Daily Review with Clay and Buck - Mar 1 2023

Published Mar 1, 2023, 8:43 PM
We Had a Feeling This Would Happen. Congressman Jim Banks on the China Threat. Fmr. Education Secy. Betsy DeVos Won't Be a Hostage. Clay and Buck Heckled?

Welcome to today's edition of the Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show podcast. Wednesday edition of Play in Buck starts right now. Thanks for being with us from all over the US of a big news, my friends. Oh, we were talking about it yesterday. We had a feeling and the folks of Chicago have had a moment a burst of sanity as Lorie Lightfoot how possibly the worst mayor play right? I think worst mayor? We could say it is soon to be the former mayor of Chicago. A crushing defeat from seventy three percent of the vote in her election win to getting seventeen percent of the vote. Now, granted there was a pretty big field, but you would think the sitting mayor could do better than less than a fifth of the overall vote. Chicago, you're coming back to sanity Land and we welcome you, which is great. We'll just dicus more of this. Of course, big big loss for the progressive prosecutor week on crime. Let's just blame the cops left. You know. That's because that's been at the center of Lightfoot's time as mayor, and it was also how she ascended to the mayor's office in the first place, and Clay will explain in a couple of moments here what she's blaming for her loss spoiler alert, not her incompetence as mayor, just gonna put that out there. That's yeah, I think you might know where this is going. Also, really interesting breakdown in the Washington Post about the debate in advance of the marl Lago document raid. Remember that, remember the FBI, the guys and windbreakers, FBI Special Agent Johnny Utah, they showed up and they seized those records at mar Lago, and we were saying, this is outrageous. It was outrageous. And from the reporting in the Washington Post, which Clay and I've both believe comes from direct FBI sources who wanted to get this on the record, they knew it was outrageous. They knew that there was a political impetus behind all. We'll break that down for you. Two important stuff going on there. Also being joined by Congressman Jim Banks of Indiana and the second hour of the program, who's going to tell you all a bit about this hearing they're having on China and what to do about it. It's looking like they made band TikTok, which Clay Where am I going to learn the best way to serious steak or how to do the perfect role technique with my filet Mignon. I guess I'll have to get it elsewhere. And then two thirty pm Betsy Devas, former Education secretary, we'll talk to her about was prize school choice education? What's going on in that world? I think she got a book out as well. Am I corrected that one. She did have a book out. So Clay, let's start with Lori Lightfoot. We could sit here and go into at some length about what's going on Chicago. I broke down basic numbers yesterday, call it roughly an average of seven hundred murders a year over the last few years, which is just completely unacceptable. And then you also look at shooting incidents, You look at theft, you look at criminal sexual assault, you look at robbery. Overall crimes through this second month of the well, through February, according Daily Mail here, overall crimes are up fifty two, which is just I don't even know how that's compared to twenty twenty two. Clay, think about that, a fifty percent year over year increase in overall crimes. Does Lawyer Lightfoot say to everybody, you know what, I'm just not good at this. No, what does she say, Clay. She blamed her loss on racism and sexism, which is so par for the course on identity politics. But last night, when I saw these results coming in, I felt compelled Buck to gratulate Lorie Lightfoot. They made such a big deal about the fact that she was the first black lesbian to be mayor of a major American city, and I have to congratulate her on being the first black lesbian mayor to lose eighty three to seventeen in a reelection bid. She's the first Chicago mayor in over forty years who was an incumbent not to be a reelected Buck, I mean, this was to me a seismic repudiation of everything that we reject on this show on a daily basis. And one of the things that we've been upset about. And I'm curious if this reckoning is actually going to boomerang back around in twenty four is none of the people who got everything wrong on COVID have had to bear the cost for getting everything wrong on COVID, Right, Gretchen Whitmer gets re elected. If you're listening to us in Michigan. You remember when there was literal crime scene tape over your ability to buy some things in a department store. I mean they literally shut down and said only certain essential products could be bought. You couldn't buy, for instance, if I remember correctly, seeds for your garden, if you went out to the grocery store, they had that part of the store taped off with crime scene tape to disallow people from being able to go in there. And so, Lorie Lightfoot, Chicago, I believe, alongside of La New York, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, drastically awful decisions were made there, and the leadership was indefensible, and all the masking and all the social distancing and all the stand in your circles, all of it, I think finally led to someone Lori Lightfoot, having to pay the price. And I just I looked at it and I said, hallelujah. Chicago is our third largest city in the country. What were you talking about yesterday, Buck, Illinois is the only reliably blue state in the center part of the country. And I want you to think about that from a geographic perspective, the only non East coast or West coast state that you can point to and say with virtual one hundred percent certainty, is going to be blue. Finally, there were consequences for incompetence and the fact that Lorie Lightfoot. I believe we have audio of her we're trying to track down. I don't know if she officially said in public. I saw the New York Post with the headline about her saying this is because of racism and sexism. One of the two finalists, by the way, is a black guy. So it seems to me hard to justify racism when someone else of your own race was chosen to be more competent than you. But here is Lorie Lightfoot cut three talking about all the great things she accomplished en route to the worst beatdown of an incumbent mayor in a reelection campaign that I can remember in modern history. Listen, Obviously, we didn't win the election today, but I stand here with my head held high and a heartful and regardless of tonight's outcome, we fought the right fights, and we put this city on a better path, no doubt about it. I'm grateful that we worked together to remove a record number of guns off our streets, reduced homicides and started making real progress on public safety. She can say whatever she wants, but I mean it's ridiculous, right, I mean, and the people of Chicago, the Democrat voters of Chicago, I mean, let's be honest about what we're really talking about here. They said, this is just too much, this is crazy. And you know, I think a big part of it was the videos that you would see, the kind of crimes that were occurring in Chicago. You know, there's just one this week as well in Saint Louis. I know, we have a lot of listeners in Saint Louis, and you know there was that broad daylight execution of a homeless man on the street and just broad daylight on video, guy pulls out a gun and just calmly, you know, murders a fellow human being. You were seeing things similar to that in their depravity and the way that they were hitting the conscience of the public. Going on in Chicago. You know, a woman walking her dog in a quiet neighborhood and car screeches up. Guys with hoodies on, you know, run at her, grab her, pull a gun out on her, maybe pistol whipper and maybe killer. I mean the things that were happening in Chicago, and people were seeing videos of these happening over and over again. Eventually it just became too much. It's a shame, I think, part of a shame that we had to learn this lesson in this way. But I do think one of the things you've seen in a lot of these cities is that the threshold for punishment from bad Democrat policies is higher for Democrats than it would be for just a normal rational person. So eventually the crime level gets too high in San Francisco, in Chicago, it just takes a whole lot more awfulness and a whole lot more suffering before they come to the right decision. But as we see in Chicago, even hard and fast Democrats don't want to walk down the streets and get worried about whether there's going to be a drive by in their neighborhood, by the way, in any neighborhood in Chicago, and that was a part of it. Two, It's not just the Southside, not just the high crime areas. There was a lot of stuff happening in Lincoln Park, a lot of stuff happening in you know, there was a shooting, it happened in Millennium Park right after I was there. That stuff is what really makes I think people realize this is too much. Buck think about how difficult it is with all of the values of incumbency. You hit on this in the open she got seventy three percent of the vote four years ago. To go from seventy three percent of the vote. I believe she won all fifty voting districts in Chicago the last time when she was elected, to fall all the way to seventeen percent of the vote, when you have all the powers of incumbency, when virtually everyone knows you. To me, this is a story that is more significant than Chicago. If I am a Democrat and I am looking at the refuse of this result, I am saying we are in some significant trouble potentially when it comes to incumbency in twenty twenty four. I mainly do think so for mayor's races, that's obviously the case. I think at some state level races it will matter. I will say that you know Joe Biden all along, He's been in the game a long time, and as much as we talk about his lack of sharpness and mental acuity, these days, which is all very true. He does know some things, and he understands at the national level, the American people are not anti cop, They're just not. And so he never he never really went down that full on. He would give a lot of praise to you know, VLM and progress and all the stuff that you know, oh reform, but he never went a cop. He never went defund police. So I don't know if that's going to be in the presidential election as big of a factor as I would obviously wish it to be. But I do think at some of the city and state levels you're going to see people who are in big trouble. I just want to be clear, though. Clay Lori Lightfoot rejects this entirely, and she does view this as a referendum, a referendum on how racist the people of Chicago are, which is so weird because seventy three percent of them voted for her the last time. Somehow, between a sweeping electoral victory and mandate by chicagoans, Chicago just got super racist in the last few years. A lot of people wandered around the streets with maga hats on. I guess millions of them, she said, to The New Yorker over the weekend. This is the quote, I am a black woman. Let's not forget certain folks frankly don't support us in leadership roles. Oh so that's why Chicago just had the biggest swing against a mayor in terms of electoral politics. I think I've never seen anything like this before. A lot of racism and sexism suddenly took over. This was my argument that the media missed in twenty sixteen. Buck, a huge number of people in the Midwest voted for Barack Obama in two thousand and eight and two twelve, millions of people and then flip their vote to Donald Trump. And the immediate reaction was Trump won because of racism. And my question was, well, if you're willing to vote for a black guy to be president of the United States and then you flip to Donald Trump, it seems like that's not racism. And this is, of course, because this is the only game they know how to play, right, the identity politics driven Democrat party. Lori Lightfoot can't say she won seventy three percent of the vote because people chose her as the best candidate irrespective of whether she was black or lesbian. That's not the reason they voted for her. It's only the reason they can vote against her. Right, she can only be a victim of her race and sex. She can never benefit from it at all. It's so strange too, because when she's running, and this is true in many different elections, when she's running, the media and the Democrat Party and some Independence and some Republicans, we'll all talk about the groundbreaking nature, the glass seeing shattering nature of having not just the first black female mayor but the first black lesbian female mayor of Chicago, and I believe of a major city of that size in the United States as an asset, and then it is spoken of as an asset clearly like incredible accomplishment. So the game that is played in the whole diversity and inclusion rhetoric is isn't this so great? Don't we all agree that this is great? Just these you know, the immutable characteristic set issue, the identity politics involved. But then if it goes against that person after a huge win, it's, well, everybody's racist and homophobic or sexist or whatever. So well, hold on a second. I thought it was it was an asset before, but now it's a huge it's a huge electoral liability. And no, I think seven hundred murders and a fifty percent increasing crime in the last twelve months, I think that's the big liability. You can only be a victim. Democrat party runs the oppression. Olympics only allows victimization. How about saving some money every month on your cell phone bill. Pure Talk saves the average sized family over nine hundred dollars a year when they switch from Verizon AT and t R T Mobile. That's right, you can save nine hundred dollars a year on your wireless bill still enjoy ultra fast five G service with pure Talk. You can get unlimited talk text, plenty of data for just thirty bucks a month. Pure Talk so sure you're gonna love their service. They'll even back it up with one hundred percent money back guarantee. So instead of paying a fortune to Verizon AT and t R T Mobile every month, you can cut your bill in half with pure Talk. 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There have been a couple of big battles, obviously in a basketball crazy state. How are you going to manage that as the senator when you have to represent both sides? Well, I might not be politically advantageous, but I'm a I'm a proud Indiana University graduate. Perdue as our arch rival, and this is the first time in ten years that my Indiana Hoosiers have beat Perdue at both home and away. Yeah, you guys swept THEMI year. I'm proud of my beloved Hoosiers clip. All right, So that is what's going on in the battlefield of a basketball which is a big deal, especially now that we're into March in the state of Indiana, but on a much bigger scale, you are really trying to hold China accountable. And what's what's interesting is, and I'm curious how you would analyze this, it seems that maybe of all things that are going on right now on Capitol Hill, there's a lot of momentum bipartisanship even to want to hold China accountable to a large extent. What can we do? What should we do? What are we doing? Yeah, last night we had the first Select Committee on China hearing. I'm a part of the committee, Mike Gallagher from Wisconsin as the chairman of the committee. It went for three hours long. We had great testimony from General McMaster, Matt Pottinger and others talking about the issues of the day. But the great thing about it was this was the first time I've seen Democrats actually come to the table and I want to talk about the threat that China poses to America, to our American way of life. You had a lot of Democrats who were who were afraid to talk about this issue over the last four or five years. But now they understand that this is a moment where we have to come together to provide solutions to protect America from the most dangerous existential threat that we face today, which is the Chinese Communist Party. So overall, a good hearing, but we got to back that up. We got to follow that up with legislation. Earlier this week, I introduced to build a sanctioned China for made in China fentenol flooding into our country, the leading cause of death of Americans my age, over one hundred thousand and people in America killed by fenton all poisoning. So let's sanctioned them, hold them accountable. That's what my bill would do. And hopefully more bills like that come out of the Select Committee on China too. Congresson Banks, you also have focused in on TikTok and the refusal from TikTok to give Congressional testimony overties to the Chinese Communist government. So first of all, you know what is the response. I mean, they just refused to show up. And then if you can just tell us, is TikTok gonna get banned? Do you think that's actually going to happen? And would would Biden sign that? How does this go? Yeah, Joe Biden's never going to ban TikTok because Joe Biden is the most friendliest president we've ever had the Chinese Communist Party. And that's saying a lot, because we've had presidents on both sides of the aisle who played foot seat with China. But President Joe Biden is in bed with them. So I don't expect him to unilaterally banned TikTok. But Congress needs to pay asked a law to do it if he's not going to do it, And it's so important. We talked about this last night in the Select Committee on China. Matt Pottinger talked about how the Chinese Communist Party uses TikTok as an espionage tool in America to follow Americans, especially to use it and say on college campuses where we're doing sensitive national security related research and I'm thinking about my alma mater. I love the basketball team, but they're week on this issue too friendly toward Chinese Communist Party interest, and they still allow TikTok on university devices. Now, Purdue University, I've met with the president of Purdue this week, and while I'm glad my basketball team beat the pretty boiler Makers twice this year, they actually did this. The new president of Purdue University banned TikTok on university devices because they do a lot of work on their college campus on hypersonics research and some of the emerging technologies that we need to defeat China. So that's what we need to do, a blanket across the board ban on TikTok on federal devices. If we can't get it rid of it altogether in America, let's get rid of it on government devices that could pose a national security threat with our biggest enemy using it to follow Americans as they're doing important things. We're talking to Congressman Jim Banks, he's soon to be the next Senator from the great state of Indiana. I'm sure you saw. Christopher Ray came out and echoed what the Department of Energy also has said that COVID leaked from a Chinese lab. You're having these hearings on China right now. It doesn't seem to me like there have been any consequences for China for both leaking COVID, because I think that that is by far the most likely outcome out of a Chinese lab and then maybe we're even worse than that, covering up that fact for years and not coming clean with the world, the global community, and certainly the United States not to mention the Chinese spy balloon, but just for COVID. Right now, what should the consequences to China be for what they did with COVID, presuming that it did in fact leak from a Chinese lab well, which which we now know to be true. I mean, it's it's it's incredible. What they told us two and a half years ago was trafficking in in UH conspiracy theories and dangerous rhetoric and foreign propaganda. Now they're admitting was true all along, Even though Tom Cotton and myself and and Donald Trump a lot of other people talked about this early on in the in the coronavirus outbreak, the likelihood of it coming from there. Now now we know it's true, So now we have to do something about it. We have a moral obligation in Congress to hold China accountable for their what they did, their negligence on their part, whether it was intentional or not, to allow coronavirus to spread around the world, killing so many Americans, but also wrecking havoc on the American economy and the global economy. So for the first starters, I mean, let's let's allow, let's pass something they will allow for reparations or for an avenue for Americans who lost to love one to suit China, to hold the accountable for it. I mean that that's common sense to me. That's what they would do to us. And and uh with you know, with the president like Joe Biden, I can't imagine he would fight back if a foreign country was trying to do that to America. I don't know why we wouldn't do that to China to hold them accountable for it too. Speaking to Congressman Banks of Indiana, Congressman, how concerned are you about China supporting Russia in Ukraine something that got a lot of attention in the last week or so. Yeah, this is a deep, deeply troubling We had a we also had a hearing yesterday in the Armed Services Committee, an update on the situation in Ukraine, and I asked one of the Biden administration officials about the you know, the role that the Russians were playing in US negotiating a new rondeal, which is ludicrous in and of itself a different subject, but it just goes to show how back and forth, how the different the mixed sick knows that the Biden administration sends when has come to Russia all along. So now we have the the axis of evil Iran, Russia, and uh and China working together and and supplying weapons and ammunition to to to Russia to back them up. And you know, this is a deeply troubling situation that just goes to show when you when you put the weakest president that you can possibly find in the White House as the commander in chief, it invites the aggression of our biggest enemies. And that that's why the world, if it feels like the world has been turned upside down because of American weakness, is because it has been turned upside down. So this is the opposite of peace through strength. And what we came to appreciate about President Trump in the office who projected strength, um that that deterred our enemies. We have the exact opposite today and and China's rolling all of it is something that we can't ignore. Again, hold China accountable. We have we we we finally at Democrats come to the table last night at the at a congressional hearing. But the president is not. It's not just that he's missing an action on China, it's that he's on their side. We already know that that the Biden family took millions of dollars from Chinese Communist Party interests, and the big guy with skimming ten percent off the top. You know this. We're talking about corruption at the highest levels. That it's hard, it's hard for a lot of us to believe or at least skeptical at least that those entanglements haven't in many ways affected the temperament or the decisions of this president. Connerson Banks, appreciate you being with us or thanks for your time. Have a good day. If you think it's time for new pillows in your home, your timing is perfect. Mike Lindell and My Pillow have launched the My Pillow two point zero. When Mike invented the original My Pillow had everything you could want in a pillow. Now nearly twenty years later, the company is using new technology that really levels up your sleep. 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That's eight hundred seven nine two three two six nine to get your My Pillow two point zero. Now I've got mine right here, the my pillow two point zero, the softest, smoothest, coolest pillow you'll ever own. You don't know what you don't know right, but you should. The Sunday Hey Buck Bodcast. Welcome back to Clay An Buck. We have Betsy de Vos joining us now. She's the former Secretary of Education under President Donald Trump. He's got a book, Hostages No More, The Fight for Education, Freedom, and the Future of the American Child. Betsy. Great to have you on the program. Thanks so much, Clay, and back thanks for having me. Let's talk about the Supreme Court oral arguments yesterday. What's that issue here on the student debt relief cancelation whatever they want to call it. You ran the Education Department. What do you think about this Biden administration plan to waive the proverbial magic wand and have twenty twenty thousand dollars of debt wiped away for a whole lot of folks. Yeah, and about half trillion dollars by conservative estimates. Well, I and four of my former secretary of education colleagues for former Republican Secretary Harris all agree there is no authority for the secretary to do this. No authority for the executive branch, the president. It's clearly illegal. And interestingly, while I attended the oral arguments yesterday at the Supreme Court, and while there was a lot of questioning around whether the case had standing, they were also the justices were also very very interested in the question of legality. And it is clear he does not. Congress is the one with is the entity with the power of the purse. And you know what Biden and his administration saw was a bunch of politics that they tried to wrap in policy attract young people's votes for the promise of wiping away their student debt. It's wrong and it is I'm very optimistic that the court is going to find it illegal as it is. I agree with you. Thank you for coming on the show. We appreciate all the things you're doing. Another big court case that deals directly with education is affirmative action. It appears to be on the chopping block because and I'm sure you've dove into the details on this to a great degree, but in particular, Asian applicants are being discriminated against at many elite institutions all over the country in a way Interestingly that Jewish applicants used to be discriminated against, which is how we ended up with standardized test in the first place. What do you think the Supreme Court is going to do with affirmative action based on what you know of that jurisprudence as well, well, I would agree that it seems to be in a direction they're headed to indicate that these are not non discriminatory programs and that they cannot that race cannot be a you know, the factor in deciding admittance or not to an institution. There's a lot of very important implications to that case, obviously, But on the student debt case, it has implications for all of us because in the case that that was allowed to stand, all of the taxpayers are the ones footing the bills to wipe away the debt of millions of students, over fifty percent of whom say they don't need their debt wiped away, that they're capable of continuing to pay, and so it is a very big issue with very massive implications for everyone in the country. Speaking of former Secretary of Education Betsy de Vos, she served unto the Trump administration, Betsy, how are we doing on school choice initiatives? Across the country. I know we don't have a White House that is favorable to the idea, but I know that at the local and state a more grassroots level, this is something that education freedom activists are very focused in on. Are we gaining ground? How's the movement doing? Absolutely, education freedom, school choice is on a roll. There are now four states that have introduced and passed universal education savings accounts for every student in their state Arizona, West Virginia, Iowa, and Nevada. Florida is soon to follow. They're debating that bill right now, and I expect that soon we will also see it joined by Arkansas, Oklahoma. Nebraska's considering a very big expansion, as is Ohio, and and I think that the momentum is going to continue to build as states see their neighbors doing making policy change that's going to support families and kids and is ultimately going to be an economic boon for the states that do this to be able to attract families to live there who want a high quality of life and a good opportunity in an economy that's working. Betsy, I'm sure I don't know if you saw this story, but there was a religious high school that refused to take the court against a team they were playing in basketball because they were using on that team a transgender athlete, a male that was now identifying as a female. You were at the forefront. You in particular, I don't think you've got credit for this that you deserve to help fix some of these kangaroo courts that were going on inside many of these colleges and universities when it came to allegations of sexual assault, basic due process rights that didn't exist. When you see the Biden administration trying to argue that they are going to put the full force of the American government behind the idea that if you are a boy and you want to identify as a girl, you should be able to compete in women's athletics. What do you think about that? And how important is it for people to fight back against it. It's absolutely important, And they are in the process right now of trying to undo all the good hard work we did to bring a fair and balanced and reliable approach to for students and for campuses to be able to follow and rely upon. They're trying to not only turn that all back, but take it multiple steps further than even the Obama administration did before the Trump administration, and it is it is inconceivable that this will ultimately be allowed to stand if that's where they end up. But people have got to continue to raise their voices and speak out against this notion of You know, we've we've had the Civil Rights Bill passed to ensure that girls and women had an equal opportunity to play in sports and to access education opportunities. Well, if you allow a biological mail to compete on a girls team, that by definition kind of moots the point of women's sports. Amen. She's Betsy of Os, former Secretary of Education. Her book Costages No More, The Fight for Education, freedom, and the future of the American Child. Thanks for joining us, Thanks so much for having me. All right, beck, as we roll into the final segment here, just going to break down everything as we get ready for the clothes of the show here, I think that is a safe bet. Indeed, you all know about how woke activist sees control of America's schools. Now a group of investment firms that Americans and trust with our pensions and retirements are playing woke politics with your money without our knowledge or consent. A few large investment firms names you know that control trillions of dollars of your money are using those dollars to advance their woke ideology through a progressive social scoring program called ESG. They claim it promotes corporate responsibility. What they're really doing is using americans hard earned money to finance their political agenda, forcing businesses to comply or else. Some state leaders are fighting back and more are joining, letting those investment firms know they can't play politics with our pensions. They can either do their jobs, maximize returns for shareholders, or get lost. To learn more, Good to Consumers Research dot org they've been defending consumers against fraud and abuse for decades and still are Good to Consumers research dot org to learn more about their mission to protect consumers from woke investment firms. Consumers Research dot org heard it on the show here. More on the podcast Clay and Buck podcast Deep Dives, more contents, more common sense. Find the guys on the iHeart app or wherever you get your podcasts. Appreciate all of you hanging out with us. Yesterday, Buck, I thought something happened on the show that would not happen. Ever, now it's gonna happen again. This may be even more crazy. I am going to praise Joy behar who I've previously called the dumbest woman appearing on any program daily in America maybe in the world. Joy bay Harbors on the View yesterday, Buck I said, Whoopie Goldberg nailed it. I mean, maybe maybe I'm gonna end up one of the chicks on the View at this direct Are you gonna be on the View and Joy's gonna say you're handsomer in person, mister Travis. I mean they might end up adding me as a dude, just to have a dude on the View, not just chicks. And uh, maybe I'd end up agreeing with them because I don't know if you get to call them chicks if you're on set with them. I'm just throwing that out there. Is chicks an offensive term, not to me, but I'm a dude. I mean it's interesting. I remember when I was practicing law. I we had a new attorney, new female attorney, and I said, who's the new girl? And they were like one of the women partners was like, oh, you would never say who's the new boy? And I was like no, but I would say who's the new guy. She was like, Oh, yeah, I guess that's right. But I mean, so this whole idea of you know, what words can you use? I don't think that chicks is is a defensive term. Certainly not gonna gonna call them babes. But joy Behart, this has this happened to you ever? Buck? So Marjorie Taylor Green was out to dinner, I think, and she was confronted by someone who disagreed with her politically. Have you had or been in any scene where you've seen a situation like this happened? Wait to me? Or have I started with somebody you're sitting with. I've had it happened once. So I will tell you I was very disappointed. Where I lived in DC was also a place during the Trump administration where there were some Trump White House officials of bringing up because there were and I mean the most blue haired, you know, nose ring wearing lunatic libs had gathered right under my window. Yeah, and they were banging drums and cow bells and they're like, oh, like you support like the white nationalist in the White House and all this stuff. And there's a part of me that's like these people are super annoying. It's a sunday I want to sleep, But also a part of me that was like, oh, moving up in the world. I gotta They were going for Stephen Miller, and he lived on the other side of the building, which is what was so unfair. He never heard a peep from these lunatics, but I thought they were there for me. Turned out not so much. But no, this actually hasn't happened to me yet. I had a lot of very nice people in our radio audience come up and say wonderful things about us, and I love them, but I haven't had the nasty then I had. When I worked at CNN, I had a guy look at me on the subway and he stared at me and he said, I see you on CNN, says you sound eloquent, but I hate everything you say. So that was a little bit of a thing. What did you have? What happened to you? I've had. I've been screamed at twice while doing stand ups. Yeah, once last year, meaning twenty twenty one. So I was at a Tennessee, Georgia game, I think, or I don't remember. I was standing up doing like a television hit and in between the hits. Somebody screamed at me, I can't believe you're defending Kyle House in any way. You're gonna go to hell and a bunch of curse words. Um. That was in Knoxville. And then I was doing a person feels about himself considering Kyle Rittenhouse one hundred percent innocent and did nothing wrong. But yeah, interesting, Yeah I was right on that one. And then actually, I don't even know that I mentioned this to you. I was doing a stand up about to do one before the Alabama Texas game in Austin when you were you and your family were down there, you and your brothers, and somebody came by was like, I listened to your show, You're a horrible racist, blah blah blah blah blah, like a lot of curse words. And I was like, appreciate you listening, and uh. And so that's the only two times face to face that I've ever had face to face I forgetting. I went to a black tie event in New York and there was a line of protesters outside and a couple of them got right in my I'm in a tuxedo and a couple of them got right in my face. And they're like, they're look, you're not welcome here. We know who you are, and I want to be like, no, welcome, this is my city. You're prob race. You probably just got off a bus from someplace god knows where, Like, what are you talking about? But you're not welcome in New York of this whole thing. And they were screaming in my face the cop there, so I think they also were hoping that I. You know, this is these people are so tough. They want to get right on your face. They were all nails. I want to get right in your face and say really aggressive things. And then the moment you like, do anything, Oh my gosh, yeah you attacked me. I'm throwing a jill. Not yet. Of course, ninety nine point nine percent of all things that I hear in public are positive. But I did want to mention that and the idea that you would confront someone in a restaurant regardless of their politics. And I say this to everybody out there listening as well, indefensible. You are not in the right when you make this decision. So Marjorie Taylor Green was confronted, and this is what Joy Behar on the View had to say. Marjorie Taylor Green tweeted that she was quote attacked quote unquote by a woman in a restaurant on Monday night and was screamed at by her adult son, not Marjorie's, the woman's son while she was sitting at a table with members of herself, simply because she claims it was just because she has political views that are different. So I have to say I'm on Madreie's side for this one, because I don't believe that anybody should be going up to any of us, anybody in public and harassing us. Amen. Joy Behart nailed they never have said it before on the show. She's a hundred percent right. Hi FI for Joy behar on that One's just gonna say it. We will always when people speak the truth, they're speaking the truth. I don't care who says it. The truth is a good thing. She's right. She probably took a little heat from her audience on that one. I don't know many Maybe Joy beharror is sick of carrying water for the commies, you know, maybe she's starting to see a little a glimmer of light. Let's not get crazy, Let's not get crazy, but a little tiny bit and to joy Beharror's defense here, this is the exact opposite of what Congressman Congresswoman Maxine Water said. Remember where she said, and get everybody in the face and screen at him. Basically, the view should have us on let's just put that out there. The view bookers have on Clay and Buck. But coming up next, we're talking about the FBI and the Mari Lago raid.