Christian Persecution and the Anticipation of Christ's Return

Published Jan 19, 2024, 10:00 AM

The Christian Outlook – January 20, 2024

Bill Bunkley questions U.S. government transparency on global persecution, and Jeff King, President of International Christian Concern, criticizes the politicization of the State Department's list, citing Nigeria's exclusion due to political and geopolitical factors, including oil interests and the influence of radical Islamists. 

Rick Probst and Todd Nettleton of Voice of the Martyrs discuss attacks on Nigerian Christians over Christmas, highlighting the religious targeting. Nettleton also mentions financial charges against Chinese Christians and expresses concerns about the potential reelection of Prime Minister Modi in India, predicting increased persecution for Christians under his leadership.

Kathy Emmons asks Chris Davis about his latest book, “Bright Hope for Tomorrow,” He highlights the anticipation of Christ's return and its role in providing hope, clarity for ministry, and prophetic patience in afflictions, suggesting Sabbath rest as a rhythm to stay aware of the Lord's return and reorder priorities.

Georgene Rice and David Closson, author of “Male and Female He Created Them: A Study on Gender, Sexuality, & Marriage,” discuss the challenges of maintaining biblical views on gender, sexuality, and marriage in a hostile culture.

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