Charlie welcomes two incredible patriots, Daniel Horowitz, host of the 'Conservative Review Podcast,' and Steve Deace, host of 'The Steve Deace Show,' and co-authors of the upcoming book, "The Rise of the Fourth Reich: Confronting COVID Fascism with a New Nuremberg Trial, So This Never Happens Again." Steve and Daniel make the argument that COVID-19 was used to launch the worst tyranny in American history, which we’re still facing even now. It was also the worst oppression in global history since the Third Reich. But, Charlie grills the two co-authors for the entire episode asking them the obvious question, "Is the title of this book hyperbolic? Why does everything have to get related to the 1930s?" Charlie also asks the provocative follow up, "Were COVID lockdowns preplanned? Was the entire lockdown regime conspired and hatched before March 2020?" Steve and Daniel issue a full-throated defense of their heightened language for what swept across the country and the world over for the last 29 months. Listen to this exclusive, and early discussion involving three of the most outspoken lockdown, and vaccine skeptics in America explaining why they believe that we've all lived through one of the largest conspiracies ever perpetrated against a free people in the history of America. Read the entire opening argument of their upcoming book at