Hour 1 - Biden Plagiarized Reagan at Normandy

Published Jun 7, 2024, 7:24 PM
Biden plagiarizes Reagan in Normandy speech. Flashback to Biden's 1988 plagiarism of UK politician Neil Kinnock. Biden rules out a pardon for Hunter. Hunter Biden trial highlights the dysfunction, criminality and weirdness of the Biden family. Caller ends the hour.

All right, Friday edition of the Klay Travis en Buck Sexton Show kicks off right now. Thanks for being here with us. A bunch of news to get to you right off the top. Economy added two hundred and seventy two thousand jobs in May, so better than expectations.

We'll see if.

They revise that up or down in a bit. But you're gonna hear about it from Democrats. That's the number out there, so I figure you're here, you'll hear about it here first from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. You've also got day five of the Hunter Biden trial gun trial underway right now. The gun shop employee who processed the federal form that Hunter Biden filled out to purchase that firearm, I'm just gonna say it.

I mean, there are.

Few crimes that you would think would be more straightforward to prove than this. It is known clearly from video and photographic evidence that Hunter took himself that he was a drug abuser at the time of this, uh, and it is known that he filled out that he was not he bought the gun. So you guess what now, I was just saying.

He wrote a book talking about feeling as if you're above the law. He wrote a book laying out in explicit detail all of his drug addictions. They played his audio book at the trial. Buck, you want to talk about entitlement, you tell on yourself to such an extent that they play your own recording of your audio book as evidence against you to confirm that you committed multiple felonies. I just think that's pretty wild. If they ever play an audio book against me or you to prove that we committed felonies, it will be a sign that our brains are broken, or that Biden and Democrats are prosecuting every conservative media personality on the planet, which might be more likely.

Or they're yeah, they're they're just lying. So you've got that going on. You have some reporting on the trans school shooter manifesto out which we can discuss a little bit. The short version is so far, everything that we know based on the reporting on it is what we've thought all along. She was crazy, a psychopath, delusional about her trans situation, very angry about lack of access to hormones or something. I mean, it's just and they held this back for political reasons because they thought it would be damaging to the trans community's agenda or something. So we do have some more on that to get into. We have a little more detailed detailed there. A progressive pundit, according to Daily Mail, whom I have dealt with in the past, fired for a my old show Rising on the Hill for her response to the sister of a Israeli October seventh hostage held by Hamas, which I think is a discussion we can have coming up here in just a little bit. I did want to start, you know, it's one of these days, Clay, where there's a few things we could dive into right away. I love this Washington Post has the breaking headline Supreme Court Justice Thomas acknowledges two twenty nineteen trips were paid for by Harlan Crowe, and it's adding them to the disclosure forms. It's not illegal. There's no problem. They hate Justice Thomas because of what he represents. Their their hatred for Justice Thomas is as irrational as their obsession with rbg's workout protocols. But put all that aside. I just think that's funny. That's their big, red blaring headline right now.

Biden gave a speech. Everybody.

You might have seen this Biden gave a speech in which he seems to have plagiarized Ronald Reagan at his point to hawk speech. So here a little side by side comparison of this This is cut one play it.

Last the hourd come dawned sixth of June nineteen forty four.

At dawn on the morning of the sixth of June nineteen forty four, two.

Hundred and twenty five American rangers arrived by ship, jumped into the waves, and stormed the beach.

Two hundred and twenty five rangers jumped off the British landing craft and ran to the bottom of these cliffs.

Gunfire rained above them, was still. They kept coming. Nazi grenades thrown from above exploded against the cliffs. Was still, they kept coming.

The rangers looked up and saw the enemy soldiers the edge of the cliffs shooting down at them with machine guns and throwing grenades, and the American rangers began to climb.

They launched their ladders, the ropes and grappling hooks, and they began to climb.

They shot rope ladders over the face of these cliffs and began to pull themselves up.

When the Nazis cut their ladders. The rangers use the ropes. When the Nazis cut their ropes, the rangers used their hands.

When one ranger fell, another would take his place. When one rope was cut, a ranger would grab another and begin his climb again.

An edge by ends, foot by foot, yard by yard, the rangers clawed, literally clawed their way up this mighty precipice, until at last they reached the top.

Soon, one by one, the rangers pulled themselves over the top.

They preached, this there's Atlantic wall. And they turned and that one effort, the tide of the war had began to save the world.

And in seizing the firm land at the top of these cliffs, they began to seize back the continent of Europe.

Okay, I understand that there may be a few ways that people try to just wave their hand and dismiss this.

I get it.

They're going to say, clay. First of all, you know, presidential speeches, aren't you know. It's not proprietary in like a private sector way, right. It's not like ripping off a book that somebody is had to work on to sell or something. Taxpayer taxpayer funds pay the salaries of the speech writers who write these speech You know, I know there's all that that we can bring to this, But to me, it's like, are they just going to mail it in?

With everything with this guy? Really?

Is the whole plan here that Joe Biden is going to be propped up and pushed along as though nobody cares his inability, his lack of cognition, his lack of energy.

Did you know what I'm saying?

Like, are they're not even going to go through the motions? Really and they're just gonna kind of fake it?

I'm fired up here because yesterday we talked on the eightieth anniversary of D Day about Ronald Reagan's speech on June sixth, nineteen eighty four, forty years later, and we played you excerpts of it. This is like showing up at the Gettysburg address and trying to redo the Gettysburg Address and claim credit for it. It feels desperate, I tweeted, I watched this because I assume I was very surprised when I saw this morning that there was an address schedule at the exact same place where Reagan had spoken in nineteen eighty four.

Let me say this, Yes, the facts of.

What they did are not in dispute, and the way that you would describe it is oftentimes going to overlap. They did climb those cliffs, they did use ropes, they did get shot at by Nazis, and they threw grenades at them, and they were in incredible peril. All of those things are true. But that happened lots of places all over Normandy. And what I would say is, to me, this feels desperate, because what Biden is doing is desperately floundering to try to replicate what others have done better than him in the past. And this feels like campaign malpractice to me. To go and it's like Ronald Reagan delivered a full on fireworks display and then Joe Biden showed up and held up a sparkler, and all it does is actually elevate what Reagan does, and it diminishes Biden as well. And I mentioned that one of the best days of my life, and I mean this honestly, was getting to tour Normandy and go all over those battlefields and spend the day standing on those cliffs looking out at what those men did. There are lots of places Joe Biden could have gone along the landing zone if he wanted to do a historic speech and give somebody new a little bit of attention for what they did.

This is just laziness, though, Like why is it, just like I is it to intentionally associate him with Reagan? Is it that we spend a day talking about this instead of the Hunter guntrial?

Do you know what I mean?


What my reason for this?

I think what this is is Biden talking to all these historians all the time. And the problem with historians and look, I almost I majored in history. I love history. Is historians are really relevant about fifty years after an event happens, or one hundred years after an event happens, and were hundreds because that's when the context comes into play. This John Meacham friendship. They've tried to convince Joe Biden that he is Abraham Lincoln, except Abraham Lincoln wasn't Abraham Lincoln when he was president. It's the choices that he made that then are seen in a historic context that make him Lincoln. They're telling Biden, you are FDR during World War Two, you are Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, and he's buying it, and they're.

Overreaching it's not just Biden. They're actually telling everybody that well yes again, but I mean they sold Biden on it.

I really believe.

But but I'm what I'm saying is, you know again back to my morning MSNBC. Like one of the few people that's watching MSON. I don't know, I am hating.

Behind me lines every morning, just flipping on Mornings Joe and seeing what they're saying.

Joe watching a bunch of you know, smug sea students sit there like, hey, we're cool, like we know everything anyway. But when you see they love to bring on to your point, these historians, as though writing a biography of somebody from three hundred years ago or two hundred years ago or whatever is indicative of having better wisdom and political judgment today.

Do you know what I mean? No, they're not good in the present day.

This Beschlos guy who keeps saying if Trump wins, they're gonna line up people and shoot them. He might be okay talking about nineteen twenties America. He's awful talking about twenty twenty America. But that's exactly the point.

This is a new form of expertise propaganda, if you will, that they're particularly reliant on They did a little bit of this with Obama administration, but particularly you've seen the elevation of these historians who are rabbit partisans. I mean, you know, truly saying some of that you mentioned Bechelo. Some of these guys are saying the craziest stuff for anybody. But it's oh well, he wrote a Pulitzer Prize winning biography of the following president in the you know, eighteen hundreds. Therefore we should all listen to him now. I do think that this is something that somehow resonates with the you know, New York, LA, MSNBC, and DC audience, and we're seeing a lot of it. And maybe that's why, you know, Biden is following this playbook in this way where he would try to even associate himself going into election. Here, I don't think Biden thinks that associating himself in some ways with Reagan, even if it's a bit subliminal, is a bad thing. Biden's look, look what he's doing on the border. He's gonna play the game of like unreasonable Joe again. The whole thing, like the turtle's going back into the shell here.

I don't even think it's subliminal.

I think they're intentionally trying to say that we are Reagan in the modern era.

Here's what I'm trying. Maybe this will go to the essence of it.

The NBA Finals started yesterday and yeah this, Yeah you're Boston Celtics. There's a lot of talk about like what your legacy is going to be, and I always think, and this is like maybe my Ted talk, you can't worry about your legacy. You have to do the best damn job every day, and if you do that, the legacy takes care of itself.

It feels to.

Me like Biden is trying to put the legacy before the doing the good job part. And that's where I think the historians have gotten in his head. You aren't trying to be Lincoln. While you're Lincoln. You do the best job that you can and if you're an incredible president in the decades ahead, people will say, much like Lincoln, face the challenges of his day. But the problem is it's just it's not translating well. And I think it comes back to this is a desperate political campaign that is floundering.

You would also think that there might be some recognition that Biden already is famous for infamous better word, yes for plagers, And this is nineteen eighty seven. We're gonna do a quick Biden side by side here with British Member of Parliament Neil Kinnock.

Listen to this one. Why am I.

The first Cinick in a thousand generations to be able to get the university?

Why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go to a university?

Was it because they were weak? Those people who could work eight thous underground and then come.

Up and play football week.

My ancestors who worked in the coal mines in northeast Pennsylvania and don't come up after twelve hours and play football for four hours. No, it's not because they weren't as smart. It's not because it didn't work as hard. It's because they didn't have a platform upon which to stand. It was because there was no platform upon which they could stand.

I just wish by did come out like let me tell you about my upbringing, Ladi like Llant's have a discussion here about the coal mines for Joe Biden, you know, just like go all in if you're gonna steal it, steal all of it.

Well, and honestly a lot.

The other thing about this is these guys don't write their own speeches. Now, they might go in and change four or five words, so oftentimes they're not even aware that the plagiarism is happening. But if you're going to try to, I mean again, how ridiculous would it look if Joe Biden showed up at Gettysburg and tried to do his own version of the Gettysburg address. Ronald Reagan, one of the greatest. Peggy Newton deserves credit for this New Wall Street Journal columnists, one of the greatest. She wrote it one of the greatest speeches that any president has ever delivered. What's the odds that Biden's going to do a better job or even close to it? It's it's just embarrassing, not great, not great. As we slide into the weekend, what are on your feet right now? You're going to the beach, the pool, just spending time in the backyard, perhaps grilling. How about hooking yourself up with some summer slides right now? They're part of the MyPillow Extravaganza sale. You can na a pair for just twenty five bucks. They come in different colors and styles, and did I mention they're great for walking the dog too. Ginger thinks I look very stylish. A lot of great items over at MyPillow dot com twenty five dollars. That's right, the twenty five dollars Extravaganza sale. You can also save one hundreds of dollars on Geeze dream sheets, my towels, my pillows even they're best selling. My slippers are now just twenty five dollars a pair. Go to my pillow dot com click on the radio listener special square for these twenty five dollars deals. You'll also get free shipping on orders over seventy five bucks. That's my pillow dot com. Click on the radio listener special square For these twenty five dollars deals. You'll get free shipping on orders over seventy five dollars. Make sure at MyPillow dot com you use promo code Clay and Buck to access this sale.

Clay, Travis and Buck Sexton telling it like it is.

Find them on the free iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome back in Clay Travis Buck Sexton Show. Appreciate all of you hanging out with us as we are rolling through the Friday edition of the program, we're gonna share in a little bit Biden basically plagiarizing Ronald Reagan at Point a Hoak in what they considered to be a important signpost in his reelection campaign. There was a story that in the Mondale campaign Buck I was reading actually this morning about Reagan's Point to Hoak speech that many people in the Mondale campaign we're watching the Reagan speech at Point a Hoak and when he was delivering it, they were all crying watching it in their Mondale headquarters. And one of the chief guys at the Mondale campaign said, as soon as that speech was over, he was like, yeah, we're done. We have no chance of winning re election. That's how powerful that speech was. We're going to share you the side by side so you can share with your friends and followers the social audio and video of that speech side by side from the Clay and Buck account here shortly, because I do think it's illustrative again of the Biden campaign floundering, desperately trying to find gold in the hills. They stayed there for two days to deliver this the day after the speech he gave yesterday.

Take some of your calls here on Friday as well.

Coming up.

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That's Last Election Plot dot com, paid for by Porter and company. Okay, so welcome back in you got the Hunter Biden trial. We just the Trump trial in New York with its absurd guilty verdict from the jury there. I hope the jury feels the sting of shame for a very long time after abdicating not just their their duty, I would say, as jurors, but just as as people to refuse to go along with that obvious political hit job. But there's another trial going on right now and we will see where this one goes. Hunter Biden. And as I've said, there are some crimes you know, Clay when I was working Intel division at the NYPD, you know, and that was investigative side, right, so we didn't do the prosecutorial but we would work with the prosecutors when there was a terrorism case. We were you know, we're the ones that were providing the wiretaps and providing the you know, the eyewitness testimony from sources and stuff like that for prosecutions. And one thing that comes up a lot in terrorism investigations is they actually don't you know, they won't get people on on.

A terror charge.

Sometimes well they'll get them on is a possession crime of some kind, possession of explosive material with intent to use, possess, you know, things like that, because if you have it and it's illegal, you're guilty.

Do you know what I mean?

It's very straight This is true also in a lot of what are called not what people call nonviolent drug cases. You know, somebody will take a plea it'll be oh, I just took a drug trafficking charge, but it was nonviolent. Well, actually, you were a member of a drug gang that's you know, believed to have killed ten people on the West side of Baltimore. But we could get you for twenty years on the drug possession trafficking charge. Right, So this is pretty what I'm saying is it's pretty open shut. Usually it's like you had the thing, you're not supposed to have a thing, or you did the thing, you're not supposed to do the thing, and now you pay the price. With Hunter Biden, this should be really straightforward, right. It should be the guy's a drug addict. He signed a thing that has penalty of perjury. A federal form says you're not a drug addict involving a firearm boom. There shouldn't even be like the fact that he's taking it to trial alone is an indicator that he's hoping for exactly what you raise, which is hung jury from somebody who's like, I love.

Joe Biden and I'm defending our democracy from Russia collusion. But this was really interesting to me.

Biden Senior is saying that he is ruling out I want to get you react to this, ruling out a pardon for Hunter Biden should he be found guilty.

Play for as we sit here in Normandy, your son Hunter is on trial. And I know that you cannot speak about an ongoing federal prosecution, but let me ask you. Will you accept the jury's outcome, their verdict, no matter what it is.


And have you ruled out a pardon for your son?

Yes? You have? He is lying. Okay, I just want to go Remember I told you this.

He what do you think is there any chance he lets Hunter go without a pardon?

Maybe to zer zero percent?

Now, I will say the way that that question was phrased, because he says he'll accept the jury verdict. I think his answer if he says that he's going to pardon his son while his son is on trial for felonies, then the jurors might hear and you could arguably say that the president then is telling them it doesn't matter what verdict you render, we're going to pardon my son, and.

So there are gonna be no consequences.

But I think there's so I will say, the timing the time to actually ask this question, and Biden doesn't do that many interviews, But the time to actually ask that question is immediately after there's been a conviction, to the extent that there is one. And I'm skeptical that there will be a conviction because I think there might be somebody on that jury who is a diehard Biden person decides they don't want a Biden to be convicted, and so they're going to refuse to vote guilty, and you get a mistrial that similarly to how I said, that could happen in the Trump trial. Trump trial is not proven beyond a reasonable doubt. To me, this one is based on all the evidence I've seen. The only way you could vote not guilty is if you buy the argument that at the exact moment in time that Hunter Biden clicked, know that he was not then high on drugs, Because that seems to be Abby Lowell's almost exclusive defense.

To be clear, that's a that's a preposterous defense. I mean, you are you're explaining what Abby Lowe. It's preposteros Clay because other people, lots of them, have gone to prison because of the same thing. Yes, because it came out that they, you know, had a drug conviction, or they you know, they were doing drugs at the time, they had some contact with legal drugs at the time. The standard has never been, where are you currently using illegal drugs in this moment? That's insane.

Yes, I this.

Would be like saying, have you know you know or have you ever been convicted of a crime? Well, I thought they meant have I been? Am I currently being convicted of a crime? But I said no, because I've you know, Yeah, what's it's a facetious it's a preposterous argument that is being made. It is a defense that you would only make when you have no defense. But that's exactly the point, right, They raise this defense, which gives some plausible deniability to maybe a couple of jurors who can say, yeah, I like Biden, I hate Trump, and this guy has a defense. So let's just you know, they have to say something, right, They can't just say, yeah, we did it.

So, yes, I think that's right.

The other thing in here, we talked to Miranda Devine yesterday about this, and I think it many ways, the degree of collapse of the Biden family here is not even being talked about as much as it potentially could. I mean, think about what Hunter Biden did. Hunter Biden broke up his own marriage by sleeping with his dead brother's wife, then got her, as she's dealing with the grief of bo Biden's death, to start using crack. I don't know that we have really discussed as much because I think people feel bad talking about Hunter Biden. Oh he's a drug addict. You can't talk bad about him. Think about how awful of the thing that is to do. Your brother dies, you break up your own marriage to start sleeping with his widow, and then you get her to start using crack with you crack. I'm being honest, Buck, I have never in my life, I don't think ever known anybody who used crack. I mean, you don't acly use crack, right, I mean, this is not party drugs, is not marijuana, this is not cocaine.

This is crack.

He had They say, like tennis ball size crack that he was using the moral decrepitude here of Hunter. Biden is under disgust. I think, and again the testimony against him is actually coming from inside of the Biden family. This whole family is a disaster, and we're not Ashley Biden's taking showers with her dad.

It actually makes.

You start to ask questions, what was really going on with Joe Biden that his entire family has basically descended into total collapse around him.

Why isn't that a more central part of the conversation.

It's a retort.

You're trying to claim that his grandpa Joe, and he's a great, evunk, giller grandpa that everybody loves. Then you actually look at this family. They're actually really pretty nasty.

But again, I can tell you how Biden's gotten this far and avoided at some level. One, he has a complicit media. Of course, Democrat media is complicent in all this. And two beyond that, he always hot when he's really pushed into a corner. You will always see this from Biden. He hides behind tragedy.

Yeah, I know what it's like.

You know, I lost this person, I lost that person. And you know Donald Trump is hitler. You go whoa hold on a second, what will this happened there? It is so unseemly and so ungallant and lacking in character and decency.

But that's who Joe Biden is.

In many ways, Joe Biden is actually the perfect example of a Democrat politician from his era because he's just anything to get it done, no principles, no decency, but pretends to be decent as part of his brand. And the fact that his son is as messed up as he is. Yeah, I do think that's value. Does anyone think for a second that if Don Junior was impregnating strippers and denying paternity and doing crack and buying guns illegally and laundering money and not paying taxes and go down the list, does anyone think the media be like, Oh, he had a tough life, he got some wedgies in high school, it's not his fault.

No, There'd be huge front page articles about the scars of Donald Trump's life have revealed themselves in the misdeeds of his children. And I would just point this out too. Biden talks about his family all the time. So if you want to use your family as justification for why we should trust you because the American president is in many ways the father of the nation, right, I mean, that's not crazy. It's kind of the dad or the grandpa in Joe Biden's case of the nation. He's talking about bo all the time. He's talking about his grandkids all the time. Oh, I'm pop pop.


So I don't think it's unfair when you're using your family as a method by which to garner popular support and more votes. When your son sleeps with the widow of your son, which is super weird. Let's just toss it out there while he's still married to another woman, and then he gets her addicted to crack. I think that's kind of a big deal. And also obviously it ties in in an even more seismic level, taking money from Ukraine, taking money from China, and all of the lies that Biden told which were facilitated I'll tell you buck, when I watch that point to Hoak speech, I really think Anthony Blincoln, the Secretary of State, has has really almost gotten no criticism for being one of the signatories on that Oh the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. He lied as basically obscenely as anyone could and he's sitting over there at the point to hok like, oh, look at what a great statesman he is. He's a partisan shill liar, and nobody talks about him.

Yeah. I agree. Well, I'm still fired. I'm still fired. I wanted to let an air out there for a second. I'm like, Clay is not finished, I am.

I mean, I love that Reagan speech. So the fact that Biden would go and basically steal the whole thing is just I don't. I think it's evidence of their floundering campaign and how desperate they are. But to essentially plagiarize one of the most iconic speeches ever delivered by an American president, it's just desperate. But it's also really unseemly, and I think it reflects Biden believing he's more of an important historic figure than he is. Homeowners, you know all about this. Rain gutters along your roofline save your home from water damage and extensive, expensive repairs. But they have to work properly to accomplish it, and if they're clogged, all bets are off. Now, getting up on that ladder can be a little bit nervous. You climb up into the air, depending on how tall your house is gets very nerve wracking, and then you're reaching in there. You don't know what could be there. All sorts of stuff gets in those gutters can be a little bit intimidating as well. Why not bring out leaf filter help you take care of that right now. You get twenty percent off your entire purchase for sure if you use our names. Thirty percent if you're a member of the military or you are a senior citizen. Get hooked up right now by going to leaffilter dot com l eaffilter dot com slash Clayanbuck no spaces between the names again, twenty percent guarante thirty percent if you're a veteran or if you are a senior citizen, free inspection up to thirty percent off leaffilter dot com slash Clay and Buck.

You know him as conservative radio hosts, Now.

Just get to know them as guys on this Sunday Hang podcast with Clay and Buck. Find it in their podcast feed on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome back in Clay Travis Buck Sexton Show. It's Friday. We'll take some of your calls. Also, Cheryl I'll read a VIP email. I believe Biden said he won't pardon Hunter because he's sure he won't be found guilty. That way, he comes off as a stand up guy, not willing to show favoritism and so. And she also says, I've been sober for thirty six years. Being an addict or an alcoholic may explain why you do some things, but it doesn't exempt you from the consequences. Part of recovery is taking responsibility for your actions, making amends that family is so dysfunctional, even the dogs are a mess.

Thank you. It's a good point.

I mean again, if you're selling yourself as an incredible grandfather and a phenomenal dad, I don't think it's wrong to actually say, wait a minute, is this true? Ashley Biden and her diary talks about being uncomfortable and having major issues because she showered with you as a kid.

That's weird.

I don't have daughters, but seems weird to me to think about being showering with a kid when the kid is old enough to remember you doing it of the opposite sex in particulars, not like you're getting sprayed down with a hose after you you know, like went through a mudpile or something. It's weird and it's hardly even allowed to be talked about. And then you've got Hunter, who's a disaster who breaks up his own marriage and starts sleeping with his sister in law and gets her addicted to crack cocaine. You got Joe Biden who is still never spoken to his granddaughter that Hunter had with a stripper, refused to hang a stocking to acknowledge that she existed. This is not a dude that is a good guy if you actually start to peel back his family situation. David the truck driver in Texas.

Two things, and I'll be quick about it. For Hunter Biden, I mean for Joe Biden to say he's not going to pardon his his son, either he is a liar or he's the worst dad in history. Because if I was eighty years old and I had the opportunity to keep my son out of jail, especially on a victimless crime where nobody was killed or inline, aren't that man, I would do it and just forget the rest of the world. I mean, that's my son.

I told you. I just said this.

David the trucker, I just said what you said now to Clay in the commercial break, I'm like, look, I don't want to sound you know, sketchy, but if I were Joe Biden, I'd pardon my son, like I don't you know, family first.

I'm sorry.

I I think it's a good point David makes too. It's not as if for this gun charge in particular, it's not as if Hunter killed five people. So I think you know, the standard of what your your son did, I would think would I think this comes from the gun grabbing, you know, annoy people who want to own firearms side of things where they're just.

Like eh, you know, it's.

Like okay, but also what about people that you know, have like a medical marijuana card or something. Do you know what it says because I fill out these forms, marijuana is still federally illegal. That still counts on the form. So it's like, well, okay, so does that counted in this too or what I mean? I don't think they prosecute somebody for it, but I'm just saying, you know, there there's there's being a drug addict, and there's being a drug addict. I don't know, like there's there's different different did the gun thing, I think is far less significant. The failing to pay taxes for millions of dollars, not registering as a foreign agent when you're repping Ukraine in China. Those things are real crimes that he should have been prosecuted for. The buying a gun while being a drug addict, to me, is the less significant of those charges by far. Yea, as I said, I mean, you can be a raging alcoholic and go buy a firearm and like nobody that's not even a thing, Like no one cares, right, So anyway, I you know, I am honest about that. I know that's not necessarily to my benefit in this particular discussion, But anyway, I totally agree with with with our friend the trucker that, yeah, I mean also by he finds lying, of course he's lying.

Of course he's What it ties in here is you don't actually respect jury verdicts when they implicate your family's health and safety, which is certainly going to be the case, we think, because he will pardon Hunter if he's found guilty

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