Hour 2 - There Was No Insurrection

Published Dec 27, 2024, 8:10 PM
Mark Simone fills in for Clay & Buck. Could a crazy left-wing NYC jury let the United Healthcare CEO killer walk free? Netflix comedy special idolizes the assassin. The 2020 Democrat riots were much more destructive than anything on January 6th. Everyone in Silicon Valley is trying to make peace with Trump, with one big exception.

This is the Clay and Buck show.

Well, Clay Travis and Buck Sexton are out.

New York City's own Mark Simone is in Ah.

That's me. You can normally hear me on our big flagship here in New York seven to ten WR or on iHeart the iHeart app. Jeff Bezos is he the richest? No Elon must be the richest man in the world, but Jeff Bezos up there in the top five. You know what was he worth? One hundred and fifty billion, one hundred and sixty billion. He's getting married to that girlfriend of his word is he's going to spend six hundred million on the wedding. Now, Bezos has just put out a report absolutely denying that he's not going to spend six hundred million on the wedding. He said, it's absolutely not true. He will spend that much on the divorce. Actually, probably more than that. You know, if you got one hundred and fifty billion. He's marrying her in Colorado. He probably checked the laws in Colorado, California. It's like community property. She'd been she'd be entitled like seventy five billion, you know, isn't he He's already divorced once. Didn't give away like a twenty thirty billion in the first divorce. So he's getting married. Now, if you have that wealthy, if you're worth one hundred and fifty billion, how do you handle a wedding? He's got eight hundred people going on a Oh no, that's another way.


Now he's got hundreds of people coming to Aspen, Colorado. The wedding will take place at Kevin Costner's ranch, and it's going to be expensive because one of the things he wants to do, what do you do with your guests when they come to Aspen to come to your wedding? You get him a hotel room? Do you get him a suite? He's renting mansions, private mansions for each person. So this is what it's going to cost. A lot of money. Believe it or not. This is not the most expensive wedding in the world. Most expensive wedding in the world was I'm not even going to try to pronounce this guy's name, Russian oligarch and Russia Eiis. The wedding reportedly cost a billion dollars. A billion dollars. Now, how do you do that? Well, they had eight hundred people ceremony was in all these different places. Part of it was they took all eight hundred on a cruise. You have to have a cruise ship for eight hundred people. Their wedding took three days. Now a lot of the expense. They brought in a lot of stars to perform, like Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Katy Perry. Now when they do these private events, and they really don't want to have to go all the way to Russia wherever. So what they do is they charge triple the normal price. If normally they get a million two million a night, it's six million, it's eight million, it's ten million. Literally, so you hire three of those and then apparently brought in a lot of international stars that we wouldn't know all of this to get married and it's nothing compared to what the divorce again, we'll cost this guy. So the terrible shoe of the healthcare ceo what's the name of the company, United Healthcare, and the guy was the CEO and the nutty assassin, Luigi Mangioni apparently got all fired up about the healthcare industry and didn't know this guy and didn't know he never used the company, but he just decided to target him since it was the biggest healthcare company of all. He was the CEO. And we all know what happened, the assassination, and it took place right outside our window, right over there, right over there. In fact, he escaped on an electric bike that he had in a bike rack right in front of our doorway here at iHeart. In fact, somebody that worked here actually went. I happened to walk out then and saw him that moment. So it's a frightening situation. Now I don't understand why, Well I guess I do. The crazy woke Democrats have made this guy into some kind of folk hero. If you were watching Saturday Night Live when they do that fake newscast, they were doing all the different stories and when they said Luigi Mangioni, the audience applauded, applauded him on Saturday Night Live. They're actually worried here in New York if they try him with a crazy New York jury, that they could acquit this guy, crazy woke, left wing New York jury. You never know what will happen. Now there's a comedian Tim Dillon who's on a Netflix roast and he's already doing a routine about the CEO that was assassinated, Brian Thompson. He comes out pretending to be him, playing him, making fun of him, making fun of him, and again it's a you know, a left wing roast Netflix, and the audience is laughing at this. Never seen this before. An assassin becomes some sort of folk hero. Yeah, comedians can make jokes. I mean, I've seen it happen. Where As they say, too soon, but you know, twenty years later you could make a joke about Lee Harvey Oswald, but two weeks later, I've never seen anything like that. Ever. Hey, we'll take some calls. Eight hundred two eight two two eight eight two is the number. Uh. You know the economists that you see in the left wing, the crazy democratic economists. The most famous is Paul Krugman in New York Times. They're all wrong, they're all nuts, they're left wing cooks. That's why when they wanted to go after Trump, they could quickly come up with a list. We have twelve Nobel Prize economists who say that Trump plan will make inflation go crazy. Well, if you look at these twelve Nobel Prize winners, they're all nuts, and they're all wrong all the time. Remember, the Nobel Prize is the most corrupt award of all. It's always given us some left wing kuk. Remember the Nobel Peace Prize is as corrupt as you can get. Remember Obama got it before he even took office, just getting elected. They gave him the Nobel Peace Prize. Hadn't even taken office yet. So if you're a George Bush and you and the Cold Old War nothing, you don't get a Nobel Price. If you're Ronald Reagan and and the Cold win nothing, you know, no peace price. But left wing democrat before even take office you get it. So Krugman is the nuttiest of them all. He's been wrong about everything. When Trump got elected, he wrote these massive pieces thing in twenty sixteen, the Trump was going to cause the biggest inflation ever. Of course, inflation went down to one point six percent, and it was a great economy. Biden comes in inflation what it hit at the top, like eight nine percent, Just a disastrous economy. Krugman, by the way, is retiring, Thank god, he's leaving. He's just written a huge piece in the New York Times about how great the Biden economy was, how it was a very very successful economy. Of course, even Democrats don't fall for this stuff anymore. They're starting to realize they've been lied to, in conned by their own news media, by CNN, by MSNBC, by the New York Times. They hate Trump, but when they watch hate Trump media, they wanted to at least be honest with them, tell us the real reasons against Trump. Don't make up stuff like he's all these fake at twenty twenty five project and the National Abortion and all these things that never even really existed, that Donald Trump. So Krugman just lying through his teeth, and it's a good way for him to go out lying, lying, lying. Hey, a lot of people are worried there's a secret plot in the Washington, DC swamp deep state democratic world. There's those sorts of rumors of a plot on how to stop Trump from taking office. Now, remember January sixth, The idea there was to disrupt the proceeding where they were going to certify the election. And that happens a lot in Congress. Remember the Kavanaugh hearings got stopped. The protesters just burst into the hearing room and you know, complete cho They had to stop the proceedings. It's happened a number of times. It's not that unusual. Now, in the case of January sixth, there was no insurrection. That's official now from Merrick Garland's Justice Department. They arrested anybody and everybody that came in there, and they charged him with everything, every single person that was in the Capitol. They hit him with every charge that could hit him with, and nobody was charged with insurrection. Nobody that day was charged with insurrection. So that means there was no insurrection. But they're going to try to come up with some little plot that Trump was involved in an insurrection and they're going to use that to avoid the certification on January sixth. Now, the other thing you got to watch out for, you know, when it comes to rioting, protesters getting out of control, rioting, trespassing. Democrats do it all the time. Remember twenty sixteen, twenty twenty, two hundred and seventy five, massive riots all over America. Republicans when they are very good at it, they do it once in a zillion years. And it's like January sixth, it wasn't much of anything. They just walked around the Capitol, got chased out in a couple of hours by the police and that was the end of it. It's not like the Democratic riots where thousands of cops ended up in the hospital, or cities burned down, or courthouses or police stations were burned the ground. Nothing like that on January sixth. But this time around, this January sixth, it's going to be the certification of Donald Trump. Who knows besides a plot to try to legally stop it, who knows what Democratic protesters are going to be up to. Hey, Donald Trump wants to get rid of daylight saving time. I mean make it permanent, not get rid of it. Make it permanent. I agree with them. It's crazy right now, Like if you're in New York, it gets a dark like four point thirty. It's insane. Daylight saving time year round. Originally it was created for the farmers that had something to do with the crops, but most farmings in China. Now there's not that much farming left in America, and it doesn't make any sense anymore. Keep daylight savings time, get rid of standard time. We don't in fact, you know what's at the clock two hours ahead. It might be better. He wants to buy Greenland. Now, if you watch the fake news, all you're going to hear is this is insane. Where did he come up with a crazy idea? What is he talking about buying Greenland? It's actually a democratic idea. Democrats have been pushing it for years. The first guy to push it was Harry Truman. Jimmy Carter tried like crazy, just wasn't a good enough negotiator. The reason you want to buy Greenland, it's just filled with two things, doesn't it. It's almost empty. There's no population, not much of a population, fifty six thousand people. It's a massive, massive piece of land. It's the would be the biggest amount of land we've ever purchased. And again, almost no population, tiny, tiny population. All it is the whole island Oil and minerals. It's got billions and billions and billions and billions of gallons of oil. It's got a ton of minerals. It's just filled with minerals that we need and oil we need be the greatest source of energy. Also, it's crucial as a military base for our defense. That's why China is trying to move in on Greenland. It's a crucial, crucial piece of real estate militarily defense wise. That's why we want it. Denmark owns it. We could buy it from them. The price people have said would be the price and be like one hundred and twenty billion, which is nothing. The oil the minerals would pay for that in a second. And if you paid one hundred and twenty billion, it would retire the entire debt of Denmark. So the problem is no present has been much of a negotiator. Trump best negotiator on Earth. He's the guy that could pull this off. This will be fascinating. Now Greenland says absolutely not for sale. Well that's negotiating. They want to get the price up. They want to get it to three hundred billion. But I think Trump will pull it off. It'll be a major accomplishment. Anyway. We'll take some calls in a minute. Eight hundred two eight two two eight eight two. Mark Simone here for Clay Travis and Buck Sexton.

News and politics, but also a little comic relief. Clay Travis and Buck Sexton. Find them on the free iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Hey, welcome back. It's Mark Simone here for Clay Travis and Buck Sexton the number eight hundred two eight two two eight eight two. Let's take some calls, Uh, whatever you want to talk about. Let me see here. Let's go to Chuck in the Virgin Islands. Hey, Mark, all are nobody on the beach? I hear music in the background. I hear wind music.

I'm on the beach.

Yep. Really, what's going on on that beach?

A lot of people swimming, airplanes landing. But I called you because I had a question about accountability for Alvin Bragg and these malicious prosecutions.

Alvin Bragg is this crazy left wing district attorney here in Manhattan, funded by George Soros, and he's the guy that lets all the nobody goes to jail, no bail, no jail. What do you want to say about him?

I'm just curious, what's going to happen after all these malicious prosecutions of Trump? What are going to happen to the people that did these things and caused these prosecutions.

Yeah, that's a very good question. Trump takes office and this Alvin Bragg was the guy that they wanted to get Trump, and they said, O that thing about the Zalvin Bragg, I don't think he's that good at district attorney. So from the Biden administration, they sent the top guy in the Justice Department, what's his name, Colangelo. They sent this guy Colangelo. He's like the number two to Merrick Garland in the Justice Department in Washington. That's a huge job. That's a big job. He left that came to New York to join this Alvin Bragg office as a little assistant. But he's the guy that ran the case against Trump. He's the guy that did the opening argument. He's the guy that questioned the witnesses. He was the guy running it for Joe Biden and Merrick Garland. And they know they went after Trump here in New York and they convicted him. Now he's not really convicted until he's sentenced. That hasn't happened yet. But our greatest legal scholars, Alan Dershowitz and others have actually said they've read the case, they've read the case one hundred times, and they cannot figure out what the crime is. They can't figure out what he's charged with. It's a completely preposterous, ridiculous case. Nobody's ever been charged with this in history. Now, what he did I'm trying to remember what was it. It was Stormy Daniels and he paid her hush money and had her sign a non disclosure. Now, the problem is, that's the most normal thing in the world business wise. Every business does it. Thirty million of those he signed every year by companies, corporations, and in almost every case it's a woman who says she was sexually harassed or something like that. NBC News has signed a lot of non disclosure agreements. Remember the Matt Lower case where they had to clean that up with all the women. They had to sign a lot of non disclosures, pay hush money. CNN has done it, CBS, Hey, I had to pay a ton of hush money and sign a lot of non disclosures over Less Moonvest, over Charlie Rose, over all the stuff that was. The DA's office has done it. They've had to sign non disclosures and pay hush money. So it's never ever been criminal. It was a completely fraudulent case. How do you do that? You get a crazy DA here in New York, you send a guy from the Biden administration to run it. You get a crazy left wing Trump hating judge. Same thing on the jury and that's how they did. Now can Trump overdo that? Well, I don't know. That's tough, That's very tough. The other thing, guys like Trump billionaires. One thing I've noticed, it's about all of them look backwards. Trump's not a retribution guy. He wouldn't prosecute Hillary. He's just they don't look in the review mirror and everything important is in front of them. They always tell you that they always look forward and never look backwards. So I think he'll probably let it go. But hear music playing. I mean he's gonna take a little break. It's Mark Simone here for Buck and Clay. Hey, make sure you follow me on Instagram, Mark Simone NYC at Instagram and Mark Simone n Y at Twitter, And of course you can listen to my show on the iHeart app. We got a lot to talk about. Don't go away. It's Mark Simone here for Clay Travis and Buck Sexton.

Clay Travis and Buck Sexton on the front Lines of Truth. We now return to Mark Simone from AM seven to ten w R in New York, sitting in for Clay and Buck.

No, actually I'm standing right now. I mean, what's all I said everything's built high here. You can stand up here. You sound better when you stand up. You see, you can walk around like that close to the microphone. But now, what is this tweet all about? Donald Trump tweeting about Bill Gates visiting mari A Lago. He says something like, when are you coming to the center of the universe, mar A Lago. You know, the left wing media, the fake news, they're all trying to convince you that there's going to be a big blow up between Trump and Elon Musk, that he can't stand Elon Musk. So they're speculating this is what this is all about. He's talking about Bill Gates coming to Marrow Lago to get Elon Musk jealous. Nah, I don't think so. I think he's just saying knowing. And I know Donald Trump well, I've known him for thirty years. I know him really well. I mean, he's operating up on a much different level, but I kind of know how he operates a little. So the reason for that, he's letting Bill Gates know you're late. Everybody in Silicon Valley, the entire tech industry has come to mar A Lago to make peace with me. That includes Zuckerberg, Tim Cook of Apple, all these he's kind of letting Gates know where are you. You're a little late, Let's get on the bandwagon. So don't be surprised if Gates shows up there. You know, Bill Gates looked like this harmless sort of a guy, obviously, you know, big tech guy in a zillionaire at one point, the richest man in the world. But with the rumpled sweater, the glasses always fogged up. You know, it looked like a harmless, little bookworm of a guy. Then you find out he's at Jeffrey Epstein's house for hours on end. Jeffrey Epstein's house, you know here in Manhattan, it's big house where you would go. And it wasn't just young girls. It was whatever you liked with Bill Clinton. You know, he liked those forty year old floozies. Epstein could come up with that. Bill Gates likes these mousey librarian types. Epstein would come up with that. But you see these visits that Gates made to Epstein's house. One was six seven, eight hours. When asked, Gates said, oh, I was there to discuss my charity with him. Yeah, First of all, when you're the richest man, and when you got one hundred and fifty billion, you really don't need this guy with his twenty million for a donation. And also, I've been in a lot of meetings where I'm on the board of a lot of charities, where you're discussing charities, you have big board meetings. I never saw one take six seven hours. They're all done in an hour or less all maybe maybe it could go to an hour and a half in a crisis. They're never six seven hours. So what the hell was he doing a Jeffrey Epstein's house. And then his character witness is Warren Buffett, and Buffett, who's beloved, everybody respects his judgment for years, he said that Bill Gates is my close friend. In fact, Buffett's very old now he's ninety four ninety five, and he's going to leave one hundred and fifty billion dollar fortune and he always said, I'll put it into the Gates Foundation. Bill Gates Foundation. He said, always pick the best to do whatever you need done. And he said, that's the foundation. I trust them to distribute my money wisely to the right charity. Well, in the last few months he's not doing that anymore. He's decided against the Gates Foundation. Instead he's giving it to his own family's foundation. So he's kind of lost faith in Bill Gates. So if you're listing Bill Gates, I would get tomorrow a longo. I would go make nice with Donald Trump. Hey, by the way, when you keep left wing media, when you keep trying to make it sound like the ego of Trump, he's going to turn on Musk. He's going to hate. No, no, no, it never happens. Trump all his life has had the biggest business guys in the world in the real estate business. He had the biggest real estate guys around him friends, and I've never seen any of those relationships ever blow up. Now, he's had feuds with big guys, but it's always from the beginning. That's one thing about Trump. He meets you and within a minute he's got radar sonar. He figures you out in one minute. If he's going to ever have a problem with you, he has it in the first minute. He can read people really well. So anybody's become a good friend stays a good friend. I've never ever seen an exception to that. Let's take some calls. Let's go to Mike and Tennessee. Mike, how you doing, Hey, Mark?

Happy New Year?

You too, Hey, thank you.


You know, I have continued thinking about that first press conference Trump had, and you know, what it appears to me is that Trump is helping the press corps become better journalists, whether they like it or not, whether they're for whatever reason. That was the most coherent press conference. I got answers to questions I had that I wanted to ask, And I think he's dragging.

Him into be into better journalists. Uh. You know, I hate to say most of them are great journalists if they wanted to be. They were before they went totally nuts and corrupt. But if they wanted to really investigate, they have the skills to do it. It's just deliberate, even though those crazy MSNBC people. You know, if they really tried and stop the corruption and stop the emotional hatred of Donald Trump, they'd be great journalists. You know, they'd investigate everything and get to the bottom of it. But they just don't want to do it. I got a call, Wait a minute, allergies driving me crazy. So, oh, by the way, here's a good example. The other thing is if they wanted to cover stuff they could if they don't want to cover stuff, they don't. They absolutely don't. You remember how Biden said, I never met with my son's business partners. Don't know a thing about it, never met with him. And then the pictures came out. Here you are having dinner with them at Cafe Milano. Here you are in the golf course playing golf with them. That's like four hours, twelve hours the way Biden plays. Well. Now, a new batch of photos just came out, just discovered. It's when Biden went to China Hunter. Remember back when he was vice president, he had a big trip to China to meet the president, she and the top Chinese officials, and he took Hunter with him, and apparently Hunter did a lot of business over there with some Chinese Chikom business people. Well, photos have now emerged and he hadn't seen them before. It's pictures of Biden in talks with the business partners and Hunter. Have you seen this story all over the news? No? No, maybe on Fox News or maybe a Newsmax or someone. Now, I don't want to report it, but further proof that Biden just out and outlined. Remember that trip he took Hunter, he's vice president the United States. His son Hunter comes with him on the plane Air Force two, has meetings over there and does all this business. And then they come back on the plane and they asked Biden about Hunter doing business over there, getting massive Chinese communists to invest billions in his hedge fund even though he's not a hedge fun guy who has never had a hedge fund before. And Biden says, I don't know anything about it. I don't I have no idea what he was doing on the trip. I don't know. Now. Can you imagine you're on a seventeen hour plane ride and your son is there seventeen hours. You ever tried to talk to somebody for seventeen hours? At some point you would say, what are you going to do while we're in China? What are you doing on the trip? What are you planned while you're there? Or you gotta fly back? That's another seventeen hour plane ride. You wouldn't say to your own son, what'd you do on the trip? What were you up to? Nobody believes these lies, but photo proof just came out and that's it. Hey remember that little dirty worm Anthony Fauci, that little awful sleezy Fauci, who covered up the lab leak, who got everything wrong. Even when he wasn't being sleezy, he was just dumb. You remember how many millions and millions he spent tech tracing. You know, if you had the virus, they would try it. He set up a massive operation to contact trace, find out everybody had come into contact with and then later they had to explain to him, you don't do that with an airborne virus. They did that during AIDS because obviously if you had it and you had sex with somebody and then they most likely have it, you do it then airborne just because somebody went in a supermarket, you don't try to find everybody in the supermarket. It was crazy. So besides the corrupt part of Fauci, he got everything wrong, but Swamp hero, deep State hero. When he left, and he was the highest paid employee in the entire federal government. When he left, he got a big job, distinguished professor role at Georgetown University. They put him on the faculty. Anthony Fauci. You know, these professors get a lot of money, even just those regular professors, many of them get one hundred, two hundred thousand, and they're allowed to work two three colleges at once. But he got a huge, huge salary to be a professor at Georgetown Universe. Oh, not just a professor, a distinguished university professor. Well, they've looked at the records. It turns out to Founcy has not taught a single course. A new report says he has not done a single course for all that money. When asked about it, the college made up some whole this whole big explanation. Well, he participates in medical and graduate engagement with what he never taught a single class anywhere. Hey, Apple about to become the first four trillion dollar company ever. Sales of Apple, the new phones, everything that watch, everything has just been on fire. The stock is up forty percent four zero forty percent this year, forty percent in one year. So it's about to become the first company worth four trillion dollars. Unbelievable. Now there's a lot of companies having nothing but trouble going out of business, Party City closing all their stores, The Container Store now filing bankruptcy. The container Store, it's a great idea. Have you ever gone to the container store and tried to buy something? You try, but I don't know, I can go on Amazon and get any box, any size I need, any little plastic containing It's a lot of this stuff you don't need to go to a store. You remember the idea Costco. As you go in there and you could buy twenty rolls of toilet paper, twenty paper toils all together, and then you have to put it in your trunk and bring well. Now you go into Amazon, it'll come right to your door the next day. So a lot of this stuff you don't need to buy it in a retail store. If it shoes or something, you got to try it on. You want to feel it. Store or closed or something, you got to see it. But a lot of this stuff so the container store closing down. Same thing with Party City. Most of that stuff you don't need to actually see it in person. Hey, we're talking about Trump and McDonald's. Do you know what Donald Trump's order? McDonald's is standard order. Whenever he goes somewhere, the staff knows what he wants, his regular order, and they get it and they bring it to him on the plane. His standard order. You got to admire this guy. Standard order two big macs and two filet of fish sandwiches and a large chocolate milkshake. Now, I love the big mac. I always feel a little guilty eating it. I love the file of a little guilty eating it. You know you shouldn't mean all the two of each. That's four plus a large chocolate milkshake. That's a president. Joe's a regular order like he's never even been to mconnald Joe. It's just like a little gerber baby food with a bib around him. Anyway, we'll take a break and then we'll take some calls. Eight hundred two eight two two eight eight two is the number. Eight hundred two eight two two eight eight two. Hey, make sure you follow me on Instagram. It's Mark Simone NYC at in and follow me on Twitter. It's Mark Simone ny at Twitter. And you can listen to me on the iHeart app or anywhere you get podcasts. You'll find my podcast Mark Simone here for Clay Travis and Buck Sexton.

Saving America One Thought at a Time and Clay Travis and Buck Sexton. Find them on the free iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Hey, welcome back. It's Mark Simone here for Play Travis and Buck Sexton. So Donald Trump, besides fixing the economy, besides fixing the outbreak of war all over the world, besides getting rid of the crime, besides fixing the border, He's got to do a lot of other stuff. He's got to put things back the way they were, you know, all the little woke stuff. Remember that Obama changed the name of Mount McKinley. Mount McKinley, named in nineteen seventeen for a great American president, William McKinley. Obama changed the name to Denali, Mount Denali. It's the Ali National Park. Uh. Ridiculous, ridiculous. Now McKinley did a lot as president. Uh. Yeah, So Trump's as he said, he was a great presidence. We're gonna put it back. We're gonna rename it Mount McKinley. Uh. There's a lot of air force bases. Gonna have to put the name back to what it was and undo all the woke nonsense from the left. Bit by bit by bit, Let's section calls let's go to Joe in California. Joe, how you doing doing great? Thank you?

Your program is great. I mean I'm a new listener just called. This is my first time calling in too.

Yeah. Well, you're doing pretty good for the first time. Now what we're listening to before? While how come we just found us?

Now, I mean I tuned in every now and then, but you know, I'm not a diehard, so I listened. I mean I watched Fox. I listen, you know, watch short of that.

All right, let's pick up at the pace. Let's be a die hard. We want you every day listening.

Okay, all right, Well, let's see what happens with this call.

All right, go ahead, let's see.

So my concern is this listening to the narratives that's coming down regarding the CEO.

The healthcare CEO, Brian Thompson.

Yeah, yes, And my concern is this, there's a lot of gray areas here in terms of how people are feelings. And my concern is that you've the right side of the media now is painting it black and white. It's not black and white. People are the right, all of us who support Trump and everything. Yes, we do not want this guy to be murdered. We feel for his family this time. You know, it's very sad that that happens.

However, it's black and white. We don't want anybody murdered.

The corporate the corporate leads have done the same thing. They've been responsible for. A lot of people have been rejected that this guy is making money off of the misery of the people.

Okay, but absolutely correct. But that's when.

You you're not listening to what the people are saying.

Okay, But that's when you use your voice. That's when you go public. That's when you protest. You protest in front of the company. That's when you go to court, that's when you sue.

I understand you can't murder people, but you we understand that. But you guys are not real. You're not You're not listening to what the majority of the small people are saying. You're listening. That's the corporate narratives right there, and it is a law and order.

No matter how the business is, they can't justify murder.

Passion has to be there from you guys. You guys have to understand that there's a lot of people HEARDing. A lot of people have been hurt by these guys.

You're preaching to the choir. We all agree, but you can't murder. You can't murder people. Otherwise, well you can imagine you can't go around murdering people Anyway, well, got another hour to go, and hey, we'll take a look at the next hour. Who was president for the last four years? Certainly wasn't Biden. We know that now. Even the New York Times admits it. Even the Wall Street journals see that massive piece. He was completely a vegetable. Just so, who ran the country for those four years? We'll take a look at that and more coming up. It's Marc Simone for Clay and Buck

The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show

The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show. Clay Travis and Buck Sexton tackle the biggest stories in news 
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