Raheem Kassam Rocks The Freedom Hut

Published Nov 2, 2018, 10:54 PM

Guest Host Raheem Kassam fills in for Buck while he is interviewing VP Pence in Missouri. Steve Bannon, Dr. Sebastian Gorka and many more join the show.

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This is the buck Sexton Show, where the mission or mission is to decode what really matters with actionable intelligence. Make no mistake, American, You're a great American. Again the buck Sexton shell begins. Remember now, welcome to the bucks Sexton Show. My name is Raheem Kassam, filling in four bucks Sexton today. We're very glad to have you here with us. There's a lot to talk about over the next few hours. We've got some great guests on the show for you today. But in case you don't know me, by wait, by means of introduction, um. I was the former London editor for bright butt dot com, former chief advisor to Nigel Farage or as you might know him, Mr Brexit, and I also dot around here and there with the Claremont Institute, the Gatestone Institute, the Middle East Forum. You can find my work online at Raheem Kassam on Twitter and so on and so forth. But enough about me. I want to talk about the fact that you have just four days to go until some of the most important elections these United States States have faced in a very very long time. You know, the stakes are not just high because I say so, or because the President of the United States says so, or because Maxine Waters or Oprah say so. The stakes are high because the full force of the political, cultural, media, and financial elite is being leveraged right now, the full might of the swamp, the full might of Hollywood, the full might of the fake news industrial complex, the full might of foreign money and power invested interests who have been reeling ever since the early hours of November nine, two thousand and sixteen. The stakes are high because there's a migrant invasion careering towards the US Southern Board and the left wants to talk about Obamacare. The stakes are high because impeachment is the word on the lip on the tips sorry of every Democrats tongue, though they didn't utter it just yet for fear of alienating independent, minded or swing voters. The stakes are high because this president's agenda, arguably one of the most sort of radical, rip roaring effective platforms in decades, rests on whether or not Tuesday, the deplorable strike another dagger into the heart of the establishment. You know, I'm grateful and honored that in these last few days before the midterm elections, Buck Sexton his team saw fit to let me take the reins over for the next few hours, and I employ you to listen closely to some of the arguments and guests that will be having over the course of this show. And I think it behooves all of us who believe in in Western tradition and culture and the founding principles of the United States, not just to winbibe of such knowledge, but also, especially this weekend, to spread it idly. You know, a citizen, as conceived in ancient Greece was was somebody who saw the risks of their lack of participation being so great that they might become serfs or slaves as a result of their complacency. And that remains true today. And what say you to a voice from another nation mine speaking these words to you as you gear up to make that almighty important choice on Tuesday. I mean, I'll tell you why it means something to me the nation I was born and raised in the United Kingdom. I mean, we had a similarly extraordinary year into thousand and sixteen. We too, first even delta hammer blow to the political establishment in the form of Brexit on on June the twenty, two thousand and sixteen. And I'll never forget this number, say, seventeen million, four hundred and ten thousand, seven hundred and forty two people voted to leave the supernational governing institutions of the European Union and claim our sovereignty and our border controls and our birthrights back. You know, despite a long and rich history as both a global governing empire and a strong independent nation, we Brits ended up this last forty years in trapped in a political union where our laws and our regulations and our sovereign decisions were taken in a foreign capital by unelected bureaucrats. When thinking back on the election here in the United States, I often remarked that it was through divine providence and the hard work and belief of so many ordinary Americans that you too did not get dragged into a miasma like the European Union. There was, and there still remains a massive chance of this happening. The Transpacific Partnership Comic Alliance. Remember it was heralded by Hillary Clinton as the gold standard of trade deals. Well, that was actually modeled on the European Union, with its commissars and commissioners. It's bureaucrats and buffoonish benefactors of the centralization of power, away from the individual, away from the demos the people you know. TPPE could have led the United States down the dark and dangerous road to serfdom. But what happened instead, America rejected the administrative state. President Trump even made it part of his plethora of campaign slogans drain the swamp for decades and and the centuries of erudite and prolific thinkers. President Trump managed to put it into those three words, you know, perspective and simplicity, the likes of which we need now more than ever before in our lifetimes. A return of the revolutionary spirit, the birth this nation from my own. I think it's also a weekend to dwell on some words that I recently re read from another of your presidents, Abraham Lincoln. In eight he said, of those revolutionary scenes in the form of a husband, a father, a son, or a brother, a living history was to be found in every family, a history bearing the indubitable testimonies of its own authenticity, in the limbs mangled, in the scars of wounds received in the midst of the very scenes related A history too that could be read and understood alike by all the wise and the ignorant, the learned and the unlearned. But those histories are gone. They can be read no more forever. They were a fortress of strength. But what invading Foeman could never do, the silent artillery of time has done the leveling of its walls. It's time to fight back against that island artillery. Now we secure freedom for another generation. I'm Maraheam Kassa. This is the Buck Sexton Show again. We'll have some fantastic guests over the course of the program for you, and the first of which joining us now is none other than Stephen kay Bannon. He is, as you know, the former White House Chief strategist, former CEO of the Trump campaign, and I'm delighted now to welcome Stephen K. Bann into the show. All right, welcome to the buck Sexton Show. My first guest here today is Stephen K. Bannon, former senior advisor and campaign CEO for President Donald J. Trump. Steve, thanks for joining us here today, Raheem. I'm so glad to join you in bucks Seston. Trum a huge fan of the show. In buck Seston, I watched one of the HILP listen the show. But you know, most importantly, I'm trying to track you down. You know, were since with me? Trumpet War in today's Gateway Punish got that lead stories has been seen over seven million times. I thought you did camp to Hollywood. I couldn't tranking now. Well, I was gonna open with a question about Trumpet War, but full disclosure, I am in the movie made by Stephen cabin and called Trumpet War. We're in the movie. You cork uh, Corey Rainard Jackson. The stars of the movie that you're in, I guess Joe Conta uh and others kind of steel, the kind of steel that you're one of the stars of it. Don't don't modest, Just don't don't be modest. So well, thank you very much. So I saw that story about how many millions of people that that movie reached. Tell us a little bit for the audience who hasn't maybe seen it yet or has it sort of in there to do list. Tell us a little bit about the movie, how you got to, you know, conceptualizing it, and what impact you think has had on this on this midterm election race. Well, look, you know, we're start of conceiving the thing that nine months ago at the beginning of year, thinking that in the closing days in September, October, November, in the run up to the mid term, because it's really going to be about President Trump, is nobody about his agenda. It's essentially a referendum on Trump. And so we made a film really to galvanize the Trump based This is not really a conversion film, although we've got tons of anecdotal information of people showing it to their family and converting over to support President Trump. It was really made as a film like I made in the Tea Party year of two thousand ten, to motivate people to get out to vote, to walk precincts. I felt early on we lacked the burgenescing at the grassroots level, that that the left hand I saw a lot of urgency and energy in the Times Up movement, in the Resistance and in Tom Styler's next in and I thought it was very important to get us to stop leaving on the shovel. So, you know, I wrote the script structures that I've got a cast with you in the court and other you know, just a terrific cast made the film. We distributed totally Free Go to Trumpet War Dot com I'm gonna just go to the Gateway party. I think it's the lead story. Click on. You can share it with anybody. Not your ard is our and fifteen minutes long. I think it just won the UH. I think the Melbourne Film Festival two nights ago we can found that one the best documentary. So we're very proud of that. Yeah, yeah, I knows so as it's Australia, so it's both left and right. It's just not a conservative thing. And they told us that we want best Documentary. Of course I went best Director, but I don't need to mention. Um, does that mean you have to go to a stradiot to collected award? Now? No, Unfortunately they already had the award I think I think it was in New Mexico too at that time, because I've been going around the country to these tough congressional districts and talking about the Trump program and why it's important. What we need the grass roots to focus on is that this is all about President Trump. That you may be voted for a rhino, maybe maybe accomplishment you're not totally excited about. It doesn't matter. You gotta get out there, You've gotta ring more balls. You've gotta work from banks. You're gonna have to drag people to the polls because when he I think, coming down to the closing days, this thing's gonna be you know, at the wire somebody that witness. Well, this is what I wanted to ask you about. You have been traveling around the country an awful lot over the last couple of months. But where do you think right now? I mean we're just four days out at this point in time from the from the mid term elections. Um, where do you think the you know, the key seats are. What have you seen out there? And and and you know what should people bearing in mind when they go to the ballot box on Tuesday, Well, the battot bix. I think you've got to focus on the Trump program because we lose the House of Representatives, They're going to not just immediately get impeachment hearing, who are They're actually gonna have I think fifty investigations and really grind the Trump agenda to a hold. So for me, it's all on the line here. I think the Senate, look, I think we had Nomatam before the pipe bombing incident and before this horrible massacre in tragedy in Pittsburgh at the synagogue. I thought we had the momentum it both in the Senate and the House. I still think the Senate looks safe and maybe pick up a couple of two seats, um maybe even three. I think the House is a real dog fight. I don't think you don't see a blue wave, but I could see losing five seven seats. But I think we're the Democrats are vulnerable. I don't think they focused on these seats that we could flip. Remember when him when I first left the White House, you were around when I had the meetings with some of the Republican Nostalgian guys. At the time, they were talking about at eight seat potential loss in the House of Representative. That was in September of two thousand and seventeen. He saw that come down the sixty to fifty I was on handity with part days ago. I think it's at thirty or forty. I think it's somewhere out around twenty five. But I do think they're they're pickups. And I think some of these key destis are you know. I think it's Mina Pennsylvania. I think it's fourteens are reached a redistrict to one, but the ones in Minnesota, I think it's Minnesota won seven and eight. Seven just came into play last night, Uh, Nevada, Nevada three and four, the Danny Tarkinian nights out there and in the Hardy race, I think looked very competitive Arizona one, Wendy Rogers, I think, so it looks very competitive. So you've got I think you've got, you know, four or five potential pick potential pickups and maybe you know Pennsylvania. I thinks a lot, maybe you want or two uh after that, and I think that can make I think these pickups can actually make the difference to hold the house. Right now, I think it's gonna be I think to change every day. The opposition is going in full force, the raising tons of money, a lot of it small donor uh. And you never know how something like a working a cruise are gonna play out in Texas that will have a huge impact on Culverson and sessions and uh internally hurt. So there's things in play. I think for your audience and for buck sexes, adent just half to engage. It's not too late to go in and make phone calls. At a phone bank. It's not too late to hit with a donation, but it most importantly, it's not too late to get all your friends, all your colleagues, everybody you know out to vote if you want to support the Trump agenda. To me, it's very clear you just gotta get people out to vote. We're speaking with Stephen cabot In, the former White House Chief strategist and Trump campaign CEO Steve so this weekend you're saying, is not the time to be catching up with your binge watching Netflix. You know, I think it's the left is you know, the left got something about President Trump that it took uh, the Republicans now a while to catch up. But they understand he's a transformative president in a historic figure. You know, he's in their head like a cough Gass novel. And the reasons they know that Trump is gonna be in their personal lives twenty and thirty years from now. And it's just not the federal Judiciary's just not. It's not these hunted forty subtle judges and some it's much deeper than that. It's what he's doing. Economic nationalism. That's what he's doing. American first nationalist critic. Most importantly, I think for the left, it's what he's going to deconstruction administrative state, which is really taking this a lot levias in the park, you know, brick by brick, and I think they understand that's gonna have huge implications. So they understand he's in their lives and they want him out, and that's why they put so much energy so much. Look, I disagree that ideology. I admire, uh, their grit and their hustle. They have done it like the Key Party in two thousand and ten. If they do happen to have a winning night on on Tuesday, it's because they went out and walk pretty since early. It's definitely not too like this is we've got really, we've got four days. You've got you Thurday Sunday evening at Friday. I mean we get we get time. You get time to get out and get time to go to a campaign headquarters. There's tons of independent ex finishers out there. They're setting up phone banks and people walking neighborhoods to know if if you want the back President Trump's campaign, you know, binge watching Netflix this weekend is not a good news of your time and um and we'll be talking to other guests on the over the course of the show. Dr Sebastian Gorga will be joining us. What we're talking about the Iran sanctions and so on and so forth. Just just lastly, Steve, what have you wanted to ask you about what you're doing right now because you're you're you're actually in Toronto, am I right? Uh? Prepping for a very big debate. Yeah, month debate and nice myself as as David from Uh it's about his populism gonna be replaced the liver order as the politics of the future. Really honored to be up here that month. People are obviously very class. I think it's thirty hundred seat auditorium. They told me a day that because have sold like fifteen thousand of tickets, so they said, had tremendous demand. Obviously a number of people are not excited about that, some protesters, but that's their their right and I appreciated that out there. Uh. From As, I've known David for a long time using my he was in Generation zero. Uh, he was a star before You Were Human, one of my films. So that at the financial collapse, so um, now I don't want to end up where David from is. I certainly don't want to end up on the other side of a platform against you. No, no, no, there's any great job. Tomorrow, I'm in Virginia. We're trying to get to North Carolina in Pennsylvania and on Sunday and Monday, so we'll be out. I'll be doing you know, these small events. What I tried to do was going in really pump up grand roots leaders and then maybe laying us some other times to screen the film. So we're still pulling some stuff together. But if you go to our website Trumpet War, or if you go Citizens of the American Republic c O a R Core, it's our, not some profitors. I'll get the n g O and uh it's you. You know, just go there, you'll find it all the ways information where we're gonna be. But I'll be back in the States late tonight after this and back on the campaign trail. Just got back from you know, Kansas, uh, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas on a swing to see these uh, these tough districts. Look, it's all about the Trump based. If the Trump base turns out, things are going to be fine. If we can't get the base out, then we may suffer when may lose the House. And I will just say it, that would be terrible for President Trump's agenda. Well, to quote a British Member of Parliament, George Galloway, when he was speaking about Saddam Maseine, I salute your indefatigability, sir, thank you, thank you for being the film. And hey, when he once you tweeted out, however you get to see you got all this Twitter fall, put it up on Twitter. I have been, I have been. I'll do it again. I'll do it again tonight. We want to be a ten minute at the end of the weekend, and I want to get the fifteen minute by by election night. Now, don't know forget that We're gonna put forth a big effort. But just go to the Gateway Pundit or go to more important to go to Rehee's Twitter feat. There you go. That's the that's the that's the first and only time Steven's endorsed by Twitter feed. Hey, take care, good luck on the show today. Thanks so much. Stephen K. Bann and former White House Chief strategist and Trump campaign CEO, also the former head of my old stable brightbart dot com. Stephen k Ban, and thank you very much. Welcome back to the buck Sexton Show. I'm raheam because I'm filling in for bucks Sexton today. I'm pleased to have on the line a good friend of mine, a former deputy director in the Commerce Department. A trumpet pointee, Chris Garcia joins us on the line now, Chris, welcome to the show. We're a good to be on. Chris. You know, there are but four days now until the midterm elections, and I suppose there are those in the Democrat Party who want people to go into those polling booths on Tuesday and talk about either or think about healthcare, or think about a migrant caravan, or maybe not think about a migrant caravan, depending on you know, how they managed to spin it over over the weekend. Um. But the big one for me seems to be and from all the people I'm talking to, seems to be, well, actually, people have money in their pockets again, people have jobs where they couldn't have them before. You know, there is an economic legacy that is already in place. But two years into this administration, how high up the chain do you think Economics is going to be on Tuesday, and just walk us through a little bit of what you think the the you know, the achievements of this administration have been so far and perhaps even where it's fallen down, if there's anything that you might have done differently, or there anything that you know still remains to be done, you know, that's a that's a great question about differently or White House advisors. The President did one thing that was probably the foundation, I'll say, from when we're experiencing such robust economic growth. Number One, he deregulated more than any previous president had in history, where Putting Obama was I think in lenting something like two ordered fifty billion dollars new regulations. In his first two years, President Trump has cut twenty three billion dollars in regulations. UH. That was coupled with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, more money in consumers pockets and American workers pockets and American businesses operating accounts. That to groom and expand has led to a huge, huge, We're at three percent GDP growth now on track for three percent GDP growth throughout the year. UH, and that's going to be the first time that it was ever done since two thousand and five. So the president knew what we all know on the supply side of economics, all of the three traders and three more marketers, uh, know that you have to have a robust economic environment, in an environment that's conducive to entrepreneurship and and growth and expansion in order to be able to provide for the nation's defense, to provide for the social programs that exists. So the President came to office into the right thing right away, and that's why we're experienced this phenomenal growth. Now how that plays to the mid terms, unfortunately, because the rhetoric has been so devisive. Uh, you know, there there are a variety of distractions that are kept trying to take I would say American voters minds off of the successes that the president has realized. But that's something that we cannot overlook. The economic successes put more money in americans pockets, has allowed businesses to grow and expand. Uh. And frankly, uh, we will see most more of them if we continue to have a Republican Congress. Chris, what do you say to the critics of this um this admitted stration's trade policy. You know, there are there are sort of the Paul Krugman's of the world all the way over to the the the hard free market rights saying that actually, you know, tariffs and an economic war with China is going to cause more problems for people. It's going to drive consumer prices up. It's going to lock us into this scenario of of of tip fit tat over the next ten or fifteen years. Uh. They say this country cannot afford it, and and and that even if it could, the jobs aren't coming back anyway. What do you what do you say to something like that? Well, let's break down why the president has slapped tariffs on some of our trading partners in the first place. The biggest co operate has been China. China since joining, since joining the World Trade Organization, and two other than one has abused the privilege of being one of the free trade partners. And I say free trade in quotations because it's been anything but free. China has lied that they've stolen, they've cheated, they've manipulated their currency, they've unfairly subsidized industries and dumped products like stealing aluminum to make it impossible for American consumers to American companies and UH and workers to compete UM. The There was recently a study that was just released UH concerning the loss of three point four million American manufacturing jobs since two thousand and one because of these practices that China has has implemented. Now the President is saying to China very simply cut this out. UH. Actually engage in free trade and reciprocal trade without subsidizing and without slapping tarraps on US products being imported to China. Otherwise we'll slap tarraups. Now, China has much more to lose if they don't comply. They have really no replacement. They have no alternative to the robust consumer base, whereas the United States has. They we have much UH we're working with, first of all, a much greater position of strength because of the robust economy. China's economy is on the downturn. But we also can diversify our supply chain away from China. And I think what President Trump has done is twofold number one. He's striking fairer and more reciprocal trade agreements. When we saw that with the new napative that was struck the U S m c A. But Secondly, he's reorienting the supply chain away from China, away from South East Asia, and back to North America. And that's a huge win for American workers. So anyway, you slife that American companies and American workers are now more competitive and they'll have frankly, a much uh much a better chance to compete fairly and openly on the global market thanks to these policies adopted a further than Trump. You know, I UM. I attended a book launched by by Stephen Moore UM in New York earlier this week, and and he told me an interesting anecdote. In fact, told the room an interesting anecdote. So I don't think I'm preaching any trust in in in relaying this. But when when the economic advisory team on the UM on the transition first said to him, first said to the President elect look or or or reiterated what they've been saying throughout the campaign. Look, you know, we need to have a competitive corporate tax environment because there are other nations out there with corporate rates and we need to go down to that as well. And apparently President Trump's first reaction was absolutely not I want a fifteen percent rate and and you know that I think speak I think that it speaks to his instinct Number one, of course, it's the art of the deal, right, if you go for fifteen, you're gonna get twenty, If you go over to twenty, you're gonna get twenty five, so on and so forth. But it also speaks to his instincts about you know, letting that, letting that sort of beast of American business, medium small and medium sized business, specifically letting it raw. And I don't think that's something that that well, certainly something that we haven't seen in Europe for a very long time. And it's something that I think, you know, America with the Obama you didn't build that mentality hadn't seen for a very long time. What do you think it does to the psyche of of business owners? And what do you think it does to the to the morale of the country that you've now got this this uh you know, you know, I'm not gonna say roaring economy just yet, but you have you know, the wheels are in motion. The stock market is you know, broad, the broad trend is up. What is what is that doing to the country as you see it out there? Chris well, no, you make a very good point. It's about consumer sentiment, consumer confidence, and business optimism. We're seeing all time highs, record highs in both of those measures because of President Frankly that now is standing up for American workers and consumers and American businesses, you know, the war as Larry Cuddler likes his profits, and the war on private enterprise and the war on corporations and businesses is over, provided that they adopt the America First Agenda, which President Trump says, Hey, listen, if you're going to be a US company, UM, you've got to pick a side. Are you going to be, you know, supporting American workers and growing and expanding and scaling and building new factories in the United States, or he's gonna you know, build overseason in China or or or or Mexico or Canada. Uh. And so we saw the President really strike these deals with these uh, with these corporations early on that returned many of these uh, these plants that had that that had vanished over the years because of the tough regulatory environment, because of the tough uh you know, tax environment. Uh. And now we've got, as I said earlier, manufacturing jobs. They're coming back. We've got four point five million jobs that are created since the president was elected, and you've got I think four hundred fifty thousand manufacturing jobs something would like that. So so this is this is a real I mean, all you have to do is look at the facts. Look at the facts. You can't argue with the facts. But that optimism, that business confidence, that consumer confidence, you know, that's the real measure of how well these policies are working. Um. But frankly, this is this is going to come to an end. It's going to come to a screeching hall. Uh. If we have these from these leftist uh you know, I would even say quasi socialists, some are outright socialist. Uh. You know, democratic candidates that are that are running for office, and we get if we get them elected, if we hand control of the House of Representatives to Democrats, you can count and you can kiss all of this progress. Goodbye, Stark stark message there, Chris Gussie. I'm afraid we have to leave it there. I could ask you for for days and days about you know what it what it would pretend, um, if the if the House is lost on on Tuesday, But we'll have to leave it there for now more another time, former Deputy director in the Department of Commerce, Chris Garcia, thank you very much for joining us here on the buck Sexton Show. So it's a pleasure. Well that was very interesting stuff there from Chris Garcia. This is the buck Sexton Show. I'm Rahemkasam fan again four Bucks Sexton today. We'll be right back all of this. For a group of people, a lot of whom are mothers and children, who posed no imminent threat to the United States called us an invasion. It might be the most pathetic invasion of a country in world history, if if this were actually an invasion, But of course it's not. Presidents sending troops to the border to deal with a caravan that hasn't proven to be violent. Stop sending their monsters. They're more mothers than monsters. Don't say it. Why don't any of you say that? You know, when you listen to that, especially when the mainstream media, the establishment media, are referring to the migrant caravans, is not an invasion or the worst invasion in history, And then you reconcile it with with you know, just a couple of a couple of years ago, a couple of hundred troops from Russia found their way into into Crimea. And remember the world rightly called that an invasion. Well, now you have thousands upon thousands of people who are going to be amassing at the US southern border in the next coup of the days, and that's not an invasion. You know. I've done my own digging into this migrant caravan as it's called. I mean, it's it's it's not a caravan, it's it's a it's a march of a lot of people out there with with who are hurling rocks at helicopters, who are being arrested in the countries that they're going through because of criminal activity. The people on the caravan themselves, the people marching towards you a southern border, are also reporting mass criminality within their own ranks. When local news outlets go and speak to them, and when that comes itself up through Central America, when the news filters up and it goes through the establishment media filters, it comes out as what you've just heard, don't worry about these guys. Everything's fine there, mothers, it's all mothers. Listen, do yourself a favor. Go go online right now. Go on Twitter right now and all you need to do. In fact, it's on my Twitter feed, just to give myself a little plug. Go on my Twitter at Raheem Kassam, right and you can see a video that clearly shows not just people hurling rocks into crowds and at helicopters, but people with molotov cocktails. This is this, These are the people we're just supposed to be like, oh, yeah, fine, you know, come to the southern border. We'll figure it out when you get here. That's that's that's all well and good. We'll we'll just you know, we'll process all of the asylum claims, you know, allow it to just happen freely. And what does it do? What would that approach do, which is, by the way, the approach that everyone is telling us to take, everyone on the left and in the political establishment, that's what they're telling the President of the United States to do. Let them arrive and process their asylum claims. Don't try and dissuade them, don't try and identify who they are. Don't try and identify criminality or even god forbid, terrorism coming up through that southern border. Now just wait, just wait, hold your fire wrong. This president has it right. And I'll tell you as now, I don't call myself this very often are European as a European And thank goodness, we are leaving the European Union because what happened those years going up to you remember the big migrant crisis in Europe. You remember in twenty fift when Angela Merkel, who has now been beating about beating about the ballot box in Germany, when she welcomed two million people into the continent, didn't really consult with anyone else, didn't ask, you know, the French, or the British, or the Hungarians or the Austrians what they thought. No, she said, come one, come all, don't worry about it. We believe you, we believe your stories. And it turned out what It turned out that you had hundreds of thousands of people who were not asylum seekers or fleeing war or poverty stricken. They were just economic migrants. Now, I don't have a problem with economic migration. I suspect nobody has a problem with economic migration as long as it's legal, as long as it falls within the boundaries that are set by the nation's state, which has its own borders to control, and has its own policies and has its own president, the hands of which within lay the whole power to set immigration policy. Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not, but that's not what Merkel did. And what happened was the first year that it started, you know, really started back in twelve, couple of thousand people to start with. Then it became tens of thousands of people. Then it became hundreds of thousands of people by in the high in the mid to high hundreds of thousands and twenty probably, I mean, you know, they lost count. There are there are estimates that go from eight hundred thousand all the way up to two million. I'm one of those people that, you know, I'll take a conservative estimate, but I won't take a stupidly low estimate. There was over there was definitely over one point two million people that made their way into Europe. And why because they were made to feel like anybody could come, that the rule of law was out the window. The world all had open borders now. And that's exactly the same mantra, it's exactly the same mentality that you're seeing that you're hearing from that montage. We just played. It's the same thing. So take it from me, as somebody who has already watched the continent. I come from being ravaged by this kind of stupidity. This you know, let's all feel really nice about ourselves because there's a baby in a picture. You remember they did that during the European crisis as well. They put that young boy, Alan Curdie died on the beach because of human traffickers, by the way, who were making money off that route. They put him on the front page of every single newspaper to make me and you and everyone else feel bad. But what was the real case there? The real case there was criminality. The real case there was crossing borders when you shouldn't. The real case there was human traffickers making cash of human beings. And I dare say, we're seeing that again here. We're seeing that in the United States, We're seeing that on your southern border. So take it from me. I looked into this migrant caravan at length. I've looked into who the groups are, where their money is coming from. This has been in the works for decades, and this weekend you're going to see more and more of those pictures and right up until the midterms, You're gonna see more and more of those pictures, and they're gonna try and make you vote not with your head, not even with your heart, but with this globalist semblance of owing that you owe the world a living, that you owe the world part of you. In the midst of all the whining coming from the left. I mean, it's just crazy these days, right there, chasing people out of restaurants, yelling at you in the coffee shop, acting like a bunch of maniacs. You have to wonder why in the world would anyone act this way. My guess is they're just not getting their daily dose and black Rifle coffee. I drink black Rifle every morning. In fact, it's such delicious coffee that I'm usually a guy that likes a little con later in my coffee. But guess what, I drink it black because it's black Rifle for one. And also this is delicious, small batch roast to order coffee. Alright, I am a salente for smooth blond guy, but their entire catalog of different beans and blends is amazing. Black Rifle is roaster order and is guaranteed fresh right to your door. Nothing cures a bad attitude, like starting your day with the most American coffee ever, Black Rifle Coffee. Visit black Rifle Coffee dot com slash buck received fifteen percent off your order. That's Black Rifle Coffee dot com slash Buck for fifteen percent off Black Rifle Coffee dot com slash Buck. Welcome back to the Buck Sexton Show. I'm Raheem Kassam filling in for Buck Sexton today as he is, I believe interviewing the vice president in Kansas much more important job to do for Buck today. But he's left He's left you in my capable hands or me and your capable hands. Perhaps. Um. We we have so much to talk about, and we spend the first time we're talking about the midterm elections. But there's there's there's other things going on in the world and other things that need addressing too. And you know, this president isn't stopping with the business of of of running a country and with the business of being an international statesman, which you know, whether whether they like it or not, all of these world leaders actually have to be and and and do the job that comes with it. Um. And one of those jobs is of course seeing off threats to the U s. Homeland and Barack Obama. I have to say, I feel like I tread to think how you guys would put it, but I feel like didn't do a particularly good job of that, especially when it came to a little country we call Iran. UM. I have a guest on the line now, a good friend of mine who was a senior writer at the Washington Free Beacon, who's gonna unpack some of this for us, because today the Trump administration UM announced that it was going to reimpose all the Iran sanctions that were lifted by President Obama. Adam Credo joins us on the line to discuss Adam, thanks for joining us, my pleasure. Thanks for having me, Boddy. Hey, Adam, It's it's strange you're you're on the you're on the campaign trail and I'm in an office in d C. Today as we've switched roles. Well here we certainly have. I'm in southern Florida, beautiful southern Florida. It's hot and humid. Well, I hope you're I hope you're enjoying yourself and topping up your hand. But I suspect that you're you're bashing away at the keyboard most of the time, given the given the frequency of the news, and and this is really your beat, right, the Iran stuff. I mean, I don't know a better reporter out there, ladies and gentlemen on this issue. Um, So if you're not following Adam's work, He's going to give you chapter and verse on why you should by flexing his knowledge. Right now, Adam, what what is going on? Why this timing? Um? Is this is this throwing the baby out with the bath water? Well, there are a couple of things happening here and it's it's complicated, so so I want to try to be as careful as I can. The Trump administration on Monday is going to reimpose most of the sanctions that were lifted by the Obama administration when they ain't that nuclear deal, the j c p o A or Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. Um. Essentially, are you telling me that CNN's headline is lying to me the senns has all sanctions. Yeah, that's not true. That's the White Houses line, and they're they're misleading quite a little bit. Now, I report, uh late yesterday, only promised publicly, but certainly also privately to reporters and other experts in Washington, d C. Who kind of tracked this issue closely. Iran is going to be allowed to remain connected to SWIFT. That's the international banking system. It facilitates cross border transactions. This has been a key financial lifeline for TROD. It's kept business open with Europe. UH. The administration for a time was saying we're not going to allow this anymore because Iran also uses Swift for funding it's terror operations. It's a big source of income for the regime over there, and they were first signally a total disconnect, which would have jibed with what Republicans in Congress and certainly people like John Bolton were saying outside of the administration. Now from inside the administration, they reversed on that. That came after pressure from European allies, particularly Germany, France and the Brits Um, who want to keep doing business with a RAM. They want to keep the lines open, so this is kind of a concession to them. The other concession comes on the front of oil, one of the key sanctions that really could choke off UH the Iranian economy, and further kind of push a poppel which I think a lot of people are looking for to see that regime booted out because of the weak economy. Uh. Instead they're issuing oil waivers. At least eight countries are set to get these waivers. They last about a hundred and eighty days. So as opposed to what the President, John Bolton and this eighth Department was saying just a month or a month and a half ago, we're actually granting waivers to countries they can keep importing Iranian crude oil and the imports will not reach zero. As many Iran Hawks and others in Congress, UH, we're looking for those. So this is UH created a bit of outrage. After I ran my piece yesterday, I heard there was a lot of um back and forth between Congress, the State Department, the administration. John Bullton UH pulled the National Security Council, the White House National Security Council off of a call that was scheduled for just earlier today and left um just Secretary of State Pompeo and Treasury Secretary now sent to deal with it. So I think that signals level of frustration that's coming from some of the harder line elements in the administration and on Capitol Hill. But I can say in totality, these sanctions are much stronger than what the Obama administration was pushing for, which was essentially opening up a Ran to the globe. So from that side, it's good. But I think you're going to hear from a rand hawks there's still away to go. And off of that, Senator Cruizes working on a bill right now. It's not quite soup, but it will be in the coming weeks, and that's going to mandate the president fully disconnect Iran from the Swift banking system. Well, so this is this was gonna be my next question for you. Um, So what you're saying is the White House hasn't been completely honest with by saying all sanctions, because of course you have these these little carve outs. Um. But I suppose that what they're doing is and I saw your story yesterday by the way, I mean, Adam Credo, ladies gentlemen had this up before anybody else, and had the intel on this before anybody else. Um on this story, and and yesterday ran the headline on the on the Freebeacon dot com. Trump admin poised to cave on Iran sanctions. Now I'm gonna push back a bit on on on that, given that you gave me that You're not the only one from But the difference is I don't work at the White House. Yeah. Um, well, you know, cave isn't cave a bit of a strong word like I mean, like you say, there are obviously a little bit here and a little bit there. Maybe I don't know this saving saving their powder for another another flash point, or to dangle damically and sword over the heads um of the Iranians at another another juncture, and maybe swift is a part of that, or do you believe that there is something more nefarious at play here? Like who has got to this policy? Why did it change? Why did people like John Bolton, who appears to be you know, very well uh empowered within the administration not get his way on this? Yeah? Like like most things, I think it's a combination of both the points you mentioned. Um, I can tell you in covering this closely, and I've been lighting it for two or three months now, the Europeans um just have been very very tough on this administration, and the people handling talks on the half of Trump appear to have sympathies to that European stands that Iran should remain open for business, that countries should be allowed to continue importing oil. And I think they've brought those concerns back to the US and that's what we've seen with the States departments. So the reason I use the word cave, and I think it is actually a very fair way to put it, is because we went in with this tough line. This is what the President has asked for, this is what N. S. A. Bolton has asked for, and after months of negotiations, they walked that back. As on diplomat put it to me yesterday, this is not what the president asked for. This is not what he instructed the administration to do. They talk about a maximum pressure campaign on a ran and this is not maximum pressure. More can be done. Now, it's certainly fair to also praise them for these moves. Yes, they are reimposing a series of tough sanctions that will impact ranium banks, that will impact oil energy, these kinds of things. But then there are other issues you look at of little nuclear cooperation. Essentially, Iran is going to be allowed to continue building, constructing, and working with Russia and others on nuclear reactors that gives you nuclear byproducts such as heavy water, which can be used to power a nuclear weapon. These small concessions mean something, and it sent a signal to Tehran um that the Europeans are going to provide them a lifeline. And that's exactly what they've done, and it seems that in part that's what they've convinced this administration to do. Now we have waivers for a hundred and eighty days. I'm told now that all In and the NFC in the coming months are gonna push very hard for swift and sanctions and oil all these reductions to be brought fully down on Iran. But it's a waiting game now. It's a matter of again if they can win that position that the President is advocated. Once again, we're speaking with Adam Creta, Senior Rice at the Washington Freebeacon. I'm Rhinkasam. This is the Buck Sexton Show. And just to add another name into that mix, Donald Trump has tweeted today Adam a meme um based on Game of Thrones. I've never seen it. I think you've you've seen it? Have you seen it? Great show? Yeah, I love it. I read all the books too. I've I've I can't read so UM, I've seen it. It says sanctions are coming November five, and it's a stock picture of you seen this, Yeah, like the winter is coming type of thing. Yeah, I did see this meme, UM, and it's good. Look the White House. UM. From what I've heard today, not just from sources in Congress, and these are people that have kind of been battling the administration on this, they're they're uh somewhat more to the right than the administration on the Iran sanctions. And I've also heard it from US officials abroad who are working with the Europeans that yeah, sanctions are coming, they will be reimposed, but there are multiple loopholes. After me and others last night reported these latest concessions to Iran UM, it appears the White House canceled a series of background briefings for UM experts and other kind of administration validators. Uh. Like I said, Bolton took himself off of the call. So there's there's fear. They're scared, they feel like they're losing the narrative, and I think means are a good way to kind of get them back on track with that. So so that's kind of my read on that. Well, and we've only got a couple of minutes left here, UM, but I'd love to ask you about the fact that you're in Florida, UM and covering I know, the gubernatorial race Andrew Gillim's ties to radical anti Israel groups. Can you tell us a little bit about that in just a couple of minutes. Yeah. Absolutely. Gilham is running against Bonta Santis, a former member of Congress who resigned his seat. Uh to Santis, a lawmaker I've worked with for years, very strong on foreign policy, very pro Israel, very anti Iran. Gilham is pretty much the complete opposite. Former mayor of Tallahassee, he's under investigation for corruption he uh took free gifts from an undercover FBI agent, And in addition to this, like I reported, he has ties to numerous left wing George Sorrow's flendid groups that very much advocated anti Israel position, that is, um advocating in favor of boycotts of Israel. The BDS movement, which we all know is very uh anti Semitic and quite Vitch relic in the way they described the Jewish state, and h Gilian has tried to run away from these ties, but I think they're cropping up and they seem to be chasing him on the campaign trail. UM. I was at a rally just a couple of days ago where Trump came and rallied for de Santis and Rick Scott, who is also running against Bill Nelson, and discussed these things, and um, from the reaction of the crowd, I think they're getting the message now. Whether that translates to votes, it's unclear. I think the Santis is viewed right now a little bit as an underdog, but that could tie you up in the next couple of days. I think, Well, I'm great. I wish we had more time, but really, thank you so much for going us from from Florida. We'll see you when you get back to Washington, d C. I owe you. It is your birthday today, right, it's my birthday today. Happy birthday to you. I owe you're a big birthday Steak, Adam Credo, Western Freebecan. Thank you very much. This is the Buck Sexton Show. We'll be right back by now. You've probably heard us talk about snippy dot com and new social media site. If you've looked at snippy dot com and left look again. Thousands of our listeners have joined snippy dot com, expressing their opinions and stirring up lively conversations. Snippy is an unbiased social media platform that's all about conversation and community. 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We're much tougher, were much smarter, We're much more sane. We believe in the process. We don't run around like Antifa with the little arms and then go home, back home into mommy's basement and put on the black uniform and the black helmet. Oh, it's so disappointing when those helmets fall off and you look at this week little face, isn't it and they hit people with clubs, you know, they hit them again and again. Oh, they're so lucky with nice soul. Oh they're so lucky. Welcome back to the Buck Sexton Show, am rahem, because I'm covering for Buck Sexton today. That was one of my favorite moments from from President Trump's speech on Thursday evening, calling out Antifa yet again. You'll remember he's done that before. He's done it before, exactly with with having uh the tequila song, I think it was being made a meme of um and uh it's that's it's certainly a long overdue, I believe, because you know, from from about September the one to October the twenty ninth, eighteen, I believe there are six hundred and thirty two acts of violence and harassment against supporters of this president, of supporters of President Trump. This is the the Antifa mindset. You know. They often argue themselves that the reason that Antifa cannot be prescribed as an organization, the reason that Antifa cannot be dealt with on an institutional basis, the way we might deal with a group like Almaha Jaroun or or a terrorfaction, or or a far right neo Nazi group or whatever it is, is because they say themselves. Antifa says themselves. They say, but Antifa is not not a group. It doesn't have a leadership. It's just a mindset. Man. Well, you're right, I mean, it is a mindset. There are members of Antifa. There are members who subscribe to that mindset. They wear the T shirts, they fly the flags. Antifa is a mindset of violence. It's a mindset of harassment. It's a mindset that's born out of being. As President Trump intimated there week, I believe both physically and of will philosophically void. And I also believe deeply, deeply troubled individuals who believe, they truly believe in their minds that they are real litigating the Spanish Civil War on the streets of Delaware, or on the streets of Florida, or in the streets of California, they truly believe. And by the way, one of the greatest diarists of that Spanish Civil War, George or Well, would have nothing to do with antifa. I say that as an Orwell aficionado. But nevertheless, you know, this is something that does need addressing, because when there's an attack from the right, or ostensibly from the right to the left, everybody gets on their soap box, everybody gets on their high horse, and they say, we must condemn this, and the president needs to condemn it. And he's not condemned it fast enough. He didn't condemn it before it happens, so it wasn't fast enough. But when there's attack from the left, an attack against the deplorables, against the Trump supporters, the six and thirty two acts of violence against Trump supporters over the last two years, it's pitch silence. It's always silence. You don't get the television shows showing the footage, you don't get the radio programs playing the clips. It's stone cold silence. And I think it behooves this administration. And I'm so glad President Trump raised it to actually do something about it, to say, you know what there is, and of course we know there is a strain, no matter how small, a strain of far right in neo Nazi violence all across the Western world. I've seen it all across the Western world. Yes, it exists, but you'll never get the other side saying that about their side. I am avowed conservative, I'm a right winger, and I say, yes, there are people who try and attach themselves to a movement that I profess to be a part of that do engage in things like that, and the other side never has to account for theirs. So this administration, I believe, should be doing something about it, whether it's prescription of the organization that isn't an organization, whether it's ensuring that the people who are committing these attacks on ordinary American voters that they feel the full force of the law. I'm just so glad President Trump raised it, and I'm so glad he told the truth that these are weak people. Welcome back to the Buck Sexton Show. I'm Raheim Kasan filling in for Buck Sexton, and we have another one of our fantastic guests on the line, Dr Sebastian Gorka, the author of the brand new book Why We Fight, which is available via regulary UM on Amazon dot com. It's a fantastic book. I was lucky enough to celebrate its release with Dr Gorka here in Washington, d C. Just a couple of weeks ago. You'll all know him as a former deputy assistant to President Trump. Dr Corker, thank you for joining us here on the Buck Sexton Show. Thank you so much for having me, and for the kind words about my book, which is almost as good as your books. No No Goes On. Thank you. You'll get your cut of my royalty checks in the mail. Dr Corker. UM, you know you're an expert, and you and I have known each other for several years now, and whenever we get together, we end up talking about UM. You know, one of the issues closest to our hearts National security. UM. And And when you look at what's going on in Central America at the moment, when you look at what's going on with this so called my igrant caravan, I don't even know why they call it a caravan. There's no caravan involved. This is a march of migrants, much much as we saw in Europe in two thousand and fourteen and fifteen and sixteen. UM, what does it tell you first and foremost that the media is going to such great lengths to say, no, you don't know that there are any criminals in there. It's all mothers. You know. We need to process these people with their asylum claims on the border. They all deserve to come in. Well, is that a political tactic or they or are they genuinely that vacuous that they don't know what's going on? I think it's deeper than that. I think well, I think they subscribed to Hillary Clinton's philosophy. Remember that speech that was leaked during the presidential campaign in which did she addressed a group of bankers and where she said, my dream is to have a borderless hemisphere, meaning no border from Canada to South America, at which point America ceases to exist. So, these are people who are so so brainwashed by the post modern secular relativism of the radical left that they actually think everybody has the right to come to America, that being an American is is some kind of human rights. It's it's quite stunning. And the idea that they can vouch for the for the probity of of ten thousand people without ever having met any of them. It just simply beggars belief, and it isn't assault on the national sovereignty of the United States. In case anybody had forgotten, you know, Hillary Clinton's words back in two thousand and thirteen, she was giving a paid speech right to investors at the Brazilian banko ITTAW and she said, my dream is a hemispheric common market with open trade and open borders. I mean, very very brazen about it. And so what you're saying, Dr Gorka is these guys, whether it's you know, Jim Acosta or Chris Cuomo or whomever, are just carrying Clinton's torch where where she stumbled and fell over, rolled over a couple of times, had a coughing fit, and dropped it in two thousands sixteen. They look they they are the anti Brexit. They are the people who think that borders are evil, that the national identity is what fascists and white supremacists believe in. They negate. They basically negate the modern Westphalian system. That is that the quintessence of of the Judeo Christian you know, civilization, whereby nations have identities, they have sovereignty, they have border, they have culture. For for them. All of these words are hate speech. So let's talk a little bit about the specifics of the caravan. Then, Um, you know, who who are these people? How is this thing funded? How can we now seeing busses and trailers, and more importantly, how come we now seeing rocks and Molotov cocktails and so on and so forth. I thought this was all mothers with babes in arms. Um, well, I think we should look to the incredible work of people like my colleague at Fox, Sarah Carter, who speak Spanish and who actually went there to interview and investigate the caravan, as opposed to Jim Acosta, whose real name I think is Albio Acosta, who seems to be ashamed of his Hispanic heritage, who sit in there plush studios in New York and pontificate about who is in the caravans. If you listen to Sarah, these are the majority of the people are military age males, none of whom seem to have any any backing, any grounds for it testing political asylum. And if you look at the fact that even what it was at Univision by accident found South Asians inside the caravans. People for example from Bangladesh. That's journalism when you actually go there and interview these people, and very few including as you say, a Billio a Bilio Acosta, Jim Acosta's real name, which, by the way, we all have to refer to him as everybody's got to tweet at him that now. I mean, why why why is he hiding his his his Is he ashamed of his heritage? I saw that on your Twitter feed today, Dr Gorgus, thank you, And it really is that this is this is the arrogance of the left that they can't even admit to their ethnic background because they're November of the quote unquote media elite. Jim, you're no longer Jim to those who know well, Dr Gorger, I wanted to I wanted to also tie this to the mid terms because the the you know, the question on everyone's lips has been now for the last week as regards this migrant caravan is you know, when will it arrive, When will arrive on the southern border, Will it get there on on Sunday and or Monday or Tuesday morning? Ready for the for the pictures of of of you know, the five crying children that they'll line up there and and then accused President Trump of being cold and heartless and so on and so forth. Um and and you know that sort of is one of the big topics on the minds of people this weekend. I think as they reconcile, you know, perhaps that same as you raised a Hillary Clinton mentality versus what we've seen over the last two years. So just let's let's talk a bit about what that's not, just what the stakes are obviously at the midterms. And and and by the way, ladies and gentlemen, Dr Gawker is a co star alongside me in that Trumpet War movie that we spoke with Stephen K. Bannon about earlier in the program. Um and and actually gets the best part of the movie because he has the best voice and the best metaphor at the end of the movie. But I think I hope you can walk us through that a little bit. What you said in Trumpet War, and what what the stakes of this midterms are, especially considering just a migrant caravan, but the economic situation. And I know you always bring up you know what, what what are the Democrats going to run on bringing back isis take it away? Thank you? It's really it's very simple. In twenty six the positive disrupted the iconoclass from the queens, gave us a window, gave us a chance to claw back our freedom, to claw back our republic space, as as the rightful, shining city on the hill, to fight back, to resist the political correctness that had dominated American politics and culture for more than the generation. But all of that, all of that is on the ballot. In what is it? Four Days Time? Just look at the last two months, I wrote Why We Fight, and not just as an analysis of the threats American faces, but the shed a light on who the Democrats have become. In it, I write about Whittaker Chambers, the man who was Judge Kavanaugh before Judge Cavanaugh was even born. The Democrat pie today is the mob. You look at that, the treatment of this righteous, godly man, the hands of absolute frauds like Corey Booker, Kamala Harris, and Diane Feinstein who had let's not forget a Chinese intelligence agents on her pay role in the Senate for twenty years. And these people want to take control of our Maxie Morris, who has pulled openly again and again and again for the um denunciation and the harassments of members of the Trump administration. She's going to be the chair of the Finance Committee. If we do don't do our job on on on the midterm elections and vote down to Republican all the way. But everybody says that every few years this is the most consequential election in your lives. This time, for once, it's actually truer. You. Yeah, I think I think that's right. I mean, I opened I opened the show today effectively saying the same thing. I'm not one for hyperbole. If anything, I sort of take conservative estimates of occasions as well as um, you know, elections and so on and so forth. But this this does feel just just incredibly pivotal. It's about submit whether or not it's aments the victory of twenty sixteen, whether or not the swamp continues to be, or whether the American people say, no, actually, you know what, we changed our minds. We do kind of like the swamp, and we do want higher taxes, and we do want Isis back, you know, as you as you've put it before. And I just don't I don't think, at least I don't hope, um that they'll go in for it. Um Dr Gorka. I wish we had I wish we had some more time, but we're pressed here and I know you have a very busy schedule coming up over the next few days doing your part um. And if people want to do their part in helping you, they can always go on to Amazon and and get the great book personally recommended by me. It's called Why We Fight by Dr Sebastian Gorka. Dr Gorka. Any final words and and where else can they get the book? If they don't want to line Jeff Bezos his pockets, well they can go to Barns and Noble. They can buy it from one of the few booksellers left in America. And also the audible. You're gonna go and buy it on iTunes or Audible in audio format and you can hear my strange accent for about eight hours. Really use the book. But for them, all is you know, find the book. If you're interested in might take on why we find the most Important Boots. Don't take anything to granted to them. Vote this week and take others who would not otherwise go to the polls check them to vote as well, because it really is about whether or not the mob's going to take control of for life jobs, not mobs. There you go, Dr Sebastian Gorka, thank you so much for joining us here on the buck Sexton Show. My name is Rahemkasam covering four bucks Sexton today. Will be right back say to you. We have an election. No sex, this is be This may be the most important one that you've ever had to experience. This is the midterm election. And oftentimes people only vote in the presidential election because they don't think this is important enough. But this is absolutely important. That's all the insurance come, that's all the banks, and so of course the CEO is that the banks now is saying what can we do to stop vaccine waters because if she gets in, she's gonna give us a bad time. I have not forgotten you four clothes on our houses. I've forgot forgotten that you undermine our community. I have not forgotten that you sold us those exotic products. Had a sign on the line, but jump and for mess that we could not afford. And in doing that, I have people who are on the homes who have never gotten back into a home. What am I gonna do to you? What I'm gonna do to U s F I'm gonna do to you what you did to us. Maxine Waters. There, this is the Buck Sexton show. I'm raheem because some Maxine Waters, Congressman Maxine Waters showing again the sort of vindictiveness as far as I am concerned, and and pure royal nature of the debate as the Democrats have set it up. Now, those who have been paying attention, I'm sure we all have over the last couple of months, have seen the debate go further and further into the toilet with the Michael Abanatis and and the Kavanagh staff and and and all of that, and and they're not learning their lessons as far as I'm concerned. I mean, if you want to hold up Maxine Waters to be your greatest spokesman, I mean, fill your boots as far as I'm concerned, because it only helps my side, and it only helps people with my mentality, but it also does something else for me. It reminds me that not only are they so petty, are they so vindictive, but that they've also got the prescription incorrect. I mean, think about what she just said there, Think about the sort of house foreclosures and the and the financial crash and all of this stuff that wasn't That wasn't the making of a of a sort of free market right wing, nor nationalistic nor popularist government. It wasn't the making of someone like President Trump. It wasn't the making of the MAGA base. It was the making of globalist institutions. So when President Trump says that the left have gone crazy, I think that's a pretty good explainer for In fact, if we could play clip one from the Missouri rally, president Trump says it better than I ever could. The choice in this election could not be more clear. The Republican agenda is the mainstream agenda of the American people. It's how we all got here, the greatest movement in the history of politics in our country. It's about you, not about me. The Democrat agenda is the agenda of the extreme far left. They've gone crazy, folks. They've gotten totally loco. They have gone loco. They have absolutely gone loco. And I know that a lot of it is calculated projection. Don't get me wrong. I was I was a political strategist, I was a campaign person. I understand that the lies happen, that some of them know what they're doing. When they blame this administration for for the pitfalls of globalism, and and also, by the way, by the same measure, Barack Obama wants to take credit for where the economy is right now, which I always scratched my head, by the way, because I think I hear time and time again from the left and the left media that this country is in dire straits and it's all a fake boom and this president is making things worse than Barack Obama walks onto stage and he goes, yeah, I did that. That was me. Well, how you can either take credit if you think it's good, or distance yourself from it you think it's bad. You can't do both. But that's what they're doing. So I know a lot of it is is lies in projection. But there are people like Maxine Waters who sadly I believe you know she I think she believes what she says, bless her or as you guys say, blessed, bless her cotton socks. Right. I mean, this is this is um. I mean it reminds me of of of being back in England quite frankly. I mean, after the breaks of vote, some of you will probably know I wouldn't suggest paying particularly close attention to it because it's it's eminently depressing. But after the breaksit vote, we voted for that great rebellious um instinct that we had within us, and the political establishment took that away from us and turned it into a process. They turned into an administrative state thing. And and I guess that's the same thing as you're seeing here um in the United States as well. So I just you know, I wanted to present you guys with that dichotomy between what Max and Water says on the stump versus what President Trump said at the Missouri rally this week, and a lot more to come this weekend. I'm I'm certainly gonna be glued to watching it all take place. This is the buck Sexton Show. I'm Raheem Kassam will be right back. Welcome back to the buck Sexton Show. I'm Raheemkasam covering for Buck Sexton today. I wanted to get a little bit more detail for you guys on some of the races taking place across the country. Culmination in just four days time. On Tuesday, we will know does the House stay Republican control, does the Senate joining us on the line to discuss it is a good A friend of mine, commentator and analyst Matthew Tierman. Matthew, you've been following this, I think like no other I've seen. I mean, maybe maybe Pat Cadell could go toe to toe with you on this. One of my favorite, one of my favorite pollsters. But I think I think you know you have become obsessed to to Uh well, I don't know. You tell me to what lens? Would you suggest that your obsession has engulfed you? No, I don't. I don't know if I think that might be a little stream. But you know, it's all you're talking about. It's all you're talking about. It's all you're talking about. This is a very you know, because this is a very very interesting moment because in we had a American electoral historic inflection. Trump did something no one did which has taken down the Union ross belt Democrat machine didn't make it republican. And now we get to see is that validated? Uh? Now, the calidy the map is pretty difficult on the House, is the mainstream media has suggested. But this blue wave they've been talking about for the last few months is not only not materialized, it may actually be stillborn. The Senate is what nobody's really talking about, because we could win a lot of Senate seats. Right now, we're pretty safe with fifty one, and there's what they're calling six toss up Senate seats, and we should be able to run the tam by we I mean Republicans, you know, on the on the right, the pro Trump Republicans, not the old school establishment GOP. They also got uh they're bus handed to him in ten on a lot of levels, which has been refreshing. But there's six established toss up seats and we look to basically run the table on them. Uh the uh, the The only one that's really difficult is Florida. Florida's sort of the new Ohio and as very very important for because if the Democrats win both the Senate seat and the governor's mansion, they will be in charge of redistricting, and uh, they will be able to have some influence on where the fourth biggest state and really the most purple state in the country, uh, swings in. It's a you know, it used to be the presidency was one through Ohio, but going forward, it looks like it's going to be Florida. Because Texas, California, New York. The three largest states ahead of Florida are rather established Texas Republican, California, and New York Democrat. But the six swing states that exist right now in this Senate race are are Florida, which is absolutely a coin flip, Missouri Claire mccaskell's in big trouble there. Indiana, uh is also Joe Donnelly, Democrat incumbent, is in big trouble there against Braun uh Nevada, hell are the incumbent looks like he's in pretty good position. Arizona, which is a open seat, McCain's seat which is I'm sorry, flake seat which is uh Mark McSally established congresswoman, and Christen Cinema also a Democrat, established congresswoman. Uh And Cinema has been sort of digging her own grave with the historical act of leftist activism she's been engaged in. Uh. They're digging up all these videos of her saying things like, you know, she can empathize with the Taliban. Uh and you know, fighting America, you know how it is, okay? And Jeff calls Arizona the meth lab of democracy. Uh. So there's all these seats look like and Montana was the other one, all look like we can pick them up. But the ones that nobody's talking about are ones that are lean Democrat, are firmly Democrat according to the establishment posters. And that's seats like West Virginia and Joe Mansion are Michigan Debbie Stabin. Now, Uh, there's a great candidate, John James who's coming on strong. Trump is going to to campaign for him. Uh this weekend. Wisconsin Tammy Baldwin also vulnerable Wisconsin, remember went for Trump, which was a big surprise. Hillary Clinton didn't campaign there and Trump did something brilliant, which was in the last couple of day he went to Minneapolis. Uh. And that's a media market that impacts western Wisconsin and northern Wisconsin. To lose Minnesota as well. So I mean, these these permutations could get us to fifty seven fifty fifty nine in the Senate. Minnesota as well has a special election. Al Franken resigned for that. He had his me to moment and the appointee was Tina Smith, who was lieutenant governor and she's running to keep the seat against a state Senator, Karen Houseley. And this is fifty fifty and nobody's talking about this. And if you if your listeners, recall Al Franken only won the seat from Norm Coleman uh in because there was a recount and they were able to get the felon vote in thy Felons were counted in the Minneapolis Democratic machine in Hennepin County and we're able to swing that election. It was a multi month recount and that seat was stolen. So Minnesota is really really interesting because it looks like it could be a new Ohio as well, and go from a progressive bastion, which it was like Wisconsin historically for sixty seven years along with Michigan the heart of Union progressivism, and now it looks like it could, uh, it could start to be a Republican Minnesota eight is uh is in the northeastern part of the state, and that one, the Republican stalver, has a commanding lead. Uh So that one looks like it's gonna flip. Minnesota seven. Nobody's talking about that's been held by a Democrat for thirty years as the Democrat. That's sort of an old school Democrat, blue dog Democrat, member of both the Democratic Party and the Democratic farmer Labor Party, which is sort of historical anomaly that exists in Minnesota, which is as it sounds, farmer labor and so this on Peterson has been there for for decades and he has in the last three races watched his his his spread positive spread over Republican challengers go from plus six or seven to plus three or four to less than plus one. Last single against the guy opposing him, now, David Hughes, who at that point was a nobody. Nobody knew him. He was a twenty one year career US Air Force vet who had gone into private contracting as a drone instructor and is very very strong on the border issues. This is what his private sector background was is in drone instruction to monitor the southern and the northern border, and he's coming on strong. I spoke to somebody on the ground there who estimated at the yard signs in the district in Minnesota seven are four to five to one, uh, Hughes versus Peterson. So that's one that nobody's talking about that I think is gonna flip. Uh. There are certainly something that up that the machine media machine has written off as Republican flip to Democrats like Iowa one Rod Bloom, I don't think that one is ten to one as as they're suggesting. You know, whenever I see Nate Silver say that Republicans have a one in fifteen or one in twelve shot, I generally think in history is born this out, it's more like one in three or four, which if things turn out as they are, we had a great economic number today with jobs that having a dynamic over the last month. I think these one in three or one in four scenarios, a lot of them could break towards Republicans. I actually think we keep the House and the net loss of seats is five to ten. You know, we've got uh and the media who's talking about the blue wave, Uh, this doesn't exist. Trump today in West Virginia said if you want a blue wave, you're voting for a crime wave, which I thought was a great talking point given their views on borders and policing in general, law enforcement, hawk hawkishness on on the military and foreign policy. So there's a lot of these seats that a lot of the establishment posters and that's right end left, have kind of written off. Maine. To Bruce poll Quin, the only Republican in New England and all the New England states Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, RhoD Island. He's the only one. He's in Maine two, which is also the largest physical district in New England. It's all the way from where the urban and sort of suburban main ends with Bangor and uh and Rockport, all the way to Canada's this massive district and it's rather poor. It's a lot of Indian reservations. It's a lot of uh funked paper and timber mills. And Bruce Polquin is a Republican on on the ground there. It's all about god, guns and small government. And he has been very strong for the district. He is known all over Congress as somebody who really represents the district. Uh. They put up a very good candidate, Jared Golden, who was a former military and was actually a Republican staffer for Susan Collins before going into the State House as a Democrat and so on. Paper is pretty good. But the more he campaigns, the more he left he sounds, and leftist rhetoric doesn't win in Maine two, which is Indian reservation country and very very strong on the Second Amendment given its sort of hunting culture and border in Canada, and let's see the wilderness. Let's just let's just reset here for a moment, because it's a lot of information for for people to take in. And I know you're brain works a mile a minute in your mouth works even faster, Matthew. Let's let's just reset with that. We're speaking to Matthew Timan. He's a obviously, clearly from the last seven minutes, a pretty good analyst on all of this sort of thing election and and and more. And Matthew, So you're pretty bullish, is what you're saying. I mean, you're you're a lot of people are hedging right now. A lot of people, especially behind closed doors, people I'm speaking to every day, is saying, look, you know, we have to present a brave front to this um. But the likelihood is we are going to lose the House. You don't think it's that way at all. I don't think it's that way at all. I think that certainly will lose a few seats in California due to redistricting and retirements like Ed Royce, but that will be offset with some of this Upper Midwest Ross Belt like Minnesota, A lot of the necessary pathway for the Democrats to take the House is through places like Illinois, and yeah, Illinois six suburbs suburbs of Chicago, Pete Roscom is probably done. That area has transitioned to more Chicago's city style politics, machine politics. But Illinois twelve, thirteen, and fourteen, two of which are in downstate south of St. Louis Farm Country. Uh, Boston Davis's seat, those were Trump plus fifteen and plus six, respectively. Those seats are fine. And Uh Denny Hasterrit's old seat in Illinois fourteen that was Trump plus four and hasn't really changed at all. The incumbent Holts Grin should be fine. And the irony is that the Dems are running with this marketing campaign. This young lady who lives in her parents, her parents house, she's thirty something, and it's had to market herself as if she's a a nurse and nose healthcare and she's seven months out of graduation and never really worked in a clinical setting. So it's all kind of fluffy noise. And uh, I don't think they're gonna pick up these seats that's necessary for them to do in New York State, which is obviously you know, democratic governor to democratic senators. What you see a lot of is something we've talked in the past, given that your British political background is a Tory factor, is to see a lot of polling where people won't admit that they're going to vote for the Republican And so New York twenty two is a great example. It's sort of the center of the state, north of Albany all the way to Canada. Souquite a tenny and that was a Trump plus fifteen and also wrongly plus almost one, and so it's pulling within the margin of error in the northeast. So I think Torri factor has this within the margin of error. But I think this is solid Trump country. Uh, there is a certainly going to be a loss I think in New York nineteen, which is John Fazio's feat that's north of New York City. I wish, I honestly, I wish we could have all of this uh laid out, but we are. We are tied on time. UM So so your your predictions are gain in the Senate and don't lose the House. We could gain up to fifty eight even fifty nine in the Senate and we'll keep the House with the margin of ten to fifteen is my call, and I'm wrong an awful little bit in that will still be fine in the House. I think that this is all uh, sound and fury told by an idiot as the mainstream medium. The establishment posters generally are wrong and push their agenda, not the truth. But it does require people to go out and vote, does it not? It does, And I think that's also a big dynamic that's not captured by the polls, which is we are way more motivated. And for instance, the youth Democrat activists who the articles are talking about couldn't figure out how to stamp an absentee valve and send it. It's very easy for them to talk about going, but when it's when it actually push comes to shop. One more race that's really important and has real national significance, as in New Jersey Senate race. If it rains on Tuesday, which is actually looking like the percentages of are going up, it might then be walking around money that you get in Camden Newark e Strange Patterson won't go as far, and I think Bob Huggan, who's running a phenomenal campaign and phenomenal ad campaign against Menendez who was invested for corruption. Uh, he's running a thirty million dollar ad campaign. I live in New York. We will we will definitely keep a close eye on that one as well, Matthew. But we've got to leave it there. Matthews, timan commentation and analyst, thank you so much for joining us here on the Buck Sexton Show. 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And I'll tell you what, if the media would write correctly and right accurately and right fairly, you'd have a lot less violence in the country, does the Buck Sexton show. I'm rhemasm. That was President Trump speaking today, pointing the thing right back at what I like to call the fake news industrial complex. We have heard, have we not for several years now? Gosh, it feels like perhaps a lot longer. We've heard for several years that the President Trump and the deplorables, the MAGA supporters out there are the ones behind all the violence out there. Right forget the six hundred odd attacks on them over the course of the last few years that I mentioned earlier on in the show. No, the fingers always points squarely at this president and his supporters. But he's turned the tables on them yet again. I don't say how they didn't see this coming. I mean, we're quite used to this president being able to quite effectively shimmy his way out of these sort of holes and boxes that they try and try and put him in. But again they've they've gone for it. Remember they they introduced the term fake news to try and act President Trump. But now when you think of fake news as a term, I mean in England, it has become synonymous with the BBC, and I would argue that a lot of people's minds jumped to CNN when they hear that term. So so President Trump employing his oft proven tactic of turning the situation back on the establishment here saying no, actually, it's fake reporting that is causing a lot of the consternation which leads to violence in the United States. I happen to quite agree. And it's not just through this administration. It's been around for a very long time. You know, fake news is nothing new. Fake news started with the advent of news. I mean here in Washington, d C. There is a there is a museum that I commend to everyone called the Museum. Now there's a lot of anti Trump stuff in that in that museum, but what it will do is it will show you how. You know, news started as pamphleteering politics called pamphlet hearing, so people would make things up. They would naturally make things up or portray opponents in a bad light. News organizations and pamphlets and magazines were owned by political figures who use them and indeed, in your founding of your country, use them to smear one another, use them to do each other down. The idea of neutrality um in the new sphere really only came along at the same time as sort of hu Kayama's end of history theory was becoming ingrained in the minds of of of the elite, the people who had the reins of power. They thought, hey, look this is how the world is now, open trade, open borders, you know, multiculturalism, the diversity doctrines, so and so forth. And along with that came, you know, the end of the end of of of the idea of a back and forth that people, ordinary people could make their own minds up as to what they were being presented. Right. I don't come on here on this radio show today and say I am a neutral arbiter of the news. I have no dog in any fight. It's a nonsense. It doesn't exist. It would be asking us to put our very a very core, a very spirit, as as human beings, to a side, which I would argue is impossible. And and you know, I can say that over the course of four or five minutes. But President Trump has this magnificent way of just boiling it down to just a couple of sentences and he says, no, you know what you're creating violence. By your questions, the fake news is creating violence. And had it not been for the fact that all of these guys and girls out there had portrayed themselves for so long as neutral arbiters of the news and we sort of went along with it, right then we wouldn't have found ourselves in this situation. But now people realize that they're being lied to. And now people realize that some of the things that we were told, whether it was about the economy or the Iraq War or so and and so forth, that we were being sold pubs, we were being sold eyes. Welcome back to the buck Sexton Show. I'm Raheem Causam joining me now on the line as the president of the Clairemont Institute, and full disclosure, I am a Claimont Institute at Lincoln Fellow. I can't speak highly enough about the Claimont Institute. So I'm delighted to have Ryan Williams joining us now, not least because Ryan was instrumental in a a new article going up on a Claremont Institute website, American Mind dot org. I suggest you all take a look at this slightly spicy I think it's called Our House Divided Multiculturalism Versus America by Thomas D. Klingenstein and it's a fascinating article. Ryan, thanks for joining us to to discuss this. UM. I guess, I guess there's always trepidation when UM, when publishing something like this, especially you know, in August institution like the Clairemont Institute wading into into the debate surrounding multiculturalism. I mean, I personally don't have an issue doing it myself, but you know what kind of rocks get thrown by the establishment media when something like happened. So just like, let's let's talk through this article a little bit. Let's talk about it's it's um, it's a prognosis over multiculturalism, and then and then perhaps you can talk us through a little bit of the thought process behind this. Sure, yeah, thanks for having me. Raheim. Well, Tom kling has seen as a full disclosure a Claremont's board chairman, which of course is into his byeline, but he wanted to update this term multiculturalism, which a lot of us probably hadn't heard since the nineties, uh, and tie it to identity politics and political correctness and really to to lay the blame for um for the some of our pathologies and our identity politics pathologies, and our current political pathologies at the feet of the Academy and the project that it's been I've been going about for the last fifty years. It's pretty Um, it's it's pretty in depth. I mean, it doesn't it doesn't pull any punches here. I mean, you know, looking at looking at both the establishments perspective on aliculturalism as well as the rights perspective on multiculturalism. Um, what do you think that the key takeaways from from dus King and Stina, Well, his his one of his his lead point was really that a lot of conservatives didn't understand what Trump was doing. H And he draws the provocative analogy between Trump and Lincoln, And his point is that, you know, in the slavery crisis in the eighteen fifties, Lincoln oriented his whole political project around getting rid of slavery and making sure that the principle that it was right didn't spread, which was the principle of the South, and that all the means that we're at his disposal were in pursuit of that goal. So Tom's analogy is to try to unite conservatives these days behind Trump because he gets one thing right, at least at the very least, and that's the insanity of political correctness and its tyrannical nature. So Tom Tom thinks that we ought to keep that in view, and uh, you know, that ought to orient us and and put Trump than context and put the larger project of what should be the larger project of conservatism these days, UM within focus. So it might mean a set of policy priorities that that Conservative inc. Is not used to. It might mean allowing behind a man that they're uncomfortable with, UM, but the main goal should be kept in sight because really, if we allow multiculturalism and identity politics to become the dominant way of thinking in American national political life, than the game's up. Yeah, I'm just gonna quote from this article a little bit and then and then we'll come back and discuss more of it. Um quote. Trump's entire campaign was a defensive America. The election was fought not so much over policies, character, email service, or James Comey as it was over the meaning of America. Trump's wall was not so much about keeping foreigners out as it was keeping a commitment to a distinctive country, immigration, free trade, and foreign policy, what about protecting our own in these policies? Trump was raising the question who are we as a nation? He answered by being Trump a man made in America, unmistakeably, an unapologetically American, and like most of his fellow citizens, one who does not give a hoot what's Europeans or intellectuals think. And I picked that. I picked that paragraph or purpose because not only do I hold one might argue that I am a European intellectual, right, yeah, we give you a pastory him, you're our favorite European intellectual. I mean, it's it's that's that that makes it pretty clear cut. And and I suppose maybe we can reflect on on the impending midterm elections using that as well. I mean, when you've looked at this um and and you're typically out in in California, right, when you've looked at the last couple of months of campaigning, whether it's been Abanati and Stormy Daniels, whether it's been Breck Havanah, whether it's been migrant caravans, it all seems to be coming back to what Tom and Thomas Flingstein has written in this article right what it means to be America, What what America not just allows, but what also what it tolerates and does it really tolerate having its commander in chief, um, you know, having his genitalia brought up in in news articles, having you know, blow up dolls of him like dressed as a rat. Now, it tolerates it in the sense of freedom of speech and freedom of expression. But I think, to borrow the website name of yours, I think the American mind rejects that, right. I think they don't see it as fair play. They don't see it as fair game. Whereas the whereas the presidential campaign, as as this article suggests, uh, you know, it did come down to and I said at the beginning of this radio show today, I quoted Lincoln in in defense of of this president, which is why I wanted to have you on. It comes down to what, you know, what this country looks like. And I think that's why, of course the migrant caravan issue is is looming so large as an issue, right, yeah, yeah, I think so. Um, you know, Trump's critics, the criticism of a migrant caravan, or criticism of foreigners who might not be suitable for Republican government as simply racist or white nationalists or other some other uh at hominum attack. Whereas you know, Clink Tom likes to point out in the article, and I think you can fide it in many of Trump's speeches as well, that what we're really talking about is a common citizenry sharing with shared borders, which has every right to determine the wh who new citizens ought to be and the criteria for admitting um people who want to join this political community. So in that sense, it's it's thoroughly American and goes back all the way to our theory of constitutionalism and declaration and the idea that we all consent together to form a government that doesn't have anything to do with whiteness or or the nastier strains of of modern nationalist politics of the European variety. Now, you guys are no strangers to publishing controversial articles. In September of twent sixteen, you published a Michael Anton essay the Flight ninety three election. I just want to quote from that because it was really one of those pressian articles that left an indelible mark on on me and I think the the American intellectual mind that was trying to analyze what was going on there. I quote from from Michael Anton, who who wrote UM at the time under a pseudonym um and went on to serve on the National Security Council. He said in the opening of this article, six is a flight ninety three election. Charge the cockpit or you die. You may die anyway. You're the leader of your party. May make it into the cockpit and not know how to fly or land the plane. There are no guarantees except one. If you don't try, death is certain to compound the metaphor. Hillary Clinton presidency is Russian roulette with a semi auto. With Trump, at least you can spin the cylinder and take your chances. Ryan, you know, you guys, you guys are really putting the putting the cat amongst the pigeons with this sort of thing. So, so just talk us through. I mean, Claremont is a is a fantastic institution of fantastic think tank UM and and and comes up with I mean, I've got to tell you some of their fellows and board members and so and so forth. I mean, one of my favorites being Professor John Marini, who I believe has a book coming out shortly about the administrative state, which I'm sort of obsessed by um. But but but when you do these things, I mean, do you sort of bulked? Do you think, oh, you know, we're going to be attacked by you know, the Weekly Standard or National Review or something like you said, conservative ink is gonna round on us. Yeah, that's always a concern, of course. But you know, I think there's a lot of us have realized, Um, you know, Trump is a symptom, not a cause of the scrambling of our modern Postcold War politics. I think this was a and um, you know, the fusionism that emerged that sustained conservatism through the mid century and beyond had kind of stopped making sense in the post Cold War world. So this, this um disintermediation to use a fancy word that Matt Cotton that he has used before. Um, you know, it was inevitable and we're just trying to think our way through it at times. You know, the body politics needs a little bit of shocking climics rather than just another scholarly book. So when the time calls for it, we we thought it was it was prudent to pursue a little more of a hot take. Spicy absolutely well, I honestly Ryan, I really appreciate it, and I really appreciate the the American Mind dot Org. It's a it's a relatively new publication that you guys have started out of the Claimont Institute, and it's got just some fantastic articles. I just wanted to have you on plug that and thank you for all your efforts. I appreciate a human I encourage everyone to check out, of course, our classic Cleremont review books as well, which is absolutely getting better. I must read. Ryan Williams, thank you so much for joining us here on the buck sext and show. The website is American Mind dot org. Make sure you check out the Claimont Institute. I'm Raheemicasum will be right back. I keep trying to point out to people not to demonize any one group or anyone ethnicity, but we keep thinking that the biggest terror threat of something else, some some some people who are marching, you know, towards the border like it's imminent. And when the last time they did this, a couple of hundred people came and they you know, most of them did get into the country, most of them tire, you know, got tuckered out before they even made it to the border. Um, so we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized right up to the right, and we have to start doing something about them. There is no travel ban on them, There is no band on you know they had the Muslim band, there is no white guy band. So what do we do about that? We have to stop demonizing people, CNN's Don Lemon says, before going on to demonize an entire group of people, white people, white men who are radicalized to the right. He says, no, we shouldn't worry about thousands of unknown people flooding up through Central America onto the US southern But what do we should aim our specifically at white men? This despite several hundred attacks on Trump supporters over the past couple of years. This despite the fact that Antifa and a whole bunch of other left wing groups, by the way, protesting all around the country as is their right, but getting violent alongside it. Bike locks being thrown in people's faces, cars being smashed. You see it almost every day now. In fact, right now in Toronto there is a monk debate going on between David from and Stephen K. Bannon, who was on this show earlier and again six d Odd protesters out there of the same violent left wing ilk but never ever gets any attention. Well, I heard Don Lemon say that, and I, for those of you who don't know me, have a little bit of a background in counter terrorism. You know, I was raised in a Muslim family and and and turned my back on Islam and turned my attention to what was going on in the community that I was raised in. I went to university in London in Westminster. Jahadi John, the Islamic state executioner, was one year below me at that very same university. I remember being peer pressured by students, fellow students while I was at university who was saying, you know, brother, you're not good Muslim unless you come to an Islamic Society meeting. And they'd say it, and they'd prod me in the chest and they'd corn on me after seminars, and eventually I caved and I said, yes, certainly, I'll come along to something. And I remember walking down to that library building on Little Titchfield Street in London. I was with my friend Richard and he said come to the pub. I said, I've got a duck into this Islamic Society meeting. I promised my colleagues I'd go. And as I walked up the steps and Richard continued on his way down to the pub, a couple of guys came out of that is Society meeting. They stopped me on the steps and they said, no, you don't want to go in there. I said, why not? They said, they're showing videos of nine eleven and clapping and cheering, and I it was a pivotal moment for me, quite literally. I turned on my heel and I called out to Richard down the street. I said, Richard, he said, he said what I said. I'm coming down the pub. And when I tell that joke in public settings, I often add on the phrase at the end and I never left. But joke's a society, it's a you know, it's a deeply serious situation when we have a news anchor like Don Lemon denying the terror threat both from the left, which is rampant in Europe as well as in the United States, and from radical Islamic terrorism. You know, there's a new report out by a place that I used to work out in London called the Henry Jackson Society, named after an old Democratic senator in fact, Scoop Jackson. This report came out this week and what the reports shows is that the greatest share of attacks continued to be carried out by his Lamists in the West forty eight point five of all attacks in the West or his Lambist You know, the statistics around this a quite extraordinary and it and it makes me wonder how someone like Don Lemon can say what he says with a straight face, but how he can also not be called out on it by his colleagues. It was supposed to be in pursuit of the truth, you know, of those terror attacks. Henry Jackson's Society report says is limister responsible for eighty four point two seven percent of killings and injuries in the West eighty four point to seven last year. And Don Lemon wants to demonize white men who support conservatism or President Trump. You know, the the extraordinary thing about this to me is not just what President Trump relayed earlier on today when he said, actually fake news leads to a lot of the violence, but it's something broader than that. You know, there are there are Muslims across the Western world. And I wrote a book in two thousand and seventeen called No Go Zones where I went to a lot of these Muslim dominated ghettos and I spoke to a lot of people, and yes, a majority in those Muslim neighborhoods want things that I should hope nobody out there wants Sharia law, female genital mutilation, all these awful things. But there are people within their midst who both want to shun that or leave it all together, or reform it from the inside out. And when people like Don Lemon say what Don Lemon says, it doesn't empower them, it doesn't help them, It doesn't help anyone. It's just a lie. Listen, You've been wonderful and I really want to thank the producers and thank Buck Sexton for having me cover on here today. My name is Raheem Kassam. You can follow me on Twitter at Raheem Kassam, Facebook, Instagram, the works. You know this is this has been a great honor for me and it's you know, it's just so great ahead of four days before the midterms, to be able to cover this wide range of topics, um with all of you guys out there. I I used to host the Serious XM radio show on the Patriot Channel a couple of years ago, and you just you just forget how what a wonderful medium broadcast is, especially radio, and it's, uh, it's it's it's. It's one of those things where you know, if the opportunity arises, I hope we can be back again soon. In the meantime, make sure you're always tuned into Buck Sexton's show and following him on Twitter and so on and so forth. So with that, ladies and gentlemen, with four days left to go, I employ you be aware of what's going on around you. Guys. You know, Tuesday's a very important day. Rahem Kassams running off