Third hour of Clan and Buck kicks off right now, and we have our friend Stevid Miller with us. He is the founder of America First Legal, a former senior advisor in the Trump White House, and a vary astute and wise fellow. Mister Miller, good to have you back.
Thank you appreciate the introduction.
So we have some big stuff going on at the border, or continuously happening at the border, as in it's the most wide open that it has ever been, the most lawless.
It's a massive problem.
If you look at the polling for Biden the Democrats going into twenty twenty four, and former President Trump has put out some pretty big ideas and I know you've been amplifying them for what he would do in his second term. Can you take us through some of those because I'm seeing talk of widespread deportations, for example, and I'm a very serious escalation in that. How would that work? Can we get it done?
Yes? We can, And here's exactly how it would work. So the way that interior enforcement works right now, well underbidom does not even happening at all. But the way it works historically is you have targeted enforcement actions focusing on specific high priority individuals, So you work up specific packages against specific people and then you case them and you follow them around and you carry out the arrest you would need to, which would involve a massive increase in personnel, in evolving the National Guard, involving DEA atf FBI, state local and sheriffs as well too. You would need to switch to indiscriminate or large scale enforcement activities, basically going into any place where there's no congregations of illegals and holding everybody on site, determining who's there illegally, and then taking people who are there illegally into federal detention. Part here to understand, and of course you would still continue to do all of the targeted enforcement as well. It would be an end not an ore. The key part though, to actually being able to effectuate the removals is to have large scale detention facilities to carry out the removals, because this isn't like when Eisenhower did it in the nineteen fifties when it was a strictly bilateral problem. Two countries were involved, the United States and Mexico. That was it. So logistically it's pretty simple, right, where's everybody going. They're going to Mexico. Now, if you were to do a hypothetical raid at say a food processing facility, you might get illegal aliens from two dozen different countries, and each one of those illegal aliens has a different complicated fact pattern in terms of do they have a US citizens spouse, do they have a US citizen child, do they have some pending of filing applications, so on and so forth, And so you need to be able to then take all these individuals into an interior staging facility to be able to then line up get the deportation order, and then line up the flight out of the country. So to achieve efficiency at scale, the way this would work is you try to co locate everybody in massive facilities, probably near your existing border infrastructure. So you would go to where you have your border patrol facilities, and this way you'd be able to say okay. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are our flight's back to the Northern Triangle. Every Tuesday and Thursday are our flights to South America. Every Saturday and Sunday are our flights to Africa. Right once a week we do a flight to India. Once a week we do a flight to China, so on and so forth, and that way, as you're getting people who've been here for different lengths of time and different factional circumstances and everything else. When their case ends, whether it be in an hour or a week, but it ends, there'll be a plane ready and fooled up and are ready to go and take them home. The only detail I'll add to this, and I could obviously talk about it for an hour, but is that President Trump has also said that he would invoke a statute that's been on the books since the John Adams administration, which allows you to deport any alien aged fourteen or older without due process if there's a declared state of incursion, a predatory incursion, or invasion from that country. So this is an extremely powerful tool that waives due process, whether it's a state of invasion or a state of a quote predatory incursion. And obviously under Biden, there is now multiple countries with invasions and predatory incursions into the United States, and so that would be an additional authority that you'd be able to use to expedite these removals.
Stephen, you know the border better than I would bet almost anybody in the country. In terms of how to handle the situation there. You obviously be very highly involved in any Trump administration twenty twenty four. Obviously, the polls out there look incredible right now for Trump. He's up in basically every single national poll I've seen. We've all discussed in great detail how well he's doing in swing states. We consistently, however, get emails from people out there who say, it doesn't matter, the Democrats are going to rig the system again. How confident are you, again you're plugged in as well as anybody, that the voting systems are going to be cleaner and more reliable in twenty twenty four than they were in twenty twenty, or are you confident in that? That's I would say, I bet Buck would agree. One of the number one questions we get about the twenty twenty four election, is it going to be safer in more secure by far than twenty twenty. What's happened to change that? How would you assess and answer that question?
Well, there's obviously some red states that have implemented important election reforms, and that's something that we should all celebrate. But it's still the wild West, as we know, in so many blue states like Nevada, for example. But number one, this is going to be this is going to be a forever problem. Right, So people need to internalize the fact that as long as there are radical leftists in this country, they are going to try to sabotage the machinery of our elections in any state they can control. And even if you fix things, you know, one you're like to fix things in Pennsylvania, right, Well, eventually they'll take control again in Pennsylvania and they'll destroy it all over again. And so you have to do two things, and this is these are two things that President Trump is absolutely committed that you're doing. Number One is you have to build a world class ballot harvesting operation to try to and this is an expression we've known for many years, right, you have to try to beat the cheap you have to overcome the margin of fraud that you're going to do anticipate. And then the second thing that you have to do is obviously put together a world class legal team so that when the time comes for election challenges that you're in their hearts. You're in there early, you're in there aggressively. But the reality is is that this is going to be a permanent, forever problem. And so there's no way of pretending that you could choose some other course or choose some other tax and you're not going to have to deal with this. The reality is is that it's going to keep happening, is going to continue happening. And the answer for the Republican Party is, everywhere you can fix the election laws, you fix them, and everywhere you can't, again like Nevada, where it really is the wild West, and there's no way to fix them in Nevada because of the composition of the legislature and the governor's office. Then you just have to fight fire with fire, and you have to drop box and you have to ballot harpers, and you have to do all of that, and with such a sophistication and the degree of financing that again that you beat the cheap And the reality is that the President Trump is the best positioned candidate by orders of magnitude to be able to bring out the millions with an m the millions of voters that are the gold mine in ballot harvesting, and those are voters that are known as low propensity, high affinity, in other words, voters that are very unlikely to vote, but totally love you. That is how you win elections with ballot harvesting is before election day, collecting millions and millions of ballots from the voters who love you, but almost never a vote. That's the key. Right there, we're speaking.
To Steven Miller of America First Legal, and Steven, I want to give you this opportunity to uh wish President Biden a happy birthday.
He's eighty one today.
And a little bit more seriously, if you would just tell us where do you come down on all this? Because you've got all this chatter from a lot of Democrats about how there has to be a plan b and I just sit here and I keep asking, Okay, well what would the plan be be?
They don't have it. There's no there's no safe landing spot for them, and any notion there's an easy way to force Biden out and then force Kamala Harris out and then nominate some other Democrat. The datas are taking by, the months are taking by. There's no clean removal operation available to anything or anybody at this point in time. So they are screwed no matter how you look at it. And we all hear about this, this Gavin Newsom fantasy, which again involves convincing Joe Biden to give up the one thing that he's coveted for his entire adult life above anything and everything else, and then to convince Kamala Harris to become maybe there's some other historical president, I can't think of it, at least the first vice president in memory, just to completely bow out because she's loathed and hated by voters, and then to install Gavin Newsom, who would have to run defending the California record at a time in which those issues are front and center in America's minds, in terms of crime, in terms of education, in terms of the cost of living. I mean, it would just be a calamity for Democrats because everybody intuitive the understands the California has gone to hell, that Los Angeles has gone to hell, and so on, and so I think that they're just trapped. They have a candidate whose mind is flipping away by the day, who can barely even function, and there is no way at all they have They have only two poison chiles as to Jews from Biden or the most complicated candidate replacement operation in the history and both are completely at this point calamitous for Democrats.
Steven Miller with us right now, Stephen, where do you stand on picking people up.
At the airport.
In terms of if.
A heart do you think we had a big debate about this as a holiday season? Let me set let me set the tables for you. It's a holiday season. I'm gonna be one of the biggest.
I thought you're asking me how I feel about picking illegal aliens up at the airport, and I think I'm strongly opposed to that. I love that we discouraged that.
Uh So, Buck and I are of the opinion that holiday travel, it is a disaster to try to drive to an airport to pick someone up, right like the coming in for the holiday or whatever. Get an uber, get a lift, manage to not have to add a.
Person should be asking anyone to pick them up at the airport as a general matter. So number one is a person you should never be known as the person who picks up people at the airport. I haven't picked up anybody but my immediate nuclear family at the airport basically in my entire life. Like you're my wife or my children, I'm not picking you up at the airport. The only exception to that that I've ever made, which I would advise any intelligent man to make, would be for my and loss. But that would be it. But you don't want to be known as a mark that's going around to pick people up at the airport. Let alone with the holidays, there's one hundred different ways to get to drive from the airport home at this point in time, so I'm strongly opposed to it. But again there's reasonable exceptions in the interest of welfare in the home. And obviously if you're interellocked me to ride to the airport, you're just gonna have to suck it up and do it.
This is I knew that you would have a totally logical analysis here, because much of what you do is completely logical from a political perspective.
You're on the right team here. Like this whole idea of driving.
People to the airport and picking people up is it's really just become an infestation in its own.
Like nineteen seventy nine, Why is anybody in your twenty twenty three asking anybody to help them get to and from the airport, Like this is a novel experiment that we don't know how to get to and from the airport on our own. I mean, I suppose if you lived in like deep deep deep out on the country and there is just no possible way, that's different. But if you're living in or around or near any kind of major city, you need to be getting yourself to and from the airport. And there's something wrong with you if you're putting that kind of pressure on your friends, if you're saying, like, hey, I'm coming on Christmas Eve, if you completely drop everything you're doing and drive an hours of traffic to pick me up at the airport, and then wait in line for forty five minutes and then get told by people in yellow and orange bass every five minutes that you need to move. You're gonna get toured, You're gonna get ticketed. Who's asking anybody to do that.
It's so well said. Happy Thanksgiving to you. We'll talk to you again soon.
Steven, Happy Thanksgiving Godlass.
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Play Travis and Buck Sexton on the Front Lines of Truth.
Welcome back in Clay Travis Buck Sexton Show. Maybe early to make this pronouncement, Buck, but I have found myself watching occasionally SNL skits that's Saturday Night Live skits, and it seems to me that they have started to mock and ridicule things on the left in a way that they did not do for years and years. Now, part of me thinks this is probably just market based. They're probably getting data showing that their audience has declined and that they're no longer appealing to both sides of the political aisle. But they had Jason Momoa over the weekend, the guy who plays Aquaman as probably that's the most best known role. I would guess Kyl Drogo in Game of Thrones. Yes, yes, also really good in Game of Thrones. If you don't know him, your wife or girlfriend probably do. But he's a big guy, he's good looking guy. He was guest hosting and they did a mock sports documentary on men versus Women in tennis, with him playing a male tennis star competing in a battle of the sexes against a woman. Now, partly I would encourage you to watch it. It's pretty ridiculous, but I think we have some audio. Effectively, what you end up with is the male tennis player decapitates the female tennis player because he's so much big, stronger, and faster than the woman.
Listen, all eyes are on the Houston Astronome tonight to witness this historic man. Man here comes the first served.
We should have seen it coming.
He was three hundred pounds of pure muscle, and she was one of the lowest ranked female players at the time.
It did, I ruin it for women? You all right, there's a hole in her stomach.
Man, So the first to serve goes through her entire body and leaves a hole in her stomach.
Spoiler alert.
The second one decapitates her, and again it's done in a mockumentary style, as if it is a documentary that is being shown on Netflix.
I believe buck. Is this an encouraging.
Sign that suddenly all at least some of the left's holy grails are being ridiculed or is it a false faint? And when Trump is the nominee, they'll go back to, oh he's Hitler and there's no humor. It's just propaganda all over again.
I wish I.
Could say it was the former, but I think it's probably the latter. I don't think that they can give up, and they will only give up on the trends agenda as it pertains to sports when there's some other manufactured social justice crusade they could replace it with or that they could shift their focus to. So until that happens, or unless that happens, I think at best you get temporary detente with the radical left on this stuff.
They're still not going full south Park, And I mean, I don't think you guys can correct me if I'm wrong. That south that SNL has made fun of the idea of a man being a women's champion, with the macho man Randy Savage south Park being the best possible example of this. It's such low hanging, but I thought this was a step in.
The right direction.
It's definitely a step in the right direction, and they're actually doing some funny sketches these days. Nate BERGATZI was amazing. Yeah, it was fantastic. You worked hard to build your retirement savings. You deserve an investment that delivers consistent returns without compromising your financial security. Phoenix Capital Group wants to help fuel your growth. You can invest in their corporate bonds through your four oh one K and IRA to start earning tax deferred annual returns ranging from nine to thirteen percent. There are multiple options at different rates and terms to choose from. Phoenix Capital Group is providing investors a new high yield option investing in domestic energy assets. Start earning these high yields and learn more about multiple offerings today at phx on air dot com. Learn more by downloading their free investment packet. At phx on air dot com, you can diversify your investments and earn nine to thirteen percent annual interest. Before making investment decisions, you should carefully consider and review all risks involved. Visit phx on air dot com today.
Klay, Travis and Buck Sexton on the front lines of truth.
I want to switch gears here for second. Clay, I just I just think this is really interesting. People are paying some attention to this. I know Tucker did an interview with this guy recently, but there's a a new president in Argentina, Javier Millay, who is a self described anarcho capitalist. This guy is a fifty three year old congressman in Argentina and he's he was a TV pundit and got a lot of don't get any ideas. Clay got a lot of public support for his punditry and then decided to take it into politics.
The next the next level.
And this guy, look, he's interesting, he's got kind of a very unique look. It's been described. It's described here in the Wall Street Journal right up as wolverine like side burns. He is a big Milton Friedman fan. This guy has five English Mastiffs. By the way, I don't know how I've got an adorable little nine pound puppy and carry and I are just you know, this thing is taken over our lives day to day. Five English mastiffs. Those things are huge anyway, four of whom are cloned and named after free market economists. He's studying to convert to Judaism. He opposes abortion. He wants to create a market. He's a free market guy, he said. He said he would support creating a market to buy and sell organs. Doesn't believe climate change. Is man made a former frontman for a rock band, a backup goalie for a local.
Professional soccer team.
I mean, I gotta say this guy is it's just really he's really interesting.
So just that's one of this is.
Now he's sort of entering and they're calling him fall right and a trumpest kind of guy and all this stuff.
Entering the conversation.
In a way that I think we may be hearing more about this guy, but me Lay he also by he says like leftists are disgusting and and he wants to get rid of all these government agencies and leftists are are atrocious, and he's I mean, he's taken big swings at the communists all over the place. But Clay, Argentina used to be a wealthy country. Yeah, you know, a long time ago. Argentina was a wealthy country. And it's a have you ever been beautiful?
I would love to god. I've never been to Latin America period. I mean Costa Rica if you want to count that. That's as far south as I lived in the Caribbean. But that's as far south as I've been Argentine. I went a few years ago, just for a quick stopover a couple of days. But Argentina is a beautiful country with really, you know, with a lot going for it. I feel like I'm describing a friend who's on the dating set. It's got a lot going for it, but it really does. Argentina, unfortunately, is at one hundred and forty percent inflation, Clay. And here's the thing, here's what you're gonna see right now. This is why it matters to one. I just think this.
Guy is a fascinating political figure. You know, it's just interesting to see his rise. You're seeing more of this two outsiders with media savvy and you know, unique background. Bryce Johnson, I mean, honestly too would fit into this category from England, right.
Like he went to Eton or something.
I mean, he's kind of like but he's got the wacky hair and like four wives and like remember he had like kids coming in They don't even know how many kids he had, like, but there's kind of that eccentric you know, like sort of ruppled professor.
Look. That seems similar to this Argentinian guy.
And there was that guy Berlusconi in Italy who was quite all he was very Trumpian. So so there's a number of you know, you see these people rising. And I think Finland, not that we spend a lot of time on Finnish politics here, but I think they just elected their most hard right government ever. And there's a couple of other countries in Europe I can't think off the top I had that have moved significantly right in the last year or so in their elections and how they're doing things anyway, what's so interesting to me? Clay is the left in this country obviously hates this guy. They hate me lay right already, they're trying to trash him. He's trump everything else. The economy of Argentina has been destroyed, just like the economy of Venezuela has been destroyed, just like the economy and really the you know, social structures and everything of most Latin American countries. Let's be honest. I'm here in South Florida. People will tell you the truth about if you ask them what happened in Cuba, what happened in Venezuela, What's happened in Central America, what's happening right now in Colombia?
Why does Brazil have? You know, a lot of the problems that has.
Socialism is economic cancer. Socialism destroys, it destroys Latin American economies, It's destroyed quality of life. And finally, at least in Argentina, which has there's no excuse for what a mess that place is. People are recognizing he won by a pretty big margin. Let's stop doing the socialism thing and see if maybe we can get something else going on.
I also think there's a sense, and you can feel it percolating everywhere that many people just want to preserve.
Their country's culture.
And I think, certainly in Europe, in the wake of what's happened in Israel, a lot of people are looking around and saying, wait a minute, look at all these people who are coming out and supporting Hamas and Palestine in our country. Are we starting to undercut what has made our country uniquely successful? Because the idea is, Okay, everybody comes to the United States and they assimilate, and we're a great melting pot, for instance. That is the argument in favor of mass immigration. And the problem is the Democrats now are saying, no, no, no, the melting pot is racist. We want you to continue to be a member of what I've ever identity you are as you come into this country. And so I think there's a lot of people rejecting and repudiating that idea that comes from identity politics and saying, wait a minute, what is the cultural identity of the country. I also think you build on this buck there is an analogy out there that, much as Brexit, which happened in twenty fifteen, presaged in many ways the Donald Trump election in twenty sixteen, people are now looking and look, you can look in different countries and take different lessons depending on what's going on. But I'm seeing circulating on social media oh much as Brexit pressage, the rise of Trump and sixteen and sort of that tidal wave of disruption that this guy's election, this sort of rumpled outsider in Argentina is now a forerunner to the return of Donald Trump in the United States. To what extent you can take lessons from foreign elections, I think is difficult, but that analogy is already being drawn.
It's just interesting as well to see how the left wing intelligentsia or so called intelligencia in this country immediately, I mean they they are people of deep affinity with socialism and so called social justice. I mean, that's somehow we live in the the capitalist you know, the ultimate capitalist country.
I know you could say, oh, we have a lot of ways in which we.
Fall short of this ideal, but you know, we are the capitalist engine of the of the global economy if there's.
No other place. Right.
And yet are elites, including those who do economic reporting, are all really sympathetic to socialism. I mean not all, but overwhelmingly they're sympathetic to socialism. And we sit here, go what is wrong with these people, Like, what do they not see? Latin America has been devas devastated for decades by socialist idiocy. It has it destroyed Venezuela, it has it has destroyed Argentina. I mean, you get on the list and it's not like it's it's you know, oh, that's just our opinion on some of this stuff. Clay, the art Argentine Paeso has lost ninety percent of its value against the dollar. I mean, imagine, if you've been working, you're trying to save money as an Argentinian businessman or whatever, your money has lost ninety percent of its value visa via the dollar. To give you a sense of your purchasing power, what's going? How could there be a bigger That level of inflation, that level of economic devastation, destroys countries, destroys futures, destroys people's.
Hopes and dreams.
And you have this new guy who comes in who's like, let's let's try something different, let's address it. And in our country, people who are being paid you know, half a million, two million, whatever dollars a year to go on TV and talk about economics.
Look, this guy's Trumpian he's going to run the economy into the ground.
Well, you know better than most in Miami because they've driven up property values to such an extent. How do you handle a collapsing country economy. You get as many of your dollars out of that country and you put it into hard physical assets in the United States as you can, which is why so many wealthy people in Latin America own property in South Florida, because they at least feel like that is not going to get completely wiped out. It's a flight to safety.
And you're right.
I think it's incredibly important for anyone out there who wants to lead this country to have had to at some point work in a capitalistic system where you understand what it means to have to make a profit or you have to fire people, because in our government and a lot of people out there, if you work in government related jobs, you don't understand the concept of having to run an efficient business and that there is a requirement of profit in order to hire. And that's why we have I think, frankly, why we have a thirty three trillion dollar debt now is because a lot of people who have never balanced a budget in their entire life, suddenly get given control of the federal government, and they don't understand the concept of how profit and loss even works because they've never had to reconcile with it at any point in their life.
It's just so depressing to see how often it's really about human psychology and mass psychology. But if you look at if you look at what's happened in Venezuela, if you look at what's which people like to point out this factoid that it has the largest proven oil reserves in the world, larger than Saudi Arabia, and yet it somehow is just economically devastated. You can't even the whole country has been ruined. Effectively, it's turned into a giant, you know, exit platform for refugees, including into into Miami here where I am. But Clay, with all with all these things that go on, with all of that that we've seen that all it really takes is play on people's uh, play on people's envy, and play on people's fear, and you can get them to do anything you want. Right you tell you tell them, oh, you're not gonna be able to You're not gonna be able to make it. You're not gonna be able to get it done. And it's those other people that are the reason why. If they just paid their fare share, or if those you know, industrialists, or those bankers or those capital owners or whatever, if you just put me in power and put me in charge and let me do what I want to them, you'd have free healthcare, you'd have free schooling. Everything would be great. Your house price would come down. Everything you know or your housing prices would come down. It's a lie, yes, but people don't understand economics. They understand envy, and they understand fear.
It's a lie sold by people who don't understand economics mostly, but the people who do and sell it really make me sick, because if you haven't laid in bed at some point running a small business and worried about the state of your business and payroll and the fact that you're trying to make sure that all of your employees can pay their mortgages and can pay for their kids schooling and everything else, I don't want you, frankly, running the country because I don't think you've experienced what you should have experienced in the economics sphere to understand it.
I really you see Joe Biden. I'm trying to see what the number is from his official account. It's not Joe Biden, it's his team, but he shared something out that says that basically Biden has created the most jobs.
Here I've got in front of me.
To your point about not running a business and not knowing anything, yeah, Biden claims to have created in the first three years about fourteen million jobs. Oh yeah, and according to this, according to this thing that they shared, you know, Reagan created four hundred and eighty thousand jobs. So fourteen million jobs is what he says. Is they're counting the jobs that started again when they stopped lockdowns. Yes, as jobs created. I mean, this would be like if I walked up to a building and I said, hey, everybody out, I'm gonna light it on fire, and then okay, you can go back, you know, the next day and be like I just created jobs. You didn't create jobs, you just stop destroying jobs. I'm not sure what the latest number is. Maybe we can look this up. I think the percentage of people who are working has only now maybe reach what it was in February of twenty twenty under Donald Trump.
In other words, if we had an honest accounting Buck. The percentage of adults out there working in the economy peaked in like February of twenty twenty with Donald Trump, and I think we're just now, maybe in the fourth year, about to be of Joe Biden back to where we were when we started the lockdowns over three years ago.
Bidenomics. Everybody, maybe you know, maybe they could use him down in Latin America because he would do it the same way if he could. Every year at this time, I'm always remembered how eager the team is at Legacy Box to help families in this audience. Legacy Box is the company in Tennessee that's helped more than a million families restore memories on tape and film to digital files that are just one click away from watching and enjoying and sharing.
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What more, Clay and Buckday you did int here on the show.
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In final segment of the week, Buck sexman who is off for Thanksgiving, And I thought I would serenade you Buck with Iowa drama.
Nicky Haley out campaigning.
You never know what's gonna happen when you talk to a kid at a campaign event.
This just happened in Iowa.
I love your hat.
Thank you.
Sorry. That's New Hampshire.
And if you couldn't hear that very well, the little girl is wearing a Nicky Haley hat. Nicki Haley says, I love your hat, and the little girl immediately says, thank you, one of your guys gave it to me for free. So out of the out of the mouths of babes Buck, you never know what's what the truth is gonna be.
Must be a bit of a vake plant in the audience. There that nine year old the vake hatter, trained and ready to go.
We've got a ton of people reacting to our airport travel.
We're right, I.
Understand people out there like I love hanging out at the airport for sixteen straight hours waiting to see whether or not somebody's to show up or not.
Uber exists for a reason. Use it.
Caleb in Fresno wants to wants to start a ruckus.
What's up? Caleb? Hello, you're you're on air. We're hearing you. What's going on?
All right?
Man? Hey?
I wanted to go at it from an angle of relationships. So this is actually come from a family that's pretty big on taking people to the airport, and I didn't even know that wasn't a thing until I got married. And my wife is definitely on your side of things.
I remember my first trip with an airport when we were first married. She looked at me sideways when I assumed that she would be picking me up from the airport. So I can not tell you how much benefit I've seen from the time spend in the car ride back from the airport or to the airport with people in the are, whether it's an acquaintance or direct family, you can go into the airport.
So I I'm gonna give you a Q quick counterport. Thank you Caleb for calling in. See Clay, When I'm forced to go pick someone up at the airport and I don't want to, you know what it does to my relationship with that person. I start when I'm stuck in that traffic. I start pounding that wheel with my fist. I start saying things that I cannot say on radio because of the FCC. Yeah, I get frustrated.
I don't there are lots of places where you can have conversations. I don't know that it's necessary at the car right to the airport. And again, everybody that goes to the airport that is unnecessarily at the airport makes it that much harder for the people that actually need to go to the airport. Because I guarantee you, when I go to the airport tonight to pick up my fifteen year old. The entire airport has all spilled onto the interstate, and I'm going to spend a ton of time trying to get to them, when if everybody just took an uber or certainly you can drive park yourself, the entire system would be far more efficient. I'm just trying to make American airports great again. It's all I'm trying.
It's time for you to get Clay Force one man, you know, start doing it that way.
Well, that's that's certainly a player.
Clay Travis and Buck Sexton on the front lines of truth.