The Charlie Kirk ShowThe Charlie Kirk Show

3 Professors LIVE from Hillsdale College—Khalil Habib, Kenneth Calvert, and Kevin Slack

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Charlie is LIVE from Hillsdale College, the Beacon of the North, and welcomes three Hillsdale professors to the show for a virtual audit of one of the last great institutions of higher education in America. First up is Dr. Khalil Habib who gives a high level discussion of his current lectures on John Locke, Montesquieu, and the origination of some of America's most revolutionary founding ideas including natural rights, checks and balances, and the very nature of freedom. Next up is Dr. Kenneth Calvert, an expert on Roman history, for a discussion on the parallels often drawn between the fall of Rome and the often lamented decline of the modern American Republic. Are those comparisons apt or unfair? You might be surprised by Dr. Calvert's answer. Finally, Associate professor of politics, Professor Kevin Slack, analyzes the the post 60s progressive culture. How did America really arrive at its current destabilized reality? Slack follows the thread all the way back to the New Deal era and the mid-century liberals. 

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