Holistic job redesign the key: Hired (Ep 6)

Published Jan 15, 2024, 4:00 PM

HR can be the crucial conduit to catalyse the virtuous cycle which benefits businesses and their employees. Howie Lim gets Aslam Sardar, CEO of the Institute for Human Resource Professionals (IHRP) to explain how exactly job redesign can get that virtuous cycle going.  

Synopsis: The Business Times Branded Podcasts; finely curated, intelligent, thought provoking content for decision-makers. Inspired by the newsroom of your trusted partner.

Follow on audio apps Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts, or Google Home smart speaker devices. Produced by The Business Times, SPH Media, in collaboration with WSG.


01:00 Job redesign from HR perspective

02:31 Trends for different sectors

03:41 IHRP addressing specific workforce challenges

06:06 The role of HR in job redesign

07:23 The strategic tool to help productivity increases

07:42 The poster children for job redesign

More about:

Workforce Singapore (WSG)


Job Redesign initiatives for different sectors


Support for Job Redesign under Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG-JR)


Written, hosted and produced by Howie Lim (howielim@sph.com.sg)

With Aslam Sardar, CEO, the Institute for Human Resource Professionals (IHRP)

Edited by: Howie Lim & Claressa Monteiro

Engineered by: Joann Chai Pei Chieh

Executive Producer: Claressa Monteiro

A podcast by BT Podcasts, The Business Times, SPH Media


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