. And one of the things I've really worked on, like I've really gotten off social media. I don't associate with wackos on the internet because successful, smart people, happy people are not on the internet all day. So you're talking with lonely losers. Your thoughts on this study.
Well, I wish I were quite as optimistic as you, because I think the study, while I don't doubt the veracity of it, leaves out a few maybe and I.
Haven't read it.
I'm listening to you important details, which is so ninety percent of the country, you know what I mean might not be election deniers in fringe and extreme, but a guy who's got about a fifty eight to sixty percent chance of running the country is.
And so that seems problematic.
So it can be like, you know, we agree on the January sixth was bad, and that all these things, the ninety percent of us agree, but it's somehow through the on the way of agreement to the polls were like, but the biggest voice who doesn't agree clearly is now in charge of everything that seems a little scary. And when you say big tech amplifies it, I don't think it's accidental. And I do wonder when some of the richest, most powerful people in the world seem to have authoritarian leanings.
Like why is that?
And you know who benefits from that? How much do they benefit from that? And then there is this factor, which is, let's say it's not even ten percent of the country, that's just fucking nuts. Let's go lower, let's go five percent. Well, I'm pretty good at math. We got three hundred and fifty million Americans. Five percent. That's still seventeen to eighteen million people you got to corral and deal with in some capacity. We're not a small it's not a party, but there's like twenty five people here and it's like, okay, a couple of them are nuts. So I am, I am, I do agree with this. What I find fascinating is, and what maybe the poll was getting at, is the idea that you ask someone what they're If you don't ask someone what their political leanings are, you say, how do you feel about this topic, how do you feel about this topic? How do you feel about this topic. You will find a ton of common ground, a ton of common ground on the most hot button issues, on guns, on immigration, on abortion, a ton of common ground.
And I think, I'm.
Sure that's what this study is showing, but that doesn't seem represented that common ground and a lot of the levers of power in this country, and that to me is concerning. And it does seem like the divisions are being further exacerbated over the last ten years.
Gills to me them.
Yeah, I mean, I think cable news feeds into tribalism. I don't think in most instances the crazy people have any power. I think I mean it's there's a division of people. And you know, I don't think Trump's going to win. I don't think it's going to be particularly close. I really don't. I think he doesn't get independents. I think he doesn't give women. Uh, you know, women are either going to have the same rights with their body as I am, or you're not gonna win. Your party is going to really struggle. He's lost elections people connect to do him or losing elections. I think the news over the next six months, as Democrats are raising almost seventy five percent more money is bad news for that side, regardless of what I think, I don't view. I think it will be.
Well, if that's true, then then we could If that is true, then we could have maybe a reorientation. Yeah, because and I think it could be because let's just assume you're that's correct.
I you know, I the I don't know.
That I am as pessimistic about Trump's chances as you seem to be. But let's assume that's correct. If that is correct, then I think what and I wish I had had a better grasp on the specific details of when we have seen this happen over the two hundred and forty year history of American history. But you've seen it happen at least three times where a political party itself bifurcates, where what you have is a party split and because of that that party goes through a time of reorientation and is out of power for a bit.
And I'm not saying that that necessarily.
That's the GOP. In my opinion, that's what I.
Will So that's what I would wonder if we would have happened.
Yeah, what I wonder if Trump were to lose this, I do wonder if because he's not ever going to admit he lost anything, he's not ever going to quit. So then does he does there become almost like the Whig Party, like a third party that is just call it the Trumpers, and it peels off the craziest portion of the what is now called the Republican Party, and then what is left of the Republican Party can reorient and the way it remakes itself is by peeling off maybe you know, disillusioned center left Democrats. It's like, hey, you know what I mean, not to bring this kind of cliche, but where Mitt Romney asks, people are like, hey, this is what the party is again, because I think a party like that. I'm not trying to betray your politics, but I think you would listen to that Republican Party, and I bet you have in your life. I think it is probably hard for you and your friends to even listen to a Republican Party that is led by Trump. It's like this is just nuts, but you would listen, And so I wonder if that would happen if he loses. If he wins, then it's a different story entirely.
Yeah, I'm going to the UFC fight Saturday with Ann and a couple of buddies. Is I keep it?
You'll see him there? Give him. I don't know.
I'm not that I don't have passion about politics, but I don't. I have strong feelings about it. But I do think, like the poll on a Associated Press is that I think cooler heads eventually prevail. I think this nation overwhelmingly makes the right decision. I'm going to the Warriors Lakers tonight. J Mack got me seats and then I upgraded in the middle of the show and got better seats.
Hold on, wait a minute, hold on, what do you mean, J Matck got you seats? Well?
I said I wanted to go to the game, and J Matt goes, I have seats and I said, where are they? I don't want to sit up with the pigeons. Where are they? And he said, go in a pretty good seats and then he showed me there like seventeen rows up and I'm like, okay, And I talked about it on the air. Three minutes later, somebody called and said, I'm like, I'm ten rows behind the Laker bench, and I said, and then I was going to call Draymond Green here at the volume and see if I could get better seats. But I thought, I'm gonna wait for a playoff game. I don't want to bother Draymond Green. So you know that's good.
I like, that's going to be a good game. Hey, it's going to be a good game. Go ahead.
So this is I'm going to you Saturday night. So this is the time of the year, after the football season, I start going to stuff and so can I throw this at you? So my wife does not like Los Angeles and this has been going.
You know, I was gonna fit.
I was gonna ask about that because she seems to spend a lot of time not in Los Angeles.
Yeah, So I don't need to get into too many details. But I have a place in Chicago and am searching in Chicago for different things, and so I'm gonna buy some season tickets to the Bulls and Blackhawks. It's a suite, like four people. You can bring friends. You're in Chicago, I can bring you and you know, you can get food bar all that stuff, like second level stuff. I I like sitting on the floor more. But if I'm going with my wife and she's all dulled up and you know, you want dinner, blah blah blah.
So for the NBA, I think I prefer lower level, as close to the court as the fossil hockey. I think the sweet could be better unless you're right on the glass. This seems like a yeah, I'm sure it's a good setup. And I heard you mentioned this to Parkins last week, so I was gonna ask you about it.
So go ahead. Yeah, you're gonna get the set up in Chicago.
So I'm going to get the setup in Chicago. And I've and I've got to be honest with you, is because sometimes what we do and I do mornings, it's really hard in Los Angeles because I have to get up at like five thirty in the morning. So I don't want to be getting in my car at nine twenty eight in Los Angeles, a forty minute drive home. Get to bet you're all amped up. And so in Chicago, if I move my show to Chicago, think about this show starts at eleven, I get up at eight.
Well, yeah, you're doing mid days then, but you're doing mid days with the mornings.
Yes, so I'm thinking about quality.
Wow, are you breaking news here? No? This is Are you sure you want to include this on the podcast.
This is going to be aggregated, This is gonna be the I mean, go ahead to Jersey Down.
I'm thinking quality of life now, because this is a big deal. This is I'm not going to get into negotiations. I have ten months left or whatever at both my all my contracts, and one of the things I've thought about is quality of life. My wife doesn't love Los Angeles. We have friends here, but it's a three hour flight. I don't get you know, I'm going to plane every weekend. I don't give a rip. Delta has been good to me. So I've been thinking about this, and I, well, what do you think about this? I'd still be in Los Angeles, you know, for stuff. But what if I did my show in Chicago. My wife loves it. I love the city. I love where we live. I'm twelve minutes to the Bulls games. I could literally have a life at night. I want to go to games. I want to go to concerts. I've given that up in my life, my whole life. I'm like eleven o'clock news guy and then morning radio guy. Enough already, I want to go to games at night, all.
Right, So listen I am and I know. I mean, this is gonna obviously be this is real news. It's going to be aggregated. I don't really feel totally comfortable, but that's fine.
Here's what I would say. You're Colin Coward and you just turned sixty. You kind of do whatever you want like that.
You're you're in a spot where you are able to be like, hey, this is these are the parameters under which I you know that this makes sense for me? No hard feelings in any direction, like that's that is what you know? I the I again, I don't want to. I'm going to bring up someone who I have massive respect for and has been incredibly kind to me, even though we've never actually met in person. I don't know what all went into SVP getting the studio in the DC area, right, but I'm sure it was something along the lines of I'm SVP and this is.
What I want. You know what I mean, and it makes sense. I'm a I'm a performer, you know what I mean. I produce for you. This makes my life better, So let's find way to make it work for me. The biggest winner. Yeah, go ahead.
Sean Hannity doing a show from Naples half the time, guys are doing it from Long Island. Tucker Carlson was in Maine for the record. Fox has been great. iHeartRadio, but that they don't have a problem with it. But I I like l A and I'd still be here for a lot of you know, during the football season, especially especially in January February, and find myself here at.
Yeah, the fall there.
But the second the biggest winner of this, if it were to happen, is Ann Yes, your wife. The second biggest winner I think is new friend of the podcast Danny Parkins. You know what I mean, You're down the street, I I mean j mack hot seat coming up, Like that's a.
I mean, that's a real I mean, you're just right there.
But that would be I mean, listen, I think that's I think that's fascinating. I obviously I heard you talk about getting season tickets and that kind of struck me. I was, like, you live in LA But I also know, just from knowing you personally and talking to you that your I mean, your wife seemed to spend a lot of time in Utah and Chicago, so you know what I mean, unless she had a warrant in California.
It didn't make a ton of sense that you know it.
Well, you get to a point where and I've and this is one of the reasons I created this company. Is if if things didn't work out, if like I couldn't come to an agreement the next day, I'm fine. You know, Tucker Carlson leaves, he didn't have a company. I can talk for hours about any subject I want to. And so you know, this is something I've I've thought a lot about, I've talked a lot about. Is I'm sixty years old. I've done really well for myself. I've been smart with my money. I have given up for years. I did the eleven o'clock news, and you know, you give up a lot, and then all of a sudden, it's like now I do morning stuff. I would like to go to more. Like I had to take a big nap this afternoon because I'm going to the Warriors Lakers. I'll have to take a sleeping pill. This is on myself out tonight. And I found when I go to Chicago and then I have a blast. We're going out every single night doing fun stuff.
And so the the well, I mean, the other element is and this is where you know, shout out to U Skip, who's done this schedule for forever. Yeah, the super early mornings, but I you know, I did the super super early mornings in New York up until eighteen months ago, and before that, I did morning radio in Houston. And that the it's yes, waking up sucks, like everybody knows waking up sucks. Whatever, But so what, that's not really the problem. The problem is what you're alluding to, which is the lack of thing, the stuff you can't do at night. Yeah, that you want to be able to do, you know what I mean, the the the friends dinners, you know what I mean that you know are going late and people are drinking wine and you're like, I don't you know, I can't make that or I can't make that happen. And certainly the NBA games, Like it's when I was doing mornings, people would ask me all the time, like how are you able to watch the games? And I'm like, well, watching the games is not that hard because I'm laying in bed. Yeah, Like you know what I mean, I'm laying in bed watching the game, and the moment it's over, I can be asleep within thirty seconds.
Really, you know what I mean.
If it's a late night West Coast Lakers game and I'm in New York when I'm doing mornings and I gotta be up at four am or back then I had to be up at three thirty, I just fall asleep, get three hours of sleep and.
Then taken half at the urd of the day. But you can't do is go What.
You can't do is go to anything late because then it's another all of it. So yeah, I get that. I mean that that'd be I mean, that's unbelievable. And like the NBA this time of year, it is so excited.
Oh it's great.
And being and being there is great and being I know that, you know you're and like's life, music and events and things like that.
We went to by the way, I'll send you the clip. Pretty cool. So we went to.
Me and my wife and my older daughter went to see Drake and Lil Wayne at the Prudential Center in Newark Friday night, and Lil Wayne threw FS one and I've become very good friends. And when he took the stage, when he took the stage, the first words out of his mouth were a shout out to Nick Wright and his family. Thanks for being here, and that's the greatest rapper arguably to ever live, shouting at my daughter almost passed out, and then after the concert got to see him. But that type of thing, if I was doing mornings, if it wasn't on a Friday night, I just couldn't have gone. You know what I mean, we were back home. It wasn't even that late of a night, like we were back home at midnight. But I couldn't have done that when I was doing mornings unless it happened to me on a Friday or Saturday.
So I understand that entirely.
Yeah, I think it's in for the record. I love LA, I've got my friends here. It's not like I'd abandoned like you know, I know that I really like so many things. I got. My daughter lives here, my stepson's there's a lot here I like. But it is when you get older and you established things. Podcasting Nick to me has been I'm not a podcaster. I'm a broadcaster who can do a podcast, but I don't consider myself a podcaster. But I will say one of the great things about the volume is I don't need marketing dollars. I don't need real estate as I can do it wherever I want. I'm in a tiny little room right now in my house. I don't watch other podcasters, but outside of a Joe Rogan, most people don't have a studio. They're in their house. Nobody cares. This is an audio business, and so the.
Yeah, like I don't know where, Like I don't know where uh where, I mean, I don't know for certain where Shannon does the night camp, but I would bet anything he has built out. You know, he has used a room in his house for a studio and he walks down the hall and does that, you know what I mean. And then he's and it looks great, it looks professional, it looks awesome.
But he doesn't have to go somewhere to.
Do it, which is I mean, I don't know if people want to tell now I'm in my office. Hence the penance on the back.
Yeah, no, Shannon, Shannon walks right down in his place to do that. And you know that that That's one of the things that when Shannon left f S one and came over, I said, listen, this is going to be an easier life. It'll be a really fun life. Is that I'm not really a helicopter boss, go entertain America. I'll find you staff, help elevate the show. And you know, he did a great job. He was a big fan of O Joe and Gilbert Arenas. They've been great with him. But and he had real connections there, and he had good instincts, very good broadcasting instincts. But that I think that that is one of the things that I've thought about continually is that this is there are certain cultures that change as you age in all industries. And you know, like I'm a big believer in the four day work week. I'm a big believer in Barry Diller, one of the smartest guys in the history of media, is a big believer in we are moving to four days a week and Friday is flexible that you don't really have to come in on Fridays. You can zoom that people you know, people now are going to if you don't offer that, they're going to move to companies that do. And young people have so much mobility now, and like I'll give you an example in Los Angeles, it's virtually impossible for talented young people both making eighty ninety one hundred a year to buy a house and not have to drive an hour and a half to work. Well, what if those at the volume, I've allowed people to go live in Charlotte, go live in Chicago. My CEO lives in Della or New Hampshire. So the reality is the quality of people that I've accumulated at the volume because they're allowed to live anywhere. I mean, I could go to any company and poach people and say, four days a week during the football season, Sunday and Monday are actually huge huge. Saturday is kind of big, Thursday, Friday. Arn't you make your schedule. You just got to work Sunday. And it's remarkable the quality of people you can find, Like our staff is full of like incredibly talented people.
Well, and and that is something I don't know enough about corporate America because I've never had like a real job to know how this is gonna, you know, play out over the next fifteen to twenty years.
But there is the being able to.
Draw from as wide of a field as possible, because it's not you're not only drawing from your geographical region where people can get, you know, within a sixty minute drive to your office space. You would have to think that the most flexible as far as the wider net you have is I can hire anyone in the country because there is no specific place they have to get to every day truck, you would be able to find the most talented people as opposed to I can only hire people around my geographic footprint.
That's just obvious.
Yeah, I mean, that's why I would argue hockey, baseball, and basketball are so talented now because they're not domestic. Football is really American, our classic football is you know, the pads, it's I mean, this labyrinth of college programs feeding it. It's just different. You know, Canada doesn't have that, Europe doesn't have sort of our collegiate system. But once you can go global and get people, it's remarkable to the volume. I've got people in Sarasota, in New Hampshire and Delaware. We have six people on these calls. I don't even know where they live. I think one lives in Los Angeles. You're right now in New York.
I'm in New York.
Yeah, and I'm in a closet at my house.
It's amazing.
The So you think that Chicago takes going to aggregate.
I know what's going to I don't.
I don't go on those sites. So can you send it to me when it happens?
Well, I listened. I'm sure someone one of your producers will. I mean, can you guys just blur my face when we're talking about what if? What if?
Though? Think about this possibility? What if I just I just left broadcasting and just did this. Do you think I'd be as happy if I just did the volume? I talked to friends, I did this. I did ninety minutes a day with JAMAC, maybe two hours a day, and I didn't really do the broadcasting and I just did this.
Wait, hold on what you just said. You did ninety minutes a day with JAMAC. That's what is that?
The volume?
And we do a show but I got two hours a day.
Oh, I get it.
I understand. No, I don't think you'd be as happy. I think that you want to. I think there is I think you would at some point feel not as in it you feel right now.
Even if media's changed and all these things.
I get it, like there is an element of for anyway, and maybe for younger people than us. It's different, and I honestly you know we're not the same age, but we are, even though we're different generations where something too.
I'm on fucking TV every day.
And yeah, I know media has changed, so I don't know. I don't, but I mean you would. I don't think you'd be unhappy, but I don't know if you'd be as handy.
I will tell you.
Maybe I'm being selfish because I would be sad. I would be sadder if you would. If we weren't working in the same place.
You would be sadder. Will you'd be with me once a week on this thing?
Yeah? I understand, but it's still not like I like that your show leads into my show.
I like that. How about this? Anna always makes fun of me when I because I compartmentalized stuff, I said, And do you understand I get free parking and free coffee it focks and a smoothie when I leave every day. I get like twelve grand a year. And my wife is like, that's the stupidest shit I've ever heard of my life. And I'm like, do you understand the ease? Like I told one time, I told a broadcaster I knew, I said.
Free shirts too.
Yeah, And I told a broadcaster, I said, you know, the makeup ladies come in and they kind of a little bit of a three minute heir massage and they kind of just kind of get you ready, And I said, I'm not getting that on a podcast. I'm not getting that.
No, you're not. And well, if you are, you got to hire them. You gotta do you gotta do all of that.
That's an HR nightmare, right, you.
Don't want to. You don't have to hire.
No, you don't want to.
I don't know if these this last three minutes. I assume this is not for the pod.
Uh, Colin, enjoy the game. Tell your buddy Draymond. You know, I'm not sorry for the things I said on television today, but I understand why he might not have liked.
He's offended people a few times. But thanks so much for listening. If you've enjoyed the podcast, take a moment rate and review