Why is Martha's Vineyard Rejecting Diversity? Governor DeSantis sent 50 illegal migrants from Florida to the ultra-wealthy lib island of Martha's Vineyard and guess what? The libs freaked out, and have already managed to send all the migrants to a military base on the mainland. But hold on a second, yesterday the Democrat island was celebrating how hospitable they were and how inhumane the GOP is- and now they send away the migrants? The most lunatic libs- including Governor Gavin Newsom- have called the DeSantis migrant program "kidnapping" and "human trafficking- so how is what they did today any different? It's a total meltdown of the Left underway because the elections loom and people are actually paying attention to illegal immigration. Plus more on Fetterman vs Dr. Oz.
You're listening to the Buck Sexton Show podcast, make sure you subscribe to the podcast on the iHeart Radio app or wherever you get your podcasts. Team. Welcome to the Freedom Hunt. Friday, September sixteenth edition of the program. We have sour grapes on the vineyard people getting very upset about the transfer of fifty illegal immigrants via a plane to the enclave of Martha's Vineyard, a tremendously wealthy, elitist little island in the Atlantic off of Massachusetts. The Libs are in meltdown over this. In fact, they have already kicked these migrants off the island and relocated them. But hold on a second. This doesn't make any sense because we're a nation of immigrants, they tell us, and illegal immigrants are our strength and all this other stuff. Right, doesn't Martha's Vineyard want more diversity? What is the problem here? What is the reason for all the hypocrisy and all of the craziness from the Libs around this? We will discuss. Plus, you've got the continuing reality of the midterm election looming here. Fetterman is now saying there are cheap shots being taken against him because of his health. Well we will discuss this as well. It's all coming up here in just a second. But you know, the data breaches keep coming. Another one was announced, this one including social security numbers. So there was this technology service company used by a student loan authority in Oklahoma. They announced a breach affecting over two million people that included social security numbers. This is bad stuff for people because it can mean that their identity is stolen, and then they might end up being treated as though they'd taken out loans they never actually did, or credit cards, any number of things. It's important to understand how cybercrime and identity theft are affecting our lives. Your personal information gets exposed so often, making it dangerously easy for a cyber criminal to steal your identity. That's why you need LifeLock. I've had LifeLock for years and it is fantastic. And sometimes I get an email from them letting me know they've pulled Mike, they pulled credit somewhere, there's a change to my credit file. I mean, they're really watching it closely. No one can prevent all identity the after or monitor all transactions at all businesses, but it is easy to help protect yourself with LifeLock. Joy Now save up a twenty five percent off your first year with promo code buck. Call one eight hundred LifeLock, or go online to LifeLock dot com and use promo code buck for twenty five percent off. That's promo code buck promo code buc k when you get a LifeLock dot com. Let's just start with this. I know the migrants have already been removed from the vineyard. Muffy and Buffy were, Oh, We're just so happy to have donated so much money to Kamala Harrison Joe Biden's campaign, and we care so much about black lives. We have a big Black Lives Matter flag on the front steps of our fifteen million dollar beach side retreat in Martha's Vineyard. I mean, this is really what's going on. We're there, this is the kind of people that are all on this island, and fifty not five thousand, fifty migrants show up and were they were immediately told or we are immediately told by the shelter coordinator on the vineyard. The following put it the most difficult challenges. Now, the difficult challenges are, at some point in time they have to move somewhere else. We don't have the services to take care of fifty immigrants, and we certainly don't have housing. We're in a housing crisis as we are on this island and we don't. We can't house everyone here that lives here and works here. We don't have housing for fifty more people. Hold on a second, no notice this, we don't. It's a housing crisis. We can't house and we can't take them in. Martha's Vineyard in the summertime has over one hundred thousand people that will stay on the island. It's a summer retreat. Basically. In the wintertime, they're about fifteen thousand people that live. They're fifteen to twenty thousand. So that means that there's a lot of structures that are not really in use for nine months of the year. Eight months of the year. You're gonna tell me they can't find an inn that's gonna be shutting down and say, oh, the state will send you a check. We're gonna just house the migrants in you're in for a while, And what services are they really talking about. It's fifty people. They can't feed, house, clothes fifty people. For even a few weeks. Nope, how to get them off the island right away. Look, Governor Rhonda Santis, who's behind this. He understands the hypocrisy of the Libs with this stuff. They're all, Oh, we love migrants so much, illegal migrants. We love the illegal migrants as long as the Libs in elite rich enclaves don't have to have all the illegal migrants in their neighborhood, in their schools, their issue, in their community. No, it's it's for the border communist I'm sorry. Does El Paso, Texas, does MCCA Allen, Texas, Del Rio, Texas, to any of these places have special facilities to deal with migrants to live there. No, of course not. So there are ten cities out of the streets. But that's not a problem for Libs. Martha's Vineyard is their thing. You have to stand. Martha's Vineyard is special. That's even if you don't go there. If you're a lib, if you're a Biden vote, if you're a Democrat in the entire East Coast of the United States, or you know, really anywhere in the country, but particularly the East Coast, you aspire to one day have a Martha's Vineyard. Beach house. I mean, it's the Hamptons, the Vineyard, Nantucket. These are playing I know for people to say, oh, what about the Carolinas. Yeah, there are other very fancy places in the coast of Florida, but particularly if you're in New England. I mean, this is that this is the top of the real estate heat. Right. This is as good as it gets, and it's totally it's ninety five percent Democrat, just Democrats, basically on the sound. There are a few Republicans here and there, and so when you send illegal migrants there, it upsets them. It upsets them because hold on, there's not allowed to be crime and disorder and camping out on the streets and resource drain and all the things that actually do happen as a result of the lawless border and happen all along the border and then are exported to cities across the country, depending on what we're talking about specifically. But you're not allowed to have that in a place like the Vineyard. That's got to be somewhere else. And really, what the problem is here, more than anything else, is that people are seeing what's going on, People are aware of it. Democrats want illegal immigration. They like it. The Biden administration is doing everything they can to encourage through action. I know what they say, they say, oh we want to secure border. Sure they do. They encourage through their policies illegal immigration. And if you're wondering about that, I mean, here is a migrant. They left some of them outside of Kamala Harris's residence in DC. Here's a migrant who's saying, the border is open. It's open, not us. The border is open. It's open because in three no problem, Yeah we can we illegally not legal. He's like, the borders open, we came in illegally. Obviously, this is what's going on. The numbers are tremendous on this. I mean they're huge numbers of people who are coming across illegally, eight thousand a day, that's the estimate, five million since Biden took office. And yet they pretend that somehow they're doing something to secure the border. I mean, here is Corine Jean Pierre who was asked about this today because Kamala Harris says that the border is secure. In what way? Is that even a thing you could say and not expect to be laughed at? Does the White House stand by those college that the border is secure. What we stand by is that we are doing everything that we can to make sure that we follow the process that's been put forth. That's why we have historic funding to do just that, to make sure that uh, you know, um, to make sure that to make sure that the folks that we encounter at the border be removed or expelled. I'm just going to refer back to the Vice President. We agree with her. Wait, hold on a second. They have historic funding to expel people. They have the worst numbers when it comes to interior enforcement in the modern history of this country. They have more people coming in illegal illegally than ever before. But you see, yes, there's the lib histor area about their sanctuary of Martha's Vineyard. Not an illegal not not a sanctuary city in the sense that it's taking in illegals, because clearly that's a problem. No, it's a sanctuary for elite libs. This is where they get to go to get away from the cities that they're ruining with crime and their ridiculous criminal coddling policies. But it's not just that. There's also I think the panic of oh my gosh, if people know what's going on here. If people are made aware of just how bad the illegal immigrant situation actually is, the numbers, what it means for different communities, and if the hypocrisy of this all is exposed, which I think it is happening right now. Maybe this is going to cause Democrats in the midterms. Oh, that's a big issue. That's a big problem. And also Governor Rod De Santis once again has found a way to expose the Libs for what they really are. People visiting here. Where were the number one state for foreign tourism by far in twenty twenty one for all US tourism, But even people across the border, there's a lot that say they want to come to Florida. So our message is, you know, we're not a sanctuary state. We don't have benefits or any of that. There are some sanctuary jurisdictions and that would be better. Now, what would be the best is for Biden to do his damn job and secure the border. He said, we're not a sanctuary state. You know, you're not allowed to buy federal law. First of all, being the country illegally, but that's just completely ignored. You're also not allowed to get benefits federal benefits if you are an illegal immigrant that's ignored in a lot of different ways. And then there's also state benefits that can look at what California to California basically treats illegals as though they should get all the same benefits as legal citizens and taxpayers does everything that they can. And then there's that's just stuff that we know about the California is doing. I mean, who knows what's going on with elections. So in the meantime, what is their response from the Libs about all of this? You know, since they're being exposed, since we're all seeing what's really going on here with this, You say to yourself, what are they going to do? Oh? The moralizing, that's the next move. It's any humane, It's what you're doing is terrible. You're playing with people's lives. They're not They're literally moving people who are already in the country from one part of the United States to another part, a part that is actually really nice and safe and clean and pretty and wealthy. So what's the problem. Oh, I see they have to go into an urban healthscape somewhere. This is what makes liberals more comfortable, go into a depressed city center with high crime and go into a broader illegal immigrant community there so you can be underpaid and exploited for labor, but that you're not act. People aren't aware of its. The Libs don't want to be aware of it. They pretend to be such humanitarians. Oh, they care so much about all the illegal Sure they do. Governor Abbott, who was really behind this policy in the first place, is the one who points out that the Biden administration, the Biden Administration's whole approach to all things involving the border, is incentivizing very risky, very dangerous behavior and is actually deeply inhumane. Everybody in the country knows that what President Biden just said, of what Kamala Harris said, and what Majorcas says, the border is closed of the working to secure the border is now right live because we have it an all time record number of people coming across the border. What is inhumane is the president's policies that have led his border with Mexico to be declared the deadliest border crossing in the entire world. What is inhumane or his policies that attract people who lose their lives, who are being human traffics, who are victims of rape and even murder. And so what the president needs to understand is he is killing people where his open border policies, and he's destroying his own country but not enforcing the immigration law. So what the Democrats want on this issue of immigration, illegal immigration, is for the illegality to continue, for people by their actions on our side of the government and on the other side of the border, based upon the migrant flow, to show us that they think this is a good deal they wanted to continue, but to publicly pretend that this is not actually the whole plan, to publicly pretend that they don't want this to be occurring. And to that, I just say, they're lying to you. They're lying to you. You know what you should really see if we had a serious media in this country, which unfortunately we don't because the media has been totally overtaken by the hive mind of the left, and there are very few Obviously I do a show, there are other conservatives out there, but we're five percent of the overall overall media landscape at best on the conservative side. Maybe you could argue, you know, seven percent, but this is a circumstance. You have to step back. You have to ask yourself, Hold on a second, what is it exactly that they don't like about illegal immigration? Force them to start to explain. Why is it that in New York City and in Chicago and in DC they're saying it's a crisis because migrants have been bust there. They've got tons of illegal aliens in those cities. So why is the crisis. It's a political crisis, you see, It's not a humanitarian crisis, not in those cities, because are heard cities. They've gotten massive welfare and shelter systems and plenty of charities and nonprofits and all the rest of it. The issue is that this is focusing the public's attention on it, which causes political accountability. That's what they don't want. They don't want people to see this. This has to be an unseen illegal alien invasion of the country over many years. I mean, what's the number right now? We should ask this, what is the number of legal aliens the United States? First of all, they changed I think now they technically maybe they even just say they're undocumented in federal in federal law. Until the Bid administration, it was a legal alien. And now as a bureaucratic maneuver. I think internally they refer to them as undocumented undocumented, and that's not even true. They have documents somewhere, they just don't have documents that say they're citizens because they're not, because they're not allowed to be here, and they're not Green card holders, not visa holders. They just show up. And it's fascinating that the same people who will tell you you know the laws, the law, we'll look at you and say, well, a legal immigrants should be able to stay. Really, why should I pay taxes? Why should I pay taxes? Actually, here a little quick digression. The left loves taxation. They love the IRS. In fact, the Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, said this about the IRS, and it's critical place in our society. As our nations revenue collection agency, the IRS is a foundation of our government in our society. The IRS clicks ninety six percent of the revenue that funds the federal government that supports our priorities from national security to infrastructure to social security. It's also one of the very few parts of the federal government that touches nearly every American household. Oh, it touches every household. I don't think it gets consent first. But it's touching households for sure. Yeah, not in places you want to be touched. The irs is supercharged now thanks to the Biden anti inflation, but it makes inflation worse. But I bring this up just because look at the look at all the illegal immigration that's going on, and they act like it's not illegal. If you if you just say, look, guys, I really need more money for my house and for my family, and so I'm just not gonna I'm just gonna take a few years off from paying taxes. The federal government will send men with guns to take you out of your home in handcuffs, to treat you like you're a bad person. You're an evildoer, you are unpatriotic. They will take your freedom away. If you say, hey, I'm not getting arrested today, they will face plant you on the concrete and physically force you into a cell because you don't want to pay your taxes. Now, no human being could argue it is impossible to argue that anyone listening to this your taxes make any difference whatsoever, any difference of any kind to the Federal Treasury. Janet Yell and the I r s. No, No, your money is relevant. But they're going to arrest you if you don't pay your taxes. Why what would they say? It's the law? You do it because we say so. It's the law. Federal law right now states that all of these people who have come into the country illegally are in violation of law day one, and when they don't show up for their hearings or they don't get asylum or whatever the case may be, they are to be deported from the country. Why isn't that the law? People say, Oh, but what about you know, it's it's so sad and people are working hard and things. Look, I get it people, you know, people want a better situation for themselves. But the reason I bring up the irs thing is if I told them, hey, look, I'm not paying my taxes, but I'm donating a lot of money to charity, and my kids are going to great school now and we live in a bigger house. You know, no harm, no foul. They're gonna say, you're going to prison for five years. Oh, but I'm a bad person, you see. So if you don't pay your taxes, you're a bad person or should have your freedom taken away. But if you live in the country illegally, you are a hero. In fact, you are better than us. Where is the explained to me? How that how that all works? Are illegal migrants paying income tax? By the way, No, they are not. But see this is what I mean. There's a whole separate category of people say, oh, but yes, they would actually get money back from the federal government. You know, well that's the system we have. But they're not registering, they're not actually paying taxes, so they're still actually you have to file, so they're still breaking the law when it comes to taxes. It doesn't matter there, you see, they're allowed to break the law. The other thing I thought was amazing is human trafficking. Here is Joy Read among the among the dumbest television commentators on politics out there. Not the dumbest, but but I'm in the top tier of dumb. Here she is on MSNBC saying that flying migrants to states like this in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts is human trafficking. Is there any conversation of it's being had per your reporting about whether or not this is a crime, because this has been called trafficking. There is a lot of chatter now that what these governors, including Randa Santas, have done is to have trafficked these families, right, and that's something that a lot of people are asking the Department of Justice to look into that, including California Governor Gavin Newsom and Democrat Nicky Freed, who is our Agriculture Commissioner. Human trafficking. That was last night, by the way, on MSNBC. You know what's happened as of today. They human trafficked quote unquote the migrants to Cape cod So. But by their definition of human trafficking, if I offer somebody a ride and a sandwich, if I say, hey, you're going downtown, I'll give you a ride, I've human trafficked them. I don't think they really understand what the term human trafficking means. And they also certainly don't understand the reality of what's happening all of the country. You have these people saying, oh, but they don't have the resources. Do they think McCallan, Texas del Rio, Texas, El Paso, the Tijuana San Diego border crossing think they have the resources for thousands and thousands of people a day to cross over and say well, here, I am no they've completely overwhelmed border patrol. Oh and what are some of the consequences of that one hundred thousand overdose deaths? People dying, family shattered, lives ruined. Because the border is wide open as a total mess, border patrol can't actually catch a fraction of the drugs pouring over. You know why, because people are showing up saying here, I am, I want to be in your country. Now. The Biden administration says, great, this is what we want. We need more of this, more of this, And that is just the truth. But you know who's really upset about this because his buddies at the country club, you know, Muffy and Buffy and Thurston how the third You know, they had to take a break from the croquet match over Martha's vineyard to look at the television screens and do this for a second. Joe Scarborough. There's somebody who really cares about illegal immigrants. It's Joe Scarborough, who flies private between his various coastal mansions in Florida and the Northeast. Here he is saying, it's where De Santis has done is grotesque. Yeah, there has been a crisis, like you said, and it's a crisis that needs to be fixed. We don't fix it by using the migrants's political pawns and dropping them off for you know, just so you can own the Libs. You don't own the Libs with human lives, dropping them off in a place that wasn't prepared, didn't know they were coming. You don't own the Libs by dropping them off in the middle of a street on Massachusetts Avenue in Washington, DC so you can say, hey, we own the Libs. We dropped these babies. We dropped these children off in the middle of the street outside of the Vice President's home. That's really grotesque. I just want to know, what does you think? Actually, well, he doesn't think, so that's probably the first problem. Whatever, whatever, whatever, the sanctimonious lib wine moms of wealthy suburban coastal America, whatever they want to hear is what Joe I mean, it was what Joe Scarborough says. That's the whole game. Whatever. You know, hedge fund managers who know nothing about politics but have been lucky in the markets enough times that they're really rich. Whatever they want to hear is what Joe Scarborough is going to be saying there. So I mean the guy, there's there's no somebody choose to be a Republican conservative. Notice, how all he ever does now is trash the right. There's Oh, I'm an independent. Now this is the that's the game people play in TV news. Oh I've become an independent. That means you are a controlled opposition. You're a fake Republican or now former Republican whose only job is to entertain Libs by trashing everything he ever pretended to care about and stand for it. Oh, but it all changed with Donald Trump. Now your paycheck change with Donald Trump. That's what changed, and we all see it and we all know it. But the situation here, oh oh wait, I've got to get a little bit in on this Feederman. It's very unhappy with doctor Oz pointing out that Fetterman is clearly not healthy enough to be United States Senator. Why a listen. It was very bracing to face the fact that I could have died, and you know, thinking about that, reflecting on that that you know, the father of three young children and a wife, and thinking of all those things. I promise you that is ten times bigger and ten times harder than the kind of chief shots that doctor Oz has chosen to choose in his campaign. But again, it's it's his story. He's got to tell it the way he needs to. But he needs to own those kind of words, because a doctor who choosing to mock somebody who's making a recovery from a stroke, I don't believe, demonstrates that here's the guy that has lost his way. In fact, he's never had his way. He's not healthy enough to be running for senate. And we all know what, even Democrats know it. And using this as a shield is honestly that it's just it's unseemly, it's sad using his failing health as a shield or really in this case, as a club to attack doctor Oz. It's gross. Man. There are more important things, and I hope Federban lives a very long, healthy life with his family. God bless. He just shouldn't be running for the United States Senate right now, and he knows it, all right. Everybody, have a great weekend heading out to Martha's vineyard. Enjoy See you on Monday. Shields High